_BTextInput_::_BTextInput_(BMessage* archive) : BTextView(archive), fPreviousText(NULL) { MakeResizable(true); }
BComboBox::TextInput::TextInput(BMessage *data) : BTextView(data), fFilter(NULL) { MakeResizable(true); fInitialText = NULL; fClean = false; }
_BTextInput_::_BTextInput_(BRect frame, BRect textRect, uint32 resizeMask, uint32 flags) : BTextView(frame, "_input_", textRect, resizeMask, flags), fPreviousText(NULL) { MakeResizable(true); }
// AttachedToWindow void PopupTextView::AttachedToWindow() { MakeResizable(true, Parent()); SelectAll(); MakeFocus(); SetEventMask(B_POINTER_EVENTS, B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS); }
BOOL CResizableMDIFrame::OnNcCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (!CMDIFrameWnd::OnNcCreate(lpCreateStruct)) return FALSE; MakeResizable(lpCreateStruct); return TRUE; }
BComboBox::TextInput::TextInput(BRect rect, BRect textRect, ulong rMask, ulong flags) : BTextView(rect, "_input_", textRect, be_plain_font, NULL, rMask, flags), fFilter(NULL) { MakeResizable(true); fInitialText = NULL; fClean = false; }
URLInputGroup::URLTextView::URLTextView(URLInputGroup* parent) : BTextView("url"), fURLInputGroup(parent), fURLAutoCompleter(new TextViewCompleter(this, new BrowsingHistoryChoiceModel())), fPreviousText(""), fUpdateAutoCompleterChoices(true) { MakeResizable(true); SetStylable(true); fURLAutoCompleter->SetModificationsReported(true); }
BOOL CResizableSheetEx::OnNcCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (!CPropertySheetEx::OnNcCreate(lpCreateStruct)) return FALSE; // child dialogs don't want resizable border or size grip, // nor they can handle the min/max size constraints BOOL bChild = lpCreateStruct->style & WS_CHILD; // create and init the size-grip if (!CreateSizeGrip(!bChild)) return FALSE; MakeResizable(lpCreateStruct); return TRUE; }
BOOL CResizableDialog::OnNcCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (!CDialog::OnNcCreate(lpCreateStruct)) return FALSE; // child dialogs don't want resizable border or size grip, // nor they can handle the min/max size constraints BOOL bChild = lpCreateStruct->style & WS_CHILD; // create and init the size-grip if (!CreateSizeGrip(!bChild)) return FALSE; if (!bChild) { // set the initial size as the min track size SetMinTrackSize(CSize(lpCreateStruct->cx, lpCreateStruct->cy)); } MakeResizable(lpCreateStruct); return TRUE; }