bool VolumeFilterErode::Execute()
  ::SetProgressCallback(ProgressCallback, 0, 50);
  MRI* mri_src = CreateMRIFromVolume( m_volumeInput );
  if ( !mri_src )
    return false;

  ::SetProgressCallback(ProgressCallback, 50, 60);
  MRI* mri_dest = MRIerode( mri_src, NULL );
  if ( !mri_dest )
    return false;

  ::SetProgressCallback(ProgressCallback, 60, 100);
  MapMRIToVolume( mri_dest, m_volumeOutput );
  MRIfree( &mri_src );
  MRIfree( &mri_dest );

  return true;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char        **av, *in_fname, *out_fname ;
  int         ac, nargs, i, label ;
  MRI         *mri_in, *mri_out, *mri_kernel, *mri_smoothed ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option
          (argc, argv,
           "$Id: mri_extract_label.c,v 1.13 2011/03/02 00:04:15 nicks Exp $",
           "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 4)
    usage_exit() ;

  in_fname = argv[1] ;
  out_fname = argv[argc-1] ;

  printf("reading volume from %s...\n", in_fname) ;
  mri_in = MRIread(in_fname) ;
  if (!mri_in)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read MRI volume %s", Progname,
              in_fname) ;
  if (out_like_fname)
    MRI *mri_tmp = MRIread(out_like_fname) ;
    if (!mri_tmp)
       "%s: could not read template volume from %s",
       out_like_fname) ;
    mri_out = MRIalloc(mri_tmp->width,
                       mri_tmp->type) ;
    /*    MRIcopyHeader(mri_tmp, mri_out) ;*/
    MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ;
    mri_out = MRIclone(mri_in, NULL) ;

  for (i = 2 ; i < argc-1 ; i++)
    label = atoi(argv[i]) ;
    printf("extracting label %d (%s)\n", label, cma_label_to_name(label)) ;
    extract_labeled_image(mri_in, transform, label, mri_out) ;
  if (!FZERO(sigma))
    printf("smoothing extracted volume...\n") ;
    mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(sigma, 10*sigma) ;
    mri_smoothed = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_out, NULL, mri_kernel) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_out) ;
    mri_out = mri_smoothed ;
  /* removed for gcc3.3
   * vsprintf(out_fname, out_fname, (va_list) &label) ;
  if (dilate > 0)
    int i ;
    printf("dilating output volume %d times...\n", dilate) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < dilate ; i++)
      MRIdilate(mri_out, mri_out) ;
  if (erode > 0)
    int i ;
    printf("eroding output volume %d times...\n", erode) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < erode ; i++)
      MRIerode(mri_out, mri_out) ;
  printf("writing output to %s.\n", out_fname) ;
  MRIwrite(mri_out, out_fname) ;

  if (exit_none_found && (nvoxels == 0))
    printf("No voxels with specified label were found!\n");

  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int nargs, n, Ntp, nsearch, nsearch2=0;
  double fwhm = 0, nresels, voxelvolume, nvoxperresel, reselvolume;
  double car1mn, rar1mn,sar1mn,cfwhm,rfwhm,sfwhm, ftmp;
  double car2mn, rar2mn,sar2mn;
  double gmean, gstd, gmax;
  FILE *fp;

  sprintf(tmpstr, "S%sER%sRONT%sOR", "URF", "_F", "DO") ;

  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, vcid, "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;
  cmdline = argv2cmdline(argc,argv);

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  argc --;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  if (argc == 0) usage_exit();
  parse_commandline(argc, argv);
  if (checkoptsonly) return(0);

  if (SynthSeed < 0) SynthSeed = PDFtodSeed();
  if (debug) dump_options(stdout);

  // ------------- load or synthesize input ---------------------
  InVals = MRIreadType(inpath,InValsType);
  if(InVals == NULL) exit(1);
    printf("Setting TR to %g ms\n",TR);
    InVals->tr = TR;
  if((nframes < 0 && synth) || !synth) nframes = InVals->nframes;
  if(nframes < nframesmin && !SmoothOnly && !sum2file) {
    printf("ERROR: nframes = %d, need at least %d\n",
  if (InVals->type != MRI_FLOAT) {
    mritmp = MRISeqchangeType(InVals, MRI_FLOAT, 0, 0, 0);
    InVals = mritmp;
  if(synth) {
    printf("Synthesizing %d frames, Seed = %d\n",nframes,SynthSeed);
    mritmp = MRIcloneBySpace(InVals,MRI_FLOAT,nframes);
    MRIrandn(mritmp->width, mritmp->height, mritmp->depth, 
	     nframes, 0, 1, mritmp);
    InVals = mritmp;
  voxelvolume = InVals->xsize * InVals->ysize * InVals->zsize ;
  printf("voxelvolume %g mm3\n",voxelvolume);

    printf("Computing square of input\n");

  // -------------------- handle masking ------------------------
  if (maskpath) {
    printf("Loading mask %s\n",maskpath);
    mask = MRIread(maskpath);
    if(mask==NULL) exit(1);
      printf("ERROR: dimension mismatch between mask and input\n");
    MRIbinarize2(mask, mask, maskthresh, 0, 1);
  if (automask) {
    RFglobalStats(InVals, NULL, &gmean, &gstd, &gmax);
    maskthresh = gmean * automaskthresh;
    printf("Computing mask, relative threshold = %g, gmean = %g, absthresh = %g\n",
    mritmp = MRIframeMean(InVals,NULL);
    mask = MRIbinarize2(mritmp, NULL, maskthresh, 0, 1);
  if (mask) {
    if (maskinv) {
      printf("Inverting mask\n");
    nsearch = MRInMask(mask);
    if (nsearch == 0) {
      printf("ERROR: no voxels found in mask\n");
    // Erode the mask -----------------------------------------------
    if (nerode > 0) {
      printf("Eroding mask %d times\n",nerode);
      for (n=0; n<nerode; n++) MRIerode(mask,mask);
      nsearch2 = MRInMask(mask);
      if (nsearch2 == 0) {
        printf("ERROR: no voxels found in mask after eroding\n");
      printf("%d voxels in mask after eroding\n",nsearch2);
    //---- Save mask -----
    if (outmaskpath) MRIwrite(mask,outmaskpath);
  } else nsearch = InVals->width * InVals->height * InVals->depth;
  printf("Search region is %d voxels = %lf mm3\n",nsearch,nsearch*voxelvolume);

  if( (infwhm > 0 || infwhmc > 0 || infwhmr > 0 || infwhms > 0) && SmoothOnly) {
    if(SaveUnmasked) mritmp = NULL;
    else             mritmp = mask;
    if(infwhm > 0) {
      printf("Smoothing input by fwhm=%lf, gstd=%lf\n",infwhm,ingstd);
      MRImaskedGaussianSmooth(InVals, mritmp, ingstd, InVals);
    if(infwhmc > 0 || infwhmr > 0 || infwhms > 0) {
      printf("Smoothing input by fwhm=(%lf,%lf,%lf) gstd=(%lf,%lf,%lf)\n",
      MRIgaussianSmoothNI(InVals, ingstdc, ingstdr, ingstds, InVals);
    printf("Saving to %s\n",outpath);
    printf("SmoothOnly requested, so exiting now\n");

  // Make a copy, if needed, prior to doing anything to data
  if(outpath) InValsCopy = MRIcopy(InVals,NULL);

  // Compute variance reduction factor -------------------
    ftmp = MRIsum2All(InVals);
    fp = fopen(sum2file,"w");
    if(fp == NULL){
      printf("ERROR: opening %s\n",sum2file);
    printf("sum2all: %20.10lf\n",ftmp);
    printf("vrf: %20.10lf\n",1/ftmp);

  //------------------------ Detrend ------------------
  if(DetrendOrder >= 0) {
    Ntp = InVals->nframes;
    printf("Polynomial detrending, order = %d\n",DetrendOrder);
    X = MatrixAlloc(Ntp,DetrendOrder+1,MATRIX_REAL);
    for (n=0;n<Ntp;n++) X->rptr[n+1][1] = 1.0;
    ftmp = Ntp/2.0;
    if (DetrendOrder >= 1)
      for (n=0;n<Ntp;n++) X->rptr[n+1][2] = (n-ftmp)/ftmp;
    if (DetrendOrder >= 2)
      for (n=0;n<Ntp;n++) X->rptr[n+1][3] = pow((n-ftmp),2.0)/(ftmp*ftmp);
    if (X->rows != InVals->nframes) {
      printf("ERROR: dimension mismatch between X and input\n");
    mritmp = fMRIdetrend(InVals,X);
    if (mritmp == NULL) exit(1);
    InVals = mritmp;

  // ------------ Smooth Input BY infwhm -------------------------
  if(infwhm > 0) {
    printf("Smoothing input by fwhm=%lf, gstd=%lf\n",infwhm,ingstd);
    MRImaskedGaussianSmooth(InVals, mask, ingstd, InVals);
  // ------------ Smooth Input BY infwhm -------------------------
  if(infwhmc > 0 || infwhmr > 0 || infwhms > 0) {
    printf("Smoothing input by fwhm=(%lf,%lf,%lf) gstd=(%lf,%lf,%lf)\n",
    MRIgaussianSmoothNI(InVals, ingstdc, ingstdr, ingstds, InVals);

  // ------------ Smooth Input TO fwhm -------------------------
  if (tofwhm > 0) {
    printf("Attempting to smooth to %g +/- %g mm fwhm (nitersmax=%d)\n",
    mritmp = MRImaskedGaussianSmoothTo(InVals, mask, tofwhm,
                                       tofwhmtol, tofwhmnitersmax,
                                       &byfwhm, &tofwhmact, &tofwhmniters,
    if (mritmp == NULL) exit(1);
    printf("Smoothed by %g to %g in %d iterations\n",
    if (tofwhmfile) {
      fp = fopen(tofwhmfile,"w");
      if (!fp) {
        printf("ERROR: opening %s\n",tofwhmfile);
      fprintf(fp,"tofwhm    %lf\n",tofwhm);
      fprintf(fp,"tofwhmtol %lf\n",tofwhmtol);
      fprintf(fp,"tofwhmact %lf\n",tofwhmact);
      fprintf(fp,"byfwhm    %lf\n",byfwhm);
      fprintf(fp,"niters    %d\n",tofwhmniters);
      fprintf(fp,"nitersmax %d\n",tofwhmnitersmax);

  // ------ Save smoothed/detrended ------------------------------
  if(outpath) {
    // This is a bit of a hack in order to be able to save undetrended
    // Operates on InValsCopy, which has not been modified (requires
    // smoothing twice, which is silly:).
    printf("Saving to %s\n",outpath);
    // Smoothed output will not be masked
    if (SaveDetrended && X) {
      mritmp = fMRIdetrend(InValsCopy,X);
      if (mritmp == NULL) exit(1);
      InValsCopy = mritmp;
    if (SaveUnmasked) mritmp = NULL;
    else             mritmp = mask;
    if(infwhm > 0)
      MRImaskedGaussianSmooth(InValsCopy, mritmp, ingstd, InValsCopy);
    if(infwhmc > 0 || infwhmr > 0 || infwhms > 0) 
      MRIgaussianSmoothNI(InValsCopy, ingstdc, ingstdr, ingstds, InValsCopy);
    if(tofwhm > 0) {
      bygstd = byfwhm/sqrt(log(256.0));
      MRImaskedGaussianSmooth(InValsCopy, mritmp, bygstd, InValsCopy);

  // ----------- Compute smoothness -----------------------------
  printf("Computing spatial AR1 in volume.\n");
  ar1 = fMRIspatialAR1(InVals, mask, NULL);
  if (ar1 == NULL) exit(1);
  fMRIspatialAR1Mean(ar1, mask, &car1mn, &rar1mn, &sar1mn);

  cfwhm = RFar1ToFWHM(car1mn, InVals->xsize);
  rfwhm = RFar1ToFWHM(rar1mn, InVals->ysize);
  sfwhm = RFar1ToFWHM(sar1mn, InVals->zsize);
  fwhm = sqrt((cfwhm*cfwhm + rfwhm*rfwhm + sfwhm*sfwhm)/3.0);
  printf("ar1mn = (%lf,%lf,%lf)\n",car1mn,rar1mn,sar1mn);
  printf("colfwhm   = %lf\n",cfwhm);
  printf("rowfwhm   = %lf\n",rfwhm);
  printf("slicefwhm = %lf\n",sfwhm);
  printf("outfwhm = %lf\n",fwhm);

  reselvolume = cfwhm*rfwhm*sfwhm;
  nvoxperresel = reselvolume/voxelvolume;
  nresels = voxelvolume*nsearch/reselvolume;
  printf("reselvolume %lf\n",reselvolume);
  printf("nresels %lf\n",nresels);
  printf("nvoxperresel %lf\n",nvoxperresel);

    printf("Computing spatial AR2 in volume.\n");
    fMRIspatialAR2Mean(InVals, mask, &car2mn, &rar2mn, &sar2mn);
    printf("ar2mn = (%lf,%lf,%lf)\n",car2mn,rar2mn,sar2mn);

  if(ar1path) MRIwrite(ar1,ar1path);


  // ---------- Save summary file ---------------------
  if(sumfile) {
    fp = fopen(sumfile,"w");
    if (fp == NULL) {
      printf("ERROR: opening %s\n",sumfile);
    fprintf(fp,"nsearch2        %d\n",nsearch2);
    fprintf(fp,"searchspace_vox %d\n",nsearch);
    fprintf(fp,"searchspace_mm3 %lf\n",nsearch*voxelvolume);
    fprintf(fp,"voxelvolume_mm3 %g\n",voxelvolume);
    fprintf(fp,"voxelsize_mm %g %g %g\n",InVals->xsize,InVals->ysize,InVals->zsize);
    fprintf(fp,"ar1mn  %lf %lf %lf\n",car1mn,rar1mn,sar1mn);
    fprintf(fp,"colfwhm_mm      %lf\n",cfwhm);
    fprintf(fp,"rowfwhm_mm      %lf\n",rfwhm);
    fprintf(fp,"slicefwhm_mm    %lf\n",sfwhm);
    fprintf(fp,"outfwhm_mm      %lf\n",fwhm);
    fprintf(fp,"reselvolume_mm3 %lf\n",reselvolume);
    fprintf(fp,"nresels         %lf\n",nresels);
    fprintf(fp,"nvox_per_resel  %lf\n",nvoxperresel);

  if(datfile) {
    fp = fopen(datfile,"w");
    if(fp == NULL) {
      printf("ERROR: opening %s\n",datfile);

  printf("mri_fwhm done\n");

  return 0;
static MRI *
MRIcomputeSurfaceDistanceProbabilities(MRI_SURFACE *mris,  MRI *mri_ribbon, MRI *mri, MRI *mri_aseg) 
  MRI          *mri_features, *mri_binary, *mri_white_dist, *mri_pial_dist, *mri_mask ;
  int          nwhite_bins, npial_bins, x, y, z, label, i ;
  HISTOGRAM2D *hw, *hp ; 
  float        pdist, wdist, val ;
  double       wval, pval ;

  mri_features = MRIallocSequence(mri->width, mri->height, mri->depth, MRI_FLOAT, 2) ;
  MRIcopyHeader(mri, mri_features) ;

  mri_binary = MRIcopy(mri_ribbon, NULL) ;
  mri_binary = MRIbinarize(mri_ribbon, NULL, 1, 0, 1) ;
  mri_pial_dist = MRIdistanceTransform(mri_binary, NULL, 1, max_pial_dist+1, DTRANS_MODE_SIGNED,NULL);
    MRIwrite(mri_pial_dist, "pd.mgz") ;

  MRIclear(mri_binary) ;
  MRIcopyLabel(mri_ribbon, mri_binary, Left_Cerebral_White_Matter) ;
  MRIcopyLabel(mri_ribbon, mri_binary, Right_Cerebral_White_Matter) ;
  MRIbinarize(mri_binary, mri_binary, 1, 0, 1) ;
  mri_white_dist = MRIdistanceTransform(mri_binary, NULL, 1, max_white_dist+1, DTRANS_MODE_SIGNED,NULL);
    MRIwrite(mri_white_dist, "wd.mgz") ;

  nwhite_bins = ceil((max_white_dist - min_white_dist) / white_bin_size)+1 ;
  npial_bins = ceil((max_pial_dist - min_pial_dist) / pial_bin_size)+1 ;
  hw = HISTO2Dalloc(NBINS, nwhite_bins) ;
  hp = HISTO2Dalloc(NBINS, npial_bins) ;

  HISTO2Dinit(hw, NBINS, nwhite_bins, 0, NBINS-1, min_white_dist, max_white_dist) ;
  HISTO2Dinit(hp, NBINS, npial_bins, 0, NBINS-1, min_pial_dist, max_pial_dist) ;

  for (x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++)
	label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_aseg, x, y, z, 0) ;
	if (IS_CEREBELLUM(label) || IS_VENTRICLE(label) || label == Brain_Stem || IS_CC(label))
	  continue ;
	pdist = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_pial_dist, x, y, z, 0) ;
	wdist = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_pial_dist, x, y, z, 0) ;
	val  = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0) ;
	if (pdist >= min_pial_dist && pdist <= max_pial_dist)
	  HISTO2DaddSample(hp, val, pdist, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;
	if (wdist >= min_white_dist && wdist <= max_white_dist)
	  HISTO2DaddSample(hw, val, wdist, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;
  HISTO2DmakePDF(hp, hp) ;
  HISTO2DmakePDF(hw, hw) ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri->depth ; z++)
	label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_aseg, x, y, z, 0) ;
	if (IS_CEREBELLUM(label) || IS_VENTRICLE(label) || label == Brain_Stem || IS_CC(label))
	  continue ;
	pdist = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_pial_dist, x, y, z, 0) ;
	wdist = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_pial_dist, x, y, z, 0) ;
	val  = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, x, y, z, 0) ;
	wval = HISTO2DgetCount(hw, val, wdist);
	if (DZERO(wval) == 0)
	  MRIsetVoxVal(mri_features, x, y, z, 1, -log10(wval)) ;
	pval = HISTO2DgetCount(hp, val, pdist);
	if (DZERO(pval) == 0)
	  MRIsetVoxVal(mri_features, x, y, z, 0, -log10(pval)) ;

  MRIclear(mri_binary) ;
  MRIbinarize(mri_ribbon, mri_binary, 1, 0, 1) ;
  mri_mask = MRIcopy(mri_binary, NULL) ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < close_order ; i++)
    MRIdilate(mri_binary, mri_mask) ;
    MRIcopy(mri_mask, mri_binary) ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < close_order ; i++)
    MRIerode(mri_binary, mri_mask) ;
    MRIcopy(mri_mask, mri_binary) ;

  MRIwrite(mri_mask, "m.mgz") ;
  MRImask(mri_features, mri_mask, mri_features, 0, 0) ;
  HISTO2Dfree(&hw) ;
  HISTO2Dfree(&hp) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_white_dist) ; MRIfree(&mri_pial_dist) ; MRIfree(&mri_binary) ;
  return(mri_features) ;
Exemple #5
static MRI *
add_interior_points(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_vals, float intensity_above,
                    float intensity_below, MRI_SURFACE *mris_white1,
                    MRI_SURFACE *mris_white2,
                    MRI *mri_aseg, MRI *mri_dst)
  int   x, y, z, ctrl, label, i ;
  float val ;
  MRI   *mri_core ;
  MRI   *mri_interior, *mri_tmp ;

  mri_interior = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ;
  MRISfillInterior(mris_white1, mri_src->xsize, mri_interior) ;
  mri_tmp = MRIclone(mri_src, NULL) ;
  MRISfillInterior(mris_white2, mri_src->xsize, mri_tmp) ;
  MRIcopyLabel(mri_tmp, mri_interior, 1) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_interior, "i.mgz") ;
  mri_core = MRIerode(mri_interior, NULL) ;
  for (i = 1 ; i < nint(1.0/mri_src->xsize) ; i++)
    MRIcopy(mri_core, mri_tmp) ;
    MRIerode(mri_tmp, mri_core) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ;

  if (mri_aseg == NULL)
    for (x = 0 ; x < mri_src->width ; x++)
      for (y = 0 ; y < mri_src->height ; y++)
        for (z = 0 ; z < mri_src->depth ; z++)
          if (Gx == x && Gy == y && Gz == z)
            DiagBreak() ;
          ctrl = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_core, x, y, z, 0) ;
          if (ctrl > 0)
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, 0, ctrl) ;
    for (x = 0 ; x < mri_src->width ; x++)
      for (y = 0 ; y < mri_src->height ; y++)
        for (z = 0 ; z < mri_src->depth ; z++)
          if (Gx == x && Gy == y && Gz == z)
            DiagBreak() ;
          ctrl = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src, x, y, z, 0) ;
          if (ctrl == 0)  // add in some missed ones that are inside the surface
            label = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_aseg, x, y, z, 0) ;

            if (IS_GM(label) || IS_WM(label))
              val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_vals, x, y, z, 0) ;
              if ((val >= 110-intensity_below && val <= 110 + intensity_above)&&
                  MRIgetVoxVal(mri_core, x, y, z, 0) > 0)
                ctrl = 1 ;
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst, x, y, z, 0, ctrl) ;

  MRIfree(&mri_core) ;
  return(mri_dst) ;
Exemple #6
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char   **av ;
  int    ac, nargs, n ;
  MRI    *mri_src, *mri_dst = NULL, *mri_bias, *mri_orig, *mri_aseg = NULL ;
  char   *in_fname, *out_fname ;
  int          msec, minutes, seconds ;
  struct timeb start ;

  char cmdline[CMD_LINE_LEN] ;

  (argc, argv,
   "$Id: mri_normalize.c,v 1.80 2012/10/16 21:38:35 nicks Exp $",
   "$Name:  $",

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option
          (argc, argv,
           "$Id: mri_normalize.c,v 1.80 2012/10/16 21:38:35 nicks Exp $",
           "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  mni.max_gradient = MAX_GRADIENT ;
  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 3)
    usage_exit(0) ;
  if (argc < 1)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: no input name specified", Progname) ;
  in_fname = argv[1] ;

  if (argc < 2)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: no output name specified", Progname) ;
  out_fname = argv[2] ;

    printf( "reading from %s...\n", in_fname) ;
  mri_src = MRIread(in_fname) ;
  if (!mri_src)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NO_FILE, "%s: could not open source file %s",
              Progname, in_fname) ;
  MRIaddCommandLine(mri_src, cmdline) ;

  if(nsurfs > 0)
    MRI_SURFACE *mris ;
    MRI         *mri_dist=NULL, *mri_dist_sup=NULL, *mri_ctrl, *mri_dist_one ;
    LTA          *lta= NULL ;
    int          i ;
    TRANSFORM    *surface_xform ;

    if (control_point_fname)  // do one pass with only file control points first
      MRI3dUseFileControlPoints(mri_src, control_point_fname) ;
      mri_dst =
                             bias_sigma, mri_not_control);
      mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < nsurfs ; i++)
      mris = MRISread(surface_fnames[i]) ;
      if (mris == NULL)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE,"%s: could not surface %s",
      surface_xform = surface_xforms[i] ;
      TransformInvert(surface_xform, NULL) ;
      if (surface_xform->type == MNI_TRANSFORM_TYPE ||
          surface_xform->type == TRANSFORM_ARRAY_TYPE ||
          surface_xform->type  == REGISTER_DAT)
        lta = (LTA *)(surface_xform->xform) ;

#if 0
        if (invert)
          VOL_GEOM vgtmp;
          LT *lt;
          MATRIX *m_tmp = lta->xforms[0].m_L ;
          lta->xforms[0].m_L = MatrixInverse(lta->xforms[0].m_L, NULL) ;
          MatrixFree(&m_tmp) ;
          lt = &lta->xforms[0];
          if (lt->dst.valid == 0 || lt->src.valid == 0)
            printf( "WARNING:***************************************************************\n");
            printf( "WARNING:dst volume infor is invalid.  Most likely produce wrong inverse.\n");
            printf( "WARNING:***************************************************************\n");
          copyVolGeom(&lt->dst, &vgtmp);
          copyVolGeom(&lt->src, &lt->dst);
          copyVolGeom(&vgtmp, &lt->src);

      if (stricmp(surface_xform_fnames[i], "identity.nofile") != 0)
        MRIStransform(mris, NULL, surface_xform, NULL) ;

      mri_dist_one = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dst, MRI_FLOAT) ;
      printf("computing distance transform\n") ;
      MRIScomputeDistanceToSurface(mris, mri_dist_one, mri_dist_one->xsize) ;
      if (i == 0)
        mri_dist = MRIcopy(mri_dist_one, NULL) ;
        MRIcombineDistanceTransforms(mri_dist_one, mri_dist, mri_dist) ;
//  MRIminAbs(mri_dist_one, mri_dist, mri_dist) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_dist_one) ;
    MRIscalarMul(mri_dist, mri_dist, -1) ;

    if (nonmax_suppress)
      printf("computing nonmaximum suppression\n") ;
      mri_dist_sup = MRInonMaxSuppress(mri_dist, NULL, 0, 1) ;
      mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dist_sup, MRI_UCHAR) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_dist_sup, mri_ctrl, min_dist, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    else if (erode)
      int i ;
      mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dist, MRI_UCHAR) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_dist, mri_ctrl, min_dist, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < erode ; i++)
        MRIerode(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl) ;
      mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dist, MRI_UCHAR) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_dist, mri_ctrl, min_dist, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;

    if (control_point_fname)
      MRInormAddFileControlPoints(mri_ctrl, CONTROL_MARKED) ;

    if (mask_sigma > 0)
      MRI *mri_smooth, *mri_mag, *mri_grad ;
      mri_smooth = MRIgaussianSmooth(mri_dst, mask_sigma, 1, NULL) ;
      mri_mag = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_dst, MRI_FLOAT) ;
      mri_grad = MRIsobel(mri_smooth, NULL, mri_mag) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_mag, mri_mag, mask_thresh, 1, 0) ;
      MRImask(mri_ctrl, mri_mag, mri_ctrl, 0, CONTROL_NONE) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_grad) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_mag) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_smooth) ;
    if (mask_orig_fname)
      MRI *mri_orig ;

      mri_orig = MRIread(mask_orig_fname) ;
      MRIbinarize(mri_orig, mri_orig, mask_orig_thresh, 0, 1) ;

      MRImask(mri_ctrl, mri_orig, mri_ctrl, 0, CONTROL_NONE) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_orig) ;
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
      MRIwrite(mri_dist, "d.mgz");
      MRIwrite(mri_dist_sup, "dm.mgz");
      MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "c.mgz");
    MRIeraseBorderPlanes(mri_ctrl, 4) ;
    if (aseg_fname)
      mri_aseg = MRIread(aseg_fname) ;
      if (mri_aseg == NULL)
                  "%s: could not load aseg from %s", Progname, aseg_fname) ;
      remove_nonwm_voxels(mri_ctrl, mri_aseg, mri_ctrl) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_aseg) ;
      remove_surface_outliers(mri_ctrl, mri_dist, mri_dst, mri_ctrl) ;
    mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;
    if (mri_dist)
      MRIfree(&mri_dist) ;
    if (mri_dist_sup)
      MRIfree(&mri_dist_sup) ;
    if (bias_sigma> 0)
      MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(bias_sigma, -1) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
        MRIwrite(mri_bias, "b.mgz") ;
      printf("smoothing bias field\n") ;
      MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bias, mri_bias, mri_kernel) ;
      if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
        MRIwrite(mri_bias, "bs.mgz") ;
    MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
    mri_dst = MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry
              (mri_dst, mri_bias, mri_dst,
    printf("writing normalized volume to %s\n", out_fname) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
    exit(0) ;
  } // end if(surface_fname)

  if (!mriConformed(mri_src) && conform > 0)
    printf("unconformed source detected - conforming...\n") ;
    mri_src = MRIconform(mri_src) ;

  if (mask_fname)
    MRI *mri_mask ;

    mri_mask = MRIread(mask_fname) ;
    if (!mri_mask)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open mask volume %s.\n",
                Progname, mask_fname) ;
    MRImask(mri_src, mri_mask, mri_src, 0, 0) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_mask) ;

  if (read_flag)
    MRI *mri_ctrl ;
    double scale ;

    mri_bias = MRIread(bias_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_bias)
       "%s: could not read bias volume %s", Progname, bias_volume_fname) ;
    mri_ctrl = MRIread(control_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_ctrl)
       "%s: could not read control volume %s",
       Progname, control_volume_fname) ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, 1, 0, 128) ;
    mri_dst = MRImultiply(mri_bias, mri_src, NULL) ;
    scale = MRImeanInLabel(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, 128) ;
    printf("mean in wm is %2.0f, scaling by %2.2f\n", scale, 110/scale) ;
    scale = 110/scale ;
    MRIscalarMul(mri_dst, mri_dst, scale) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
    exit(0) ;

    MRI *mri_ctrl ;
    double scale ;

    mri_bias = MRIread(long_bias_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_bias)
       "%s: could not read bias volume %s", Progname, long_bias_volume_fname) ;
    mri_ctrl = MRIread(long_control_volume_fname) ;
    if (!mri_ctrl)
       "%s: could not read control volume %s",
       Progname, long_control_volume_fname) ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, 1, 0, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    if (mri_ctrl->type != MRI_UCHAR)
      MRI *mri_tmp ;
      mri_tmp = MRIchangeType(mri_ctrl, MRI_UCHAR, 0, 1,1);
      MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
      mri_ctrl = mri_tmp ;
    scale = MRImeanInLabel(mri_src, mri_ctrl, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    printf("mean in wm is %2.0f, scaling by %2.2f\n", scale, 110/scale) ;
    mri_dst = MRIscalarMul(mri_src, NULL, scale) ;
    MRIremoveWMOutliers(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, intensity_below/2) ;
    mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;
    MRIsoapBubble(mri_bias, mri_ctrl, mri_bias, 50, 1) ;
    MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry(mri_dst, mri_bias, mri_dst,
    //    MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
    //    exit(0) ;
  } // end if(long_flag)

  if (grad_thresh > 0)
    float thresh ;
    MRI   *mri_mag, *mri_grad, *mri_smooth ;
    MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(.5, -1) ;

    mri_not_control = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_src, MRI_UCHAR) ;
    switch (scan_type)
    case MRI_MGH_MPRAGE:
      thresh = 15 ;
      break ;
      thresh = 20 ;
      break ;
    case MRI_UNKNOWN:
      thresh = 12 ;
      break ;
    mri_smooth = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_src, NULL, mri_kernel) ;
    thresh = grad_thresh ;
    mri_mag = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_src, MRI_FLOAT) ;
    mri_grad = MRIsobel(mri_smooth, NULL, mri_mag) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_mag, "m.mgz") ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_mag, mri_not_control, thresh, 0, 1) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_not_control, "nc.mgz") ;
    MRIfree(&mri_mag) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_grad) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_smooth) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ;
#if 0
#if 0
  if ((mri_src->type != MRI_UCHAR) ||
      (!(mri_src->xsize == 1 && mri_src->ysize == 1 && mri_src->zsize == 1)))
  if (conform || (mri_src->type != MRI_UCHAR && conform > 0))
    MRI  *mri_tmp ;

     "downsampling to 8 bits and scaling to isotropic voxels...\n") ;
    mri_tmp = MRIconform(mri_src) ;
    mri_src = mri_tmp ;

    printf("Reading aseg %s\n",aseg_fname);
    mri_aseg = MRIread(aseg_fname) ;
    if (mri_aseg == NULL)
       "%s: could not read aseg from file %s", Progname, aseg_fname) ;
    if (!mriConformed(mri_aseg))
      ErrorExit(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "%s: aseg volume %s must be conformed",
                Progname, aseg_fname) ;
    mri_aseg = NULL ;

    printf( "normalizing image...\n") ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;

  if (control_point_fname)
    MRI3dUseFileControlPoints(mri_src, control_point_fname) ;

  // this just setup writing control-point volume saving
    MRI3dWriteControlPoints(control_volume_fname) ;

  /* first do a gentle normalization to get
     things in the right intensity range */
  if(long_flag == 0)   // if long, then this will already have been done with base control points
    if(control_point_fname != NULL)  /* do one pass with only
                                         file control points first */
      mri_dst =
                             bias_sigma, mri_not_control);
      mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;

    MRI *mri_ctrl, *mri_bias ;
    int  i ;

    printf("processing with aseg\n");

    mri_ctrl = MRIclone(mri_aseg, NULL) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < NWM_LABELS ; i++)
      MRIcopyLabel(mri_aseg, mri_ctrl, aseg_wm_labels[i]) ;
    printf("removing outliers in the aseg WM...\n") ;
        intensity_below) ;
    MRIbinarize(mri_ctrl, mri_ctrl, 1, CONTROL_NONE, CONTROL_MARKED) ;
    MRInormAddFileControlPoints(mri_ctrl, CONTROL_MARKED) ;

    if (interior_fname1)
      MRIS *mris_interior1, *mris_interior2 ;
      mris_interior1 = MRISread(interior_fname1) ;
      if (mris_interior1 == NULL)
                  "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                  Progname, interior_fname1) ;
      mris_interior2 = MRISread(interior_fname2) ;
      if (mris_interior2 == NULL)
                  "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                  Progname, interior_fname2) ;
                          mri_ctrl) ;
      MRISfree(&mris_interior1) ;
      MRISfree(&mris_interior2) ;
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
      MRIwrite(mri_ctrl, "norm_ctrl.mgz") ;

    printf("Building bias image\n");
    mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;

    if (bias_sigma> 0)
      printf("Smoothing with sigma %g\n",bias_sigma);
      MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(bias_sigma, -1) ;
      MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bias, mri_bias, mri_kernel) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_aseg) ;
    printf("Applying bias correction\n");
    mri_dst = MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry
              (mri_dst, mri_bias, mri_dst,
    if (Gdiag & DIAG_WRITE && DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
      MRIwrite(mri_dst, "norm_1.mgz") ;
  } // if(mri_aseg)
    printf("processing without aseg, no1d=%d\n",no1d);
    if (!no1d)
      printf("MRInormInit(): \n");
      MRInormInit(mri_src, &mni, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f) ;
      printf("MRInormalize(): \n");
      mri_dst = MRInormalize(mri_src, NULL, &mni) ;
      if (!mri_dst)
        no1d = 1 ;
        printf("1d normalization failed - trying no1d...\n") ;
        // ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: normalization failed", Progname) ;
      if ((file_only && nosnr) ||
          ((gentle_flag != 0) && (control_point_fname != NULL)))
        if (mri_dst == NULL)
          mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;
        if (nosnr)
          if (interior_fname1)
            MRIS *mris_interior1, *mris_interior2 ;
            MRI  *mri_ctrl ;

            printf("computing initial normalization using surface interiors\n");
            mri_ctrl = MRIcloneDifferentType(mri_src, MRI_UCHAR) ;
            mris_interior1 = MRISread(interior_fname1) ;
            if (mris_interior1 == NULL)
                        "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                        Progname, interior_fname1) ;
            mris_interior2 = MRISread(interior_fname2) ;
            if (mris_interior2 == NULL)
                        "%s: could not read white matter surface from %s\n",
                        Progname, interior_fname2) ;
                                mri_ctrl) ;
            MRISfree(&mris_interior1) ;
            MRISfree(&mris_interior2) ;
            mri_bias = MRIbuildBiasImage(mri_dst, mri_ctrl, NULL, 0.0) ;
            if (bias_sigma> 0)
              MRI *mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(bias_sigma, -1) ;
              MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_bias, mri_bias, mri_kernel) ;
            mri_dst = MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry
                       DEFAULT_DESIRED_WHITE_MATTER_VALUE) ;
            MRIfree(&mri_ctrl) ;
          else if (long_flag == 0)  // no initial normalization specified
            mri_dst = MRIcopy(mri_src, NULL) ;
          printf("computing initial normalization using SNR...\n") ;
          mri_dst = MRInormalizeHighSignalLowStd
                    (mri_src, mri_dst, bias_sigma,
      if (!mri_dst)
        (ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not allocate volume", Progname) ;
  } // else (not using aseg)

  if (file_only == 0)
                         intensity_above, intensity_below/2,
                         file_only, bias_sigma, mri_not_control);

  mri_orig = MRIcopy(mri_dst, NULL) ;
  printf("Iterating %d times\n",num_3d_iter);
  for (n = 0 ; n < num_3d_iter ; n++)
      break ;

    printf( "---------------------------------\n");
    printf( "3d normalization pass %d of %d\n", n+1, num_3d_iter) ;
    if (gentle_flag)
                           intensity_above/2, intensity_below/2,
                           file_only, bias_sigma, mri_not_control);
      MRI3dNormalize(mri_orig, mri_dst, DEFAULT_DESIRED_WHITE_MATTER_VALUE,
                     intensity_above, intensity_below,
                     file_only, prune, bias_sigma, scan_type, mri_not_control);
  printf( "Done iterating ---------------------------------\n");

  // this just setup writing control-point volume saving
    MRI3dWriteControlPoints(control_volume_fname) ;

    mri_bias = compute_bias(mri_src, mri_dst, NULL) ;
    printf("writing bias field to %s....\n", bias_volume_fname) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_bias, bias_volume_fname) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_bias) ;

  if (verbose)
    printf("writing output to %s\n", out_fname) ;
  MRIwrite(mri_dst, out_fname) ;
  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;


  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  printf( "3D bias adjustment took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n",
          minutes, seconds) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;
Exemple #7
static MRI *
MRIremoveWMOutliersAndRetainMedialSurface(MRI *mri_src,
                                          MRI *mri_src_ctrl,
                                          MRI *mri_dst_ctrl,
                                          int intensity_below)
  MRI  *mri_inside, *mri_bin ;
  HISTOGRAM *histo, *hsmooth ;
  int   wm_peak, x, y, z, nremoved ;
  float thresh, hi_thresh ;
  double val, lmean, max ;

    MRIwrite(mri_src_ctrl, "sc.mgz") ;
  if (mri_dst_ctrl != mri_src_ctrl)
    mri_dst_ctrl = MRIcopy(mri_src_ctrl, mri_dst_ctrl) ;
  mri_inside = MRIerode(mri_dst_ctrl, NULL) ;
  MRIbinarize(mri_inside, mri_inside, 1, 0, 1) ;

  histo = MRIhistogramLabel(mri_src, mri_inside, 1, 256) ;
  hsmooth = HISTOcopy(histo, NULL) ;
  HISTOsmooth(histo, hsmooth, 2) ;
    HISTOplot(histo, "h.plt") ;
    HISTOplot(hsmooth, "hs.plt") ;
  printf("using wm (%d) threshold %2.1f for removing exterior voxels\n",
         wm_peak, thresh) ;
  wm_peak = HISTOfindHighestPeakInRegion(hsmooth, 1, hsmooth->nbins-1) ;
  wm_peak = hsmooth->bins[wm_peak] ;
  thresh = wm_peak-intensity_below ;
  hi_thresh = wm_peak-.5*intensity_below ;
  printf("using wm (%d) threshold %2.1f for removing exterior voxels\n",
         wm_peak, thresh) ;

  // now remove stuff that's on the border and is pretty dark
  for (nremoved = x = 0 ; x < mri_src->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_src->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_src->depth ; z++)
        if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz)
          DiagBreak() ;
        /* if it's a control point,
            it's not in the interior of the wm,
            and it's T1 val is too low */
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0) == 0)
          continue ;  // not a  control point

        /* if it's way far from the wm mode
            then remove it even if it's in the interior */
        val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src, x, y, z, 0) ;
        if (val < thresh-5)
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0, 0) ;
          nremoved++ ;

        if (nint(MRIgetVoxVal(mri_inside, x, y, z, 0)) > 0)
          // don't process interior voxels further
          continue ;  // in the interior
        if (val < thresh)
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0, 0) ;
          nremoved++ ;
          lmean =
            MRImeanInLabelInRegion(mri_src, mri_inside, 1, x, y, z, 7);
          if (val < lmean-10)
            MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0, 0) ;
            nremoved++ ;

#if 0
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri_src->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_src->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_src->depth ; z++)
        if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz)
          DiagBreak() ;
        /* if it's a control point,
            it's not in the interior of the wm,
            and it's T1 val is too low */
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0) == 0)
          continue ;  // not a  control point
        if (MRIcountNonzeroInNbhd(mri_dst_ctrl,3, x, y, z)<=2)
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0, 0) ;
          nremoved++ ;

  /* now take out voxels that have too big an intensity diff
     with surrounding ones */
  mri_bin = MRIbinarize(mri_dst_ctrl, NULL, 1, 0, 1) ;
  for (x = 0 ; x < mri_src->width ; x++)
    for (y = 0 ; y < mri_src->height ; y++)
      for (z = 0 ; z < mri_src->depth ; z++)
        if (x == Gx && y == Gy && z == Gz)
          DiagBreak() ;
        /* if it's a control point,
            it's not in the interior of the wm,
            and it's T1 val is too low */
        if (MRIgetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0) == 0)
          continue ;  // not a  control point
        val = MRIgetVoxVal(mri_src, x, y, z, 0) ;
        max = MRImaxInLabelInRegion(mri_src, mri_bin, 1, x, y, z, 3);
        if (val+7 < max && val < hi_thresh)
          MRIsetVoxVal(mri_dst_ctrl, x, y, z, 0, 0) ;
          nremoved++ ;
  MRIfree(&mri_bin) ;

  printf( "%d control points removed\n", nremoved) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_dst_ctrl, "dc.mgz") ;
  HISTOfree(&histo) ;
  HISTOfree(&hsmooth) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_inside) ;
  return(mri_dst_ctrl) ;
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char   **av, *label_name, *vol_name, *out_name ;
  int    ac, nargs ;
  int    msec, minutes, seconds,  i  ;
  LABEL  *area ;
  struct timeb start ;
  MRI    *mri,  *mri_seg ;
  Real   xw, yw, zw, xv, yv, zv, val;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_label_vals.c,v 1.16 2015/08/24 18:22:05 fischl Exp $", "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 3)
    usage_exit(1) ;

  vol_name = argv[1] ;
  label_name = argv[2]  ;
  out_name = argv[3] ;

  mri = MRIread(vol_name) ;
  if (!mri)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read volume from %s",Progname, vol_name) ;
  if (scaleup_flag) {
    float scale, fov_x, fov_y, fov_z  ;

    scale = 1.0/MIN(MIN(mri->xsize, mri->ysize),mri->zsize) ;
    fprintf(stderr, "scaling voxel sizes up by %2.2f\n", scale) ;
    mri->xsize *= scale ;
    mri->ysize *= scale ;
    mri->zsize *= scale ;
    fov_x = mri->xsize * mri->width;
    fov_y = mri->ysize * mri->height;
    fov_z = mri->zsize * mri->depth;
    mri->xend = fov_x / 2.0;
    mri->xstart = -mri->xend;
    mri->yend = fov_y / 2.0;
    mri->ystart = -mri->yend;
    mri->zend = fov_z / 2.0;
    mri->zstart = -mri->zend;

    mri->fov = (fov_x > fov_y ? (fov_x > fov_z ? fov_x : fov_z) : (fov_y > fov_z ? fov_y : fov_z) );

  if (segmentation_flag >= 0) {
    int x, y, z  ;
    VECTOR *v_seg, *v_mri ;
    MATRIX *m_seg_to_mri ;

    v_seg = VectorAlloc(4, MATRIX_REAL) ;
    v_mri = VectorAlloc(4, MATRIX_REAL) ;
    VECTOR_ELT(v_seg, 4) = 1.0 ;
    VECTOR_ELT(v_mri, 4) = 1.0 ;

    mri_seg = MRIread(argv[2]) ;
    if (!mri_seg)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read volume from %s",Progname, argv[2]) ;
    if (erode) {
      MRI *mri_tmp ;

      mri_tmp = MRIclone(mri_seg, NULL) ;
      MRIcopyLabel(mri_seg, mri_tmp, segmentation_flag) ;
      while (erode-- > 0)
        MRIerode(mri_tmp, mri_tmp) ;
      MRIcopy(mri_tmp, mri_seg) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_tmp) ;

    m_seg_to_mri = MRIgetVoxelToVoxelXform(mri_seg, mri) ;
    for (x = 0  ; x  < mri_seg->width ; x++) {
      V3_X(v_seg) = x ;
      for (y = 0  ; y  < mri_seg->height ; y++) {
        V3_Y(v_seg) = y ;
        for (z = 0  ; z  < mri_seg->depth ; z++) {
          V3_Z(v_seg) = z ;
          if (MRIvox(mri_seg, x, y,  z) == segmentation_flag) {
            MatrixMultiply(m_seg_to_mri, v_seg, v_mri) ;
            xv = V3_X(v_mri) ;
            yv = V3_Y(v_mri) ;
            zv = V3_Z(v_mri) ;
            MRIsampleVolumeType(mri, xv,  yv, zv, &val, SAMPLE_NEAREST);
#if  0
            if (val < .000001) {
              val *= 1000000;
              printf("%f*0.000001\n", val);
            } else
              if (coords)
                printf("%2.1f %2.1f %2.1f %f\n", xv, yv, zv, val);
                printf("%f\n", val);
    MatrixFree(&m_seg_to_mri) ;
    VectorFree(&v_seg) ;
    VectorFree(&v_mri) ;
  } else {
    if (cras == 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"using the label coordinates to be c_(r,a,s) != 0.\n");

    if (surface_dir) {
      MRI_SURFACE *mris ;
      char fname[STRLEN] ;
      sprintf(fname, "%s/%s.white", surface_dir, hemi) ;
      mris = MRISread(fname) ;
      if (mris == NULL)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s...\n", Progname,fname) ;
      sprintf(fname, "%s/%s.thickness", surface_dir, hemi) ;
      if (MRISreadCurvatureFile(mris, fname) != NO_ERROR)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read thickness file %s...\n", Progname,fname) ;

      if (annot_prefix)   /* read an annotation in and print vals in it */
#define MAX_ANNOT 10000
        int   vno, annot_counts[MAX_ANNOT], index ;
        VERTEX *v ;
        Real  xw, yw, zw, xv, yv, zv, val ;
        float annot_means[MAX_ANNOT] ;
        FILE  *fp ;

        memset(annot_means, 0, sizeof(annot_means)) ;
        memset(annot_counts, 0, sizeof(annot_counts)) ;
        if (MRISreadAnnotation(mris, label_name) != NO_ERROR)
          ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read annotation file %s...\n", Progname,fname) ;
        if (mris->ct == NULL)
          ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: annot file does not contain a color table, specifiy one with -t ", Progname);
        for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) {
          v = &mris->vertices[vno] ;
          if (v->ripflag)
            continue ;
          CTABfindAnnotation(mris->ct, v->annotation, &index) ;
          if (index >= 0 && index < mris->ct->nentries) {
            annot_counts[index]++ ;
            xw = v->x + v->curv*.5*v->nx ;
            yw = v->y + v->curv*.5*v->ny ;
            zw = v->z + v->curv*.5*v->nz ;
            if (cras == 1)
              MRIworldToVoxel(mri, xw, yw,  zw, &xv, &yv, &zv) ;
              MRIsurfaceRASToVoxel(mri, xw, yw, zw, &xv, &yv, &zv);
            MRIsampleVolume(mri, xv, yv, zv, &val) ;
            annot_means[index] += val ;
            sprintf(fname, "%s-%s-%s.dat", annot_prefix, hemi, mris->ct->entries[index]->name) ;
            fp = fopen(fname, "a") ;
            fprintf(fp, "%f\n", val) ;
            fclose(fp) ;
      else  /* read label in and print vals in it */
        area = LabelRead(NULL, label_name) ;
        if (!area)
          ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label from %s",Progname, label_name) ;

    } else {
      area = LabelRead(NULL, label_name) ;
      if (!area)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label from %s",Progname, label_name) ;

      for (i = 0 ;  i  < area->n_points ; i++) {

        xw =  area->lv[i].x ;
        yw =  area->lv[i].y ;
        zw =  area->lv[i].z ;
        if (cras == 1)
          MRIworldToVoxel(mri, xw, yw,  zw, &xv, &yv, &zv) ;
          MRIsurfaceRASToVoxel(mri, xw, yw, zw, &xv, &yv, &zv);
        MRIsampleVolumeType(mri, xv,  yv, zv, &val, SAMPLE_NEAREST);
#if 0
        if (val < .000001) {
          val *= 1000000;
          printf("%f*0.000001\n", val);
        } else
          printf("%f\n", val);
  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;
  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;

    fprintf(stderr, "label value extractiong took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n",
            minutes, seconds) ;

  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char   **av, *cp ;
  int    ac, nargs, i, dof, no_transform, which, sno = 0, nsubjects = 0 ;
  MRI    *mri=0, *mri_mean = NULL, *mri_std=0, *mri_T1=0,*mri_binary=0,*mri_dof=NULL,
                             *mri_priors = NULL ;
  char   *subject_name, *out_fname, fname[STRLEN] ;
  /*  LTA    *lta;*/
  MRI *mri_tmp=0 ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_make_template.c,v 1.26 2011/03/02 00:04:22 nicks Exp $", "$Name: stable5 $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (!strlen(subjects_dir)) {
    cp = getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR") ;
    if (!cp)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM,"%s: SUBJECTS_DIR not defined in environment.\n",
                Progname) ;
    strcpy(subjects_dir, cp) ;

  if (argc < 3)  usage_exit(1) ;

  out_fname = argv[argc-1] ;

  no_transform = first_transform ;
  if (binary_name)   /* generate binarized volume with priors and */
  {                  /* separate means and variances */
    for (which = BUILD_PRIORS ; which <= OFF_STATS ; which++) {
      /* for each subject specified on cmd line */
      for (dof = 0, i = 1 ; i < argc-1 ; i++) {
        if (*argv[i] == '-')   /* don't do transform for next subject */
        { no_transform = 1 ;
          continue ;
        dof++ ;
        subject_name = argv[i] ;
        if (which != BUILD_PRIORS) {
          sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, subject_name, T1_name);
          fprintf(stderr, "%d of %d: reading %s...\n", i, argc-2, fname) ;
          mri_T1 = MRIread(fname) ;
          if (!mri_T1)
            ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE,"%s: could not open volume %s",

        sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s",subjects_dir,subject_name,binary_name);
        fprintf(stderr, "%d of %d: reading %s...\n", i, argc-2, fname) ;
        mri_binary = MRIread(fname) ;
        if (!mri_binary)
          ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE,"%s: could not open volume %s",

        /* only count voxels which are mostly labeled */
        MRIbinarize(mri_binary, mri_binary, WM_MIN_VAL, 0, 100) ;
        if (transform_fname && no_transform-- <= 0) {
          sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/transforms/%s",
                  subjects_dir, subject_name, transform_fname) ;

          fprintf(stderr, "reading transform %s...\n", fname) ;
#if 1
            TRANSFORM *transform ;
            transform = TransformRead(fname) ;
            if (transform == NULL)
              ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open transform file %s\n",Progname, fname) ;
            mri_tmp = TransformApply(transform, mri_T1, NULL) ;
            TransformFree(&transform) ;
          lta = LTAreadEx(fname);
          if (lta == NULL)
                      "%s: could not open transform file %s\n",
                      Progname, fname) ;
          /* LTAtransform() runs either MRIapplyRASlinearTransform()
          for RAS2RAS or MRIlinearTransform() for Vox2Vox. */
          /* MRIlinearTransform() calls MRIlinearTransformInterp() */
          mri_tmp = LTAtransform(mri_T1, NULL, lta);
          MRIfree(&mri_T1) ;
          mri_T1 = mri_tmp ;
          lta = NULL;
          if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
            fprintf(stderr, "transform application complete.\n") ;
        if (which == BUILD_PRIORS) {
          mri_priors =
            MRIupdatePriors(mri_binary, mri_priors) ;
        } else {
          if (!mri_mean) {
            mri_dof = MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height, mri_T1->depth,
                               MRI_UCHAR) ;
            mri_mean =
              MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height,mri_T1->depth,MRI_FLOAT);
            mri_std =
            if (!mri_mean || !mri_std)
              ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: could not allocate templates.\n",
                        Progname) ;

          if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
            fprintf(stderr, "updating mean and variance estimates...\n") ;
          if (which == ON_STATS) {
            MRIaccumulateMaskedMeansAndVariances(mri_T1, mri_binary, mri_dof,
                                                 90, 100, mri_mean, mri_std) ;
            fprintf(stderr, "T1 = %d, binary = %d, mean = %2.1f\n",
                    (int)MRIgetVoxVal(mri_T1, 141,100,127,0),
                    MRIvox(mri_binary, 141,100,127),
                    MRIFvox(mri_mean, 141,100,127)) ;
          } else  /* computing means and vars for off */
            MRIaccumulateMaskedMeansAndVariances(mri_T1, mri_binary, mri_dof,
                                                 0, WM_MIN_VAL-1,
                                                 mri_mean, mri_std) ;
          MRIfree(&mri_T1) ;
        MRIfree(&mri_binary) ;

      if (which == BUILD_PRIORS) {
        mri = MRIcomputePriors(mri_priors, dof, NULL) ;
        MRIfree(&mri_priors) ;
        fprintf(stderr, "writing priors to %s...\n", out_fname) ;
      } else {
        MRIcomputeMaskedMeansAndStds(mri_mean, mri_std, mri_dof) ;
        mri_mean->dof = dof ;

        fprintf(stderr, "writing T1 means with %d dof to %s...\n", mri_mean->dof,
                out_fname) ;
        if (!which)
          MRIwrite(mri_mean, out_fname) ;
          MRIappend(mri_mean, out_fname) ;
        MRIfree(&mri_mean) ;
        fprintf(stderr, "writing T1 variances to %s...\n", out_fname);
        if (dof <= 1)
          MRIreplaceValues(mri_std, mri_std, 0, 1) ;
        mri = mri_std ;

      if (!which)
        MRIwrite(mri, out_fname) ;
        MRIappend(mri, out_fname) ;
      MRIfree(&mri) ;
  else {
    /* for each subject specified on cmd line */

    if (xform_mean_fname) {
      m_xform_mean = MatrixAlloc(4,4,MATRIX_REAL) ;
      /* m_xform_covariance = MatrixAlloc(12,12,MATRIX_REAL) ;*/

    dof = 0;
    for (i = 1 ; i < argc-1 ; i++) {

      if (*argv[i] == '-') {
        /* don't do transform for next subject */
        no_transform = 1 ;
        continue ;
      dof++ ;

      subject_name = argv[i] ;
      sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/%s", subjects_dir, subject_name, T1_name);
      fprintf(stderr, "%d of %d: reading %s...\n", i, argc-2, fname) ;
      mri_T1 = MRIread(fname) ;
      if (!mri_T1)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE,"%s: could not open volume %s",Progname,fname);
      check_mri(mri_T1) ;

      if (binarize)
        MRIbinarize(mri_T1, mri_T1, binarize, 0, 1) ;
      if (erode) {
        int i ;
        printf("eroding input %d times\n", erode) ;
        for (i = 0 ; i < erode ; i++)
          MRIerode(mri_T1, mri_T1) ;
      if (open) {
        int i ;
        printf("opening input %d times\n", open) ;
        for (i = 0 ; i < open ; i++)
          MRIerode(mri_T1, mri_T1) ;
        for (i = 0 ; i < open ; i++)
          MRIdilate(mri_T1, mri_T1) ;

      check_mri(mri_T1) ;
      if (transform_fname) {

        sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/mri/transforms/%s",
                subjects_dir, subject_name, transform_fname) ;

        fprintf(stderr, "reading transform %s...\n", fname) ;
#if 1
          TRANSFORM *transform ;
          transform = TransformRead(fname) ;
          if (transform == NULL)
            ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open transform file %s\n",Progname, fname) ;
          mri_tmp = TransformApply(transform, mri_T1, NULL) ;
          if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
            MRIwrite(mri_tmp, "t1.mgz") ;
          TransformFree(&transform) ;
        lta = LTAreadEx(fname);
        if (lta == NULL)
                    "%s: could not open transform file %s\n",
                    Progname, fname) ;
        printf("transform matrix -----------------------\n");
        /* LTAtransform() runs either MRIapplyRASlinearTransform()
        for RAS2RAS or MRIlinearTransform() for Vox2Vox. */
        /* MRIlinearTransform() calls MRIlinearTransformInterp() */
        mri_tmp = LTAtransform(mri_T1, NULL, lta);
        printf("----- -----------------------\n");
        mri_T1 = mri_tmp ; // reassign pointers
        if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
          fprintf(stderr, "transform application complete.\n") ;

      if (!mri_mean) {
        mri_mean =
          MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height, mri_T1->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;
        mri_std =
          MRIalloc(mri_T1->width, mri_T1->height, mri_T1->depth, MRI_FLOAT) ;
        if (!mri_mean || !mri_std)
          ErrorExit(ERROR_NOMEMORY, "%s: could not allocate templates.\n",
                    Progname) ;
        // if(transform_fname == NULL){
        if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
          printf("Copying geometry\n");
        // }

      check_mri(mri_mean) ;
      if (!stats_only) {
        if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
          fprintf(stderr, "updating mean and variance estimates...\n") ;
        MRIaccumulateMeansAndVariances(mri_T1, mri_mean, mri_std) ;

      check_mri(mri_mean) ;
      if (DIAG_VERBOSE_ON)
        MRIwrite(mri_mean, "t2.mgz") ;
      MRIfree(&mri_T1) ;
      no_transform = 0;
    } /* end loop over subjects */

    if (xform_mean_fname) {
      FILE   *fp ;
      VECTOR *v = NULL, *vT = NULL ;
      MATRIX *m_vvT = NULL ;
      int    rows, cols ;

      nsubjects = sno ;

      fp = fopen(xform_covariance_fname, "w") ;
      if (!fp)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not open covariance file %s",
                  Progname, xform_covariance_fname) ;
      fprintf(fp, "nsubjects=%d\n", nsubjects) ;

      MatrixScalarMul(m_xform_mean, 1.0/(double)nsubjects, m_xform_mean) ;
      printf("means:\n") ;
      MatrixPrint(stdout, m_xform_mean) ;
      MatrixAsciiWrite(xform_mean_fname, m_xform_mean) ;

      /* subtract the mean from each transform */
      rows = m_xform_mean->rows ;
      cols = m_xform_mean->cols ;
      for (sno = 0 ; sno < nsubjects ; sno++) {
        MatrixSubtract(m_xforms[sno], m_xform_mean, m_xforms[sno]) ;
        v = MatrixReshape(m_xforms[sno], v, rows*cols, 1) ;
        vT = MatrixTranspose(v, vT) ;
        m_vvT = MatrixMultiply(v, vT, m_vvT) ;
        if (!m_xform_covariance)
          m_xform_covariance =
            MatrixAlloc(m_vvT->rows, m_vvT->cols,MATRIX_REAL) ;
        MatrixAdd(m_vvT, m_xform_covariance, m_xform_covariance) ;
        MatrixAsciiWriteInto(fp, m_xforms[sno]) ;

      MatrixScalarMul(m_xform_covariance, 1.0/(double)nsubjects,
                      m_xform_covariance) ;
      printf("covariance:\n") ;
      MatrixPrint(stdout, m_xform_covariance) ;
      MatrixAsciiWriteInto(fp, m_xform_covariance) ;
      fclose(fp) ;
      if (stats_only)
        exit(0) ;

    MRIcomputeMeansAndStds(mri_mean, mri_std, dof) ;
    check_mri(mri_mean) ;
    check_mri(mri_std) ;

    mri_mean->dof = dof ;

    if (smooth) {
      MRI *mri_kernel, *mri_smooth ;

      printf("applying smoothing kernel\n") ;
      mri_kernel = MRIgaussian1d(smooth, 100) ;
      mri_smooth = MRIconvolveGaussian(mri_mean, NULL, mri_kernel) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_kernel) ;
      MRIfree(&mri_mean) ;
      mri_mean = mri_smooth ;
    fprintf(stderr, "\nwriting T1 means with %d dof to %s...\n", mri_mean->dof,
            out_fname) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_mean, out_fname) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_mean) ;
    if (dof <= 1) /* can't calculate variances - set them to reasonable val */
      //               src      dst
      MRIreplaceValues(mri_std, mri_std, 0, 1) ;
    if (!novar) {
      // mri_std contains the variance here  (does it?? I don't think so -- BRF)
      if (!var_fname) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\nwriting T1 standard deviations to %s...\n", out_fname);
        MRIappend(mri_std, out_fname) ;
      } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "\nwriting T1 standard deviations to %s...\n", var_fname);
        MRIwrite(mri_std, var_fname) ;
    MRIfree(&mri_std) ;
    if (mri)
  } /* end if binarize */
  return(0) ;