int MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_EagerSyncSend( FILE *fp, MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t *pkt ) { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type ......... EAGER_SYNC_SEND\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," sender_reqid . 0x%08X\n", pkt->eager_sync_send.sender_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," context_id ... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," tag .......... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," rank ......... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," data_sz ...... %d\n", pkt->eager_sync_send.data_sz); #ifdef MPID_USE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," seqnum ....... %d\n", pkt->eager_sync_send.seqnum); #endif return MPI_SUCCESS; }
void MPID_nem_dbg_dump_cell (volatile struct MPID_nem_cell *cell) { MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPID_NEM_DBG_DUMP_CELL); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPID_NEM_DBG_DUMP_CELL); MPL_DBG_MSG_D (MPIR_DBG_OTHER, TERSE, " src = %6d", cell->pkt.header.source); MPL_DBG_MSG_D (MPIR_DBG_OTHER, TERSE, " dst = %6d", cell->pkt.header.dest); MPL_DBG_MSG_D (MPIR_DBG_OTHER, TERSE, " len = %6d", (int)cell->pkt.header.datalen); MPL_DBG_MSG_D (MPIR_DBG_OTHER, TERSE, " sqn = %6d", cell->pkt.header.seqno); MPL_DBG_MSG_D (MPIR_DBG_OTHER, TERSE, " typ = %6d", cell->pkt.header.type); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPID_NEM_DBG_DUMP_CELL); }
/*@ MPIDI_CH3U_VC_WaitForClose - Wait for all virtual connections to close @*/ int MPIDI_CH3U_VC_WaitForClose( void ) { MPID_Progress_state progress_state; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3U_VC_WAITFORCLOSE); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3U_VC_WAITFORCLOSE); MPID_Progress_start(&progress_state); while(MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops > 0) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "Waiting for %d close operations", MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops); mpi_errno = MPID_Progress_wait(&progress_state); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_SET(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**ch3|close_progress"); break; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } MPID_Progress_end(&progress_state); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3U_VC_WAITFORCLOSE); return mpi_errno; }
static int handler_recv_dequeue_complete(const ptl_event_t *e) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_Request *const rreq = e->user_ptr; int is_contig; MPI_Aint last; MPI_Aint dt_true_lb; intptr_t data_sz; MPIDU_Datatype*dt_ptr ATTRIBUTE((unused)); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_HANDLER_RECV_DEQUEUE_COMPLETE); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_HANDLER_RECV_DEQUEUE_COMPLETE); MPIR_Assert(e->type == PTL_EVENT_PUT || e->type == PTL_EVENT_PUT_OVERFLOW); MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(rreq->dev.user_count, rreq->dev.datatype, is_contig, data_sz, dt_ptr, dt_true_lb); dequeue_req(e); if (e->type == PTL_EVENT_PUT_OVERFLOW) { /* unpack the data from unexpected buffer */ MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "is_contig = %d", is_contig); if (is_contig) { MPIR_Memcpy((char *)rreq->dev.user_buf + dt_true_lb, e->start, e->mlength); } else { last = e->mlength; MPIDU_Segment_unpack(rreq->dev.segment_ptr, rreq->dev.segment_first, &last, e->start); if (last != e->mlength) MPIR_ERR_SET(rreq->status.MPI_ERROR, MPI_ERR_TYPE, "**dtypemismatch"); } } else { /* Data was placed directly into the user buffer, so datatype mismatch is harder to detect. We use a simple check ensuring the received bytes are a multiple of a single basic element. Currently, we do not detect mismatches with datatypes constructed of more than one basic type */ MPI_Datatype dt_basic_type; MPIDU_Datatype_get_basic_type(rreq->dev.datatype, dt_basic_type); if (dt_basic_type != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL && (e->mlength % MPIDU_Datatype_get_basic_size(dt_basic_type)) != 0) MPIR_ERR_SET(rreq->status.MPI_ERROR, MPI_ERR_TYPE, "**dtypemismatch"); } mpi_errno = handler_recv_complete(e); fn_exit: MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_HANDLER_RECV_DEQUEUE_COMPLETE); return mpi_errno; fn_fail: goto fn_exit; }
int MPID_Type_commit(MPI_Datatype *datatype_p) { int mpi_errno=MPI_SUCCESS; MPID_Datatype *datatype_ptr; MPIU_Assert(HANDLE_GET_KIND(*datatype_p) != HANDLE_KIND_BUILTIN); MPID_Datatype_get_ptr(*datatype_p, datatype_ptr); if (datatype_ptr->is_committed == 0) { datatype_ptr->is_committed = 1; #ifdef MPID_NEEDS_DLOOP_ALL_BYTES /* If MPID implementation needs use to reduce everything to a byte stream, do that. */ MPID_Dataloop_create(*datatype_p, &datatype_ptr->dataloop, &datatype_ptr->dataloop_size, &datatype_ptr->dataloop_depth, MPID_DATALOOP_ALL_BYTES); #else MPID_Dataloop_create(*datatype_p, &datatype_ptr->dataloop, &datatype_ptr->dataloop_size, &datatype_ptr->dataloop_depth, MPID_DATALOOP_HOMOGENEOUS); #endif /* create heterogeneous dataloop */ MPID_Dataloop_create(*datatype_p, &datatype_ptr->hetero_dloop, &datatype_ptr->hetero_dloop_size, &datatype_ptr->hetero_dloop_depth, MPID_DATALOOP_HETEROGENEOUS); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_DATATYPE,TERSE,"# contig blocks = %d\n", (int) datatype_ptr->max_contig_blocks); #if 0 MPIDI_Dataloop_dot_printf(datatype_ptr->dataloop, 0, 1); #endif #ifdef MPID_Dev_datatype_commit_hook MPID_Dev_datatype_commit_hook(datatype_p); #endif /* MPID_Dev_datatype_commit_hook */ } return mpi_errno; }
int MPIR_Get_contextid_sparse_group(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Group * group_ptr, int tag, MPIR_Context_id_t * context_id, int ignore_id) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_Errflag_t errflag = MPIR_ERR_NONE; struct gcn_state st; struct gcn_state *tmp; MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIR_GET_CONTEXTID); MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIR_GET_CONTEXTID); st.first_iter = 1; st.comm_ptr = comm_ptr; st.tag = tag; st.own_mask = 0; st.own_eager_mask = 0; /* Group-collective and ignore_id should never be combined */ MPIR_Assert(!(group_ptr != NULL && ignore_id)); *context_id = 0; MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST, "Entering; shared state is %d:%d, my ctx id is %d, tag=%d", mask_in_use, eager_in_use, comm_ptr->context_id, tag)); while (*context_id == 0) { /* We lock only around access to the mask (except in the global locking * case). If another thread is using the mask, we take a mask of zero. */ MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); if (initialize_context_mask) { context_id_init(); } if (eager_nelem < 0) { /* Ensure that at least one word of deadlock-free context IDs is * always set aside for the base protocol */ MPIR_Assert(MPIR_CVAR_CTXID_EAGER_SIZE >= 0 && MPIR_CVAR_CTXID_EAGER_SIZE < MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK - 1); eager_nelem = MPIR_CVAR_CTXID_EAGER_SIZE; } if (ignore_id) { /* We are not participating in the resulting communicator, so our * context ID space doesn't matter. Set the mask to "all available". */ memset(st.local_mask, 0xff, MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK * sizeof(int)); st.own_mask = 0; /* don't need to touch mask_in_use/lowest_context_id b/c our thread * doesn't ever need to "win" the mask */ } /* Deadlock avoidance: Only participate in context id loop when all * processes have called this routine. On the first iteration, use the * "eager" allocation protocol. */ else if (st.first_iter) { memset(st.local_mask, 0, MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK * sizeof(int)); st.own_eager_mask = 0; /* Attempt to reserve the eager mask segment */ if (!eager_in_use && eager_nelem > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < eager_nelem; i++) st.local_mask[i] = context_mask[i]; eager_in_use = 1; st.own_eager_mask = 1; } } else { MPIR_Assert(next_gcn != NULL); /*If we are here, at least one element must be in the list, at least myself */ /* only the first element in the list can own the mask. However, maybe the mask is used * by another thread, which added another allcoation to the list bevore. So we have to check, * if the mask is used and mark, if we own it */ if (mask_in_use || &st != next_gcn) { memset(st.local_mask, 0, MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK * sizeof(int)); st.own_mask = 0; MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST, "Mask is in use, my context_id is %d, owner context id is %d", st.comm_ptr->context_id, next_gcn->comm_ptr->context_id)); } else { int i; /* Copy safe mask segment to local_mask */ for (i = 0; i < eager_nelem; i++) st.local_mask[i] = 0; for (i = eager_nelem; i < MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK; i++) st.local_mask[i] = context_mask[i]; mask_in_use = 1; st.own_mask = 1; MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "Copied local_mask"); } } MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); /* Note: MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK elements of local_mask are used by the * context ID allocation algorithm. The additional element is ignored * by the context ID mask access routines and is used as a flag for * detecting context ID exhaustion (explained below). */ if (st.own_mask || ignore_id) st.local_mask[ALL_OWN_MASK_FLAG] = 1; else st.local_mask[ALL_OWN_MASK_FLAG] = 0; /* Now, try to get a context id */ MPIR_Assert(comm_ptr->comm_kind == MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTRACOMM); /* In the global and brief-global cases, note that this routine will * release that global lock when it needs to wait. That will allow * other processes to enter the global or brief global critical section. */ if (group_ptr != NULL) { int coll_tag = tag | MPIR_Process.tagged_coll_mask; /* Shift tag into the tagged coll space */ mpi_errno = MPIR_Allreduce_group(MPI_IN_PLACE, st.local_mask, MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK + 1, MPI_INT, MPI_BAND, comm_ptr, group_ptr, coll_tag, &errflag); } else { mpi_errno = MPID_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, st.local_mask, MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK + 1, MPI_INT, MPI_BAND, comm_ptr, &errflag); } if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(errflag, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**coll_fail"); /* MT FIXME 2/3 cases don't seem to need the CONTEXTID CS, check and * narrow this region */ MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); if (ignore_id) { /* we don't care what the value was, but make sure that everyone * who did care agreed on a value */ *context_id = locate_context_bit(st.local_mask); /* used later in out-of-context ids check and outer while loop condition */ } else if (st.own_eager_mask) { /* There is a chance that we've found a context id */ /* Find_and_allocate_context_id updates the context_mask if it finds a match */ *context_id = find_and_allocate_context_id(st.local_mask); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "Context id is now %hd", *context_id); st.own_eager_mask = 0; eager_in_use = 0; if (*context_id <= 0) { /* else we did not find a context id. Give up the mask in case * there is another thread (with a lower input context id) * waiting for it. We need to ensure that any other threads * have the opportunity to run, hence yielding */ /* FIXME: Do we need to do an GLOBAL yield here? * When we do a collective operation, we anyway yield * for other others */ MPID_THREAD_CS_YIELD(GLOBAL, MPIR_THREAD_GLOBAL_ALLFUNC_MUTEX); MPID_THREAD_CS_YIELD(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); } } else if (st.own_mask) { /* There is a chance that we've found a context id */ /* Find_and_allocate_context_id updates the context_mask if it finds a match */ *context_id = find_and_allocate_context_id(st.local_mask); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "Context id is now %hd", *context_id); mask_in_use = 0; if (*context_id > 0) { /* If we found a new context id, we have to remove the element from the list, so the * next allocation can own the mask */ if (next_gcn == &st) { next_gcn =; } else { for (tmp = next_gcn; tmp->next != &st; tmp = tmp->next); /* avoid compiler warnings */ tmp->next =; } } else { /* else we did not find a context id. Give up the mask in case * there is another thread in the gcn_next_list * waiting for it. We need to ensure that any other threads * have the opportunity to run, hence yielding */ /* FIXME: Do we need to do an GLOBAL yield here? * When we do a collective operation, we anyway yield * for other others */ MPID_THREAD_CS_YIELD(GLOBAL, MPIR_THREAD_GLOBAL_ALLFUNC_MUTEX); MPID_THREAD_CS_YIELD(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); } } else { /* As above, force this thread to yield */ /* FIXME: Do we need to do an GLOBAL yield here? When we * do a collective operation, we anyway yield for other * others */ MPID_THREAD_CS_YIELD(GLOBAL, MPIR_THREAD_GLOBAL_ALLFUNC_MUTEX); MPID_THREAD_CS_YIELD(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); } MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); /* Test for context ID exhaustion: All threads that will participate in * the new communicator owned the mask and could not allocate a context * ID. This indicates that either some process has no context IDs * available, or that some are available, but the allocation cannot * succeed because there is no common context ID. */ if (*context_id == 0 && st.local_mask[ALL_OWN_MASK_FLAG] == 1) { /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ int nfree = 0; int ntotal = 0; int minfree; if (st.own_mask) { MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); mask_in_use = 0; MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); } context_mask_stats(&nfree, &ntotal); if (ignore_id) minfree = INT_MAX; else minfree = nfree; if (group_ptr != NULL) { int coll_tag = tag | MPIR_Process.tagged_coll_mask; /* Shift tag into the tagged coll space */ mpi_errno = MPIR_Allreduce_group(MPI_IN_PLACE, &minfree, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, comm_ptr, group_ptr, coll_tag, &errflag); } else { mpi_errno = MPID_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &minfree, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, comm_ptr, &errflag); } if (minfree > 0) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP3(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**toomanycommfrag", "**toomanycommfrag %d %d %d", nfree, ntotal, ignore_id); } else { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP3(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**toomanycomm", "**toomanycomm %d %d %d", nfree, ntotal, ignore_id); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } if (st.first_iter == 1) { st.first_iter = 0; /* to avoid deadlocks, the element is not added to the list bevore the first iteration */ if (!ignore_id && *context_id == 0) { MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); add_gcn_to_list(&st); MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); } } } fn_exit: if (ignore_id) *context_id = MPIR_INVALID_CONTEXT_ID; MPL_DBG_MSG_S(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "Context mask = %s", context_mask_to_str()); MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIR_GET_CONTEXTID); return mpi_errno; /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ fn_fail: /* Release the masks */ MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); if (st.own_mask) { mask_in_use = 0; } /*If in list, remove it */ if (!st.first_iter && !ignore_id) { if (next_gcn == &st) { next_gcn =; } else { for (tmp = next_gcn; tmp->next != &st; tmp = tmp->next); tmp->next =; } } MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); goto fn_exit; /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ }
void MPIR_Free_contextid(MPIR_Context_id_t context_id) { int idx, bitpos, raw_prefix; MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIR_FREE_CONTEXTID); MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIR_FREE_CONTEXTID); /* Convert the context id to the bit position */ raw_prefix = MPIR_CONTEXT_READ_FIELD(PREFIX, context_id); idx = raw_prefix / MPIR_CONTEXT_INT_BITS; bitpos = raw_prefix % MPIR_CONTEXT_INT_BITS; /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (idx < 0 || idx >= MPIR_MAX_CONTEXT_MASK) { MPID_Abort(0, MPI_ERR_INTERN, 1, "In MPIR_Free_contextid, idx is out of range"); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ /* The low order bits for dynamic context IDs don't have meaning the * same way that low bits of non-dynamic ctx IDs do. So we have to * check the dynamic case first. */ if (MPIR_CONTEXT_READ_FIELD(DYNAMIC_PROC, context_id)) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "skipping dynamic process ctx id, context_id=%d", context_id); goto fn_exit; } else { /* non-dynamic context ID */ /* In terms of the context ID bit vector, intercomms and their constituent * localcomms have the same value. To avoid a double-free situation we just * don't free the context ID for localcomms and assume it will be cleaned up * when the parent intercomm is itself completely freed. */ if (MPIR_CONTEXT_READ_FIELD(IS_LOCALCOMM, context_id)) { #ifdef MPL_USE_DBG_LOGGING char dump_str[1024]; dump_context_id(context_id, dump_str, sizeof(dump_str)); MPL_DBG_MSG_S(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "skipping localcomm id: %s", dump_str); #endif goto fn_exit; } else if (MPIR_CONTEXT_READ_FIELD(SUBCOMM, context_id)) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "skipping non-parent communicator ctx id, context_id=%d", context_id); goto fn_exit; } } /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ /* Check that this context id has been allocated */ if ((context_mask[idx] & (0x1 << bitpos)) != 0) { #ifdef MPL_USE_DBG_LOGGING char dump_str[1024]; dump_context_id(context_id, dump_str, sizeof(dump_str)); MPL_DBG_MSG_S(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "context dump: %s", dump_str); MPL_DBG_MSG_S(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, "context mask = %s", context_mask_to_str()); #endif MPID_Abort(0, MPI_ERR_INTERN, 1, "In MPIR_Free_contextid, the context id is not in use"); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); /* MT: Note that this update must be done atomically in the multithreaedd * case. In the "one, single lock" implementation, that lock is indeed * held when this operation is called. */ context_mask[idx] |= (0x1 << bitpos); MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_CTX_MUTEX); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIR_DBG_COMM, VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST, "Freed context %d, mask[%d] bit %d (prefix=%#x)", context_id, idx, bitpos, raw_prefix)); fn_exit: MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIR_FREE_CONTEXTID); }
int MPII_Comm_create_calculate_mapping(MPIR_Group *group_ptr, MPIR_Comm *comm_ptr, int **mapping_out, MPIR_Comm **mapping_comm) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; int subsetOfWorld = 0; int i, j; int n; int *mapping=0; MPIR_CHKPMEM_DECL(1); MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIR_COMM_CREATE_CALCULATE_MAPPING); MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIR_COMM_CREATE_CALCULATE_MAPPING); *mapping_out = NULL; *mapping_comm = comm_ptr; n = group_ptr->size; MPIR_CHKPMEM_MALLOC(mapping,int*,n*sizeof(int),mpi_errno,"mapping",MPL_MEM_ADDRESS); /* Make sure that the processes for this group are contained within the input communicator. Also identify the mapping from the ranks of the old communicator to the new communicator. We do this by matching the lpids of the members of the group with the lpids of the members of the input communicator. It is an error if the group contains a reference to an lpid that does not exist in the communicator. An important special case is groups (and communicators) that are subsets of MPI_COMM_WORLD. In this case, the lpids are exactly the same as the ranks in comm world. */ /* we examine the group's lpids in both the intracomm and non-comm_world cases */ MPII_Group_setup_lpid_list( group_ptr ); /* Optimize for groups contained within MPI_COMM_WORLD. */ if (comm_ptr->comm_kind == MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTRACOMM) { int wsize; subsetOfWorld = 1; wsize = MPIR_Process.comm_world->local_size; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { int g_lpid = group_ptr->lrank_to_lpid[i].lpid; /* This mapping is relative to comm world */ MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIR_DBG_COMM,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST, "comm-create - mapping into world[%d] = %d", i, g_lpid )); if (g_lpid < wsize) { mapping[i] = g_lpid; } else { subsetOfWorld = 0; break; } } } MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_COMM,VERBOSE, "subsetOfWorld=%d", subsetOfWorld ); if (subsetOfWorld) { # ifdef HAVE_ERROR_CHECKING { MPID_BEGIN_ERROR_CHECKS; { mpi_errno = MPIR_Group_check_subset( group_ptr, comm_ptr ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } MPID_END_ERROR_CHECKS; } # endif /* Override the comm to be used with the mapping array. */ *mapping_comm = MPIR_Process.comm_world; } else { for (i=0; i<n; i++) { /* mapping[i] is the rank in the communicator of the process that is the ith element of the group */ /* FIXME : BUBBLE SORT */ mapping[i] = -1; for (j=0; j<comm_ptr->local_size; j++) { int comm_lpid; MPID_Comm_get_lpid( comm_ptr, j, &comm_lpid, FALSE ); if (comm_lpid == group_ptr->lrank_to_lpid[i].lpid) { mapping[i] = j; break; } } MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(mapping[i] == -1,mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_GROUP, "**groupnotincomm", "**groupnotincomm %d", i ); } } MPIR_Assert(mapping != NULL); *mapping_out = mapping; MPL_VG_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(*mapping_out, n * sizeof(**mapping_out)); MPIR_CHKPMEM_COMMIT(); fn_exit: MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIR_COMM_CREATE_CALCULATE_MAPPING); return mpi_errno; fn_fail: MPIR_CHKPMEM_REAP(); goto fn_exit; }
int MPIDI_CH3_iSend(MPIDI_VC_t * vc, MPIR_Request * sreq, void * hdr, intptr_t hdr_sz) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; int (*reqFn)(MPIDI_VC_t *, MPIR_Request *, int *); MPIDI_CH3I_VC *vcch = &vc->ch; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISEND); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISEND); MPIR_Assert( hdr_sz <= sizeof(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t) ); /* The sock channel uses a fixed length header, the size of which is the maximum of all possible packet headers */ hdr_sz = sizeof(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t); MPL_DBG_STMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, MPIDI_DBG_Print_packet((MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t*)hdr)); if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_CONNECTED) /* MT */ { /* Connection already formed. If send queue is empty attempt to send data, queuing any unsent data. */ if (MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_empty(vcch)) /* MT */ { size_t nb; int rc; MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "send queue empty, attempting to write"); MPL_DBG_PKT(vcch->conn,hdr,"isend"); /* MT: need some signalling to lock down our right to use the channel, thus insuring that the progress engine does also try to write */ rc = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_write(vcch->sock, hdr, hdr_sz, &nb); if (rc == MPI_SUCCESS) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "wrote %ld bytes", (unsigned long) nb); if (nb == hdr_sz) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "write complete %" PRIdPTR " bytes, calling OnDataAvail fcn", nb); reqFn = sreq->dev.OnDataAvail; if (!reqFn) { MPIR_Assert(MPIDI_Request_get_type(sreq)!=MPIDI_REQUEST_TYPE_GET_RESP); mpi_errno = MPID_Request_complete(sreq); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } else { int complete; mpi_errno = reqFn( vc, sreq, &complete ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); if (!complete) { MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue_head(vcch, sreq); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST, "posting writev, vc=0x%p, sreq=0x%08x", vc, sreq->handle)); vcch->conn->send_active = sreq; mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_post_writev( vcch->conn->sock, sreq->dev.iov, sreq->dev.iov_count, NULL); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_FATAL, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|sock|postwrite", "ch3|sock|postwrite %p %p %p", sreq, vcch->conn, vc); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } } } else { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "partial write of %" PRIdPTR " bytes, request enqueued at head", nb); update_request(sreq, hdr, hdr_sz, nb); MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue_head(vcch, sreq); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST,"posting write, vc=0x%p, sreq=0x%08x", vc, sreq->handle)); vcch->conn->send_active = sreq; mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_post_write(vcch->conn->sock, sreq->dev.iov[0].MPL_IOV_BUF, sreq->dev.iov[0].MPL_IOV_LEN, sreq->dev.iov[0].MPL_IOV_LEN, NULL); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_FATAL, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|sock|postwrite", "ch3|sock|postwrite %p %p %p", sreq, vcch->conn, vc); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } } /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ else if (MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(rc) == MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_ERR_NOMEM) { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,TYPICAL, "MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_write failed, out of memory"); sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_ERR_MEMALLOCFAILED; } else { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,TYPICAL, "MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_write failed, rc=%d", rc); /* Connection just failed. Mark the request complete and return an error. */ MPL_DBG_VCCHSTATECHANGE(vc,VC_STATE_FAILED); /* FIXME: Shouldn't the vc->state also change? */ vcch->state = MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_FAILED; sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_Err_create_code( rc, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**ch3|sock|writefailed", "**ch3|sock|writefailed %d", rc ); /* MT -CH3U_Request_complete() performs write barrier */ MPID_Request_complete(sreq); /* Make sure that the caller sees this error */ mpi_errno = sreq->status.MPI_ERROR; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } else { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE,"send queue not empty, enqueuing"); update_request(sreq, hdr, hdr_sz, 0); MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } } else if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_CONNECTING) /* MT */ { /* queuing the data so it can be sent later. */ MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc,"connecting. enqueuing request"); update_request(sreq, hdr, hdr_sz, 0); MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } else if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_UNCONNECTED) /* MT */ { /* Form a new connection, queuing the data so it can be sent later. */ MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc,"unconnected. enqueuing request"); update_request(sreq, hdr, hdr_sz, 0); MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_VC_post_connect(vc); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } else if (vcch->state != MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_FAILED) { /* Unable to send data at the moment, so queue it for later */ MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc,"still connecting. Enqueuing request"); update_request(sreq, hdr, hdr_sz, 0); MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ else { /* Connection failed. Mark the request complete and return an error. */ /* TODO: Create an appropriate error message */ sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPI_ERR_INTERN; /* MT - CH3U_Request_complete() performs write barrier */ MPID_Request_complete(sreq); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ fn_fail: MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISEND); return mpi_errno; }
/* MPIDI_CH3_EagerSyncNoncontigSend - Eagerly send noncontiguous data in synchronous mode. Some implementations may choose to use Rendezvous sends (see ch3u_rndv.c) for all Synchronous sends (MPI_Issend and MPI_Ssend). An eager synchronous send eliminates one of the handshake messages, but most application codes should not be using synchronous sends in performance-critical operations. */ int MPIDI_CH3_EagerSyncNoncontigSend( MPIR_Request **sreq_p, const void * buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, intptr_t data_sz, int dt_contig, MPI_Aint dt_true_lb, int rank, int tag, MPIR_Comm * comm, int context_offset ) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t upkt; MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_eager_sync_send_t * const es_pkt = &upkt.eager_sync_send; MPIDI_VC_t * vc; MPIR_Request *sreq = *sreq_p; /* MT FIXME what are the two operations we are waiting for? the send and * the sync response? */ MPIR_cc_set(&sreq->cc, 2); sreq->dev.OnDataAvail = 0; sreq->dev.OnFinal = 0; MPIDI_Pkt_init(es_pkt, MPIDI_CH3_PKT_EAGER_SYNC_SEND); es_pkt-> = comm->rank; es_pkt-> = tag; es_pkt-> = comm->context_id + context_offset; es_pkt->sender_req_id = sreq->handle; es_pkt->data_sz = data_sz; MPIDI_Comm_get_vc_set_active(comm, rank, &vc); MPIDI_VC_FAI_send_seqnum(vc, seqnum); MPIDI_Pkt_set_seqnum(es_pkt, seqnum); MPIDI_Request_set_seqnum(sreq, seqnum); MPL_DBG_MSGPKT(vc,tag,es_pkt->,rank,data_sz,"EagerSync"); if (dt_contig) { MPL_IOV iov[2]; MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,VERBOSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST, "sending contiguous sync eager message, data_sz=%" PRIdPTR, data_sz)); iov[0].MPL_IOV_BUF = (MPL_IOV_BUF_CAST)es_pkt; iov[0].MPL_IOV_LEN = sizeof(*es_pkt); iov[1].MPL_IOV_BUF = (MPL_IOV_BUF_CAST) ((char *)buf + dt_true_lb); iov[1].MPL_IOV_LEN = data_sz; MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_iSendv(vc, sreq, iov, 2); MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { /* Make sure to destroy the request before setting the pointer to * NULL, otherwise we lose the handle on the request */ MPIR_Request_free(sreq); *sreq_p = NULL; MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|eagermsg"); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } else { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,VERBOSE, "sending non-contiguous sync eager message, data_sz=%" PRIdPTR, data_sz); sreq->dev.segment_ptr = MPIDU_Segment_alloc( ); MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1((sreq->dev.segment_ptr == NULL), mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", "**nomem %s", "MPIDU_Segment_alloc"); MPIDU_Segment_init(buf, count, datatype, sreq->dev.segment_ptr, 0); sreq->dev.segment_first = 0; sreq->dev.segment_size = data_sz; MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex); mpi_errno = vc->sendNoncontig_fn(vc, sreq, es_pkt, sizeof(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_eager_sync_send_t)); MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } fn_exit: return mpi_errno; fn_fail: *sreq_p = NULL; goto fn_exit; }
int MPIDI_CH3U_Get_failed_group(int last_rank, MPIR_Group **failed_group) { char *c; int i, mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS, rank; UT_array *failed_procs = NULL; MPIR_Group *world_group; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_GET_FAILED_GROUP); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_GET_FAILED_GROUP); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER, VERBOSE, "Getting failed group with %d as last acknowledged\n", last_rank); if (-1 == last_rank) { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER, VERBOSE, "No failure acknowledged"); *failed_group = MPIR_Group_empty; goto fn_exit; } if (*MPIDI_failed_procs_string == '\0') { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER, VERBOSE, "Found no failed ranks"); *failed_group = MPIR_Group_empty; goto fn_exit; } utarray_new(failed_procs, &ut_int_icd); /* parse list of failed processes. This is a comma separated list of ranks or ranges of ranks (e.g., "1, 3-5, 11") */ i = 0; c = MPIDI_failed_procs_string; while(1) { parse_rank(&rank); ++i; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER, VERBOSE, "Found failed rank: %d", rank); utarray_push_back(failed_procs, &rank); MPIDI_last_known_failed = rank; MPIR_ERR_CHKINTERNAL(*c != ',' && *c != '\0', mpi_errno, "error parsing failed process list"); if (*c == '\0' || last_rank == rank) break; ++c; /* skip ',' */ } /* Create group of failed processes for comm_world. Failed groups for other communicators can be created from this one using group_intersection. */ mpi_errno = MPIR_Comm_group_impl(MPIR_Process.comm_world, &world_group); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); mpi_errno = MPIR_Group_incl_impl(world_group, i, ut_int_array(failed_procs), failed_group); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); mpi_errno = MPIR_Group_release(world_group); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); fn_exit: MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_GET_FAILED_GROUP); if (failed_procs) utarray_free(failed_procs); return mpi_errno; fn_oom: MPIR_ERR_SET1(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", "**nomem %s", "utarray"); fn_fail: goto fn_exit; }
static int MPIDI_CH3I_Progress_handle_sock_event(MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_event_t * event) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3I_PROGRESS_HANDLE_SOCK_EVENT); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3I_PROGRESS_HANDLE_SOCK_EVENT); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,VERBOSE,"Socket event of type %d", event->op_type ); switch (event->op_type) { case MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_OP_READ: { MPIDI_CH3I_Connection_t * conn = (MPIDI_CH3I_Connection_t *) event->user_ptr; /* If we have a READ event on a discarded connection, we probably have an error on this connection, if the remote side is closed due to MPI_Finalize. Since the connection is discareded (and therefore not needed) it can be closed and the error can be ignored */ if(conn->state == CONN_STATE_DISCARD){ MPIDI_CH3_Sockconn_handle_close_event(conn); break; } MPIR_Request * rreq = conn->recv_active; /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (event->error != MPI_SUCCESS) { /* FIXME: the following should be handled by the close protocol */ if (MPIR_ERR_GET_CLASS(event->error) != MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_ERR_CONN_CLOSED) { mpi_errno = event->error; MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } break; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (conn->state == CONN_STATE_CONNECTED) { if (conn->recv_active == NULL) { intptr_t buflen = sizeof (MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t); MPIR_Assert(conn->pkt.type < MPIDI_CH3_PKT_END_CH3); mpi_errno = pktArray[conn->pkt.type]( conn->vc, &conn->pkt, &buflen, &rreq ); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } MPIR_Assert(buflen == sizeof (MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t)); if (rreq == NULL) { if (conn->state != CONN_STATE_CLOSING) { /* conn->recv_active = NULL; -- already set to NULL */ mpi_errno = connection_post_recv_pkt(conn); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } } else { mpi_errno = ReadMoreData( conn, rreq ); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } } else /* incoming data */ { int (*reqFn)(MPIDI_VC_t *, MPIR_Request *, int *); int complete; reqFn = rreq->dev.OnDataAvail; if (!reqFn) { MPIR_Assert(MPIDI_Request_get_type(rreq)!=MPIDI_REQUEST_TYPE_GET_RESP); mpi_errno = MPID_Request_complete(rreq); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } complete = TRUE; } else { mpi_errno = reqFn( conn->vc, rreq, &complete ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } if (complete) { conn->recv_active = NULL; mpi_errno = connection_post_recv_pkt(conn); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } else /* more data to be read */ { mpi_errno = ReadMoreData( conn, rreq ); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } } } else if (conn->state == CONN_STATE_OPEN_LRECV_DATA) { mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Sockconn_handle_connopen_event( conn ); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP( mpi_errno ); } } else /* Handling some internal connection establishment or tear down packet */ { mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Sockconn_handle_conn_event( conn ); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } break; } /* END OF SOCK_OP_READ */ case MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_OP_WRITE: { MPIDI_CH3I_Connection_t * conn = (MPIDI_CH3I_Connection_t *) event->user_ptr; /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (event->error != MPI_SUCCESS) { mpi_errno = event->error; MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (conn->send_active) { MPIR_Request * sreq = conn->send_active; int (*reqFn)(MPIDI_VC_t *, MPIR_Request *, int *); int complete; reqFn = sreq->dev.OnDataAvail; if (!reqFn) { MPIR_Assert(MPIDI_Request_get_type(sreq)!=MPIDI_REQUEST_TYPE_GET_RESP); mpi_errno = MPID_Request_complete(sreq); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } complete = TRUE; } else { mpi_errno = reqFn( conn->vc, sreq, &complete ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } if (complete) { mpi_errno = connection_pop_sendq_req(conn); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } else /* more data to send */ { for(;;) { MPL_IOV * iovp; size_t nb; iovp = sreq->dev.iov; mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_writev(conn->sock, iovp, sreq->dev.iov_count, &nb); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_FATAL, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|sock|immedwrite", "ch3|sock|immedwrite %p %p %p", sreq, conn, conn->vc); goto fn_fail; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST,"immediate writev, vc=%p, sreq=0x%08x, nb=%" PRIdPTR, conn->vc, sreq->handle, nb)); if (nb > 0 && adjust_iov(&iovp, &sreq->dev.iov_count, nb)) { reqFn = sreq->dev.OnDataAvail; if (!reqFn) { MPIR_Assert(MPIDI_Request_get_type(sreq)!=MPIDI_REQUEST_TYPE_GET_RESP); mpi_errno = MPID_Request_complete(sreq); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } complete = TRUE; } else { mpi_errno = reqFn( conn->vc, sreq, &complete ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } if (complete) { mpi_errno = connection_pop_sendq_req(conn); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } break; } } else { MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST,"posting writev, vc=%p, conn=%p, sreq=0x%08x", conn->vc, conn, sreq->handle)); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_post_writev(conn->sock, iovp, sreq->dev.iov_count, NULL); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code( mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_FATAL, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|sock|postwrite", "ch3|sock|postwrite %p %p %p", sreq, conn, conn->vc); goto fn_fail; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ break; } } } } else /* finished writing internal packet header */ { /* the connection is not active yet */ mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Sockconn_handle_connwrite( conn ); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP( mpi_errno ); } } break; } /* END OF SOCK_OP_WRITE */ case MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_OP_ACCEPT: { mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Sockconn_handle_accept_event(); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } break; } case MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_OP_CONNECT: { mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Sockconn_handle_connect_event( (MPIDI_CH3I_Connection_t *) event->user_ptr, event->error ); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } break; } case MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_OP_CLOSE: { mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Sockconn_handle_close_event( (MPIDI_CH3I_Connection_t *) event->user_ptr ); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } break; } case MPIDI_CH3I_SOCK_OP_WAKEUP: { MPIDI_CH3_Progress_signal_completion(); /* MPIDI_CH3I_progress_completion_count++; */ break; } } fn_exit: MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3I_PROGRESS_HANDLE_SOCK_EVENT); return mpi_errno; fn_fail: goto fn_exit; }
int MPIDI_CH3_PktHandler_Close( MPIDI_VC_t *vc, MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t *pkt, intptr_t *buflen, MPIR_Request **rreqp ) { MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_close_t * close_pkt = &pkt->close; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; if (vc->state == MPIDI_VC_STATE_LOCAL_CLOSE) { MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t upkt; MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_close_t * resp_pkt = &upkt.close; MPIR_Request * resp_sreq; MPIDI_Pkt_init(resp_pkt, MPIDI_CH3_PKT_CLOSE); resp_pkt->ack = TRUE; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL,"sending close(TRUE) to %d", vc->pg_rank); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_iStartMsg(vc, resp_pkt, sizeof(*resp_pkt), &resp_sreq); MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(mpi_errno, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|send_close_ack"); if (resp_sreq != NULL) { /* There is still another reference being held by the channel. It will not be released until the pkt is actually sent. */ MPIR_Request_free(resp_sreq); } } if (close_pkt->ack == FALSE) { if (vc->state == MPIDI_VC_STATE_LOCAL_CLOSE) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "received close(FALSE) from %d, moving to CLOSE_ACKED.", vc->pg_rank); MPIDI_CHANGE_VC_STATE(vc, CLOSE_ACKED); } else /* (vc->state == MPIDI_VC_STATE_ACTIVE) */ { if (vc->state != MPIDI_VC_STATE_ACTIVE) { MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT, TYPICAL, (MPL_DBG_FDEST, "Unexpected state %s in vc %p (rank=%d) (expecting MPIDI_VC_STATE_ACTIVE)\n", MPIDI_VC_GetStateString(vc->state), vc, vc->pg_rank )); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "received close(FALSE) from %d, moving to REMOTE_CLOSE.", vc->pg_rank); } MPIR_Assert(vc->state == MPIDI_VC_STATE_ACTIVE); MPIDI_CHANGE_VC_STATE(vc, REMOTE_CLOSE); } } else /* (close_pkt->ack == TRUE) */ { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "received close(TRUE) from %d, moving to CLOSED.", vc->pg_rank); MPIR_Assert (vc->state == MPIDI_VC_STATE_LOCAL_CLOSE || vc->state == MPIDI_VC_STATE_CLOSE_ACKED); MPIDI_CHANGE_VC_STATE(vc, CLOSED); /* For example, with sockets, Connection_terminate will close the socket */ mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Connection_terminate(vc); } *buflen = sizeof(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t); *rreqp = NULL; fn_fail: return mpi_errno; }
int MPIDI_CH3_iStartMsg(MPIDI_VC_t * vc, void * hdr, intptr_t hdr_sz, MPIR_Request ** sreq_ptr) { MPIR_Request * sreq = NULL; MPIDI_CH3I_VC *vcch = &vc->ch; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISTARTMSG); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISTARTMSG); MPIR_Assert( hdr_sz <= sizeof(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t)); /* The SOCK channel uses a fixed length header, the size of which is the maximum of all possible packet headers */ hdr_sz = sizeof(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t); MPL_DBG_STMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, MPIDI_DBG_Print_packet((MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t*)hdr)); if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_CONNECTED) /* MT */ { /* Connection already formed. If send queue is empty attempt to send data, queuing any unsent data. */ if (MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_empty(vcch)) /* MT */ { size_t nb; int rc; MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "send queue empty, attempting to write"); MPL_DBG_PKT(vcch->conn,hdr,"istartmsg"); /* MT: need some signalling to lock down our right to use the channel, thus insuring that the progress engine does not also try to write */ rc = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_write(vcch->sock, hdr, hdr_sz, &nb); if (rc == MPI_SUCCESS) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "wrote %ld bytes", (unsigned long) nb); if (nb == hdr_sz) { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "entire write complete, %" PRIdPTR " bytes", nb); /* done. get us out of here as quickly as possible. */ } else { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "partial write of %" PRIdPTR " bytes, request enqueued at head", nb); sreq = create_request(hdr, hdr_sz, nb); if (!sreq) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue_head(vcch, sreq); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST,"posting write, vc=0x%p, sreq=0x%08x", vc, sreq->handle)); vcch->conn->send_active = sreq; mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_post_write(vcch->conn->sock, sreq->dev.iov[0].MPL_IOV_BUF, sreq->dev.iov[0].MPL_IOV_LEN, sreq->dev.iov[0].MPL_IOV_LEN, NULL); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_FATAL, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|sock|postwrite", "ch3|sock|postwrite %p %p %p", sreq, vcch->conn, vc); goto fn_fail; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } } /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ else { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,TYPICAL, "ERROR - MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_write failed, rc=%d", rc); sreq = MPIR_Request_create(MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__UNDEFINED); if (!sreq) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**nomem"); } sreq->kind = MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__SEND; MPIR_cc_set(&(sreq->cc), 0); sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_Err_create_code( rc, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**ch3|sock|writefailed", "**ch3|sock|writefailed %d", rc ); /* Make sure that the caller sees this error */ mpi_errno = sreq->status.MPI_ERROR; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } else { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL,VERBOSE, "send in progress, request enqueued"); sreq = create_request(hdr, hdr_sz, 0); if (!sreq) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } } else if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_CONNECTING) /* MT */ { MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc, "connecteding. enqueuing request"); /* queue the data so it can be sent after the connection is formed */ sreq = create_request(hdr, hdr_sz, 0); if (!sreq) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } else if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_UNCONNECTED) /* MT */ { MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc, "unconnected. posting connect and enqueuing request"); /* queue the data so it can be sent after the connection is formed */ sreq = create_request(hdr, hdr_sz, 0); if (!sreq) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); /* Form a new connection */ MPIDI_CH3I_VC_post_connect(vc); } else if (vcch->state != MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_FAILED) { /* Unable to send data at the moment, so queue it for later */ MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc,"forming connection, request enqueued"); sreq = create_request(hdr, hdr_sz, 0); if (!sreq) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ else { /* Connection failed, so allocate a request and return an error. */ MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc,"ERROR - connection failed"); sreq = MPIR_Request_create(MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__UNDEFINED); if (!sreq) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno,MPI_ERR_OTHER,"**nomem"); } sreq->kind = MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__SEND; MPIR_cc_set(&sreq->cc, 0); sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_Err_create_code( MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**ch3|sock|connectionfailed",0 ); /* Make sure that the caller sees this error */ mpi_errno = sreq->status.MPI_ERROR; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ fn_fail: *sreq_ptr = sreq; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISTARTMSG); return mpi_errno; }
/* MPIDI_CH3I_SendNoncontig - Sends a message by packing directly into cells. The caller must initialize sreq->dev.segment as well as segment_first and segment_size. */ int MPIDI_CH3I_SendNoncontig( MPIDI_VC_t *vc, MPIR_Request *sreq, void *header, intptr_t hdr_sz, MPL_IOV *hdr_iov, int n_hdr_iov) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; int again = 0; intptr_t orig_segment_first = sreq->dev.segment_first; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3I_SENDNONCONTIG); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3I_SENDNONCONTIG); MPIDI_DBG_Print_packet((MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t *)header); MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_GLOBAL_ALLFUNC_MUTEX); if (n_hdr_iov > 0) { /* translate segments to iovs and combine with the extended header iov. */ mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_SendNoncontig_iov(vc, sreq, header, hdr_sz, hdr_iov, n_hdr_iov); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); goto fn_exit; } if (!MPIDI_CH3I_Sendq_empty(MPIDI_CH3I_shm_sendq)) /* MT */ { /* send queue is not empty, enqueue the request then check to see if we can send any now */ MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER, TERSE, "enqueuing"); sreq->dev.pending_pkt = *(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t *)header; sreq->ch.noncontig = TRUE; sreq->ch.header_sz = hdr_sz; sreq-> = vc; MPIDI_CH3I_Sendq_enqueue(&MPIDI_CH3I_shm_sendq, sreq); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Shm_send_progress(); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); goto fn_exit; } /* send as many cells of data as you can */ MPID_nem_mpich_send_seg_header(sreq->dev.segment_ptr, &sreq->dev.segment_first, sreq->dev.segment_size, header, hdr_sz, vc, &again); while(!again && sreq->dev.segment_first < sreq->dev.segment_size) MPID_nem_mpich_send_seg(sreq->dev.segment_ptr, &sreq->dev.segment_first, sreq->dev.segment_size, vc, &again); if (again) { /* we didn't finish sending everything */ sreq->ch.noncontig = TRUE; sreq-> = vc; if (sreq->dev.segment_first == orig_segment_first) /* nothing was sent, save header */ { sreq->dev.pending_pkt = *(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t *)header; sreq->ch.header_sz = hdr_sz; } else { /* part of message was sent, make this req an active send */ MPIR_Assert(MPIDI_CH3I_shm_active_send == NULL); MPIDI_CH3I_shm_active_send = sreq; } MPIDI_CH3I_Sendq_enqueue(&MPIDI_CH3I_shm_sendq, sreq); goto fn_exit; } /* finished sending all data, complete the request */ if (!sreq->dev.OnDataAvail) { MPIR_Assert(MPIDI_Request_get_type(sreq) != MPIDI_REQUEST_TYPE_GET_RESP); mpi_errno = MPID_Request_complete(sreq); if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, ".... complete %d bytes", (int) (sreq->dev.segment_size)); } else { int complete = 0; mpi_errno = sreq->dev.OnDataAvail(vc, sreq, &complete); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); MPIR_Assert(complete); /* all data has been sent, we should always complete */ MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, ".... complete %d bytes", (int) (sreq->dev.segment_size)); } fn_exit: MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_GLOBAL_ALLFUNC_MUTEX); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3I_SENDNONCONTIG); return mpi_errno; fn_fail: goto fn_exit; }
int MPIR_Intercomm_create_impl(MPIR_Comm *local_comm_ptr, int local_leader, MPIR_Comm *peer_comm_ptr, int remote_leader, int tag, MPIR_Comm **new_intercomm_ptr) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_Context_id_t final_context_id, recvcontext_id; int remote_size = 0, *remote_lpids = NULL; int comm_info[3]; int is_low_group = 0; int cts_tag; MPIR_Errflag_t errflag = MPIR_ERR_NONE; MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTERCOMM_CREATE_IMPL); MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTERCOMM_CREATE_IMPL); /* Shift tag into the tagged coll space (tag provided by the user is ignored as of MPI 3.0) */ cts_tag = MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTERCOMM_CREATE_TAG | MPIR_Process.tagged_coll_mask; mpi_errno = MPID_Intercomm_exchange_map(local_comm_ptr, local_leader, peer_comm_ptr, remote_leader, &remote_size, &remote_lpids, &is_low_group); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); /* * Create the contexts. Each group will have a context for sending * to the other group. All processes must be involved. Because * we know that the local and remote groups are disjoint, this * step will complete */ MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIR_DBG_COMM,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST,"About to get contextid (local_size=%d) on rank %d", local_comm_ptr->local_size, local_comm_ptr->rank )); /* In the multi-threaded case, MPIR_Get_contextid_sparse assumes that the calling routine already holds the single criticial section */ /* TODO: Make sure this is tag-safe */ mpi_errno = MPIR_Get_contextid_sparse( local_comm_ptr, &recvcontext_id, FALSE ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); MPIR_Assert(recvcontext_id != 0); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIR_DBG_COMM,VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST,"Got contextid=%d", recvcontext_id)); /* Leaders can now swap context ids and then broadcast the value to the local group of processes */ if (local_comm_ptr->rank == local_leader) { MPIR_Context_id_t remote_context_id; mpi_errno = MPIC_Sendrecv( &recvcontext_id, 1, MPIR_CONTEXT_ID_T_DATATYPE, remote_leader, cts_tag, &remote_context_id, 1, MPIR_CONTEXT_ID_T_DATATYPE, remote_leader, cts_tag, peer_comm_ptr, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, &errflag ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); final_context_id = remote_context_id; /* Now, send all of our local processes the remote_lpids, along with the final context id */ comm_info[0] = final_context_id; MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIR_DBG_COMM,VERBOSE,"About to bcast on local_comm"); mpi_errno = MPID_Bcast( comm_info, 1, MPI_INT, local_leader, local_comm_ptr, &errflag ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(errflag, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**coll_fail"); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_COMM,VERBOSE,"end of bcast on local_comm of size %d", local_comm_ptr->local_size ); } else { /* we're the other processes */ MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIR_DBG_COMM,VERBOSE,"About to receive bcast on local_comm"); mpi_errno = MPID_Bcast( comm_info, 1, MPI_INT, local_leader, local_comm_ptr, &errflag ); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP(errflag, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**coll_fail"); /* Extract the context and group sign informatin */ final_context_id = comm_info[0]; } /* At last, we now have the information that we need to build the intercommunicator */ /* All processes in the local_comm now build the communicator */ mpi_errno = MPIR_Comm_create( new_intercomm_ptr ); if (mpi_errno) goto fn_fail; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->context_id = final_context_id; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->recvcontext_id = recvcontext_id; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->remote_size = remote_size; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->local_size = local_comm_ptr->local_size; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->pof2 = local_comm_ptr->pof2; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->rank = local_comm_ptr->rank; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->comm_kind = MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTERCOMM; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->local_comm = 0; (*new_intercomm_ptr)->is_low_group = is_low_group; mpi_errno = MPID_Create_intercomm_from_lpids( *new_intercomm_ptr, remote_size, remote_lpids ); if (mpi_errno) goto fn_fail; MPIR_Comm_map_dup(*new_intercomm_ptr, local_comm_ptr, MPIR_COMM_MAP_DIR__L2L); /* Inherit the error handler (if any) */ MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_COMM_MUTEX(local_comm_ptr)); (*new_intercomm_ptr)->errhandler = local_comm_ptr->errhandler; if (local_comm_ptr->errhandler) { MPIR_Errhandler_add_ref( local_comm_ptr->errhandler ); } MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, MPIR_THREAD_POBJ_COMM_MUTEX(local_comm_ptr)); mpi_errno = MPIR_Comm_commit(*new_intercomm_ptr); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); fn_exit: if (remote_lpids) { MPL_free(remote_lpids); remote_lpids = NULL; } MPIR_FUNC_TERSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIR_COMM_KIND__INTERCOMM_CREATE_IMPL); return mpi_errno; fn_fail: goto fn_exit; }
int MPIDI_CH3_iStartMsgv(MPIDI_VC_t * vc, MPL_IOV * iov, int n_iov, MPIR_Request ** sreq_ptr) { MPIR_Request *sreq = NULL; MPIDI_CH3I_VC *vcch = &vc->ch; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISTARTMSGV); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISTARTMSGV); MPIR_Assert(n_iov <= MPL_IOV_LIMIT); /* The SOCK channel uses a fixed length header, the size of which is the * maximum of all possible packet headers */ iov[0].MPL_IOV_LEN = sizeof(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t); MPL_DBG_STMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, MPIDI_DBG_Print_packet((MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t *) iov[0].MPL_IOV_BUF)); if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_CONNECTED) { /* MT */ /* Connection already formed. If send queue is empty attempt to send * data, queuing any unsent data. */ if (MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_empty(vcch)) { /* MT */ int rc; size_t nb; MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "send queue empty, attempting to write"); MPL_DBG_PKT(vcch->conn, (MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t *) iov[0].MPL_IOV_BUF, "isend"); /* MT - need some signalling to lock down our right to use the * channel, thus insuring that the progress engine does * also try to write */ rc = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_writev(vcch->sock, iov, n_iov, &nb); if (rc == MPI_SUCCESS) { int offset = 0; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "wrote %ld bytes", (unsigned long) nb); while (offset < n_iov) { if (nb >= (int) iov[offset].MPL_IOV_LEN) { nb -= iov[offset].MPL_IOV_LEN; offset++; } else { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "partial write, request enqueued at head"); sreq = create_request(iov, n_iov, offset, nb); if (sreq == NULL) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue_head(vcch, sreq); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, (MPL_DBG_FDEST, "posting writev, vc=0x%p, sreq=0x%08x", vc, sreq->handle)); vcch->conn->send_active = sreq; mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_post_writev(vcch->conn->sock, sreq->dev.iov + offset, sreq->dev.iov_count - offset, NULL); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_FATAL, __func__, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|sock|postwrite", "ch3|sock|postwrite %p %p %p", sreq, vcch->conn, vc); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ break; } } if (offset == n_iov) { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "entire write complete"); } } /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ else { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, TYPICAL, "ERROR - MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_writev failed, rc=%d", rc); sreq = MPIR_Request_create(MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__SEND); if (sreq == NULL) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem"); } MPIR_cc_set(&(sreq->cc), 0); sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_Err_create_code(rc, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**ch3|sock|writefailed", "**ch3|sock|writefailed %d", rc); /* Make sure that the caller sees this error */ mpi_errno = sreq->status.MPI_ERROR; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } else { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "send in progress, request enqueued"); sreq = create_request(iov, n_iov, 0, 0); if (sreq == NULL) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } } else if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_CONNECTING) { MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc, "connecting. enqueuing request"); /* queue the data so it can be sent after the connection is formed */ sreq = create_request(iov, n_iov, 0, 0); if (sreq == NULL) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } else if (vcch->state == MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_UNCONNECTED) { MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc, "unconnected. posting connect and enqueuing request"); /* queue the data so it can be sent after the connection is formed */ sreq = create_request(iov, n_iov, 0, 0); if (sreq == NULL) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); /* Form a new connection */ MPIDI_CH3I_VC_post_connect(vc); } else if (vcch->state != MPIDI_CH3I_VC_STATE_FAILED) { /* Unable to send data at the moment, so queue it for later */ MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc, "forming connection, request enqueued"); sreq = create_request(iov, n_iov, 0, 0); if (sreq == NULL) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem"); } MPIDI_CH3I_SendQ_enqueue(vcch, sreq); } /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ else { /* Connection failed, so allocate a request and return an error. */ MPL_DBG_VCUSE(vc, "ERROR - connection failed"); sreq = MPIR_Request_create(MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__SEND); if (sreq == NULL) { MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem"); } MPIR_cc_set(&(sreq->cc), 0); sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**ch3|sock|connectionfailed", 0); /* Make sure that the caller sees this error */ mpi_errno = sreq->status.MPI_ERROR; } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ fn_fail: *sreq_ptr = sreq; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3_ISTARTMSGV); return mpi_errno; }
/* MPIDI_CH3_RndvSend - Send a request to perform a rendezvous send */ int MPIDI_CH3_RndvSend( MPIR_Request **sreq_p, const void * buf, MPI_Aint count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dt_contig, intptr_t data_sz, MPI_Aint dt_true_lb, int rank, int tag, MPIR_Comm * comm, int context_offset ) { MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t upkt; MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_rndv_req_to_send_t * const rts_pkt = &upkt.rndv_req_to_send; MPIDI_VC_t * vc; MPIR_Request * rts_sreq; MPIR_Request *sreq =*sreq_p; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,VERBOSE, "sending rndv RTS, data_sz=%" PRIdPTR, data_sz); sreq->dev.OnDataAvail = 0; sreq->dev.partner_request = NULL; MPIDI_Pkt_init(rts_pkt, MPIDI_CH3_PKT_RNDV_REQ_TO_SEND); rts_pkt-> = comm->rank; rts_pkt-> = tag; rts_pkt-> = comm->context_id + context_offset; rts_pkt->sender_req_id = sreq->handle; rts_pkt->data_sz = data_sz; MPIDI_Comm_get_vc_set_active(comm, rank, &vc); MPIDI_VC_FAI_send_seqnum(vc, seqnum); MPIDI_Pkt_set_seqnum(rts_pkt, seqnum); MPIDI_Request_set_seqnum(sreq, seqnum); MPL_DBG_MSGPKT(vc,tag,rts_pkt->,rank,data_sz,"Rndv"); MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_iStartMsg(vc, rts_pkt, sizeof(*rts_pkt), &rts_sreq); MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex); /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_Request_free(sreq); *sreq_p = NULL; MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|rtspkt"); } /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ if (rts_sreq != NULL) { if (rts_sreq->status.MPI_ERROR != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPIR_Request_free(sreq); *sreq_p = NULL; mpi_errno = rts_sreq->status.MPI_ERROR; MPIR_Request_free(rts_sreq); MPIR_ERR_SETANDJUMP(mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ch3|rtspkt"); } MPIR_Request_free(rts_sreq); } /* FIXME: fill temporary IOV or pack temporary buffer after send to hide some latency. This requires synchronization because the CTS packet could arrive and be processed before the above iStartmsg completes (depending on the progress engine, threads, etc.). */ fn_exit: return mpi_errno; fn_fail: goto fn_exit; }
/*@ MPIDI_CH3U_Handle_connection - handle connection event Input Parameters: + vc - virtual connection . event - connection event NOTE: This routine is used to transition the VC state. The only events currently handled are TERMINATED events. This routine should be called (with TERMINATED) whenever a connection is terminated whether normally (in MPIDI_CH3_Connection_terminate() ), or abnormally. FIXME: Currently state transitions resulting from receiving CLOSE packets are performed in MPIDI_CH3_PktHandler_Close(). Perhaps that should move here. @*/ int MPIDI_CH3U_Handle_connection(MPIDI_VC_t * vc, MPIDI_VC_Event_t event) { int inuse; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_STATE_DECL(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3U_HANDLE_CONNECTION); MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_ENTER(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3U_HANDLE_CONNECTION); switch (event) { case MPIDI_VC_EVENT_TERMINATED: { switch (vc->state) { case MPIDI_VC_STATE_CLOSED: /* Normal termination. */ MPIDI_CHANGE_VC_STATE(vc, INACTIVE); /* MT: this is not thread safe */ MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops -= 1; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "outstanding close operations = %d", MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops); if (MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops == 0) { MPIDI_CH3_Progress_signal_completion(); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Channel_close(); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } break; case MPIDI_VC_STATE_INACTIVE: /* VC was terminated before it was activated. This can happen if a failed process was detected before the process used the VC. */ MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "VC terminated before it was activated. We probably got a failed" " process notification."); MPIDI_CH3U_Complete_posted_with_error(vc); ++MPIDI_Failed_vc_count; MPIDI_CHANGE_VC_STATE(vc, MORIBUND); break; case MPIDI_VC_STATE_ACTIVE: case MPIDI_VC_STATE_REMOTE_CLOSE: /* This is a premature termination. This process has not started the close protocol. There may be outstanding sends or receives on the local side, remote side or both. */ MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "Connection closed prematurely."); MPIDI_CH3U_Complete_posted_with_error(vc); ++MPIDI_Failed_vc_count; MPIDU_Ftb_publish_vc(MPIDU_FTB_EV_UNREACHABLE, vc); MPIDI_CHANGE_VC_STATE(vc, MORIBUND); break; case MPIDI_VC_STATE_LOCAL_CLOSE: /* This is a premature termination. This process has started the close protocol, but hasn't received a CLOSE packet from the remote side. This process may not have been able to send the CLOSE ack=F packet to the remote side. There may be outstanding sends or receives on the local or remote sides. */ case MPIDI_VC_STATE_CLOSE_ACKED: /* This is a premature termination. Both sides have started the close protocol. This process has received CLOSE ack=F, but not CLOSE ack=t. This process may not have been able to send CLOSE ack=T. There should not be any outstanding sends or receives on either side. */ MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "Connection closed prematurely during close protocol. " "Outstanding close operations = %d", MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops); MPIDI_CH3U_Complete_posted_with_error(vc); ++MPIDI_Failed_vc_count; MPIDU_Ftb_publish_vc(MPIDU_FTB_EV_UNREACHABLE, vc); MPIDI_CHANGE_VC_STATE(vc, MORIBUND); /* MT: this is not thread safe */ MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops -= 1; if (MPIDI_Outstanding_close_ops == 0) { MPIDI_CH3_Progress_signal_completion(); mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_Channel_close(); if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } break; default: { MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_DISCONNECT,TYPICAL, "Unhandled connection state %d when closing connection",vc->state); mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code( MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_FATAL, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_INTERN, "**ch3|unhandled_connection_state", "**ch3|unhandled_connection_state %p %d", vc, vc->state); goto fn_fail; break; } } /* FIXME: Decrement the reference count? Who increments? */ /* FIXME: The reference count is often already 0. But not always */ /* MPIR_Object_set_ref(vc, 0); ??? */ /* * FIXME: The VC used in connect accept has a NULL * process group */ /* XXX DJG FIXME-MT should we be checking this ref_count? */ if (vc->pg != NULL && (MPIR_Object_get_ref(vc) == 0)) { /* FIXME: Who increments the reference count that this is decrementing? */ /* When the reference count for a vc becomes zero, decrement the reference count of the associated process group. */ /* FIXME: This should be done when the reference count of the vc is first decremented */ MPIDI_PG_release_ref(vc->pg, &inuse); if (inuse == 0) { MPIDI_PG_Destroy(vc->pg); } } break; } default: { break; } } fn_exit: MPIR_FUNC_VERBOSE_EXIT(MPID_STATE_MPIDI_CH3U_HANDLE_CONNECTION); return mpi_errno; fn_fail: goto fn_exit; }
/*@ MPIR_Type_dup - create a copy of a datatype Input Parameters: - oldtype - handle of original datatype Output Parameters: . newtype - handle of newly created copy of datatype Return Value: 0 on success, MPI error code on failure. @*/ int MPIR_Type_dup(MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype * newtype) { int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; MPIR_Datatype *new_dtp = 0, *old_dtp; if (HANDLE_GET_KIND(oldtype) == HANDLE_KIND_BUILTIN) { /* create a new type and commit it. */ mpi_errno = MPIR_Type_contiguous(1, oldtype, newtype); if (mpi_errno) { MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } else { /* allocate new datatype object and handle */ new_dtp = (MPIR_Datatype *) MPIR_Handle_obj_alloc(&MPIR_Datatype_mem); if (!new_dtp) { /* --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING-- */ mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, "MPIR_Type_dup", __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", 0); goto fn_fail; /* --END ERROR HANDLING-- */ } MPIR_Datatype_get_ptr(oldtype, old_dtp); /* fill in datatype */ MPIR_Object_set_ref(new_dtp, 1); /* new_dtp->handle is filled in by MPIR_Handle_obj_alloc() */ new_dtp->is_contig = old_dtp->is_contig; new_dtp->size = old_dtp->size; new_dtp->extent = old_dtp->extent; new_dtp->ub = old_dtp->ub; new_dtp->lb = old_dtp->lb; new_dtp->true_ub = old_dtp->true_ub; new_dtp->true_lb = old_dtp->true_lb; new_dtp->alignsize = old_dtp->alignsize; new_dtp->has_sticky_ub = old_dtp->has_sticky_ub; new_dtp->has_sticky_lb = old_dtp->has_sticky_lb; new_dtp->is_committed = old_dtp->is_committed; new_dtp->attributes = NULL; /* Attributes are copied in the * top-level MPI_Type_dup routine */ new_dtp->name[0] = 0; /* The Object name is not copied on * a dup */ new_dtp->n_builtin_elements = old_dtp->n_builtin_elements; new_dtp->builtin_element_size = old_dtp->builtin_element_size; new_dtp->basic_type = old_dtp->basic_type; new_dtp->max_contig_blocks = old_dtp->max_contig_blocks; new_dtp->dataloop = NULL; new_dtp->dataloop_size = old_dtp->dataloop_size; *newtype = new_dtp->handle; if (old_dtp->is_committed) { MPIR_Assert(old_dtp->dataloop != NULL); MPIR_Dataloop_dup(old_dtp->dataloop, old_dtp->dataloop_size, &new_dtp->dataloop); MPID_Type_commit_hook(new_dtp); } } MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIR_DBG_DATATYPE, VERBOSE, "dup type %x created.", *newtype); fn_fail: return mpi_errno; }
void MPIDI_DBG_Print_packet(MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t * pkt) { { MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,"MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t:\n"); switch (pkt->type) { case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_EAGER_SEND: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_EagerSend(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_READY_SEND: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_ReadySend(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_EAGER_SYNC_SEND: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_EagerSyncSend(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_EAGER_SYNC_ACK: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_EagerSyncAck(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_RNDV_REQ_TO_SEND: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_RndvReqToSend(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_RNDV_CLR_TO_SEND: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_RndvClrToSend(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_RNDV_SEND: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_RndvSend(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_CANCEL_SEND_REQ: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_CancelSendReq(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_CANCEL_SEND_RESP: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_CancelSendResp(stdout, pkt); break; /* FIXME: Move these RMA descriptions into the RMA code files */ case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_PUT: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_Put(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_GET: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_Get(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_GET_RESP: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_GetResp(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_ACCUMULATE: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_Accumulate(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_LOCK: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_Lock(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_ACK: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_Ack(stdout, pkt); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_LOCK_ACK: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_LockAck(stdout, pkt); break; /* * case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_SHARED_LOCK_OPS_DONE: * MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type ......... MPIDI_CH3_PKT_SHARED_LOCK_OPS_DONE\n"); * MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," source ....... 0x%08X\n", pkt->shared_lock_ops_done.source_win_handle)); * break; */ case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_FLOW_CNTL_UPDATE: MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," FLOW_CNTRL_UPDATE\n"); break; case MPIDI_CH3_PKT_CLOSE: MPIDI_CH3_PktPrint_Close(stdout, pkt); break; default: MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," INVALID PACKET\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," unknown type ... %d\n", pkt->type); MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type .......... EAGER_SEND\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," sender_reqid . 0x%08X\n", pkt->eager_send.sender_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," context_id ... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," data_sz ...... %d\n", pkt->eager_send.data_sz); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," tag .......... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," rank ......... %d\n", pkt->; #ifdef MPID_USE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," seqnum ....... %d\n", pkt->eager_send.seqnum); #endif MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type .......... REQ_TO_SEND\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," sender_reqid . 0x%08X\n", pkt->rndv_req_to_send.sender_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," context_id ... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," data_sz ...... %d\n", pkt->rndv_req_to_send.data_sz); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," tag .......... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," rank ......... %d\n", pkt->; #ifdef MPID_USE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," seqnum ....... %d\n", pkt->rndv_req_to_send.seqnum); #endif MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type .......... CLR_TO_SEND\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," sender_reqid . 0x%08X\n", pkt->rndv_clr_to_send.sender_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," recvr_reqid .. 0x%08X\n", pkt->rndv_clr_to_send.receiver_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type .......... RNDV_SEND\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," recvr_reqid .. 0x%08X\n", pkt->rndv_send.receiver_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type .......... CANCEL_SEND\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," context_id ... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," tag .......... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," rank ......... %d\n", pkt->; MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," sender_reqid . 0x%08X\n", pkt->cancel_send_req.sender_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," type .......... CANCEL_SEND_RESP\n"); MPL_DBG_MSG_FMT(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE,(MPL_DBG_FDEST," sender_reqid . 0x%08X\n", pkt->cancel_send_resp.sender_req_id)); MPL_DBG_MSG_D(MPIDI_CH3_DBG_OTHER,TERSE," ack .......... %d\n", pkt->cancel_send_resp.ack); break; } } }