Exemple #1
//removes the lowest energy vertical seam from the image
void removeVerticalSeam() {
    double energies[3];
    double min_energy;
    int prev_x;
    int prev_y;
    // split up work between processes
    double *my_path_costs;
    double *my_previous_x;
    double *my_previous_y;
    double *temp_path_costs;
    double *temp_previous_x;
    double *temp_previous_y;
    int my_cols = current_width / numprocs;
    int low_cols = my_cols;
    int extra_cols = current_width % numprocs;
    int start;
    int x_offset;
    int recv_cols;

    double left_end_cost, right_end_cost, temp_end_cost;

    if (rank < extra_cols) {
        start = rank * my_cols;
    } else {
        start = (extra_cols * (my_cols + 1)) + ((rank - extra_cols) * my_cols);

    //printf("%d %d %d\n", rank, start, my_cols);
    my_path_costs = (double *) malloc(my_cols * current_height * sizeof(double));
    my_previous_x = (double *) malloc(my_cols * current_height * sizeof(double));
    my_previous_y = (double *) malloc(my_cols * current_height * sizeof(double));
    //find the lowest cost seam by computing the lowest cost paths to each pixel
    for (int y = 0; y < current_height; y++) {
        //compute the path costs for my columns     
        for (int x = start; x < start + my_cols; x++) {
            //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", rank, x, y, (x - start) * current_height + y, my_cols * current_height);
            if (y == 0) {
                path_costs[x * initial_height] = image_energy[x * initial_height];
                my_path_costs[(x - start) * current_height + y] = path_costs[x * initial_height];

                previous_x[x * initial_height] = -1;
                my_previous_x[(x - start) * current_height + y] = previous_x[x * initial_height];

                previous_y[x * initial_height] = -1;
                my_previous_y[(x - start) * current_height + y] = previous_y[x * initial_height];
            } else {
                //the pixel directly above
                energies[1] = path_costs[x * initial_height + y - 1];
                //pixel above to the left
                if (x != 0) {
                    energies[0] = path_costs[(x - 1) * initial_height + y - 1];
                } else {
                    energies[0] = DBL_MAX;
                //pixel above to the right
                if (x != current_width - 1) {
                    energies[2] = path_costs[(x + 1) * initial_height + y - 1];
                } else {
                    energies[2] = DBL_MAX;

                //find the one with the least path cost
                min_energy = energies[0];
                prev_x = x - 1;
                prev_y = y - 1;
                if (energies[1] < min_energy) {
                    min_energy = energies[1];
                    prev_x = x;
                if (energies[2] < min_energy) {
                    min_energy = energies[2];
                    prev_x = x + 1;

                //set the minimum path cost for this pixel
                path_costs[x * initial_height + y] = min_energy + image_energy[x * initial_height + y];
                my_path_costs[(x - start) * current_height + y] = path_costs[x * initial_height + y];

                //set the previous pixel on the minimum path's coordinates for this pixel
                previous_x[x * initial_height + y] = prev_x;
                my_previous_x[(x - start) * current_height + y] = previous_x[x * initial_height + y];

                previous_y[x * initial_height + y] = prev_y;
                my_previous_y[(x - start) * current_height + y] = previous_y[x * initial_height + y];

        //send path cost needed to neighboring processes
        if (numprocs > 1) {
            if (rank != numprocs - 1) {
                //send rightmost cost to following process
                right_end_cost = path_costs[(start + my_cols - 1) * initial_height + y];        
                MPI_Send(&right_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                //receive following process's leftmost cost
                MPI_Recv(&temp_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                path_costs[(start + my_cols) * initial_height + y] = temp_end_cost;
            if (rank != 0) {
                //send leftmost cost to preceding process
                left_end_cost = path_costs[start * initial_height + y];
                MPI_Send(&left_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                //receive preceding process's rightmost cost
                MPI_Recv(&temp_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                path_costs[(start - 1) * initial_height + y] = temp_end_cost;

    //update path costs and previous for all processes
    for (int i = 0; i < numprocs; i++) {
        if (rank == i) {

        if (i < extra_cols) {
            x_offset = i * (low_cols + 1);
            recv_cols = (low_cols + 1);
        } else {
            x_offset = (extra_cols * (low_cols + 1)) + ((i - extra_cols) * low_cols);
            recv_cols = low_cols;

        //printf("%d %d\n", low_cols, extra_cols);
        //printf("%d %d %d\n", rank, x_offset, recv_cols);

        temp_path_costs = (double *) malloc(recv_cols * current_height * sizeof(double));
        temp_previous_x = (double *) malloc(recv_cols * current_height * sizeof(double));
        temp_previous_y = (double *) malloc(recv_cols * current_height * sizeof(double));
        MPI_Sendrecv(my_path_costs, my_cols * current_height, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, 
            temp_path_costs, recv_cols * current_height, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
        MPI_Sendrecv(my_previous_x, my_cols * current_height, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 1, 
            temp_previous_x, recv_cols * current_height, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
        MPI_Sendrecv(my_previous_y, my_cols * current_height, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 2, 
            temp_previous_y, recv_cols * current_height, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
        /* problem is here */
        for (int j = 0; j < recv_cols * current_height; j++) {
            int x = x_offset + (j % recv_cols);
            int y = j / recv_cols;
            //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", rank, x, y, x * initial_height + y, recv_cols * current_height);
            //printf("%d\n", initial_height * initial_width);
            path_costs[x * initial_height + y] = temp_path_costs[(x - x_offset) * current_height + y];
            previous_x[x * initial_height + y] = temp_previous_x[(x - x_offset) * current_height + y];
            previous_y[x * initial_height + y] = temp_previous_y[(x - x_offset) * current_height + y];

    //find the xcoord the lowest cost seam starts at the bottom of the current image
    int x_coord = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < current_width; x++) {
        if (path_costs[x * initial_height + current_height - 1] < path_costs[x_coord * initial_height + current_height - 1]) {
            x_coord = x;


    //delete the seam from the bottom up
    for (int y = current_height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
        //delete this pixel by copying over it and all those following to the right
        for (int x = x_coord; x < current_width - 1; x++) {
            image[x * initial_height + y] = image[(x + 1) * initial_height + y];
        //next pixel
        //printf("%d\n", x_coord * initial_height + y);
        x_coord = previous_x[x_coord * initial_height + y];
        //printf("%d %d\n", rank, x_coord);

    //decrease the current width of the image
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
	int size, rank;
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

	printf("I am process number - %d\n", rank);

	int rowsA = 9;
	int columnA = 4;
	int columnB = 9;
	int rowsB = columnA;
	TMatrix matrixC = createMatrix(rowsA, columnB);

	if(rank == 0)
		double start, end;
		TMatrix matrixA = createMatrix(rowsA, columnA);
		TMatrix matrixB = createMatrix(rowsB, columnB);

		fillSimpleMatrix(matrixA.data, matrixA.rows, matrixA.columns);
		fillSimpleMatrix(matrixB.data, matrixB.rows, matrixB.columns);

		int numberOfSlaves = size - 1;
		start = MPI_Wtime();

		int rowsPerWorker = rowsA / numberOfSlaves;
		int remainingRows = rowsA % numberOfSlaves;
		int offsetRow = 0;
		int messageType = FROM_MASTER;
		for(int destination = 1; destination <= numberOfSlaves; destination++)
			int rows = (destination <= remainingRows) ? rowsPerWorker + 1 : rowsPerWorker;
			MPI_Send((void *)&offsetRow, 1, MPI_INT, destination, messageType, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send((void *)&rows, 1, MPI_INT, destination, messageType, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

			double* temp = matrixA.data + offsetRow;

			MPI_Send((void *)temp, rows * columnA, MPI_DOUBLE, destination, messageType, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MPI_Send((void *)matrixB.data, rowsB * columnB, MPI_DOUBLE, destination, messageType, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			offsetRow += rows;

		messageType = FROM_SLAVE;

		for(int source = 1; source <= numberOfSlaves; source++)
			int rowOffset;
			MPI_Status status;

			MPI_Recv((void*)&rowOffset, 1, MPI_INT, source, messageType, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
			int rows;
			MPI_Recv((void*)&rows, 1, MPI_INT, source, messageType, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

			double* temp = (double*)malloc(rows * columnB * sizeof(double));

			MPI_Recv((void*)temp, rows * columnB, MPI_DOUBLE, source, FROM_SLAVE, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

			for(int j = 0; j < rows * columnB; j++)
				matrixC.data[rowOffset * columnB + j] = temp[j];

		end = MPI_Wtime();
		printf("time: %.4f\n", end - start);
		int offsetRow;
		MPI_Status status;
		MPI_Recv((void*)&offsetRow, 1, MPI_INT, 0, FROM_MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

		int rows;
		MPI_Recv((void*)&rows, 1, MPI_INT, 0, FROM_MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		printf("Process - %d, Offset - %d, Rows - %d\n", rank, offsetRow, rows);

		TMatrix aMatrix = createMatrix(rows, columnA);
		MPI_Recv((void*)aMatrix.data, rows * columnA, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, FROM_MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

		TMatrix bMatrix = createMatrix(rowsB, columnB);
		MPI_Recv((void*)bMatrix.data, rowsB * columnB, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, FROM_MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

		double* c =(double*)malloc(rows * columnB * sizeof(double));

		for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < columnB; j++)
				c[i * columnB + j] = 0.0;
				for(int k = 0; k < columnA; k++)
					c[i * columnB + j] += aMatrix.data[i * columnA + k] * bMatrix.data[j * columnA + k];


		MPI_Send((void*)&offsetRow, 1, MPI_INT, 0, FROM_SLAVE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Send((void*)&rows, 1, MPI_INT, 0, FROM_SLAVE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Send((void*)c, rows * columnB, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, FROM_SLAVE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	return 0;	
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
   //precision to work to
   sscanf(argv[1], "%lf", &PRECISION);


   long int sum, partial_sum;
   MPI_Status status;
   int ID, root_process, ierr, i, num_procs, an_id, sender, length, flag;

   ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
   root_process = 0;
   /* find out MY process ID, and how many processes were started. */
   ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ID);
   ierr = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);

   THREAD_NUM = num_procs-1;

   int INNER_ARRAY_SIZE = n-2;
   //splits total amount of numbers in matrix into number of threads beng used, and finds the remainder

   if(ID == root_process) {


      //copies original array into a temporary array
      memcpy(temparr, arr, sizeof(arr));


         memcpy(arr, temparr, sizeof(arr));

      for(an_id = 1; an_id < num_procs; an_id++) {
         ierr = MPI_Send(&flag, 1, MPI_INT, an_id, send_data_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   else {


      //while program not done, calculate averages from range in array and send back to root process
         ierr = MPI_Recv(&(arr[0][0]), n*n, MPI_DOUBLE, root_process, send_data_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

         //Calculates the start and end numbers in the matrix for the thread to work on
         int START_NUM = 0 + ((ID-1)*NUMS_PER_THREAD);
         int END_NUM = (ID*NUMS_PER_THREAD)-1;

         if (ID == THREAD_NUM){
         int range = END_NUM - START_NUM;
         double localnums[range];

         //loops through numbers from start to end that need to be worked on and overwrites the temp array
         int i;
         int count = 0;
         for(i = START_NUM; i <= END_NUM; i++) {
            //get the x & y values for corresponding number in the matrix
            int x = (i%INNER_ARRAY_SIZE)+1;
            int y = ((i-(i%INNER_ARRAY_SIZE))/INNER_ARRAY_SIZE)+1;
            //get four surrounding numbers and average them
            double a = arr[y-1][x];
            double b = arr[y][x+1];
            double c = arr[y+1][x];
            double d = arr[y][x-1];

            double average = (a+b+c+d)/4;

            localnums[count] = average;

         //and finally, send array of new numbers back to the root process
         ierr = MPI_Send(&count, 1, MPI_INT, root_process, return_data_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
         ierr = MPI_Send(&localnums, count, MPI_DOUBLE, root_process, return_data_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   ierr = MPI_Finalize();
Exemple #4
double timeStepper::computeDt(int &numReads, int &numWrites)
  // Time step control
  array minSpeedTemp,maxSpeedTemp;
  array minSpeed,maxSpeed;
                                   minSpeedTemp, maxSpeedTemp,
  minSpeedTemp = minSpeedTemp/XCoords->dX1;
  maxSpeedTemp = maxSpeedTemp/XCoords->dX1;
  maxSpeed     = af::max(maxSpeedTemp,af::abs(minSpeedTemp));

                                     minSpeedTemp, maxSpeedTemp,
    minSpeedTemp = minSpeedTemp/XCoords->dX2;
    maxSpeedTemp = maxSpeedTemp/XCoords->dX2;
    maxSpeed    += af::max(maxSpeedTemp,af::abs(minSpeedTemp));

                                     minSpeedTemp, maxSpeedTemp,
    minSpeedTemp = minSpeedTemp/XCoords->dX3;
    maxSpeedTemp = maxSpeedTemp/XCoords->dX3;
    maxSpeed    += af::max(maxSpeedTemp,af::abs(minSpeedTemp));
  array maxInvDt_af = af::max(af::max(af::max(maxSpeed,2),1),0);
  double maxInvDt = maxInvDt_af.host<double>()[0];

  /* Use MPI to find minimum over all processors */
  if (world_rank == 0) 
    double temp; 
    for(int i=1;i<world_size;i++)
      if( maxInvDt < temp)
        maxInvDt = temp;
    MPI_Send(&maxInvDt, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, world_rank, PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
  double newDt = params::CourantFactor/maxInvDt;
  if (newDt > params::maxDtIncrement*dt)
    newDt = params::maxDtIncrement*dt;
  dt = newDt;
Exemple #5
int MTestTestIntercomm(MPI_Comm comm)
    int local_size, remote_size, rank, **bufs, *bufmem, rbuf[2], j;
    int errs = 0, wrank, nsize;
    char commname[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME + 1];
    MPI_Request *reqs;

    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wrank);
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &local_size);
    MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &remote_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_get_name(comm, commname, &nsize);

    MTestPrintfMsg(1, "Testing communication on intercomm '%s', remote_size=%d\n",
                   commname, remote_size);

    reqs = (MPI_Request *) malloc(remote_size * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    if (!reqs) {
        printf("[%d] Unable to allocated %d requests for testing intercomm %s\n",
               wrank, remote_size, commname);
        return errs;
    bufs = (int **) malloc(remote_size * sizeof(int *));
    if (!bufs) {
        printf("[%d] Unable to allocated %d int pointers for testing intercomm %s\n",
               wrank, remote_size, commname);
        return errs;
    bufmem = (int *) malloc(remote_size * 2 * sizeof(int));
    if (!bufmem) {
        printf("[%d] Unable to allocated %d int data for testing intercomm %s\n",
               wrank, 2 * remote_size, commname);
        return errs;

    /* Each process sends a message containing its own rank and the
     * rank of the destination with a nonblocking send.  Because we're using
     * nonblocking sends, we need to use different buffers for each isend */
    /* NOTE: the send buffer access restriction was relaxed in MPI-2.2, although
     * it doesn't really hurt to keep separate buffers for our purposes */
    for (j = 0; j < remote_size; j++) {
        bufs[j] = &bufmem[2 * j];
        bufs[j][0] = rank;
        bufs[j][1] = j;
        MPI_Isend(bufs[j], 2, MPI_INT, j, 0, comm, &reqs[j]);
    MTestPrintfMsg(2, "isends posted, about to recv\n");

    for (j = 0; j < remote_size; j++) {
        MPI_Recv(rbuf, 2, MPI_INT, j, 0, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        if (rbuf[0] != j) {
            printf("[%d] Expected rank %d but saw %d in %s\n", wrank, j, rbuf[0], commname);
        if (rbuf[1] != rank) {
            printf("[%d] Expected target rank %d but saw %d from %d in %s\n",
                   wrank, rank, rbuf[1], j, commname);
    if (errs)

    MTestPrintfMsg(2, "my recvs completed, about to waitall\n");
    MPI_Waitall(remote_size, reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);


    return errs;
Exemple #6
void sync_display(void)
#ifdef CONF_MPI
    MPI_Status stat;
    int        size = 0;
    int        rank = 0;

    char name[MAXNAME];
    int  i = 0;

    gethostname(name, MAXNAME);

#ifdef CONF_MPI

    assert_mpi(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank));
    assert_mpi(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size));

    if (rank)
        /* Send the name to the root, recieve the host index. */

        MPI_Send(name, MAXNAME, MPI_BYTE, 0,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Recv(&i,   4,       MPI_BYTE, 0,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
        int j, k;

        /* Find a host definition for the root. */

        i = find_display(name);

        /* Recieve a name from each client, send a host definition index. */

        for (j = 1; j < size; ++j)
            MPI_Recv(name, MAXNAME, MPI_BYTE, j,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
            k = find_display(name);
            MPI_Send(&k,   4,       MPI_BYTE, j,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    i = find_display(name);


    /* If no host definition was found, create a default. */

    if (i == 0)
            add_tile(i,            DEFAULT_X, DEFAULT_Y, DEFAULT_W, DEFAULT_H);

        host[i].flags = HOST_FRAMED;

    /* Note the indexed host definition as current. */

    current_host = host[i];

    /* Position the server window, if necessary. */

    if (rank || (current_host.flags & HOST_FRAMED) == 0)
        set_window_pos(current_host.win_x, current_host.win_y);
unsigned int master(unsigned int base_dim, unsigned int max_fact, 
		    unsigned int** exponents, mpz_t * As,
		    int comm_size, unsigned int print_fact) {

  unsigned int fact_count = 0;

  MPI_Status status;

  int count;
  int source;
  /* Buffer per ricevere gli esponenti */
  unsigned int* buffer_exp;
  /* Buffer per ricevere (A + s) */
  unsigned char buffer_As[BUFFER_DIM];
  init_vector(& buffer_exp, base_dim);

  double t1 = MPI_Wtime();
  double t2;

  int fact_per_rank[comm_size];
  for(int i = 0; i < comm_size; ++i)
    fact_per_rank[i] = 0;

  while(fact_count < max_fact + base_dim) {
    /* Ricevo il vettore di esponenti */
    MPI_Recv(buffer_exp, base_dim, MPI_UNSIGNED,
	     MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    source = status.MPI_SOURCE;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < base_dim; ++i) 
      set_matrix(exponents, fact_count, i, buffer_exp[i]);
    /* Ricevo l'mpz contenente (A + s) */
    MPI_Recv(buffer_As, BUFFER_DIM, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, source, 
	     AS_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
    MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, &count);
    mpz_import(As[fact_count], count, 1, 1, 1, 0, buffer_As);

    if(fact_count % print_fact == 0) {
      t2 = MPI_Wtime() - t1;
      printf("#%d/%d in %.6f seconds\n", fact_count, max_fact + base_dim, t2);
  /* Spedisco '1' agli slave per indicare la terminazione */
  char stop_signal = '1';
  for(unsigned int i = 1; i < comm_size; ++i)
    MPI_Send(&stop_signal, 1, MPI_CHAR, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  printf("#Sending stop_signal\n");

  printf("#Fattorizzazioni per ranks:\n#");
  for(int i = 1; i < comm_size; ++i)
    printf("%d \t", i);
  for(int i = 1; i < comm_size; ++i)
    printf("%d \t", fact_per_rank[i]);
  return fact_count;
Exemple #8
    int TransmitProteinsToChildProcesses()
        int numProteins = (int) proteins.size();

        vector< simplethread_handle_t > workerHandles;

        int sourceProcess, batchSize;
        bool IsFinished = false;

        Timer searchTime( true );
        float totalSearchTime = 0.01f;
        float lastUpdate = 0.0f;

        int i = 0;
        int numChildrenFinished = 0;
        while( numChildrenFinished < g_numChildren )
            #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                cout << g_hostString << " is listening for a child process to offer to search some proteins." << endl;
            // Listen for a process requesting proteins. 
            // Extract the number of CPUs available on the process.
            MPI_Recv( &sourceProcess,            1,        MPI_INT,    MPI_ANY_SOURCE,    0xFF, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &st );
            int sourceCPUs = 0;
            MPI_Recv( &sourceCPUs,                1,        MPI_INT,    sourceProcess,    0xFF, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &st );
            int pOffset = i;
            // Scale the batchSize with the number of cpus in the requested process.
            batchSize = min( numProteins-i, g_rtConfig->ProteinBatchSize*sourceCPUs );

            stringstream packStream;
            binary_oarchive packArchive( packStream );

                packArchive & pOffset;
                string proteinStream;
                for( int j = i; j < i + batchSize; ++j )
                    proteinStream += ">" + proteins[j].getName() + " " + proteins[j].getDescription() + "\n" 
                                  + proteins[j].getSequence() + "\n";
                packArchive & proteinStream;
            } catch( exception& e )
                cerr << g_hostString << " had an error: " << e.what() << endl;
            #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                cout << "Process #" << sourceProcess << " has " << sourceCPUs << " cpus. Sending " << batchSize << " proteins." << endl;
            if( i < numProteins )
                MPI_Ssend( &batchSize,            1,        MPI_INT,    sourceProcess,    0x99, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

                #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                    cout << g_hostString << " is sending " << batchSize << " proteins." << endl;
                    Timer sendTime(true);

                string pack = packStream.str();
                int len = (int) pack.length();

                MPI_Send( &len,                    1,        MPI_INT,    sourceProcess,    0x00, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
                MPI_Send( (void*) pack.c_str(),    len,    MPI_CHAR,    sourceProcess,    0x01, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

                #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                    cout << g_hostString << " finished sending " << batchSize << " proteins; " <<
                            sendTime.End() << " seconds elapsed." << endl;

                i += batchSize;
            } else
                batchSize = 0;
                MPI_Ssend( &batchSize,    1,    MPI_INT,    sourceProcess,    0x99, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

                #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                    cout << "Process #" << sourceProcess << " has been informed that all proteins have been searched." << endl;


            totalSearchTime = searchTime.TimeElapsed();
            if( !IsFinished && ( ( totalSearchTime - lastUpdate > g_rtConfig->StatusUpdateFrequency ) || i+1 == numProteins ) )
                if( i+1 == numProteins )
                    IsFinished = true;

                float proteinsPerSec = float(i+1) / totalSearchTime;
                bpt::time_duration estimatedTimeRemaining(0, 0, round((numProteins - i) / proteinsPerSec));

                cout << "Searched " << i << " of " << numProteins << " proteins; "
                     << round(proteinsPerSec) << " per second, "
                     << format_date_time("%H:%M:%S", bpt::time_duration(0, 0, round(totalSearchTime))) << " elapsed, "
                     << format_date_time("%H:%M:%S", estimatedTimeRemaining) << " remaining." << endl;

                lastUpdate = totalSearchTime;

        return 0;
Exemple #9
    int ReceiveResultsFromChildProcesses(bool firstBatch = false)
        int numSpectra;
        int sourceProcess;

        Timer ResultsTime( true );
        float totalResultsTime = 0.01f;
        float lastUpdate = 0.0f;

        for( int p=0; p < g_numChildren; ++p )
            MPI_Recv( &sourceProcess,        1,        MPI_INT,    MPI_ANY_SOURCE,    0xEE, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &st );

            #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                cout << g_hostString << " is receiving search results." << endl;
                Timer receiveTime(true);

            string pack;
            int len;

            MPI_Recv( &len,                    1,        MPI_INT,    sourceProcess,    0x00, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &st );
            pack.resize( len );
            MPI_Recv( (void*) pack.data(),    len,    MPI_CHAR,    sourceProcess,    0x01, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &st );

            stringstream compressedStream( pack );
            stringstream packStream;
            boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream decompressorStream;
            decompressorStream.push( boost::iostreams::zlib_decompressor() );
            decompressorStream.push( packStream );
            boost::iostreams::copy( compressedStream, decompressorStream );

            binary_iarchive packArchive( packStream );

                SearchStatistics childSearchStats;
                packArchive & numSpectra;
                packArchive & childSearchStats;
                    searchStatistics = searchStatistics + childSearchStats;
                    searchStatistics.numPeptidesGenerated += childSearchStats.numPeptidesGenerated;
                    searchStatistics.numVariantsGenerated += childSearchStats.numVariantsGenerated;
                    searchStatistics.numComparisonsDone += childSearchStats.numComparisonsDone;
                    searchStatistics.numPeptidesSkipped += childSearchStats.numPeptidesSkipped;

                //cout << g_hostString << " is unpacking results for " << numSpectra << " spectra." << endl;
                for( SpectraList::iterator sItr = spectra.begin(); sItr != spectra.end(); ++sItr )
                    Spectrum* childSpectrum = new Spectrum;
                    Spectrum* rootSpectrum = *sItr;
                    packArchive & *childSpectrum;
                    rootSpectrum->numTargetComparisons += childSpectrum->numTargetComparisons;
                    rootSpectrum->numDecoyComparisons += childSpectrum->numDecoyComparisons;
                    rootSpectrum->processingTime += childSpectrum->processingTime;

                    for (size_t z=0; z < childSpectrum->resultsByCharge.size(); ++z)
                        Spectrum::SearchResultSetType& rootResults = rootSpectrum->resultsByCharge[z];
                        Spectrum::SearchResultSetType& childResults = childSpectrum->resultsByCharge[z];

                        BOOST_FOREACH(const Spectrum::SearchResultPtr& result, childResults)
                            rootResults.add( result );

                        if (childResults.bestFullySpecificTarget().get()) rootResults.add(childResults.bestFullySpecificTarget());
                        if (childResults.bestFullySpecificDecoy().get()) rootResults.add(childResults.bestFullySpecificDecoy());
                        if (childResults.bestSemiSpecificTarget().get()) rootResults.add(childResults.bestSemiSpecificTarget());
                        if (childResults.bestSemiSpecificDecoy().get()) rootResults.add(childResults.bestSemiSpecificDecoy());
                        if (childResults.bestNonSpecificTarget().get()) rootResults.add(childResults.bestNonSpecificTarget());
                        if (childResults.bestNonSpecificDecoy().get()) rootResults.add(childResults.bestNonSpecificDecoy());

                    for(flat_map<int,int>::iterator itr = childSpectrum->mvhScoreDistribution.begin(); itr != childSpectrum->mvhScoreDistribution.end(); ++itr)
                        rootSpectrum->mvhScoreDistribution[(*itr).first] += (*itr).second;
                    for(flat_map<int,int>::iterator itr = childSpectrum->mzFidelityDistribution.begin(); itr != childSpectrum->mzFidelityDistribution.end(); ++itr)
                        rootSpectrum->mzFidelityDistribution[(*itr).first] += (*itr).second;
                    rootSpectrum->scoreHistogram += childSpectrum->scoreHistogram;
                    delete childSpectrum;
                //cout << g_hostString << " is finished unpacking results." << endl;
            } catch( exception& e )
                cerr << g_hostString << " had an error: " << e.what() << endl;

            #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                cout << g_hostString << " finished receiving " << numSpectra << " search results; " <<
                        receiveTime.End() << " seconds elapsed.";

            totalResultsTime = ResultsTime.TimeElapsed();
            if( ( totalResultsTime - lastUpdate > g_rtConfig->StatusUpdateFrequency ) || p+1 == g_numChildren )
                float nodesPerSec = float(p+1) / totalResultsTime;
                float estimatedTimeRemaining = float(g_numChildren-p-1) / nodesPerSec;
                cout << "Received results from " << p+1 << " of " << g_numChildren << " worker nodes; " << nodesPerSec <<
                        " per second, " << estimatedTimeRemaining << " seconds remaining." << endl;
                lastUpdate = totalResultsTime;


        return 0;
Exemple #10
void two_d_partitioning(MPI_Comm *comm_new, float *A, int local_rank, int num_procs) {
  MPI_Status status;
  int k, i, j, startingRow, endingRow, numRows, startingColumn, endingColumn, numColumns;
  int n_startingRow, n_startingColumn, n_local_coords[2];
  //long double determinant;
  double start, end, dt;
  int p = (int) sqrt(num_procs);
  int dis, left_rank, right_rank, up_rank, down_rank;
  MPI_Request req;
  numRows = n / p;
  numColumns = numRows;

  startingRow = local_coords[1] * numRows;
  endingRow = startingRow + numRows;

  startingColumn = local_coords[0] * numRows;
  endingColumn = startingColumn + numColumns;

  start = MPI_Wtime();
  for( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
    float Akk[1];
    int local_k = k % numRows;
    // Send A(k,k) to the right
    start = MPI_Wtime();
    if( k >= startingColumn && k < endingColumn && k >= startingRow && k < endingRow ) {
      send_to(comm_new, 0, A, 1, local_k, local_k, numRows);
      Akk[0] = A[local_k * numRows + local_k];
    } else if( k < startingColumn && k >= startingRow && k < endingRow ) {
      receive_from_left(comm_new, 0, Akk, 1, 0, 0, numRows, k);
    end = MPI_Wtime();
    dt = end - start;
    comm_time += dt;

    // Now calculate the row
    start = MPI_Wtime();
    if( k >= startingColumn && k < endingColumn && k >= startingRow && k < endingRow ) {
      for( j = local_k + 1; j < numColumns; j++ ) {
        A[local_k * numRows + j] /= Akk[0];
    } else if( k >= startingRow && k < endingRow && k < startingColumn ) {
      for( j = 0; j < numColumns; j++ ) {
        A[local_k * numRows + j] /= Akk[0];
    end = MPI_Wtime();
    dt = end - start;
    proc_time += dt;

    // Now calculate the box
    int m, bOutside = 1; 
    float top_row[numRows]; 

    start = MPI_Wtime();
    // k is West of this Partition
    if( k >= startingRow && k < endingRow & k < startingColumn ) {
      send_to(comm_new, 1, A, numColumns, local_k, 0, numRows);
      for( m = 0; m < numColumns; m++ ) {
        top_row[m] = A[local_k * numRows + m];
      bOutside = -1;
    // k is in this BOX
    else if( k >= startingRow && k < endingRow && k >= startingColumn && k < endingColumn ) {
      int size = numColumns - (local_k + 1);
      if( size != 0 ) {
        send_to(comm_new, 1, A, size, local_k, local_k + 1, numRows);

        for( m = 0; m < size; m++ ) {
          top_row[m] = A[local_k * numRows + local_k + 1 + m];
        bOutside = -1;
    } // k is NW of this box 
    else if( k < startingRow && k < startingColumn ) {
      int sender_row = k / numRows;
      int sender_column = k / numColumns;
      int sender_rank = local_coords[0] * sqrt(num_procs) + sender_row;
      MPI_Recv(top_row, numColumns, MPI_FLOAT, sender_rank, 0, *comm_new, &status);
      bOutside = -1;
    // k is N of this box
    else if( k < startingRow && k >= startingColumn && k < endingColumn ) {
      int sender_row = k / numRows;
      int sender_column = k / numColumns;
      int sender_rank = sender_column * sqrt(num_procs) + sender_row;
      int size = numColumns - (local_k + 1);
      if( size != 0 ) { 
        //top_row = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * numberToReceive);
        //printf("%d Waiting to receive from:%d\n", local_rank, sender_rank);
        MPI_Recv(top_row, size, MPI_FLOAT, sender_rank, 0, *comm_new, &status);
        bOutside = -1;
    float left_row[numRows];
    // k is N of this Box
    if( k >= startingColumn && k < endingColumn & k < startingRow ) {
      for(m = 0; m < numRows; m++ ) {
        left_row[m] = A[m * numColumns + local_k];
      send_to(comm_new, 0, left_row, numRows, 0, 0, 0);
      bOutside = -1;
    // k is IN this box 
    else if( k >= startingRow && k < endingRow && k >= startingColumn && k < endingColumn ) {
      //int local_k = k % numRows;
      int size = numColumns - (local_k + 1);
      if( size != 0 ) {
        for(m = 0; m < size; m++ ) {
          left_row[m] = A[(local_k + 1) * numColumns + local_k];
        send_to(comm_new, 0, left_row, size, 0, 0, 0);
        bOutside = -1;
    // k is SW from this box
    else if( k < startingRow && k < startingColumn ) {
      int sender_row = k / numRows;
      int sender_column = k / numColumns;
      int sender_rank = sender_column * sqrt(num_procs) + local_coords[1];
      MPI_Recv(left_row, numColumns, MPI_FLOAT, sender_rank, 0, *comm_new, &status);
      bOutside = -1;
    // k is W of this box
    else if( k < startingColumn && k >= startingRow && k < endingRow ) {
      int sender_row = k / numRows;
      int sender_column = k / numColumns;
      int sender_rank = sender_column * sqrt(num_procs) + local_coords[1];
      int local_k = k % numRows;
      int numberToReceive = numColumns - (local_k + 1);
      if( numberToReceive != 0 ) { 
        MPI_Recv(left_row, numberToReceive, MPI_FLOAT, sender_rank, 0, *comm_new, &status);
        bOutside = -1;
    end = MPI_Wtime();
    dt = end - start;
    comm_time += dt;

    // Now process the box
    if( bOutside < 0 ) {
      start = MPI_Wtime();
      process_row_and_column(A, left_row, top_row, k, startingRow, endingRow, startingColumn, endingColumn, numRows, numColumns, local_k);
      end = MPI_Wtime();
      dt = end - start;
      proc_time += dt;
  } // end for

  float determinant[1];
  float result[1];
  determinant[0] = 1;
  if( local_coords[0] == local_coords[1] ) {
    start = MPI_Wtime();
    for(i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) {
      determinant[0] *= A[i * numRows + i];
    end = MPI_Wtime();
    dt = end - start;
    proc_time += dt;
  start = MPI_Wtime();
  MPI_Reduce(determinant, result, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_PROD, 0, *comm_new);
  end = MPI_Wtime();
  dt = end - start;
  comm_time += dt;
  if( !computerStats && local_rank == 0 ) {
    printf("Determinant is %f\n", result[0]);
Exemple #11
    int TransmitUnpreparedSpectraToChildProcesses()
        int numSpectra = (int) spectra.size();

        int sourceProcess, batchSize;
        bool IsFinished = false;

        Timer PrepareTime( true );
        float totalPrepareTime = 0.01f;
        float lastUpdate = 0.0f;

        int i = 0;
        int numChildrenFinished = 0;
        while( numChildrenFinished < g_numChildren )
            stringstream packStream;
            binary_oarchive packArchive( packStream );
            // For every batch, listen for a worker process that is ready to receive it

            #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                cout << g_hostString << " is listening for a child process to offer to prepare some spectra." << endl;

            if( i < numSpectra )
                batchSize = min( numSpectra-i, g_rtConfig->SpectraBatchSize );

                    packArchive & batchSize;

                    SpectraList::iterator sItr = spectra.begin();
                    advance( sItr, i );
                    for( int j = i; j < i + batchSize; ++j, ++sItr )
                        packArchive & **sItr;
                } catch( exception& e )
                    cerr << g_hostString << " had an error: " << e.what() << endl;

                i += batchSize;
            } else
                batchSize = 0;
                packArchive & batchSize;

                #ifdef MPI_DEBUG
                    cout << "Process #" << sourceProcess << " has been informed that preparation is complete." << endl;


            MPI_Recv( &sourceProcess,        1,        MPI_INT,    MPI_ANY_SOURCE,    0xFF, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &st );

            stringstream compressedStream;
            boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream compressorStream;
            compressorStream.push( boost::iostreams::zlib_compressor() );
            compressorStream.push( compressedStream );
            boost::iostreams::copy( packStream, compressorStream );

            string pack = compressedStream.str();
            int len = (int) pack.length();

            MPI_Send( &len,                    1,        MPI_INT,    sourceProcess,    0x00, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
            MPI_Send( (void*) pack.c_str(),    len,    MPI_CHAR,    sourceProcess,    0x01, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

            totalPrepareTime = PrepareTime.TimeElapsed();
            if( !IsFinished && ( ( totalPrepareTime - lastUpdate > g_rtConfig->StatusUpdateFrequency ) || i == numSpectra ) )
                if( i == numSpectra )
                    IsFinished = true;

                float spectraPerSec = float(i) / totalPrepareTime;
                float estimatedTimeRemaining = float(numSpectra-i) / spectraPerSec;
                cout << "Prepared " << i << " of " << numSpectra << " spectra; " << spectraPerSec <<
                        " per second, " << estimatedTimeRemaining << " seconds remaining." << endl;
                lastUpdate = totalPrepareTime;

        return 0;
Exemple #12
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int proc_id, n_procs, i, envios;
	int buffer0[SIZE0], buffer1[SIZE1], buffer2[SIZE2], buffer3[SIZE3], buffer4[SIZE4];
	int buffer5[SIZE5], buffer6[SIZE6], buffer7[SIZE7], buffer8[SIZE8], buffer9[SIZE9];
	MPI_Status estado;

	/* Inicio del entorno MPI */
	MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);

	/* Obtener rango y tamaño del comm_world */
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &proc_id);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &n_procs);

	if (n_procs != 2)
		printf("## Este programa utiliza 2 procesos\n");

	/* Sincronizar a todos los procesos */

	/* Unicamente el maestro imprime en pantalla los datos iniciales */ 
	if (proc_id == MASTER)
		printf("## Cálculo de RTT / Envío Maestro-Esclavo\n\n");
		printf("## Total de procesadores: %d\n", n_procs);

		/* Leer de stdin la cantidad de envíos a hacer */
			printf("%s", MENU_ENVIOS);
			scanf("%d", &envios);
		} while ((envios != 1) && (envios != 2) && (envios != 3));

		switch (envios)
			case 1:
				envios = 100;
			case 2:
				envios = 1000;
			case 3:
				envios = 10000;

		/* Enviar dato a los procesos */
		MPI_Send(&envios, sizeof(envios), MPI_INT, ESCLAVO, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		printf("## Comienzo del envío con: %d envios;\n", envios);
		printf("## Tamaño de datos:\n");
		printf("## \tSIZE0 = %d\n", SIZE0);
		printf("## \tSIZE1 = %d\n", SIZE1);
		printf("## \tSIZE2 = %d\n", SIZE2);
		printf("## \tSIZE3 = %d\n", SIZE3);
		printf("## \tSIZE4 = %d\n", SIZE4);
		printf("## \tSIZE5 = %d\n", SIZE5);
		printf("## \tSIZE6 = %d\n", SIZE6);
		printf("## \tSIZE7 = %d\n", SIZE7);
		printf("## \tSIZE8 = %d\n", SIZE8);
		printf("## \tSIZE9 = %d\n", SIZE9);

	if (proc_id == MASTER)
		printf("## | tam (b) | envios | t_total (seg) | t/envio (s)  |     kB/s   |\n");
		printf("## |---------|--------|---------------|--------------|------------|\n");
		master_func(SIZE0, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE1, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE2, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE3, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE4, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE5, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE6, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE7, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE8, envios, estado);
		master_func(SIZE9, envios, estado);
		printf("## |_________|________|_______________|______________|____________|\n");
		/* Primero, recibir del maestro el dato de envios */
		MPI_Recv(&envios, sizeof(envios), MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);

		/* Ahora realizar el recibo y envío con esa cantidad */
		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer0, SIZE0, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer0[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer0, SIZE0, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer1, SIZE1, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer1[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer1, SIZE1, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer2, SIZE2, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer2[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer2, SIZE2, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer3, SIZE3, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer3[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer3, SIZE3, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer4, SIZE4, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer4[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer4, SIZE4, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer5, SIZE5, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer5[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer5, SIZE5, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer6, SIZE6, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer6[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer6, SIZE6, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer7, SIZE7, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer7[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer7, SIZE7, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer8, SIZE8, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer8[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer8, SIZE8, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		for(i = 0; i < envios; ++i)
			MPI_Recv(buffer9, SIZE9, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &estado);
			buffer9[0] += 1;
			MPI_Send(buffer9, SIZE9, MPI_INT, MASTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	/* Terminar entorno */
	MPI_Finalize ();
Exemple #13
int Bellerophon::getChimeras() {
	try {
		//create breaking points
		vector<int> midpoints;   midpoints.resize(iters, window);
		for (int i = 1; i < iters; i++) {  midpoints[i] = midpoints[i-1] + increment;  }
	#ifdef USE_MPI
		int pid, numSeqsPerProcessor; 
		MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &pid); //find out who we are
		MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &processors); 
		numSeqsPerProcessor = iters / processors;
		//each process hits this only once
		unsigned long long startPos = pid * numSeqsPerProcessor;
		if(pid == processors - 1){
				numSeqsPerProcessor = iters - pid * numSeqsPerProcessor;
		lines.push_back(linePair(startPos, numSeqsPerProcessor));
		//fill pref with scores
		driverChimeras(midpoints, lines[0]);
		if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; }
		//each process must send its parts back to pid 0
		if (pid == 0) {
			//receive results 
			for (int j = 1; j < processors; j++) {
				vector<string>  MPIBestSend; 
				for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) {
					if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; }

					MPI_Status status;
					//receive string
					int length;
					MPI_Recv(&length, 1, MPI_INT, j, 2001, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
					char* buf = new char[length];
					MPI_Recv(&buf[0], length, MPI_CHAR, j, 2001, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
					string temp = buf;
					if (temp.length() > length) { temp = temp.substr(0, length); }
					delete buf;

				fillPref(j, MPIBestSend);
				if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; }

		}else {
			//takes best window for each sequence and turns Preference to string that can be parsed by pid 0.
			//played with this a bit, but it may be better to try user-defined datatypes with set string lengths??
			vector<string> MPIBestSend = getBestWindow(lines[0]);
			//send your result to parent
			for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) {
				if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; }
				int bestLength = MPIBestSend[i].length();
				char* buf = new char[bestLength];
				memcpy(buf, MPIBestSend[i].c_str(), bestLength);
				MPI_Send(&bestLength, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 2001, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
				MPI_Send(buf, bestLength, MPI_CHAR, 0, 2001, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
				delete buf;
		MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //make everyone wait - just in case
		//divide breakpoints between processors
		#if defined (__APPLE__) || (__MACH__) || (linux) || (__linux) || (__linux__) || (__unix__) || (__unix)
			if(processors == 1){ 
				lines.push_back(linePair(0, iters));	
				//fill pref with scores
				driverChimeras(midpoints, lines[0]);
				int numSeqsPerProcessor = iters / processors;
				for (int i = 0; i < processors; i++) {
					unsigned long long startPos = i * numSeqsPerProcessor;
					if(i == processors - 1){
						numSeqsPerProcessor = iters - i * numSeqsPerProcessor;
					lines.push_back(linePair(startPos, numSeqsPerProcessor));
			lines.push_back(linePair(0, iters));	
			///fill pref with scores
			driverChimeras(midpoints, lines[0]);
		return 0;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "Bellerophon", "getChimeras");
Exemple #14
//removes the lowest energy vertical seam from the image
void removeHorizontalSeam() {
    double energies[3];
    double min_energy;
    int prev_x;
    int prev_y;
    // split up work between processes
    double *my_path_costs;
    double *my_previous_x;
    double *my_previous_y;
    double *temp_path_costs;
    double *temp_previous_x;
    double *temp_previous_y;
    int my_rows = current_height / numprocs;
    int low_rows = my_rows;
    int extra_rows = current_height % numprocs;
    int start;
    int y_offset;
    int recv_rows;

    double top_end_cost, bottom_end_cost, temp_end_cost;

    if (rank < extra_rows) {
        start = rank * my_rows;
    } else {
        start = (extra_rows * (my_rows + 1)) + ((rank - extra_rows) * my_rows);
    my_path_costs = (double *) malloc(my_rows * current_width * sizeof(double));
    my_previous_x = (double *) malloc(my_rows * current_width * sizeof(double));
    my_previous_y = (double *) malloc(my_rows * current_width * sizeof(double));
    //find the lowest cost seam by computing the lowest cost paths to each pixel
    for (int x = 0; x < current_width; x++) {
        //compute the path costs for my rows
        for (int y = start; y < start + my_rows; y++) {

            if (x == 0) {
                path_costs[x * initial_height + y] = image_energy[x * initial_height + y];
                my_path_costs[(y - start) * current_width + x] = path_costs[x * initial_height + y];

                previous_x[x * initial_height + y] = -1;
                my_previous_x[(y - start) * current_width + x] = previous_x[x * initial_height + y];

                previous_y[x * initial_height + y] = -1;
                my_previous_y[(y - start) * current_width + x] = previous_y[x * initial_height + y];
            } else {
                //the pixel directly left
                energies[1] = path_costs[(x - 1) * initial_height + y];
                //pixel left and above
                if (y != 0) {
                    energies[0] = path_costs[(x - 1) * initial_height + y - 1];
                } else {
                    energies[0] = DBL_MAX;
                //pixel left and below
                if (y != current_height - 1) {
                    energies[2] = path_costs[(x - 1) * initial_height + y + 1];
                } else {
                    energies[2] = DBL_MAX;

                //find the one with the least path cost
                min_energy = energies[0];
                prev_x = x - 1;
                prev_y = y - 1;
                if (energies[1] < min_energy) {
                    min_energy = energies[1];
                    prev_y = y;
                if (energies[2] < min_energy) {
                    min_energy = energies[2];
                    prev_y = y + 1;

                //set the minimum path cost for this pixel
                path_costs[x * initial_height + y] = min_energy + image_energy[x * initial_height + y];
                my_path_costs[(y - start) * current_width + x] = path_costs[x * initial_height + y];

                //set the previous pixel on the minimum path's coordinates for this pixel
                previous_x[x * initial_height + y] = prev_x;
                my_previous_x[(y - start) * current_width + x] = previous_x[x * initial_height + y];

                previous_y[x * initial_height + y] = prev_y;
                my_previous_y[(y - start) * current_width + x] = previous_y[x * initial_height + y];

        //send path cost needed to neighboring processes
        if (numprocs > 1) {
            if (rank != numprocs - 1) {
                //send bottom most cost to following process
                bottom_end_cost = path_costs[x * initial_height + (start + my_rows - 1)];        
                MPI_Send(&bottom_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                //receive following process's top most cost
                MPI_Recv(&temp_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                path_costs[x * initial_height + (start + my_rows)] = temp_end_cost;
            if (rank != 0) {
                //send top most cost to preceding process
                top_end_cost = path_costs[x * initial_height + start];
                MPI_Send(&top_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                //receive preceding process's bottom most cost
                MPI_Recv(&temp_end_cost, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                path_costs[x * initial_height + (start - 1)] = temp_end_cost;

    //update paths costs for all processes
    for (int i = 0; i < numprocs; i++) {
        if (rank == i) {

        if (i < extra_rows) {
            y_offset = i * (low_rows + 1);
            recv_rows = low_rows + 1;
        } else {
            y_offset = (extra_rows * (low_rows + 1)) + ((i - extra_rows) * low_rows);
            recv_rows = low_rows;

        //printf("%d %d\n", low_rows, extra_rows);
        //printf("%d %d %d\n", rank, y_offset, recv_rows);

        temp_path_costs = (double *) malloc(recv_rows * current_width * sizeof(double));
        temp_previous_x = (double *) malloc(recv_rows * current_width * sizeof(double));
        temp_previous_y = (double *) malloc(recv_rows * current_width * sizeof(double));
        MPI_Sendrecv(my_path_costs, my_rows * current_width, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, 
            temp_path_costs, recv_rows * current_width, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
        MPI_Sendrecv(my_previous_x, my_rows * current_width, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 1, 
            temp_previous_x, recv_rows * current_width, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
        MPI_Sendrecv(my_previous_y, my_rows * current_width, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 2, 
            temp_previous_y, recv_rows * current_width, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
        for (int j = 0; j < recv_rows; j++) {
            int x = j / recv_rows;
            int y = y_offset + (j % recv_rows);
            //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", rank, x, y, x * initial_height + y, recv_rows * current_width);
            //printf("%d\n", initial_height * initial_width);
            path_costs[x * initial_height + y] = temp_path_costs[(y - y_offset) * current_width + x];
            previous_x[x * initial_height + y] = temp_previous_x[(y - y_offset) * current_width + x];
            previous_y[x * initial_height + y] = temp_previous_y[(y - y_offset) * current_width + x];

    //find the ycoord the lowest cost seam starts at the right of the current image
    int y_coord = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < current_height; y++) {
        if (path_costs[(current_width - 1) * initial_height + y] < path_costs[(current_width - 1) * initial_height + y_coord]) {
            y_coord = y;

    //delete the seam from right to left
    for (int x = current_width - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
        //delete this pixel by copying over it and all those following to the bottom
        for (int y = y_coord; y < current_height - 1; y++) {
            image[x * initial_height + y] = image[x * initial_height + y + 1];
        //next pixel
        y_coord = previous_y[x * initial_height + y_coord];

    //decrease the current height of the image
int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[])
	int32_t rankID = 0, nRanks = 1;
	char rankName[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
	gethostname(rankName, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rankID);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nRanks);

	char *target_path = argv[1], *target = NULL;
	int64_t target_length = 0;
	target_length = get_filesize(target_path);
	if(target_length < 0)
		printf("\nError: Cannot read target file [ %s ]\n", target_path);
	if(rankID == 0)
		printf("- Read target: [ %s ]\n", target_path);
		target = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*target_length);
		double read_time = 0;
		read_time -= MPI_Wtime();
		read_targetfile(target, target_length, target_path);
		read_time += MPI_Wtime();
		printf("- Target length: %ld (read time: %lf secs)\n", target_length, read_time);

	char *pattern = argv[2];
	int64_t pattern_length = 0;
	if(pattern == NULL)
		printf("\nError: Cannot read pattern [ %s ]\n", pattern);
	pattern_length = strlen(pattern);
	if(rankID == 0)
		printf("- Pattern: [ %s ]\n", pattern);
		printf("- Pattern length: %ld\n", pattern_length);
	int32_t* BCS = (int32_t*)malloc(ALPHABET_LEN * sizeof(int32_t));
	int32_t* GSS = (int32_t*)malloc(pattern_length * sizeof(int32_t));;
	make_BCS(BCS, pattern, pattern_length);
	make_GSS(GSS, pattern, pattern_length);

	int64_t found_count = 0;
	double search_time = 0;
	if(rankID == 0)
		search_time -= MPI_Wtime();

	int64_t mpi_found_count = 0;
	char* chunk = NULL;
	if(argv[3] == NULL)
		printf("\nError: Check chunk size [ %s ]\n", argv[3]);

	if(rankID == 0) printf("\ttarget_length = %ld\n", target_length);
	int64_t nChunksPerRank = atoi(argv[3]);
	//각 rank에 몇개의 문자열 덩어리를 줄것인가 결정
	int64_t nTotalChunks = (nRanks-1) * nChunksPerRank; 
	//rank 0은 검사하지않으므로 nRanks - 1
	//문자열은 총 nTotalChunks개로 쪼개진다.
	if(rankID == 0) printf("\tnTotalChunks = %ld\n", nTotalChunks);
	int64_t overlap_length = (pattern_length - 1) * (nTotalChunks - 1);
	//쪼개진 덩어리 중 마지막 1개는 겹치는 부분이 없으므로 nTotalChunks - 1
	//문자열은 최악의 경우 pattern의 첫글자가 하나의 코어 
	//나머지 글자가 하나의 코어에 분배되는 경우이므로 pattern_length - 1

	if(rankID == 0) printf("\toverlap_length = %ld\n", overlap_length);
	int64_t quotient = (target_length + overlap_length) / nTotalChunks; 
	//각 코어당 최악의 경우를 방지하기 위해 덩어리마다 pattern_length - 1을 추가
	//즉 target_length + overlap_length가 되고 이를 정해진 nChunksPerRank씩
	//각 코어에 분배하기 위하여 nTotalChunks로 나누어 준다.

	if(rankID == 0) printf("\tquotient = %ld\n", quotient);
	int64_t remainder = (target_length + overlap_length) - (quotient * nTotalChunks);
	//나누는 경우에 나누어 떨어지지 않는 경우가 있으므로 나머지를 따로 처리해준다.
	if(rankID == 0) printf("\tremainder = %ld\n\n", remainder);

	int64_t chunkID = 0;
	int64_t* chunk_length = (int64_t*)malloc((nTotalChunks+1)*sizeof(int64_t)); 
	int64_t* chunk_start_idx = (int64_t*)malloc((nTotalChunks+1)*sizeof(int64_t)); 
	//remainder의 경우를 위해 nTotalChunks에 + 1 을 한다.
	int64_t i;
	for(i=0; i<nTotalChunks; i++)
		chunk_length[i] = quotient;
	for(i=0; i<remainder; i++)
		chunk_length[i] += 1;
	chunk_start_idx[0] = 0;
	for(i=1; i<nTotalChunks; i++)
		chunk_start_idx[i] = chunk_start_idx[i-1] + chunk_length[i-1] - (pattern_length-1); 
	//마지막에 - (pattern_length - 1) 을 해줌으로서 첫 번째 chunk를 제외하고
	//모든 chunk는 이전 chunk의 마지막 문자열의 -4번째 포인터를 chunk_start_idx로 가진다.
	//따라서 첫번째 chunk를 제외한 모든 chunk 이전 chunk의 마지막 4글자를 무조건 포함한다.

	chunk_start_idx[nTotalChunks] = 0;
	chunk_length[nTotalChunks] = 0;

	//chunk가 끝났다는 것을 표시하기 위해 nTotalChunk + 1번째 chunk의
	//start idx 와 length는 모두 0으로 지정한다.

	MPI_Request MPI_req[2];
	MPI_Status MPI_stat[2];
	int32_t MPI_tag = 0;
	int32_t request_rankID = -1;
	if(rankID == 0)
		int64_t nFinishRanks = 0;
		while(nFinishRanks < nRanks-1)
			MPI_Recv(&request_rankID, 1, MPI_INT32_T, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MPI_stat[0]);
			//Rank 0 은 다른 Rank들의 송신을 기다린다.
			//MPI_stat[0]로 다른 Rank가 이제 일을 시작한다는 것을 확인한다.
			MPI_Isend(&target[chunk_start_idx[chunkID]], chunk_length[chunkID], MPI_CHAR, request_rankID, chunkID, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MPI_req[1]);
			//위에서 각 rank가 할당 받는 chunk_length의 길이를 구했었다.
			//chunkID를 tag로 받는 것에 주의할 것
			//파일 전체를 읽어서(target) rank 마다 검사할 위치의 시작점을 정해주고 다시 해당 rank에 전송한다.
			//파일 전체 위치에서 chunk_length[chunkID]길이 만큼만 보낸다는 것을 주의할 것
			//req[1]을 보냄으로서 검사를 시작해라는 요청을 보낸다.
			printf("\trequest_rankID = %d\n", request_rankID);
			printf("\tchunkID = %ld\n", chunkID);
			printf("\tchunk_start_idx[chunkID] = %ld\n", chunk_start_idx[chunkID]);
			printf("\ttarget[chunk_start_idx[chunkID] = %c\n\n", target[chunk_start_idx[chunkID]]);
			if(chunkID < nTotalChunks)
		chunk = (char *)malloc(chunk_length[0] * sizeof(char));
		//chunk 는 문자열임을 기억한다.
		int64_t chunk_found_count = 0;
		int64_t call_count = 0;
		while(chunkID < nTotalChunks)
			//선언될 때 chunkID = 0인 상태이다.
			MPI_Isend(&rankID, 1, MPI_INT32_T, 0, MPI_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MPI_req[0]);
			//Rank 0에게 현재 어떤 Rank가 일을 하는지 알려준다.
			//MPI_requ[0]은 검사를 준비하는 상태라는 의미이다.
			MPI_Recv(chunk, chunk_length[0], MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MPI_stat[1]);
			//각 rank가 부여받은 chunk 사이즈의 크기는 균일하게 나눈 뒤 나머지를 각 chunk에 1씩 더해 주었으므로
			//받는 크기는 chunk_length[0]으로 고정한다.
			chunkID = MPI_stat[1].MPI_TAG;
			printf("\trank = %d chunk = %s chunkID = %d\n", rankID, chunk, chunkID);
			if(chunkID < nTotalChunks)
				chunk_found_count = do_search(chunk, target_length, 0, chunk_length[chunkID], pattern, pattern_length, BCS, GSS);
				if(found_count < 0)
				mpi_found_count += chunk_found_count;
		printf("- [%02d: %s] call_count: %ld\n", rankID, rankName, call_count);
	MPI_Reduce(&mpi_found_count, &found_count, 1, MPI_INT64_T, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	//Rank 0 의 mpi_found_count 변수에 각 프로세서들의 mpi_found_count값을 더해서 모은다.


	if(rankID == 0)
		search_time += MPI_Wtime();
		printf("- Found_count: %ld\n", found_count);
		printf("- Time: %lf secs\n", search_time);


	return 0;
Exemple #16
void master(int argc, char *argv[], int *nprocs) {
	FILE *fp;
	fp = OpenFile(argc, argv);
	int N, logical_time = 0;
	int vector_time[N];
	int pid, pid1, pid2;
	int i;
	int exec_count;
	int send_count;
	int recv_count;
	int end_count;
	char *read_track;
	char strline[999]; // each line of the string
	fgets(strline,sizeof(strline),fp); // get the first line 
	N = atoi(strline); // reads number of processes as N
	if((*nprocs) != N + 1) // number of processes doesn't match
		fprintf(stderr, "We need %d processes for this simulation.\nTherefore, usage: mpirun -np %d %s %s\n", N+1, N+1, argv[0], argv[1]);
	MPI_Status status;
	printf("-----There are %d processes in the system-----\n", N);
	// read the file from second line until EOF
	while(fgets(strline,sizeof(strline),fp) != NULL) {
		if(strline[strlen(strline)-1] == '\n') 
			strline[strlen(strline)-1] = 0;
		// event type, which is delimited by space			
		read_track = strtok(strline, " ");
		if (strcmp (read_track,"exec") == 0) {  // exec event
			// read the process number
			read_track = strtok (NULL," ");
			// assign it to pid
			pid = atoi(read_track);
			// inform the pid to have exec event
			MPI_Send(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, pid, 11, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //tag 11 for exec event
			// wait for the acknowledgement from pid
			MPI_Recv(&logical_time, 1, MPI_INT, pid, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); //tag 100 for acknowledgement
			// print out the msg and logical time
			printf( "Execution event in process %d\n", pid );
			printf( "Logical time at process %d is %d\n", pid, logical_time );
		} else if (strcmp (read_track,"send") == 0) {  // send event
				// read the sending process number
				read_track = strtok (NULL," ");
				// assign it to pid1
				pid1 = atoi(read_track);
				// read the recving process number
				read_track = strtok (NULL,"\"");
				// assign it to pid2
				pid2 = atoi(read_track);
				// read the message
				read_track = strtok (NULL,"\"");
				// inform the pid1 to have send event
				MPI_Send(&pid2, 1, MPI_INT, pid1, 22, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // tag 22 for send event
				// inform the pid2 to have recv event
				MPI_Send(&pid1, 1, MPI_INT, pid2, 33, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // tag 33 for recv event
				// wait for the acknowledgement from pid1
				MPI_Recv(&logical_time, 1, MPI_INT, pid1, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); // tag 100 for acknowledgement
				// print out the msg and logical time for sending
				printf( "Message sent from process %d to process %d: %s\n", pid1, pid2, read_track );
				printf( "Logical time at sender process %d is %d\n", pid1, logical_time );
				// wait for the acknowledgement from pid2
				MPI_Recv(&logical_time, 1, MPI_INT, pid2, 100, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); // tag 100 for acknowledgement
				// print out the msg and logical time for recving
				printf( "Message received from process %d by process %d: %s\n", pid1, pid2, read_track );
				printf( "Logical time at receiver process %d is %d\n", pid2, logical_time );
			} else if (strcmp (read_track,"end") == 0) {  //end event
					printf("\n-----Logical time will be printed in ascending task ID order...-----\n");
					// collect the logical time for every slaves
					for(i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
						// inform each slave to send back the final logical time
						MPI_Send(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  // tag 99 for end event
						// wait for the acknowledgement from each slave
						MPI_Recv(&logical_time, 1, MPI_INT, i, 99, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); // tag 99 for end event
						// print them in ascending task ID order
						printf("task ID: %d --- logical time: %d\n", i, logical_time);
				} else {  // other event handler
						printf("This simulation only supports two event types: exec and send\n");
		} //end while
Exemple #17
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int size, rank;
  int N;
  struct timeval *start_time = NULL, *stop_time = NULL;
  double seconds = 0;
  int i, j;
  char *buffer;
  int check;


  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);

  if (0 == rank) {
    start_time = (struct timeval *) malloc(sizeof(struct timeval));
    stop_time = (struct timeval *) malloc(sizeof(struct timeval));

  for (N = N_START; N <= N_STOP; N = N_NEXT) {
    buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * N);

    if (0 == rank) {
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
        buffer[j] = (char) (random() % 256);
      if (-1 == gettimeofday(start_time, NULL)) {
        printf("couldn't set start_time on node 0!\n");

    for (i = 0; i < ITER; i++) {
      MPI_Bcast(buffer, N, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      if (0 == rank) {
        for (j = 1; j < size; j++) {
      } else {
        MPI_Send(&rank, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (0 == rank) {
      if (-1 == gettimeofday(stop_time, NULL)) {
        printf("couldn't set start_time on node 0!\n");
      seconds = (double) (stop_time->tv_sec - start_time->tv_sec) +
                (double) (stop_time->tv_usec - start_time->tv_usec) / ONE_MILLION;


    if (0 == rank) {
      printf("N: %10d, iter: %d, time: %10f s, avg rate: %12f Mbps\n", N, ITER, seconds,
             ((double) N * ITER * 8) / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * seconds));

  if (0 == rank) {


  return 0;
Exemple #18
void LU_decomp(struct problem *info, struct fmatrix *X, int *reorder, MPI_Datatype pivot_type, MPI_Op best_pivot_op)
	MPI_Request req_spiv, req_sa, req_sm;
	MPI_Status status;
	number_type *m = malloc(info->blksz * sizeof(*m));
	int diag;
	for (diag = 0; diag < info->n; diag++) {
		/* we do partial pivoting, so the proc with the pivot is on this column: */
		int pivot_h = diag / info->blksz;
		int r, c, i;
		double start_time = MPI_Wtime();
		double start_time2;

		struct pivot pivot = { -1, 0. };
		/* choose pivot across the column */
		if (info->coords[HDIM] == pivot_h) {
			/* column with pivot in block */
			int pivot_c = diag % info->blksz;
			/* Argo doesn't want aliasing in allreduce */
			struct pivot pivot_cand = { -1, 0. };
			for (i = 0; i < info->blksz; i++) {
				if (reorder[i] > diag && fabs(CELL(X, i, pivot_c)) > fabs(pivot_cand.value)) {
					pivot_cand.row = info->blksz*info->coords[VDIM] + i;
					pivot_cand.value = CELL(X, i, pivot_c);
			start_time2 = MPI_Wtime();
			MPI_Allreduce(&pivot_cand, &pivot, 1, pivot_type, best_pivot_op, info->vcomm);
			pivot_allr_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time2;
		/* broadcast pivot choice across row towards the right */
		start_time2 = MPI_Wtime();
		pipeline_right(info, pivot_h, &pivot, 1, pivot_type, 45, &req_spiv);
		pivot_bcast_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time2;
		pivot_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time;
		/* find rank of proc with pivot on the vertical communicator */
		int pivot_v = pivot.row / info->blksz;
		/* fill in reorder */
		if (info->coords[VDIM] == pivot_v) {
			reorder[pivot.row % info->blksz] = diag;
		/* calculate and distribute the ms */
		for (r = 0; r < info->blksz; r++) {
			if (reorder[r] > diag) {
				if (info->coords[HDIM] == pivot_h) {
					int pivot_c = diag % info->blksz;
					m[r] = CELL(X, r, pivot_c) / pivot.value;
					CELL(X, r, pivot_c) = m[r];
				/* broadcast m towards right */
				start_time = MPI_Wtime();
				pipeline_right(info, pivot_h, &m[r], 1, MPI_number_type, 64, &req_sm);
				m_bcast_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time;
		/* distribute the pivot row and eliminate */
		int startc = 0;
		if (info->coords[HDIM] == pivot_h) startc = (diag+1) % info->blksz;
		if (info->coords[HDIM] < pivot_h) startc = info->blksz;
		/* elimination */
		for (c = startc; c < info->blksz; c++) {
			number_type a;
			if (info->coords[VDIM] == pivot_v) {
				a = CELL(X, pivot.row % info->blksz, c);
			start_time = MPI_Wtime();
			int up = (info->coords[VDIM]+info->sqp-1)%info->sqp;
			int down = (info->coords[VDIM]+1)%info->sqp;
			if (info->coords[VDIM] != pivot_v) {
				MPI_Recv(&a, 1, MPI_number_type, up, 78, info->vcomm, &status);
			if (down != pivot_v) {
				MPI_Isend(&a, 1, MPI_number_type, down, 78, info->vcomm, &req_sa);
			a_bcast_time += MPI_Wtime() - start_time;
			for (r = 0; r < info->blksz; r++) {
				if (reorder[r] > diag) {
					CELL(X, r,c) -= m[r]*a;
			if (down != pivot_v) MPI_Wait(&req_sa, &status);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
     //Number of CPUs
     int numProcs;
     //Processor ID
     int rank;
     //The status of our receiver
     MPI_Status status;
     //Init MPI, Starts the parallelization sort of. 
     MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);     
     //Finds out how many CPUs are in our network
     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);

     //Determines the rank of a process
     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
     //Height and width of image will be passed in.
     int height = atoi(argv[1]);
     int width = atoi(argv[2]);
     Complex num;
     struct timeval start;
     double time = 0.0;
     //Mandelbrot Set will have lie in this plane. 
     //X range
     float realMax = 2.0;
     float realMin = -2.0;
     //Y range
     float imagMax = 2.0;
     float imagMin = -2.0;
     //Scale the image so that it can be seen at the give resolution.
     float scaleX = (realMax - realMin) / width;
     float scaleY = (imagMax - imagMin) / height;
     //Number of slaves
     int numGroups = numProcs - 1;
     //Number of remaining rows after even partitions for slave.
     int remainder = height % numGroups;
     //How height those partitions are.
     int grpHeight = (height - remainder) / numGroups;
     //The area of our partition
     int partArea = grpHeight * width;
     //Image array
     unsigned int* image 
          = (unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * height * width);

     unsigned int* buffer 
          = (unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * (width + 10));
     int DATA_TAG = 0;
     int TERMINATE = 1;

     if (rank == 0)
          int count = 0;
          int row = 0;
          //Starting the clock
          gettimeofday(&start, NULL); 
          for (int proc = 1; proc < numProcs; proc++)
               MPI_Send(&row, 1, MPI_INT, proc, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
               MPI_Recv(buffer, width, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
               if (row < height)
                    MPI_Send(&row, 1, MPI_INT, status.MPI_SOURCE, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
                    MPI_Send(&row, 1, MPI_INT, status.MPI_SOURCE, TERMINATE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
               for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    image[status.MPI_TAG * width + x] = buffer[x];
          } while (count > 0);
          //Stop the clock
          time = getElapsed(&start);

          //Output result
          printf("%d cores %dx%d: %fs\n", numProcs, height, width, time);
          //Calculate I/O time
          //gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
          //Display the set
          //writeImage("Static.ppm", image, height, width); 
          //Stop the clock
         // time = getElapsed(&start);
          //Output result
          //printf("Runtime for file I/O: %fs\n", time);
          int row;
          MPI_Recv(&row, 1, MPI_INT, 0, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
          //printf("Slave: %d Receive Init", rank);

          while (status.MPI_TAG != TERMINATE)
              num.imag = imagMin + ((float) row * scaleY);

              for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    //Initialize Complex based on position.
                    num.real = realMin + ((float) x * scaleX);
                    //Calculates the color of the current pixel.
                    buffer[x] = calPixel(num);
               MPI_Send(buffer, width, MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, row, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
               //printf("Slave: %d Send row %d\n", rank, row);

               //Send only partition worked on
               MPI_Recv(&row, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
               //printf("Slave: %d Recv row %d\n", rank, row);
     return 0;
Exemple #20
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  const int PING_PONG_LIMIT = 10;
  double t_start, t_end, t_total, tLoop, t_tick;
  double MPI_Wtime(void);
  int tests, maxTest = 10, i;
  int k[9] = {1,4,16,64,256,1024,4096,16384,65536};

  // Initialize the MPI environment
  // Find out rank, size
  int world_rank;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
  int world_size;
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);

  // We are assuming at least 2 processes for this task
  if (world_size != 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "World size must be two for %s\n", argv[0]);
    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

  // Get the name of the processor
  char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
  int name_len;
  MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len);

  // Initialize the outer loop for 2^k where k = 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18
  for (int p = 0; p < sizeof(k)/sizeof(k[0]); p++) {
  int A[k[p]]; // Vector of integers

  // Populate A with ints (4 bytes each)
  for (i = 0; i < k[p]; i++) {
    A[i] = i;

  // This is for loop timing
  tLoop = 1.0e10;
  for (tests = 0; tests < maxTest; tests++) { // begin timing
  t_start = MPI_Wtime();
  // t_tick = MPI_Wtick();
  int ping_pong_count = 0;
  int partner_rank = (world_rank + 1) % 2;
  while (ping_pong_count < PING_PONG_LIMIT) {
    if (world_rank == ping_pong_count % 2) {
      // Increment the ping pong count before you send it
      MPI_Send(&ping_pong_count, k[p], MPI_INT, partner_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      printf("World rank %d sent and incremented ping_pong_count %d to partner rank %d\n",
             world_rank, ping_pong_count, partner_rank);
             printf("The size of A is: %lu\n", sizeof(A));
             printf("P is: %lu\n", sizeof(k));
    } else {
      MPI_Recv(&ping_pong_count, k[p], MPI_INT, partner_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
      printf("World rank %d received ping_pong_count %d from partner rank %d\n",
             world_rank, ping_pong_count, partner_rank);
t_end = MPI_Wtime();
t_total = t_end - t_start;
if (t_total < tLoop) tLoop = t_total;

  printf("That took %f seconds\n", tLoop);
  printf("Number of processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD: %d\n", world_size);
  printf("Name of processor %s\n", processor_name);
  printf("The size of A is: %lu\n", sizeof(A));
  printf("P is: %lu\n", sizeof(k));
  } // ends the outer loop for m


  // return 0;
Exemple #21
// mpi_slaving:
int mpi_slaving()
    // Declare local variables
    MPI_Datatype MPI_SLAVEINF;	/* Dataype for MPI communications       */
    slaveinfo sl_info;		/* Information structure for slaves     */
    MPI_Status *status;		/* Recv status handler                  */
    int used_size;		/* # of processors used                 */

    long sfN;			/* # of pixels in subfield              */
    float *data = NULL;		/* subfield data burst                  */
    float *winH = NULL;		/* apodisation window for SR calc.      */
    float *winF = NULL;		/* apodisation window for phase rec.    */
    float *mask = NULL;		/* DiffLim Mask                         */
    float *pc = NULL;		/* Phase Consistency                    */

    /* for reallocation: needs to be NULL   */
    int *shifts = NULL;		/* shifts for KT Cross Spectra          */
    /* for reallocation: needs to be NULL   */
    int maxk;			/* number of shifts                     */

    // Triple correlation part
    long *index = NULL;		/* index list for bispectrum vectors    */
    long bs_cnt;		/* # of vectors used                    */
    float *bsc = NULL;		/* complex non-red/red bispectrum       */
    float *wc = NULL;		/* complex non-red/red bs weights       */
    float *p1 = NULL;		/* phase matrix for iterativ reconstr.  */
    float *aphs = NULL;		/* average of low frequencies           */

    // General part
    float *phs = NULL;		/* Phase of reconstructed image         */
    float *amp = NULL;		/* Amplitude of reconstructed image     */
    int c = GO;			/* helpers                              */
    long i;

    // set up status variable for sends and receives
    status = (MPI_Status *) malloc(sizeof(MPI_Status));

    // Set Slaveinfo datatype for MPI sends and receives

    // Receive number of jobs ...
    MPI_Bcast(&used_size, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    // ...and if used_size = NOGO, we are quitting the slave!
    if (used_size == NOGO) {
		// free memory
		// returning NOGO quits the slaves in entry.c
		return NOGO;
    // ...and decide if I am needed
    if (used_size > proc_id) {
	// work until TAG says NOGO
		while (GO) {
			// Receive the data information
			MPI_Recv(&sl_info, 1, MPI_SLAVEINF, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status);

			// Break if shutdown signal was sent
			if (status->MPI_TAG == NOGO)

			if (status->MPI_TAG == TC) {
			/* First time allocation of memory */
				if (c) {
					// find number of pixels in subfield
					sfN = sl_info.sfsizex * sl_info.sfsizey;
					// allocate memory for data
					data = (float *) malloc(sfN * sl_info.nrofframes * sizeof(float));
					winH = (float *) malloc(sfN * sizeof(float));
					winF = (float *) malloc(sfN * sizeof(float));
					pc = (float *) malloc(sfN * sizeof(float));

					/* Initialise hamming window, fractional hamming & mask */
					hanming(winH, sl_info.sfsizex, sl_info.sfsizey, 0.5);
					frachamming(winF, sl_info.sfsizex, sl_info.sfsizey, sl_info.limApod, 0, NULL);
					// mask is no longer used...
					mask = ellmask(sl_info.sfsizex, sl_info.sfsizey, NULL, sl_info.rad_x, sl_info.rad_y);

					// allocate appropriate memory
					index = bs_init(&bs_cnt, sl_info);

					bsc = (float *) malloc(2 * bs_cnt * sizeof(float));
					wc = (float *) malloc(bs_cnt * sizeof(float));

					// Allocate memory for reconstructed amplitudes & phases
					amp = (float *) malloc(sfN * sizeof(float));
					phs = (float *) malloc(2 * sfN * sizeof(float));
					p1 = (float *) malloc(2 * sfN * sizeof(float));

					// set flag so as to not allocate new memory later
					c = NOGO;
			// initialise amps, phases & phase consistency to zero
				memset(bsc, 0.0, 2 * bs_cnt * sizeof(float));
				memset(wc, 0.0, bs_cnt * sizeof(float));
				memset(amp, 0.0, sfN * sizeof(float));
				memset(phs, 0.0, 2 * sfN * sizeof(float));
				memset(p1, 0.0, 2 * sfN * sizeof(float));
				memset(pc, 0.0, sfN * sizeof(float));

				// finally receive the data
				MPI_Recv(data, sfN * sl_info.nrofframes, MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status);

				// compute mean of burst
				//mean(data, sl_info.sfsizex, sl_info.sfsizey, sl_info.nrofframes, temp);

				/* compute the position of the 'good' average phase parts
				 	 3 is an argument here because we deleted:
				   ((int) (alpha[0] * i_rad) > 3 ?
					(int) (alpha[0] * i_rad) : 3),  	*/
				init_shift(sl_info.sfsizex / 2, sl_info.sfsizey / 2, 3, &maxk, &shifts);

				// create bi-spectrum/weights in non-redundant matrix
				aphs = bs_ave(data, winF, sl_info, index, bs_cnt, bsc, wc, amp, maxk, shifts);

				// set snr-threshold
				bs_snrt(wc, bs_cnt, &sl_info);

				// phase reconstruction
				//   init phase matrices
				phs_init(phs, p1, pc, sl_info, maxk, shifts, aphs);

				//   recursive approach
				rpr(phs, p1, pc, index, bs_cnt, bsc, wc, sl_info);

				//   iterative approach
				for (i = 0; i < sl_info.max_it; i++) {
					iwlspr(phs, p1, pc, bsc, wc, index, bs_cnt, sl_info, maxk);
					if (chkphase(sl_info, phs) < 1.0e-5)

				// Send back info, so master knows, which subfield burst this was
				// MPI_TAG will indicate whether we are at the end of the process
				MPI_Send(&sl_info, 1, MPI_SLAVEINF, 0, NOGO, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

				// Send back processed data
				MPI_Send(amp, sfN, MPI_FLOAT, 0, NOGO, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
				// send back phase
				MPI_Send(phs, 2 * sfN, MPI_FLOAT, 0, NOGO, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

				// free some memory
				shifts = NULL;
				aphs = NULL;

		// free memory
		if (data != NULL)
		if (winH != NULL)
		if (winF != NULL)
		if (mask != NULL)
		if (pc != NULL)
		if (shifts != NULL)
		if (amp != NULL)
		if (phs != NULL)
		if (index != NULL)
		if (p1 != NULL)
		if (bsc != NULL)
		if (wc != NULL)
		// idle until new data or shutdown Broadcast is sent
		return GO;
    else {
		// free memory
		// idle until new data or shutdown Broadcast is sent
		return GO;
Exemple #22
void run_pagerank_csr_mpi(char *file, char *dir)
	t_list = (t_time_list*)malloc(sizeof(t_time_list));
	t_list->list = (t_time_elem*)malloc(sizeof(t_time_elem)*10);
	init_timer(t_list, 10);
	lint i=0,j=0;
	t_buff *buf = (t_buff*)malloc(sizeof(t_buff));
	buf->buff_idx = (sint**)malloc(sizeof(sint*)*num_threads);
	buf->double_buffer = (double***)malloc(sizeof(double**)*num_threads);
	buf->int_buffer = (lint***)malloc(sizeof(lint**)*num_threads);
	init_t_buff(buf, buf->size);
	//data structure for from_msg
	lint **idx_start = (lint**)_mm_malloc(sizeof(lint*)*num_nodes, 64);
	lint **idx_end = (lint**)_mm_malloc(sizeof(lint*)*num_nodes, 64);
		idx_start[i] = (lint*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(lint)*num_threads, 64);
		idx_end[i] = (lint*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(lint)*num_threads, 64);

	//double rand_jump = RDM_JMP/(u/t_msouble)graph->v_size;
	double rand_jump = RDM_JMP;
	double purpose_jump = 1-RDM_JMP;
	lint iter=0;

	/* Initialize mpi */
	int *argc = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
	char ***argv = (char***)malloc(sizeof(char**));
	//MPI_Init(argc, argv);	
	sint myrank, size;
	MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
	MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
	// init files
	char f_buf[100];

	sprintf(f_buf, "%slog/%s_log_%d_%d",dir, file, myrank, num_nodes);
	FILE *lg = fopen(f_buf, "w");
	//if((lg = fopen(f_buf, "w"))==NULL){
	//	printf("the file %s does not exists!\n", f_buf);
	lint ii, jj;
	lint upper_bound, lower_bound;
	/* reading graph, init some parameters */
	t_csr *gs = (t_csr*)malloc(sizeof(t_csr));
	sprintf(f_buf, "%s%s_sd_%d_%d", data_extend, file, myrank, num_nodes);
		scan_csr_idx(gs, f_buf, dir, SEND);
		read_graph_csr(gs, f_buf, dir, SEND);
		read_csr_bin(gs, f_buf,dir, SEND, myrank);
	t_csr *gr = (t_csr*)malloc(sizeof(t_csr));
	sprintf(f_buf, "%s%s_rc_%d_%d", data_extend, file, myrank, num_nodes);
		scan_csr_idx(gr, f_buf, dir, RECV);
		read_graph_csr(gr, f_buf, dir, RECV);
		read_csr_bin(gr, f_buf,dir, RECV, myrank);
	lint *distrib = (lint*)malloc(sizeof(lint)*num_nodes);
		read_recip(file, dir, distrib, gr, myrank);
			printf("%1.10f\n", gr->vet_info[0].recip);
		read_recip_bin(file, dir, distrib, gr, myrank);
	init_node_id(gs, distrib, num_nodes);
	t_msg *msg = (t_msg*)malloc(sizeof(t_msg));
	lower_bound = gr->offset-OFFSET;
	upper_bound = gr->v_size+gr->offset-OFFSET;
	//printf("%d %d %d \n", myrank, lower_bound, upper_bound);
	double *diff_pr = (double*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(double)*gr->v_size, 64);
	double *diff_tmp = (double*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(double)*gs->e_size, 64);
	lint *pidx_tmp = (lint*)malloc(sizeof(lint)*gs->e_size);
	lint *diff_assign = (lint*)malloc(sizeof(lint)*gs->e_size);
	lint *idx_tmp = (lint*)malloc(sizeof(lint)*gs->e_size);
	lint *node_idx_tmp = (lint*)malloc(sizeof(lint)*gs->e_size);
	lint *bin_idx = (lint*)malloc(sizeof(lint)*(1+HASH_BINS));
		diff_pr[i]=gr->vet_info[i].weight * gr->vet_info[i].recip;

	sprintf(f_buf, "%sparex/%s_pidx_%d_%d", dir, file, myrank, num_nodes);
	FILE *reader_pidx;
	if((reader_pidx=fopen(f_buf, "r")) == NULL){
		printf("the file %s does not exists!\n", f_buf);
	for(i =0; i< gs->e_size; i++){
		lint pval;
		fscanf(reader_pidx, "%lld\n", &pval);
		pidx_tmp[i] = pval;

	for(j=0; j<gs->e_size; j++){
		diff_assign[j] = j;
		idx_tmp[j] = gs->edge_idx[j];
		node_idx_tmp[j] = gs->edge_info[j].node_id;
	//for(i=0;i<gs->e_size; i++)
	//	printf("%lld %lld\n", idx_tmp[i], pidx_tmp[i]);
	//read pidx_tmp
	//partition the msg
	partition_msg(diff_assign, pidx_tmp, idx_tmp, bin_idx, node_idx_tmp, gs->e_size);
	reverse_diff_assign(diff_assign, gs->e_size);
	//sprintf(f_buf, "data/rand/log/2_20_l_%d", myrank);
	//FILE *l = fopen(f_buf, "w");
	//for(i=0;i<gs->e_size; i++)
	//	fprintf(l, "%lld\n", diff_assign[i]);
	//fprintf(l, "\n");
	//printf("finished partition\n");
	lint **send_ub = (lint**)malloc(sizeof(lint*)*num_nodes);
		send_ub[i] = (lint*)malloc(sizeof(lint)*num_nodes);
		read_send_ub(file, dir, send_ub);
		read_send_ub_bin(file, dir, send_ub);
	//	printf("the send ub is\n");
	//	for(i=0;i<num_nodes; i++){
	//		for(j=0;j<num_nodes; j++)
	//			printf("%lld ", send_ub[i][j]);
	//		printf("\n");
	//	}

	init_msg(msg, send_ub, myrank);
		gr->vet_info[ii].wb = rand_jump;

	/* major computation */
#ifdef USE_OMP
	sint terminate = FALSE;
	sint term_buf[10];
	sint term[num_nodes];
	while(terminate  == FALSE){
		terminate = TRUE;
			DPRINTF(1, "ITER %lld ", iter);
				DPRINTF(1, "%f|%f ", gr->vet_info[ii].wb, gr->vet_info[ii].recip);
			//DPRINTF(1, "%f|%f ", gr->vet_info[47245].wb, gr->vet_info[53765].recip);
			DPRINTF(1, "\n");
		tic_sr(t_list, 0);
#ifdef USE_OMP
#pragma omp parallel for shared (gs, gr)
			for(jj=(ii==0?0:gr->vet_idx[ii-1]); jj<gr->vet_idx[ii]; jj++){
				lint source = ii;
				lint target = gr->edge_idx[jj];
				if(target>= lower_bound && target<upper_bound){
					gr->vet_info[source].wb+=purpose_jump*diff_pr[target - gr->offset + OFFSET];
					// prefetch next target value
					lint target_next = gr->edge_idx[jj+prefetch_dis];
					_mm_prefetch((char *)(diff_pr + target_next), _MM_HINT_T0);
		toc_sr(t_list, 0);
		DPRINTF(3, "node %d, on iter %lld, finished local computation!\n", myrank, iter);
		//communication send 
		sint num_comm = log(num_nodes)/log(2);
		sint ic, it;
		sint bucket[num_nodes];
		sint role[num_nodes];
		tic_sr(t_list, 1);
		to_msg_no_buf(diff_pr, msg, gs, myrank);
		reduce_msg(msg, myrank, send_ub);
		assign_diff(diff_tmp, diff_assign, diff_pr, gs, myrank);
		set_msg(msg, send_ub, myrank);
		to_msg_reduce(diff_tmp, msg, pidx_tmp, idx_tmp, bin_idx, node_idx_tmp);
		toc_sr(t_list, 1);

		MPI_Request request_send_int[num_nodes];
		MPI_Request request_send_double[num_nodes];
		MPI_Request request_recv_int[num_nodes];
		MPI_Request request_recv_double[num_nodes];
		MPI_Status status;

		tic_sr(t_list, 2);
		sint msg_iter=1;
#ifdef USE_SYNC
			for(ic=0; ic<num_comm; ic++){
				compute_bucket_role(bucket, role, ic);
					for(ii=0; ii<num_nodes; ii++){
						if(bucket[ii]!=bucket[myrank] || role[ii]!=RECV_FIRST){
						//odd send to even then recv from even
						lint send_avg = send_ub[myrank][ii]/msg_iter+1;
						lint send_start = send_avg*it;
						lint send_size = (send_ub[myrank][ii]-send_start)>=send_avg?send_avg:(send_ub[myrank][ii]-send_start);
						//printf("myrank %d, to %lld msg_iter %d avg:%lld start:%lld size:%lld ub: %lld\n", myrank, ii, it, send_avg, send_start, send_size, send_ub[myrank][ii]);
						MPI_Send(msg->double_send[ii]+send_start, send_size, MPI_DOUBLE,  ii, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
						MPI_Send(msg->int_send[ii]+send_start, send_size, MPI_LONG_LONG, ii, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
						lint recv_avg = send_ub[ii][myrank]/msg_iter+1;
						lint recv_start = recv_avg*it;
						lint recv_size = (send_ub[ii][myrank]-recv_start)>=recv_avg?recv_avg:(send_ub[ii][myrank]-recv_start);
						MPI_Recv(msg->double_recv[ii]+recv_start, recv_size, MPI_DOUBLE, ii, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
						MPI_Recv(msg->int_recv[ii]+recv_start, recv_size, MPI_LONG_LONG, ii, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
						//if(iter==1 && myrank==0 && ii==1)
						//	printf("send ub %lld %lld\n", send_ub[ii][myrank], recv_size);
						//if(myrank==0 && ii==1 && iter ==1)
						//	for(i=0;i<recv_size;i++)
						//		printf("%d %lld\n", i+recv_start, msg->int_recv[ii][i+recv_start]);
				else if(role[myrank]==RECV_FIRST){
					for(ii=0; ii<num_nodes; ii++){
						if(bucket[ii]!=bucket[myrank] || role[ii]!=SEND_FIRST){
						//even recv from odd then send to odd
						lint recv_avg = send_ub[ii][myrank]/msg_iter+1;
						lint recv_start = recv_avg*it;
						lint recv_size = (send_ub[ii][myrank]-recv_start)>=recv_avg?recv_avg:(send_ub[ii][myrank]-recv_start);
						//if(myrank==1 && ii==0)
						//printf("myrank %d, to %lld msg_iter %d avg:%lld start:%lld size:%lld ub: %lld\n", myrank, ii, it, recv_avg, recv_start, recv_size, send_ub[ii][myrank]);
						MPI_Recv(msg->double_recv[ii]+recv_start, recv_size, MPI_DOUBLE, ii, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
						MPI_Recv(msg->int_recv[ii]+recv_start, recv_size, MPI_LONG_LONG, ii, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
						lint send_avg = send_ub[myrank][ii]/msg_iter+1;
						lint send_start = send_avg*it;
						lint send_size = (send_ub[myrank][ii]-send_start)>=send_avg?send_avg:(send_ub[myrank][ii]-send_start);
						MPI_Send(msg->double_send[ii]+send_start, send_size, MPI_DOUBLE,  ii, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
						MPI_Send(msg->int_send[ii]+send_start, send_size, MPI_LONG_LONG, ii, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
				lint send_avg = send_ub[myrank][ii]/msg_iter+1;
				lint send_start = send_avg*it;
				lint send_size = (send_ub[myrank][ii]-send_start)>=send_avg?send_avg:(send_ub[myrank][ii]-send_start);
				MPI_Isend(msg->double_send[ii]+send_start, send_size, MPI_DOUBLE,  ii, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(request_send_double[ii]));
				MPI_Isend(msg->int_send[ii]+send_start, send_size, MPI_LONG_LONG, ii, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(request_send_int[ii]));
				lint recv_avg = send_ub[ii][myrank]/msg_iter+1;
				lint recv_start = recv_avg*it;
				lint recv_size = (send_ub[ii][myrank]-recv_start)>=recv_avg?recv_avg:(send_ub[ii][myrank]-recv_start);
				MPI_Irecv(msg->double_recv[ii]+recv_start, recv_size, MPI_DOUBLE, ii, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(request_recv_double[ii]));
				MPI_Irecv(msg->int_recv[ii]+recv_start, recv_size, MPI_LONG_LONG, ii, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(request_recv_int[ii]));
			//printf("come here\n");
		//printf("before log\n");
			if(ii == myrank)
			MPI_Wait(&(request_send_double[ii]), &status);
			MPI_Wait(&(request_recv_double[ii]), &status);
			MPI_Wait(&(request_send_int[ii]), &status);
			MPI_Wait(&(request_recv_int[ii]), &status);
		//printf("see log!\n");
		//	sprintf(f_buf, "/home/yinzhaom/SNY/data/log/log_%d", myrank);
		//	FILE *logfile = fopen(f_buf, "w");
		//	int node, vet;
		//	for(node=0;node<num_nodes;node++){
		//		if(node==myrank)
		//			continue;
		//		fprintf(logfile, "from node %d\n", node);
		//		for(vet=0;vet<send_ub[node][myrank];vet++)
		//			fprintf(logfile, "%d %lld %lf\n", vet, msg->int_recv[node][vet], msg->double_recv[node][vet]);
		//	}
		//printf("finished msg passing of rank %d\n", myrank);
		toc_sr(t_list, 2);
			for (jj=0;jj<num_nodes;jj++)
				DPRINTF(3, "%lld ", msg->idx_recv[jj]);
			DPRINTF(3, "\n");
		/////////////communication recv////////////////////
		tic_sr(t_list, 3);
		from_msg(msg, gr, myrank,send_ub, purpose_jump, idx_start, idx_end);
		toc_sr(t_list, 3);
		//printf("FINIHSED from msg of rank %d\n", myrank);
		//	pp_msg(msg, gr, myrank,send_ub, purpose_jump);
		//////////////////check termination//////////////
		tic_sr(t_list, 4);
			diff_pr[ii]=(gr->vet_info[ii].wb - gr->vet_info[ii].weight)*gr->vet_info[ii].recip;
				terminate = FALSE;
			gr->vet_info[ii].weight = gr->vet_info[ii].wb;
		for(ii=0; ii<num_nodes; ii++){
			MPI_Send(term_buf, 10, MPI_INT, ii, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		for(ii=0; ii<num_nodes; ii++){
			MPI_Recv(term_buf, 10, MPI_INT, ii, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
		term[myrank] = terminate;
				terminate = FALSE;
		if(terminate == TRUE)
		toc_sr(t_list, 4);
		//printf("finished check termination of rank %d\n", myrank);
		DPRINTF(1, "Final pagerank values: \n");
			DPRINTF(1, "%lld|%lf ", (ii+gr->offset), gr->vet_info[ii].weight);
		DPRINTF(1, "\n");
		printf("iterations taken: %lld\n", iter);
		lint recv_size=0;
			recv_size += send_ub[i][myrank];
		print_result(t_list,  iter, gs->e_size, recv_size);
	/* Shut down mpi */
Exemple #23
int IMPI_Gateway_export(int *src_comm_lrank, int *dest_grank, int *tag, size_t *length, void **buffer)
  int gateway_flag = 0;

  int i;
  int iprobe_flag;
  size_t recv_msgcount;

  static int  my_comm_host_rank;
  static int  send_context;
  static int  procs_on_metahost;
  static int   *meta_header_sent;
  static char  *router_msg[1];
  static size_t router_msg_size[1];
  static size_t *meta_msg_i_size;
  static Meta_Header **meta_msg_i;

  static MPI_Status recv_status;
  struct MPIR_COMMUNICATOR *comm_host_ptr;

  static int firstcall=1;

    /* set up buffers */
    router_msg_size[0] = INIT_ROUTER_BUFFER_SIZE;
    router_msg[0] = (char *)malloc( INIT_ROUTER_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char));
    if( router_msg[0]==NULL ) exit(-1);
    comm_host_ptr = MPIR_GET_COMM_PTR( MPI_COMM_HOST );
    my_comm_host_rank = comm_host_ptr->local_rank;
    send_context = comm_host_ptr->send_context;
    procs_on_metahost = 3;
    meta_msg_i = (Meta_Header **) malloc( procs_on_metahost * sizeof( Meta_Header * ) );
    meta_msg_i_size = (int *) malloc( procs_on_metahost * sizeof( int ) );
    meta_header_sent = (int *) malloc( procs_on_metahost * sizeof( int ) );

    for( i = 0; i < procs_on_metahost; i++ )
      if( !(MPIR_meta_cfg.isRouter[i]) )
	meta_msg_i[i] = (Meta_Header *) malloc( INIT_ROUTER_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char) );
	meta_msg_i_size[i] = INIT_ROUTER_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char);
	meta_header_sent[i] = 0;
    firstcall = 0;

    DBG("Check_gateway --> first call");
  /* receive messages from the mpi-processes of the localhost 
     and route them to the according host */
  MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_HOST, &iprobe_flag, &recv_status);
  DBG2("Iprobe is %d / Sender is %d", iprobe_flag, recv_status.MPI_SOURCE);
  if (!iprobe_flag)
    /* No gateway message available...*/
    return 0;
    if(buffer==NULL) return 1; /* <-- this is just a check-gateway call */

    /* get the size of the message to be received */
    MPI_Get_count(&recv_status, MPI_BYTE, &recv_msgcount);

    if( (recv_status.MPI_TAG == MPIR_SEPARATE_MSG_TAG) && (meta_header_sent[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]) )
      DBG2("SEPARATE_MSG_TAG %d %d",recv_msgcount,recv_msgcount-sizeof(Meta_Header));
      /* a meta header was sent and this is the message belonging to that header */
      meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE] = (Meta_Header * )IMPI_adjustbuffer( (char *)(meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]),
									      recv_msgcount + sizeof( Meta_Header ) );
      if ( meta_msg_i_size[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE] < recv_msgcount + sizeof( Meta_Header ) )
	meta_msg_i_size[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE] = recv_msgcount + sizeof( Meta_Header );
      DBG2("No SEPARATE_MSG_TAG %d %d",recv_msgcount,recv_msgcount-sizeof(Meta_Header));
      router_msg[0] = IMPI_adjustbuffer(router_msg[0], router_msg_size[0], recv_msgcount);
      if( router_msg_size[0] < recv_msgcount ) router_msg_size[0] = recv_msgcount;
    if( (recv_status.MPI_TAG == MPIR_SEPARATE_MSG_TAG) && (meta_header_sent[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]) ) {
      /* we receive this message in the buffer for the sender process, directly after the meta header */
      MPI_Recv( meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE] + 1, recv_msgcount, MPI_BYTE,
		recv_status.MPI_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_HOST, &recv_status);
      DBG("Local message received");
    else {
      DBG2("Going to recv the router message (%d) from %d", recv_msgcount, recv_status.MPI_SOURCE);
      MPI_Recv(router_msg[0], recv_msgcount, MPI_BYTE, recv_status.MPI_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_HOST, &recv_status);
      DBG("Router message received");
    /* check type of message - command message or MPI message ? */
    switch (recv_status.MPI_TAG)

	 |  IMPI: this connection mapping would correspond to the IMPI host mapping, but currently we
	 |  maintain only one IMPI host per IMPI client!
//      conn = get_conn_for_dest( meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]->msg.MPI.dest_grank );
	DBG4("Gateway-msg for [a%d] from [m%d], tag %d, MPI size %d",
	     meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]->msg.MPI.count );

	*(dest_grank)     = meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]->msg.MPI.dest_grank;
	*(src_comm_lrank) = meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]->msg.MPI.src_comm_lrank;
	*(tag)            = meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]->msg.MPI.tag;
	*(length)         = meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE]->msg.MPI.count;
	*(buffer)         = (void*)(meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE] + 1);

	gateway_flag = 1;
	meta_header_sent[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE] = 0;
	 | this is a short message containing the meta data for a nonblocking msg
	 | that comes later on, therefore we must save the data here 
	DBG2("memcpy (%d) in buffer of %d", recv_msgcount, recv_status.MPI_SOURCE);
	memcpy( meta_msg_i[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE], router_msg[0], recv_msgcount );
	meta_header_sent[recv_status.MPI_SOURCE] = 1;
	DBG("Header stored");

      case MPIR_ROUTMSG_TAG:
	switch (((Meta_Header *)router_msg[0])->msg.Rout.command) {
	  case FINALIZE:
	    /* ERROR: got router message with wrong command */
        /* ERROR: got message with wrong tag */
  } /* if (!iprobe_flag) ... */ 
  DBG1("Leaving Check_gateway with %d", gateway_flag);

  return gateway_flag;
Exemple #24
void solve(int ite){
	/**iteraciones por cada intervalo de tiempo ***/
	for(int t=0;t<ite;t++){			
		/**Calculo de la fuerza total que actua en cada una de las particulas 
		 * que interctuan entre si ***/
		int source = (myid+1)%nproc;
		int dest = (myid+nproc-1)%nproc;
		double loc_pos[num_per_thread][DIM];
		double tmp_pos[num_per_thread][DIM];
		double loc_masses[num_per_thread];
		double tmp_masses[num_per_thread];
		double loc_forces[N][DIM];
		double tmp_forces[N][DIM];
			for(int i=1; i<nproc; i++){
				for(int j=i, k=0 ; k<num_per_thread ;k++,j+=nproc){
					loc_pos[k][X] = pos[j][X];
					loc_pos[k][Y] = pos[j][Y];
					loc_masses[k] = masses[j];
				MPI_Send(loc_pos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                MPI_Send(loc_masses, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			for(int j=0, k=0 ; k<num_per_thread ;k++,j+=nproc){
				loc_pos[k][X] = pos[j][X];
				loc_pos[k][Y] = pos[j][Y];
				loc_masses[k] = masses[j];
			MPI_Recv(loc_pos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
            MPI_Recv(loc_masses, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		for(int i=0; i<num_per_thread ;i++){
			loc_forces[i][X] = 0;
			loc_forces[i][Y] = 0;
			tmp_forces[i][X] = 0;
			tmp_forces[i][Y] = 0;
			tmp_pos[i][X] = loc_pos[i][X];
			tmp_pos[i][Y] = loc_pos[i][Y];
			tmp_masses[i] = loc_masses[i];
			tmp_masses[i] = loc_masses[i];
		//Compute forces due to interactions among local particles
		for(int q=0; q<num_per_thread-1 ;q++){
			for(int k=q+1; k<num_per_thread ;k++){
				double x_diff = loc_pos[q][X]-tmp_pos[k][X];
				double y_diff = loc_pos[q][Y]-tmp_pos[k][Y];
				double dist = sqrt(x_diff*x_diff + y_diff*y_diff);
				double dist_cubed = dist*dist*dist;
					dist_cubed = -1*dist_cubed;
				double force_qkx = G*loc_masses[q]*tmp_masses[k]/dist_cubed * x_diff;
				double force_qky = G*loc_masses[q]*tmp_masses[k]/dist_cubed * y_diff;
				loc_forces[q][X] -= force_qkx;
				loc_forces[q][Y] -= force_qky;
				tmp_forces[k][X] += force_qkx;
				tmp_forces[k][Y] += force_qky;
		for(int phase=1; phase<nproc; phase++){
			MPI_Sendrecv_replace(tmp_masses, num_per_thread, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 1, source, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
			MPI_Sendrecv_replace(tmp_pos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 2, source, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
			MPI_Sendrecv_replace(tmp_forces, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 3, source, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
			for(int q=0; q<num_per_thread-1 ;q++){
				for(int k=q+1; k<num_per_thread ;k++){
					double x_diff = loc_pos[q][X]-tmp_pos[k][X];
					double y_diff = loc_pos[q][Y]-tmp_pos[k][Y];
					double dist = sqrt(x_diff*x_diff + y_diff*y_diff);
					double dist_cubed = dist*dist*dist;
						dist_cubed = -1*dist_cubed;
					double force_qkx = G*loc_masses[q]*tmp_masses[k]/dist_cubed * x_diff;
					double force_qky = G*loc_masses[q]*tmp_masses[k]/dist_cubed * y_diff;
					loc_forces[q][X] -= force_qkx;
					loc_forces[q][Y] -= force_qky;
					tmp_forces[k][X] += force_qkx;
					tmp_forces[k][Y] += force_qky;
		MPI_Sendrecv_replace(tmp_masses, num_per_thread, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 1, source, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		MPI_Sendrecv_replace(tmp_pos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 2, source, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		MPI_Sendrecv_replace(tmp_forces, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 3, source, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		for(int k=0; k<num_per_thread ;k++){
			loc_forces[k][X] += tmp_forces[k][X];
			loc_forces[k][Y] += tmp_forces[k][Y];
			for(int k=0 ; k<num_per_thread ;k++){
				forces[k*nproc][X] = loc_forces[k][X];
				forces[k*nproc][Y] = loc_forces[k][Y];
			for(int i=1; i<nproc; i++){
				MPI_Recv(loc_forces, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
				for(int k=0 ; k<num_per_thread ;k++){
					forces[k*nproc+i][X] = loc_forces[k][X];
					forces[k*nproc+i][Y] = loc_forces[k][Y];
			MPI_Send(loc_forces, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		double newVel[num_per_thread][DIM];
		double bVel[num_per_thread][DIM];
		double newPos[num_per_thread][DIM];
		MPI_Scatter(pos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, newPos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Scatter(vel, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, newVel, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Scatter(masses, num_per_thread, MPI_DOUBLE, loc_masses, num_per_thread, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Scatter(vel, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, bVel, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Scatter(forces, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, loc_forces, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);	
		//printf("antes: %f from %d\n",newPos[1][0],myid);	
		for(int i=0; i<num_per_thread ;i++){
			newPos[i][X] += delta_t*bVel[i][X];
			newPos[i][Y] += delta_t*bVel[i][Y];
			newVel[i][X] += delta_t/loc_masses[i]*loc_forces[i][X];
			newVel[i][Y] += delta_t/loc_masses[i]*loc_forces[i][Y];
		//printf("despi: %f from %d\n",newPos[1][0],myid);
		MPI_Gather(newPos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, pos, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Gather(newVel, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, vel, num_per_thread*DIM, MPI_DOUBLE, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			/**Calculo de la posicion y velocidad de cada
			 * particula ***
			for(int q=0;q<N;q++){
				pos[q][X] = newPos[q][X];
				pos[q][Y] = newPos[q][Y];
				vel[q][X] = newVel[q][X];
				vel[q][Y] = newVel[q][Y];
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         rank, size, i, j, k, token;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Status  status;
    void * data = NULL;
    uint64_t start[3], count[3], step = 0;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    adios_read_init_method (method, comm, "verbose=3");
    adios_logger_open ("log_read_as_file_C", rank);

    /* adios_read_open_file() allows for seeing all timesteps in the file */
    ADIOS_FILE * f = adios_read_open_file ("global_array_time_C.bp", method, comm);
    if (f == NULL)
        log_error ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());
        return -1;

    ADIOS_VARINFO * v = adios_inq_var (f, "temperature");

    // read in two timesteps
    data = malloc (2 * v->dims[0] * v->dims[1] * sizeof (double));
    if (data == NULL)
        log_error ("malloc failed.\n");
        return -1;

    // read in timestep 'rank' (up to 12)
    step = rank % 13;

    start[0] = 0;
    count[0] = v->dims[0];

    start[1] = 0;
    count[1] = v->dims[1];

    /* Read a subset of the temperature array */
    sel = adios_selection_boundingbox (v->ndim, start, count);
    /*    2 steps from 'step' */
    adios_schedule_read (f, sel, "temperature", step, 2, data);
    adios_perform_reads (f, 1);

    if (rank == 0) 
        log_test ("Array size of temperature [0:%lld,0:%lld]\n", v->dims[0], v->dims[1]);   

    if (rank > 0) {
        MPI_Recv (&token, 1, MPI_INT, rank-1, 0, comm, &status);

    log_test("rank=%d: \n", rank);
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        log_test ("step %lld = [\n", step+i);   
        for (j = 0; j < v->dims[0]; j++) {
            log_test (" [");
            for (k = 0; k < v->dims[1]; k++) {
                log_test ("%g ", ((double *)data) [ i * v->dims[0] * v->dims[1] + j * v->dims[1] + k]);
            log_test ("]\n");
        log_test ("]\n");
    log_test ("\n");

    if (rank < size-1) {
        MPI_Send (&token, 1, MPI_INT, rank+1, 0, comm);

    free (data);
    adios_free_varinfo (v);

    adios_read_close (f);
    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    adios_read_finalize_method (method);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
/* Guassian Elimination algorithm using MPI */
void gaussElimination() {

    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Request request;
    int row, col, i, norm;
    float multiplier;

    /* Array with the row size and number of rows that each processor will handle */
    int * first_row_A_array = (int*) malloc ( p * sizeof(int) );
    int * n_of_rows_A_array = (int*) malloc ( p * sizeof(int) );
    int * first_row_B_array = (int*) malloc ( p * sizeof(int) );
    int * n_of_rows_B_array = (int*) malloc ( p * sizeof(int) );
    for ( i = 0; i < p; i++ ) {
        first_row_A_array[i] = 0;
        n_of_rows_A_array[i] = 0;
        first_row_B_array[i] = 0;
        n_of_rows_B_array[i] = 0;

    /* Main loop. After every iteration, a new column will have all 0 values down the [norm] index */
    for (norm = 0; norm < N-1; norm++) {

        /* --------------------------------------- */
        /*  Broadcasting of common values          */
        /*  -------------------------------------- */
        /* Broadcast the A[norm] row and B[norm], important values of this iteration */
        MPI_Bcast( &A[ N*norm ], N, MPI_FLOAT, SOURCE, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPI_Bcast( &B[norm], 1, MPI_FLOAT, SOURCE, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

        /* ---------------------------------------   */
        /*  Calculation of number of rows to operate */
        /*  --------------------------------------   */
        /* subset of rows of this iteration */
        int subset = N - 1 - norm;
        /* number that indicates the step as a float */
        float step = ((float)subset ) / (p);
        /* First and last rows that this process will work into for this iteration */
        int first_row = norm + 1 + ceil( step * (my_rank) );
        int last_row = norm + 1 + floor( step * (my_rank+1) );
        if ( last_row >= N ) last_row = N-1;
        int number_of_rows = last_row - first_row +1;

        /*printf("\nProcess number %d of %d says in iteration %d that a=%d, b=%d and n=%d\n",
                            my_rank+1, p, norm+1,first_row,last_row,number_of_rows) ;*/

        /* --------------------------------------- */
        /*  Send data from process 0 to others     */
        /*  -------------------------------------- */
        if ( my_rank == SOURCE ) {

            for ( i = 1; i < p; i++ ) {

                /* We send to each process the amount of data that they are going to handle */
                int first_row_rmte = norm + 1 + ceil( step * (i) );
                int last_row_rmte = norm + 1 + floor( step * (i+1) );
                if( last_row_rmte >= N ) last_row_rmte = N -1;
                int number_of_rows_rmte = last_row_rmte - first_row_rmte +1;

                /* In case this process isn't assigned any task, continue. This happens when there are more processors than rows */
                //if( number_of_rows_rmte < 1 || first_row_rmte >= N ) continue;

                if ( number_of_rows_rmte < 0 ) number_of_rows_rmte = 0;
                if ( first_row_rmte >= N ) { number_of_rows_rmte = 0; first_row_rmte = N-1; };

                first_row_A_array[i] = first_row_rmte * N;
                first_row_B_array[i] = first_row_rmte;
                n_of_rows_A_array[i] = number_of_rows_rmte * N;
                n_of_rows_B_array[i] = number_of_rows_rmte ;

                //MPI_Isend( &A[first_row_rmte * N], N * number_of_rows_rmte, MPI_FLOAT, i,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
                //MPI_Isend( &B[first_row_rmte],         number_of_rows_rmte, MPI_FLOAT, i,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

        /* Receiver side */
       /* else {

            if ( number_of_rows > 0  && first_row < N) {

                //MPI_Recv( &A[first_row * N], N * number_of_rows, MPI_FLOAT, SOURCE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
                //MPI_Recv( &B[first_row],         number_of_rows, MPI_FLOAT, SOURCE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

            &A[0],              // send buffer
            n_of_rows_A_array,  // array with number of elements in each chunk
            first_row_A_array,  // array with pointers to initial element of each chunk
            MPI_FLOAT,          // type of elements to send
            &A[first_row * N],  // receive buffer
            N * number_of_rows, // number of elements to receive
            MPI_FLOAT,          // type of elements to receive
            SOURCE,             // who sends

        /*printf("\nProcess %d: Iteration number %d of %d\n",
                    my_rank, norm+1, N-1);

        /* --------------------------------------- */
        /*  Gaussian elimination                   */
        /*  The arrays only have the needed values */
        /*  -------------------------------------- */

        if ( number_of_rows > 0  && first_row < N) {  
            /* Similar code than in the sequential case */
            for (row = first_row; row <= last_row; row++) {

                multiplier = A[N*row + norm] / A[norm + N*norm];
                for (col = norm; col < N; col++) {
                    A[col+N*row] -= A[N*norm + col] * multiplier;

                B[row] -= B[norm] * multiplier;

        /* --------------------------------------- */
        /*  Send back the results                  */
        /*  -------------------------------------- */
        /* Sender side */

        if ( my_rank != SOURCE ) {
            if ( number_of_rows > 0  && first_row < N) {
                MPI_Isend( &A[first_row * N], N * number_of_rows, MPI_FLOAT, SOURCE,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
                MPI_Isend( &B[first_row],         number_of_rows, MPI_FLOAT, SOURCE,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
        /* Receiver side */
        else {

            for ( i = 1; i < p; i++ ) {

                // In case this process isn't assigned any task, continue. This happens when there are more processors than rows 
                if( n_of_rows_B_array[i] < 1  || first_row_B_array[i] >= N) continue;

                MPI_Recv( &A[ first_row_A_array[i] ], n_of_rows_A_array[i] , MPI_FLOAT, i,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
                MPI_Recv( &B[ first_row_B_array[i] ], n_of_rows_B_array[i] , MPI_FLOAT, i,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );

            &A[first_row * N],       // send buffer
            N * number_of_rows,      // number of elements to send
            MPI_FLOAT,               // type of elements to send
            &A[0],                   // receive buffer
            n_of_rows_A_array,       // array with number of elements in each chunk
            first_row_A_array,       // array with pointers to initial element of each chunk, in the reception buffer
            MPI_FLOAT,               // type of elements to receive
            SOURCE,                  // who receives

Exemple #27
/// Recreate the shared nodes. An alternate incorrect version can be enabled by undefining CORRECT_COORD_COMPARISON
void ParFUM_recreateSharedNodes(int meshid, int dim, MPI_Comm newComm) {

  MPI_Comm comm = newComm;
  int rank, nParts;
  int send_count=0; // sanity check
  int recv_count=0; // sanity check
  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nParts);


#define TORUSY 15
#define TORUSZ 15

  CkPrintf("rank %d is manually configuring the IDXL lists to make the shared node generation fast\n");
  FEM_Mesh *mesh = (FEM_chunk::get("ParFUM_recreateSharedNodes"))->lookup(meshid,"ParFUM_recreateSharedNodes");
  IDXL_Side &shared = mesh->node.shared;
  int low = (rank-1+nParts) % nParts;
  int high = (rank+1) % nParts;
  IDXL_List &list1 = shared.addList(low);
  IDXL_List &list2 = shared.addList(high);
  int nodesInPlane = TORUSY * TORUSZ;
  int numNodes = FEM_Mesh_get_length(meshid,FEM_NODE);
  // vp - 1
  for(int j=0;j<nodesInPlane;j++){
  // vp + 1
  for(int j=0;j<nodesInPlane;j++){
    list2.push_back(numNodes - nodesInPlane +j);

  // Shared data will be temporarily stored in the following structure
  int *sharedNodeCounts; // sharedCounts[i] = number of nodes shared with rank i
  int **sharedNodeLists; // sharedNodes[i] is the list of nodes shared with rank i
  // Initialize shared data
  sharedNodeCounts = (int *)malloc(nParts*sizeof(int));
  sharedNodeLists = (int **)malloc(nParts*sizeof(int *));
  for (int i=0; i<nParts; i++) {
    sharedNodeLists[i] = NULL;
    sharedNodeCounts[i] = 0;
  // Get local node count and coordinates
  int numNodes;
  int coord_msg_tag=42, sharedlist_msg_tag=43;
  double *nodeCoords;
  numNodes = FEM_Mesh_get_length(meshid,FEM_NODE);
  nodeCoords = (double *)malloc(dim*numNodes*sizeof(double));


  FEM_Mesh_data(meshid,FEM_NODE,FEM_COORD, nodeCoords, 0, numNodes,FEM_DOUBLE, dim);
  if (rank==0) CkPrintf("Extracted node data...\n");

  // Begin exchange of node coordinates to determine shared nodes
  // FIX ME: compute bounding box, only exchange when bounding boxes collide

  /// The highest partition # to which I send my coordinates(wraps around)
  int sendUpperBound;   if(nParts %2==0){
    sendUpperBound = rank + (nParts/2)  - (rank%2);
  } else {
    sendUpperBound = rank + (nParts/2) ;

  /// The lowest partition # to which I send my coordinates(wraps around)
  int sendLowerBound;
  if(nParts %2==0){
    sendLowerBound = rank - (nParts/2) + ((rank+1)%2);
  } else {
    sendLowerBound = rank - (nParts/2);
  // Special case optimization for when the mesh is generated in such a way that only neighboring partitions share nodes
  // look for command line argument
  //#warning "ParFUM_recreateSharedNodes only allows adjacent partitions(rank +/- 1) to have shared nodes"
  sendUpperBound = rank + 1;
  sendLowerBound = rank - 1;

  for (int i=rank+1; i<=sendUpperBound; i++) { //send nodeCoords to rank i
    MPI_Send(nodeCoords, dim*numNodes, MPI_DOUBLE, i%nParts, coord_msg_tag, comm);
    send_count ++;
    //    printf("[%d] Sending %d doubles  to rank %d \n",rank,dim*numNodes,i%nParts);

  // Receive coordinates from the appropriate number of other partitions
  // These can be received in any order
  for (int i=sendLowerBound; i<rank; i++) {
    std::vector<int> remoteSharedNodes, localSharedNodes;
    double *recvNodeCoords;
    MPI_Status status;
    int source, length;
    // Probe for a coordinate message from any source; extract source and msg length
    MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, coord_msg_tag, comm, &status);
    source = status.MPI_SOURCE;
    length = status.MPI_LENGTH/sizeof(double);
    // printf("[%d] Receiving %d doubles from rank %d \n",rank,length,source);
    recv_count ++;
    // Receive whatever data was available according to probe
    recvNodeCoords = (double *)malloc(length*sizeof(double));
    MPI_Recv((void*)recvNodeCoords, length, MPI_DOUBLE, source, 
	      coord_msg_tag, comm, &status);
    // Match coords between local nodes and received coords
    int recvNodeCount = length/dim;



    int borderNodes = BORDERNODES;

    //#warning "Only the first and last BORDERNODES nodes on each partition are candidates for being shared nodes"

    // indices are inclusive
    int myBottomLow = 0;
    int myBottomHigh = borderNodes;
    int myTopLow = numNodes - borderNodes;
    int myTopHigh = numNodes-1;

    int recvBottomLow = 0;
    int recvBottomHigh = borderNodes;
    int recvTopLow = recvNodeCount - borderNodes;
    int recvTopHigh = recvNodeCount-1;

    CkPrintf("[%d] rank=%d myBottomLow=%d myBottomHigh=%d myTopLow=%d myTopHigh=%d   recvBottomLow=%d recvBottomHigh=%d recvTopLow=%d recvTopHigh=%d\n", CkMyPe(), rank, myBottomLow, myBottomHigh, myTopLow, myTopHigh, recvBottomLow, recvBottomHigh, recvTopLow, recvTopHigh);    

    // make sure the top region is non-negative
    if(myTopLow < 0)
      myTopLow = 0;
    if(recvTopLow < 0)
      recvTopLow = 0;

    // make the two regions be non-overlapping
    if(myBottomHigh >= myTopLow)
      myTopLow = myTopLow-1;
    if(recvBottomHigh >= recvTopLow)
      recvTopLow = recvTopLow-1;
    for (int j=myBottomLow; j<=myBottomHigh; j++) {
      for (int k=recvBottomLow; k<=recvBottomHigh; k++) {
	if (coordEqual(&nodeCoords[j*dim], &recvNodeCoords[k*dim], dim)) {

    for (int j=myTopLow; j<=myBottomHigh; j++) {
      for (int k=recvTopLow; k<=recvTopHigh; k++) {
	if (coordEqual(&nodeCoords[j*dim], &recvNodeCoords[k*dim], dim)) {

    for (int j=myTopLow; j<=myTopHigh; j++) {
      for (int k=recvBottomLow; k<=recvBottomHigh; k++) {
	if (coordEqual(&nodeCoords[j*dim], &recvNodeCoords[k*dim], dim)) {

    for (int j=myBottomLow; j<=myTopHigh; j++) {
      for (int k=recvTopLow; k<=recvTopHigh; k++) {
	if (coordEqual(&nodeCoords[j*dim], &recvNodeCoords[k*dim], dim)) {


    //    CkPrintf("Comparing %d nodes with %d received nodes\n", numNodes, recvNodeCount);
    for (int j=0; j<numNodes; j++) {
      for (int k=0; k<recvNodeCount; k++) {
	if (coordEqual(&nodeCoords[j*dim], &recvNodeCoords[k*dim], dim)) {
	  //printf("[%d] found local node %d to match with remote node %d \n",rank,j,k);


    // Copy local nodes that were shared with source into the data structure
    int *localSharedNodeList = (int *)malloc(localSharedNodes.size()*sizeof(int));
    for (int m=0; m<localSharedNodes.size(); m++) {
      localSharedNodeList[m] = localSharedNodes[m];
    sharedNodeCounts[source] = localSharedNodes.size();
    sharedNodeLists[source] = localSharedNodeList;
    // do not delete localSharedNodeList as a pointer to it is stored
    // Send remote nodes that were shared with this partition to remote partition
    MPI_Send((int *)&remoteSharedNodes[0], remoteSharedNodes.size(), MPI_INT, source, 
	     sharedlist_msg_tag, comm);

  for (int i=rank+1; i<=sendUpperBound; i++) {  // recv shared node lists (from the partitions in any order)
    int *sharedNodes;
    MPI_Status status;
    int source, length;
    // Probe for a shared node list from any source; extract source and msg length
    MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, sharedlist_msg_tag, comm, &status);
    source = status.MPI_SOURCE;
    length = status.MPI_LENGTH/sizeof(int);
    // Recv the shared node list the probe revealed was available
    sharedNodes = (int *)malloc(length*sizeof(int));
    MPI_Recv((void*)sharedNodes, length, MPI_INT, source, sharedlist_msg_tag, comm, &status);
    // Store the shared node list in the data structure
    sharedNodeCounts[source] = length;
    sharedNodeLists[source] = sharedNodes;
    // don't delete sharedNodes! we kept a pointer to it!

  if (rank==0) CkPrintf("Received new shared node lists...\n");

  // IMPLEMENT ME: use sharedNodeLists and sharedNodeCounts to move shared node data 
  // to IDXL
  FEM_Mesh *mesh = (FEM_chunk::get("ParFUM_recreateSharedNodes"))->lookup(meshid,"ParFUM_recreateSharedNodes");
  IDXL_Side &shared = mesh->node.shared;
  for(int i=0;i<nParts;i++){
    if(i == rank)
    if(sharedNodeCounts[i] != 0){
      IDXL_List &list = shared.addList(i);
      for(int j=0;j<sharedNodeCounts[i];j++){

  if (rank==0) CkPrintf("Recreation of shared nodes complete...\n");

  //printf("After recreating shared nodes %d \n",rank);
  CkAssert(send_count + recv_count == 2);
  CkAssert(send_count + recv_count == nParts-1);

  // Clean up
  for (int i=0; i<nParts; i++) {
    if (sharedNodeLists[i])

#endif // normal mode, not super fast mesh specific one
Exemple #28
/* ************************************************************************ */
calculate_gaussseidel (struct calculation_arguments const* arguments, struct calculation_results *results, struct options* options)
    int i, j;                                   /* local variables for loops  */
    int m1, m2;                                 /* used as indices for old and new matrices       */
    double star;                                /* four times center value minus 4 neigh.b values */
    double residuum;                            /* residuum of current iteration                  */
    double maxresiduum;                         /* maximum residuum value of a slave in iteration */
    double maxresiduumbuf;                      /* holds the preceeding maxresiduum               */
    int termflag;                               /* once the last rank is accurate enough to
                                                   terminate by precision, it communicates
                                                   this information using this flag to the
                                                   next process above it.                           */
    int termflag2;                              /* this flag is set and sent down starting from
                                                   rank 0 once rank 0 receives termflag = 1 from a
                                                   process beneath it                               */

    int const N = arguments->N;
    int const N_global = arguments->N_global;
    double const h = arguments->h;
    int const nproc = arguments->nproc;
    int const rank = arguments->rank;

    int term_iteration = options->term_iteration;
    termflag = 0;
    termflag2 = 0;

    /* initialize m1 and m2 depending on algorithm */
    if (options->method == METH_JACOBI)
        m1 = 0;
        m2 = 1;
        m1 = 0;
        m2 = 0;

    while (term_iteration > 0)
        double** Matrix_Out = arguments->Matrix[m1];
        double** Matrix_In  = arguments->Matrix[m2];

        maxresiduum = 0;
        maxresiduumbuf = 0;

        if(rank > 0)
            // receive communication line from above
            MPI_Recv(Matrix_Out[0], N_global + 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1,
                     rank - 1 + results->stat_iteration, MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);

            // receive preceeding maxresiduum
            MPI_Recv(&maxresiduumbuf, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, rank - 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);

            // receive final termination flag from above
            MPI_Recv(&termflag2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, rank - 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);

        // in the initial run the first process must not receive values
        if(results->stat_iteration > 0)
            if(rank != nproc - 1)
                // reveive communication line from below
                MPI_Recv(Matrix_Out[N], N_global + 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1,
                         rank + 1 + results->stat_iteration - 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);

                // receive preliminary termflag from preceeding rank
                MPI_Recv(&termflag, 1, MPI_INT, rank + 1, rank + 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);

        /* over all rows */
        for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
            /* over all columns */
            for (j = 1; j < N_global; j++)
                star = 0.25 * (Matrix_In[i-1][j] +
                               Matrix_In[i][j-1] +
                               Matrix_In[i][j+1] +

                if (options->inf_func == FUNC_FPISIN)
                    star += (0.25 * TWO_PI_SQUARE * h * h) *
                            sin((PI * h) * ((double)i + arguments->offset)) *
                            sin((PI * h) * (double)j);

                if (options->termination == TERM_PREC || term_iteration == 1)
                    residuum = Matrix_In[i][j] - star;
                    residuum = (residuum < 0) ? -residuum : residuum;
                    maxresiduum = (residuum < maxresiduum) ? maxresiduum : residuum;
                    maxresiduum = (maxresiduumbuf < maxresiduum) ? maxresiduum : maxresiduumbuf;

                Matrix_Out[i][j] = star;

        // in the last iteration the values must not get sent upwards, this lets the pipeline run out
        if(term_iteration > 1 && termflag2 != 1)
            if(rank > 0)
                // send communication line upwards
                MPI_Send(Matrix_Out[1], N_global + 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1,
                         rank + results->stat_iteration, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                // send prelimary termination flag upwards
                MPI_Send(&termflag, 1, MPI_INT, rank - 1, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        if(rank != nproc - 1)
            // send communication line downwards
            MPI_Send(Matrix_Out[N - 1], N_global + 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1,
                     rank + results->stat_iteration, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

            // send maxresiduum down the procs
            MPI_Send(&maxresiduum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

            // send final termflag downwards
            MPI_Send(&termflag2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        /* exchange m1 and m2 */
        i = m1;
        m1 = m2;
        m2 = i;

        results->stat_precision = maxresiduum;

        if(termflag2 == 1)
            term_iteration = 0;

        // if we receive the termflag at the top of our process stack (rank 0), set termflag2 to 1
        // so the stack terminates
        if(rank == 0)
            if(termflag == 1)
                termflag2 = 1;

        /* check for stopping calculation, depending on termination method */
        if (options->termination == TERM_PREC)
            if (rank == nproc - 1) {
                if (maxresiduum < options->term_precision && termflag != 1)
                    termflag = 1;
        else if (options->termination == TERM_ITER)


    results->m = m2;
Exemple #29
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int rank, size, version, subversion, namelen, universe_size, jugadorMano, repartidor, sizeMazo, sizeDescartadas;
    char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME], worker_program[100];
    MPI_Comm juego_comm;
    Carta mazo[N_CARTAS_MAZO];
    Carta mano0[N_CARTAS_MANO];
    Carta mano1[N_CARTAS_MANO];
    Carta mano2[N_CARTAS_MANO];
    Carta mano3[N_CARTAS_MANO];
    Carta manoJugadorHumano[N_CARTAS_MANO];

    char *caras[] = {"As", "Dos", "Tres", "Cuatro", "Cinco",
                     "Seis", "Siete", "Sota", "Caballo", "Rey"};

    char *palos[] = {"Oros", "Copas", "Espadas", "Bastos"};
    char *lancesEtiquetas[] = {"Grande", "Chica", "Pares", "Juego", "Al punto"};
    int valores[] = {1, 1, 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10};
    int equivalencias[] = {1, 1, 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    int piedras[N_PAREJAS] = {0, 0};
    int apuestas[N_LANCES + 1] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    int jugadorHumano = 99;
    int pareja1[6]; // miembro 1 de pareja - miembro 2 de pareja - piedras - rondas - juegos - vacas
    int pareja2[6];
    int ronda = 0;
    // inicialización de contadores
    pareja1[0] = 0;
    pareja1[1] = 2;
    pareja2[0] = 1;
    pareja2[1] = 3;
    int l = 0;
    for (l = 2; l < 6; l++) {
        pareja1[l] = 0;
        pareja2[l] = 0;
    int N_PUNTOS_JUEGO = 40;
    int N_JUEGOS_VACA = 3;
    int N_VACAS_PARTIDA = 3;
    int N_PARTIDAS = 1;
    srand(time(NULL)); /* randomize */

    sizeMazo = crearMazo(mazo, caras, palos, valores, equivalencias); /* llena el mazo de cartas */
    sizeDescartadas = 0;
    int ordago = 0;
    char modo = 'Z'; //1 automático, 0 manual

    printf("Introduzca el número de partidas (1): \n");
    scanf(" %d", &N_PARTIDAS);

    printf("Introduzca el número de vacas (3): \n");
    scanf(" %d", &N_VACAS_PARTIDA);

    printf("Introduzca el número de juegos (3): \n");
    scanf(" %d", &N_VACAS_PARTIDA);

    printf("Introduzca el número de puntos por juego (40): \n");
    scanf(" %d", &N_PUNTOS_JUEGO);

    printf("Introduzca el modo de juego (A:automático, I:interactivo): \n");
    while (modo != 'A' || modo != 'I' || modo != 'a' || modo != 'i') {
        modo = getchar();

        if (modo == 'A' || modo == 'I' || modo == 'a' || modo == 'i') {
        else {
            printf("Introduzca una A o una I\n");


    printf("Comenzando partida en modo %c\n", modo);
    if (modo == 'I' || modo == 'i') {
        jugadorHumano = rand() % (N_JUGADORES + 1 - 0) + 0;
        //jugadorHumano = 3;
        printf("El identificador para el jugador humano es: %d\n", jugadorHumano);

    printf("[maestro] Tamaño del mazo"
                   " %d\n", sizeMazo);
    //printMazo(mazo); /*Imprime el mazo*/
    barajarMazo(mazo); /*Baraja el mazo*/
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);    /* starts MPI */
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);    /* get current process id */
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);    /* get number of processes */
    MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);
    MPI_Get_version(&version, &subversion);
    printf("[maestro] Iniciado proceso maestro %d de %d en %s ejecutando MPI %d.%d\n", rank, size, processor_name,
    if (size != 1)
        printf("[maestro] Error: sólo debería estar ejecutándose el proceso maestro, pero hay %d procesos ejecutándose\n",

/* Fijar el total de procesos a ejecutar incluyendo el maestro */
    universe_size = 5;
    strcpy(worker_program, "./jugador");
    printf("[maestro] Generando %d procesos ejecutando %s\n", universe_size - 1, worker_program);
    MPI_Comm_spawn(worker_program, MPI_ARGV_NULL, universe_size - 1, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_SELF, &juego_comm,
    printf("[maestro] Ejecutado proceso maestro con identificador %d de un total de %d\n", rank, size);

    /* PRIMER INTERCAMBIO DE INFORMACIÓN: maestro a jugadores */
    MPI_Bcast(&sizeMazo, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);/*Envío del tamaño del mazo */
    MPI_Bcast(&sizeDescartadas, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);/*Envío del tamaño del mazo de descartadas*/
    int corte; /* jugador que realizará el corte */
    int N = 0, M = N_JUGADORES - 1; /* valores del intervalo */
    corte = M + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (N - M + 1) + 1); /* proceso aleatorio de entre los existentes */
    MPI_Bcast(&corte, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm); /* envío del id de proceso que realizará el corte a todos*/
    MPI_Bcast(&modo, 1, MPI_CHAR, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
    MPI_Bcast(&jugadorHumano, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT,
              juego_comm); /* envío del id de jugador humano en caso de modo manual*/

    enviarMazo(mazo, corte, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MAZO); /* envío del mazo al jugador que va a cortar la baraja*/
    MPI_Recv(&repartidor, 1, MPI_INT, corte, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

    /* Comienzan rondas
    while ((pareja1[5] != 1 && pareja2[5] != 1)) { //mientras no haya una partida ganada...
        printf("INICIANDO RONDA %d\n", ronda);
        if (ronda != 0) {
            Carta mazo[N_CARTAS_MAZO];
            sizeMazo = crearMazo(mazo, caras, palos, valores, equivalencias); /* llena el mazo de cartas */
            printf("ATENCION Tamaño mazo: %d\n", sizeMazo);
            sizeDescartadas = 0;
            int ordago = 0;
            barajarMazo(mazo); /*Baraja el mazo*/
        printf("[maestro] El jugador repartidor es: %d\n", repartidor);

        //int mano = add_mod(postre, 1, 4);
        //printf("[maestro] El jugador mano es: %d\n", mano);
        MPI_Bcast(&repartidor, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm); //envío del repartidor a todos los procesos
        MPI_Bcast(&sizeMazo, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
        /* envío del mazo al jugador que va a repartir */
        enviarMazo(mazo, repartidor, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MAZO);

        /* e/s auxiliar reparto de cartas */
        int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i <= (N_CARTAS_MANO * N_JUGADORES - 1); i++) {
            int buffer[3];
            MPI_Recv(&buffer, 3, MPI_INT, repartidor, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            printf("[repartidor %d] Repartida carta %d al jugador %d\n", repartidor, buffer[0], buffer[1]);
            int siguiente = buffer[1];
            MPI_Recv(&buffer, 3, MPI_INT, siguiente, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            printf("[jugador %d] Jugador %d recibe carta %d \n", buffer[0], buffer[0], buffer[1]);

        MPI_Recv(&sizeMazo, 1, MPI_INT, repartidor, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        recibirMazo(mazo, repartidor, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MAZO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        printf("[maestro] tamaño del mazo: %d\n", sizeMazo);

        MPI_Bcast(&sizeMazo, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm); //envío del tamaño del mazo a resto de procesos

        int siguienteJugador = add_mod(repartidor, 1, 4);

        jugadorMano = 99;
        int turno = 0;
        int turnoDescartes = 1;
        int bufferSnd[3] = {99, siguienteJugador, turno};
        int bufferRcv[3] = {99, siguienteJugador, turno};
        int descarte = 99;
        int contador = 0;

        // si jugamos con humano, hay que recibir su mano

        while (jugadorMano == 99) {

            if ((turno % 4) == 0 && (turno != 0) && (turnoDescartes == 1)) { //turno de descartes

                // recibe identificador de carta a descartar
                int descarteHumano = 99;
                for (i = 0; i < N_CARTAS_MANO; i++) {

                    if ((modo == 'I' || modo == 'i') && (siguienteJugador == jugadorHumano)) {
                        printf("¿Desea descartar %s de %s? (S/N)\n", manoJugadorHumano[i].cara,
                        char c;

                        scanf(" %c", &c);

                        if (c == 'S' || c == 's') {
                            descarteHumano = 1;
                        else {
                            descarteHumano = 0;

                        MPI_Send(&descarteHumano, 1, MPI_INT, jugadorHumano, 0, juego_comm);

                    MPI_Recv(&descarte, 1, MPI_INT, siguienteJugador, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

                    if (descarte != 99 && descarte != 98) {
                        marcarDescarte(mazo, N_CARTAS_MAZO, descarte);
                        repartirCarta(mazo[N_CARTAS_MAZO - sizeMazo], siguienteJugador, juego_comm);
                        mazo[N_CARTAS_MAZO - sizeMazo].estado = 1;


                MPI_Recv(&bufferRcv[1], 1, MPI_INT, siguienteJugador, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                siguienteJugador = bufferRcv[1];
                if (contador == N_JUGADORES) {
                    turnoDescartes = 0;
                    contador = 0;
                MPI_Bcast(&turnoDescartes, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);

            } else { // mus corrido
                turnoDescartes = 1;
                MPI_Bcast(&turnoDescartes, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
                int mus = 99;

                if ((modo == 'I' || modo == 'i') && siguienteJugador == jugadorHumano) {
                    char c = 'Z';
                    printf("[maestro] Mano actual del jugador %d\n", jugadorHumano);
                    recibirMazo(manoJugadorHumano, jugadorHumano, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MANO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                    printMazo(manoJugadorHumano, N_CARTAS_MANO);

                    printf("¿Hay mus? (S:mus, N:no mus):\n");
                    scanf(" %c", &c);
                    if (c == 'S' || c == 's') {
                        mus = 0;
                    else {
                        mus = 1;
                    MPI_Send(&mus, 1, MPI_INT, jugadorHumano, 0, juego_comm);

                MPI_Recv(&bufferRcv[0], 1, MPI_INT, siguienteJugador, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                MPI_Recv(&bufferRcv[1], 1, MPI_INT, siguienteJugador, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                MPI_Recv(&bufferRcv[2], 1, MPI_INT, siguienteJugador, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                jugadorMano = bufferRcv[0];
                if (jugadorMano != 99) {
                    printf("[maestro] Mus cortado por jugador: %d\n", jugadorMano);

                if (jugadorMano == 99 || jugadorMano == 0 || jugadorMano == 1 || jugadorMano == 2 || jugadorMano == 3) {
                    bufferSnd[0] = jugadorMano;
                else {
                    jugadorMano = 99;
                if (bufferRcv[1] == 0 || bufferRcv[1] == 1 || bufferRcv[1] == 2 || bufferRcv[1] == 3) {
                    siguienteJugador = bufferRcv[1];
                    bufferSnd[1] = siguienteJugador;
                else {
                    siguienteJugador = add_mod(siguienteJugador, 1, 4);
                    bufferSnd[1] = siguienteJugador;
                if (jugadorMano != 99) {
                    siguienteJugador = jugadorMano;
                    bufferSnd[1] = jugadorMano;

                bufferSnd[2] = turno;

                MPI_Bcast(&bufferSnd, 3, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);

            MPI_Bcast(&siguienteJugador, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
        printf("[maestro] La mano es: %d\n", jugadorMano);

        int conteos[10];
        int paresBuf[25];
        int juegoBuf[5];
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            conteos[i] = 0;
        int rbuf[50];
        int rbufInv[50];
        int envite[2];
        int enviteAnterior[2];
        envite[0] = 0;
        envite[1] = 0;
        enviteAnterior[0] = 0;
        enviteAnterior[1] = 0;
        int envites[10];

        int enviteContraria[2];
        enviteContraria[0] = 99;
        enviteContraria[1] = 0;

        int lances[N_LANCES];
        int tienenPares[N_JUGADORES + 1];
        int tienenJuego[N_JUGADORES + 1];
        int hayPares = 0;
        int hayJuego = 0;
        //int pareja; //1 es pareja mano, 0 es pareja postre
        int j = 0;

        for (j = 0; j < N_LANCES + 1; j++) {

            /* envites */


            if (j == 2) { // ver si hay pares
                // recupera pares de los jugadores
                MPI_Gather(conteos, 1, MPI_INT, tienenPares, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
                // comprueba que alguno es distinto de cero
                for (i = 0; i < N_JUGADORES; i++) {
                    if (tienenPares[i] != 0) {
                        hayPares = 1;
                printf("HAY PARES: %d\n", hayPares);

            if (j == 3) { // ver si hay juego
                // recupera pares de los jugadores
                MPI_Gather(conteos, 1, MPI_INT, tienenJuego, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
                // comprueba que alguno es distinto de cero
                for (i = 0; i < N_JUGADORES; i++) {
                    if (tienenJuego[i] != 0) {
                        hayJuego = 1;
                printf("HAY JUEGO: %d\n", hayJuego);
                MPI_Bcast(&hayJuego, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);

            // recibir envite de la mano

            if ((j == 0) || (j == 1) || ((j == 2) && (hayPares == 1)) || ((j == 3) && (hayJuego == 1)) ||
                ((j == 4) && (hayJuego == 0))) {
                printf("[maestro] Se juega este lance\n");
                if ((modo == 'I' || modo == 'i') && (siguienteJugador == jugadorHumano) &&
                    (jugadorHumano == jugadorMano)) {

                    int e = 0;

                    printf("[maestro] Mano actual del jugador %d\n", jugadorHumano);
                    recibirMazo(manoJugadorHumano, jugadorHumano, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MANO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                    printMazo(manoJugadorHumano, N_CARTAS_MANO);

                    printf("Introduzca envite a %s: (0:no, 2: sí, >2: más)\n", lancesEtiquetas[j]);
                    scanf(" %d", &e);
                    MPI_Send(&e, 1, MPI_INT, jugadorHumano, 0, juego_comm);


            MPI_Recv(&envite, 2, MPI_INT, jugadorMano, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            printf("[maestro]: Lance %d\n", j);
            enviteAnterior[0] = envite[0];
            enviteAnterior[1] = envite[1];
            printf("[maestro]: Envite de la mano: %d\n", envite[0]);

            // enviar envite a todos los jugadores
            MPI_Bcast(&envite, 2, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);

            if ((modo == 'I' || modo == 'i') && jugadorHumano != jugadorMano) {

                int e = 0;
                int humanoTienePares = 0;
                MPI_Recv(&humanoTienePares, 1, MPI_INT, jugadorHumano, 0, juego_comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                if (humanoTienePares != 0) {
                    printf("[maestro] Mano actual del jugador %d\n", jugadorHumano);
                    recibirMazo(manoJugadorHumano, jugadorHumano, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MANO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                    printMazo(manoJugadorHumano, N_CARTAS_MANO);

                    printf("Introduzca envite a %s: (0:no, 2: sí, >2: más)\n", lancesEtiquetas[j]);
                    scanf(" %d", &e);
                    MPI_Send(&e, 1, MPI_INT, jugadorHumano, 0, juego_comm);
            //rondas de envites hasta que se igualen o no se acepten
            // se garantiza que no va a haber repeticiones porque se van a rajar
            // recibir respuesta de todos los jugadores: de la pareja contraria, prima la más alta
            MPI_Gather(conteos, 10, MPI_INT, envites, 2, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
            printf("[maestro] recibe envites\n");

            if (ocurrenciasArray(envites, 8, 99) == 1) {
                ordago = 1;
                MPI_Bcast(&ordago, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
            MPI_Bcast(&ordago, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
            apuestas[j] = calcularEnvite(envites, enviteAnterior, jugadorMano, piedras);
            printf("PIEDRAS MANO: %d\n", piedras[1]);
            printf("PIEDRAS POSTRE: %d\n", piedras[0]);

            // enviar respuesta de pareja contraria a todos los jugadores
            MPI_Bcast(&enviteContraria, 2, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);

            if (j == 3 && hayJuego == 1) {
                break; //no se juega al punto

        // }
        // almacenar envites

        /* Recepción de datos para evaluar las manos de los jugadores */
        MPI_Gather(conteos, 10, MPI_INT, rbuf, 10, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
        MPI_Gather(conteos, 10, MPI_INT, rbufInv, 10, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
        MPI_Gather(conteos, 5, MPI_INT, paresBuf, 5, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
        MPI_Gather(conteos, 1, MPI_INT, juegoBuf, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);

        /*cálculo de manos*/
        lances[0] = calculaGrande(rbuf, jugadorMano);
        lances[1] = calculaChica(rbufInv);
        lances[2] = calcularPares(paresBuf, jugadorMano);
        lances[3] = calcularJuego(juegoBuf, jugadorMano);
        printf("Mejor mano a grande: jugador %d\n", lances[0]);
        printf("Mejor mano a chica: jugador %d\n", lances[1]);
        printf("Mejor mano a pares: jugador %d\n", lances[2]);
        printf("Mejor mano a juego: jugador %d\n", lances[3]);

        if (ordago == 1) {
            printf("Ganador del lance %s y juego: jugador %d\n ", lancesEtiquetas[j], lances[j]);
        for (i = 0; i < N_JUGADORES; i++) {

            if (paresBuf[5 * i] != 99) {
                printf("[jugador %d] Duples de la misma carta: %s\n", i, caras[paresBuf[5 * i]]);
            else if (paresBuf[5 * i + 2] == 2) {
                printf("[jugador %d] DUPLES PAREJAS DE %s Y %s\n", i, caras[paresBuf[5 * i + 3]],
                       caras[paresBuf[5 * i + 4]]);
            else if (paresBuf[5 * i + 1] != 99) {
                printf("[jugador %d] MEDIAS DE: %s\n", i, caras[paresBuf[5 * i + 1]]);
            else if (paresBuf[5 * i + 2] == 1) {
                printf("[jugador %d] PAREJA DE %s\n", i, caras[paresBuf[5 * i + 3]]);

        for (i = 0; i < N_JUGADORES; i++) {
            printf("JUEGO DE JUGADOR %d: %d\n", i, juegoBuf[i]);

        for (i = 0; i <= N_LANCES; i++) {
            printf("APUESTA LANCE %d: %d\n", i, apuestas[i]);
            if (apuestas[i] != 0) {
                piedras[queParejaSoy(lances[i], jugadorMano)] += apuestas[i];


        printf("PIEDRAS MANO: %d\n", piedras[1]);
        printf("PIEDRAS POSTRE: %d\n", piedras[0]);
        if (enQueParejaEstoy(jugadorMano) == 1) {
            pareja1[2] = piedras[1];
            pareja2[2] = piedras[0];
        else {
            pareja1[2] = piedras[0];
            pareja2[2] = piedras[1];
        pareja1[3] = pareja1[2] / N_PUNTOS_JUEGO;
        pareja2[3] = pareja2[2] / N_PUNTOS_JUEGO;

        pareja1[4] = pareja1[3] / N_JUEGOS_VACA;
        pareja2[4] = pareja2[3] / N_JUEGOS_VACA;

        pareja1[5] = pareja1[4] / N_VACAS_PARTIDA;
        pareja2[5] = pareja2[4] / N_VACAS_PARTIDA;

        recibirMazo(mano0, 0, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MANO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        recibirMazo(mano1, 1, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MANO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        recibirMazo(mano2, 2, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MANO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        recibirMazo(mano3, 3, juego_comm, N_CARTAS_MANO, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

        printf("MANO DEL JUGADOR 0:\n");
        printMazo(mano0, N_CARTAS_MANO);
        printf("MANO DEL JUGADOR 1:\n");
        printMazo(mano1, N_CARTAS_MANO);
        printf("MANO DEL JUGADOR 2:\n");
        printMazo(mano2, N_CARTAS_MANO);
        printf("MANO DEL JUGADOR 3:\n");
        printMazo(mano3, N_CARTAS_MANO);

        printf("PAREJA 1\n");
        printf("RONDA: %d\n", pareja1[2]);
        printf("JUEGO: %d\n", pareja1[3]);
        printf("VACA: %d\n", pareja1[4]);
        printf("PARTIDA: %d\n", pareja1[5]);

        printf("PAREJA 2\n");
        printf("RONDA: %d\n", pareja2[2]);
        printf("JUEGO: %d\n", pareja2[3]);
        printf("VACA: %d\n", pareja2[4]);
        printf("PARTIDA: %d\n", pareja2[5]);

        /* Terminan rondas
        repartidor = jugadorMano;
        if ((pareja1[5] == 1) || pareja2[5] == 1) {
            // fin de partida
            int finPartida = 1;
            MPI_Bcast(&finPartida, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
        else {
            //sigue partida
            int finPartida = 0;
            MPI_Bcast(&finPartida, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, juego_comm);
    return 0;
Exemple #30
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int my_id;		/* process id */
  int p;		/* number of processes */
  char* message_s, *message_r;	/* storage for the message */
  int i, max_msgs, msg_size;
  MPI_Status status;	/* return status for receive */
  double elapsed_time_sec;
  double bandwidth;
  double startTime = 0;
  MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
  MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_id );
  MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p );
  if ((sscanf (argv[1], "%d", &max_msgs) < 1) ||
      (sscanf (argv[2], "%d", &msg_size) < 1)) {
    fprintf (stderr, "need msg count and msg size as params\n");
    goto EXIT;

  message_s = (char*)malloc (msg_size);  
  message_r = (char*)malloc (msg_size);

  /* don't start timer until everybody is ok */
  if( my_id < p/2 ) {
    startTime = MPI_Wtime();
    for(i=0; i<max_msgs; i++){
      MPI_Send(message_s, msg_size, MPI_CHAR, my_id+p/2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Recv(message_r, msg_size, MPI_CHAR, my_id+p/2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 

    elapsed_time_sec = MPI_Wtime() - startTime; 

    fprintf(stdout, "Totaltime: %8.3f s\n",elapsed_time_sec);
    elapsed_time_sec /= 2;  /* We want the ping performance not round-trip. */
    elapsed_time_sec /= max_msgs; /* time for each message */
    bandwidth = msg_size / elapsed_time_sec; /* bandwidth */
    fprintf (stdout, "%5d %7d\t ", max_msgs, msg_size);
    fprintf (stdout,"%8.3f us\t %8.3f MB/sec\n",
	     elapsed_time_sec * 1e6, bandwidth / 1e6);
  else {
    for(i=0; i<max_msgs; i++){
      MPI_Recv(message_r, msg_size, MPI_CHAR, my_id-p/2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
      MPI_Send(message_s, msg_size, MPI_CHAR, my_id-p/2, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  return 0;