main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char         **av, surf_fname[100], *template_fname, *out_fname, *surf_dir,
  *hemi, *sphere_name ;
  int          ac, nargs ;
  MRI_SURFACE  *mris ;
  MRI_SP       *mrisp, *mrisp_template ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mris_add_template.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:26 nicks Exp $", "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 5)
    usage_exit() ;

  surf_dir = argv[1] ;
  hemi = argv[2] ;
  sphere_name = argv[3] ;
  out_fname = template_fname = argv[4] ;
  if (argc > 5)
    out_fname = argv[5] ;

  sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s.%s", surf_dir, hemi, sphere_name) ;
  fprintf(stderr, "reading new surface %s...\n", surf_fname) ;
  mris = MRISread(surf_fname) ;
  if (!mris)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
              Progname, surf_fname) ;
  MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ;

  if (!FileExists(template_fname))  /* first time - create it */
    fprintf(stderr, "creating new parameterization...\n") ;
    mrisp_template = MRISPalloc(scale, PARAM_IMAGES);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "reading template parameterization from %s...\n",
            template_fname) ;
    mrisp_template = MRISPread(template_fname) ;
    if (!mrisp_template)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open template file %s",
                Progname, template_fname) ;
    first read in inflated surface and use it to build the first template
  sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s.%s", surf_dir, hemi, INFLATED_NAME) ;
  if (MRISreadVertexPositions(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
              Progname, surf_fname) ;

  MRISsetNeighborhoodSize(mris, nbrs) ;
  MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
  MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
  MRISuseMeanCurvature(mris) ;
  MRISaverageCurvatures(mris, navgs) ;
  MRISrestoreVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ;
  MRISnormalizeCurvature(mris, which_norm) ;
  fprintf(stderr, "computing parameterization for surface %s...\n",surf_fname);
  mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
  MRISPcombine(mrisp, mrisp_template, 0) ;
  MRISPfree(&mrisp) ;

    now do the same thing with the smoothwm curvatures.
  sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s.%s", surf_dir, hemi, SMOOTH_NAME) ;
  if (MRISreadVertexPositions(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
              Progname, surf_fname) ;
  MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
  if (curvature_fname[0])
    MRISreadCurvatureFile(mris, curvature_fname) ;
  else {
    MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
    MRISuseMeanCurvature(mris) ;
  MRISaverageCurvatures(mris, navgs) ;
  MRISrestoreVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ;
  if (curvature_fname[0])
    fprintf(stderr, "computing parameterization for surface %s (%s)...\n",
            surf_fname, curvature_fname);
    fprintf(stderr, "computing parameterization for surface %s...\n",
  MRISnormalizeCurvature(mris, which_norm) ;
  mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
  MRISPcombine(mrisp, mrisp_template, 3) ;

  fprintf(stderr, "writing updated template to %s...\n", out_fname) ;
  MRISPwrite(mrisp_template, out_fname) ;

  MRISPfree(&mrisp) ;
  MRISPfree(&mrisp_template) ;
  MRISfree(&mris) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char         **av, surf_fname[STRLEN], *template_fname, *hemi, *sphere_name,
  *cp, *subject, fname[STRLEN] ;
  int          ac, nargs, ino, sno, nbad = 0, failed, n,nfields;
  VERTEX *v;
  VALS_VP *vp;
  MRI_SURFACE  *mris ;
  MRI_SP       *mrisp, /* *mrisp_aligned,*/ *mrisp_template ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option
          (argc, argv,
           "$Id: mris_make_template.c,v 1.27 2011/03/02 00:04:33 nicks Exp $",
           "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms)) ;
  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  /* setting default values for vectorial registration */

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv,&parms) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 5) usage_exit() ;

  /* multiframe registration */
  if (multiframes) parms.flags |= IP_USE_MULTIFRAMES;

  if (!strlen(subjects_dir))  /* not specified on command line*/
    cp = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR") ;
    if (!cp)
                "%s: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment.\n",
                Progname) ;
    strcpy(subjects_dir, cp) ;
  hemi = argv[1] ;
  sphere_name = argv[2] ;
  template_fname = argv[argc-1] ;
  if (1 || !FileExists(template_fname))  /* first time - create it */
    fprintf(stderr, "creating new parameterization...\n") ;
    if (multiframes)
      mrisp_template = MRISPalloc(scale, atlas_size * IMAGES_PER_SURFACE );
      /*    if (no_rot)  /\* don't do rigid alignment *\/ */
      /*     mrisp_aligned = NULL ; */
      /*    else */
      /*     mrisp_aligned = MRISPalloc(scale, PARAM_FRAMES);  */
      mrisp_template = MRISPalloc(scale, PARAM_IMAGES);
      /*    if (no_rot)  /\* don't do rigid alignment *\/ */
      /*     mrisp_aligned = NULL ; */
      /*    else */
      /*     mrisp_aligned = MRISPalloc(scale, PARAM_IMAGES);  */

    fprintf(stderr, "reading template parameterization from %s...\n",
            template_fname) ;
    /* mrisp_aligned = NULL ; */
    mrisp_template = MRISPread(template_fname) ;
    if (!mrisp_template)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open template file %s",
                Progname, template_fname) ;

  argv += 3 ;
  argc -= 3 ;
  for (ino = 0 ; ino < argc-1 ; ino++)
    failed = 0 ;
    subject = argv[ino] ;
    fprintf(stderr, "\nprocessing subject %s (%d of %d)\n", subject,
            ino+1, argc-1) ;
    sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
            subjects_dir, subject, hemi, sphere_name) ;
    fprintf(stderr, "reading spherical surface %s...\n", surf_fname) ;
    mris = MRISread(surf_fname) ;
    if (!mris)
      nbad++ ;
      ErrorPrintf(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
                  Progname, surf_fname) ;
      exit(1) ;
    if (annot_name)
      if (MRISreadAnnotation(mris, annot_name) != NO_ERROR)
                  "%s: could not read annot file %s",
                  Progname, annot_name) ;
      MRISripMedialWall(mris) ;

    MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, CANONICAL_VERTICES) ;
    MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
    MRISstoreMetricProperties(mris) ;

    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
      char *cp1 ;

      FileNameOnly(template_fname, fname) ;
      cp = strchr(fname, '.') ;
      if (cp)
        cp1 = strrchr(fname, '.') ;
        if (cp1 && cp1 != cp)
          strncpy(parms.base_name, cp+1, cp1-cp-1) ;
          strcpy(parms.base_name, cp+1) ;
        strcpy(parms.base_name, "template") ;
      sprintf(fname, "%s.%s.out", hemi, parms.base_name);
      parms.fp = fopen(fname, "w") ;
      printf("writing output to '%s'\n", fname) ;

    /* multiframe registration */
    if (multiframes)

      for ( n = 0; n < mris->nvertices ; n++) /* allocate the VALS_VP
                                                                 structure */
        vp->orig_vals=(float*)malloc(nfields*sizeof(float)); /* before
                                                                blurring */
        vp->vals=(float*)malloc(nfields*sizeof(float));     /* values used by
                                                               MRISintegrate */

      /* load the different fields */
      for (n = 0 ; n < parms.nfields ; n++)
        if (parms.fields[n].name != NULL)
          sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", subjects_dir,
                  subject, overlay_dir, hemi, parms.fields[n].name) ;
          printf("reading overlay file %s...\n", surf_fname) ;
          if (MRISreadValues(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
            ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read overlay file %s",
                      Progname, surf_fname) ;
          MRIScopyValuesToCurvature(mris) ;
        else if (ReturnFieldName(parms.fields[n].field))
          /* read in precomputed curvature file */
          sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s", subjects_dir,
                  subject, hemi, ReturnFieldName(parms.fields[n].field)) ;
          // fprintf(stderr,"\nreading field %d from %s(type=%d,frame=%d)\n",parms.fields[n].field,surf_fname,parms.fields[n].type,parms.fields[n].frame);
          if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not read curvature file '%s'\n",
                    Progname, surf_fname) ;
            failed = 1;
        {                       /* compute curvature of surface */
          sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s", subjects_dir,
                  subject, hemi, surface_names[parms.fields[n].field]) ;
           sprintf(fname, "inflated") ;
           sprintf(fname, "smoothwm") ;*/
          //fprintf(stderr,"\ngenerating field %d(type=%d,frame=%d) (from %s)\n",parms.fields[n].field,parms.fields[n].type,parms.fields[n].frame,surf_fname);
          //     MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, TMP_VERTICES) ;
          if (MRISreadVertexPositions(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
            ErrorPrintf(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
                        Progname, surf_fname) ;
            fprintf(stderr,"setting up correlation coefficient to zero\n");

          if (nbrs > 1) MRISsetNeighborhoodSize(mris, nbrs) ;
          MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
          MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
          MRISuseMeanCurvature(mris) ;
          MRISaverageCurvatures(mris, navgs) ;
          MRISrestoreVertexPositions(mris, CANONICAL_VERTICES) ;
        /*    if(parms.fields[n].field!=SULC_CORR_FRAME)*/
                           parms.fields[n].which_norm); /* normalize values */

      if (failed)
        fprintf(stderr,"Subject %s Failed",subject);
        /* free cal structure*/
        for ( n = 0; n < mris->nvertices ; n++)
        /* free surface */
        /* go onto the next subject */

    if (multiframes && (!no_rot))
    { /* rigid body alignment */
      parms.frame_no = 3 ;  /* don't use single field correlation functions */
      parms.l_corr = parms.l_pcorr = 0.0f ;

      parms.mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
      parms.mrisp_template = mrisp_template ;

      MRISrigidBodyAlignVectorGlobal(mris, &parms, 1.0, 64.0, 8) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE) MRISwrite(mris, "") ;
      MRISrigidBodyAlignVectorLocal(mris, &parms) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE) MRISwrite(mris, "sphere.rot.local") ;
      MRISPfree(&parms.mrisp) ;
      MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, CANONICAL_VERTICES) ;
    if ((!multiframes) && (!no_rot) && ino > 0)
    { /* rigid body alignment */
      sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
              subjects_dir, subject, hemi, "sulc") ;
      if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
        ErrorPrintf(Gerror, "%s: could not read curvature file '%s'\n",
                    Progname, surf_fname) ;
        nbad++ ;
        MRISfree(&mris) ;
        continue ;
      parms.frame_no = 3 ; /* use sulc for rigid registration */
      parms.mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
      parms.mrisp_template = mrisp_template ;
      parms.l_corr = 1.0f ;

      MRISrigidBodyAlignGlobal(mris, &parms, 1.0, 64.0, 8) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
        MRISwrite(mris, "") ;
      MRISrigidBodyAlignLocal(mris, &parms) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
        MRISwrite(mris, "sphere.rot.local") ;
      MRISPfree(&parms.mrisp) ;
      MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, CANONICAL_VERTICES) ;

    if (multiframes)
      for (n = 0; n < parms.nfields ; n++)
        MRISaverageCurvatures(mris, parms.fields[n].navgs) ;
        mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
                     parms.fields[n].frame * IMAGES_PER_SURFACE) ;
        MRISPfree(&mrisp) ;
      /* free the VALS_VP structure */
      for ( n = 0; n < mris->nvertices ; n++)
      MRISfree(&mris) ;
      for (sno = 0; sno < SURFACES ; sno++)
        if (curvature_names[sno])  /* read in precomputed curvature file */
          sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
                  subjects_dir, subject, hemi, curvature_names[sno]) ;
          if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
            nbad++ ;
            ErrorPrintf(Gerror, "%s: could not read curvature file '%s'\n",
                        Progname, surf_fname) ;
            failed = 1 ;
            break ;
          /* the two next lines were not in the original code */
          MRISaverageCurvatures(mris, navgs) ;
          MRISnormalizeCurvature(mris, which_norm) ;
        } else                       /* compute curvature of surface */
          sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
                  subjects_dir, subject, hemi, surface_names[sno]) ;
          if (MRISreadVertexPositions(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
            ErrorPrintf(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
                        Progname, surf_fname) ;
            nbad++ ;
            failed = 1 ;
            break ;

          if (nbrs > 1)
            MRISsetNeighborhoodSize(mris, nbrs) ;
          MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
          MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
          MRISuseMeanCurvature(mris) ;
          MRISaverageCurvatures(mris, navgs) ;
          MRISrestoreVertexPositions(mris, CANONICAL_VERTICES) ;
          MRISnormalizeCurvature(mris, which_norm) ;
        fprintf(stderr, "computing parameterization for surface %s...\n",
        if (failed)
          continue ;
          MRISfree(&mris) ;
        mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
        MRISPcombine(mrisp, mrisp_template, sno*3) ;
        MRISPfree(&mrisp) ;
      MRISfree(&mris) ;

#if 0
  if (mrisp_aligned)  /* new parameterization - use rigid alignment */
    MRI_SP *mrisp_tmp ;

    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
      char *cp1 ;

      FileNameOnly(template_fname, fname) ;
      cp = strchr(fname, '.') ;
      if (cp)
        cp1 = strrchr(fname, '.') ;
        if (cp1 && cp1 != cp)
          strncpy(parms.base_name, cp+1, cp1-cp-1) ;
          strcpy(parms.base_name, cp+1) ;
        strcpy(parms.base_name, "template") ;
      sprintf(fname, "%s.%s.out", hemi, parms.base_name);
      parms.fp = fopen(fname, "w") ;
      printf("writing output to '%s'\n", fname) ;
    for (ino = 0 ; ino < argc-1 ; ino++)
      subject = argv[ino] ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
        fprintf(parms.fp, "processing subject %s\n", subject) ;
      fprintf(stderr, "processing subject %s\n", subject) ;
      sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
              subjects_dir, subject, hemi, sphere_name) ;
      fprintf(stderr, "reading spherical surface %s...\n", surf_fname) ;
      mris = MRISread(surf_fname) ;
      if (!mris)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
                  Progname, surf_fname) ;
      MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
      MRISstoreMetricProperties(mris) ;
      MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ;
      sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
              subjects_dir, subject, hemi, "sulc") ;
      if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
        ErrorExit(Gerror, "%s: could not read curvature file '%s'\n",
                  Progname, surf_fname) ;
      parms.frame_no = 3 ;
      parms.mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
      parms.mrisp_template = mrisp_template ;
      parms.l_corr = 1.0f ;

      MRISrigidBodyAlignGlobal(mris, &parms, 1.0, 32.0, 8) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
        MRISwrite(mris, "") ;
      MRISrigidBodyAlignLocal(mris, &parms) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
        MRISwrite(mris, "sphere.rot.local") ;
      MRISPfree(&parms.mrisp) ;

#if 0
      /* write out rotated surface */
      sprintf(surf_fname, "%s.rot", mris->fname) ;
      fprintf(stderr, "writing out rigidly aligned surface to '%s'\n",
              surf_fname) ;
      MRISwrite(mris, surf_fname) ;

      /* now generate new parameterization using the optimal alignment */
      for (sno = 0; sno < SURFACES ; sno++)
        if (curvature_names[sno])  /* read in precomputed curvature file */
          sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
                  subjects_dir, subject, hemi, curvature_names[sno]) ;
          if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
            ErrorExit(Gerror, "%s: could not read curvature file '%s'\n",
                      Progname, surf_fname) ;
        } else                       /* compute curvature of surface */
          sprintf(surf_fname, "%s/%s/surf/%s.%s",
                  subjects_dir, subject, hemi, surface_names[sno]) ;
          if (MRISreadVertexPositions(mris, surf_fname) != NO_ERROR)
            ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
                      Progname, surf_fname) ;

          if (nbrs > 1)
            MRISsetNeighborhoodSize(mris, nbrs) ;
          MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
          MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
          MRISuseMeanCurvature(mris) ;
          MRISaverageCurvatures(mris, navgs) ;
          MRISrestoreVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ;
          MRISnormalizeCurvature(mris) ;
        fprintf(stderr, "computing parameterization for surface %s...\n",
        mrisp = MRIStoParameterization(mris, NULL, scale, 0) ;
        MRISPcombine(mrisp, mrisp_aligned, sno*3) ;
        MRISPfree(&mrisp) ;
      MRISfree(&mris) ;

    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE)
      fclose(parms.fp) ;

    mrisp_tmp = mrisp_aligned ;
    mrisp_aligned = mrisp_template ;
    mrisp_template = mrisp_tmp ;
    MRISPfree(&mrisp_aligned) ;
          "writing updated template with %d subjects to %s...\n",
          argc-1-nbad, template_fname) ;
  MRISPwrite(mrisp_template, template_fname) ;
  MRISPfree(&mrisp_template) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */