static long getidealchunksize (void) {

    our caller wants to pre-allocate something large. as large as possible
    without necessarily forcing a heap compaction.

    our algorith: find out what the largest possible size would be if the
    heap was compated, then back off a bit, depending on what the number is.
    often, there's one big free block and many small ones, so hopefully this
    will yield a good result on average.

    4/20/93 dmb: tweaked algorith; if more than 64K is available, grab half
    register long ctgrab = MaxBlock ();

    if (ctgrab < 0x4000)
        ctgrab -= 0x0400;
    else if (ctgrab < 0x10000)
        ctgrab -= 0x2000;
        ctgrab >>= 1;

    return (ctgrab);

    return (32768L);

} /*getidealchunksize*/
Exemple #2
static void *
sub_mac_malloc(size_t size)
	char *ret_ptr;

	if (size>=MY_BIG_SIZE) {
		if (MaxBlock()<=MAC_LEAVE_FREE+size) return(my_temp_malloc(size));
	if (size>my_cur_avail) {
		if (MaxBlock()<MAC_LEAVE_FREE+MY_BLOCK_SIZE) return(my_temp_malloc(size));
	return((void *)ret_ptr);
Exemple #3
void *my_calloc (int n, int s)
	int i = MaxBlock ();
	void *x;

	if (n * s >= i) {
		printf ("Error: calloc = %d,%d, maxblock = %d\n", n, s, i);
		exit (-1);

	if ((x = (void *)NewPtrClear(n * s)) == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: %d\n", MemError());
		exit (-1);
	return x;
Exemple #4
void *my_malloc (int n)
	int i = MaxBlock ();
	void *x;

	if (n >= i) {
		printf ("Error: malloc = %d, maxblock = %d\n", n, i);
		exit (-1);

	if ((x = (void *)NewPtr(n)) == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: %d\n", MemError());
		exit (-1);

	return x;
Exemple #5
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
/*	BatteryTimeRec batteryTimeInfo; */
	SMStatus soundStatus;
	ThreadID threadID;
	ThreadState threadState;
	EventRecord eventRecord;
	Point point;
	WindowPtr windowPtr;
	PScrapStuff scrapInfo;
	UnsignedWide usSinceStartup;
	BYTE dataBuffer[ 2 + 8 ];
/*	short driverRefNum; */
	UInt32 dateTime;
/*	int count, dummy; */
	NumVersion version;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get the status of the last alert, how much battery time is remaining
	   and the voltage from all batteries, the internal battery status, the
	   current date and time and time since system startup in ticks, the
	   application heap limit and current and heap zone, free memory in the
	   current and system heap, microseconds since system startup, whether
	   QuickDraw has finished drawing, modem status, SCSI status
	   information, maximum block allocatable without compacting, available
	   stack space, the last QuickDraw error code */
/*	addRandomValue( randomState, GetAlertStage() );
	count = BatteryCount();
	while( count-- > 0 )
		addRandomValue( randomState,
				   GetBatteryVoltage( count ) );
		GetBatteryTimes( count, &batteryTimeInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &batteryTimeInfo,
					   sizeof( BatteryTimeRec ) );
	if( !BatteryStatus( buffer, dataBuffer + 1 ) )
		addRandomValue( randomState, dataBuffer );
*/	GetDateTime( &dateTime );
	addRandomValue( randomState, dateTime );
	addRandomValue( randomState, TickCount() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetApplLimit() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetZone() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, SystemZone() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, FreeMem() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, FreeMemSys() );
/*	MicroSeconds( &usSinceStartup );
	addRandomData( randomState, &usSinceStartup, sizeof( UnsignedWide ) ); */
	addRandomValue( randomState, QDDone( NULL ) );
/*	ModemStatus( dataBuffer );
	addRandomValue( randomState, dataBuffer[ 0 ] ); */
	addRandomValue( randomState, SCSIStat() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, MaxBlock() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, StackSpace() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, QDError() );

	/* Get the event code and message, time, and mouse location for the next
	   event in the event queue and the OS event queue */
	if( EventAvail( everyEvent, &eventRecord ) )
		addRandomData( randomState, &eventRecord, sizeof( EventRecord ) );
	if( OSEventAvail( everyEvent, &eventRecord ) )
		addRandomData( randomState, &eventRecord, sizeof( EventRecord ) );

	/* Get all sorts of information such as device-specific info, grafport
	   information, visible and clipping region, pattern, pen, text, and
	   colour information, and other details, on the topmost window.  Also
	   get the window variant.  If there's a colour table record, add the
	   colour table as well */
	if( ( windowPtr = FrontWindow() ) != NULL )
/*		CTabHandle colourHandle; */

		addRandomData( randomState, windowPtr, sizeof( GrafPort ) );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetWVariant( windowPtr ) );
/*		if( GetAuxWin( windowPtr, colourHandle ) )
			CTabPtr colourPtr;

			HLock( colourHandle );
			colourPtr = *colourHandle;
			addRandomData( randomState, colourPtr, sizeof( ColorTable ) );
			HUnlock( colourHandle );
			} */

	/* Get mouse-related such as the mouse button status and mouse position,
	   information on the window underneath the mouse */
	addRandomValue( randomState, Button() );
	GetMouse( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( Point ) );
	FindWindow( point, &windowPtr );
	if( windowPtr != NULL )
		addRandomData( randomState, windowPtr, sizeof( GrafPort ) );

	/* Get the size, handle, and location of the desk scrap/clipboard */
	scrapInfo = InfoScrap();
	addRandomData( randomState, scrapInfo, sizeof( ScrapStuff ) );

	/* Get information on the current thread */
	threadID = kCurrentThreadID; /*GetThreadID( &threadID ); */
	GetThreadState( threadID, &threadState );
	addRandomData( randomState, &threadState, sizeof( ThreadState ) );

	/* Get the sound mananger status.  This gets the number of allocated
	   sound channels and the current CPU load from these channels */
	SndManagerStatus( sizeof( SMStatus ), &soundStatus );
	addRandomData( randomState, &soundStatus, sizeof( SMStatus ) );

	/* Get the speech manager version and status */
/*	version = SpeechManagerVersion();
	addRandomData( randomState, &version, sizeof( NumVersion ) );
	addRandomValue( randomState, SpeechBusy() );
	/* Get the status of the serial port.  This gets information on recent
	   errors, read and write pending status, and flow control values */
/*	if( !OpenDriver( "\p.AIn", &driverRefNum ) )
		SerStaRec serialStatus;

		SetStatus( driverRefNum, &serialStatus );
		addRandomData( randomState, &serialStatus, sizeof( SerStaRec ) );
	if( !OpenDriver( "\p.AOut", &driverRefNum ) )
		SerStaRec serialStatus;

		SetStatus( driverRefNum, &serialStatus );
		addRandomData( randomState, &serialStatus, sizeof( SerStaRec ) );
		} */

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 10 );