Exemple #1
 * Process
 * Just negative right now...
void UnMultiply::Process(const LWFilterAccess *fa)
   LWFVector out;
   float *r, *g, *b, *a;
   int x, y;

   /* fire up the monitor */

   MON_INIT( fa->monitor, fa->height / 8 );

   for ( y = 0; y < fa->height; y++ ) {

      /* get each scanline */

      r = fa->getLine( LWBUF_RED, y );
      g = fa->getLine( LWBUF_GREEN, y );
      b = fa->getLine( LWBUF_BLUE, y );
      a = fa->getLine( LWBUF_ALPHA, y );

      for ( x = 0; x < fa->width; x++ ) {

         /* change each pixel value c to 1.0 - c (leave the alpha alone) */

         out[ 0 ] = 1.0f - r[ x ];
         out[ 1 ] = 1.0f - g[ x ];
         out[ 2 ] = 1.0f - b[ x ];

         /* set the new value */

         fa->setRGB( x, y, out );
         fa->setAlpha( x, y, a[ x ] );

      /* once every 8 lines, step the monitor and check for abort */

      if (( y & 7 ) == 7 )
         if ( MON_STEP( fa->monitor )) return;

   MON_DONE( fa->monitor );

Exemple #2
Process( ConvolveInst *inst, const LWFilterAccess *fa )
   LWFVector out;
   float *r[ 3 ], *g[ 3 ], *b[ 3 ], *a;
   float s, k[ 3 ][ 3 ];
   int x, y, i;

   /* make a copy of the kernel, sum the elements */

   for ( i = 0, s = 0.0f; i < 9; i++ ) {
      k[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ] = inst->kern[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ];
      s += k[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ];

   /* scale the kernel so that the elements sum to 1.0 */

   if ( s != 0.0f )
      for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
         k[ i / 3 ][ i % 3 ] /= s;

   /* get the first two scanlines */

   for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
      r[ i ] = fa->getLine( LWBUF_RED, i );
      g[ i ] = fa->getLine( LWBUF_GREEN, i );
      b[ i ] = fa->getLine( LWBUF_BLUE, i );

   /* fire up the monitor */

   MON_INIT( fa->monitor, fa->height / 8 );

   for ( y = 1; y < fa->height - 1; y++ ) {

      /* get the next scanline */

      r[ 2 ] = fa->getLine( LWBUF_RED, y + 1 );
      g[ 2 ] = fa->getLine( LWBUF_GREEN, y + 1 );
      b[ 2 ] = fa->getLine( LWBUF_BLUE, y + 1 );

      /* apply the kernel */

      for ( x = 1; x < fa->width - 1; x++ ) {
         out[ 0 ] = r[ 1 ][ x ] * k[ 1 ][ 1 ]
            + r[ 0 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 0 ][ 0 ]
            + r[ 0 ][ x     ] * k[ 0 ][ 1 ]
            + r[ 0 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 0 ][ 2 ]
            + r[ 1 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 1 ][ 0 ]
            + r[ 1 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 1 ][ 2 ]
            + r[ 2 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 2 ][ 0 ]
            + r[ 2 ][ x     ] * k[ 2 ][ 1 ]
            + r[ 2 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 2 ][ 2 ];

         out[ 1 ] = g[ 1 ][ x ] * k[ 1 ][ 1 ]
            + g[ 0 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 0 ][ 0 ]
            + g[ 0 ][ x     ] * k[ 0 ][ 1 ]
            + g[ 0 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 0 ][ 2 ]
            + g[ 1 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 1 ][ 0 ]
            + g[ 1 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 1 ][ 2 ]
            + g[ 2 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 2 ][ 0 ]
            + g[ 2 ][ x     ] * k[ 2 ][ 1 ]
            + g[ 2 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 2 ][ 2 ];

         out[ 2 ] = b[ 1 ][ x ] * k[ 1 ][ 1 ]
            + b[ 0 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 0 ][ 0 ]
            + b[ 0 ][ x     ] * k[ 0 ][ 1 ]
            + b[ 0 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 0 ][ 2 ]
            + b[ 1 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 1 ][ 0 ]
            + b[ 1 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 1 ][ 2 ]
            + b[ 2 ][ x - 1 ] * k[ 2 ][ 0 ]
            + b[ 2 ][ x     ] * k[ 2 ][ 1 ]
            + b[ 2 ][ x + 1 ] * k[ 2 ][ 2 ];

         /* set the new pixel value */

         fa->setRGB( x, y, out );

      /* shift bottom two scanlines up by one */

      r[ 0 ] = r[ 1 ];  r[ 1 ] = r[ 2 ];
      g[ 0 ] = g[ 1 ];  g[ 1 ] = g[ 2 ];
      b[ 0 ] = b[ 1 ];  b[ 1 ] = b[ 2 ];

      /* once every 8 lines, step the monitor and check for abort */

      if (( y & 7 ) == 7 )
         if ( MON_STEP( fa->monitor )) return;

   /* copy the alpha */

   for ( y = 0; y < fa->height; y++ ) {
      a = fa->getLine( LWBUF_ALPHA, y );
      for ( x = 0; x < fa->width; x++ )
         fa->setAlpha( x, y, a[ x ] );

   MON_DONE( fa->monitor );
Exemple #3
geoLoad( long version, GlobalFunc *global, LWObjectImport *local,
   void *serverData )
   static int isurf[ 261 ];
   LWFVector pos = { 0.0f };
   LWPntID *pntID = NULL;
   Progress progress;
   FILE *fp = NULL;
   struct stat s;
   char str[ 6 ], *err = NULL;
   int npts;
   int i, j;

   /* check the activation version */


   /* get the file size */

   if ( stat( local->filename, &s )) {
      local->result = LWOBJIM_BADFILE;
      return AFUNC_OK;

   progress.total = s.st_size;
   progress.stepsize = progress.total / 20;
   progress.nextstep = progress.stepsize;

   /* attempt to open the file */

   fp = fopen( local->filename, "r" );
   if ( !fp ) {
      local->result = LWOBJIM_BADFILE;
      return AFUNC_OK;

   /* see whether this is a VideoScape ASCII object file;
      if not, let someone else try to load it */

   fread( str, 1, 4, fp );
   if ( strncmp( str, "3DG1", 4 )) {
      fclose( fp );
      local->result = LWOBJIM_NOREC;
      return AFUNC_OK;

   /* initialize the layer */

   local->layer( local->data, 1, NULL );
   local->pivot( local->data, pos );

   /* read the point count */

   local->result = LWOBJIM_FAILED;   /* assume this until we succeed */

   err = "Bad point count.";
   if ( !read_int( fp, &npts )) goto Finish;
   if ( npts <= 0 ) goto Finish;

   /* allocate space to store point IDs */

   err = "Couldn't allocate memory for points.";
   pntID = calloc( npts, sizeof( LWPntID ));
   if ( !pntID ) goto Finish;

   /* initialize the progress monitor */

   MON_INIT( local->monitor, 20 );

   /* read the point list */

   for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) {
      for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
         if ( !read_float( fp, &pos[ j ] )) {
            err = "Couldn't read point.";
            goto Finish;

      if ( !( pntID[ i ] = local->point( local->data, pos ))) {
         err = "Couldn't create point.";
         goto Finish;

      j = ftell( fp );
      if ( j >= progress.nextstep ) {
         if ( MON_STEP( local->monitor )) {
            local->result = LWOBJIM_ABORTED;
            err = NULL;
            goto Finish;
         progress.nextstep += progress.stepsize;

   /* read the polygon list; read_polygon() will set its own failure
      status and message */

   err = NULL;
   local->result = LWOBJIM_OK;
   memset( isurf, 0, 261 * sizeof( int ));

   while ( read_polygon( local, fp, pntID, isurf, 0, &progress )) ;

   /* create the surface descriptions */

   if ( local->result == LWOBJIM_OK )
      create_surfs( local, isurf );

   /* we're done */

   MON_DONE( local->monitor );
   local->done( local->data );

   if ( fp ) fclose( fp );
   if ( pntID ) free( pntID );
   if (( local->result != LWOBJIM_OK ) && err && ( local->failedLen > 0 ))
      strncpy( local->failedBuf, err, local->failedLen );

   return AFUNC_OK;