Exemple #1
MolochDropHash_t *moloch_drophash_init (int num, char isIp4)
    MolochDropHash_t *hash;
    hash           = MOLOCH_TYPE_ALLOC(MolochDropHash_t);
    hash->num     = num;
    hash->isIp4   = isIp4;
    hash->heads   = MOLOCH_SIZE_ALLOC0("heads", num * sizeof(MolochDropHashItem_t *));
    hash->deleted = NULL;
    return hash;
Exemple #2
void writer_simple_init(char *UNUSED(name))
    moloch_writer_queue_length = writer_simple_queue_length;
    moloch_writer_exit         = writer_simple_exit;
    moloch_writer_write        = writer_simple_write;

    char *mode = moloch_config_str(NULL, "simpleEncoding", NULL);
    simpleKEKId = moloch_config_str(NULL, "simpleKEKId", NULL);

    if (simpleKEKId) {
       char *key = moloch_config_section_str(NULL, "keks", simpleKEKId, NULL);
       if (!key) {
           LOGEXIT("No kek with id '%s' found in keks config section", simpleKEKId);

        simpleKEKLen = EVP_BytesToKey(EVP_aes_192_cbc(), EVP_md5(), NULL, (uint8_t *)key, strlen(key), 1, simpleKEK, simpleIV);

    if (mode == NULL) {
    } else if (strcmp(mode, "aes-256-ctr") == 0) {
        if (!simpleKEKId)
            LOGEXIT("Must set simpleKEKId");
        simpleMode = MOLOCH_SIMPLE_AES256CTR;
        cipher = EVP_aes_256_ctr();
    } else if (strcmp(mode, "xor-2048") == 0) {
        if (!simpleKEKId)
            LOGEXIT("Must set simpleKEKId");
        LOG("WARNING - simpleEncoding of xor-2048 is not actually secure");
        simpleMode = MOLOCH_SIMPLE_XOR2048;
    } else {
        LOGEXIT("Unknown simpleEncoding '%s'", mode);

    pageSize = getpagesize();
    if (config.pcapWriteSize % pageSize != 0) {
        config.pcapWriteSize = ((config.pcapWriteSize + pageSize - 1) / pageSize) * pageSize;
        LOG ("INFO: Reseting pcapWriteSize to %u since it must be a multiple of %u", config.pcapWriteSize, pageSize);

    DLL_INIT(simple_, &simpleQ);

    int thread;
    for (thread = 0; thread < config.packetThreads; thread++) {
        DLL_INIT(simple_, &freeList[thread]);

    g_thread_new("moloch-simple", &writer_simple_thread, NULL);
Exemple #3
void *moloch_http_create_server(const char *hostnames, int maxConns, int maxOutstandingRequests, int compress)
    MolochHttpServer_t *server = MOLOCH_TYPE_ALLOC0(MolochHttpServer_t);

    server->names = g_strsplit(hostnames, ",", 0);
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; server->names[i]; i++) {
        // Count entries
    server->namesCnt = i;
    server->maxConns = maxConns;
    server->maxOutstandingRequests = maxOutstandingRequests;
    server->compress = compress;
    server->snames = malloc(server->namesCnt * sizeof(MolochHttpServer_t));
    server->maxRetries = 3;

    for (i = 0; server->names[i]; i++) {
        server->snames[i].server            = server;
        server->snames[i].name              = server->names[i];
        server->snames[i].allowedAtSeconds  = 0;

    server->multi = curl_multi_init();
    curl_multi_setopt(server->multi, CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION, moloch_http_curlm_socket_callback);
    curl_multi_setopt(server->multi, CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA, server);
    curl_multi_setopt(server->multi, CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION, moloch_http_curlm_timeout_callback);
    curl_multi_setopt(server->multi, CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA, server);
    curl_multi_setopt(server->multi, CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, server->maxConns);
    curl_multi_setopt(server->multi, CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS, server->maxConns);

    server->multiTimer = g_timeout_add(50, moloch_http_timer_callback, server);

    server->fd2ev = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);


    return server;
Exemple #4
void moloch_session_init()
    uint32_t primes[] = {10007, 49999, 99991, 199799, 400009, 500009, 732209, 1092757, 1299827, 1500007, 1987411, 2999999};

    int p;
    for (p = 0; p < 12; p++) {
        if (primes[p] >= config.maxStreams/2)
    if (p == 12) p = 11;

    protocolField = moloch_field_define("general", "termfield",
        "protocols", "Protocols", "prot-term",
        "Protocols set for session",

    if (config.debug)
        LOG("session hash size %d", primes[p]);

    int t;
    for (t = 0; t < config.packetThreads; t++) {
        HASHP_INIT(h_, sessions[t][SESSION_UDP], primes[p], moloch_session_hash, moloch_session_cmp);
        HASHP_INIT(h_, sessions[t][SESSION_TCP], primes[p], moloch_session_hash, moloch_session_cmp);
        HASHP_INIT(h_, sessions[t][SESSION_ICMP], primes[p], moloch_session_hash, moloch_session_cmp);
        DLL_INIT(q_, &sessionsQ[t][SESSION_UDP]);
        DLL_INIT(q_, &sessionsQ[t][SESSION_TCP]);
        DLL_INIT(q_, &sessionsQ[t][SESSION_ICMP]);
        DLL_INIT(tcp_, &tcpWriteQ[t]);
        DLL_INIT(q_, &closingQ[t]);
        DLL_INIT(cmd_, &sessionCmds[t]);

    moloch_add_can_quit(moloch_session_cmd_outstanding, "session commands outstanding");
    moloch_add_can_quit(moloch_session_close_outstanding, "session close outstanding");
    moloch_add_can_quit(moloch_session_need_save_outstanding, "session save outstanding");
Exemple #5
LOCAL void suricata_alerts_init()
    alerts.num = SURICATA_HASH_SIZE;
Exemple #6
void reader_tpacketv3_init(char *UNUSED(name))
    int i;
    int blocksize = moloch_config_int(NULL, "tpacketv3BlockSize", 1<<21, 1<<16, 1<<31);
    numThreads = moloch_config_int(NULL, "tpacketv3NumThreads", 2, 1, 6);

    if (blocksize % getpagesize() != 0) {
        LOGEXIT("block size %d not divisible by pagesize %d", blocksize, getpagesize());

    if (blocksize % config.snapLen != 0) {
        LOGEXIT("block size %d not divisible by %d", blocksize, config.snapLen);

    moloch_packet_set_linksnap(1, config.snapLen);

    pcap_t *dpcap = pcap_open_dead(pcapFileHeader.linktype, pcapFileHeader.snaplen);

    if (config.bpf) {
        if (pcap_compile(dpcap, &bpf, config.bpf, 1, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN) == -1) {
            LOGEXIT("ERROR - Couldn't compile filter: '%s' with %s", config.bpf, pcap_geterr(dpcap));

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES && config.interface[i]; i++) {

        int ifindex = if_nametoindex(config.interface[i]);

        infos[i].fd = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, 0);

        int version = TPACKET_V3;
        if (setsockopt(infos[i].fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_VERSION, &version, sizeof(version)) < 0)
            LOGEXIT("Error setting TPACKET_V3, might need a newer kernel: %s", strerror(errno));

        memset(&infos[i].req, 0, sizeof(infos[i].req));
        infos[i].req.tp_block_size = blocksize;
        infos[i].req.tp_block_nr = numThreads*64;
        infos[i].req.tp_frame_size = config.snapLen;
        infos[i].req.tp_frame_nr = (blocksize * infos[i].req.tp_block_nr) / infos[i].req.tp_frame_size;
        infos[i].req.tp_retire_blk_tov = 60;
        infos[i].req.tp_feature_req_word = 0;
        if (setsockopt(infos[i].fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_RX_RING, &infos[i].req, sizeof(infos[i].req)) < 0)
            LOGEXIT("Error setting PACKET_RX_RING: %s", strerror(errno));

        struct packet_mreq      mreq;
        memset(&mreq, 0, sizeof(mreq));
        mreq.mr_ifindex = ifindex;
        mreq.mr_type    = PACKET_MR_PROMISC;
        if (setsockopt(infos[i].fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)) < 0)
            LOGEXIT("Error setting PROMISC: %s", strerror(errno));

        if (config.bpf) {
            struct sock_fprog       fcode;
            fcode.len = bpf.bf_len;
            fcode.filter = (struct sock_filter *)bpf.bf_insns;
            if (setsockopt(infos[i].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ATTACH_FILTER, &fcode, sizeof(fcode)) < 0)
                LOGEXIT("Error setting SO_ATTACH_FILTER: %s", strerror(errno));

        infos[i].map = mmap64(NULL, infos[i].req.tp_block_size * infos[i].req.tp_block_nr,
                             PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_LOCKED, infos[i].fd, 0);
        if (unlikely(infos[i].map == MAP_FAILED)) {
            LOGEXIT("ERROR - MMap64 failure in reader_tpacketv3_init, %d: %s",errno, strerror(errno));
        infos[i].rd = malloc(infos[i].req.tp_block_nr * sizeof(struct iovec));

        uint16_t j;
        for (j = 0; j < infos[i].req.tp_block_nr; j++) {
            infos[i].rd[j].iov_base = infos[i].map + (j * infos[i].req.tp_block_size);
            infos[i].rd[j].iov_len = infos[i].req.tp_block_size;

        struct sockaddr_ll ll;
        memset(&ll, 0, sizeof(ll));
        ll.sll_family = PF_PACKET;
        ll.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL);
        ll.sll_ifindex = ifindex;

        if (bind(infos[i].fd, (struct sockaddr *) &ll, sizeof(ll)) < 0)
            LOGEXIT("Error binding %s: %s", config.interface[i], strerror(errno));

    if (i == MAX_INTERFACES) {
        LOGEXIT("Only support up to %d interfaces", MAX_INTERFACES);

    moloch_reader_start         = reader_tpacketv3_start;
    moloch_reader_stop          = reader_tpacketv3_stop;
    moloch_reader_stats         = reader_tpacketv3_stats;