Exemple #1
void ConjugateGradient::initialize(PatchData &pd, MsqError &err)
  if (get_parallel_size())
    MSQ_DBGOUT(2) << "\nP[" << get_parallel_rank() << "] " << "o   Performing Conjugate Gradient optimization.\n";
    MSQ_DBGOUT(2) << "\no   Performing Conjugate Gradient optimization.\n";
Exemple #2
std::string process_itaps_error( int ierr )
  std::string result( "ITAPS ERROR: " );
  switch (ierr) {
    case iBase_MESH_ALREADY_LOADED:      result += "File Already Loaded";   break;
    case iBase_NO_MESH_DATA:             result += "No Mesh";               break;
    case iBase_FILE_NOT_FOUND:           result += "File Not Found";        break;
    case iBase_FILE_WRITE_ERROR:         result += "File Write Error";      break;
    case iBase_NIL_ARRAY:                result += "NULL Array";            break;
    case iBase_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE:           result += "Bad Array Size";        break;
    case iBase_BAD_ARRAY_DIMENSION:      result += "Bad Array Dimension";   break;
    case iBase_INVALID_ENTITY_HANDLE:    result += "Invalid Handle";        break;
    case iBase_INVALID_ENTITY_COUNT:     result += "Invalid Count";         break;
    case iBase_INVALID_ENTITY_TYPE:      result += "Invalid Type";          break;
    case iBase_INVALID_ENTITY_TOPOLOGY:  result += "Invalid Topology";      break;
    case iBase_BAD_TYPE_AND_TOPO:        result += "Invalid Type";          break;
    case iBase_ENTITY_CREATION_ERROR:    result += "Creation Failed";       break;
    case iBase_INVALID_TAG_HANDLE:       result += "Invalid Tag";           break;
    case iBase_TAG_NOT_FOUND:            result += "Tag Not Found";         break;
    case iBase_TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS:       result += "Tag Exists";            break;
    case iBase_TAG_IN_USE:               result += "Tag In Use";            break;
    case iBase_INVALID_ENTITYSET_HANDLE: result += "Invalid Handle";        break;
    case iBase_INVALID_ITERATOR_HANDLE:  result += "Invalid Iterator";      break;
    case iBase_INVALID_ARGUMENT:         result += "Invalid Argument";      break;
    case iBase_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED: result += "Out of Memory";         break;
    case iBase_NOT_SUPPORTED:            result += "Not Supported";         break;
    default:                             result += "Uknown/Internal Error"; break;
  MSQ_DBGOUT(1) << result << std::endl;
  return result;
void ShapeImprovementWrapper::run_wrapper( Mesh* mesh,
                                           ParallelMesh* pmesh,
                                           MeshDomain* domain,
                                           Settings* settings,
                                           QualityAssessor* qa,
                                           MsqError& err )
    // Define an untangler
  UntangleBetaQualityMetric untangle_metric( untBeta );
  LPtoPTemplate untangle_func( 2, &untangle_metric );
  ConjugateGradient untangle_global( &untangle_func );
  TerminationCriterion untangle_inner, untangle_outer;
  untangle_inner.add_absolute_quality_improvement( 0.0 );
  untangle_inner.add_absolute_successive_improvement( successiveEps );
  untangle_outer.add_iteration_limit( 1 );
  untangle_global.set_inner_termination_criterion( &untangle_inner );
  untangle_global.set_outer_termination_criterion( &untangle_outer );

    // define shape improver
  IdealWeightInverseMeanRatio inverse_mean_ratio;
  inverse_mean_ratio.set_averaging_method( QualityMetric::LINEAR );
  LPtoPTemplate obj_func( 2, &inverse_mean_ratio );
  FeasibleNewton feas_newt( &obj_func );
  TerminationCriterion term_inner, term_outer;
  qa->add_quality_assessment( &inverse_mean_ratio );
  term_inner.add_absolute_gradient_L2_norm( gradNorm );
  term_inner.add_relative_successive_improvement( successiveEps );
  term_outer.add_iteration_limit( pmesh ? parallelIterations : 1 );
  feas_newt.set_inner_termination_criterion( &term_inner );
  feas_newt.set_outer_termination_criterion( &term_outer );

    // Apply CPU time limit to untangler
  if (maxTime > 0.0)
    untangle_inner.add_cpu_time( maxTime );
    // Run untangler
  InstructionQueue q1;
  Timer totalTimer;
  q1.set_master_quality_improver( &untangle_global, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
  q1.add_quality_assessor( qa, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
  q1.run_common( mesh, pmesh, domain, settings, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    // If limited by CPU time, limit next step to remaning time
  if (maxTime > 0.0) {
    double remaining = maxTime - totalTimer.since_birth();
    if (remaining <= 0.0 ){
      MSQ_DBGOUT(2) << "Optimization is terminating without perfoming shape improvement." << std::endl;
      remaining = 0.0;
    term_inner.add_cpu_time( remaining );
    // Run shape improver
  InstructionQueue q2;
  q2.set_master_quality_improver( &feas_newt, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
  q2.add_quality_assessor( qa, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
  q2.run_common( mesh, pmesh, domain, settings, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
Exemple #4
/*!Performs Conjugate gradient minimization on the PatchData, pd.*/
void ConjugateGradient::optimize_vertex_positions(PatchData &pd, 
                                                MsqError &err){
  // pd.reorder();

  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "ConjugateGradient::optimize_vertex_positions" );

  Timer c_timer;
  size_t num_vert=pd.num_free_vertices();
     MSQ_DBGOUT(1) << "\nEmpty free vertex list in ConjugateGradient\n";
    //zero out arrays
  int zero_loop=0;
  // get OF evaluator
  OFEvaluator& objFunc = get_objective_function_evaluator();
  size_t ind;
    //Michael cull list:  possibly set soft_fixed flags here
   //MsqFreeVertexIndexIterator free_iter(pd, err);  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
   double f=0;
   //Michael, this isn't equivalent to CUBIT because we only want to check
   //the objective function value of the 'bad' elements
   //if invalid initial patch set an error.
   bool temp_bool = objFunc.update(pd, f, fGrad, err);
   assert(fGrad.size() == num_vert);
  if( ! temp_bool){
    MSQ_SETERR(err)("Conjugate Gradient not able to get valid gradient "
                    "and function values on intial patch.", 
  double grad_norm=MSQ_MAX_CAP;
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nCG's DEGUB LEVEL = %i \n",conjGradDebug);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nCG's FIRST VALUE = %f,grad_norm = %f",f,grad_norm);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n   TIME %f",c_timer.since_birth());

    //Initializing pGrad (search direction).  
  for (ind = 0; ind < num_vert; ++ind)

  int j=0; // total nb of step size changes ... not used much
  int i=0; // iteration counter
  unsigned m=0; // 
  double alp=MSQ_MAX_CAP; // alp: scale factor of search direction
    //we know inner_criterion is false because it was checked in
    //loop_over_mesh before being sent here.
  TerminationCriterion* term_crit=get_inner_termination_criterion();
    //while ((i<maxIteration && alp>stepBound && grad_norm>normGradientBound)
    //     && !inner_criterion){
      //std::cout<<"\Michael delete i = "<<i;
    int k=0;
      MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n  Alp initial, alp = %20.18f",alp);

     // if alp == 0, revert to steepest descent search direction
      for (m = 0; m < num_vert; ++m) {
        MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n CG's search direction reset.");
          MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n  Alp was zero, alp = %20.18f",alp);
      pd.move_free_vertices_constrained( arrptr(pGrad), num_vert, alp, err );
      if (! objFunc.update(pd, f, fNewGrad, err)){
        MSQ_SETERR(err)("Error inside Conjugate Gradient, vertices moved "
                        "making function value invalid.", 
      assert(fNewGrad.size() == (unsigned)num_vert);
        MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nCG's VALUE = %f,  iter. = %i,  grad_norm = %f,  alp = %f",f,i,grad_norm,alp);
        MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n   TIME %f",c_timer.since_birth());
      double s11=0;
      double s12=0;
      double s22=0;
      //while (free_iter.next()) {
      //  m=free_iter.value();
      for (m = 0; m < num_vert; ++m) {
        // Steepest Descent (takes 2-3 times as long as P-R)
        //double bet=0;
        // Fletcher-Reeves (takes twice as long as P-R)
        //double bet = s22/s11;

        // Polack-Ribiere  
      double bet;  
      if (!divide( s22-s12, s11, bet ))
        return; // gradient is zero    
      //while (free_iter.next()) {
      //  m=free_iter.value();
      for (m = 0; m < num_vert; ++m) {
    }//end if on alp == 0

    term_crit->accumulate_patch( pd, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    term_crit->accumulate_inner( pd, f, arrptr(fGrad), err );  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
  }//end while
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\nConjugate Gradient complete i=%i ",i);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n-  FINAL value = %f, alp=%4.2e grad_norm=%4.2e",f,alp,grad_norm);
    MSQ_PRINT(2)("\n   FINAL TIME %f",c_timer.since_birth());
/*!  This function evaluates the needed information and then evaluates
  the termination criteria.  If any of the selected criteria are satisfied,
  the function returns true.  Otherwise, the function returns false.
bool TerminationCriterion::terminate( )
  bool return_flag = false;
  //std::cout<<"\nInside terminate(pd,of,err):  flag = "<<terminationCriterionFlag << std::endl;
  int type=0;

    //First check for an interrupt signal
  if (MsqInterrupt::interrupt())
     MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- INTERRUPTED" << " " << std::endl;
    return true;
    //if terminating on numbering of inner iterations
  if (NUMBER_OF_ITERATES & terminationCriterionFlag
    && iterationCounter >= iterationBound)
    return_flag = true;
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- Reached " << " " << iterationBound << " iterations." << std::endl;
  if (CPU_TIME & terminationCriterionFlag && mTimer.since_birth()>=timeBound)
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- Exceeded CPU time. " << " " << std::endl;
  if (MOVEMENT_FLAGS & terminationCriterionFlag
      && maxSquaredMovement >= 0.0)
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o Info -- Maximum vertex movement: " << " "
                                   << RPM(sqrt(maxSquaredMovement)) << std::endl;

    if (VERTEX_MOVEMENT_ABSOLUTE & terminationCriterionFlag 
        && maxSquaredMovement <= vertexMovementAbsoluteEps)
      MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- VERTEX_MOVEMENT_ABSOLUTE: " << " "
                                     << RPM(sqrt(maxSquaredMovement)) << std::endl;
      return_flag = true;
    if (VERTEX_MOVEMENT_RELATIVE & terminationCriterionFlag
        && maxSquaredMovement <= vertexMovementRelativeEps*maxSquaredInitialMovement)
      MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- VERTEX_MOVEMENT_RELATIVE: " << " "
                                     << RPM(sqrt(maxSquaredMovement)) << std::endl;
      return_flag = true;

    if (VERTEX_MOVEMENT_ABS_EDGE_LENGTH & terminationCriterionFlag)
      assert( vertexMovementAbsoluteAvgEdge > -1e-12 ); // make sure value actually got calculated
      if (maxSquaredMovement <= vertexMovementAbsoluteAvgEdge)
        MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- VERTEX_MOVEMENT_ABS_EDGE_LENGTH: " << " "
                                       << RPM(sqrt(maxSquaredMovement)) << std::endl;
        return_flag = true;

  if (GRADIENT_L2_NORM_ABSOLUTE & terminationCriterionFlag &&
      currentGradL2NormSquared <= gradL2NormAbsoluteEpsSquared)
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- GRADIENT_L2_NORM_ABSOLUTE: " << " " << RPM(currentGradL2NormSquared) << std::endl;
    return_flag = true;
  if (GRADIENT_INF_NORM_ABSOLUTE & terminationCriterionFlag &&
      currentGradInfNorm <= gradInfNormAbsoluteEps)
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- GRADIENT_INF_NORM_ABSOLUTE: " << " " << RPM(currentGradInfNorm) << std::endl;
    return_flag = true;
  if (GRADIENT_L2_NORM_RELATIVE & terminationCriterionFlag &&
      currentGradL2NormSquared <= (gradL2NormRelativeEpsSquared * initialGradL2NormSquared))
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- GRADIENT_L2_NORM_RELATIVE: " << " " << RPM(currentGradL2NormSquared) << std::endl;
    return_flag = true;
  if (GRADIENT_INF_NORM_RELATIVE & terminationCriterionFlag &&
      currentGradInfNorm <= (gradInfNormRelativeEps * initialGradInfNorm))
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- GRADIENT_INF_NORM_RELATIVE: " << " " << RPM(currentGradInfNorm) << std::endl;
    return_flag = true;
    //Quality Improvement and Successive Improvements are below.
    // The relative forms are only valid after the first iteration.
  if ((QUALITY_IMPROVEMENT_ABSOLUTE & terminationCriterionFlag) &&
      currentOFValue <= qualityImprovementAbsoluteEps)
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- QUALITY_IMPROVEMENT_ABSOLUTE: " << " " << RPM(currentOFValue) << std::endl;
    return_flag = true;
    //only valid if an iteration has occurred, see above.
  if(iterationCounter > 0){
    if (SUCCESSIVE_IMPROVEMENTS_ABSOLUTE & terminationCriterionFlag &&
        (previousOFValue - currentOFValue) <= successiveImprovementsAbsoluteEps)
      MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- SUCCESSIVE_IMPROVEMENTS_ABSOLUTE: previousOFValue= " << " " << previousOFValue << " currentOFValue= " << RPM(currentOFValue) 
                             << " successiveImprovementsAbsoluteEps= " << successiveImprovementsAbsoluteEps
                             << std::endl;
      return_flag = true;
    if (QUALITY_IMPROVEMENT_RELATIVE & terminationCriterionFlag &&
        (currentOFValue - lowerOFBound) <= 
        qualityImprovementRelativeEps * (initialOFValue - lowerOFBound))
      MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- QUALITY_IMPROVEMENT_RELATIVE: " << " " << std::endl;
      return_flag = true;
    if (SUCCESSIVE_IMPROVEMENTS_RELATIVE & terminationCriterionFlag &&
        (previousOFValue - currentOFValue) <= 
        successiveImprovementsRelativeEps * (initialOFValue - currentOFValue))
      MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- SUCCESSIVE_IMPROVEMENTS_RELATIVE: previousOFValue= " << " " << previousOFValue << " currentOFValue= " << RPM(currentOFValue) 
                             << " successiveImprovementsRelativeEps= " << successiveImprovementsRelativeEps
                             << std::endl;
      return_flag = true;
  if (BOUNDED_VERTEX_MOVEMENT & terminationCriterionFlag && vertexMovementExceedsBound)
    return_flag = true;
    MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- " << " " << vertexMovementExceedsBound
                           << " vertices out of bounds." << std::endl;
  if (UNTANGLED_MESH & terminationCriterionFlag)
    if (innerOuterType==TYPE_OUTER) {
        << par_string() << "  o Num Inverted: " << " " << globalInvertedCount << std::endl;
    if (!globalInvertedCount)
        MSQ_DBGOUT_P0_ONLY(debugLevel) << par_string() << "  o TermCrit -- UNTANGLED_MESH: "<< " " << std::endl;
        return_flag = true;
    // clear this value at the end of each iteration
  vertexMovementExceedsBound = 0;
  maxSquaredMovement = -1.0;

  if (timeStepFileType == GNUPLOT && return_flag) {
    MsqError err;
    MeshWriter::write_gnuplot_overlay( iterationCounter, timeStepFileName.c_str(), err );

  if (0 && return_flag && MSQ_DBG(2))
    std::cout << "P[" << get_parallel_rank() << "] tmp TerminationCriterion::terminate: " << moniker << " return_flag= " << return_flag << " type= " << type
              << " terminationCriterionFlag= " << terminationCriterionFlag << " debugLevel= " << debugLevel << std::endl;
    //if none of the criteria were satisfied
  return return_flag;
void SteepestDescent::optimize_vertex_positions(PatchData &pd, 
                                                MsqError &err)
  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "SteepestDescent::optimize_vertex_positions" );

  const int SEARCH_MAX = 100;
  const double c1 = 1e-4;
  //std::vector<Vector3D> unprojected(pd.num_free_vertices()); 
  std::vector<Vector3D> gradient(pd.num_free_vertices()); 
  bool feasible=true;//bool for OF values
  double min_edge_len, max_edge_len;
  double step_size=0, original_value=0, new_value=0;
  double norm_squared=0;
  PatchDataVerticesMemento* pd_previous_coords;
  TerminationCriterion* term_crit=get_inner_termination_criterion();
  OFEvaluator& obj_func = get_objective_function_evaluator();
    // get vertex memento so we can restore vertex coordinates for bad steps.
  pd_previous_coords = pd.create_vertices_memento( err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    // use auto_ptr to automatically delete memento when we exit this function
  std::auto_ptr<PatchDataVerticesMemento> memento_deleter( pd_previous_coords );

    // Evaluate objective function.
    // Always use 'update' version when beginning optimization so that
    // if doing block coordinate descent the OF code knows the set of
    // vertices we are modifying during the optimziation (the subset
    // of the mesh contained in the current patch.)  This has to be
    // done up-front because typically an OF will just store the portion
    // of the OF value (e.g. the numeric contribution to the sum for an
    // averaging OF) for the initial patch.
  feasible = obj_func.update( pd, original_value, gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    // calculate gradient dotted with itself
  norm_squared = length_squared( gradient );
    //set an error if initial patch is invalid.
    MSQ_SETERR(err)("SteepestDescent passed invalid initial patch.",

    // use edge length as an initial guess for for step size
  pd.get_minmax_edge_length( min_edge_len, max_edge_len );
  //step_size = max_edge_len / std::sqrt(norm_squared);
  //if (!finite(step_size))  // zero-length gradient
  //  return;
//  if (norm_squared < DBL_EPSILON)
//    return;
  if (norm_squared >= DBL_EPSILON)
    step_size = max_edge_len / std::sqrt(norm_squared) * pd.num_free_vertices();

    // The steepest descent loop...
    // We loop until the user-specified termination criteria are met.
  while (!term_crit->terminate()) {
    MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "Iteration " << term_crit->get_iteration_count() << std::endl;
    MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "  o  original_value: " << original_value << std::endl;
    MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "  o  grad norm suqared: " << norm_squared << std::endl;

      // Save current vertex coords so that they can be restored if
      // the step was bad.
    pd.recreate_vertices_memento( pd_previous_coords, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);

      // Reduce step size until it satisfies Armijo condition
    int counter = 0;
    for (;;) {
      if (++counter > SEARCH_MAX || step_size < DBL_EPSILON) {
        MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "    o  No valid step found.  Giving Up." << std::endl;
      // Move vertices to new positions.
      // Note: step direction is -gradient so we pass +gradient and 
      //       -step_size to achieve the same thing.
      pd.move_free_vertices_constrained( arrptr(gradient), gradient.size(), -step_size, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      // Evaluate objective function for new vertices.  We call the
      // 'evaluate' form here because we aren't sure yet if we want to
      // keep these vertices.  Until we call 'update', we have the option
      // of reverting a block coordinate decent objective function's state
      // to that of the initial vertex coordinates.  However, for block
      // coordinate decent to work correctly, we will need to call an
      // 'update' form if we decide to keep the new vertex coordinates.
      feasible = obj_func.evaluate( pd, new_value, err ); 
      if (err.error_code() == err.BARRIER_VIOLATED) 
        err.clear();  // barrier violated does not represent an actual error here
      MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "    o  step_size: " << step_size << std::endl;
      MSQ_DBGOUT(3) << "    o  new_value: " << new_value << std::endl;

      if (!feasible) {
        // OF value is invalid, decrease step_size a lot
        step_size *= 0.2;
      else if (new_value > original_value - c1 * step_size * norm_squared) {
        // Armijo condition not met.
        step_size *= 0.5;
      else {
        // Armijo condition met, stop
      // undo previous step : restore vertex coordinates
      pd.set_to_vertices_memento( pd_previous_coords, err );  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      // Re-evaluate objective function to get gradient.
      // Calling the 'update' form here incorporates the new vertex 
      // positions into the 'accumulated' value if we are doing a 
      // block coordinate descent optimization.
    obj_func.update(pd, original_value, gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    if (projectGradient) {
      //if (cosineStep) {
      //  unprojected = gradient;
      //  pd.project_gradient( gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      //  double dot = inner_product( arrptr(gradient), arrptr(unprojected), gradient.size() );
      //  double lensqr1 = length_squared( gradient );
      //  double lensqr2 = length_squared( unprojected );
      //  double cossqr = dot * dot / lensqr1 / lensqr2;
      //  step_size *= sqrt(cossqr);
      //else {
        pd.project_gradient( gradient, err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
      // Update terination criterion for next iteration.
      // This is necessary for efficiency.  Some values can be adjusted
      // for each iteration so we don't need to re-caculate the value
      // over the entire mesh.
    term_crit->accumulate_patch( pd, err );  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
    term_crit->accumulate_inner( pd, original_value, arrptr(gradient), err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err); 
      // Calculate initial step size for next iteration using step size 
      // from this iteration
    step_size *= norm_squared;
    norm_squared = length_squared( gradient );
//    if (norm_squared < DBL_EPSILON)
//      break;
  if (norm_squared >= DBL_EPSILON)
    step_size /= norm_squared;
bool IdealWeightInverseMeanRatio::evaluate_with_Hessian( PatchData& pd,
                    size_t handle,
                    double& m,
                    std::vector<size_t>& indices,
                    std::vector<Vector3D>& g,
                    std::vector<Matrix3D>& h,
                    MsqError& err )
  const MsqMeshEntity* e = &pd.element_by_index(handle);
  EntityTopology topo = e->get_element_type();

  if (!analytical_average_hessian() &&
      topo != TRIANGLE &&
      topo != TETRAHEDRON) {
    static bool print = true;
    if (print) {
      MSQ_DBGOUT(1) << "Analyical gradient not available for selected averaging scheme. "
                    << "Using (possibly much slower) numerical approximation of gradient"
                    << " of quality metric. " << std::endl;
      print = false;
    return QualityMetric::evaluate_with_Hessian( pd, handle, m, indices, g, h, err );

  const MsqVertex *vertices = pd.get_vertex_array(err);  MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
  const size_t *v_i = e->get_vertex_index_array();

  Vector3D n;			// Surface normal for 2D objects

  // Prism and Hex element descriptions
  static const int locs_pri[6][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 0, 4},
				     {2, 0, 1, 5}, {3, 5, 4, 0},
				     {4, 3, 5, 1}, {5, 4, 3, 2}};
  static const int locs_hex[8][4] = {{0, 1, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 0, 5},
				     {2, 3, 1, 6}, {3, 0, 2, 7},
				     {4, 7, 5, 0}, {5, 4, 6, 1},
				     {6, 5, 7, 2}, {7, 6, 4, 3}};

  const Vector3D d_con(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

  int i;

  bool metric_valid = false;
  const uint32_t fm = fixed_vertex_bitmap( pd, e, indices );

  m = 0.0;

  switch(topo) {
  case TRIANGLE:
    pd.get_domain_normal_at_element(e, n, err); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
    n /= n.length();		// Need unit normal
    mCoords[0] = vertices[v_i[0]];
    mCoords[1] = vertices[v_i[1]];
    mCoords[2] = vertices[v_i[2]];
    g.resize(3); h.resize(6);
    if (!h_fcn_2e(m, arrptr(g), arrptr(h), mCoords, n, a2Con, b2Con, c2Con)) return false;

    pd.get_domain_normal_at_element(e, n, err); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
    n /= n.length();	// Need unit normal
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      mCoords[0] = vertices[v_i[locs_hex[i][0]]];
      mCoords[1] = vertices[v_i[locs_hex[i][1]]];
      mCoords[2] = vertices[v_i[locs_hex[i][2]]];
      if (!h_fcn_2i(mMetrics[i], mGradients+3*i, mHessians+6*i, mCoords, n,
		    a2Con, b2Con, c2Con, d_con)) return false;

    g.resize(4); h.resize(10);
    m = average_corner_hessians( QUADRILATERAL, fm, 4,
                                 mMetrics, mGradients, mHessians,
                                 arrptr(g), arrptr(h), err );
    MSQ_ERRZERO( err );

    mCoords[0] = vertices[v_i[0]];
    mCoords[1] = vertices[v_i[1]];
    mCoords[2] = vertices[v_i[2]];
    mCoords[3] = vertices[v_i[3]];
    g.resize(4); h.resize(10);
    metric_valid = h_fcn_3e(m, arrptr(g), arrptr(h), mCoords, a3Con, b3Con, c3Con);
    if (!metric_valid) return false;

  case PYRAMID:
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      mCoords[0] = vertices[v_i[ i     ]];
      mCoords[1] = vertices[v_i[(i+1)%4]];
      mCoords[2] = vertices[v_i[(i+3)%4]];
      mCoords[3] = vertices[v_i[ 4     ]];
      metric_valid = h_fcn_3p(mMetrics[i], mGradients+4*i, 
                              mHessians+10*i, mCoords, a3Con, b3Con, c3Con);

      if (!metric_valid) return false;

    g.resize(5); h.resize(15);
    m = average_corner_hessians( PYRAMID, fm, 4,
                                 mMetrics, mGradients, mHessians,
                                 arrptr(g), arrptr(h), err );
    MSQ_ERRZERO( err );

  case PRISM:
    for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
      mCoords[0] = vertices[v_i[locs_pri[i][0]]];
      mCoords[1] = vertices[v_i[locs_pri[i][1]]];
      mCoords[2] = vertices[v_i[locs_pri[i][2]]];
      mCoords[3] = vertices[v_i[locs_pri[i][3]]];
      if (!h_fcn_3w(mMetrics[i], mGradients+4*i, mHessians+10*i, mCoords,
		    a3Con, b3Con, c3Con)) return false;

    g.resize(6); h.resize(21);
    m = average_corner_hessians( PRISM, fm, 6,
                                 mMetrics, mGradients, mHessians,
                                 arrptr(g), arrptr(h), err );
    MSQ_ERRZERO( err );

    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
      mCoords[0] = vertices[v_i[locs_hex[i][0]]];
      mCoords[1] = vertices[v_i[locs_hex[i][1]]];
      mCoords[2] = vertices[v_i[locs_hex[i][2]]];
      mCoords[3] = vertices[v_i[locs_hex[i][3]]];
      if (!h_fcn_3i(mMetrics[i], mGradients+4*i, mHessians+10*i, mCoords,
		    a3Con, b3Con, c3Con, d_con)) return false;

    g.resize(8); h.resize(36);
    m = average_corner_hessians( HEXAHEDRON, fm, 8,
                                 mMetrics, mGradients, mHessians,
                                 arrptr(g), arrptr(h), err );
    MSQ_ERRZERO( err );

                    "Element type (%d) not supported in IdealWeightInverseMeanRatio",
    return false;
  } // end switch over element type

  remove_fixed_gradients( topo, fm, g );
  remove_fixed_hessians( topo, fm, h );
  return true;