Exemple #1
*/ RL_API void *RL_Make_String(u32 size, int unicode)
**	Allocate a new string or binary series.
**	Returns:
**		A pointer to a string or binary series.
**	Arguments:
**		size - the length of the string. The system will add one extra
**			for a null terminator (not strictly required, but good for C.)
**		unicode - set FALSE for ASCII/Latin1 strings, set TRUE for Unicode.
**	Notes:
**		Strings can be REBYTE or REBCHR sized (depends on R3 config.)
**		Strings are allocated with REBOL's internal memory manager.
**		Internal structures may change, so NO assumptions should be made!
**		Strings are automatically garbage collected if there are
**		no references to them from REBOL code (C code does nothing.)
**		However, you can lock strings to prevent deallocation. (?? default)
	REBSER *result = unicode ? Make_Unicode(size) : Make_Binary(size);

	// !!! Assume client does not have Free_Series() or MANAGE_SERIES()
	// APIs, so the series we give back must be managed.  But how can
	// we be sure they get what usage they needed before the GC happens?
	return result;
Exemple #2
*/  void Init_Mold(REBCNT size)
	REBYTE *cp;
	REBYTE *dc;

	Set_Root_Series(TASK_MOLD_LOOP, Make_Block(size/10), "mold loop");
	Set_Root_Series(TASK_BUF_MOLD, Make_Unicode(size), "mold buffer");

	// Create quoted char escape table:
	Char_Escapes = cp = Make_Mem(MAX_ESC_CHAR+1); // cleared
	for (c = '@'; c <= '_'; c++) *cp++ = c;
	Char_Escapes[TAB] = '-';
	Char_Escapes[LF]  = '/';
	Char_Escapes['"'] = '"';
	Char_Escapes['^'] = '^';

	URL_Escapes = cp = Make_Mem(MAX_URL_CHAR+1); // cleared
	//for (c = 0; c <= MAX_URL_CHAR; c++) if (IS_LEX_DELIMIT(c)) cp[c] = ESC_URL;
	for (c = 0; c <= ' '; c++) cp[c] = ESC_URL | ESC_FILE;
	dc = ";%\"()[]{}<>";
	for (c = LEN_BYTES(dc); c > 0; c--) URL_Escapes[*dc++] = ESC_URL | ESC_FILE;
Exemple #3
*/  void Init_Mold(REBCNT size)
	REBYTE *cp;
	const REBYTE *dc;

	Set_Root_Series(TASK_MOLD_LOOP, Make_Block(size/10), "mold loop");
	Set_Root_Series(TASK_BUF_MOLD, Make_Unicode(size), "mold buffer");

	// Create quoted char escape table:
	for (c = '@'; c <= '_'; c++) *cp++ = c;
	Char_Escapes[cast(REBYTE, TAB)] = '-';
	Char_Escapes[cast(REBYTE, LF)] = '/';
	Char_Escapes[cast(REBYTE, '"')] = '"';
	Char_Escapes[cast(REBYTE, '^')] = '^';

	//for (c = 0; c <= MAX_URL_CHAR; c++) if (IS_LEX_DELIMIT(c)) cp[c] = ESC_URL;
	for (c = 0; c <= ' '; c++) cp[c] = ESC_URL | ESC_FILE;
	dc = cb_cast(";%\"()[]{}<>");
	for (c = LEN_BYTES(dc); c > 0; c--) URL_Escapes[*dc++] = ESC_URL | ESC_FILE;
Exemple #4
*/	REBSER *Copy_Wide_Str(void *src, REBINT len)
**		Create a REBOL string series from a wide char string.
**		Minimize to bytes if possible
    REBSER *dst;
    REBUNI *str = (REBUNI*)src;
    if (Is_Wide(str, len)) {
        REBUNI *up;
        dst = Make_Unicode(len);
        SERIES_TAIL(dst) = len;
        up = UNI_HEAD(dst);
        while (len-- > 0) *up++ = *str++;
        *up = 0;
    else {
        REBYTE *bp;
        dst = Make_Binary(len);
        SERIES_TAIL(dst) = len;
        bp = BIN_HEAD(dst);
        while (len-- > 0) *bp++ = (REBYTE)*str++;
        *bp = 0;
    return dst;
Exemple #5
//  RL_Make_String: C
// Allocate a new string or binary series.
// Returns:
//     A pointer to a string or binary series.
// Arguments:
//     size - the length of the string. The system will add one extra
//         for a null terminator (not strictly required, but good for C.)
//     unicode - set FALSE for ASCII/Latin1 strings, set TRUE for Unicode.
// Notes:
//     Strings can be REBYTE or REBCHR sized (depends on R3 config.)
//     Strings are allocated with REBOL's internal memory manager.
//     Internal structures may change, so NO assumptions should be made!
//     Strings are automatically garbage collected if there are
//     no references to them from REBOL code (C code does nothing.)
//     However, you can lock strings to prevent deallocation. (?? default)
RL_API REBSER *RL_Make_String(u32 size, REBOOL unicode)
    REBSER *result = unicode ? Make_Unicode(size) : Make_Binary(size);

    // !!! Assume client does not have Free_Series() or MANAGE_SERIES()
    // APIs, so the series we give back must be managed.  But how can
    // we be sure they get what usage they needed before the GC happens?
    return result;
Exemple #6
*/	REBSER *Decode_UTF_String(REBYTE *bp, REBCNT len, REBINT utf, REBFLG ccr)
**		Do all the details to decode a string.
**		Input is a byte series. Len is len of input.
**		The utf is 0, 8, +/-16, +/-32.
**		A special -1 means use the BOM.
	REBSER *ser = BUF_UTF8; // buffer is Unicode width
	REBSER *dst;
	REBINT size;

	//REBFLG ccr = FALSE; // in original R3-alpha if was TRUE
	//@@ https://github.com/rebol/rebol-issues/issues/2336

	if (utf == -1) {
		utf = What_UTF(bp, len);
		if (utf) {
			if (utf == 8) bp += 3, len -= 3;
			else if (utf == -16 || utf == 16) bp += 2, len -= 2;
			else if (utf == -32 || utf == 32) bp += 4, len -= 4;

	if (utf == 0 || utf == 8) {
		size = Decode_UTF8((REBUNI*)Reset_Buffer(ser, len), bp, len, ccr);
	else if (utf == -16 || utf == 16) {
		size = Decode_UTF16((REBUNI*)Reset_Buffer(ser, len/2 + 1), bp, len, utf < 0, ccr);
	else if (utf == -32 || utf == 32) {
		size = Decode_UTF32((REBUNI*)Reset_Buffer(ser, len/4 + 1), bp, len, utf < 0, ccr);
    else {
        return NULL;

	if (size < 0) {
		size = -size;
		dst = Make_Binary(size);
		Append_Uni_Bytes(dst, UNI_HEAD(ser), size);
	else {
		dst = Make_Unicode(size);
		Append_Uni_Uni(dst, UNI_HEAD(ser), size);

	return dst;
Exemple #7
static REBSER *make_string(REBVAL *arg, REBOOL make)
	REBSER *ser = 0;

	// MAKE <type> 123
	if (make && (IS_INTEGER(arg) || IS_DECIMAL(arg))) {
		ser = Make_Binary(Int32s(arg, 0));
	// MAKE/TO <type> <binary!>
	else if (IS_BINARY(arg)) {
		REBYTE *bp = VAL_BIN_DATA(arg);
		REBCNT len = VAL_LEN(arg);
		switch (What_UTF(bp, len)) {
		case 0:
		case 8: // UTF-8 encoded
			bp  += 3;
			len -= 3;
		ser = Decode_UTF_String(bp, len, 8); // UTF-8
	// MAKE/TO <type> <any-string>
	else if (ANY_BINSTR(arg)) {
		ser = Copy_String(VAL_SERIES(arg), VAL_INDEX(arg), VAL_LEN(arg));
	// MAKE/TO <type> <any-word>
	else if (ANY_WORD(arg)) {
		ser = Copy_Mold_Value(arg, TRUE);
		//ser = Append_UTF8(0, Get_Word_Name(arg), -1);
	// MAKE/TO <type> #"A"
	else if (IS_CHAR(arg)) {
		ser = (VAL_CHAR(arg) > 0xff) ? Make_Unicode(2) : Make_Binary(2);
		Append_Byte(ser, VAL_CHAR(arg));
	// MAKE/TO <type> <any-value>
//	else if (IS_NONE(arg)) {
//		ser = Make_Binary(0);
//	}
		ser = Copy_Form_Value(arg, 1<<MOPT_TIGHT);

	return ser;
Exemple #8
*/	REBCHR *Val_Str_To_OS_Managed(REBSER **out, REBVAL *val)
**		This is used to pass a REBOL value string to an OS API.
**		The REBOL (input) string can be byte or wide sized.
**		The OS (output) string is in the native OS format.
**		On Windows, its a wide-char, but on Linux, its UTF-8.
**		If we know that the string can be used directly as-is,
**		(because it's in the OS size format), we can used it
**		like that.
**		!!! The series is created but just let up to the garbage
**		collector to free.  This is a "leaky" approach.  You may
**		optionally request to have the series returned if it is
**		important for you to protect it from GC, but you cannot
**		currently get a "freeable" series out of this.
    if (VAL_BYTE_SIZE(val)) {
        // On windows, we need to convert byte to wide:
        REBINT n = VAL_LEN(val);
        REBSER *up = Make_Unicode(n);

        // !!!"Leaks" in the sense that the GC has to take care of this

        n = Decode_UTF8(UNI_HEAD(up), VAL_BIN_DATA(val), n, FALSE);
        SERIES_TAIL(up) = abs(n);

        if (out) *out = up;

        return cast(REBCHR*, UNI_HEAD(up));
    else {
        // Already wide, we can use it as-is:
        // !Assumes the OS uses same wide format!

        if (out) *out = VAL_SERIES(val);
Exemple #9
RL_API void *RL_Make_String(u32 size, int unicode)
**	Allocate a new string or binary series.
**	Returns:
**		A pointer to a string or binary series.
**	Arguments:
**		size - the length of the string. The system will add one extra
**			for a null terminator (not strictly required, but good for C.)
**		unicode - set FALSE for ASCII/Latin1 strings, set TRUE for Unicode.
**	Notes:
**		Strings can be REBYTE or REBCHR sized (depends on R3 config.)
**		Strings are allocated with REBOL's internal memory manager.
**		Internal structures may change, so NO assumptions should be made!
**		Strings are automatically garbage collected if there are
**		no references to them from REBOL code (C code does nothing.)
**		However, you can lock strings to prevent deallocation. (?? default)
	return unicode ? Make_Unicode(size) : Make_Binary(size);
Exemple #10
*/	REBSER *Copy_Bytes_To_Unicode(REBYTE *src, REBINT len)
**		Convert a byte string to a unicode string. This can
**		be used for ASCII or LATIN-8 strings.
    REBSER *series;
    REBUNI *dst;

    series = Make_Unicode(len);
    dst = UNI_HEAD(series);
    SERIES_TAIL(series) = len;

    for (; len > 0; len--) {
        *dst++ = (REBUNI)(*src++);


    return series;
Exemple #11
static REBSER *MAKE_TO_String_Common(const REBVAL *arg)
    REBSER *ser = 0;

    // MAKE/TO <type> <binary!>
    if (IS_BINARY(arg)) {
        REBYTE *bp = VAL_BIN_AT(arg);
        REBCNT len = VAL_LEN_AT(arg);
        switch (What_UTF(bp, len)) {
        case 0:
        case 8: // UTF-8 encoded
            bp  += 3;
            len -= 3;
            fail (Error(RE_BAD_UTF8));
        ser = Decode_UTF_String(bp, len, 8); // UTF-8
    // MAKE/TO <type> <any-string>
    else if (ANY_BINSTR(arg)) {
        ser = Copy_String_Slimming(VAL_SERIES(arg), VAL_INDEX(arg), VAL_LEN_AT(arg));
    // MAKE/TO <type> <any-word>
    else if (ANY_WORD(arg)) {
        ser = Copy_Mold_Value(arg, 0 /* opts... MOPT_0? */);
    // MAKE/TO <type> #"A"
    else if (IS_CHAR(arg)) {
        ser = (VAL_CHAR(arg) > 0xff) ? Make_Unicode(2) : Make_Binary(2);
        Append_Codepoint_Raw(ser, VAL_CHAR(arg));
        ser = Copy_Form_Value(arg, 1 << MOPT_TIGHT);

    return ser;
Exemple #12
x*/	void Modify_StringX(REBCNT action, REBVAL *string, REBVAL *arg)
**		string [string!] {Series at point to insert}
**		value [any-type!] {The value to insert}
**		/part {Limits to a given length or position.}
**		length [number! series! pair!]
**		/only {Inserts a series as a series.}
**		/dup {Duplicates the insert a specified number of times.}
**		count [number! pair!]
	REBSER *series = VAL_SERIES(string);
	REBCNT index = VAL_INDEX(string);
	REBCNT tail  = VAL_TAIL(string);
	REBINT rlen;  // length to be removed
	REBINT ilen  = 1;  // length to be inserted
	REBINT cnt   = 1;  // DUP count
	REBINT size;
	REBVAL *val;
	REBSER *arg_ser = 0; // argument series

	// Length of target (may modify index): (arg can be anything)
	rlen = Partial1((action == A_CHANGE) ? string : arg, DS_ARG(AN_LENGTH));

	index = VAL_INDEX(string);
	if (action == A_APPEND || index > tail) index = tail;

	// If the arg is not a string, then we need to create a string:
	if (IS_BINARY(string)) {
		if (IS_INTEGER(arg)) {
			if (VAL_INT64(arg) > 255 || VAL_INT64(arg) < 0)
			arg_ser = Make_Binary(1);
			Append_Byte(arg_ser, VAL_CHAR(arg)); // check for size!!!
		else if (!ANY_BINSTR(arg)) Trap_Arg(arg);
	else if (IS_BLOCK(arg)) {
		// MOVE!
		REB_MOLD mo = {0};
		arg_ser = mo.series = Make_Unicode(VAL_BLK_LEN(arg) * 10); // GC!?
		for (val = VAL_BLK_DATA(arg); NOT_END(val); val++)
			Mold_Value(&mo, val, 0);
	else if (IS_CHAR(arg)) {
		// Optimize this case !!!
		arg_ser = Make_Unicode(1);
		Append_Byte(arg_ser, VAL_CHAR(arg));
	else if (!ANY_STR(arg) || IS_TAG(arg)) {
		arg_ser = Copy_Form_Value(arg, 0);
	if (arg_ser) Set_String(arg, arg_ser);
	else arg_ser = VAL_SERIES(arg);

	// Length of insertion:
	ilen = (action != A_CHANGE && DS_REF(AN_PART)) ? rlen : VAL_LEN(arg);

	// If Source == Destination we need to prevent possible conflicts.
	// Clone the argument just to be safe.
	// (Note: It may be possible to optimize special cases like append !!)
	if (series == VAL_SERIES(arg)) {
		arg_ser = Copy_Series_Part(arg_ser, VAL_INDEX(arg), ilen);  // GC!?

	// Get /DUP count:
	if (DS_REF(AN_DUP)) {
		cnt = Int32(DS_ARG(AN_COUNT));
		if (cnt <= 0) return; // no changes

	// Total to insert:
	size = cnt * ilen;

	if (action != A_CHANGE) {
		// Always expand series for INSERT and APPEND actions:
		Expand_Series(series, index, size);
	} else {
		if (size > rlen) 
			Expand_Series(series, index, size-rlen);
		else if (size < rlen && DS_REF(AN_PART))
			Remove_Series(series, index, rlen-size);
		else if (size + index > tail) {
			EXPAND_SERIES_TAIL(series, size - (tail - index));

	// For dup count:
	for (; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
		Insert_String(series, index, arg_ser, VAL_INDEX(arg), ilen, TRUE);
		index += ilen;


	VAL_INDEX(string) = (action == A_APPEND) ? 0 : index;
Exemple #13
//  Clipboard_Actor: C
static REB_R Clipboard_Actor(struct Reb_Call *call_, REBSER *port, REBCNT action)
    REBREQ *req;
    REBINT result;
    REBVAL *arg;
    REBCNT refs;    // refinement argument flags
    REBINT len;
    REBSER *ser;

    Validate_Port(port, action);

    arg = DS_ARGC > 1 ? D_ARG(2) : NULL;

    req = cast(REBREQ*, Use_Port_State(port, RDI_CLIPBOARD, sizeof(REBREQ)));

    switch (action) {
    case A_UPDATE:
        // Update the port object after a READ or WRITE operation.
        // This is normally called by the WAKE-UP function.
        arg = OFV(port, STD_PORT_DATA);
        if (req->command == RDC_READ) {
            // this could be executed twice:
            // once for an event READ, once for the CLOSE following the READ
            if (!req->common.data) return R_NONE;
            len = req->actual;
            if (GET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE)) {
                // convert to UTF8, so that it can be converted back to string!
                Val_Init_Binary(arg, Make_UTF8_Binary(
                    len / sizeof(REBUNI),
            else {
                REBSER *ser = Make_Binary(len);
                memcpy(BIN_HEAD(ser), req->common.data, len);
                SERIES_TAIL(ser) = len;
                Val_Init_Binary(arg, ser);
            OS_FREE(req->common.data); // release the copy buffer
            req->common.data = 0;
        else if (req->command == RDC_WRITE) {
            SET_NONE(arg);  // Write is done.
        return R_NONE;

    case A_READ:
        // This device is opened on the READ:
        if (!IS_OPEN(req)) {
            if (OS_DO_DEVICE(req, RDC_OPEN))
                fail (Error_On_Port(RE_CANNOT_OPEN, port, req->error));
        // Issue the read request:
        CLR_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE); // allow byte or wide chars
        result = OS_DO_DEVICE(req, RDC_READ);
        if (result < 0) fail (Error_On_Port(RE_READ_ERROR, port, req->error));
        if (result > 0) return R_NONE; /* pending */

        // Copy and set the string result:
        arg = OFV(port, STD_PORT_DATA);

        len = req->actual;
        if (GET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE)) {
            // convert to UTF8, so that it can be converted back to string!
            Val_Init_Binary(arg, Make_UTF8_Binary(
                len / sizeof(REBUNI),
        else {
            REBSER *ser = Make_Binary(len);
            memcpy(BIN_HEAD(ser), req->common.data, len);
            SERIES_TAIL(ser) = len;
            Val_Init_Binary(arg, ser);

        *D_OUT = *arg;
        return R_OUT;

    case A_WRITE:
        if (!IS_STRING(arg) && !IS_BINARY(arg))
            fail (Error(RE_INVALID_PORT_ARG, arg));
        // This device is opened on the WRITE:
        if (!IS_OPEN(req)) {
            if (OS_DO_DEVICE(req, RDC_OPEN))
                fail (Error_On_Port(RE_CANNOT_OPEN, port, req->error));

        refs = Find_Refines(call_, ALL_WRITE_REFS);

        // Handle /part refinement:
        len = VAL_LEN(arg);
        if (refs & AM_WRITE_PART && VAL_INT32(D_ARG(ARG_WRITE_LIMIT)) < len)
            len = VAL_INT32(D_ARG(ARG_WRITE_LIMIT));

        // If bytes, see if we can fit it:
        if (SERIES_WIDE(VAL_SERIES(arg)) == 1) {
            if (!All_Bytes_ASCII(VAL_BIN_DATA(arg), len)) {
                    arg, Copy_Bytes_To_Unicode(VAL_BIN_DATA(arg), len)
            } else
                req->common.data = VAL_BIN_DATA(arg);

            // Temp conversion:!!!
            ser = Make_Unicode(len);
            len = Decode_UTF8(UNI_HEAD(ser), VAL_BIN_DATA(arg), len, FALSE);
            SERIES_TAIL(ser) = len = abs(len);
            Val_Init_String(arg, ser);
            req->common.data = cast(REBYTE*, UNI_HEAD(ser));
            SET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE);
        // If unicode (may be from above conversion), handle it:
        if (SERIES_WIDE(VAL_SERIES(arg)) == sizeof(REBUNI)) {
            req->common.data = cast(REBYTE *, VAL_UNI_DATA(arg));
            SET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE);