Exemple #1
int MPIR_Ialltoall_bruck(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPID_Comm *comm_ptr, MPID_Sched_t s)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int i;
    int nbytes, recvtype_size, recvbuf_extent, newtype_size;
    int rank, comm_size;
    void *tmp_buf = NULL;
    MPI_Aint sendtype_extent, recvtype_extent, recvtype_true_lb, recvtype_true_extent;
    int pof2, dst, src;
    int count, block;
    MPI_Datatype newtype;
    int *displs;
    MPIU_CHKLMEM_DECL(1); /* displs */
    MPIR_SCHED_CHKPMEM_DECL(2); /* tmp_buf (2x) */

    MPIU_Assert(sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE); /* we do not handle in-place */

    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(sendtype, sendtype_extent);
    MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(recvtype, recvtype_size);
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, recvtype_extent);

    /* allocate temporary buffer */
    /* must be same size as entire recvbuf for Phase 3 */
    nbytes = recvtype_size * recvcount * comm_size;
    MPIR_SCHED_CHKPMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, nbytes, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");

    /* Do Phase 1 of the algorithim. Shift the data blocks on process i
     * upwards by a distance of i blocks. Store the result in recvbuf. */
    mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_copy(((char *) sendbuf + rank*sendcount*sendtype_extent),
                                (comm_size - rank)*sendcount, sendtype,
                                recvbuf, (comm_size - rank)*recvcount, recvtype, s);
    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
    mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_copy(sendbuf, rank*sendcount, sendtype,
                                ((char *) recvbuf + (comm_size-rank)*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                rank*recvcount, recvtype, s);
    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
    /* Input data is now stored in recvbuf with datatype recvtype */

    /* Now do Phase 2, the communication phase. It takes
       ceiling(lg p) steps. In each step i, each process sends to rank+2^i
       and receives from rank-2^i, and exchanges all data blocks
       whose ith bit is 1. */

    /* allocate displacements array for indexed datatype used in
       communication */

    MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(displs, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "displs");

    pof2 = 1;
    while (pof2 < comm_size) {
        dst = (rank + pof2) % comm_size;
        src = (rank - pof2 + comm_size) % comm_size;

        /* Exchange all data blocks whose ith bit is 1 */
        /* Create an indexed datatype for the purpose */

        count = 0;
        for (block=1; block<comm_size; block++) {
            if (block & pof2) {
                displs[count] = block * recvcount;

        mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_create_indexed_block_impl(count, recvcount,
                                                        displs, recvtype, &newtype);
        if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

        mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_commit_impl(&newtype);
        if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
        MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(newtype, newtype_size);

        /* we will usually copy much less than nbytes */
        mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_copy(recvbuf, 1, newtype, tmp_buf, newtype_size, MPI_BYTE, s);
        if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

        /* now send and recv in parallel */
        mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_send(tmp_buf, newtype_size, MPI_BYTE, dst, comm_ptr, s);
        if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
        mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_recv(recvbuf, 1, newtype, src, comm_ptr, s);
        if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);


        pof2 *= 2;

    /* Phase 3: Rotate blocks in recvbuf upwards by (rank + 1) blocks. Need
     * a temporary buffer of the same size as recvbuf. */

    /* get true extent of recvtype */
    MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype, &recvtype_true_lb, &recvtype_true_extent);

    recvbuf_extent = recvcount * comm_size * (MPIR_MAX(recvtype_true_extent, recvtype_extent));
    /* not a leak, old tmp_buf value is still tracked by CHKPMEM macros */
    MPIR_SCHED_CHKPMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, recvbuf_extent, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");
    /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
    tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - recvtype_true_lb);

    mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_copy(((char *) recvbuf + (rank+1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype,
                                tmp_buf, (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype, s);
    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);
    mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_copy(recvbuf, (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype,
                                ((char *) tmp_buf + (comm_size-rank-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype, s);
    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

    /* Blocks are in the reverse order now (comm_size-1 to 0).
     * Reorder them to (0 to comm_size-1) and store them in recvbuf. */

    for (i = 0; i < comm_size; i++){
        mpi_errno = MPID_Sched_copy(((char *) tmp_buf + i*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                    recvcount, recvtype,
                                    ((char *) recvbuf + (comm_size-i-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                    recvcount, recvtype, s);
        if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

    return mpi_errno;
    goto fn_exit;
Exemple #2
int MPIR_Alltoall_intra( 
    const void *sendbuf,
    int sendcount, 
    MPI_Datatype sendtype, 
    void *recvbuf, 
    int recvcount, 
    MPI_Datatype recvtype, 
    MPID_Comm *comm_ptr,
    int *errflag )
    int          comm_size, i, j, pof2;
    MPI_Aint     sendtype_extent, recvtype_extent;
    MPI_Aint recvtype_true_extent, recvbuf_extent, recvtype_true_lb;
    int mpi_errno=MPI_SUCCESS, src, dst, rank, nbytes;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Status status;
    int sendtype_size, pack_size, block, position, *displs, count;
    MPI_Datatype newtype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
    void *tmp_buf;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    MPI_Request *reqarray;
    MPI_Status *starray;
    MPI_Aint sendtype_true_extent, sendbuf_extent, sendtype_true_lb;
    int k, p, curr_cnt, dst_tree_root, my_tree_root;
    int last_recv_cnt, mask, tmp_mask, tree_root, nprocs_completed;

    if (recvcount == 0) return MPI_SUCCESS;

    comm = comm_ptr->handle;
    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    /* Get extent of send and recv types */
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, recvtype_extent);
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(sendtype, sendtype_extent);

    MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype, sendtype_size);
    nbytes = sendtype_size * sendcount;

    /* check if multiple threads are calling this collective function */

    if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {
        /* We use pair-wise sendrecv_replace in order to conserve memory usage,
         * which is keeping with the spirit of the MPI-2.2 Standard.  But
         * because of this approach all processes must agree on the global
         * schedule of sendrecv_replace operations to avoid deadlock.
         * Note that this is not an especially efficient algorithm in terms of
         * time and there will be multiple repeated malloc/free's rather than
         * maintaining a single buffer across the whole loop.  Something like
         * MADRE is probably the best solution for the MPI_IN_PLACE scenario. */
        for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
            /* start inner loop at i to avoid re-exchanging data */
            for (j = i; j < comm_size; ++j) {
                if (rank == i) {
                    /* also covers the (rank == i && rank == j) case */
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_replace_ft(((char *)recvbuf + j*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                                         recvcount, recvtype,
                                                         j, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         j, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         comm, &status, errflag);
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag = TRUE;
                        MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                        MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                else if (rank == j) {
                    /* same as above with i/j args reversed */
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_replace_ft(((char *)recvbuf + i*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                                         recvcount, recvtype,
                                                         i, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         i, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         comm, &status, errflag);
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag = TRUE;
                        MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                        MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
    else if ((nbytes <= MPIR_PARAM_ALLTOALL_SHORT_MSG_SIZE) && (comm_size >= 8)) {

        /* use the indexing algorithm by Jehoshua Bruck et al,
         * IEEE TPDS, Nov. 97 */ 

        /* allocate temporary buffer */
        MPIR_Pack_size_impl(recvcount*comm_size, recvtype, &pack_size);
        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, pack_size, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");

        /* Do Phase 1 of the algorithim. Shift the data blocks on process i
         * upwards by a distance of i blocks. Store the result in recvbuf. */
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) sendbuf + 
                           (comm_size - rank)*sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, 
                           (comm_size - rank)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, rank*sendcount, sendtype, 
                        (char *) recvbuf + 
                                   rank*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        /* Input data is now stored in recvbuf with datatype recvtype */

        /* Now do Phase 2, the communication phase. It takes
           ceiling(lg p) steps. In each step i, each process sends to rank+2^i
           and receives from rank-2^i, and exchanges all data blocks
           whose ith bit is 1. */

        /* allocate displacements array for indexed datatype used in
           communication */

        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(displs, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "displs");

        pof2 = 1;
        while (pof2 < comm_size) {
            dst = (rank + pof2) % comm_size;
            src = (rank - pof2 + comm_size) % comm_size;

            /* Exchange all data blocks whose ith bit is 1 */
            /* Create an indexed datatype for the purpose */

            count = 0;
            for (block=1; block<comm_size; block++) {
                if (block & pof2) {
                    displs[count] = block * recvcount;

            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_create_indexed_block_impl(count, recvcount,
                                                            displs, recvtype, &newtype);
	    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_commit_impl(&newtype);
	    if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            position = 0;
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Pack_impl(recvbuf, 1, newtype, tmp_buf, pack_size, &position);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_ft(tmp_buf, position, MPI_PACKED, dst,
                                         MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, recvbuf, 1, newtype,
                                         src, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, comm,
                                         MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, errflag);
            if (mpi_errno) {
                /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                *errflag = TRUE;
                MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);


            pof2 *= 2;

        /* Rotate blocks in recvbuf upwards by (rank + 1) blocks. Need
         * a temporary buffer of the same size as recvbuf. */
        /* get true extent of recvtype */
        MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype, &recvtype_true_lb, &recvtype_true_extent);

        recvbuf_extent = recvcount * comm_size *
            (MPIR_MAX(recvtype_true_extent, recvtype_extent));
        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, recvbuf_extent, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");
        /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
        tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - recvtype_true_lb);

        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) recvbuf + (rank+1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                       (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype, tmp_buf, 
                       (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(recvbuf, (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype, 
                       (char *) tmp_buf + (comm_size-rank-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                       (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

        /* Blocks are in the reverse order now (comm_size-1 to 0). 
         * Reorder them to (0 to comm_size-1) and store them in recvbuf. */

        for (i=0; i<comm_size; i++){
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) tmp_buf + i*recvcount*recvtype_extent,
                                       recvcount, recvtype, 
                                       (char *) recvbuf + (comm_size-i-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                                       recvcount, recvtype);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

        /* Short message. Use recursive doubling. Each process sends all
           its data at each step along with all data it received in
           previous steps. */
        /* need to allocate temporary buffer of size
           sendbuf_extent*comm_size */
        /* get true extent of sendtype */
        MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(sendtype, &sendtype_true_lb, &sendtype_true_extent);

        sendbuf_extent = sendcount * comm_size *
            (MPIR_MAX(sendtype_true_extent, sendtype_extent));
        MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, sendbuf_extent*comm_size, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");
        /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
        tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - sendtype_true_lb);
        /* copy local sendbuf into tmp_buf at location indexed by rank */
        curr_cnt = sendcount*comm_size;
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, curr_cnt, sendtype,
                                   ((char *)tmp_buf + rank*sendbuf_extent),
                                   curr_cnt, sendtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);}
        mask = 0x1;
        i = 0;
        while (mask < comm_size) {
            dst = rank ^ mask;
            dst_tree_root = dst >> i;
            dst_tree_root <<= i;
            my_tree_root = rank >> i;
            my_tree_root <<= i;
            if (dst < comm_size) {
                mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_ft(((char *)tmp_buf +
                                             curr_cnt, sendtype,
                                             dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, 
                                             ((char *)tmp_buf +
                                             sendtype, dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, 
                                             comm, &status, errflag);
                if (mpi_errno) {
                    /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                    *errflag = TRUE;
                    MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                    MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                    last_recv_cnt = 0;
                } else
                    /* in case of non-power-of-two nodes, less data may be
                       received than specified */
                    MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, sendtype, &last_recv_cnt);
                curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;
            /* if some processes in this process's subtree in this step
               did not have any destination process to communicate with
               because of non-power-of-two, we need to send them the
               result. We use a logarithmic recursive-halfing algorithm
               for this. */
            if (dst_tree_root + mask > comm_size) {
                nprocs_completed = comm_size - my_tree_root - mask;
                /* nprocs_completed is the number of processes in this
                   subtree that have all the data. Send data to others
                   in a tree fashion. First find root of current tree
                   that is being divided into two. k is the number of
                   least-significant bits in this process's rank that
                   must be zeroed out to find the rank of the root */ 
                j = mask;
                k = 0;
                while (j) {
                    j >>= 1;
                tmp_mask = mask >> 1;
                while (tmp_mask) {
                    dst = rank ^ tmp_mask;
                    tree_root = rank >> k;
                    tree_root <<= k;
                    /* send only if this proc has data and destination
                       doesn't have data. at any step, multiple processes
                       can send if they have the data */
                    if ((dst > rank) && 
                        (rank < tree_root + nprocs_completed)
                        && (dst >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {
                        /* send the data received in this step above */
                        mpi_errno = MPIC_Send_ft(((char *)tmp_buf +
                                                 last_recv_cnt, sendtype,
                                                 dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                 comm, errflag);  
                        if (mpi_errno) {
                            /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                            *errflag = TRUE;
                            MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                            MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                    /* recv only if this proc. doesn't have data and sender
                       has data */
                    else if ((dst < rank) && 
                             (dst < tree_root + nprocs_completed) &&
                             (rank >= tree_root + nprocs_completed)) {
                        mpi_errno = MPIC_Recv_ft(((char *)tmp_buf +
                                                 dst, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                 comm, &status, errflag); 
                        if (mpi_errno) {
                            /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                            *errflag = TRUE;
                            MPIU_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**fail");
                            MPIU_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                            last_recv_cnt = 0;
                        } else
                            MPIR_Get_count_impl(&status, sendtype, &last_recv_cnt);
                        curr_cnt += last_recv_cnt;
                    tmp_mask >>= 1;
            mask <<= 1;
Exemple #3
int MPIR_Alltoall_intra( 
    const void *sendbuf,
    int sendcount, 
    MPI_Datatype sendtype, 
    void *recvbuf, 
    int recvcount, 
    MPI_Datatype recvtype, 
    MPIR_Comm *comm_ptr,
    MPIR_Errflag_t *errflag )
    int          comm_size, i, j, pof2;
    MPI_Aint     sendtype_extent, recvtype_extent;
    MPI_Aint recvtype_true_extent, recvbuf_extent, recvtype_true_lb;
    int mpi_errno=MPI_SUCCESS, src, dst, rank, nbytes;
    int mpi_errno_ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Status status;
    int sendtype_size, block, *displs, count;
    MPI_Aint pack_size, position;
    MPI_Datatype newtype = MPI_DATATYPE_NULL;
    void *tmp_buf;
    MPIR_Request **reqarray;
    MPI_Status *starray;

    if (recvcount == 0) return MPI_SUCCESS;

    comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;
    rank = comm_ptr->rank;

    /* Get extent of send and recv types */
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, recvtype_extent);
    MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(sendtype, sendtype_extent);

    MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype, sendtype_size);
    nbytes = sendtype_size * sendcount;

    if (sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {
        /* We use pair-wise sendrecv_replace in order to conserve memory usage,
         * which is keeping with the spirit of the MPI-2.2 Standard.  But
         * because of this approach all processes must agree on the global
         * schedule of sendrecv_replace operations to avoid deadlock.
         * Note that this is not an especially efficient algorithm in terms of
         * time and there will be multiple repeated malloc/free's rather than
         * maintaining a single buffer across the whole loop.  Something like
         * MADRE is probably the best solution for the MPI_IN_PLACE scenario. */
        for (i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i) {
            /* start inner loop at i to avoid re-exchanging data */
            for (j = i; j < comm_size; ++j) {
                if (rank == i) {
                    /* also covers the (rank == i && rank == j) case */
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_replace(((char *)recvbuf + j*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                                         recvcount, recvtype,
                                                         j, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         j, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         comm_ptr, &status, errflag);
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag = MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno);
                        MPIR_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                        MPIR_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
                else if (rank == j) {
                    /* same as above with i/j args reversed */
                    mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv_replace(((char *)recvbuf + i*recvcount*recvtype_extent),
                                                         recvcount, recvtype,
                                                         i, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         i, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG,
                                                         comm_ptr, &status, errflag);
                    if (mpi_errno) {
                        /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                        *errflag = MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno);
                        MPIR_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                        MPIR_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);
    else if ((nbytes <= MPIR_CVAR_ALLTOALL_SHORT_MSG_SIZE) && (comm_size >= 8)) {

        /* use the indexing algorithm by Jehoshua Bruck et al,
         * IEEE TPDS, Nov. 97 */ 

        /* allocate temporary buffer */
        MPIR_Pack_size_impl(recvcount*comm_size, recvtype, &pack_size);
        MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, pack_size, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");

        /* Do Phase 1 of the algorithim. Shift the data blocks on process i
         * upwards by a distance of i blocks. Store the result in recvbuf. */
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) sendbuf + 
                           (comm_size - rank)*sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, 
                           (comm_size - rank)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(sendbuf, rank*sendcount, sendtype, 
                        (char *) recvbuf + 
                                   rank*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        /* Input data is now stored in recvbuf with datatype recvtype */

        /* Now do Phase 2, the communication phase. It takes
           ceiling(lg p) steps. In each step i, each process sends to rank+2^i
           and receives from rank-2^i, and exchanges all data blocks
           whose ith bit is 1. */

        /* allocate displacements array for indexed datatype used in
           communication */

        MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(displs, int *, comm_size * sizeof(int), mpi_errno, "displs");

        pof2 = 1;
        while (pof2 < comm_size) {
            dst = (rank + pof2) % comm_size;
            src = (rank - pof2 + comm_size) % comm_size;

            /* Exchange all data blocks whose ith bit is 1 */
            /* Create an indexed datatype for the purpose */

            count = 0;
            for (block=1; block<comm_size; block++) {
                if (block & pof2) {
                    displs[count] = block * recvcount;

            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_create_indexed_block_impl(count, recvcount,
                                                            displs, recvtype, &newtype);
	    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_commit_impl(&newtype);
	    if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            position = 0;
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Pack_impl(recvbuf, 1, newtype, tmp_buf, pack_size, &position);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

            mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv(tmp_buf, position, MPI_PACKED, dst,
                                         MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, recvbuf, 1, newtype,
                                         src, MPIR_ALLTOALL_TAG, comm_ptr,
                                         MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, errflag);
            if (mpi_errno) {
                /* for communication errors, just record the error but continue */
                *errflag = MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(mpi_errno);
                MPIR_ERR_SET(mpi_errno, *errflag, "**fail");
                MPIR_ERR_ADD(mpi_errno_ret, mpi_errno);


            pof2 *= 2;

        /* Rotate blocks in recvbuf upwards by (rank + 1) blocks. Need
         * a temporary buffer of the same size as recvbuf. */
        /* get true extent of recvtype */
        MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype, &recvtype_true_lb, &recvtype_true_extent);

        recvbuf_extent = recvcount * comm_size *
            (MPL_MAX(recvtype_true_extent, recvtype_extent));
        MPIR_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(tmp_buf, void *, recvbuf_extent, mpi_errno, "tmp_buf");
        /* adjust for potential negative lower bound in datatype */
        tmp_buf = (void *)((char*)tmp_buf - recvtype_true_lb);

        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) recvbuf + (rank+1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                       (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype, tmp_buf, 
                       (comm_size - rank - 1)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy(recvbuf, (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype, 
                       (char *) tmp_buf + (comm_size-rank-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                       (rank+1)*recvcount, recvtype);
	if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

        /* Blocks are in the reverse order now (comm_size-1 to 0). 
         * Reorder them to (0 to comm_size-1) and store them in recvbuf. */

        for (i=0; i<comm_size; i++){
            mpi_errno = MPIR_Localcopy((char *) tmp_buf + i*recvcount*recvtype_extent,
                                       recvcount, recvtype, 
                                       (char *) recvbuf + (comm_size-i-1)*recvcount*recvtype_extent, 
                                       recvcount, recvtype);
            if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);