static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
    static const struct mg_str api_prefix = MG_MK_STR("/api/v1");
    struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *) ev_data;
    struct mg_str key;

    switch (ev) {
        case MG_EV_HTTP_REQUEST:
            if (has_prefix(&hm->uri, &api_prefix)) {
                key.p = hm->uri.p + api_prefix.len;
                key.len = hm->uri.len - api_prefix.len;
                if (is_equal(&hm->method, &s_get_method)) {
                    db_op(nc, hm, &key, s_db_handle, API_OP_GET);
                } else if (is_equal(&hm->method, &s_put_method)) {
                    db_op(nc, hm, &key, s_db_handle, API_OP_SET);
                } else if (is_equal(&hm->method, &s_delele_method)) {
                    db_op(nc, hm, &key, s_db_handle, API_OP_DEL);
                } else {
                    mg_printf(nc, "%s",
                              "HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n"
                                      "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n");
            } else {
                mg_serve_http(nc, hm, s_http_server_opts); /* Serve static content */
static int tcmp(const struct json_token *tok, const char *str) {
  struct mg_str s = {.p = tok->ptr, .len = tok->len};
  return mg_vcmp(&s, str);

enum mgos_upd_file_action mgos_upd_file_begin(
    struct mgos_upd_hal_ctx *ctx, const struct mgos_upd_file_info *fi) {
  struct mg_str part_name = MG_MK_STR("");
  enum mgos_upd_file_action ret = MGOS_UPDATER_SKIP_FILE;
  struct find_part_info find_part_info = {fi->name, &part_name, &ctx->cur_part};
  ctx->cur_part.len = part_name.len = 0;
  json_walk(ctx->parts->ptr, ctx->parts->len, find_part, &find_part_info);
  if (ctx->cur_part.len == 0) return ret;
  /* Drop any indexes from part name, we'll add our own. */
  while (1) {
    char c = part_name.p[part_name.len - 1];
    if (c != '.' && !(c >= '0' && c <= '9')) break;
  struct json_token type = JSON_INVALID_TOKEN;
  const char *fname = NULL;
  uint32_t falloc = 0;
  json_scanf(ctx->cur_part.ptr, ctx->cur_part.len,
             "{load_addr:%u, falloc:%u, type: %T}", &ctx->app_load_addr,
             &falloc, &type);

  if (falloc == 0) falloc = fi->size;
  if (tcmp(&type, "app") == 0) {
    struct boot_cfg cur_cfg;
    int r = read_boot_cfg(ctx->cur_boot_cfg_idx, &cur_cfg);
    if (r < 0) {
      ctx->status_msg = "Could not read current boot cfg";
      return MGOS_UPDATER_ABORT;
     * When safe code update is enabled, we write code to a new file.
     * Otherwise we write to the same slot we're using currently, which is
     * unsafe, makes reverting code update not possible, but saves space.
        mg_mk_str_n(cur_cfg.app_image_file, strlen(cur_cfg.app_image_file) - 2),
        ctx->new_boot_cfg_idx, ctx->app_image_file,
      strncpy(ctx->app_image_file, cur_cfg.app_image_file,
    if (ctx->app_load_addr >= 0x20000000) {
      fname = ctx->app_image_file;
    } else {
      ctx->status_msg = "Bad/missing app load_addr";
  } else if (tcmp(&type, "fs") == 0) {
        ctx->cur_part.ptr, ctx->cur_part.len,
        "{fs_size: %u, fs_block_size: %u, fs_page_size: %u, fs_erase_size: %u}",
        &ctx->fs_size, &ctx->fs_block_size, &ctx->fs_page_size,
    if (ctx->fs_size > 0 && ctx->fs_block_size > 0 && ctx->fs_page_size > 0 &&
        ctx->fs_erase_size > 0) {
      char fs_container_prefix[MAX_FS_CONTAINER_PREFIX_LEN];
      create_fname(part_name, ctx->new_boot_cfg_idx, fs_container_prefix,
      /* Delete container 1 (if any) so that 0 is the only one. */
      cc32xx_vfs_dev_slfs_container_delete_container(fs_container_prefix, 1);
      cc32xx_vfs_dev_slfs_container_fname(fs_container_prefix, 0,
                                          (_u8 *) ctx->fs_container_file);
      fname = ctx->fs_container_file;
      if (fi->size > ctx->fs_size) {
        /* Assume meta has already been added. */
        falloc = fi->size;
      } else {
        falloc = FS_CONTAINER_SIZE(fi->size);
    } else {
      ctx->status_msg = "Missing FS parameters";
  if (fname != NULL) {
    int r = prepare_to_write(ctx, fi, fname, falloc, &ctx->cur_part);
    if (r < 0) {
      LOG(LL_ERROR, ("err = %d", r));
    } else {
  if (ret == MGOS_UPDATER_SKIP_FILE) {
    DBG(("Skipping %s %.*s", fi->name, (int) part_name.len, part_name.p));
  return ret;

int mgos_upd_file_data(struct mgos_upd_hal_ctx *ctx,
                       const struct mgos_upd_file_info *fi,
                       struct mg_str data) {
  _i32 r = sl_FsWrite(ctx->cur_fh, fi->processed, (_u8 *) data.p, data.len);
  if (r != data.len) {
    ctx->status_msg = "Write failed";
    r = -1;
  return r;
Exemple #3
#include <ao/ao.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <jansson.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpg123.h>
#include <mrss.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#define TPOD_MODE_SRV 0
#define TPOD_MODE_CLI 1

static struct mg_serve_http_opts s_http_server_opts;
static const struct mg_str msg_http_method_get = MG_MK_STR("GET");
static const struct mg_str msg_http_method_post = MG_MK_STR("POST");

sqlite3 *db;
mpg123_handle *mh;
ao_device *device;

int playback_stop = 0;
int playback_pause = 0;
int srv = 1; /* keep mongoose event loop running */
int mode = TPOD_MODE_SRV;

CURL *ch = NULL;

char **tokenize_string(const char *string, const char *delimiter);
char **select_podcasts(int *);
// Created by zcw on 16/4/26.
#include "com_zcwfeng_fastdev_ndk_NdkJniUtils.h"
#include "db_plugin.h"
#include "android/log.h"
#define LOGV(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
static const char *s_http_port = "8000";
static struct mg_serve_http_opts s_http_server_opts;
static int s_sig_num = 0;
static void *s_db_handle = NULL;
static const char *s_db_path = "api_server.db";
static const struct mg_str s_get_method = MG_MK_STR("GET");
static const struct mg_str s_put_method = MG_MK_STR("PUT");
static const struct mg_str s_delele_method = MG_MK_STR("DELETE");

static void signal_handler(int sig_num) {
    signal(sig_num, signal_handler);
    s_sig_num = sig_num;

static int has_prefix(const struct mg_str *uri, const struct mg_str *prefix) {
    return uri->len > prefix->len && memcmp(uri->p, prefix->p, prefix->len) == 0;

static int is_equal(const struct mg_str *s1, const struct mg_str *s2) {
    return s1->len == s2->len && memcmp(s1->p, s2->p, s2->len) == 0;

static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {