Exemple #1
				int ICovarianceModel::UpdateComponents(const ImmutableTriangularMatrix<double> & minus_hessian,
						const ImmutableVector<double> & jacobian, const Control & control)
					// Decomponse precision

					// Calculate update
					Vector<double> h = chol.Solve(jacobian);

					// Constrain update
					ConstrainUpdate(h, this->theta, control.max_values.vcomp);

					// Check if update is significant
					const int update = control.comparer.IsZero(h, this->theta) ? 0 : 1;

					// Scale update
					ScaleUpdate(h, control.max_updates.vcomp);

					// Update
					this->theta += h;

					// Constrain value
					ConstrainValue(this->theta, control.max_values.vcomp);

					// Print
					if (control.verbose)
						Print("Max update variance components: %g\n", MaxAbs(h));

					return update;
Exemple #2
			int Block::UpdateCoefficients(const ImmutableVector<double> & weights, const ImmutableVector<double> & values, const Control & control)
				// Evaluate design Jacobian and design precision
				const int nvars = this->variables.Size();
				Vector<double> design_jacobian(nvars);
				TriangularMatrix<double> design_precision(nvars);
				for (int j = 0; j < nvars; ++j)
					design_jacobian(j) = Variables::ScalarProduct(this->variables(j), values);
					for (int k = 0; k <= j; ++k)
						design_precision(j, k) = Variables::ScalarProduct(this->variables(j), weights, this->variables(k));

				// Decompose full precision

				// Evaluate coefficients update
				Vector<double> h = covariance_model->CoefficientsUpdate(design_jacobian, this->beta);

				// Check if update is significant
				const int update = control.comparer.IsZero(h, this->beta) ? 0 : 1;

				// Scale update
				ScaleUpdate(h, control.max_updates.ranef);

				// Update
				this->beta += h;

				// Print
				if (control.verbose)
					Print("Max update random effects: %g\n", MaxAbs(h));

				return update;
Exemple #3
void PhaseEnumerationLeafInner
(       PhaseEnumerationCache<Field>& cache,
  const PhaseEnumerationCtrl& ctrl,
        vector<pair<Int,Field>>& y,
  const Int beg,
  const Int baseInf,
  const Int baseOne )
    const Int n = ctrl.phaseOffsets.back();
    const Int minInf = ctrl.minInfNorms.back();
    const Int maxInf = ctrl.maxInfNorms.back();
    const Int minOne = ctrl.minOneNorms.back();
    const Int maxOne = ctrl.maxOneNorms.back();
    const bool constrained = (y.size() == 0);

    SpiralState<Field> spiral;
    spiral.Initialize( constrained );
    while( true )
        const Field beta = spiral.Step();
        const Int betaInf = Int(MaxAbs(beta));
        const Int betaOne = Int(OneAbs(beta));
        const Int newInf = Max(betaInf,baseInf);
        const Int newOne = betaOne + baseOne;
        if( newInf > maxInf || newOne > maxOne )

        if( newOne >= minOne && newInf >= minInf )
            for( Int i=beg; i<n; ++i )
                if( ctrl.enqueueProb >= 1. ||
                    SampleUniform<double>(0,1) <= ctrl.enqueueProb )
                    y.emplace_back( i, beta );
                    cache.Enqueue( y );

        if( newOne < maxOne )
            // We can insert beta into any position and still have room
            // left for the one norm bound, so do so and then recurse
            for( Int i=beg; i<n-1; ++i )
                y.emplace_back( i, beta );
                ( cache, ctrl, y, i+1, newInf, newOne );
void DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SetWeightToInvSigma2(const REAL minRelatSigma, const REAL minIobsSigmaRatio)
   //:KLUDGE: If less than 1e-6*max, set to 0.... Do not give weight to unobserved points
   const REAL min=MaxAbs(mObsSigma)*minRelatSigma;
   for(long i=0;i<mObsSigma.numElements();i++)
      if(mObsSigma(i)<min) mWeight(i)=0 ; else  mWeight(i) =1./mObsSigma(i)/mObsSigma(i);
      if(mObsIntensity(i)<(minIobsSigmaRatio*mObsSigma(i))) mWeight(i)=0;
   if(1==mGroupOption.GetChoice()) mClockPrepareTwinningCorr.Reset();
   // This is not needed for mGroupOption==2
Exemple #5
int integratorNextStep(integrator_ *r, double x0, double *h)
	double y0, ey = 0.0, eyp, e, dd;

	ReturnErrIf(r == NULL);
	ReturnErrIf(h == NULL);

	y0 =  r->dydx0 * x0 - r->y0;

	/* Calculate y error */
	ey = r->control->reltol * MaxAbs(r->y[r->n%N], y0) + r->abstol;

	/* Calculate y' error */
	eyp = r->control->reltol * MaxAbs(MaxAbs(x0, r->x[r->n%N]) *
			(*r->ydtdx / r->h[r->n%N]), r->control->chgtol);

	e = MaxAbs(eyp, ey);

	/* Calculate Estimated Error of Numerical Intergration */
	if(r->control->integratorOrder < 2) { /* Backward-Euler */
		dd = DD2(((*r->ydtdx) * x0),
				(r->f[r->n%N] * r->x[r->n%N]),
				(r->f[(r->n-1)%N] * r->x[(r->n-1)%N]),
		dd *= 1.0/2.0;
		*h = r->control->trtol * e / MaxAbs(dd , r->abstol);
	} else { /* Trapazoidal */
		dd = DD3(((*r->ydtdx) * x0),
				(r->f[r->n%N] * r->x[(r->n)%N]),
				(r->f[(r->n-1)%N] * r->x[(r->n-1)%N]),
				(r->f[(r->n-2)%N] * r->x[(r->n-2)%N]),
				/* See page 309 of "The Spice Book" */
		dd *= 1.0/12.0;
		*h = sqrtf(r->control->trtol * e / MaxAbs(dd , r->abstol));

	Debug("h = %e, e = %e, dd = %e", *h, e, dd);

	return 0;
Exemple #6
   void cylsph_c ( SpiceDouble    r,
                   SpiceDouble    lonc,
                   SpiceDouble    z,
                   SpiceDouble *  radius,
                   SpiceDouble *  colat,
                   SpiceDouble *  lon )



   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------
   r          I   Distance of point from z axis.
   lonc       I   Angle (radians) of point from XZ plane.
   z          I   Height of point above XY plane.
   radius     O   Distance of point from origin.
   colat      O   Polar angle (co-latitude in radians) of point.
   lon        O   Azimuthal angle (longitude) of point (radians).


   r          Distance of the point of interest from z axis.

   lonc       Cylindrical angle (radians) of the point from the
              XZ plane.

   z          Height of the point above XY plane.


   radius     Distance of the point from origin.

   colat      Polar angle (co-latitude in radians) of the point.

   lon        Azimuthal angle (longitude) of the point (radians).




   This returns the spherical coordinates of a point whose position
   is input through cylindrical coordinates.


   Below are two tables:  The first is a set of input values
   the second is the result of the following sequence of
   calls to Spicelib routines.  Note all input and output angular
   quantities are in degrees.

       convrt_c ( lonc, "DEGREES", "RADIANS", lonc  );

       cylsph_c ( r, lonc, z, &radius, &colat, &lon );

       convrt_c ( lon,  "RADIANS", "DEGREES", lon   );
       convrt_c ( lat,  "RADIANS", "DEGREES", lat   );

   Inputs:                         Results:

   r        lonc     z             radius   lon      colat
   ------   ------   ------        ------   ------   ------
   1.0000     0       0            1.0000     0       90.00
   1.0000    90.00    0            1.0000    90.00    90.00
   1.0000   180.00    1.000        1.4142   180.00    45.00
   1.0000   180.00   -1.000        1.4142   180.00   135.00
   0.0000   180.00    1.000        1.0000   180.00     0.00
   0.0000    33.00    0            0.0000    33.00     0.00




   Error free.




   E.D. Wright     (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL)




   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 08-FEB-1998 (EDW)

       Corrected and clarified header entries.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-OCT-1997 (EDW)


   cylindrical to spherical


{ /* Begin cylsph_c */

   Local variables

   SpiceDouble             big;
   SpiceDouble             th;
   SpiceDouble             rh;
   SpiceDouble             x;
   SpiceDouble             y;

   /* Computing biggest absolute value */

   big = MaxAbs( r, z );

   if (big == 0.)
      th = 0.;
      rh = 0.;
      x  = r / big;
      y  = z / big;
      rh = big * sqrt( x * x + y * y);
      th = atan2( r, z );

   /* Move the results to output variables */

   *lon    = lonc;
   *radius = rh;
   *colat  = th;

} /* End cylsph_c */
Exemple #7
    const Int n = A.Width();
    Ones( dRowA, mA, 1 );
    Ones( dRowB, mB, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO: Expose these as control parameters
    const Int minIter = 3;
    const Int maxIter = 6; 
    const Real relTol = Real(9)/Real(10);

    // TODO: Incorporate damping
    //const Real damp = Real(1)/Real(1000);
    //const Real sqrtDamp = Sqrt(damp);

    // Compute the original ratio of the maximum to minimum nonzero
    auto maxAbsA = MaxAbs( A );
    auto maxAbsB = MaxAbs( B );
    const Real maxAbsVal = Max(maxAbsA.value,maxAbsB.value);
    if( maxAbsVal == Real(0) )
    const Real minAbsValA = MinAbsNonzero( A, maxAbsVal );
    const Real minAbsValB = MinAbsNonzero( B, maxAbsVal );
    const Real minAbsVal = Min(minAbsValA,minAbsValB);
    Real ratio = maxAbsVal / minAbsVal;
    if( progress && A.Grid().Rank() == 0 )
        Output("Original ratio is ",maxAbsVal,"/",minAbsVal,"=",ratio);

    DistMatrix<Real,MC,STAR> rowScaleA(A.Grid()),
    DistMatrix<Real,MR,STAR> colScale(A.Grid()), colScaleB(B.Grid());
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
Exemple #8
// TestMatrixMaxAbs
bool TestMatrixMaxAbs()
   Matrix A("-1,2,-3;4,-5,6;-7,8,-9");

   return ApproxEqual( MaxAbs(A), 9.0, TOLERANCE);
Exemple #9
   void reclat_c ( ConstSpiceDouble    rectan[3],
                   SpiceDouble       * radius,
                   SpiceDouble       * longitude,
                   SpiceDouble       * latitude  )


   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   rectan     I   Rectangular coordinates of a point.
   radius     O   Distance of the point from the origin.
   longitude  O   Longitude of the point in radians.
   latitude   O   Latitude of the point in radians.

   rectan     The rectangular coordinates of the input point.  `rectan'
              is a 3-vector.
   radius     Distance of the point from the origin.

              The units associated with `radius' are those
              associated with the input `rectan'.

   longitude  Longitude of the input point.  This is angle between the
              prime meridian and the meridian containing `rectan'.  The
              direction of increasing longitude is from the +X axis
              towards the +Y axis.
              Longitude is output in radians. The range of `longitude'
              is [-pi, pi].

   latitude   Latitude of the input point.  This is the angle from
              the XY plane of the ray from the origin through the

              Latitude is output in radians.  The range of `latitude'
              is [-pi/2, pi/2].


   Error free. 

   1) If the X and Y components of `rectan' are both zero, the
      longitude is set to zero.

   2) If `rectan' is the zero vector, longitude and latitude are
      both set to zero.




   Below are two tables.
   Listed in the first table (under rectan[0], rectan[1], and
   rectan[2]) are a number of points whose rectangular coordinates are
   taken from the set {-1, 0, 1}.
   The results of the code fragment

      reclat_c ( rectan, &r, &longitude, &latitude );

      latitude  *=  dpr_c();
      longitude *=  dpr_c();

   are listed to four decimal places in the second parallel table under
   r (radius), longitude, and latitude.

   rectan[0]  rectan[1] rectan[2]    r       longitude  latitude
   -------------------------------   ----------------------------
     0.0000     0.0000   0.0000      0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
     1.0000     0.0000   0.0000      1.0000    0.0000    0.0000
     0.0000     1.0000   0.0000      1.0000   90.0000    0.0000
     0.0000     0.0000   1.0000      1.0000    0.0000   90.0000
    -1.0000     0.0000   0.0000      1.0000  180.0000    0.0000
     0.0000    -1.0000   0.0000      1.0000  -90.0000    0.0000
     0.0000     0.0000  -1.0000      1.0000    0.0000  -90.0000
     1.0000     1.0000   0.0000      1.4142   45.0000    0.0000
     1.0000     0.0000   1.0000      1.4142    0.0000   45.0000
     0.0000     1.0000   1.0000      1.4142   90.0000   45.0000
     1.0000     1.0000   1.0000      1.7320   45.0000   35.2643





   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
   W.L. Taber      (JPL) 
   E.D. Wright     (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.2.1, 30-JUL-2003 (NJB)

       Various header changes were made to improve clarity.  Some
       minor header corrections were made.

   -CSPICE Version 1.2.0, 28-AUG-2001 (NJB)
       Removed tab characters from source file.  Now includes 
       interface macro header SpiceZim.h.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 21-OCT-1998 (NJB)

      Made input vector const.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 08-FEB-1998 (EDW)


   rectangular to latitudinal coordinates


{ /* Begin reclat_c */

   Local variables and definitions.

   SpiceDouble   vmax;
   SpiceDouble   x1;
   SpiceDouble   y1;
   SpiceDouble   z1;

   /* Function Body */

   vmax = MaxAbs(  rectan[0], MaxAbs( rectan[1], rectan[2] )   );

   if ( vmax > 0.)
      x1        = rectan[0] / vmax;
      y1        = rectan[1] / vmax;
      z1        = rectan[2] / vmax;
      *radius   = vmax * sqrt( x1*x1 + y1*y1 + z1*z1 );
      *latitude = atan2(z1, sqrt( x1*x1 + y1*y1 ) );

      if ( x1 == 0. && y1 == 0.)
         *longitude = 0.;

        *longitude = atan2(y1, x1);



      The vector is the zero vector. 

      *radius    = 0.;
      *longitude = 0.;
      *latitude  = 0.;

} /* End reclat_c */
Exemple #10
   SpiceDouble vnormg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble   * v1,
                          SpiceInt             ndim ) 


   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
    v1        I     Vector whose magnitude is to be found. 
    ndim      I     Dimension of v1. 
   v1      This may be any double precision vector or arbitrary 
   vnormg_c is the magnitude of v1 calculated in a numerically stable 
   1)  If ndim is not physically realistic, greater than zero, a
       BADDIMENSION error is signaled.  The value 0. is returned.
   vnormg_c finds the component of v1 whose magnitude is the largest. 
   If the absolute magnitude of that component indicates that a 
   numeric overflow would occur when it is squared, or if it 
   indicates that an underflow would occur when squared (falsely 
   giving a magnitude of zero) then the following expression is 
   vnormg_c = v1max * MAGNITUDE OF [ (1/v1max)*v1 ] 
   therwise a simpler expression is used: 
   vnormg_c = MAGNITUDE OF [ v1 ] 
   Beyond the logic described above, no further checking of the 
   validity of the input is performed. 
   The following table show the correlation between various input 
   vectors v1 and vnormg_c: 
   ndim   v1                       ndim        vnormg_c 
   1      (-7.0D20)                 1            7.D20 
   3      (1., 2., 2.)              3            3. 
   4      (3., 3., 3., 3.)          4            6. 
   5      (5., 12., 0., 0., 0.)     5            13. 
   3      (-5.D-17, 0.0, 12.D-17)   3            13.D-17 
   W.M. Owen       (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 22-OCT-1998 (NJB)

      Made input vector const.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 1-APR-1998   (EDW)

   norm of n-dimensional vector 

{ /* Begin vnormg_c */

   Local variables

   SpiceInt                i;
   SpiceDouble             norm;
   SpiceDouble             scale;

   Use discovery check-in.

   /* Initialize norm and scale to zero. */
   norm  = 0.;
   scale = 0.;

   /* Check ndim is cool.  Dimension is positive definite. */

   if ( ndim <= 0 )
      chkin_c    ( "vnormg_c"                                     );
      SpiceError ( "Vector dimension less than or equal to zero",
                   "BADDIMENSION"                                 );
      chkout_c   ( "vnormg_c"                                     );
      return     ( 0.                                             );

   Determine an appropriate scale factor to prevent numerical
   overflow.  Overflow would be bad!

   for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
      scale = MaxAbs( scale, v1[i] );

   /* If the vector is zero, return zero. */

   if ( scale == 0. )
      return 0.;

   /* Do the calculation.  Not very involved. */

   for ( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ )
      norm += pow( v1[i] / scale, 2 );

    /* Return the value. */

   return ( scale * sqrt( norm ) );

} /* End vnormg_c */
Exemple #11
   SpiceDouble vnorm_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3] )



   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   v1         I   Vector whose magnitude is to be found.

   The function returns the norm of v1.

   v1             may be any 3-dimensional, double precision vector.

   The function returns the magnitude of v1 calculated in a numerically 
   stable way.




   Error free.




   vnorm_c takes care to avoid overflow while computing the norm of the
   input vector v1.  vnorm_c finds the component of v1 whose magnitude 
   is the largest.  Calling this magnitude v1max, the norm is computed 
   using the formula
       vnorm_c  =  v1max *  ||  (1/v1max) * v1  ||
   where the notation ||x|| indicates the norm of the vector x.


   The following table show the correlation between various input
   vectors v1 and vnorm_c:

   v1                                    vnorm_c
   ( 1.e0,    2.e0,   2.e0    )          3.e0
   ( 5.e0,    12.e0,  0.e0    )          13.e0
   ( -5.e-17, 0.0e0,  12.e-17 )          13.e-17




   N.J. Bachman       (JPL)
   W.L. Taber         (JPL)
   W.M. Owen          (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.0.2, 16-JAN-2008   (EDW)

      Corrected typos in header titles:
      Detailed Input to Detailed_Input
      Detailed Output to Detailed_Output

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 12-NOV-2006 (EDW)

      Added Parameters section header.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 16-APR-1999 (NJB)


   norm of 3-dimensional vector

{  /* Begin vnorm_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble                        normSqr;
   SpiceDouble                        tmp0;
   SpiceDouble                        tmp1;
   SpiceDouble                        tmp2;
   SpiceDouble                        v1max;

   Determine the maximum component of the vector.
   v1max = MaxAbs(  v1[0],   MaxAbs( v1[1], v1[2] )   );
   If the vector is zero, return zero; otherwise normalize first.
   Normalizing helps in the cases where squaring would cause overflow
   or underflow.  In the cases where such is not a problem it not worth
   it to optimize further.
   if ( v1max == 0.0 ) 
      return ( 0.0 );
      tmp0     =  v1[0]/v1max;
      tmp1     =  v1[1]/v1max;
      tmp2     =  v1[2]/v1max;
      normSqr  =  tmp0*tmp0 + tmp1*tmp1 + tmp2*tmp2;
      return (  v1max * sqrt( normSqr )  );
} /* End vnorm_c */