static void setUniqueIdForMidiPort (MIDIObjectRef device, const String& portName, bool isInput)
        String portUniqueId;
       #if defined (JucePlugin_CFBundleIdentifier)
        portUniqueId = JUCE_STRINGIFY (JucePlugin_CFBundleIdentifier);
        File appBundle (File::getSpecialLocation (File::currentApplicationFile));
        CFURLRef bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (kCFAllocatorDefault, appBundle.getFullPathName().toCFString(), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
        if (bundleURL != nullptr)
            CFBundleRef bundleRef = CFBundleCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);
            CFRelease (bundleURL);

            if (bundleRef != nullptr)
                if (auto bundleId = CFBundleGetIdentifier (bundleRef))
                    portUniqueId = String::fromCFString (bundleId);

                CFRelease (bundleRef);

        if (portUniqueId.isNotEmpty())
            portUniqueId += (String ("." + portName + String (isInput ? ".input" : ".output")));

            CHECK_ERROR (MIDIObjectSetStringProperty (device, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, portUniqueId.toCFString()));
OSStatus	USBMIDIDeviceManager::UseDeviceAndInterface(USBDevice *		usbDevice,
														USBInterface *	usbInterface)
	// Match the device that was just located with what is in the current state
	MIDIDeviceRef midiDevice = NULL;
	IOUSBDeviceInterface **devIntf = usbDevice->GetPluginInterface();
	const IOUSBDeviceDescriptor *devDesc = usbDevice->GetDeviceDescriptor();
	bool deviceInSetup = false;
	UInt32 vendorProduct = ((UInt32)USBToHostWord(devDesc->idVendor) << 16) | 
	CFStringRef serialNumber = usbDevice->GetString(devDesc->iSerialNumber);
	OSStatus err;
	UInt32 locationID;
	require_noerr(err = (*devIntf)->GetLocationID(devIntf, &locationID), errexit);
		// See if it's already in the setup
		MIDIDeviceListRef curDevices = MIDIGetDriverDeviceList(mDriver->Self());
		int nDevices = MIDIDeviceListGetNumberOfDevices(curDevices), firstPass, lastPass;
		if (serialNumber == NULL) {
			firstPass = 2;
			lastPass = 3;
		} else {
			firstPass = 1;
			lastPass = 1;
		for (int pass = firstPass; pass <= lastPass && !deviceInSetup; ++pass) {
			// pass 1: match by serial number if present (skipped if not)
			// pass 2: match by locationID
			// pass 3: match by order found
			for (int iDevice = 0; iDevice < nDevices; ++iDevice) {
				SInt32 prevLocation, prevVendorProduct, isOffline;
				midiDevice = MIDIDeviceListGetDevice(curDevices, iDevice);
				err = MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(midiDevice, kUSBVendorProductProperty, 
				if (!err && UInt32(prevVendorProduct) == vendorProduct) {
					switch (pass) {
					case 1:
							CFStringRef prevSerial;
							err = MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(midiDevice, kSerialNumberProperty,
							if (!err) {
								if (CFEqual(prevSerial, serialNumber))
									deviceInSetup = true;
					case 2:
						err = MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(midiDevice, kUSBLocationProperty, 
						if (!err && UInt32(prevLocation) == locationID)
							deviceInSetup = true;
					case 3:
						err = MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(midiDevice, kMIDIPropertyOffline,
						if (!err && isOffline)
							deviceInSetup = true;
				if (deviceInSetup) break;

	if (!deviceInSetup) {
			printf("creating new device\n");
		midiDevice = mDriver->CreateDevice(usbDevice, usbInterface);
		require_noerr(err = MIDISetupAddDevice(midiDevice), errexit);
	} else {
			printf("old device found\n");
		mDriver->PreExistingDeviceFound(midiDevice, usbDevice, usbInterface);
	// set device properties unconditionally
	MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(midiDevice, kUSBVendorProductProperty, vendorProduct);
	MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(midiDevice, kUSBLocationProperty, locationID);
	if (serialNumber != NULL)
		MIDIObjectSetStringProperty(midiDevice, kSerialNumberProperty, serialNumber);
	// Create a USBMIDIDevice (or subclass), starting it for I/O
		USBMIDIDevice *ioDev = mDriver->CreateUSBMIDIDevice(usbDevice, usbInterface, midiDevice);
		if (ioDev == NULL) goto errexit;
		if (!ioDev->Initialize())
			delete ioDev;
		else {
			if (mUSBMIDIDeviceList.size() == 0)
			MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(midiDevice, kMIDIPropertyOffline, false);
	if (serialNumber != NULL)
	return err;