Exemple #1
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
    // If started from the console wrapper (see osdep/win32-console-wrapper.c),
    // attach to the console and set up the standard IO handles
    bool has_console = terminal_try_attach();

    // If mpv is started from Explorer, the Run dialog or the Start Menu, it
    // will have no console and no standard IO handles. In this case, the user
    // is expecting mpv to show some UI, so enable the pseudo-GUI profile.
    bool gui = !has_console && !has_redirected_stdio();

    int argv_len = 0;
    char **argv_u8 = NULL;

    // Build mpv's UTF-8 argv, and add the pseudo-GUI profile if necessary
    if (argv[0])
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, argv_u8, argv_len, mp_to_utf8(argv_u8, argv[0]));
    if (gui)
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, argv_u8, argv_len, "--profile=pseudo-gui");
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, argv_u8, argv_len, mp_to_utf8(argv_u8, argv[i]));
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, argv_u8, argv_len, NULL);

    int ret = mpv_main(argv_len - 1, argv_u8);

    return ret;
Exemple #2
static void vsmap_to_table(lua_State *L, int index, VSMap *map)
    struct vf_instance *vf = get_vf(L);
    struct vf_priv_s *p = vf->priv;
    const VSAPI *vsapi = p->vsapi;
    for (int n = 0; n < vsapi->propNumKeys(map); n++) {
        const char *key = vsapi->propGetKey(map, n);
        VSPropTypes t = vsapi->propGetType(map, key);
        switch (t) {
        case ptInt:
            lua_pushnumber(L, vsapi->propGetInt(map, key, 0, NULL));
        case ptFloat:
            lua_pushnumber(L, vsapi->propGetFloat(map, key, 0, NULL));
        case ptNode: {
            VSNodeRef *r = vsapi->propGetNode(map, key, 0, NULL);
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_noderef, p->num_gc_noderef, r);
            lua_pushlightuserdata(L, r);
            luaL_error(L, "unknown map type");
        lua_setfield(L, index, key);
Exemple #3
static bstr read_file(struct mp_log *log, const char *filename)
    FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (!f) {
        mp_verbose(log, "Can't open config file: %s\n", mp_strerror(errno));
        return (bstr){0};
    char *data = talloc_array(NULL, char, 0);
    size_t size = 0;
    while (1) {
        size_t left = talloc_get_size(data) - size;
        if (!left) {
            MP_TARRAY_GROW(NULL, data, size + 1);
        size_t s = fread(data + size, 1, left, f);
        if (!s) {
            if (ferror(f))
                mp_err(log, "Error reading config file.\n");
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, data, size, 0);
            return (bstr){data, size - 1};
        size += s;
Exemple #4
static int open_file(struct demuxer *demuxer, enum demux_check check)
    if (stream_get_size(demuxer->stream) == 0)
        return -1;

    int flags = 0;
    if (check <= DEMUX_CHECK_REQUEST)
        flags |= MP_ARCHIVE_FLAG_UNSAFE;
    struct mp_archive *mpa = mp_archive_new(demuxer->log, demuxer->stream, flags);
    if (!mpa)
        return -1;

    struct playlist *pl = talloc_zero(demuxer, struct playlist);
    demuxer->playlist = pl;

    // make it load archive://
    pl->disable_safety = true;

    char *prefix = mp_url_escape(mpa, demuxer->stream->url, "~|");

    char **files = NULL;
    int num_files = 0;

    for (;;) {
        struct archive_entry *entry;
        int r = archive_read_next_header(mpa->arch, &entry);
        if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF)
        if (r < ARCHIVE_OK)
            MP_ERR(demuxer, "libarchive: %s\n", archive_error_string(mpa->arch));
        if (r < ARCHIVE_WARN)
        if (archive_entry_filetype(entry) != AE_IFREG)
        const char *fn = archive_entry_pathname(entry);
        // Some archives may have no filenames.
        if (!fn)
            fn = talloc_asprintf(mpa, "mpv_unknown#%d\n", num_files);
        // stream_libarchive.c does the real work
        char *f = talloc_asprintf(mpa, "archive://%s|%s", prefix, fn);
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(mpa, files, num_files, f);

    if (files)
        qsort(files, num_files, sizeof(files[0]), cmp_filename);

    for (int n = 0; n < num_files; n++)
        playlist_add_file(pl, files[n]);

    demuxer->filetype = "archive";
    demuxer->fully_read = true;


    return 0;
Exemple #5
static void build_timeline(struct timeline *tl)
    struct priv *p = tl->demuxer->priv;

    void *ctx = talloc_new(NULL);

    add_source(tl, tl->demuxer);

    struct cue_track *tracks = NULL;
    size_t track_count = 0;

    for (size_t n = 0; n < p->f->num_tracks; n++) {
        struct cue_track *track = &p->f->tracks[n];
        if (track->filename) {
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(ctx, tracks, track_count, *track);
        } else {
            MP_WARN(tl->demuxer, "No file specified for track entry %zd. "
                    "It will be removed\n", n + 1);

    if (track_count == 0) {
        MP_ERR(tl, "CUE: no tracks found!\n");
        goto out;

    // Remove duplicate file entries. This might be too sophisticated, since
    // CUE files usually use either separate files for every single track, or
    // only one file for all tracks.

    char **files = 0;
    size_t file_count = 0;

    for (size_t n = 0; n < track_count; n++) {
        struct cue_track *track = &tracks[n];
        track->source = -1;
        for (size_t file = 0; file < file_count; file++) {
            if (strcmp(files[file], track->filename) == 0) {
                track->source = file;
        if (track->source == -1) {
            files = talloc_realloc(ctx, files, char *, file_count);
            files[file_count - 1] = track->filename;
            track->source = file_count - 1;
Exemple #6
static int l_invoke(lua_State *L)
    struct vf_instance *vf = get_vf(L);
    struct vf_priv_s *p = vf->priv;
    const VSAPI *vsapi = p->vsapi;

    VSPlugin *plugin = vsapi->getPluginByNs(luaL_checkstring(L, 1), p->vscore);
    if (!plugin)
        luaL_error(L, "plugin not found");
    VSMap *map = table_to_vsmap(L, 3);
    VSMap *r = vsapi->invoke(plugin, luaL_checkstring(L, 2), map);
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_map, p->num_gc_map, r);
    if (!r)
        luaL_error(L, "?");
    const char *err = vsapi->getError(r);
    if (err)
        luaL_error(L, "error calling invoke(): %s", err);
    int err2 = 0;
    VSNodeRef *node = vsapi->propGetNode(r, "clip", 0, &err2);
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_noderef, p->num_gc_noderef, node);
    if (node)
        lua_pushlightuserdata(L, node);
    return 1;
Exemple #7
static VSMap *table_to_vsmap(lua_State *L, int index)
    struct vf_instance *vf = get_vf(L);
    struct vf_priv_s *p = vf->priv;
    const VSAPI *vsapi = p->vsapi;
    assert(index > 0);
    VSMap *map = vsapi->createMap();
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_map, p->num_gc_map, map);
    if (!map)
        luaL_error(L, "out of memory");
    lua_pushnil(L); // nil
    while (lua_next(L, index) != 0) { // key value
        if (lua_type(L, -2) != LUA_TSTRING) {
            luaL_error(L, "key must be a string, but got %s",
                       lua_typename(L, -2));
        const char *key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
        switch (lua_type(L, -1)) {
        case LUA_TNUMBER: {
            // gross hack because we hate everything
            if (strncmp(key, "i_", 2) == 0) {
                vsapi->propSetInt(map, key + 2, lua_tointeger(L, -1), 0);
            } else {
                vsapi->propSetFloat(map, key, lua_tonumber(L, -1), 0);
        case LUA_TSTRING: {
            const char *s = lua_tostring(L, -1);
            vsapi->propSetData(map, key, s, strlen(s), 0);
        case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: { // assume it's VSNodeRef*
            VSNodeRef *node = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
            vsapi->propSetNode(map, key, node, 0);
            luaL_error(L, "unknown type");
        lua_pop(L, 1); // key
    return map;
Exemple #8
static int demux_open_mf(demuxer_t *demuxer, enum demux_check check)
    mf_t *mf;

    if (strncmp(demuxer->stream->url, "mf://", 5) == 0 &&
        demuxer->stream->type == STREAMTYPE_MF)
        mf = open_mf_pattern(demuxer, demuxer->log, demuxer->stream->url + 5);
    else {
        mf = open_mf_single(demuxer, demuxer->log, demuxer->stream->url);
        int bog = 0;
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(mf, mf->streams, bog, demuxer->stream);

    if (!mf || mf->nr_of_files < 1)
        goto error;

    char *force_type = demuxer->opts->mf_type;
    const char *codec = mp_map_mimetype_to_video_codec(demuxer->stream->mime_type);
    if (!codec || (force_type && force_type[0]))
        codec = probe_format(mf, force_type, check);
    if (!codec)
        goto error;

    mf->curr_frame = 0;

    // create a new video stream header
    struct sh_stream *sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(STREAM_VIDEO);
    struct mp_codec_params *c = sh->codec;

    c->codec = codec;
    c->disp_w = 0;
    c->disp_h = 0;
    c->fps = demuxer->opts->mf_fps;

    demux_add_sh_stream(demuxer, sh);

    mf->sh = sh;
    demuxer->priv = (void *)mf;
    demuxer->seekable = true;

    return 0;

    return -1;
Exemple #9
void mp_add_decoder(struct mp_decoder_list *list, const char *family,
                    const char *codec, const char *decoder, const char *desc)
    struct mp_decoder_entry entry = {
        .family = talloc_strdup(list, family),
        .codec = talloc_strdup(list, codec),
        .decoder = talloc_strdup(list, decoder),
        .desc = talloc_strdup(list, desc),
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(list, list->entries, list->num_entries, entry);

static void mp_add_decoder_entry(struct mp_decoder_list *list,
                                 struct mp_decoder_entry *entry)
    mp_add_decoder(list, entry->family, entry->codec, entry->decoder,
Exemple #10
// Return true if this was a readable directory.
static bool scan_dir(struct pl_parser *p, char *path,
                     struct stat *dir_stack, int num_dir_stack,
                     char ***files, int *num_files)
    if (strlen(path) >= 8192 || num_dir_stack == MAX_DIR_STACK)
        return false; // things like mount bind loops

    DIR *dp = opendir(path);
    if (!dp) {
        MP_ERR(p, "Could not read directory.\n");
        return false;

    struct dirent *ep;
    while ((ep = readdir(dp))) {
        if (ep->d_name[0] == '.')

        if (mp_cancel_test(p->s->cancel))

        char *file = mp_path_join(p, path, ep->d_name);

        struct stat st;
        if (stat(file, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
            for (int n = 0; n < num_dir_stack; n++) {
                if (same_st(&dir_stack[n], &st)) {
                    MP_VERBOSE(p, "Skip recursive entry: %s\n", file);
                    goto skip;

            dir_stack[num_dir_stack] = st;
            scan_dir(p, file, dir_stack, num_dir_stack + 1, files, num_files);
        } else {
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, *files, *num_files, file);

        skip: ;

    return true;
Exemple #11
static int demux_open_mf(demuxer_t *demuxer, enum demux_check check)
    sh_video_t *sh_video = NULL;
    mf_t *mf;

    if (strncmp(demuxer->stream->url, "mf://", 5) == 0 &&
        demuxer->stream->type == STREAMTYPE_MF)
        mf = open_mf_pattern(demuxer, demuxer->stream->url + 5);
    else {
        mf = open_mf_single(demuxer, demuxer->stream->url);
        int bog = 0;
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(mf, mf->streams, bog, demuxer->stream);

    if (!mf || mf->nr_of_files < 1)
        goto error;

    const char *codec = probe_format(mf, check);
    if (!codec)
        goto error;

    mf->curr_frame = 0;

    // create a new video stream header
    struct sh_stream *sh = new_sh_stream(demuxer, STREAM_VIDEO);
    sh_video = sh->video;

    sh_video->gsh->codec = codec;
    sh_video->disp_w = 0;
    sh_video->disp_h = 0;
    sh_video->fps = mf_fps;

    mf->sh = sh_video;
    demuxer->priv = (void *)mf;
    demuxer->seekable = true;

    return 0;

    return -1;
Exemple #12
static int parse_dir(struct pl_parser *p)
    if (p->real_stream->type != STREAMTYPE_DIR)
        return -1;
    if (p->probing)
        return 0;

    char *path = mp_file_get_path(p, bstr0(p->real_stream->url));
    if (strlen(path) >= 8192)
        return -1; // things like mount bind loops

    DIR *dp = opendir(path);
    if (!dp) {
        MP_ERR(p, "Could not read directory.\n");
        return -1;

    char **files = NULL;
    int num_files = 0;

    struct dirent *ep;
    while ((ep = readdir(dp))) {
        if (strcmp(ep->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(ep->d_name, "..") == 0)
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, files, num_files, talloc_strdup(p, ep->d_name));

    if (files)
        qsort(files, num_files, sizeof(files[0]), cmp_filename);

    for (int n = 0; n < num_files; n++)
        playlist_add_file(p->pl, mp_path_join(p, path, files[n]));


    p->add_base = false;

    return num_files > 0 ? 0 : -1;
Exemple #13
int mp_event_drop_mime_data(struct input_ctx *ictx, const char *mime_type,
                            bstr data)
    // X11 and Wayland file list format.
    if (strcmp(mime_type, "text/uri-list") == 0) {
        void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL);
        int num_files = 0;
        char **files = NULL;
        while (data.len) {
            bstr line = bstr_getline(data, &data);
            line = bstr_strip_linebreaks(line);
            if (bstr_startswith0(line, "#"))
            char *s = bstrto0(tmp, line);
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tmp, files, num_files, s);
        mp_event_drop_files(ictx, num_files, files);
        return num_files > 0;
    } else {
        return -1;
Exemple #14
static int angle_init(struct MPGLContext *ctx, int flags)
    struct priv *p = ctx->priv;
    struct vo *vo = ctx->vo;

    if (!angle_load()) {
        MP_VERBOSE(vo, "Failed to load LIBEGL.DLL\n");
        goto fail;

    if (!vo_w32_init(vo))
        goto fail;

    HDC dc = GetDC(vo_w32_hwnd(vo));
    if (!dc) {
        MP_FATAL(vo, "Couldn't get DC\n");
        goto fail;

    if (!eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT) {
        MP_FATAL(vo, "Missing EGL_EXT_platform_base\n");
        goto fail;

    EGLint d3d_types[] = {EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_D3D11_ANGLE,
    for (int i = 0; i < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(d3d_types); i++) {
        EGLint display_attributes[] = {

        p->egl_display = eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE, dc,
        if (p->egl_display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)

        if (!eglInitialize(p->egl_display, NULL, NULL)) {
            p->egl_display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;

        if (d3d_dev_types[i] == EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_WARP_ANGLE)
    if (p->egl_display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
        MP_FATAL(vo, "Couldn't get display\n");
        goto fail;

    const char *exts = eglQueryString(p->egl_display, EGL_EXTENSIONS);
    if (exts)
        MP_DBG(ctx->vo, "EGL extensions: %s\n", exts);

    if (eglGetError() != EGL_SUCCESS) {
        MP_FATAL(vo, "Couldn't bind GLES API\n");
        goto fail;

    EGLConfig config = select_fb_config_egl(ctx);
    if (!config)
        goto fail;

    int window_attribs_len = 0;
    EGLint *window_attribs = NULL;

    EGLint flip_val;
    if (eglGetConfigAttrib(p->egl_display, config,
                           EGL_OPTIMAL_SURFACE_ORIENTATION_ANGLE, &flip_val))
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, window_attribs, window_attribs_len,
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, window_attribs, window_attribs_len,
            ctx->flip_v = true;
            MP_VERBOSE(vo, "Rendering flipped.\n");

    // EGL_DIRECT_COMPOSITION_ANGLE enables the use of flip-mode present, which
    // avoids a copy of the video image and lowers vsync jitter, though the
    // extension is only present on Windows 8 and up.
    if (strstr(exts, "EGL_ANGLE_direct_composition")) {
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, window_attribs, window_attribs_len,
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, window_attribs, window_attribs_len, EGL_TRUE);
        MP_VERBOSE(vo, "Using DirectComposition.\n");

    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, window_attribs, window_attribs_len, EGL_NONE);
    p->egl_surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(p->egl_display, config,
                                            vo_w32_hwnd(vo), window_attribs);
    if (p->egl_surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE) {
        MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not create EGL surface!\n");
        goto fail;

    if (!(!p->use_es2 && create_context_egl(ctx, config, 3)) &&
        !create_context_egl(ctx, config, 2))
        MP_FATAL(ctx->vo, "Could not create EGL context!\n");
        goto fail;

    // Configure the underlying Direct3D device

    if (strstr(exts, "EGL_NV_post_sub_buffer")) {
        p->eglPostSubBufferNV =

    mpgl_load_functions(ctx->gl, get_proc_address, NULL, vo->log);
    return 0;

    return -1;
Exemple #15
static struct bstr strip_ext(struct bstr str)
    int dotpos = bstrrchr(str, '.');
    if (dotpos < 0)
        return str;
    return (struct bstr){str.start, dotpos};

static struct bstr get_ext(struct bstr s)
    int dotpos = bstrrchr(s, '.');
    if (dotpos < 0)
        return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};
    return bstr_splice(s, dotpos + 1, s.len);

static int compare_sub_filename(const void *a, const void *b)
    const struct subfn *s1 = a;
    const struct subfn *s2 = b;
    return strcoll(s1->fname, s2->fname);

static int compare_sub_priority(const void *a, const void *b)
    const struct subfn *s1 = a;
    const struct subfn *s2 = b;
    if (s1->priority > s2->priority)
        return -1;
    if (s1->priority < s2->priority)
        return 1;
    return strcoll(s1->fname, s2->fname);

static struct bstr guess_lang_from_filename(struct bstr name)
    if (name.len < 2)
        return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};

    int n = 0;
    int i = name.len - 1;

    if (name.start[i] == ')' || name.start[i] == ']')
    while (i >= 0 && isalpha(name.start[i])) {
        if (n > 3)
            return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};
    if (n < 2)
        return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};
    return (struct bstr){name.start + i + 1, n};

 * @brief Append all the subtitles in the given path matching fname
 * @param opts MPlayer options
 * @param slist pointer to the subtitles list tallocated
 * @param nsub pointer to the number of subtitles
 * @param path Look for subtitles in this directory
 * @param fname Subtitle filename (pattern)
 * @param limit_fuzziness Ignore flag when sub_fuziness == 2
static void append_dir_subtitles(struct MPOpts *opts,
                                 struct subfn **slist, int *nsub,
                                 struct bstr path, const char *fname,
                                 int limit_fuzziness)
    void *tmpmem = talloc_new(NULL);

    if (mp_is_url(bstr0(fname)))
        goto out;

    struct bstr f_fname = bstr0(mp_basename(fname));
    struct bstr f_fname_noext = bstrdup(tmpmem, strip_ext(f_fname));
    struct bstr f_fname_trim = bstr_strip(f_fname_noext);

    // 0 = nothing
    // 1 = any subtitle file
    // 2 = any sub file containing movie name
    // 3 = sub file containing movie name and the lang extension
    char *path0 = bstrdup0(tmpmem, path);
    DIR *d = opendir(path0);
    if (!d)
        goto out;
    mp_msg(MSGT_SUBREADER, MSGL_V, "Load subtitles in %.*s\n", BSTR_P(path));
    struct dirent *de;
    while ((de = readdir(d))) {
        struct bstr dename = bstr0(de->d_name);
        void *tmpmem2 = talloc_new(tmpmem);

        // retrieve various parts of the filename
        struct bstr tmp_fname_noext = bstrdup(tmpmem2, strip_ext(dename));
        struct bstr tmp_fname_ext = get_ext(dename);
        struct bstr tmp_fname_trim = bstr_strip(tmp_fname_noext);

        // does it end with a subtitle extension?
        if (!is_sub_ext(tmp_fname_ext))
            goto next_sub;

        // we have a (likely) subtitle file
        int prio = 0;
        char *found_lang = NULL;
        if (opts->sub_lang) {
            if (bstr_startswith(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim)) {
                struct bstr lang = guess_lang_from_filename(tmp_fname_trim);
                if (lang.len) {
                    for (int n = 0; opts->sub_lang[n]; n++) {
                        if (bstr_startswith0(lang, opts->sub_lang[n])) {
                            prio = 4; // matches the movie name + lang extension
                            found_lang = opts->sub_lang[n];
        if (!prio && bstrcmp(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim) == 0)
            prio = 3; // matches the movie name
        if (!prio && bstr_find(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim) >= 0
            && opts->sub_match_fuzziness >= 1)
            prio = 2; // contains the movie name
        if (!prio) {
            // doesn't contain the movie name
            // don't try in the mplayer subtitle directory
            if (!limit_fuzziness && opts->sub_match_fuzziness >= 2) {
                prio = 1;

        mp_msg(MSGT_SUBREADER, MSGL_DBG2, "Potential sub file: "
               "\"%s\"  Priority: %d\n", de->d_name, prio);
        if (prio) {
            prio += prio;
            char *subpath = mp_path_join(*slist, path, dename);
            if (mp_path_exists(subpath)) {
                MP_GROW_ARRAY(*slist, *nsub);
                struct subfn *sub = *slist + (*nsub)++;

                // annoying and redundant
                if (strncmp(subpath, "./", 2) == 0)
                    subpath += 2;

                sub->priority = prio;
                sub->fname    = subpath;
                sub->lang     = found_lang;
            } else



static bool case_endswith(const char *s, const char *end)
    size_t len = strlen(s);
    size_t elen = strlen(end);
    return len >= elen && strcasecmp(s + len - elen, end) == 0;

// Drop .sub file if .idx file exists.
// Assumes slist is sorted by compare_sub_filename.
static void filter_subidx(struct subfn **slist, int *nsub)
    const char *prev = NULL;
    for (int n = 0; n < *nsub; n++) {
        const char *fname = (*slist)[n].fname;
        if (case_endswith(fname, ".idx")) {
            prev = fname;
        } else if (case_endswith(fname, ".sub")) {
            if (prev && strncmp(prev, fname, strlen(fname) - 4) == 0)
                (*slist)[n].priority = -1;
    for (int n = *nsub - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
        if ((*slist)[n].priority < 0)
            MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(*slist, *nsub, n);

// Return a list of subtitles found, sorted by priority.
// Last element is terminated with a fname==NULL entry.
struct subfn *find_text_subtitles(struct MPOpts *opts, const char *fname)
    struct subfn *slist = talloc_array_ptrtype(NULL, slist, 1);
    int n = 0;

    // Load subtitles from current media directory
    append_dir_subtitles(opts, &slist, &n, mp_dirname(fname), fname, 0);

    // Load subtitles in dirs specified by sub-paths option
    if (opts->sub_paths) {
        for (int i = 0; opts->sub_paths[i]; i++) {
            char *path = mp_path_join(slist, mp_dirname(fname),
            append_dir_subtitles(opts, &slist, &n, bstr0(path), fname, 0);

    // Load subtitles in ~/.mpv/sub limiting sub fuzziness
    char *mp_subdir = mp_find_user_config_file("sub/");
    if (mp_subdir)
        append_dir_subtitles(opts, &slist, &n, bstr0(mp_subdir), fname, 1);

    // Sort by name for filter_subidx()
    qsort(slist, n, sizeof(*slist), compare_sub_filename);

    filter_subidx(&slist, &n);

    // Sort subs by priority and append them
    qsort(slist, n, sizeof(*slist), compare_sub_priority);

    struct subfn z = {0};
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, slist, n, z);

    return slist;
Exemple #16
static struct bstr strip_ext(struct bstr str)
    int dotpos = bstrrchr(str, '.');
    if (dotpos < 0)
        return str;
    return (struct bstr){str.start, dotpos};

static struct bstr get_ext(struct bstr s)
    int dotpos = bstrrchr(s, '.');
    if (dotpos < 0)
        return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};
    return bstr_splice(s, dotpos + 1, s.len);

bool mp_might_be_subtitle_file(const char *filename)
    return test_ext(get_ext(bstr0(filename))) == STREAM_SUB;

static int compare_sub_filename(const void *a, const void *b)
    const struct subfn *s1 = a;
    const struct subfn *s2 = b;
    return strcoll(s1->fname, s2->fname);

static int compare_sub_priority(const void *a, const void *b)
    const struct subfn *s1 = a;
    const struct subfn *s2 = b;
    if (s1->priority > s2->priority)
        return -1;
    if (s1->priority < s2->priority)
        return 1;
    return strcoll(s1->fname, s2->fname);

static struct bstr guess_lang_from_filename(struct bstr name)
    if (name.len < 2)
        return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};

    int n = 0;
    int i = name.len - 1;

    if (name.start[i] == ')' || name.start[i] == ']')
    while (i >= 0 && mp_isalpha(name.start[i])) {
        if (n > 3)
            return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};
    if (n < 2)
        return (struct bstr){NULL, 0};
    return (struct bstr){name.start + i + 1, n};

static void append_dir_subtitles(struct mpv_global *global,
                                 struct subfn **slist, int *nsub,
                                 struct bstr path, const char *fname,
                                 int limit_fuzziness)
    void *tmpmem = talloc_new(NULL);
    struct MPOpts *opts = global->opts;
    struct mp_log *log = mp_log_new(tmpmem, global->log, "find_files");

    if (mp_is_url(bstr0(fname)))
        goto out;

    struct bstr f_fname = bstr0(mp_basename(fname));
    struct bstr f_fname_noext = bstrdup(tmpmem, strip_ext(f_fname));
    struct bstr f_fname_trim = bstr_strip(f_fname_noext);

    // 0 = nothing
    // 1 = any subtitle file
    // 2 = any sub file containing movie name
    // 3 = sub file containing movie name and the lang extension
    char *path0 = bstrdup0(tmpmem, path);
    DIR *d = opendir(path0);
    if (!d)
        goto out;
    mp_verbose(log, "Loading external files in %.*s\n", BSTR_P(path));
    struct dirent *de;
    while ((de = readdir(d))) {
        struct bstr dename = bstr0(de->d_name);
        void *tmpmem2 = talloc_new(tmpmem);

        // retrieve various parts of the filename
        struct bstr tmp_fname_noext = bstrdup(tmpmem2, strip_ext(dename));
        struct bstr tmp_fname_ext = get_ext(dename);
        struct bstr tmp_fname_trim = bstr_strip(tmp_fname_noext);

        // check what it is (most likely)
        int type = test_ext(tmp_fname_ext);
        char **langs = NULL;
        int fuzz = -1;
        switch (type) {
        case STREAM_SUB:
            langs = opts->sub_lang;
            fuzz = opts->sub_auto;
        case STREAM_AUDIO:
            langs = opts->audio_lang;
            fuzz = opts->audiofile_auto;

        if (fuzz < 0)
            goto next_sub;

        // we have a (likely) subtitle file
        int prio = 0;
        char *found_lang = NULL;
        if (langs) {
            if (bstr_startswith(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim)) {
                struct bstr lang = guess_lang_from_filename(tmp_fname_trim);
                if (lang.len) {
                    for (int n = 0; langs[n]; n++) {
                        if (bstr_startswith0(lang, langs[n])) {
                            prio = 4; // matches the movie name + lang extension
                            found_lang = langs[n];
        if (!prio && bstrcmp(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim) == 0)
            prio = 3; // matches the movie name
        if (!prio && bstr_find(tmp_fname_trim, f_fname_trim) >= 0 && fuzz >= 1)
            prio = 2; // contains the movie name
        if (!prio) {
            // doesn't contain the movie name
            // don't try in the mplayer subtitle directory
            if (!limit_fuzziness && fuzz >= 2) {
                prio = 1;

        mp_dbg(log, "Potential external file: \"%s\"  Priority: %d\n",
               de->d_name, prio);

        if (prio) {
            prio += prio;
            char *subpath = mp_path_join(*slist, path, dename);
            if (mp_path_exists(subpath)) {
                MP_GROW_ARRAY(*slist, *nsub);
                struct subfn *sub = *slist + (*nsub)++;

                // annoying and redundant
                if (strncmp(subpath, "./", 2) == 0)
                    subpath += 2;

                sub->type     = type;
                sub->priority = prio;
                sub->fname    = subpath;
                sub->lang     = found_lang;
            } else



static bool case_endswith(const char *s, const char *end)
    size_t len = strlen(s);
    size_t elen = strlen(end);
    return len >= elen && strcasecmp(s + len - elen, end) == 0;

// Drop .sub file if .idx file exists.
// Assumes slist is sorted by compare_sub_filename.
static void filter_subidx(struct subfn **slist, int *nsub)
    const char *prev = NULL;
    for (int n = 0; n < *nsub; n++) {
        const char *fname = (*slist)[n].fname;
        if (case_endswith(fname, ".idx")) {
            prev = fname;
        } else if (case_endswith(fname, ".sub")) {
            if (prev && strncmp(prev, fname, strlen(fname) - 4) == 0)
                (*slist)[n].priority = -1;
    for (int n = *nsub - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
        if ((*slist)[n].priority < 0)
            MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(*slist, *nsub, n);

// Return a list of subtitles and audio files found, sorted by priority.
// Last element is terminated with a fname==NULL entry.
struct subfn *find_external_files(struct mpv_global *global, const char *fname)
    struct MPOpts *opts = global->opts;
    struct subfn *slist = talloc_array_ptrtype(NULL, slist, 1);
    int n = 0;

    // Load subtitles from current media directory
    append_dir_subtitles(global, &slist, &n, mp_dirname(fname), fname, 0);

    if (opts->sub_auto >= 0) {
        // Load subtitles in dirs specified by sub-paths option
        if (opts->sub_paths) {
            for (int i = 0; opts->sub_paths[i]; i++) {
                char *path = mp_path_join(slist, mp_dirname(fname),
                append_dir_subtitles(global, &slist, &n, bstr0(path), fname, 0);

        // Load subtitles in ~/.mpv/sub limiting sub fuzziness
        char *mp_subdir = mp_find_config_file(NULL, global, "sub/");
        if (mp_subdir)
            append_dir_subtitles(global, &slist, &n, bstr0(mp_subdir), fname, 1);

    // Sort by name for filter_subidx()
    qsort(slist, n, sizeof(*slist), compare_sub_filename);

    filter_subidx(&slist, &n);

    // Sort subs by priority and append them
    qsort(slist, n, sizeof(*slist), compare_sub_priority);

    struct subfn z = {0};
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, slist, n, z);

    return slist;
Exemple #17
static void add_source(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct demuxer *d)
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, mpctx->sources, mpctx->num_sources, d);
Exemple #18
/* Returns a list of parts, or NULL on parse error.
 * Syntax (without file header or URI prefix):
 *    url      ::= <entry> ( (';' | '\n') <entry> )*
 *    entry    ::= <param> ( <param> ',' )*
 *    param    ::= [<string> '='] (<string> | '%' <number> '%' <bytes>)
static struct tl_parts *parse_edl(bstr str)
    struct tl_parts *tl = talloc_zero(NULL, struct tl_parts);
    while (str.len) {
        if (bstr_eatstart0(&str, "#"))
            bstr_split_tok(str, "\n", &(bstr){0}, &str);
        if (bstr_eatstart0(&str, "\n") || bstr_eatstart0(&str, ";"))
        struct tl_part p = { .length = -1 };
        int nparam = 0;
        while (1) {
            bstr name, val;
            // Check if it's of the form "name=..."
            int next = bstrcspn(str, "=%,;\n");
            if (next > 0 && next < str.len && str.start[next] == '=') {
                name = bstr_splice(str, 0, next);
                str = bstr_cut(str, next + 1);
            } else {
                const char *names[] = {"file", "start", "length"}; // implied name
                name = bstr0(nparam < 3 ? names[nparam] : "-");
            if (bstr_eatstart0(&str, "%")) {
                int len = bstrtoll(str, &str, 0);
                if (!bstr_startswith0(str, "%") || (len > str.len - 1))
                    goto error;
                val = bstr_splice(str, 1, len + 1);
                str = bstr_cut(str, len + 1);
            } else {
                next = bstrcspn(str, ",;\n");
                val = bstr_splice(str, 0, next);
                str = bstr_cut(str, next);
            // Interpret parameters. Explicitly ignore unknown ones.
            if (bstr_equals0(name, "file")) {
                p.filename = bstrto0(tl, val);
            } else if (bstr_equals0(name, "start")) {
                if (!parse_time(val, &p.offset))
                    goto error;
                p.offset_set = true;
            } else if (bstr_equals0(name, "length")) {
                if (!parse_time(val, &p.length))
                    goto error;
            } else if (bstr_equals0(name, "timestamps")) {
                if (bstr_equals0(val, "chapters"))
                    p.chapter_ts = true;
            if (!bstr_eatstart0(&str, ","))
        if (!p.filename)
            goto error;
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tl, tl->parts, tl->num_parts, p);
    if (!tl->num_parts)
        goto error;
    return tl;
    return NULL;

static struct demuxer *open_source(struct timeline *tl, char *filename)
    for (int n = 0; n < tl->num_sources; n++) {
        struct demuxer *d = tl->sources[n];
        if (strcmp(d->stream->url, filename) == 0)
            return d;
    struct demuxer *d = demux_open_url(filename, NULL, tl->cancel, tl->global);
    if (d) {
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tl, tl->sources, tl->num_sources, d);
    } else {
        MP_ERR(tl, "EDL: Could not open source file '%s'.\n", filename);
    return d;

static double demuxer_chapter_time(struct demuxer *demuxer, int n)
    if (n < 0 || n >= demuxer->num_chapters)
        return -1;
    return demuxer->chapters[n].pts;

// Append all chapters from src to the chapters array.
// Ignore chapters outside of the given time range.
static void copy_chapters(struct demux_chapter **chapters, int *num_chapters,
                          struct demuxer *src, double start, double len,
                          double dest_offset)
    for (int n = 0; n < src->num_chapters; n++) {
        double time = demuxer_chapter_time(src, n);
        if (time >= start && time <= start + len) {
            struct demux_chapter ch = {
                .pts = dest_offset + time - start,
                .metadata = mp_tags_dup(*chapters, src->chapters[n].metadata),
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, *chapters, *num_chapters, ch);

// return length of the source in seconds, or -1 if unknown
static double source_get_length(struct demuxer *demuxer)
    double time;
    if (demux_control(demuxer, DEMUXER_CTRL_GET_TIME_LENGTH, &time) <= 0)
        time = -1;
    return time;

static void resolve_timestamps(struct tl_part *part, struct demuxer *demuxer)
    if (part->chapter_ts) {
        double start = demuxer_chapter_time(demuxer, part->offset);
        double length = part->length;
        double end = length;
        if (end >= 0)
            end = demuxer_chapter_time(demuxer, part->offset + part->length);
        if (end >= 0 && start >= 0)
            length = end - start;
        part->offset = start;
        part->length = length;
    if (!part->offset_set)
        part->offset = demuxer->start_time;

static void build_timeline(struct timeline *tl, struct tl_parts *parts)
    tl->parts = talloc_array_ptrtype(tl, tl->parts, parts->num_parts + 1);
    double starttime = 0;
    for (int n = 0; n < parts->num_parts; n++) {
        struct tl_part *part = &parts->parts[n];
        struct demuxer *source = open_source(tl, part->filename);
        if (!source)
            goto error;

        resolve_timestamps(part, source);

        double end_time = source_get_length(source);
        if (end_time >= 0)
            end_time += source->start_time;

        // Unknown length => use rest of the file. If duration is unknown, make
        // something up.
        if (part->length < 0) {
            if (end_time < 0) {
                MP_WARN(tl, "EDL: source file '%s' has unknown duration.\n",
                end_time = 1;
            part->length = end_time - part->offset;
        } else if (end_time >= 0) {
            double end_part = part->offset + part->length;
            if (end_part > end_time) {
                MP_WARN(tl, "EDL: entry %d uses %f "
                        "seconds, but file has only %f seconds.\n",
                        n, end_part, end_time);

        // Add a chapter between each file.
        struct demux_chapter ch = {
            .pts = starttime,
            .metadata = talloc_zero(tl, struct mp_tags),
        mp_tags_set_str(ch.metadata, "title", part->filename);
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tl, tl->chapters, tl->num_chapters, ch);

        // Also copy the source file's chapters for the relevant parts
        copy_chapters(&tl->chapters, &tl->num_chapters, source, part->offset,
                      part->length, starttime);

        tl->parts[n] = (struct timeline_part) {
            .start = starttime,
            .source_start = part->offset,
            .source = source,

        starttime += part->length;
    tl->parts[parts->num_parts] = (struct timeline_part) {.start = starttime};
    tl->num_parts = parts->num_parts;
    tl->track_layout = tl->parts[0].source;

    tl->num_parts = 0;
    tl->num_chapters = 0;

// For security, don't allow relative or absolute paths, only plain filenames.
// Also, make these filenames relative to the edl source file.
static void fix_filenames(struct tl_parts *parts, char *source_path)
    struct bstr dirname = mp_dirname(source_path);
    for (int n = 0; n < parts->num_parts; n++) {
        struct tl_part *part = &parts->parts[n];
        char *filename = mp_basename(part->filename); // plain filename only
        part->filename = mp_path_join_bstr(parts, dirname, bstr0(filename));

static void build_mpv_edl_timeline(struct timeline *tl)
    struct priv *p = tl->demuxer->priv;

    struct tl_parts *parts = parse_edl(p->data);
    if (!parts) {
        MP_ERR(tl, "Error in EDL.\n");
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tl, tl->sources, tl->num_sources, tl->demuxer);
    // Source is .edl and not edl:// => don't allow arbitrary paths
    if (tl->demuxer->stream->uncached_type != STREAMTYPE_EDL)
        fix_filenames(parts, tl->demuxer->filename);
    build_timeline(tl, parts);

static int try_open_file(struct demuxer *demuxer, enum demux_check check)
    struct priv *p = talloc_zero(demuxer, struct priv);
    demuxer->priv = p;
    demuxer->fully_read = true;

    struct stream *s = demuxer->stream;
    if (s->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_EDL) {
        p->data = bstr0(s->path);
        return 0;
    if (check >= DEMUX_CHECK_UNSAFE) {
        if (!bstr_equals0(stream_peek(s, strlen(HEADER)), HEADER))
            return -1;
    p->data = stream_read_complete(s, demuxer, 1000000);
    if (p->data.start == NULL)
        return -1;
    bstr_eatstart0(&p->data, HEADER);
    return 0;

const struct demuxer_desc demuxer_desc_edl = {
    .name = "edl",
    .desc = "Edit decision list",
    .open = try_open_file,
    .load_timeline = build_mpv_edl_timeline,
Exemple #19
static void frame_queue_push(struct mpv_opengl_cb_context *ctx,
                             struct vo_frame *frame)
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(ctx, ctx->frame_queue, ctx->queued_frames, frame);
Exemple #20
void playlist_entry_add_param(struct playlist_entry *e, bstr name, bstr value)
    struct playlist_param p = {bstrdup(e, name), bstrdup(e, value)};
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(e, e->params, e->num_params, p);
Exemple #21
static void add_pad(struct lavfi *c, int dir, int index, AVFilterContext *filter,
                    int filter_pad, const char *name, bool first_init)
    if (c->failed)

    enum AVMediaType avmt;
    if (dir == MP_PIN_IN) {
        avmt = avfilter_pad_get_type(filter->input_pads, filter_pad);
    } else {
        avmt = avfilter_pad_get_type(filter->output_pads, filter_pad);
    int type;
    switch (avmt) {
    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: type = MP_FRAME_VIDEO; break;
    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: type = MP_FRAME_AUDIO; break;
        MP_FATAL(c, "unknown media type\n");
        c->failed = true;

    // For anonymous pads, just make something up. libavfilter allows duplicate
    // pad names (while we don't), so we check for collisions along with normal
    // duplicate pads below.
    char tmp[80];
    const char *dir_string = dir == MP_PIN_IN ? "in" : "out";
    if (name) {
        if (c->direct_filter) {
            // libavfilter has this very unpleasant thing that filter labels
            // don't have to be unique - in particular, both input and output
            // are usually named "default". With direct filters, the user has
            // no chance to provide better names, so do something to resolve it.
            snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s_%s", name, dir_string);
            name = tmp;
    } else {
        snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%d", dir_string, index);
        name = tmp;

    struct lavfi_pad *p = NULL;
    for (int n = 0; n < c->num_all_pads; n++) {
        if (strcmp(c->all_pads[n]->name, name) == 0) {
            p = c->all_pads[n];

    if (p) {
        // Graph recreation case: reassociate an existing pad.
        if (p->filter) {
            // Collision due to duplicate names.
            MP_FATAL(c, "more than one pad with label '%s'\n", name);
            c->failed = true;
        if (p->dir != dir || p->type != type) {
            // libavfilter graph parser behavior not deterministic.
            MP_FATAL(c, "pad '%s' changed type or direction\n", name);
            c->failed = true;
    } else {
        if (!first_init) {
            MP_FATAL(c, "filter pad '%s' got added later?\n", name);
            c->failed = true;
        p = talloc_zero(c, struct lavfi_pad);
        p->main = c;
        p->dir = dir;
        p->name = talloc_strdup(p, name);
        p->type = type;
        p->pin_index = -1;
        p->metadata = talloc_zero(p, struct mp_tags);
        if (p->dir == MP_PIN_IN)
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(c, c->in_pads, c->num_in_pads, p);
        if (p->dir == MP_PIN_OUT)
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(c, c->out_pads, c->num_out_pads, p);
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(c, c->all_pads, c->num_all_pads, p);
    p->filter = filter;
    p->filter_pad = filter_pad;
Exemple #22
// the core might call these every frame, so cache them...
static int cache_get_cached_control(stream_t *cache, int cmd, void *arg)
    struct priv *s = cache->priv;
    switch (cmd) {
        *(int64_t *)arg = s->buffer_size;
        return STREAM_OK;
        *(int64_t *)arg = s->max_filepos - s->read_filepos;
        return STREAM_OK;
        *(int *)arg = s->idle;
        return STREAM_OK;
        *(double *)arg = s->stream_time_length;
        return s->stream_time_length ? STREAM_OK : STREAM_UNSUPPORTED;
        *(double *)arg = s->stream_start_time;
        return s->stream_start_time !=
        *(int64_t *)arg = s->stream_size;
        return STREAM_OK;
        return s->stream_manages_timeline ? STREAM_OK : STREAM_UNSUPPORTED;
        *(unsigned int *)arg = s->stream_num_chapters;
        return STREAM_OK;
        if (s->read_filepos >= s->min_filepos &&
            s->read_filepos <= s->max_filepos &&
            s->min_filepos < s->max_filepos)
            int64_t fpos = FFMIN(s->read_filepos, s->max_filepos - 1);
            int64_t pos = fpos - s->offset;
            if (pos < 0)
                pos += s->buffer_size;
            else if (pos >= s->buffer_size)
                pos -= s->buffer_size;
            double pts = s->bm[pos / BYTE_META_CHUNK_SIZE].stream_pts;
            *(double *)arg = pts;
            return pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE ? STREAM_UNSUPPORTED : STREAM_OK;
        return STREAM_UNSUPPORTED;
        if (s->stream_metadata && s->stream_metadata[0]) {
            char **m = talloc_new(NULL);
            int num_m = 0;
            for (int n = 0; s->stream_metadata[n]; n++) {
                char *t = talloc_strdup(m, s->stream_metadata[n]);
                MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, m, num_m, t);
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, m, num_m, NULL);
            MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, m, num_m, NULL);
            *(char ***)arg = m;
            return STREAM_OK;
        return STREAM_UNSUPPORTED;
    return STREAM_ERROR;
Exemple #23
static void add_source(struct timeline *tl, struct demuxer *d)
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(tl, tl->sources, tl->num_sources, d);
Exemple #24
Fichier : rar.c Projet : 0x0all/mpv
static int SkipFile(struct stream *s, int *count, rar_file_t ***file,
                    const rar_block_t *hdr, const char *volume_mrl)
    int min_size = 7+21;
    if (hdr->flags & RAR_BLOCK_FILE_HAS_HIGH)
        min_size += 8;
    if (hdr->size < (unsigned)min_size)
        return -1;

    bstr data = stream_peek(s, min_size);
    if (data.len < min_size)
        return -1;
    const uint8_t *peek = (uint8_t *)data.start;

    /* */
    uint32_t file_size_low = AV_RL32(&peek[7+4]);
    uint8_t  method = peek[7+18];
    uint16_t name_size = AV_RL16(&peek[7+19]);
    uint32_t file_size_high = 0;
    if (hdr->flags & RAR_BLOCK_FILE_HAS_HIGH)
        file_size_high = AV_RL32(&peek[7+29]);
    const uint64_t file_size = ((uint64_t)file_size_high << 32) | file_size_low;

    char *name = calloc(1, name_size + 1);
    if (!name)
        return -1;

    const int name_offset = (hdr->flags & RAR_BLOCK_FILE_HAS_HIGH) ? (7+33) : (7+25);
    if (name_offset + name_size <= hdr->size) {
        const int max_size = name_offset + name_size;
        bstr namedata = stream_peek(s, max_size);
        if (namedata.len < max_size) {
            return -1;
        memcpy(name, &namedata.start[name_offset], name_size);

    rar_file_t *current = NULL;
    if (method != 0x30) {
        MP_WARN(s, "Ignoring compressed file %s (method=0x%2.2x)\n", name, method);
        goto exit;

    /* */
    if( *count > 0 )
        current = (*file)[*count - 1];

    if (current &&
        (current->is_complete ||
          strcmp(current->name, name) ||
          (hdr->flags & RAR_BLOCK_FILE_HAS_PREVIOUS) == 0))
        current = NULL;

    if (!current) {
        if (hdr->flags & RAR_BLOCK_FILE_HAS_PREVIOUS)
            goto exit;
        current = calloc(1, sizeof(*current));
        if (!current)
            goto exit;
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, *file, *count, current);

        current->name = name;
        current->size = file_size;
        current->is_complete = false;
        current->real_size = 0;
        current->chunk_count = 0;
        current->chunk = NULL;

        name = NULL;

    /* Append chunks */
    rar_file_chunk_t *chunk = malloc(sizeof(*chunk));
    if (chunk) {
        chunk->mrl = strdup(volume_mrl);
        chunk->offset = stream_tell(s) + hdr->size;
        chunk->size = hdr->add_size;
        chunk->cummulated_size = 0;
        if (current->chunk_count > 0) {
            rar_file_chunk_t *previous = current->chunk[current->chunk_count-1];

            chunk->cummulated_size += previous->cummulated_size +

        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, current->chunk, current->chunk_count, chunk);

        current->real_size += hdr->add_size;
    if ((hdr->flags & RAR_BLOCK_FILE_HAS_NEXT) == 0)
        current->is_complete = true;

    /* */

    /* We stop on the first non empty file if we cannot seek */
    if (current) {
        bool can_seek = s->end_pos > 0;
        if (!can_seek && current->size > 0)
            return -1;

    if (SkipBlock(s, hdr))
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #25
static void mf_add(mf_t *mf, const char *fname)
    char *entry = talloc_strdup(mf, fname);
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(mf, mf->names, mf->nr_of_files, entry);
Exemple #26
static void frame_queue_push(struct mpv_opengl_cb_context *ctx, struct mp_image *mpi)
    MP_TARRAY_APPEND(ctx, ctx->frame_queue, ctx->queued_frames, mpi);
Exemple #27
static void get_disc_lang(struct stream *stream, struct sh_stream *sh)
    struct stream_lang_req req = {.type = sh->type, .id = sh->demuxer_id};
    if (stream->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_DVD && sh->type == STREAM_SUB)
        req.id = req.id & 0x1F; // mpeg ID to index
    stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_LANG, &req);
    if (req.name[0])
        sh->lang = talloc_strdup(sh, req.name);

static void add_dvd_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
    struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
    struct stream *stream = demuxer->stream;
    if (stream->uncached_type != STREAMTYPE_DVD)
    struct stream_dvd_info_req info;
    if (stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_DVD_INFO, &info) > 0) {
        for (int n = 0; n < MPMIN(32, info.num_subs); n++) {
            struct sh_stream *sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(STREAM_SUB);
            sh->demuxer_id = n + 0x20;
            sh->codec->codec = "dvd_subtitle";
            get_disc_lang(stream, sh);
            // p->streams _must_ match with p->slave->streams, so we can't add
            // it yet - it has to be done when the real stream appears, which
            // could be right on start, or any time later.
            p->dvd_subs[n] = sh;

            // emulate the extradata
            struct mp_csp_params csp = MP_CSP_PARAMS_DEFAULTS;
            struct mp_cmat cmatrix;
            mp_get_csp_matrix(&csp, &cmatrix);

            char *s = talloc_strdup(sh, "");
            s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "palette: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                int color = info.palette[i];
                int y[3] = {(color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff};
                int c[3];
                mp_map_fixp_color(&cmatrix, 8, y, 8, c);
                color = (c[2] << 16) | (c[1] << 8) | c[0];

                if (i != 0)
                    s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, ", ");
                s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "%06x", color);
            s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "\n");

            sh->codec->extradata = s;
            sh->codec->extradata_size = strlen(s);

            demux_add_sh_stream(demuxer, sh);

static void add_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
    struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;

    for (int n = p->num_streams; n < demux_get_num_stream(p->slave); n++) {
        struct sh_stream *src = demux_get_stream(p->slave, n);
        if (src->type == STREAM_SUB) {
            struct sh_stream *sub = NULL;
            if (src->demuxer_id >= 0x20 && src->demuxer_id <= 0x3F)
                sub = p->dvd_subs[src->demuxer_id - 0x20];
            if (sub) {
                assert(p->num_streams == n); // directly mapped
                MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->streams, p->num_streams, sub);
        struct sh_stream *sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(src->type);
        assert(p->num_streams == n); // directly mapped
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->streams, p->num_streams, sh);
        // Copy all stream fields that might be relevant
        *sh->codec = *src->codec;
        sh->demuxer_id = src->demuxer_id;
        if (src->type == STREAM_VIDEO) {
            double ar;
            if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_ASPECT_RATIO, &ar)
                                == STREAM_OK)
                struct mp_image_params f = {.w = src->codec->disp_w,
                                            .h = src->codec->disp_h};
                mp_image_params_set_dsize(&f, 1728 * ar, 1728);
                sh->codec->par_w = f.p_w;
                sh->codec->par_h = f.p_h;
        get_disc_lang(demuxer->stream, sh);
        demux_add_sh_stream(demuxer, sh);

static void d_seek(demuxer_t *demuxer, double rel_seek_secs, int flags)
    struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;

    if (demuxer->stream->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_CDDA) {
        demux_seek(p->slave, rel_seek_secs, flags);

    double pts = p->seek_pts;
    if (flags & SEEK_ABSOLUTE)
        pts = 0.0f;
    double base_pts = pts; // to what pts is relative

    if (flags & SEEK_FACTOR) {
        double tmp = 0;
        stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_TIME_LENGTH, &tmp);
        pts += tmp * rel_seek_secs;
    } else {
        pts += rel_seek_secs;

    MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "seek to: %f\n", pts);

    double seek_arg[] = {pts, base_pts, flags};
    stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_SEEK_TO_TIME, seek_arg);
    demux_control(p->slave, DEMUXER_CTRL_RESYNC, NULL);

    p->seek_pts = pts;
    p->seek_reinit = true;

static void reset_pts(demuxer_t *demuxer)
    struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;

    double base;
    if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CURRENT_TIME, &base) < 1)
        base = 0;

    MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "reset to time: %f\n", base);

    p->base_dts = p->last_dts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
    p->base_time = base;
    p->seek_reinit = false;

static int d_fill_buffer(demuxer_t *demuxer)
    struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;

    struct demux_packet *pkt = demux_read_any_packet(p->slave);
    if (!pkt)
        return 0;


    if (p->seek_reinit)

    if (pkt->stream >= p->num_streams) { // out of memory?
        return 0;

    struct sh_stream *sh = p->streams[pkt->stream];
    if (!demux_stream_is_selected(sh)) {
        return 1;

    if (demuxer->stream->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_CDDA) {
        demux_add_packet(sh, pkt);
        return 1;

    MP_TRACE(demuxer, "ipts: %d %f %f\n", sh->type, pkt->pts, pkt->dts);

    if (sh->type == STREAM_SUB) {
        if (p->base_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
            MP_WARN(demuxer, "subtitle packet along PTS reset\n");
    } else if (pkt->dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        // Use the very first DTS to rebase the start time of the MPEG stream
        // to the playback time.
        if (p->base_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
            p->base_dts = pkt->dts;

        if (p->last_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
            p->last_dts = pkt->dts;

        if (fabs(p->last_dts - pkt->dts) >= DTS_RESET_THRESHOLD) {
            MP_WARN(demuxer, "PTS discontinuity: %f->%f\n", p->last_dts, pkt->dts);
            p->base_time += p->last_dts - p->base_dts;
            p->base_dts = pkt->dts - pkt->duration;
        p->last_dts = pkt->dts;

    if (p->base_dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        double delta = -p->base_dts + p->base_time;
        if (pkt->pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
            pkt->pts += delta;
        if (pkt->dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
            pkt->dts += delta;

    MP_TRACE(demuxer, "opts: %d %f %f\n", sh->type, pkt->pts, pkt->dts);

    if (pkt->pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
        p->seek_pts = pkt->pts;

    demux_add_packet(sh, pkt);
    return 1;

static void add_stream_chapters(struct demuxer *demuxer)
    int num = 0;
    if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_NUM_CHAPTERS, &num) < 1)
    for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
        double p = n;
        if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CHAPTER_TIME, &p) < 1)
        demuxer_add_chapter(demuxer, "", p, 0);