Exemple #1
/* Prepare the matrices for the lcp call

   pA = [-M -1 q]

PT_Matrix lcp_Matrix_Init(ptrdiff_t m, double *M, double *q)
	ptrdiff_t i,n,incx;
	double tmp;

	PT_Matrix pA;
	/* Build column-major matrix A = [-M -1 q] */
	pA = Matrix_Init(m,m+2,"A");

	/* A(:,1:m) = M */
	memcpy(pMAT(pA), M, m*m*sizeof(double));

	/* A(:,1:m) = -A(:,1:m) */
	tmp  = -1.0;
	incx = 1;
	n = m*m;
	dscal(&n, &tmp, pMAT(pA), &incx);

	/* A(:,m+1) = -1 */
		C_SEL(pA,i,m) = -1.0;

	/* A(:,m+2) = q */

	return pA;
Exemple #2
  /* Function: mdlStart =======================================================
   * Abstract:
   *  allocate memory for work vectors */
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
	ssGetPWork(S)[0] = calloc(NSTATES(S)*NSTATES(S), sizeof(double)); /* Mn */
	ssGetPWork(S)[1] = calloc(NSTATES(S), sizeof(double)); /* qn */
	ssGetPWork(S)[2] = calloc(NSTATES(S), sizeof(double)); /* r */
	ssGetPWork(S)[3] = calloc(NSTATES(S), sizeof(double)); /* c */
	ssGetPWork(S)[4] = calloc(NSTATES(S), sizeof(double)); /* x */
	ssGetPWork(S)[5] = Matrix_Init(NSTATES(S),NSTATES(S)+2,"A"); /* pA */
	ssGetPWork(S)[6] = Basis_Init(NSTATES(S));  /* pB */
void count_new(Value* cb, int lanes[NLANES][L],int filaments,int noconsts){
	//clock_t t1 = clock();
	Polyhedron *A;
	int i,j;
    Matrix *M;
    //printf("inside count we have the following lanes for %d filaments and %d noconsts:\n",filaments,noconsts);
    //lock_t t2 = clock();
    int** constraints;
    constraints= malloc(noconsts*sizeof(int *));
    //clock_t t3 = clock();
	for (i=0;i<noconsts;i++){
			//printf("%d %d %d\n",i,j,constraints[i][j]);
	//clock_t t4 = clock();
	//printf("from count: fils %d noconsts %d\n",filaments,noconsts);
    //clock_t t5 = clock();
	struct barvinok_options *options = barvinok_options_new_with_defaults();
	//clock_t t6 = clock();
	//clock_t t7 = clock();
	barvinok_count_with_options(A, cb, options);
	//clock_t t8 = clock();
	//printf("timings at count: t2=%f, t3=%f, t4=%f, t5=%f, t6=%f, t7=%f, t8=%f\n",(double)(t2-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,(double)(t3-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,(double)(t4-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,(double)(t5-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,(double)(t6-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,(double)(t7-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,(double)(t8-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    for (i=0;i<noconsts;i++){

Exemple #4
/* Initialize basis */
PT_Basis Basis_Init(ptrdiff_t m)
	ptrdiff_t i;
	PT_Basis pB;

	pB = (PT_Basis)malloc(sizeof(T_Basis));
	/* Initialize indices */
	pB->pW  = Index_Init(m,"W");
	pB->pZ  = Index_Init(m,"Z");
	pB->pWc = Index_Init(m,"Wc");
	pB->pP  = Index_Init(m,"P");

	/* Initial basis is I = [1:m] */
	/*   or W = [1:m], Z = [], Wc = [] */
	for(i=0;i<m;i++) (pB->pW)->I[i] = i;
	(pB->pZ)->len = 0;
	(pB->pWc)->len = 0;

	/* Reserve space for a G matrix of max size (m x m) */
	pB->pG = Matrix_Init(m, m, "B.G");
	/* G is of size |W|x|Z| */
	(pB->pG)->rows = m;
	(pB->pG)->cols = 0;

	/* Reserve space for an X matrix of max size (m x m) */ 
	/* this matrix is to be factored */
	/* X = inv(LX)*UX */
	pB->pX = Matrix_Init(m, m, "B.X");
	(pB->pX)->rows = pB->pWc->len;
	(pB->pX)->cols = pB->pZ->len;

	/* Reserve space for factored matrix F = P*L*U of max size (m x m) */ 
	pB->pF = Matrix_Init(m, m, "B.F");
	(pB->pF)->rows = pB->pWc->len;
	(pB->pF)->cols = pB->pZ->len;

	/* Setup the initial decomposition of X for LUmod */
	/* X starts empty - so just reserve space */
	/* LUmod performs factorization of type L*X = U */
	/* LX is row major, full */
	/* UX is row major, upper triangular */
	/* Ut is column major, full with upper triangular entries */
	pB->pLX = Matrix_Init(m,m,"B.LX");
	pB->pUX = Matrix_Init(m,m,"B.UX");
	pB->pUt = Matrix_Init(m,m,"B.Ut");
	pB->pLX->rows = pB->pWc->len;
	pB->pLX->cols = pB->pZ->len;
	pB->pUX->rows = pB->pWc->len;
	pB->pUX->cols = pB->pZ->len;
	pB->pUt->rows = pB->pWc->len;
	pB->pUt->cols = pB->pZ->len;

	/* Work vectors*/
    /* allocate always 5 elements more because there were problems detected
     * when freeing vectors */
	pB->y = (double *)calloc(m+5,sizeof(double));
	pB->z = (double *)calloc(m+5,sizeof(double));
	pB->w = (double *)calloc(m+5,sizeof(double));
	pB->v = (double *)calloc(m+5,sizeof(double));
	pB->r = (double *)calloc(m+5,sizeof(double));
	pB->p = (ptrdiff_t *)calloc(m+5,sizeof(ptrdiff_t)); /* for dgesv, dgetrs routine */
	pB->s = (double *)calloc(2*m+5,sizeof(double)); /* for dgels routine */

	return pB;