Exemple #1
void DrawStateMovieRow(SDL_Surface *surface, int *nstatus, int cur, int recently_saved, uint8 *text)
 uint32 *XBuf = (uint32 *)surface->pixels;
 uint32 pitch32 = surface->pitch >> 2;
 int x, y;

 for(y=0; y<40; y++)
   XBuf[x + y * pitch32] = MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 170);

 // nstatus
 for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
  char stringie[2];
  uint32 bordercol;

  if(cur == (i % 10))
   bordercol = MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0x60, 0x20, 0xb0, 0xFF);
   bordercol = MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0, 0, 0, 0xFF);

  stringie[0] = '0' + (i % 10);
  stringie[1] = 0;

  //if(nstatus[i % 10])
   uint32 rect_bg_color = MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);

   if(nstatus[i % 10])
    rect_bg_color = MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0x00, 0x38, 0x28, 0xFF);

    if(recently_saved == (i % 10))
     rect_bg_color = MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0x48, 0x00, 0x34, 0xFF);
   MDFN_DrawRectangleFill(XBuf, pitch32, (i - 1) * 23, 0, bordercol, rect_bg_color, 23, 18 + 1);
  // MDFN_DrawRectangle(XBuf, pitch32, (i - 1) * 23, 0, bordercol, 23, 18 + 1);

  DrawTextTransShadow(XBuf + (i - 1) * 23 + 7, pitch32 << 2, 230, (UTF8*)stringie, MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xFF), MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), FALSE);
 DrawTextTransShadow(XBuf + 20 * pitch32, pitch32 << 2, 230, text, MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xFF), MK_COLOR_A(surface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), TRUE);
Exemple #2
void FPS_DrawToScreen(SDL_Surface *screen, int rs, int gs, int bs, int as)
      FPSSurface = NULL;

    FPSSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, box_width, box_height, 32, 0xFF << rs, 0xFF << gs, 0xFF << bs, 0xFF << as);
    FPSRect.w = box_width;
    FPSRect.h = box_height;
    FPSRect.x = FPSRect.y = 0;

  char virtfps[64], drawnfps[64], blitfps[64];

  CalcFramerates(virtfps, drawnfps, blitfps, 64);

  SDL_FillRect(FPSSurface, NULL, MK_COLOR_A(FPSSurface, 0, 0, 0, 0x80));
  DrawTextTrans((uint32 *)FPSSurface->pixels, FPSSurface->pitch, FPSSurface->w, (UTF8*)virtfps, MK_COLOR_A(FPSSurface, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), FALSE, TRUE);
  DrawTextTrans((uint32 *)FPSSurface->pixels + 7 * (FPSSurface->pitch >> 2), FPSSurface->pitch, FPSSurface->w, (UTF8*)drawnfps, MK_COLOR_A(FPSSurface, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), FALSE, TRUE);
  DrawTextTrans((uint32 *)FPSSurface->pixels + 7 * 2 * (FPSSurface->pitch >> 2), FPSSurface->pitch, FPSSurface->w, (UTF8*)blitfps, MK_COLOR_A(FPSSurface, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), FALSE, TRUE);

  SDL_Rect drect;
  drect.x = 0;
  drect.y = 0;
  drect.w = FPSRect.w;
  drect.h = FPSRect.h;

  BlitRaw(FPSSurface, &FPSRect, &drect);
Exemple #3
void DrawSaveStates(SDL_Surface *screen, double exs, double eys, int rs, int gs, int bs, int as)
 if(StateShow < MDFND_GetTime())

   PreviewSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA, StateStatus->w + 2, StateStatus->h + 2, 32, 0xFF << rs, 0xFF << gs, 0xFF << bs, 0xFF << as);

    printf("Iyee: %d %d\n", StateStatus->w, StateStatus->h);

   PreviewRect.x = PreviewRect.y = 0;
   PreviewRect.w = StateStatus->w + 2;
   PreviewRect.h = StateStatus->h + 2;
   MDFN_DrawRectangleAlpha((uint32*)PreviewSurface->pixels, PreviewSurface->pitch >> 2, 0, 0, MK_COLOR_A(PreviewSurface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9F, 0xFF), MK_COLOR_A(PreviewSurface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80), StateStatus->w + 2, StateStatus->h + 2);

   uint32 *psp = (uint32*)PreviewSurface->pixels;

   psp += PreviewSurface->pitch >> 2;

    for(uint32 y = 0; y < StateStatus->h; y++)
     uint8 *src_row = StateStatus->gfx + y * StateStatus->w * 3;

     for(uint32 x = 0; x < StateStatus->w; x++)
      psp[x] = MK_COLOR_A(PreviewSurface, src_row[0], src_row[1], src_row[2], 0xFF);
      src_row += 3;
     psp += PreviewSurface->pitch >> 2;

    TextSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA, 230, 40, 32, 0xFF << rs, 0xFF << gs, 0xFF << bs, 0xFF << as);
    SDL_SetColorKey(TextSurface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0);
    SDL_SetAlpha(TextSurface, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0);

    TextRect.x = TextRect.y = 0;
    TextRect.w = 230;
    TextRect.h = 40;

    UTF8 text[256];

    if(StateStatus->current_movie > 0)
     trio_snprintf((char *)text, 256, _("-recording movie %d-"), StateStatus->current_movie-1);
    else if (StateStatus->current_movie < 0)
     trio_snprintf((char *)text, 256, _("-playing movie %d-"),-1 - StateStatus->current_movie);
     trio_snprintf((char *)text, 256, _("-select movie-"));
    DrawStateMovieRow(TextSurface, StateStatus->status, StateStatus->current, StateStatus->recently_saved, text);
    DrawStateMovieRow(TextSurface, StateStatus->status, StateStatus->current, StateStatus->recently_saved, (UTF8 *)_("-select state-"));
 } // end if(StateStatus)
Exemple #4
void DrawSaveStates(SDL_Surface *screen, double exs, double eys, int rs, int gs, int bs, int as)
 StateStatusStruct *tmps;

 if(StateShow < MDFND_GetTime())
   PreviewSurface = NULL;
   StateStatus = NULL;

 if(MovieShow < MDFND_GetTime())
   PreviewSurface = NULL;
   MovieStatus = NULL;

 tmps = MovieStatus;
  tmps = StateStatus;

   PreviewSurface = NULL;
  PreviewSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA, tmps->w + 2, tmps->h + 2, 32, 0xFF << rs, 0xFF << gs, 0xFF << bs, 0xFF << as);
  PreviewRect.x = PreviewRect.y = 0;
  PreviewRect.w = tmps->w + 2;
  PreviewRect.h = tmps->h + 2;
  MDFN_DrawRectangleAlpha((uint32*)PreviewSurface->pixels, PreviewSurface->pitch >> 2, 0, 0, MK_COLOR_A(PreviewSurface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9F, 0xFF), tmps->w + 2, tmps->h + 2);

  uint32 *psp = (uint32*)PreviewSurface->pixels;

  psp += PreviewSurface->pitch >> 2;

   for(int y = 0; y < tmps->h; y++)
    memcpy(psp, tmps->gfx + y * tmps->pitch, tmps->w * sizeof(uint32));
    psp += PreviewSurface->pitch >> 2;

   TextSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA, 230, 40, 32, 0xFF << rs, 0xFF << gs, 0xFF << bs, 0xFF << as);
   SDL_SetColorKey(TextSurface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0);
   SDL_SetAlpha(TextSurface, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0);

   TextRect.x = TextRect.y = 0;
   TextRect.w = 230;
   TextRect.h = 40;
  if(tmps == MovieStatus)
   UTF8 text[256];

   if(tmps->current_movie > 0)
    trio_snprintf((char *)text, 256, _("-recording movie %d-"), tmps->current_movie-1);
   else if (tmps->current_movie < 0)
    trio_snprintf((char *)text, 256, _("-playing movie %d-"),-1 - tmps->current_movie);
    trio_snprintf((char *)text, 256, _("-select movie-"));

   DrawStateMovieRow(TextSurface, tmps->status, tmps->current, tmps->recently_saved, text);
   DrawStateMovieRow(TextSurface, tmps->status, tmps->current, tmps->recently_saved, (UTF8 *)_("-select state-"));

  SDL_Rect tdrect, drect;

  int meow = ((screen->w / CurGame->width) + 1) / 2;
  if(!meow) meow = 1;

  tdrect.w = TextRect.w * meow;
  tdrect.h = TextRect.h * meow;
  tdrect.x = (screen->w - tdrect.w) / 2;
  tdrect.y = screen->h - tdrect.h;

  BlitRaw(TextSurface, &TextRect, &tdrect);

  drect.w = PreviewRect.w * meow;
  drect.h = PreviewRect.h * meow;
  drect.x = (screen->w - drect.w) / 2;
  drect.y = screen->h - drect.h - tdrect.h - 4;

  BlitRaw(PreviewSurface, &PreviewRect, &drect);


// Call this function from the main thread
void GfxDebugger_Draw(MDFN_Surface *surface, const MDFN_Rect *rect, const MDFN_Rect *screen_rect)

 const MDFN_PixelFormat pf_cache = surface->format;
 uint32 *src_pixels;
 uint32 * pixels = surface->pixels;
 uint32 pitch32 = surface->pitchinpix;
 bool ism;


 ism = InSteppingMode;


 if(gd_surface->format.Rshift != surface->format.Rshift || gd_surface->format.Gshift != surface->format.Gshift ||
  gd_surface->format.Bshift != surface->format.Bshift || gd_surface->format.Ashift != surface->format.Ashift ||
  gd_surface->format.colorspace != surface->format.colorspace)
  //puts("Convert Meow");
  gd_surface->SetFormat(surface->format, TRUE);

 src_pixels = gd_surface->pixels;


 for(unsigned int y = 0; y < 128; y++)
  uint32 *row = pixels + ((rect->w - 256) / 2) + y * pitch32 * 2;
  for(unsigned int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
   //printf("%d %d %d\n", y, x, pixels);
   row[x*2] = row[x*2 + 1] = row[pitch32 + x*2] = row[pitch32 + x*2 + 1] = src_pixels[x + y * 128 * 3];
   //row[x] = MK_COLOR_A(0, 0, 0, 0xc0);
   //row[x] = MK_COLOR_A(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7F);

 // Draw layer name
  for(unsigned int y = 256; y < 256 + 18; y++)
   for(unsigned int x = 0; x < rect->w; x++)
    pixels[y * pitch32 + x] = MK_COLOR_A(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0);
  char buf[256];

   trio_snprintf(buf, 256, "%s, PBN: %d, Scroll: %d, Instant", LayerNames[CurLayer], LayerPBN[CurLayer], LayerScroll[CurLayer]);
   trio_snprintf(buf, 256, "%s, PBN: %d, Scroll: %d, Line: %d", LayerNames[CurLayer], LayerPBN[CurLayer], LayerScroll[CurLayer], LayerScanline[CurLayer]);
  DrawTextTransShadow(pixels + 256 * pitch32, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)buf, MK_COLOR_A(0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xFF), MK_COLOR_A(0, 0, 0, 0xFF), 1, FALSE);

 int mousex, mousey;
 SDL_GetMouseState(&mousex, &mousey);
 int vx, vy;

 vx = (mousex - screen_rect->x) * rect->w / screen_rect->w - ((rect->w - 256) / 2);
 vy = (mousey - screen_rect->y) * rect->h / screen_rect->h;

 vx /= 2;
 vy /= 2;

 if(vx < 128 && vy < 128 && vx >= 0 && vy >= 0)
  if(src_pixels[vx + vy * 128 * 3] & (0xFF << surface->format.Ashift))
   for(unsigned int y = 278; y < 278 + 18; y++)
    for(unsigned int x = 0; x < rect->w; x++)
     pixels[y * pitch32 + x] = MK_COLOR_A(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0);
   char buf[256];

   trio_snprintf(buf, 256, "Tile: %08x, Address: %08x", src_pixels[128 + vx + vy * 128 * 3], src_pixels[256 + vx + vy * 128 * 3]);

   DrawTextTransShadow(pixels + 278 * pitch32, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)buf, MK_COLOR_A(0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xFF), MK_COLOR_A(0, 0, 0, 0xFF), 1, FALSE);  

// Call this function from the main thread
void MemDebugger_Draw(MDFN_Surface *surface, const MDFN_Rect *rect, const MDFN_Rect *screen_rect)
 if(!IsActive) return;

 const MDFN_PixelFormat pf_cache = surface->format;
 uint32 *pixels = surface->pixels;
 uint32 pitch32 = surface->pitchinpix;
 const uint64 zemod = SizeCache[CurASpace];


 DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)ASpace->long_name, MK_COLOR_A(0x20, 0xFF, 0x20, 0xFF), 1, 1);
 pixels += 10 * pitch32;

 uint32 A;
 uint32 Ameow; // A meow for a cat

 if(ASpacePos[CurASpace] < 128)
  A = (SizeCache[CurASpace] - 128 + ASpacePos[CurASpace]) % SizeCache[CurASpace];
  A = ASpacePos[CurASpace] - 128;

 Ameow = A &~ 0xF;

 int numrows = zemod / 16;

 if(numrows > 16)
  numrows = 16;
 else if(numrows < 4)
  numrows = 4;

 for(int y = 0; y < numrows; y++)
  uint8 byte_buffer[16];
  char abuf[32];

  Ameow %= zemod;

  ASpace->GetAddressSpaceBytes(ASpace->name, Ameow, 16, byte_buffer);

  if(zemod <= (1 << 16))
   trio_snprintf(abuf, 32, "%04X:", Ameow);
  else if(zemod <= (1 << 24))
   trio_snprintf(abuf, 32, "%06X:", Ameow);
   trio_snprintf(abuf, 32, "%08X:", Ameow);

  uint32 alen;
  uint32 addr_color = MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF);

  if(Ameow == (ASpacePos[CurASpace] & ~0xF))
   addr_color = MK_COLOR_A(0x80, 0xB0, 0xFF, 0xFF);

  alen = DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)abuf, addr_color, 0, 1);
  alen += 3;

  for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
   uint32 bcolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
   uint32 acolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF);

   char quickbuf[16];
   uint32 test_match_pos;
   uint8 ascii_str[2];

   ascii_str[1] = 0;
   ascii_str[0] = byte_buffer[x];

   if(ascii_str[0] < 0x20 || ascii_str[0] >= 128)
    ascii_str[0] = '.';

   trio_snprintf(quickbuf, 16, "%02X", byte_buffer[x]);

   test_match_pos = ASpacePos[CurASpace] % zemod;

    if(MarkModeBegin < test_match_pos && Ameow < test_match_pos && Ameow >= MarkModeBegin)
      acolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
      bcolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF);
      acolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF);
      bcolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
   if(Ameow == test_match_pos)
     if(SDL_GetTicks() & 0x80)
      int pix_offset = alen;

       pix_offset += 16 * 12 + x * 5;
       pix_offset += (LowNib ? 5 : 0) + x * 12;

      DrawTextTrans(pixels + pix_offset, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)"▉", MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
     acolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
     bcolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF);
     acolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF);
     bcolor = MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);

   // hex display
   DrawTextTrans(pixels + alen + x * 12, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)quickbuf, bcolor, 0, 1);

   // ASCII display
   DrawTextTrans(pixels + alen + 16 * 12 + x * 5, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8 *)ascii_str, acolor, 0, 1);
  pixels += 9 * pitch32;

  char cpstr[32];
  uint32 curpos = ASpacePos[CurASpace];
  uint8 zebytes[4];
  uint32 tmpval;

  curpos %= zemod;

  ASpace->GetAddressSpaceBytes(ASpace->name, curpos, 4, zebytes);

  pixels += 8 + 5 * pitch32;

  if(zemod <= (1 << 16))
   trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%04X", curpos);
  else if(zemod <= (1 << 24))
   trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%06X", curpos);
   trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%08X", curpos);

  uint32 cpplen;
  uint32 cplen;

  cpplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)"Cursor position: ", MK_COLOR_A(0xa0, 0xa0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
  cplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels + cpplen, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)cpstr , MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
   char ggddstr[32];

   if(zemod <= (1 << 16))
    trio_snprintf(ggddstr, 32, "%04X", curpos - GoGoPowerDD[CurASpace]);
   else if(zemod <= (1 << 24))
    trio_snprintf(ggddstr, 32, "%06X", curpos - GoGoPowerDD[CurASpace]);
    trio_snprintf(ggddstr, 32, "%08X", curpos - GoGoPowerDD[CurASpace]);

   DrawTextTrans(pixels + cpplen + cplen + 8, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)ggddstr, MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF), 0, 1);
  pixels += 5 + 10 * pitch32;

  tmpval = zebytes[0];
  trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%02x(%u, %d)", tmpval, (uint8)tmpval, (int8)tmpval);
  cpplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)"1-byte value: ", MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
  DrawTextTrans(pixels + cpplen, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)cpstr , MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);

  pixels += 10 * pitch32;

  if(ASpace->IsWave && SizeCache[CurASpace] <= 128 && ASpace->WaveBits <= 6)
   const int32 wf_size = SizeCache[CurASpace];
   uint8 waveform[wf_size];
   const int32 pcm_max = (1 << ASpace->WaveBits) - 1;

   DrawTextTrans(pixels - 5, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8 *)"Full waveform:", MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
   pixels += 9 * pitch32;
   MDFN_DrawRectangleFill(pixels, surface->pitchinpix, 0, 0, MK_COLOR_A(0xA0,0xA0,0xA0,0xFF), MK_COLOR_A(0,0,0,0xFF), 2 + wf_size * 2 + 2, 2 + (pcm_max + 1) + 2);

   ASpace->GetAddressSpaceBytes(ASpace->name, 0, wf_size, waveform);

   for(int i = 0; i < wf_size; i++)
    int32 delta;
    int32 current;
    int32 previous;

    current = waveform[i];
    previous = waveform[(i + wf_size - 1) % wf_size];

    delta = current - previous;

    for(int y = previous; y != current; y += delta / abs(delta))
     pixels[2 + i * 2 + 0 + (2 + (pcm_max - y)) * surface->pitchinpix] = MK_COLOR_A(0x00,0xA0,0x00,0xFF);

    pixels[2 + i * 2 + 0 + (2 + (pcm_max - current)) * surface->pitchinpix] = MK_COLOR_A(0x00,0xA0,0x00,0xFF);
    pixels[2 + i * 2 + 1 + (2 + (pcm_max - current)) * surface->pitchinpix] = MK_COLOR_A(0x00,0xA0,0x00,0xFF);
  tmpval = zebytes[0] | (zebytes[1] << 8);
  trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%04x(%u, %d)", tmpval, (uint16)tmpval, (int16)tmpval);
  cpplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)"2-byte value(LSB): ", MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
  DrawTextTrans(pixels + cpplen, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)cpstr , MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);

  pixels += 10 * pitch32;
  tmpval = zebytes[0] | (zebytes[1] << 8) | (zebytes[2] << 16) | (zebytes[3] << 24);
  trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%08x(%u, %d)", tmpval, (uint32)tmpval, (int32)tmpval);
  cpplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)"4-byte value(LSB): ", MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
  DrawTextTrans(pixels + cpplen, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)cpstr , MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);

  pixels += 10 * pitch32;
  tmpval = zebytes[1] | (zebytes[0] << 8);
  trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%04x(%u, %d)", tmpval, (uint16)tmpval, (int16)tmpval);
  cpplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)"2-byte value(MSB): ", MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
  DrawTextTrans(pixels + cpplen, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)cpstr , MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);

  pixels += 10 * pitch32;
  tmpval = zebytes[3] | (zebytes[2] << 8) | (zebytes[1] << 16) | (zebytes[0] << 24);
  trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%08x(%u, %d)", tmpval, (uint32)tmpval, (int32)tmpval);
  cpplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)"4-byte value(MSB): ", MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);
  DrawTextTrans(pixels + cpplen, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)cpstr , MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, 1);

  trio_snprintf(cpstr, 32, "%s text: ", GameCode);
  cpplen = DrawTextTrans(pixels + 10 * pitch32, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)cpstr, MK_COLOR_A(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, MDFN_FONT_5x7);

   char rawbuf[64];
   char textbuf[256];

   ASpace->GetAddressSpaceBytes(ASpace->name, curpos, 64, (uint8*)rawbuf);

   size_t ibl, obl, obl_start;
   char *inbuf, *outbuf;
   ibl = 64;
   obl_start = obl = 255; // Hehe, ugly maximum estimation!
   inbuf = rawbuf;
   outbuf = textbuf;

   iconv(ict_to_utf8, (ICONV_CONST char **)&inbuf, &ibl, &outbuf, &obl);
   textbuf[obl_start - obl] = 0;

   DrawTextTrans(pixels + 8 * pitch32 + cpplen, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w - cpplen - 13, (UTF8*)textbuf, MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 0, MDFN_FONT_9x18_18x18);



  myprompt->Draw(surface, rect);
 else if(myprompt)
  delete myprompt;
  myprompt = NULL;

  if(SDL_GetTicks() >= (error_time + 4000))
   error_string = NULL;
   DrawTextTrans((uint32*)surface->pixels + (rect->h - 7) * pitch32, surface->pitchinpix << 2, rect->w, (UTF8*)error_string, MK_COLOR_A(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 1, 1);