// Purpose: 
void CASW_Prediction::SetupMove( C_BasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *pHelper, 
	CMoveData *move )
	// Call the default SetupMove code.
	BaseClass::SetupMove( player, ucmd, pHelper, move );
	CASW_Player *pASWPlayer = static_cast<CASW_Player*>( player );
	if ( !asw_allow_detach.GetBool() )
		if ( pASWPlayer && pASWPlayer->GetMarine() )
			// this forces horizontal movement
			move->m_vecAngles.x = 0;
			move->m_vecViewAngles.x = 0;

	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = player->GetMoveParent();
	if (!pMoveParent)
		move->m_vecAbsViewAngles = move->m_vecViewAngles;
		matrix3x4_t viewToParent, viewToWorld;
		AngleMatrix( move->m_vecViewAngles, viewToParent );
		ConcatTransforms( pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform(), viewToParent, viewToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( viewToWorld, move->m_vecAbsViewAngles );
	CASW_MoveData *pASWMove = static_cast<CASW_MoveData*>( move );
	pASWMove->m_iForcedAction = ucmd->forced_action;
	// setup trace optimization
	g_pGameMovement->SetupMovementBounds( move );
// Purpose: 
// Input  : &follow - 
//			*pBoneName - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBoneFollowerManager::CreatePhysicsFollower( physfollower_t &follow, const char *pBoneName )
	studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = m_hOuter->GetModelPtr();
	matrix3x4_t boneToWorld;
	solid_t solid;

	Vector bonePosition;
	QAngle boneAngles;

	int boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, pBoneName );

	if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
		mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( boneIndex );

		int physicsBone = pBone->physicsbone;
		if ( !PhysModelParseSolidByIndex( solid, m_hOuter, m_hOuter->GetModelIndex(), physicsBone ) )
			return false;

		// fixup in case ragdoll is assigned to a parent of the requested follower bone
		follow.boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, solid.name );

		m_hOuter->GetBoneTransform( follow.boneIndex, boneToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( boneToWorld, boneAngles, bonePosition );
		follow.hFollower = CBoneFollower::Create( m_hOuter, STRING(m_hOuter->GetModelName()), solid, bonePosition, boneAngles );

	return false;
// Purpose: Returns the world location and world angles of an attachment
// Input  : attachment index
// Output :	location and angles
bool CAnimating::GetAttachment ( int iAttachment, Vector &absOrigin, QAngle &absAngles )
	matrix3x4_t attachmentToWorld;

	bool bRet = GetAttachment( iAttachment, attachmentToWorld );
	MatrixAngles( attachmentToWorld, absAngles, absOrigin );
	return bRet;
// Purpose: 
void CPropServerVehicleManhack::GetVehicleViewPosition( int nRole, Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles, float *pFOV )
	Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetDrivableVehicle()->GetDriver() );
	Assert( pPlayer );//*/

	//commented out because this really should be setting the manhack angle, not the vehicle angle
	*pAbsAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles(); // yuck. this is an in/out parameter.
	//*pAbsOrigin = pPlayer->EyePosition();

	CNPC_Manhack *pManhack=NULL;

	if (GetManhack())
	if (pManhack != NULL) 
		Vector  m_vecManhackEye = GetManhack()->GetManhackEyePosition(); //pManhack->GetManhackView();
		QAngle m_angManhackEye = pManhack->GetAbsAngles();

		matrix3x4_t vehicleEyePosToWorld;

		AngleMatrix( m_angManhackEye, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

		// Dampen the eye positional change as we drive around.
		//*pAbsAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles();

		CPropVehicleManhack *pDriveable = assert_cast<CPropVehicleManhack*>(GetDrivableVehicle());
		if (pDriveable) pDriveable->DampenEyePosition( m_vecManhackEye, m_angManhackEye );
		// Compute the relative rotation between the unperturbed eye attachment + the eye angles
		matrix3x4_t cameraToWorld;
		AngleMatrix( *pAbsAngles, cameraToWorld );

		matrix3x4_t worldToEyePos;
		MatrixInvert( vehicleEyePosToWorld, worldToEyePos );

		matrix3x4_t vehicleCameraToEyePos;
		ConcatTransforms( worldToEyePos, cameraToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos );

		AngleMatrix( m_angManhackEye, m_vecManhackEye, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

		// Now treat the relative eye angles as being relative to this new, perturbed view position...
		matrix3x4_t newCameraToWorld;
		ConcatTransforms( vehicleEyePosToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos, newCameraToWorld );

		// output new view abs angles
		MatrixAngles( newCameraToWorld, *pAbsAngles );

		// UNDONE: *pOrigin would already be correct in single player if the HandleView() on the server ran after vphysics
		MatrixGetColumn( newCameraToWorld, 3, *pAbsOrigin );

	} else DevMsg("fail\n");
void CStickyBomb::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// Don't stick if already stuck
	if ( GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY )
		trace_t tr = GetTouchTrace();
		// stickies don't stick to each other or sky
		if ( FClassnameIs(pOther, "grenade_stickybomb") || (tr.surface.flags & SURF_SKY) )
			// bounce
			Vector vecNewVelocity;
			PhysicsClipVelocity( GetAbsVelocity(), tr.plane.normal, vecNewVelocity, 1.0 );
			SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
			SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin );
			SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
			if ( pOther->entindex() != 0 )
				// set up notification if the parent is deleted before we explode
				g_pNotify->AddEntity( this, pOther );

				if ( (tr.surface.flags & SURF_HITBOX) && modelinfo->GetModelType( pOther->GetModel() ) == mod_studio )
					CBaseAnimating *pOtherAnim = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(pOther);
					if ( pOtherAnim )
						matrix3x4_t bombWorldSpace;
						MatrixCopy( EntityToWorldTransform(), bombWorldSpace );

						// get the bone info so we can follow the bone
						FollowEntity( pOther );
						SetOwnerEntity( pOther );
						m_boneIndexAttached = pOtherAnim->GetHitboxBone( tr.hitbox );
						matrix3x4_t boneToWorld;
						pOtherAnim->GetBoneTransform( m_boneIndexAttached, boneToWorld );

						// transform my current position/orientation into the hit bone's space
						// UNDONE: Eventually we need to intersect with the mesh here
						// REVISIT: maybe do something like the decal code to find a spot on
						//			the mesh.
						matrix3x4_t worldToBone, localMatrix;
						MatrixInvert( boneToWorld, worldToBone );
						ConcatTransforms( worldToBone, bombWorldSpace, localMatrix );
						MatrixAngles( localMatrix, m_boneAngles.GetForModify(), m_bonePosition.GetForModify() );
				SetParent( pOther );
void CAPC2FourWheelServerVehicle::GetVehicleViewPosition( int nRole, Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles )
	//FixMe, wtf?
	#ifndef DEBUG
	Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_DRIVER );
	CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer = GetPassenger( VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
	Assert( pPlayer );

	float flPitchFactor=1.0;
	*pAbsAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles();
	matrix3x4_t vehicleEyePosToWorld;
	Vector vehicleEyeOrigin;
	QAngle vehicleEyeAngles;
	GetAPC()->GetAttachment( "cannon_muzzle", vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );
	Vector up,forward;
	AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

//#ifdef HL2_DLL
//	// View dampening.
//	if ( r_VehicleViewDampen.GetInt() )
//	{
//		GetAPC()->DampenEyePosition( vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );
//	}

	// Compute the relative rotation between the unperterbed eye attachment + the eye angles
	matrix3x4_t cameraToWorld;
	AngleMatrix( *pAbsAngles, cameraToWorld );

	matrix3x4_t worldToEyePos;
	MatrixInvert( vehicleEyePosToWorld, worldToEyePos );

	matrix3x4_t vehicleCameraToEyePos;
	ConcatTransforms( worldToEyePos, cameraToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos );

	// Now perterb the attachment point
	vehicleEyeAngles.x = RemapAngleRange( PITCH_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, PITCH_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.x );
	vehicleEyeAngles.z = RemapAngleRange( ROLL_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, ROLL_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.z );
	AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

	// Now treat the relative eye angles as being relative to this new, perterbed view position...
	matrix3x4_t newCameraToWorld;
	ConcatTransforms( vehicleEyePosToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos, newCameraToWorld );

	// output new view abs angles
	MatrixAngles( newCameraToWorld, *pAbsAngles );

	// UNDONE: *pOrigin would already be correct in single player if the HandleView() on the server ran after vphysics
	MatrixGetColumn( newCameraToWorld, 3, *pAbsOrigin );
// Apply movement
void CLogicMeasureMovement::MeasureThink( )
    // FIXME: This is a hack to make measuring !player simpler. The player isn't
    // created at Activate time, so m_hMeasureTarget may be NULL because of that.
    if ( !m_hMeasureTarget.Get() && !Q_strnicmp( STRING(m_strMeasureTarget), "!player", 8 ) )
        SetMeasureTarget( STRING(m_strMeasureTarget) );

    // Make sure all entities are valid
    if ( m_hMeasureTarget.Get() && m_hMeasureReference.Get() && m_hTarget.Get() && m_hTargetReference.Get() )
        matrix3x4_t matRefToMeasure, matWorldToMeasure;
        switch( m_nMeasureType )
        case MEASURE_POSITION:
            MatrixInvert( m_hMeasureTarget->EntityToWorldTransform(), matWorldToMeasure );

            AngleIMatrix( m_hMeasureTarget->EyeAngles(), m_hMeasureTarget->EyePosition(), matWorldToMeasure );

            // FIXME: Could add attachment point measurement here easily

        ConcatTransforms( matWorldToMeasure, m_hMeasureReference->EntityToWorldTransform(), matRefToMeasure );

        // Apply the scale factor
        if ( ( m_flScale != 0.0f ) && ( m_flScale != 1.0f ) )
            Vector vecTranslation;
            MatrixGetColumn( matRefToMeasure, 3, vecTranslation );
            vecTranslation /= m_flScale;
            MatrixSetColumn( vecTranslation, 3, matRefToMeasure );

        // Now apply the new matrix to the new reference point
        matrix3x4_t matMeasureToRef, matNewTargetToWorld;
        MatrixInvert( matRefToMeasure, matMeasureToRef );

        ConcatTransforms( m_hTargetReference->EntityToWorldTransform(), matMeasureToRef, matNewTargetToWorld );

        Vector vecNewOrigin;
        QAngle vecNewAngles;
        MatrixAngles( matNewTargetToWorld, vecNewAngles, vecNewOrigin );
        m_hTarget->SetAbsOrigin( vecNewOrigin );
        m_hTarget->SetAbsAngles( vecNewAngles );

    SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + TICK_INTERVAL );
// Purpose: 
void CChoreoGenericServerVehicle::GetVehicleViewPosition( int nRole, Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles, float *pFOV /*= NULL*/ )
	// FIXME: This needs to be reconciled with the other versions of this function!
	Assert( nRole == VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetDrivableVehicle()->GetDriver() );
	Assert( pPlayer );

	// Use the player's eyes instead of the attachment point
	if ( GetVehicle()->m_bForcePlayerEyePoint )
		// Call to BaseClass because CBasePlayer::EyePosition calls this function.
	  *pAbsOrigin = pPlayer->CBaseCombatCharacter::EyePosition();
	  *pAbsAngles = pPlayer->CBaseCombatCharacter::EyeAngles();

	*pAbsAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles(); // yuck. this is an in/out parameter.

	float flPitchFactor = 1.0;
	matrix3x4_t vehicleEyePosToWorld;
	Vector vehicleEyeOrigin;
	QAngle vehicleEyeAngles;
	GetVehicle()->GetAttachment( "vehicle_driver_eyes", vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );
	AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

	// Compute the relative rotation between the unperterbed eye attachment + the eye angles
	matrix3x4_t cameraToWorld;
	AngleMatrix( *pAbsAngles, cameraToWorld );

	matrix3x4_t worldToEyePos;
	MatrixInvert( vehicleEyePosToWorld, worldToEyePos );

	matrix3x4_t vehicleCameraToEyePos;
	ConcatTransforms( worldToEyePos, cameraToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos );

	// Now perterb the attachment point
	vehicleEyeAngles.x = RemapAngleRange( PITCH_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, PITCH_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.x );
	vehicleEyeAngles.z = RemapAngleRange( ROLL_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, ROLL_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.z );

	AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

	// Now treat the relative eye angles as being relative to this new, perterbed view position...
	matrix3x4_t newCameraToWorld;
	ConcatTransforms( vehicleEyePosToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos, newCameraToWorld );

	// output new view abs angles
	MatrixAngles( newCameraToWorld, *pAbsAngles );

	// UNDONE: *pOrigin would already be correct in single player if the HandleView() on the server ran after vphysics
	MatrixGetColumn( newCameraToWorld, 3, *pAbsOrigin );
// Purpose: 
void CBoneFollowerManager::UpdateBoneFollowers( void )
	matrix3x4_t boneToWorld;
	Vector bonePosition;
	QAngle boneAngles;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_iNumBones; i++ )
		if ( !m_physBones[i].hFollower )

		m_hOuter->GetBoneTransform( m_physBones[i].boneIndex, boneToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( boneToWorld, boneAngles, bonePosition );
		m_physBones[i].hFollower->UpdateFollower( bonePosition, boneAngles, 0.1 );
Exemple #10
// Glory to the maker of Zeus TF2 base for getting the math part down
bool TF2Player::GetHitboxPos(Vector& v, int hitboxindex, BonePos::Enum pos)
    if (hitboxindex == -1){
        v = vecOrigin();
        return true;
    int correctedhitbox = CorrectedHitbox(hitboxindex);
    if (correctedhitbox > 20)
        return false;

    matrix3x4_t pmatrix[MAXSTUDIOBONES];

    IClientEntity* clientent = ValveInterfaces::pClientEntList->GetClientEntity( this->index() );

    if(!clientent || !clientent->SetupBones(pmatrix, MAXSTUDIOBONES, BONE_USED_BY_HITBOX, 0)) return false;

    studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = 0;

        const int ispyindex = ValveInterfaces::pModelInfo->GetModelIndex("models/player/spy.mdl");
        const model_t *pSpyModel = ValveInterfaces::pModelInfo->GetModel( ispyindex );
        pStudioHdr = ValveInterfaces::pModelInfo->GetStudiomodel( pSpyModel );
        const model_t* modelinfo = clientent->GetModel();
        pStudioHdr = ValveInterfaces::pModelInfo->GetStudiomodel(modelinfo);

    mstudiobbox_t* hitbox = pStudioHdr->pHitbox(correctedhitbox, 0);

    MatrixAngles( pmatrix[ hitbox->bone ], angEyeAngles(), v );

    Vector min,max;
    VectorTransform( hitbox->bbmin, pmatrix[ hitbox->bone ], min );
    VectorTransform( hitbox->bbmax, pmatrix[ hitbox->bone ], max );

    if (pos == BonePos::MIDDLE)
        v = ((min + max) * 0.5f);//LOL FLOATING POINT OPTIMIZATIONS
    else if (pos == BonePos::MIN)
        v = min;
        v = max;
    return true;
void C_NPC_Hydra::CalcBoneAngles( const Vector pos[], Quaternion q[] )
	int i;
	matrix3x4_t bonematrix;

	for (i = m_numHydraBones - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		Vector forward;
		Vector left2;

		if (i != m_numHydraBones - 1)
			QuaternionMatrix( q[i+1], bonematrix );
			MatrixGetColumn( bonematrix, 1, left2 );

			forward = (pos[i+1] - pos[i]) /* + (pos[i] - pos[i-1])*/;
			float length = VectorNormalize( forward );
			if (length == 0.0)
				q[i] = q[i+1];
			forward = m_vecHeadDir;
			VectorNormalize( forward );

			VectorMatrix( forward, bonematrix );
			MatrixGetColumn( bonematrix, 1, left2 );

		Vector up = CrossProduct( forward, left2 );
		VectorNormalize( up );

		Vector left = CrossProduct( up, forward );

		MatrixSetColumn( forward, 0, bonematrix );
		MatrixSetColumn( left, 1, bonematrix );
		MatrixSetColumn( up, 2, bonematrix );

		// MatrixQuaternion( bonematrix, q[i] );
		QAngle angles;
		MatrixAngles( bonematrix, angles );
		AngleQuaternion( angles, q[i] );
Exemple #12
CASW_Laser_Mine* CASW_Laser_Mine::ASW_Laser_Mine_Create( const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, const QAngle &angLaserAim, CBaseEntity *pOwner, CBaseEntity *pMoveParent, bool bFriendly, CBaseEntity *pCreatorWeapon )
	CASW_Laser_Mine *pMine = (CASW_Laser_Mine*)CreateEntityByName( "asw_laser_mine" );
	pMine->SetLaserAngle( angLaserAim );
	matrix3x4_t wallMatrix;
	AngleMatrix( angles, wallMatrix );

	QAngle angRotateMine( 0, 90, 90 );
	matrix3x4_t fRotateMatrix;
	AngleMatrix( angRotateMine, fRotateMatrix );

	matrix3x4_t finalMatrix;
	QAngle angMine;
	ConcatTransforms( wallMatrix, fRotateMatrix, finalMatrix );
	MatrixAngles( finalMatrix, angMine );

	Vector vecSrc = pOwner->WorldSpaceCenter();
	CASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>( pOwner );
	if ( pMarine )
		vecSrc = pMarine->GetOffhandThrowSource();
	pMine->SetAbsAngles( -angMine );
	pMine->SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );
	UTIL_SetOrigin( pMine, vecSrc );
	pMine->m_bFriendly = bFriendly;
	pMine->m_hCreatorWeapon.Set( pCreatorWeapon );

	// adjust throw duration based on distance and some randomness
	float flDist = vecSrc.DistTo( position );
	const float flBaseDist = 90.0f;
	float flDistFraction = ( flDist / flBaseDist );
	flDistFraction = clamp<float>( flDistFraction, 0.5f, 2.0f );
	flDistFraction += RandomFloat( 0.0f, 0.2f );
	pMine->StartSpawnFlipping( vecSrc, position, angMine, 0.30f * flDistFraction );

	if( pCreatorWeapon )
		pMine->m_CreatorWeaponClass = pCreatorWeapon->Classify();

	if ( pMoveParent )
		pMine->SetParent( pMoveParent );
		gEntList.AddListenerEntity( pMine );

	return pMine;
// Returns the attachment render origin + origin
void C_VGuiScreen::GetAimEntOrigin( IClientEntity *pAttachedTo, Vector *pOrigin, QAngle *pAngles )
	C_BaseEntity *pEnt = pAttachedTo->GetBaseEntity();
	const char* panelName = PanelName();
	vgui::Panel panel = m_PanelWrapper.GetPanel();
	if ( Q_strcmp(panelName, "health_screen") == 0 )
		QAngle weapAngles = pEnt->GetAbsAngles();
		Vector weapForward, weapRight, weapUp;
		AngleVectors(weapAngles, &weapForward, &weapRight, &weapUp);
		VMatrix worldFromPanel;
		AngleMatrix(weapAngles, worldFromPanel.As3x4());
		MatrixRotate(worldFromPanel, Vector(0, 0, 1), 180.f);
		MatrixRotate(worldFromPanel, Vector(1, 0, 0), -90.f);
		MatrixAngles(worldFromPanel.As3x4(), *pAngles);
		// move it right and over
		*pOrigin = pEnt->GetAbsOrigin() + weapRight*1.75 + weapUp*2.3 + weapForward*5;
	//todo: set alpha per view ... m_PanelWrapper.GetPanel()->SetAlpha(200);
	if (pEnt && (m_nAttachmentIndex > 0))
			C_BaseAnimating::AutoAllowBoneAccess boneaccess( true, true );
			pEnt->GetAttachment( m_nAttachmentIndex, *pOrigin, *pAngles );
		if ( IsAttachedToViewModel() )
			FormatViewModelAttachment( *pOrigin, true );
		BaseClass::GetAimEntOrigin( pAttachedTo, pOrigin, pAngles );

	// Msg("%s origin %.1f %.1f %.1f angles %.1f %.1f %.1f \n", PanelName(), pOrigin->x, pOrigin->y, pOrigin->z, pAngles->x, pAngles->y, pAngles->z);

// Purpose: 
// Input  : &follow - 
//			*pBoneName - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBoneFollowerManager::CreatePhysicsFollower( CBaseAnimating *pParentEntity, physfollower_t &follow, const char *pBoneName, solid_t *pSolid )
	CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = pParentEntity->GetModelPtr();
	matrix3x4_t boneToWorld;
	solid_t solidTmp;

	Vector bonePosition;
	QAngle boneAngles;

	int boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, pBoneName );

	if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
		mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( boneIndex );

		int physicsBone = pBone->physicsbone;
		if ( !pSolid )
			if ( !PhysModelParseSolidByIndex( solidTmp, pParentEntity, pParentEntity->GetModelIndex(), physicsBone ) )
				return false;
			pSolid = &solidTmp;

		// fixup in case ragdoll is assigned to a parent of the requested follower bone
		follow.boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, pSolid->name );
		if ( follow.boneIndex < 0 )
			follow.boneIndex = boneIndex;

		pParentEntity->GetBoneTransform( follow.boneIndex, boneToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( boneToWorld, boneAngles, bonePosition );

		follow.hFollower = CBoneFollower::Create( pParentEntity, STRING(pParentEntity->GetModelName()), *pSolid, bonePosition, boneAngles );
		follow.hFollower->SetTraceData( physicsBone, HitGroupFromPhysicsBone( pParentEntity, physicsBone ) );
		follow.hFollower->SetBlocksLOS( pParentEntity->BlocksLOS() );
		return true;
		Warning( "ERROR: Tried to create bone follower on invalid bone %s\n", pBoneName );

	return false;
Exemple #15
SOPAngle *SOPAngle::RotateAroundAxis(SOPVector *vec, lua_Number degrees) {
    matrix3x4_t     m_rgflCoordinateFrame;
    Vector          rotationAxisLs;
    Quaternion      q;
    matrix3x4_t     xform;
    matrix3x4_t     localToWorldMatrix;
    Vector          axisvector = vec->ToVector();
    QAngle          rotatedAngles;

    QAngle          angOurAngs = ToQAngle();
    AngleMatrix( angOurAngs, m_rgflCoordinateFrame );
    VectorIRotate( axisvector, m_rgflCoordinateFrame, rotationAxisLs );
    AxisAngleQuaternion( rotationAxisLs, degrees, q );
    QuaternionMatrix( q, vec3_origin, xform );
    ConcatTransforms( m_rgflCoordinateFrame, xform, localToWorldMatrix );

    MatrixAngles( localToWorldMatrix, rotatedAngles );
    return new SOPAngle(rotatedAngles.x, rotatedAngles.y, rotatedAngles.z);
Exemple #16
// Eye angles
const QAngle &CBasePlayer::EyeAngles( )
	// NOTE: Viewangles are measured *relative* to the parent's coordinate system
	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = const_cast<CBasePlayer*>(this)->GetMoveParent();

	if ( !pMoveParent )
		return pl.v_angle;

	// FIXME: Cache off the angles?
	matrix3x4_t eyesToParent, eyesToWorld;
	AngleMatrix( pl.v_angle, eyesToParent );
	ConcatTransforms( pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform(), eyesToParent, eyesToWorld );

	static QAngle angEyeWorld;
	MatrixAngles( eyesToWorld, angEyeWorld );
	return angEyeWorld;
void CAnimating::GetBonePosition ( int iBone, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles )
	CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetModelPtr( );
	if (!pStudioHdr)
		Assert(!"CBaseAnimating::GetBonePosition: model missing");

	if (iBone < 0 || iBone >= pStudioHdr->numbones())
		Assert(!"CBaseAnimating::GetBonePosition: invalid bone index");

	matrix3x4_t bonetoworld;
	GetBoneTransform( iBone, bonetoworld );
	MatrixAngles( bonetoworld, angles, origin );
// Shared code to compute the vehicle view position
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::GetVehicleViewPosition( const char *pViewAttachment, float flPitchFactor, Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles )
	matrix3x4_t vehicleEyePosToWorld;
	Vector vehicleEyeOrigin;
	QAngle vehicleEyeAngles;
	GetAttachment( pViewAttachment, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );
	AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

#ifdef HL2_DLL
	// View dampening.
	if ( r_VehicleViewDampen.GetInt() )
		m_pOuterServerVehicle->GetFourWheelVehicle()->DampenEyePosition( vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );

	// Compute the relative rotation between the unperterbed eye attachment + the eye angles
	matrix3x4_t cameraToWorld;
	AngleMatrix( *pAbsAngles, cameraToWorld );

	matrix3x4_t worldToEyePos;
	MatrixInvert( vehicleEyePosToWorld, worldToEyePos );

	matrix3x4_t vehicleCameraToEyePos;
	ConcatTransforms( worldToEyePos, cameraToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos );

	// Now perterb the attachment point
	vehicleEyeAngles.x = RemapAngleRange( PITCH_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, PITCH_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.x );
	vehicleEyeAngles.z = RemapAngleRange( ROLL_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, ROLL_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.z );
	AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

	// Now treat the relative eye angles as being relative to this new, perterbed view position...
	matrix3x4_t newCameraToWorld;
	ConcatTransforms( vehicleEyePosToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos, newCameraToWorld );

	// output new view abs angles
	MatrixAngles( newCameraToWorld, *pAbsAngles );

	// UNDONE: *pOrigin would already be correct in single player if the HandleView() on the server ran after vphysics
	MatrixGetColumn( newCameraToWorld, 3, *pAbsOrigin );
// Updates the relative orientation of the camera  when locked
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::UpdateLockedRelativeOrientation()
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner();
	if ( !pPlayer )
	Vector vecDesiredDirection = m_vecOffset;
	CBaseEntity *pLock = m_hLockTarget.Get();
	if ( pLock )
		vecDesiredDirection += pLock->GetAbsOrigin();

	Vector vecAbsOrigin;
	QAngle angAbsRotation;
	ComputeAbsCameraTransform( vecAbsOrigin, angAbsRotation );
	vecDesiredDirection -= vecAbsOrigin;
	VectorNormalize( vecDesiredDirection );

	matrix3x4_t mat;
	MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat );
	MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles );
// Gets the abs orientation of the camera
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ComputeAbsCameraTransform( Vector &vecAbsOrigin, QAngle &angAbsRotation )
	CBaseEntity *pLock = m_bIsLocked ? m_hLockTarget.Get() : NULL;
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner();
	if ( !pLock || !pPlayer )
		BaseClass::ComputeAbsCameraTransform( vecAbsOrigin, angAbsRotation );
	Vector vecDesiredDirection = m_vecOffset;
	if ( pLock )
		vecDesiredDirection += pLock->GetAbsOrigin();

	BaseClass::ComputeAbsCameraTransform( vecAbsOrigin, angAbsRotation );
	vecDesiredDirection -= vecAbsOrigin;
	VectorNormalize( vecDesiredDirection );

	matrix3x4_t mat;
	MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat );
	MatrixAngles( mat, angAbsRotation );
void CRagdollProp::VPhysicsUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics )
	if ( m_lastUpdateTickCount == (unsigned int)gpGlobals->tickcount )

	m_lastUpdateTickCount = gpGlobals->tickcount;

	matrix3x4_t boneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	QAngle angles;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_ragdoll.listCount; i++ )
		RagdollGetBoneMatrix( m_ragdoll, boneToWorld, i );
		Vector vNewPos;
		MatrixAngles( boneToWorld[m_ragdoll.boneIndex[i]], angles, vNewPos );
		m_ragPos.Set( i, vNewPos );
		m_ragAngles.Set( i, angles );

	m_allAsleep = RagdollIsAsleep( m_ragdoll );
	SetAbsOrigin( m_ragPos[0] );
	engine->RelinkEntity( pev, true );
void CMarineMove::SetupMarineMove( const CBasePlayer *player, CBaseEntity *marine, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *pHelper, CMoveData *move )
	VPROF( "CMarineMove::SetupMarineMove" );

	// hm, we need it to be a specific swarm marine here, not a generic entity
	CASW_Marine *aswmarine = static_cast< CASW_Marine * >(marine);
	if (aswmarine == NULL)

	// Prepare the usercmd fields
	move->m_nImpulseCommand		= ucmd->impulse;	
	move->m_vecViewAngles		= ucmd->viewangles;
	move->m_vecViewAngles.x = 0;	// asw always walking horizontally

	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = marine->GetMoveParent();
	if (!pMoveParent)
		move->m_vecAbsViewAngles = move->m_vecViewAngles;
		matrix3x4_t viewToParent, viewToWorld;
		AngleMatrix( move->m_vecViewAngles, viewToParent );
		ConcatTransforms( pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform(), viewToParent, viewToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( viewToWorld, move->m_vecAbsViewAngles );

	move->m_nButtons			= ucmd->buttons;

	// Ingore buttons for movement if at controls
	if ( marine->GetFlags() & FL_ATCONTROLS )
		move->m_flForwardMove		= 0;
		move->m_flSideMove			= 0;
		move->m_flUpMove				= 0;
		move->m_flForwardMove		= ucmd->forwardmove;
		move->m_flSideMove			= ucmd->sidemove;
		move->m_flUpMove				= ucmd->upmove;

	// Prepare remaining fields
	move->m_flClientMaxSpeed		= aswmarine->MaxSpeed(); //player->MaxSpeed();
	//Msg("maxspeed = %f\n", move->m_flClientMaxSpeed);
	//move->m_nOldButtons			= player->m_Local.m_nOldButtons;
	move->m_nOldButtons = aswmarine->m_nOldButtons;
	move->m_vecAngles			= marine->GetAbsAngles(); //player->pl.v_angle;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
	//Msg("S ucmd %d vel %f %f %f\n", ucmd->command_number, move->m_vecVelocity.x, move->m_vecVelocity.y, move->m_vecVelocity.z);
	//Msg("C ucmd %d vel %f %f %f\n", ucmd->command_number, move->m_vecVelocity.x, move->m_vecVelocity.y, move->m_vecVelocity.z);
	move->m_vecVelocity			= marine->GetAbsVelocity();
	move->m_nPlayerHandle		= marine;//player;

#ifdef GAME_DLL
	move->SetAbsOrigin( marine->GetAbsOrigin() );
	move->SetAbsOrigin( marine->GetNetworkOrigin() );
	C_BaseEntity *pEnt = cl_entitylist->FirstBaseEntity();
	while (pEnt)
		if (FClassnameIs(pEnt, "class C_DynamicProp"))
			Msg("Setting z to %f\n", pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().z + 10);
			move->m_vecAbsOrigin.z = pEnt->GetAbsOrigin().z + 10;
			marine->SetNetworkOrigin(pEnt->GetAbsOrigin() + Vector(0,0,10));
		pEnt = cl_entitylist->NextBaseEntity( pEnt );

	//Msg("Move X velocity set to %f forward move = %f  origin = %f\n",
//		move->m_vecVelocity.x, move->m_flForwardMove, move->m_vecAbsOrigin.x);

	// Copy constraint information
	if ( player->m_hConstraintEntity.Get() )
		move->m_vecConstraintCenter = player->m_hConstraintEntity.Get()->GetAbsOrigin();
		move->m_vecConstraintCenter = player->m_vecConstraintCenter;
	move->m_flConstraintRadius = player->m_flConstraintRadius;
	move->m_flConstraintWidth = player->m_flConstraintWidth;
	move->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor = player->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor;
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::UpdateRelativeOrientation()
	if ( m_bIsLocked )

	if ( m_bInDirectMode )

	if ( ( m_vecViewOffset.x == 0.0f ) && ( m_vecViewOffset.y == 0.0f ) )

	// Compute a player to steadycam matrix
	VMatrix steadyCamToPlayer;
	MatrixFromAngles( m_angRelativeAngles, steadyCamToPlayer );
	MatrixSetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 3, m_vecRelativePosition );

	Vector vecCurrentForward;
	MatrixGetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 0, &vecCurrentForward );

	// Create a ray in steadycam space
	float flMaxD = 1.0f / tan( M_PI * m_flFOV / 360.0f );

	// Remap offsets into normalized space
	float flViewX = m_vecViewOffset.x / ( 384 / 2 );
	float flViewY = m_vecViewOffset.y / ( 288 / 2 );

	flViewX *= flMaxD * ifm_steadycam_mousefactor.GetFloat();
	flViewY *= flMaxD * ifm_steadycam_mousefactor.GetFloat();
	Vector vecSelectionDir( 1.0f, -flViewX, -flViewY );
	VectorNormalize( vecSelectionDir );

	// Rotate the ray into player coordinates
	Vector vecDesiredDirection;
	Vector3DMultiply( steadyCamToPlayer, vecSelectionDir, vecDesiredDirection );

	float flDot = DotProduct( vecDesiredDirection, vecCurrentForward );
	flDot = clamp( flDot, -1.0f, 1.0f );
	float flAngle = 180.0f * acos( flDot ) / M_PI;
	if ( flAngle < 1e-3 )
		matrix3x4_t mat;
		MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat );
		MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles );

	Vector vecAxis;
	CrossProduct( vecCurrentForward, vecDesiredDirection, vecAxis );
	VectorNormalize( vecAxis );
	float flRotateRate = ifm_steadycam_rotaterate.GetFloat();
	if ( flRotateRate < 1.0f )
		flRotateRate = 1.0f;

	float flRateFactor = flAngle / flRotateRate;
	flRateFactor *= flRateFactor * flRateFactor;
	float flRate = flRateFactor * 30.0f;
	float flMaxAngle = gpGlobals->frametime * flRate;
	flAngle = clamp( flAngle, 0.0f, flMaxAngle );

	Vector vecNewForard;
	VMatrix rotation;
	MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotation, vecAxis, flAngle ); 
	Vector3DMultiply( rotation, vecCurrentForward, vecNewForard );

	matrix3x4_t mat;
	MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecNewForard, mat );
	MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles );

	Assert( m_angRelativeAngles.IsValid() );
void PropBreakableCreateAll( int modelindex, IPhysicsObject *pPhysics, const breakablepropparams_t &params, CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iPrecomputedBreakableCount, bool bIgnoreGibLimit, bool defaultLocation )
        // Check for prop breakable count reset. 
	int nPropCount = props_break_max_pieces_perframe.GetInt(); 
	if ( nPropCount != -1 ) 
		if ( nFrameNumber != gpGlobals->framecount ) 
			nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount = 0; 
			nFrameNumber = gpGlobals->framecount; 
		// Check for max breakable count for the frame. 
		if ( nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount >= nPropCount ) 
	int iMaxBreakCount = bIgnoreGibLimit ? -1 : props_break_max_pieces.GetInt();
	if ( iMaxBreakCount != -1 )
		if ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 )
			iPrecomputedBreakableCount = MIN( iMaxBreakCount, iPrecomputedBreakableCount );
			iPrecomputedBreakableCount = iMaxBreakCount;

#ifdef GAME_DLL
	// On server limit break model creation
	if ( !PropBreakableCapEdictsOnCreateAll(modelindex, pPhysics, params, pEntity, iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )
		DevMsg( "Failed to create PropBreakable: would exceed MAX_EDICTS\n" );
	vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( modelindex );
	if ( !pCollide )

	int nSkin = 0;
	CBaseEntity *pOwnerEntity = pEntity;
	CBaseAnimating *pOwnerAnim = NULL;
	if ( pPhysics )
		pOwnerEntity = static_cast<CBaseEntity *>(pPhysics->GetGameData());
	if ( pOwnerEntity )
		pOwnerAnim = pOwnerEntity->GetBaseAnimating();
		if ( pOwnerAnim )
			nSkin = pOwnerAnim->m_nSkin;
	matrix3x4_t localToWorld;

	CStudioHdr studioHdr;
	const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelindex );
	if ( model )
		studioHdr.Init( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ) );

	Vector parentOrigin = vec3_origin;
	int parentAttachment = 	Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, "placementOrigin" ) + 1;
	if ( parentAttachment > 0 )
		GetAttachmentLocalSpace( &studioHdr, parentAttachment-1, localToWorld );
		MatrixGetColumn( localToWorld, 3, parentOrigin );
		AngleMatrix( vec3_angle, localToWorld );
	CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> list;

	BreakModelList( list, modelindex, params.defBurstScale, params.defCollisionGroup );

	if ( list.Count() )
		for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++ )
			int modelIndex = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( list[i].modelName );
			if ( modelIndex <= 0 )

			// Skip multiplayer pieces that should be spawning on the other dll
#ifdef GAME_DLL
			if ( gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 && breakable_multiplayer.GetBool() )
			if ( gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_CLIENTSIDE )
				if ( list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_SERVERSIDE )

				if ( !defaultLocation && list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_DEFAULT )

			if ( ( nPropCount != -1 ) && ( nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount > nPropCount ) )

			if ( ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 ) && ( i >= iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )

			matrix3x4_t matrix;
			AngleMatrix( params.angles, params.origin, matrix );

			CStudioHdr studioHdr;
			const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelIndex );
			if ( model )
				studioHdr.Init( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ) );

			// Increment the number of breakable props this frame.

			Vector position = vec3_origin;
			QAngle angles = params.angles;
			if ( pOwnerAnim && list[i].placementName[0] )
				if ( list[i].placementIsBone )
					int boneIndex = pOwnerAnim->LookupBone( list[i].placementName );
					if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
						pOwnerAnim->GetBonePosition( boneIndex, position, angles );
						AngleMatrix( angles, position, matrix );
					int attachmentIndex = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, list[i].placementName ) + 1;
					if ( attachmentIndex > 0 )
						pOwnerAnim->GetAttachment( attachmentIndex, matrix );
						MatrixAngles( matrix, angles );
				int placementIndex = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, "placementOrigin" ) + 1;
				Vector placementOrigin = parentOrigin;
				if ( placementIndex > 0 )
					GetAttachmentLocalSpace( &studioHdr, placementIndex-1, localToWorld );
					MatrixGetColumn( localToWorld, 3, placementOrigin );
					placementOrigin -= parentOrigin;

				VectorTransform( list[i].offset - placementOrigin, matrix, position );
			Vector objectVelocity = params.velocity;

			if (pPhysics)
				pPhysics->GetVelocityAtPoint( position, &objectVelocity );

			int nActualSkin = nSkin;
			if ( nActualSkin > studioHdr.numskinfamilies() )
				nActualSkin = 0;

			CBaseEntity *pBreakable = NULL;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
			if ( GetGibManager() == NULL || GetGibManager()->AllowedToSpawnGib() )
				pBreakable = BreakModelCreateSingle( pOwnerEntity, &list[i], position, angles, objectVelocity, params.angularVelocity, nActualSkin, params );

			if ( pBreakable )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( GetGibManager() )
					GetGibManager()->AddGibToLRU( pBreakable->GetBaseAnimating() );
				if ( pOwnerEntity && pOwnerEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NOSHADOW ) )
					pBreakable->AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );

				// If burst scale is set, this piece should 'burst' away from
				// the origin in addition to travelling in the wished velocity.
				if ( list[i].burstScale != 0.0 )
					Vector vecBurstDir = position - params.origin;

					// If $autocenter wasn't used, try the center of the piece
					if ( vecBurstDir == vec3_origin )
						vecBurstDir = pBreakable->WorldSpaceCenter() - params.origin;

					VectorNormalize( vecBurstDir );

					pBreakable->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecBurstDir * list[i].burstScale );

				// If this piece is supposed to be motion disabled, disable it
				if ( list[i].isMotionDisabled )
					IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject();
					if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
						pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( false );
	// Then see if the propdata specifies any breakable pieces
	else if ( pEntity )
		IBreakableWithPropData *pBreakableInterface = dynamic_cast<IBreakableWithPropData*>(pEntity);
		if ( pBreakableInterface && pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableModel() != NULL_STRING && pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableCount() )
			breakmodel_t breakModel;

			for ( int i = 0; i < pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableCount(); i++ )
				if ( ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 ) && ( i >= iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )

				Q_strncpy( breakModel.modelName, g_PropDataSystem.GetRandomChunkModel(STRING(pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableModel()), pBreakableInterface->GetMaxBreakableSize()), sizeof(breakModel.modelName) );

				breakModel.health = 1;
				breakModel.fadeTime = RandomFloat(5,10);
				breakModel.fadeMinDist = 0.0f;
				breakModel.fadeMaxDist = 0.0f;
				breakModel.burstScale = params.defBurstScale;
				breakModel.collisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS;
				breakModel.isRagdoll = false;
				breakModel.isMotionDisabled = false;
				breakModel.placementName[0] = 0;
				breakModel.placementIsBone = false;

				Vector vecObbSize = pEntity->CollisionProp()->OBBSize();

				// Find a random point on the plane of the original's two largest axis
				int smallestAxis = SmallestAxis( vecObbSize );
				Vector vecMins(0,0,0);
				Vector vecMaxs(1,1,1);
				vecMins[smallestAxis] = 0.5;
				vecMaxs[smallestAxis] = 0.5;
				pEntity->CollisionProp()->RandomPointInBounds( vecMins, vecMaxs, &breakModel.offset );

				// Push all chunks away from the center
				Vector vecBurstDir = breakModel.offset - params.origin;
				VectorNormalize( vecBurstDir );
				Vector vecVelocity = vecBurstDir * params.defBurstScale;

				QAngle vecAngles = pEntity->GetAbsAngles();
				int iSkin = pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableSkin();

				CBaseEntity *pBreakable = NULL;

#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( GetGibManager() == NULL || GetGibManager()->AllowedToSpawnGib() )
					pBreakable = BreakModelCreateSingle( pOwnerEntity, &breakModel, breakModel.offset, vecAngles, vecVelocity, vec3_origin/*params.angularVelocity*/, iSkin, params );
					if ( !pBreakable )
						DevWarning( "PropBreakableCreateAll: Could not create model %s\n", breakModel.modelName );

				if ( pBreakable )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
					if ( GetGibManager() )
						GetGibManager()->AddGibToLRU( pBreakable->GetBaseAnimating() );
					Vector vecBreakableObbSize = pBreakable->CollisionProp()->OBBSize();

					// Try to align the gibs along the original axis 
					matrix3x4_t matrix;
					AngleMatrix( vecAngles, matrix );
					AlignBoxes( &matrix, vecObbSize, vecBreakableObbSize );
					MatrixAngles( matrix, vecAngles );

					if ( pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject() )
						Vector pos;
						pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetPosition( &pos, NULL );
						pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject()->SetPosition( pos, vecAngles, true );

					pBreakable->SetAbsAngles( vecAngles );

					if ( pOwnerEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NOSHADOW ) )
						pBreakable->AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );
void CWeaponGravityGun::EffectUpdate( void )
	Vector start, angles, forward, right;
	trace_t tr;

	CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if ( !pOwner )

	m_viewModelIndex = pOwner->entindex();
	// Make sure I've got a view model
	CBaseViewModel *vm = pOwner->GetViewModel();
	if ( vm )
		m_viewModelIndex = vm->entindex();

	pOwner->EyeVectors( &forward, &right, NULL );

	start = pOwner->Weapon_ShootPosition();
	Vector end = start + forward * 4096;

	UTIL_TraceLine( start, end, MASK_SHOT, pOwner, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
	end = tr.endpos;
	float distance = tr.fraction * 4096;
	if ( tr.fraction != 1 )
		// too close to the player, drop the object
		if ( distance < 36 )

	if ( m_hObject == NULL && tr.DidHitNonWorldEntity() )
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt;
		// inform the object what was hit
		pEntity->DispatchTraceAttack( CTakeDamageInfo( pOwner, pOwner, 0, DMG_PHYSGUN ), forward, &tr );
		AttachObject( pEntity, start, tr.endpos, distance );
		m_lastYaw = pOwner->EyeAngles().y;

	// Add the incremental player yaw to the target transform
	matrix3x4_t curMatrix, incMatrix, nextMatrix;
	QAngle ang(0.0f, pOwner->EyeAngles().y - m_lastYaw, 0.0f);
	AngleMatrix( m_gravCallback.m_targetRotation, curMatrix );
	AngleMatrix( ang, incMatrix );
	ConcatTransforms( incMatrix, curMatrix, nextMatrix );
	MatrixAngles( nextMatrix, m_gravCallback.m_targetRotation );
	m_lastYaw = pOwner->EyeAngles().y;

	CBaseEntity *pObject = m_hObject;
	if ( pObject )
		if ( m_useDown )
			if ( pOwner->m_afButtonPressed & IN_USE )
				m_useDown = false;
			if ( pOwner->m_afButtonPressed & IN_USE )
				m_useDown = true;

		if ( m_useDown )
			pOwner->SetPhysicsFlag( PFLAG_DIROVERRIDE, true );
			if ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_FORWARD )
				m_distance = UTIL_Approach( 1024, m_distance, gpGlobals->frametime * 100 );
			if ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_BACK )
				m_distance = UTIL_Approach( 40, m_distance, gpGlobals->frametime * 100 );

		if ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_WEAPON1 )
			m_distance = UTIL_Approach( 1024, m_distance, m_distance * 0.1 );
		if ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_WEAPON2 )
			m_distance = UTIL_Approach( 40, m_distance, m_distance * 0.1 );

		// Send the object a physics damage message (0 damage). Some objects interpret this 
		// as something else being in control of their physics temporarily.
		pObject->TakeDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, pOwner, 0, DMG_PHYSGUN ) );

		Vector newPosition = start + forward * m_distance;
		// 24 is a little larger than 16 * sqrt(2) (extent of player bbox)
		// HACKHACK: We do this so we can "ignore" the player and the object we're manipulating
		// If we had a filter for tracelines, we could simply filter both ents and start from "start"
		Vector awayfromPlayer = start + forward * 24;

		UTIL_TraceLine( start, awayfromPlayer, MASK_SOLID, pOwner, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
		if ( tr.fraction == 1 )
			UTIL_TraceLine( awayfromPlayer, newPosition, MASK_SOLID, pObject, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
			Vector dir = tr.endpos - newPosition;
			float distance = VectorNormalize(dir);
			float maxDist = m_gravCallback.m_maxVel * gpGlobals->frametime;
			if ( distance >  maxDist )
				newPosition += dir * maxDist;
			newPosition = tr.endpos;
			newPosition = tr.endpos;

		CreatePelletAttraction( phys_gunglueradius.GetFloat(), pObject );
		// If I'm looking more than 20 degrees away from the glue point, then give up
		// This lets the player "gesture" for the glue to let go.
		Vector pelletDir = m_gravCallback.m_worldPosition - start;
		if ( DotProduct( pelletDir, forward ) < 0.939 )	// 0.939 ~= cos(20deg)
			// lose attach for 2 seconds if you're too far away
			m_glueTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1;

		if ( m_pelletHeld >= 0 && gpGlobals->curtime > m_glueTime )
			CGravityPellet *pPelletAttract = m_activePellets[m_pelletAttract].pellet;

			g_pEffects->Sparks( pPelletAttract->GetAbsOrigin() );

		m_gravCallback.SetTargetPosition( newPosition );
		Vector dir = (newPosition - pObject->GetLocalOrigin());
		m_movementLength = dir.Length();
		m_gravCallback.SetTargetPosition( end );
	if ( m_pelletHeld >= 0 && gpGlobals->curtime > m_glueTime )
		Vector worldNormal, worldPos;
		GetPelletWorldCoords( m_pelletAttract, &worldPos, &worldNormal );

		m_gravCallback.SetAutoAlign( m_activePellets[m_pelletHeld].localNormal, m_activePellets[m_pelletHeld].pellet->GetLocalOrigin(), worldNormal, worldPos );
// Purpose: Prepares for running movement
// Input  : *player - 
//			*ucmd - 
//			*pHelper - 
//			*move - 
//			time - 
void CPlayerMove::SetupMove( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *pHelper, CMoveData *move )
	VPROF( "CPlayerMove::SetupMove" );

	// Allow sound, etc. to be created by movement code
	move->m_bFirstRunOfFunctions = true;
	move->m_bGameCodeMovedPlayer = false;
	if ( player->GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin() != player->GetAbsOrigin() )
		move->m_bGameCodeMovedPlayer = true;

	// Prepare the usercmd fields
	move->m_nImpulseCommand		= ucmd->impulse;	
	move->m_vecViewAngles		= ucmd->viewangles;

	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = player->GetMoveParent();
	if (!pMoveParent)
		move->m_vecAbsViewAngles = move->m_vecViewAngles;
		matrix3x4_t viewToParent, viewToWorld;
		AngleMatrix( move->m_vecViewAngles, viewToParent );
		ConcatTransforms( pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform(), viewToParent, viewToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( viewToWorld, move->m_vecAbsViewAngles );

	move->m_nButtons			= ucmd->buttons;

	// Ingore buttons for movement if at controls
	if ( player->GetFlags() & FL_ATCONTROLS )
		move->m_flForwardMove		= 0;
		move->m_flSideMove			= 0;
		move->m_flUpMove				= 0;
		move->m_flForwardMove		= ucmd->forwardmove;
		move->m_flSideMove			= ucmd->sidemove;
		move->m_flUpMove				= ucmd->upmove;

	// Prepare remaining fields
	move->m_flClientMaxSpeed		= player->m_flMaxspeed;
	move->m_nOldButtons			= player->m_Local.m_nOldButtons;
	move->m_vecAngles			= player->pl.v_angle;

	move->m_vecVelocity			= player->GetAbsVelocity();

	move->m_nPlayerHandle		= player;

	move->SetAbsOrigin( player->GetAbsOrigin() );

	// Copy constraint information
	if ( player->m_hConstraintEntity.Get() )
		move->m_vecConstraintCenter = player->m_hConstraintEntity.Get()->GetAbsOrigin();
		move->m_vecConstraintCenter = player->m_vecConstraintCenter;
	move->m_flConstraintRadius = player->m_flConstraintRadius;
	move->m_flConstraintWidth = player->m_flConstraintWidth;
	move->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor = player->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor;
// Purpose: Vehicle dampening shared between server and client
void SharedVehicleViewSmoothing(CBasePlayer *pPlayer,
                                Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles,
                                bool bEnterAnimOn, bool bExitAnimOn,
                                const Vector &vecEyeExitEndpoint,
                                ViewSmoothingData_t *pData,
                                float *pFOV )
    int eyeAttachmentIndex = pData->pVehicle->LookupAttachment( "vehicle_driver_eyes" );
    matrix3x4_t vehicleEyePosToWorld;
    Vector vehicleEyeOrigin;
    QAngle vehicleEyeAngles;
    pData->pVehicle->GetAttachment( eyeAttachmentIndex, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );
    AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

    // Dampen the eye positional change as we drive around.
    *pAbsAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles();
    if ( r_VehicleViewDampen.GetInt() && pData->bDampenEyePosition )
        CPropVehicleDriveable *pDriveable = assert_cast<CPropVehicleDriveable*>(pData->pVehicle);
        pDriveable->DampenEyePosition( vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );

    // Started running an entry or exit anim?
    bool bRunningAnim = ( bEnterAnimOn || bExitAnimOn );
    if ( bRunningAnim && !pData->bWasRunningAnim )
        pData->bRunningEnterExit = true;
        pData->flEnterExitStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
        pData->flEnterExitDuration = pData->pVehicle->SequenceDuration( pData->pVehicle->GetSequence() );

        pData->vecOriginSaved = PrevMainViewOrigin();
        pData->vecAnglesSaved = PrevMainViewAngles();

        // Save our initial angular error, which we will blend out over the length of the animation.
        pData->vecAngleDiffSaved.x = AngleDiff( vehicleEyeAngles.x, pData->vecAnglesSaved.x );
        pData->vecAngleDiffSaved.y = AngleDiff( vehicleEyeAngles.y, pData->vecAnglesSaved.y );
        pData->vecAngleDiffSaved.z = AngleDiff( vehicleEyeAngles.z, pData->vecAnglesSaved.z );

        pData->vecAngleDiffMin = pData->vecAngleDiffSaved;

    pData->bWasRunningAnim = bRunningAnim;

    float frac = 0;
    float flFracFOV = 0;

    // If we're in an enter/exit animation, blend the player's eye angles to the attachment's
    if ( bRunningAnim || pData->bRunningEnterExit )
        *pAbsAngles = vehicleEyeAngles;

        // Forward integrate to determine the elapsed time in this entry/exit anim.
        frac = ( gpGlobals->curtime - pData->flEnterExitStartTime ) / pData->flEnterExitDuration;
        frac = clamp( frac, 0.0f, 1.0f );

        flFracFOV = ( gpGlobals->curtime - pData->flEnterExitStartTime ) / ( pData->flEnterExitDuration * 0.85f );
        flFracFOV = clamp( flFracFOV, 0.0f, 1.0f );

        //Msg("Frac: %f\n", frac );

        if ( frac < 1.0 )
            // Blend to the desired vehicle eye origin
            //Vector vecToView = (vehicleEyeOrigin - PrevMainViewOrigin());
            //vehicleEyeOrigin = PrevMainViewOrigin() + (vecToView * SimpleSpline(frac));
            //debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( vehicleEyeOrigin, -Vector(1,1,1), Vector(1,1,1), vec3_angle, 0,255,255, 64, 10 );
            pData->bRunningEnterExit = false;

            // Enter animation has finished, align view with the eye attachment point
            // so they can start mouselooking around.
#if !defined ( HL2MP_DEV_DLL ) && !defined ( HL2MP_DEV_VEHICLE_FIX )
            if ( !bExitAnimOn )
                Vector localEyeOrigin;
                QAngle localEyeAngles;

                pData->pVehicle->GetAttachmentLocal( eyeAttachmentIndex, localEyeOrigin, localEyeAngles );
                engine->SetViewAngles( localEyeAngles );

            pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
            if ( pPlayer )
                if ( !bExitAnimOn )
                    Vector localEyeOrigin;
                    QAngle localEyeAngles;

                    pData->pVehicle->GetAttachmentLocal( eyeAttachmentIndex, localEyeOrigin, localEyeAngles );
                    engine->SetViewAngles( localEyeAngles );

    // Compute the relative rotation between the unperturbed eye attachment + the eye angles
    matrix3x4_t cameraToWorld;
    AngleMatrix( *pAbsAngles, cameraToWorld );

    matrix3x4_t worldToEyePos;
    MatrixInvert( vehicleEyePosToWorld, worldToEyePos );

    matrix3x4_t vehicleCameraToEyePos;
    ConcatTransforms( worldToEyePos, cameraToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos );

    // Damp out some of the vehicle motion (neck/head would do this)
    if ( pData->bClampEyeAngles )
        RemapViewAngles( pData, vehicleEyeAngles );

    AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyePosToWorld );

    // Now treat the relative eye angles as being relative to this new, perturbed view position...
    matrix3x4_t newCameraToWorld;
    ConcatTransforms( vehicleEyePosToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos, newCameraToWorld );

    // output new view abs angles
    MatrixAngles( newCameraToWorld, *pAbsAngles );

    // UNDONE: *pOrigin would already be correct in single player if the HandleView() on the server ran after vphysics
    MatrixGetColumn( newCameraToWorld, 3, *pAbsOrigin );

    float flDefaultFOV;
    flDefaultFOV = default_fov.GetFloat();
    flDefaultFOV = pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV();

    // If we're playing an entry or exit animation...
    if ( bRunningAnim || pData->bRunningEnterExit )
        float flSplineFrac = clamp( SimpleSpline( frac ), 0.f, 1.f );

        // Blend out the error between the player's initial eye angles and the animation's initial
        // eye angles over the duration of the animation.
        QAngle vecAngleDiffBlend = ( ( 1 - flSplineFrac ) * pData->vecAngleDiffSaved );

        // If our current error is less than the error amount that we're blending
        // out, use that. This lets the angles converge as quickly as possible.
        QAngle vecAngleDiffCur;
        vecAngleDiffCur.x = AngleDiff( vehicleEyeAngles.x, pData->vecAnglesSaved.x );
        vecAngleDiffCur.y = AngleDiff( vehicleEyeAngles.y, pData->vecAnglesSaved.y );
        vecAngleDiffCur.z = AngleDiff( vehicleEyeAngles.z, pData->vecAnglesSaved.z );

        // In either case, never increase the error, so track the minimum error and clamp to that.
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if ( fabs(vecAngleDiffCur[i] ) < fabs( pData->vecAngleDiffMin[i] ) )
                pData->vecAngleDiffMin[i] = vecAngleDiffCur[i];

            if ( fabs(vecAngleDiffBlend[i] ) < fabs( pData->vecAngleDiffMin[i] ) )
                pData->vecAngleDiffMin[i] = vecAngleDiffBlend[i];

        // Add the error to the animation's eye angles.
        *pAbsAngles -= pData->vecAngleDiffMin;

        // Use this as the basis for the next error calculation.
        pData->vecAnglesSaved = *pAbsAngles;

        //if ( gpGlobals->frametime )
        //	Msg("Angle : %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", target.x, target.y, target.z );
        //Msg("Prev: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", pData->vecAnglesSaved.x, pData->vecAnglesSaved.y, pData->vecAnglesSaved.z );

        Vector vecAbsOrigin = *pAbsOrigin;

        // If we're exiting, our desired position is the server-sent exit position
        if ( bExitAnimOn )
            //debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( vecEyeExitEndpoint, -Vector(1,1,1), Vector(1,1,1), vec3_angle, 255,255,255, 64, 10 );

            // Blend to the exit position
            *pAbsOrigin = Lerp( flSplineFrac, vecAbsOrigin, vecEyeExitEndpoint );

            if ( pFOV != NULL )
                if ( pData->flFOV > flDefaultFOV )
                    *pFOV = Lerp( flFracFOV, pData->flFOV, flDefaultFOV );
            // Blend from our starting position to the desired origin
            *pAbsOrigin = Lerp( flSplineFrac, pData->vecOriginSaved, vecAbsOrigin );

            if ( pFOV != NULL )
                if ( pData->flFOV > flDefaultFOV )
                    *pFOV = Lerp( flFracFOV, flDefaultFOV, pData->flFOV );
    else if ( pFOV != NULL )
        if ( pData->flFOV > flDefaultFOV )
            // Not running an entry/exit anim. Just use the vehicle's FOV.
            *pFOV = pData->flFOV;
// Purpose: this function will attempt to remap a key's value
// Input  : pszKey - the name of the key
//			pszInvalue - the original value
//			AllowNameRemapping - only do name remapping if this parameter is true.  
//				this is generally only false on the instance level.
// Output : returns true if the value changed
//			pszOutValue - the new value if changed
bool GameData::RemapKeyValue( const char *pszKey, const char *pszInValue, char *pszOutValue, TNameFixup NameFixup )
	if ( RemapOperation.Count() == 0 )
		RemapOperation.SetLessFunc( &CUtlType_LessThan );
		RemapOperation.Insert( ivAngle, REMAP_ANGLE );
		RemapOperation.Insert( ivTargetDest, REMAP_NAME );
		RemapOperation.Insert( ivTargetSrc, REMAP_NAME );
		RemapOperation.Insert( ivOrigin, REMAP_POSITION );
		RemapOperation.Insert( ivAxis, REMAP_ANGLE );
		RemapOperation.Insert( ivAngleNegativePitch, REMAP_ANGLE_NEGATIVE_PITCH );

	if ( !m_InstanceClass )
		return false;

	GDinputvariable *KVVar = m_InstanceClass->VarForName( pszKey );
	if ( !KVVar )
		return false;

	GDIV_TYPE	KVType = KVVar->GetType();
	int			KVRemapIndex = RemapOperation.Find( KVType );
	if ( KVRemapIndex == RemapOperation.InvalidIndex() )
		return false;

	strcpy( pszOutValue, pszInValue );

	switch( RemapOperation[ KVRemapIndex ] )
		case REMAP_NAME:
			if ( KVType != ivInstanceVariable )
				RemapNameField( pszInValue, pszOutValue, NameFixup );

				Vector	inPoint( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), outPoint;

				sscanf ( pszInValue, "%f %f %f", &inPoint.x, &inPoint.y, &inPoint.z );
				VectorTransform( inPoint, m_InstanceMat, outPoint );
				sprintf( pszOutValue, "%g %g %g", outPoint.x, outPoint.y, outPoint.z );
			if ( m_InstanceAngle.x != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.y != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.z != 0.0f )
				QAngle		inAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), outAngles;
				matrix3x4_t angToWorld, localMatrix;

				sscanf ( pszInValue, "%f %f %f", &inAngles.x, &inAngles.y, &inAngles.z );

				AngleMatrix( inAngles, angToWorld );
				MatrixMultiply( m_InstanceMat, angToWorld, localMatrix );
				MatrixAngles( localMatrix, outAngles );

				sprintf( pszOutValue, "%g %g %g", outAngles.x, outAngles.y, outAngles.z );

			if ( m_InstanceAngle.x != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.y != 0.0f || m_InstanceAngle.z != 0.0f )
				QAngle		inAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), outAngles;
				matrix3x4_t angToWorld, localMatrix;

				sscanf ( pszInValue, "%f", &inAngles.x );	// just the pitch
				inAngles.x = -inAngles.x;

				AngleMatrix( inAngles, angToWorld );
				MatrixMultiply( m_InstanceMat, angToWorld, localMatrix );
				MatrixAngles( localMatrix, outAngles );

				sprintf( pszOutValue, "%g", -outAngles.x );	// just the pitch

	return ( strcmpi( pszInValue, pszOutValue ) != 0 );
Exemple #29
// Purpose: Tesla effect
void C_EntityDissolve::BuildTeslaEffect( mstudiobbox_t *pHitBox, const matrix3x4_t &hitboxToWorld, bool bRandom, float flYawOffset )
	Vector vecOrigin;
	QAngle vecAngles;
	MatrixGetColumn( hitboxToWorld, 3, vecOrigin );
	MatrixAngles( hitboxToWorld, vecAngles.Base() );
	C_BaseEntity *pEntity = GetMoveParent();

	// Make a couple of tries at it
	int iTries = -1;
	Vector vecForward;
	trace_t tr;

		// Some beams are deliberatly aimed around the point, the rest are random.
		if ( !bRandom )
			QAngle vecTemp = vecAngles;
			vecTemp[YAW] += flYawOffset;
			AngleVectors( vecTemp, &vecForward );

			// Randomly angle it up or down
			vecForward.z = RandomFloat( -1, 1 );
			vecForward = RandomVector( -1, 1 );

		UTIL_TraceLine( vecOrigin, vecOrigin + (vecForward * 192), MASK_SHOT, pEntity, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
	} while ( tr.fraction >= 1.0 && iTries < 3 );

	Vector vecEnd = tr.endpos - (vecForward * 8);

	// Only spark & glow if we hit something
	if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 )
		if ( !EffectOccluded( tr.endpos ) )
			// Move it towards the camera
			Vector vecFlash = tr.endpos;
			Vector vecForward;
			AngleVectors( MainViewAngles(), &vecForward );
			vecFlash -= (vecForward * 8);

			g_pEffects->EnergySplash( vecFlash, -vecForward, false );

			// End glow
			CSmartPtr<CSimpleEmitter> pSimple = CSimpleEmitter::Create( "dust" );
			pSimple->SetSortOrigin( vecFlash );
			SimpleParticle *pParticle;
			pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) pSimple->AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), pSimple->GetPMaterial( "effects/tesla_glow_noz" ), vecFlash );
			if ( pParticle != NULL )
				pParticle->m_flLifetime = 0.0f;
				pParticle->m_flDieTime	= RandomFloat( 0.5, 1 );
				pParticle->m_vecVelocity = vec3_origin;
				Vector color( 1,1,1 );
				float  colorRamp = RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.25f );
				pParticle->m_uchColor[0]	= MIN( 1.0f, color[0] * colorRamp ) * 255.0f;
				pParticle->m_uchColor[1]	= MIN( 1.0f, color[1] * colorRamp ) * 255.0f;
				pParticle->m_uchColor[2]	= MIN( 1.0f, color[2] * colorRamp ) * 255.0f;
				pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= RandomFloat( 6,13 );
				pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= pParticle->m_uchStartSize - 2;
				pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha	= 255;
				pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha	= 10;
				pParticle->m_flRoll			= RandomFloat( 0,360 );
				pParticle->m_flRollDelta	= 0;

	// Build the tesla
	FX_BuildTesla( pEntity, vecOrigin, tr.endpos );
bool _ComputeRagdollBones( const ragdoll_t *pRagdoll, matrix3x4_t &parentTransform, matrix3x4_t *pBones, Vector *pPositions, QAngle *pAngles )
	matrix3x4_t inverted, output;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	CBitVec<MAXSTUDIOBONES> vBonesComputed;

	for ( int i = 0; i < pRagdoll->listCount; ++i )
		const ragdollelement_t& element = pRagdoll->list[ i ];

		// during restore if a model has changed since the file was saved, this could be NULL
		if ( !element.pObject )
			return false;

		int const boneIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ i ];
		if ( boneIndex < 0 )
			AssertMsg( 0, "Replay: No mapping for ragdoll bone\n" );
			return false;

		// Get global transform and put it into the bone cache
		element.pObject->GetPositionMatrix( &pBones[ boneIndex ] );

		// Ensure a fixed translation from the parent (no stretching)
		if ( element.parentIndex >= 0 && !pRagdoll->allowStretch )
			int parentIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ element.parentIndex ];

#ifdef _DEBUG
			// Make sure we computed the parent already
			Assert( vBonesComputed.IsBitSet(parentIndex) );

			// overwrite the position from physics to force rigid attachment
			// NOTE: On the client we actually override this with the proper parent bone in each LOD
			Vector out;
			VectorTransform( element.originParentSpace, pBones[ parentIndex ], out );
			MatrixSetColumn( out, 3, pBones[ boneIndex ] );

			MatrixInvert( pBones[ parentIndex ], inverted );
		else if ( element.parentIndex == - 1 )
			// Decompose into parent space
			MatrixInvert( parentTransform, inverted );

#ifdef _DEBUG
		vBonesComputed.Set( boneIndex, true );

		// Compute local transform and put into 'output'
 		ConcatTransforms( inverted, pBones[ boneIndex ], output );

		// Cache as Euler/position
 		MatrixAngles( output, pAngles[ i ], pPositions[ i ] );
	return true;