Exemple #1
static void IntervalTier_removeEmptyIntervals (IntervalTier me, IntervalTier boss) {
	IntervalTier_removeBoundariesBetweenIdenticallyLabeledIntervals (me, L"");
	if (my intervals -> size < 2) return;
	TextInterval firstInterval = my interval (1);
	if (Melder_wcsequ (firstInterval -> text, L"")) {
		IntervalTier_removeLeftBoundary (me, 2);
	if (my numberOfIntervals () < 2) return;
	TextInterval lastInterval = my interval (my numberOfIntervals ());
	if (Melder_wcsequ (lastInterval -> text, L"")) {
		IntervalTier_removeLeftBoundary (me, my numberOfIntervals ());
	if (my numberOfIntervals () < 3) return;
	for (long iinterval = my numberOfIntervals () - 1; iinterval >= 2; iinterval --) {
		TextInterval interval = my interval (iinterval);
		if (Melder_wcsequ (interval -> text, L"")) {
			 * Distribute the empty interval between its neigbours.
			double newBoundaryTime =
				boss ?
				IntervalTier_boundaryTimeClosestTo (boss, interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax) :
				0.5 * (interval -> xmin + interval -> xmax);
			TextInterval previous = my interval (iinterval - 1);
			TextInterval next = my interval (iinterval + 1);
			previous -> xmax = newBoundaryTime;
			next -> xmin = newBoundaryTime;
			Collection_removeItem (my intervals, iinterval);
void IntervalTier_removeBoundariesBetweenIdenticallyLabeledIntervals (IntervalTier me, const wchar_t *label) {
    try {
        for (long iint = my intervals -> size; iint > 1; iint--) {
            TextInterval ti = (TextInterval) my intervals -> item[iint];
            if (Melder_wcsequ (ti -> text, label)) {
                TextInterval tim1 = (TextInterval) my intervals -> item[iint - 1];
                if (Melder_wcsequ (tim1 -> text, label)) {
                    Melder_free (tim1 -> text);
                    IntervalTier_removeLeftBoundary (me, iint);
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, ": boundaries not removed.");
Exemple #3
void EditDistanceTable_drawEditOperations (EditDistanceTable me, Graphics graphics) {
	const wchar_t *oinsertion = L"i", *insertion = L"*", *odeletion = L"d", *deletion = L"*", *osubstitution = L"s", *oequal = L"";
	Graphics_setWindow (graphics, 0.5, my d_warpingPath -> d_pathLength - 0.5, 0, 1); // pathLength-1 symbols
	double lineSpacing = getLineSpacing (graphics);
	double ytarget = 1 - lineSpacing, ysource = ytarget - 2 * lineSpacing, yoper = ysource - lineSpacing;
	Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_BOTTOM);
	for (long i = 2; i <= my d_warpingPath -> d_pathLength; i++) {
		structPairOfInteger p = my d_warpingPath -> d_path[i], p1 = my d_warpingPath -> d_path[i - 1];
		double x = i - 1;
		if (p.x == p1.x) { // insertion
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, my rowLabels[p.y]);
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, deletion);
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, oinsertion);
		} else if (p.y == p1.y) { // deletion
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, insertion);
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, my columnLabels[p.x]);
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, odeletion);
		} else { // substitution ?
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, my rowLabels[p.y]);
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, my columnLabels[p.x]);
			Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, (Melder_wcsequ (my rowLabels[p.y], my columnLabels[p.x]) ? oequal : osubstitution));
		Graphics_line (graphics, x, ysource + lineSpacing, x, ytarget - 0.1 * lineSpacing);
Exemple #4
long ERP_getChannelNumber (ERP me, const wchar_t *channelName) {
	for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my ny; ichan ++) {
		if (Melder_wcsequ (my channelNames [ichan], channelName)) {
			return ichan;
	return 0;
Exemple #5
long Regression_getFactorIndexFromFactorName_e (I, const wchar *factorName) {
	iam (Regression);
	for (long iparm = 1; iparm <= my parameters -> size; iparm ++) {
		RegressionParameter parm = static_cast<RegressionParameter> (my parameters -> item [iparm]);
		if (Melder_wcsequ (factorName, parm -> label)) return iparm;
	Melder_throw (Thing_messageName (me), L" has no parameter named \"", factorName, L"\".");
static long *EEG_channelNames_to_channelNumbers (EEG me, wchar_t **channelNames, long numberOfChannelNames) {
	try {
		autoNUMvector<long> channelNumbers (1, numberOfChannelNames);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfChannelNames; i++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= my d_numberOfChannels; j++) {
				if (Melder_wcsequ (channelNames[i], my d_channelNames[j])) {
					channelNumbers[i] = j;
			if (channelNumbers[i] == 0) {
				Melder_throw ("Channel name \"", channelNames[i], "\" not found.");
		return channelNumbers.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": channelNames not found.");
Exemple #7
void structERPWindow :: v_drawSelectionViewer () {
	ERP erp = (ERP) data;
	Graphics_setWindow (d_graphics, -1.1, 1.1, -1.01, 1.19);
	Graphics_setGrey (d_graphics, 0.85);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (d_graphics, -1.1, 1.1, -1.01, 1.19);
	Graphics_setColour (d_graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
	long numberOfDrawableChannels =
			erp -> ny >= 64 && Melder_wcsequ (erp -> d_channelNames [64], L"O2") ? 64 :
			erp -> ny >= 32 && Melder_wcsequ (erp -> d_channelNames [32], L"Cz") ? 32 :
	BiosemiLocationData *biosemiLocationData = numberOfDrawableChannels == 64 ? biosemiCapCoordinates64 : numberOfDrawableChannels == 32 ? biosemiCapCoordinates32 : 0;
	for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= numberOfDrawableChannels; ichan ++) {
		double inclination = (double) biosemiLocationData [ichan]. inclination;
		double azimuth = (double) biosemiLocationData [ichan]. azimuth;
		bool rightHemisphere = inclination >= 0.0;
		double r = fabs (inclination / 115.0);
		double theta = rightHemisphere ? azimuth * (NUMpi / 180.0) : (azimuth + 180.0) * (NUMpi / 180.0);
		biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topX = r * cos (theta);
		biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topY = r * sin (theta);
	long n = 201;
	double d = 2.0 / (n - 1);
	autoNUMvector <double> mean (1, numberOfDrawableChannels);
	for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= numberOfDrawableChannels; ichan ++) {
		mean [ichan] =
			d_startSelection == d_endSelection ?
				Sampled_getValueAtX (erp, d_startSelection, ichan, 0, true) :
				Vector_getMean (erp, d_startSelection, d_endSelection, ichan);
	autoNUMmatrix <double> image (1, n, 1, n);
	for (long irow = 1; irow <= n; irow ++) {
		double y = -1.0 + (irow - 1) * d;
		for (long icol = 1; icol <= n; icol ++) {
			double x = -1.0 + (icol - 1) * d;
			if (x * x + y * y <= 1.0) {
				double value = NUMundefined, sum = 0.0, weight = 0.0;
				for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= numberOfDrawableChannels; ichan ++) {
					double dx = x - biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topX;
					double dy = y - biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topY;
					double distance = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
					if (distance < 1e-12) {
						value = mean [ichan];
					distance = distance * distance * distance * distance * distance * distance;
					sum += mean [ichan] / distance;
					weight += 1.0 / distance;
				if (value == NUMundefined)
					value = ( sum == 0.0 ? 0.0 : sum / weight );
				image [irow] [icol] = value;
	double minimum = 0.0, maximum = 0.0;
	for (long irow = 1; irow <= n; irow ++) {
		for (long icol = 1; icol <= n; icol ++) {
			double value = image [irow] [icol];
			if (value < minimum) minimum = value;
			else if (value > maximum) maximum = value;
	double absoluteExtremum = - minimum > maximum ? - minimum : maximum;
	if (d_sound_scalingStrategy == kTimeSoundEditor_scalingStrategy_FIXED_RANGE) {
		minimum = d_sound_scaling_minimum;
		maximum = d_sound_scaling_maximum;
	} else if (d_sound_scalingStrategy == kTimeSoundEditor_scalingStrategy_FIXED_HEIGHT) {
		double mean = 0.5 * (minimum + maximum);
		minimum = mean - 0.5 * d_sound_scaling_height;
		maximum = mean + 0.5 * d_sound_scaling_height;
	} else {
		minimum = - absoluteExtremum;
		maximum = absoluteExtremum;
	for (long irow = 1; irow <= n; irow ++) {
		double y = -1.0 + (irow - 1) * d;
		for (long icol = 1; icol <= n; icol ++) {
			double x = -1.0 + (icol - 1) * d;
			if (x * x + y * y > 1.0) {
				image [irow] [icol] = minimum + 0.1875 * (maximum - minimum);   // -0.625 * absoluteExtremum;
	Graphics_image (d_graphics, image.peek(), 1, n, -1.0-0.5/n, 1.0+0.5/n, 1, n, -1.0-0.5/n, 1.0+0.5/n, minimum, maximum);
	Graphics_setLineWidth (d_graphics, 2.0);
	 * Nose.
	Graphics_setGrey (d_graphics, 0.5);
	{// scope
		double x [3] = { -0.08, 0.0, 0.08 }, y [3] = { 0.99, 1.18, 0.99 };
		Graphics_fillArea (d_graphics, 3, x, y);
	Graphics_setColour (d_graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, -0.08, 0.99, 0.0, 1.18);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, 0.08, 0.99, 0.0, 1.18);
	 * Ears.
	Graphics_setGrey (d_graphics, 0.5);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (d_graphics, -1.09, -1.00, -0.08, 0.08);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (d_graphics, 1.09, 1.00, -0.08, 0.08);
	Graphics_setColour (d_graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, -0.99, 0.08, -1.09, 0.08);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, -1.09, 0.08, -1.09, -0.08);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, -1.09, -0.08, -0.99, -0.08);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, 0.99, 0.08, 1.09, 0.08);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, 1.09, 0.08, 1.09, -0.08);
	Graphics_line (d_graphics, 1.09, -0.08, 0.99, -0.08);
	 * Scalp.
	Graphics_ellipse (d_graphics, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
	Graphics_setLineWidth (d_graphics, 1.0);
Exemple #8
void structERP :: f_drawScalp (Graphics graphics, double tmin, double tmax, double vmin, double vmax, bool garnish) {
	Graphics_setInner (graphics);
	Graphics_setWindow (graphics, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
	//Graphics_setGrey (graphics, 1.0);
	//Graphics_fillRectangle (graphics, -1.1, 1.1, -1.01, 1.19);
	//Graphics_setColour (graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
	long numberOfDrawableChannels =
			this -> ny >= 64 && Melder_wcsequ (this -> d_channelNames [64], L"O2") ? 64 :
			this -> ny >= 32 && Melder_wcsequ (this -> d_channelNames [32], L"Cz") ? 32 :
	BiosemiLocationData *biosemiLocationData = numberOfDrawableChannels == 64 ? biosemiCapCoordinates64 : numberOfDrawableChannels == 32 ? biosemiCapCoordinates32 : 0;
	for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= numberOfDrawableChannels; ichan ++) {
		double inclination = (double) biosemiLocationData [ichan]. inclination;
		double azimuth = (double) biosemiLocationData [ichan]. azimuth;
		bool rightHemisphere = inclination >= 0.0;
		double r = fabs (inclination / 115.0);
		double theta = rightHemisphere ? azimuth * (NUMpi / 180.0) : (azimuth + 180.0) * (NUMpi / 180.0);
		biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topX = r * cos (theta);
		biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topY = r * sin (theta);
	long n = 201;
	double d = 2.0 / (n - 1);
	autoNUMvector <double> mean (1, numberOfDrawableChannels);
	for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= numberOfDrawableChannels; ichan ++) {
		mean [ichan] = tmin == tmax ?
				Sampled_getValueAtX (this, tmin, ichan, 0, true) :
				Vector_getMean (this, tmin, tmax, ichan);
	autoNUMmatrix <double> image (1, n, 1, n);
	for (long irow = 1; irow <= n; irow ++) {
		double y = -1.0 + (irow - 1) * d;
		for (long icol = 1; icol <= n; icol ++) {
			double x = -1.0 + (icol - 1) * d;
			if (x * x + y * y <= 1.0) {
				double value = NUMundefined, sum = 0.0, weight = 0.0;
				for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= numberOfDrawableChannels; ichan ++) {
					double dx = x - biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topX;
					double dy = y - biosemiLocationData [ichan]. topY;
					double distance = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
					if (distance < 1e-12) {
						value = mean [ichan];
					distance = distance * distance * distance * distance * distance * distance;
					sum += mean [ichan] / distance;
					weight += 1.0 / distance;
				if (value == NUMundefined)
					value = ( sum == 0.0 ? 0.0 : sum / weight );
				image [irow] [icol] = value;
	for (long irow = 1; irow <= n; irow ++) {
		double y = -1.0 + (irow - 1) * d;
		for (long icol = 1; icol <= n; icol ++) {
			double x = -1.0 + (icol - 1) * d;
			if (x * x + y * y > 1.0) {
				image [irow] [icol] = vmin;
	Graphics_image (graphics, image.peek(), 1, n, -1.0-0.5/n, 1.0+0.5/n, 1, n, -1.0-0.5/n, 1.0+0.5/n, vmin, vmax);
	Graphics_setLineWidth (graphics, 2.0);
	 * Nose.
	Graphics_setGrey (graphics, 0.5);
	{// scope
		double x [3] = { -0.08, 0.0, 0.08 }, y [3] = { 0.99, 1.18, 0.99 };
		Graphics_fillArea (graphics, 3, x, y);
	Graphics_setColour (graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
	Graphics_line (graphics, -0.08, 0.99, 0.0, 1.18);
	Graphics_line (graphics, 0.08, 0.99, 0.0, 1.18);
	 * Ears.
	Graphics_setGrey (graphics, 0.5);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (graphics, -1.09, -1.00, -0.08, 0.08);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (graphics, 1.09, 1.00, -0.08, 0.08);
	Graphics_setColour (graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
	Graphics_line (graphics, -0.99, 0.08, -1.09, 0.08);
	Graphics_line (graphics, -1.09, 0.08, -1.09, -0.08);
	Graphics_line (graphics, -1.09, -0.08, -0.99, -0.08);
	Graphics_line (graphics, 0.99, 0.08, 1.09, 0.08);
	Graphics_line (graphics, 1.09, 0.08, 1.09, -0.08);
	Graphics_line (graphics, 1.09, -0.08, 0.99, -0.08);
	 * Scalp.
	Graphics_ellipse (graphics, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
	Graphics_setLineWidth (graphics, 1.0);
	Graphics_unsetInner (graphics);
	if (garnish) {
		autoNUMmatrix <double> legend (1, n, 1, 2);
		for (long irow = 1; irow <= n; irow ++) {
			for (long icol = 1; icol <= 2; icol ++) {
				legend [irow] [icol] = (irow - 1) / (n - 1.0);
		Graphics_image (graphics, legend.peek(), 1, 2, 0.78, 0.98, 1, n, -0.8, +0.8, 0.0, 1.0);
		Graphics_rectangle (graphics, 0.78, 0.98, -0.8, +0.8);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_TOP);
		Graphics_text2 (graphics, 1.0, -0.8, Melder_double (vmin * 1e6), L" \\muV");
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_BOTTOM);
		Graphics_text2 (graphics, 1.0, +0.8, Melder_double (vmax * 1e6), L" \\muV");
Exemple #9
bool structEditCostsTable :: v_matchTargetWithSourceSymbol (const wchar_t *targetSymbol, const wchar_t *sourceSymbol) {
	return Melder_wcsequ (targetSymbol, sourceSymbol);
Exemple #10
bool structEditCostsTable :: v_matchSourceSymbol (const wchar_t *sourceSymbol, const wchar_t *symbol) {
	return Melder_wcsequ (sourceSymbol, symbol);
Exemple #11
void TextGrid_anySound_alignInterval (TextGrid me, Function anySound, long tierNumber, long intervalNumber, const wchar_t *languageName, bool includeWords, bool includePhonemes) {
	try {
		IntervalTier headTier = TextGrid_checkSpecifiedTierIsIntervalTier (me, tierNumber);
		if (intervalNumber < 1 || intervalNumber > headTier -> numberOfIntervals ())
			Melder_throw ("Interval ", intervalNumber, " does not exist.");
		TextInterval interval = headTier -> interval (intervalNumber);
		if (! includeWords && ! includePhonemes)
			Melder_throw ("Nothing to be done, because you asked neither for word alignment nor for phoneme alignment.");
		if (wcsstr (headTier -> name, L"/") )
			Melder_throw ("The current tier already has a slash (\"/\") in its name. Cannot create a word or phoneme tier from it.");
		autoSound part =
			anySound -> classInfo == classLongSound ? 
				LongSound_extractPart (static_cast <LongSound> (anySound), interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax, true) :
				Sound_extractPart (static_cast <Sound> (anySound), interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax, kSound_windowShape_RECTANGULAR, 1.0, true);
		autoSpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = SpeechSynthesizer_create (languageName, L"default");
		double silenceThreshold = -35, minSilenceDuration = 0.1, minSoundingDuration = 0.1;
		autoTextGrid analysis = NULL;
		if (! Melder_wcsequ (interval -> text, L"")) {
			try {
				analysis.reset (SpeechSynthesizer_and_Sound_and_TextInterval_align
					(synthesizer.peek(), part.peek(), interval, silenceThreshold, minSilenceDuration, minSoundingDuration));
			} catch (MelderError) {
				Melder_clearError ();   // ignore all error messages from DTW and the like
		if (analysis.peek()) {
			 * Clean up the analysis.
			Melder_assert (analysis -> xmin == interval -> xmin);
			Melder_assert (analysis -> xmax == interval -> xmax);
			Melder_assert (analysis -> numberOfTiers () == 4);
			Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisWordTier, analysis -> tier (3));
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
				Melder_throw (L"Analysis word tier out of order.");
			IntervalTier_removeEmptyIntervals (analysisWordTier, NULL);
			Melder_assert (analysisWordTier -> xmax == analysis -> xmax);
			Melder_assert (analysisWordTier -> numberOfIntervals () >= 1);
			TextInterval firstInterval = analysisWordTier -> interval (1);
			TextInterval lastInterval = analysisWordTier -> interval (analysisWordTier -> numberOfIntervals ());
			firstInterval -> xmin = analysis -> xmin;
			lastInterval  -> xmax = analysis -> xmax;
			if (lastInterval -> xmax != analysis -> xmax)
				Melder_fatal ("analysis ends at %ls, but last interval at %ls seconds",
					Melder_double (analysis -> xmax), Melder_double (lastInterval -> xmax));
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
				Melder_throw (L"Analysis word tier out of order (2).");
			Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisPhonemeTier, analysis -> tier (4));
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisPhonemeTier))
				Melder_throw (L"Analysis phoneme tier out of order.");
			IntervalTier_removeEmptyIntervals (analysisPhonemeTier, analysisWordTier);
			Melder_assert (analysisPhonemeTier -> xmax == analysis -> xmax);
			Melder_assert (analysisPhonemeTier -> numberOfIntervals () >= 1);
			firstInterval = analysisPhonemeTier -> interval (1);
			lastInterval  = analysisPhonemeTier -> interval (analysisPhonemeTier -> numberOfIntervals ());
			firstInterval -> xmin = analysis -> xmin;
			lastInterval  -> xmax = analysis -> xmax;
			Melder_assert (lastInterval -> xmax == analysis -> xmax);
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisPhonemeTier))
				Melder_throw (L"Analysis phoneme tier out of order (2).");
		long wordTierNumber = 0, phonemeTierNumber = 0;
		IntervalTier wordTier = NULL, phonemeTier = NULL;
		 * Include a word tier.
		if (includeWords) {
			 * Make sure that the word tier exists.
			autoMelderString newWordTierName;
			MelderString_copy (& newWordTierName, headTier -> name);
			MelderString_append (& newWordTierName, L"/word");
			for (long itier = 1; itier <= my numberOfTiers (); itier ++) {
				IntervalTier tier = static_cast <IntervalTier> (my tier (itier));
				if (Melder_wcsequ (newWordTierName.string, tier -> name)) {
					if (tier -> classInfo != classIntervalTier)
						Melder_throw ("A tier with the prospective word tier name (", tier -> name, ") already exists, but it is not an interval tier."
							"\nPlease change its name or remove it.");
					wordTierNumber = itier;
			if (! wordTierNumber) {
				autoIntervalTier newWordTier = IntervalTier_create (my xmin, my xmax);
				Thing_setName (newWordTier.peek(), newWordTierName.string);
				Ordered_addItemPos (my tiers, newWordTier.transfer(), wordTierNumber = tierNumber + 1);
			Melder_assert (wordTierNumber >= 1 && wordTierNumber <= my tiers -> size);
			wordTier = static_cast <IntervalTier> (my tier (wordTierNumber));
			 * Make sure that the word tier has boundaries at the edges of the interval.
			IntervalTier_insertIntervalDestructively (wordTier, interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax);
			 * Copy the contents of the word analysis into the interval in the word tier.
			long wordIntervalNumber = IntervalTier_hasTime (wordTier, interval -> xmin);
			Melder_assert (wordIntervalNumber != 0);
			if (analysis.peek()) {
				Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisWordTier, analysis -> tier (3));
				if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
					Melder_throw (L"Analysis word tier out of order (3).");
				if (! IntervalTier_check (wordTier))
					Melder_throw (L"Word tier out of order (3).");
				for (long ianalysisInterval = 1; ianalysisInterval <= analysisWordTier -> numberOfIntervals (); ianalysisInterval ++) {
					TextInterval analysisInterval = analysisWordTier -> interval (ianalysisInterval);
					TextInterval wordInterval = NULL;
					double tmin = analysisInterval -> xmin, tmax = analysisInterval -> xmax;
					if (tmax == analysis -> xmax) {
						wordInterval = wordTier -> interval (wordIntervalNumber);
						TextInterval_setText (wordInterval, analysisInterval -> text);
					} else {
						wordInterval = wordTier -> interval (wordIntervalNumber);
						autoTextInterval newInterval = TextInterval_create (tmin, tmax, analysisInterval -> text);
						wordInterval -> xmin = tmax;
						Collection_addItem (wordTier -> intervals, newInterval.transfer());
						wordIntervalNumber ++;
				if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
					Melder_throw (L"Analysis word tier out of order (4).");
				if (! IntervalTier_check (wordTier))
					Melder_throw (L"Word tier out of order (4).");
		 * Include a phoneme tier.
		if (includePhonemes) {
			 * Make sure that the phoneme tier exists.
			autoMelderString newPhonemeTierName;
			MelderString_copy (& newPhonemeTierName, headTier -> name);
			MelderString_append (& newPhonemeTierName, L"/phon");
			for (long itier = 1; itier <= my numberOfTiers (); itier ++) {
				IntervalTier tier = static_cast <IntervalTier> (my tier (itier));
				if (Melder_wcsequ (newPhonemeTierName.string, tier -> name)) {
					if (tier -> classInfo != classIntervalTier)
						Melder_throw ("A tier with the prospective phoneme tier name (", tier -> name, ") already exists, but it is not an interval tier."
							"\nPlease change its name or remove it.");
					phonemeTierNumber = itier;
			if (! phonemeTierNumber) {
				autoIntervalTier newPhonemeTier = IntervalTier_create (my xmin, my xmax);
				Thing_setName (newPhonemeTier.peek(), newPhonemeTierName.string);
				Ordered_addItemPos (my tiers, newPhonemeTier.transfer(), phonemeTierNumber = wordTierNumber ? wordTierNumber + 1 : tierNumber + 1);
			Melder_assert (phonemeTierNumber >= 1 && phonemeTierNumber <= my tiers -> size);
			phonemeTier = static_cast <IntervalTier> (my tiers -> item [phonemeTierNumber]);
			 * Make sure that the phoneme tier has boundaries at the edges of the interval.
			IntervalTier_insertIntervalDestructively (phonemeTier, interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax);
			 * Copy the contents of the phoneme analysis into the interval in the phoneme tier.
			long phonemeIntervalNumber = IntervalTier_hasTime (phonemeTier, interval -> xmin);
			Melder_assert (phonemeIntervalNumber != 0);
			if (analysis.peek()) {
				Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisPhonemeTier, analysis -> tiers -> item [4]);
				for (long ianalysisInterval = 1; ianalysisInterval <= analysisPhonemeTier -> numberOfIntervals (); ianalysisInterval ++) {
					TextInterval analysisInterval = analysisPhonemeTier -> interval (ianalysisInterval);
					TextInterval phonemeInterval = NULL;
					double tmin = analysisInterval -> xmin, tmax = analysisInterval -> xmax;
					if (tmax == analysis -> xmax) {
						phonemeInterval = phonemeTier -> interval (phonemeIntervalNumber);
						TextInterval_setText (phonemeInterval, analysisInterval -> text);
					} else {
						phonemeInterval = phonemeTier -> interval (phonemeIntervalNumber);
						autoTextInterval newInterval = TextInterval_create (tmin, tmax, analysisInterval -> text);
						phonemeInterval -> xmin = tmax;
						Collection_addItem (phonemeTier -> intervals, newInterval.transfer());
						phonemeIntervalNumber ++;
			if (includeWords) {
				 * Synchronize the boundaries between the word tier and the phoneme tier.
				//for (long iinterval = 1; iinterval <=
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, " & ", anySound, ": interval not aligned.");