Exemple #1
 * @brief Simulate an incoming message that was sent by another port.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port   The target port.
 * @param source The source port.
 * @param type   The message type that was received.
 * @param object The message data that was received.
 * @retval 0 on success.
int MIDIPortReceiveFrom( struct MIDIPort * port, struct MIDIPort * source, struct MIDITypeSpec * type, void * object ) {
  int result;
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( port->mode & MIDI_PORT_IN, EPERM );
  if( port->mode & MIDI_PORT_INVALID ) {
    /* invalidated ports don't receive messages. */
    return 0;
  } else {
    MIDIAssert( port->target  != NULL );
    MIDIAssert( port->receive != NULL );

    _port_intercept( port, MIDI_PORT_IN, type, object );
    if( source != NULL ) {
      result = (*port->receive)( port->target, source->target, type, object );
    } else {
      result = (*port->receive)( port->target, NULL, type, object );
    if( port->mode & MIDI_PORT_THRU ) {
      return result + _port_passthrough( port, source, type, object );
    } else {
      return result;
Exemple #2
 * @brief Decode events.
 * Decode event objects from a buffer.
 * @public @memberof MIDIEvent
 * @param event  The event.
 * @param size   The size of the memory pointed to by @c buffer.
 * @param buffer The buffer to decode the event from.
 * @param read   The number of bytes that were actually read.
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval 1 if the event could not be encoded.
int MIDIEventDecode( struct MIDIEvent * event, size_t size, void * buffer, size_t * read ) {
  MIDIPrecond( event != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( buffer != NULL, EINVAL );
  size_t required = 5;
  MIDIPrecond( size >= required, EINVAL );
  /** @todo implement me */
  return 1;
Exemple #3
 * @brief Encode events.
 * Encode an event to a buffer.
 * @public @memberof MIDIEvent
 * @param event   The event.
 * @param size    The size of the memory pointed to by @c buffer.
 * @param buffer  The buffer to encode the event into.
 * @param written The number of bytes that have been written.
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval 1 if the event could not be encoded.
int MIDIEventEncode( struct MIDIEvent * event, size_t size, void * buffer, size_t * written ) {
  MIDIPrecond( event != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( buffer != NULL, EINVAL );
  size_t required = 8 + event->length;
  MIDIPrecond( size >= required, ENOMEM );
  /** @todo implement me */
  return 1;
Exemple #4
 * @brief Send a message to another port.
 * Send the given message to any other port. The target port does not have to be
 * connected to the source port.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port   The source port.
 * @param target The target port.
 * @param type   The message type to send.
 * @param object The message data to send.
 * @retval 0 on success.
int MIDIPortSendTo( struct MIDIPort * port, struct MIDIPort * target, struct MIDITypeSpec * type, void * object ) {
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( port->mode & MIDI_PORT_OUT, EPERM );
  if( port->mode & MIDI_PORT_INVALID ) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    _port_intercept( port, MIDI_PORT_OUT, type, object );
    return MIDIPortReceiveFrom( target, port, type, object );
Exemple #5
 * @brief Send the given message to all connected ports.
 * Use the apply mechanism of the list to send the given message
 * to all connected ports.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port   The source port.
 * @param type   The message type to send.
 * @param object The message data to send.
 * @retval 0 on success.
int MIDIPortSend( struct MIDIPort * port, struct MIDITypeSpec * type, void * object ) {
  struct MIDIPortApplyParams params;
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( port->mode & MIDI_PORT_OUT, EPERM );
  if( port->mode & MIDI_PORT_INVALID ) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    _port_intercept( port, MIDI_PORT_OUT, type, object );
    params.port   = port;
    params.type   = type;
    params.object = object;
    return MIDIListApply( port->ports, &params, &_port_apply_send );
Exemple #6
 * @brief Invalidate the port.
 * This has to be called by the instance that created the port,
 * when it is being destroyed or no longer available. A port that
 * has been invalidated will never again dereference the @c target
 * pointer that was passed during creation or call the given @c
 * receive function.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port The port to invalidate.
 * @retval 0 on success.
int MIDIPortInvalidate( struct MIDIPort * port ) {
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  _port_intercept( port, MIDI_PORT_INVALID, NULL,  NULL );
  port->mode    = MIDI_PORT_INVALID;
  port->target  = NULL;
  port->receive = NULL;
  return MIDIPortDisconnectAll( port );
Exemple #7
 * @brief Send a generic MIDIMessage.
 * Pass an outgoing message (through the port) to the implementation.
 * The implementation's @c send callback is responsible for sending the
 * message.
 * @public @memberof MIDIDriver
 * @param driver  The driver.
 * @param message The message.
 * @retval 0  on success.
 * @retval >0 if the message could not be sent.
int MIDIDriverSend( struct MIDIDriver * driver, struct MIDIMessage * message ) {
    MIDIPrecond( driver != NULL, EFAULT );
    MIDIPrecond( message != NULL, EINVAL );
    return MIDIPortReceive( driver->port, MIDIMessageType, message );
Exemple #8
 * @brief Make the MIDIDriver implement itself as loopback.
 * The driver's callback will be modified so that it passes
 * outgoing messages to it's own receive method.
 * @public @memberof MIDIDriver
 * @param driver The driver
 * @retval 0  on success.
 * @retval >0 if the operation could not be completed.
int MIDIDriverMakeLoopback( struct MIDIDriver * driver ) {
    MIDIPrecond( driver != NULL, EFAULT );
    /* Ugly but (for now) safe cast ahead... */
    driver->send = (int (*)( void *, struct MIDIMessage * )) &MIDIDriverReceive;
    return 0;
Exemple #9
 * @brief Get the driver port.
 * Provide a port that can be used to send and receive MIDI messages
 * using the driver.
 * The port that is stored in @c port will have a retain count
 * of one and should only be released by the user if it was retained
 * before.
 * @public @memberof MIDIDriver
 * @param driver The driver.
 * @param port   The port.
 * @retval 0 on success.
int MIDIDriverGetPort( struct MIDIDriver * driver, struct MIDIPort ** port ) {
    MIDIPrecond( driver != NULL, EFAULT );
    MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EINVAL );
    *port = driver->port;
    return 0;
Exemple #10
 * @brief Disconnect all ports from another port.
 * Disconnect all connected ports from another port.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port   The source port.
int MIDIPortDisconnectAll( struct MIDIPort * port ) {
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  return MIDIListApply( port->ports, port, &_port_apply_disconnect );
Exemple #11
 * @brief Get properties.
 * Get properties of messages with a given format.
 * @public @memberof MIDIMessageFormat
 * @param format   The message format.
 * @param data     The message data object to read from.
 * @param property The property to get.
 * @param size     The size of the memory object pointed to by @c value.
 * @param value    A pointer to the memory object who's contents shall be
 *                 copied from the message property.
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval 1 if the value was not set.
int MIDIMessageFormatGet( struct MIDIMessageFormat * format, struct MIDIMessageData * data, MIDIProperty property, size_t size, void * value ) {
  MIDIPrecond( format != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( size > 0 && value != NULL, EINVAL );
  MIDIAssert( format->get != NULL );
  return (format->get)( data, property, size, value );
Exemple #12
 * @brief Test that the format can be used for a given buffer.
 * Test that the format specified by @c format can be used to
 * decode the bytes in the buffer.
 * @public @memberof MIDIMessageFormat
 * @param format The message format.
 * @param buffer A pointer to the buffer to test.
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval 1 If the format can not be used to access the buffer.
int MIDIMessageFormatTest( struct MIDIMessageFormat * format, void * buffer ) {
  MIDIPrecond( format != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( buffer != NULL, EINVAL );
  MIDIAssert( format->test != NULL );
  return (format->test)( buffer );
Exemple #13
 * @brief Get the observer of a port.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port      The port.
 * @param target    The target (observer) to be called for each event.
 * @param intercept The interceptor function.
int MIDIPortGetObserver( struct MIDIPort * port, void ** target, MIDIPortInterceptFn ** intercept ) {
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  *target    = port->observer;
  *intercept = port->intercept;
  return 0;
Exemple #14
 * @brief Set the observer of a port.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port      The port.
 * @param target    The target (observer) to be called for each event.
 * @param intercept The interceptor function.
int MIDIPortSetObserver( struct MIDIPort * port, void * target, MIDIPortInterceptFn * intercept ) {
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  port->observer  = target;
  port->intercept = intercept;
  return 0;
Exemple #15
 * @brief Trigger an event that occured in the driver implementation.
 * @public @memberof MIDIDriver
 * @param driver The driver.
 * @param event  The event.
 * @retval 0  on success.
int MIDIDriverTriggerEvent( struct MIDIDriver * driver, struct MIDIEvent * event ) {
    MIDIPrecond( driver != NULL, EFAULT );
    MIDIPrecond( event != NULL, EINVAL );
    return MIDIPortSend( driver->port, MIDIEventType, event );
Exemple #16
int MIDIRunloopRemoveDriver( struct MIDIRunloop * runloop, struct MIDIDriver * driver ) {
    MIDIPrecond( runloop != NULL, EFAULT );
    MIDIPrecond( driver != NULL, EINVAL );
    return MIDIRunloopRemoveSource( runloop, driver->rls );
Exemple #17
 * @brief Get the event identifier.
 * @public @memberof MIDIEvent
 * @param event The event.
 * @param id    The ID.
 * @retval 0 on success.
int MIDIEventGetId( struct MIDIEvent * event, size_t * id ) {
  MIDIPrecond( event != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( id != NULL, EINVAL );
  *id = event->id;
  return 0;
Exemple #18
 * @brief Get the size of a given message.
 * Determine the size of a given message data object using a
 * given message format. This is constant for all messages except
 * system exclusive messages.
 * @public @memberof MIDIMessageFormat
 * @param format The message format.
 * @param data   The message data.
 * @param size   A pointer to the variable in which to store the result.
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval 1 If the size could not be determined.
int MIDIMessageFormatGetSize( struct MIDIMessageFormat * format, struct MIDIMessageData * data, size_t * size ) {
  MIDIPrecond( format != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIAssert( format->size != NULL );
  return (format->size)( data, size );
Exemple #19
 * @brief Get the event info-object.
 * @public @memberof MIDIEvent
 * @param event The event.
 * @param info  The info.
 * @retval 0 on success.
int MIDIEventGetInfo( struct MIDIEvent * event, void ** info ) {
  MIDIPrecond( event != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( info != NULL, EINVAL );
  *info = event->info;
  return 0;
Exemple #20
 * @brief Decode messages with running status byte.
 * Decode message data objects from a buffer.
 * @public @memberof MIDIMessageFormat
 * @param format   The message format.
 * @param data     The message data object to read from.
 * @param status   The running status inherited from previous messages.
 * @param size     The size of the memory pointed to by @c buffer.
 * @param buffer   The buffer to decode the message from.
 * @param read     The number of bytes that were read from the @c buffer.
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval 1 if the message could not be encoded.
int MIDIMessageFormatDecodeRunningStatus( struct MIDIMessageFormat * format, struct MIDIMessageData * data, MIDIRunningStatus * status, size_t size, void * buffer, size_t * read ) {
  MIDIPrecond( format != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( size > 0 && buffer != NULL, EINVAL );
  MIDIAssert( format->decode != NULL );
  return (format->decode)( data, status, size, buffer, read );
Exemple #21
 * @brief Disconnect a port from another port.
 * Disconnect a connected port from another port.
 * @public @memberof MIDIPort
 * @param port   The source port.
 * @param target The target port.
int MIDIPortDisconnect( struct MIDIPort * port, struct MIDIPort * target ) {
  MIDIPrecond( port != NULL, EFAULT );
  MIDIPrecond( target != NULL , EINVAL );
  return MIDIListRemove( port->ports, target );