Exemple #1
void wswcurl_init( void ) {
	if( wswcurl_mempool ) {

	wswcurl_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Curl" );

	// HTTP proxy settings
	http_proxy = Cvar_Get( "http_proxy", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	http_proxyuserpwd = Cvar_Get( "http_proxyuserpwd", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );


	if( curlLibrary ) {
		qcurl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_ALL );

		curldummy = qcurl_easy_init();
		curlmulti = qcurl_multi_init();

	curldummy_mutex = QMutex_Create();

	http_requests_mutex = QMutex_Create();

	if( cryptoLibrary ) {
		int mutex_num;
		crypto_num_mutexes = qCRYPTO_num_locks();
		crypto_mutexes = WMALLOC( crypto_num_mutexes * sizeof( *crypto_mutexes ) );
		for( mutex_num = 0; mutex_num < crypto_num_mutexes; mutex_num++ )
			crypto_mutexes[mutex_num] = QMutex_Create();
		qCRYPTO_set_locking_callback( wswcurl_crypto_lockcallback );
Exemple #2
static void SCR_InitFonts( void )
	cvar_t *con_fontSystemSmall = Cvar_Get( "con_fontSystemSmall", DEFAULT_FONT_SMALL, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO );
	cvar_t *con_fontSystemMedium = Cvar_Get( "con_fontSystemMedium", DEFAULT_FONT_MEDIUM, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO );
	cvar_t *con_fontSystemBig = Cvar_Get( "con_fontSystemBig", DEFAULT_FONT_BIG, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO );

	fonts_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Fonts" );

	// register system fonts
	cls.fontSystemSmall = SCR_RegisterFont( con_fontSystemSmall->string );
	if( !cls.fontSystemSmall )
		cls.fontSystemSmall = SCR_RegisterFont( DEFAULT_FONT_SMALL );
		if( !cls.fontSystemSmall )
			Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't load default font \"%s\"", DEFAULT_FONT_SMALL );

	cls.fontSystemMedium = SCR_RegisterFont( con_fontSystemMedium->string );
	if( !cls.fontSystemMedium )
		cls.fontSystemMedium = SCR_RegisterFont( DEFAULT_FONT_MEDIUM );

	cls.fontSystemBig = SCR_RegisterFont( con_fontSystemBig->string );
	if( !cls.fontSystemBig )
		cls.fontSystemBig = SCR_RegisterFont( DEFAULT_FONT_BIG );
Exemple #3
void Com_ScriptModule_Init( void )
	angelwrap_import_t import;
	static const char *name = "angelwrap";


	//if( !com_angelscript->integer )
	//	if( verbose )
	//	{
	//		Com_Printf( "Not loading angel script module\n" );
	//		Com_Printf( "------------------------------------\n" );
	//	}
	//	return;

	Com_Printf( "------- angel script initialization -------\n" );

	com_scriptmodulepool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Angel Script Module" );

	import.Error = Com_ScriptModule_Error;
	import.Print = Com_ScriptModule_Print;

	import.Milliseconds = Sys_Milliseconds;

	import.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get;
	import.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set;
	import.Cvar_SetValue = Cvar_SetValue;
	import.Cvar_ForceSet = Cvar_ForceSet;
	import.Cvar_String = Cvar_String;
	import.Cvar_Value = Cvar_Value;

	import.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc;
	import.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv;
	import.Cmd_Args = Cmd_Args;

	import.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand;
	import.Cmd_RemoveCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand;
	import.Cmd_ExecuteText = Cbuf_ExecuteText;

	import.Mem_Alloc = Com_ScriptModule_MemAlloc;
	import.Mem_Free = Com_ScriptModule_MemFree;
	import.Mem_AllocPool = Com_ScriptModule_MemAllocPool;
	import.Mem_FreePool = Com_ScriptModule_MemFreePool;
	import.Mem_EmptyPool = Com_ScriptModule_MemEmptyPool;

	// load the actual library
	if( !Com_ScriptModule_Load( name, &import ) )
		Mem_FreePool( &com_scriptmodulepool );
		ae = NULL;

	// check memory integrity

	Com_Printf( "------------------------------------\n" );
Exemple #4
* Memory_Init
void Memory_Init( void )
	assert( !memory_initialized );

	zoneMemPool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Zone" );
	tempMemPool = Mem_AllocTempPool( "Temporary Memory" );

	memory_initialized = qtrue;
Exemple #5
void wswcurl_init( void )
	wswcurl_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Curl" );
	curldummy = curl_easy_init();

	// HTTP proxy settings
	http_proxy = Cvar_Get( "http_proxy", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	http_proxyuserpwd = Cvar_Get( "http_proxyuserpwd", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
Exemple #6
void wswcurl_init( void )
	wswcurl_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Curl" );

	curldummy = curl_easy_init();
	curlmulti = curl_multi_init();

	http_requests_mutex = QMutex_Create();

	// HTTP proxy settings
	http_proxy = Cvar_Get( "http_proxy", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	http_proxyuserpwd = Cvar_Get( "http_proxyuserpwd", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
Exemple #7
void CL_MM_Init( void )
	if( cl_mm_initialized )

	cl_mm_enabled = qfalse;
	cl_mm_loginState = LOGIN_STATE_NONE;

	cls.mm_session = 0;

	cl_mm_loginHandle = 0;
	cl_mm_loginState = LOGIN_STATE_NONE;
	cl_mm_loginTime = 0;
	cl_mm_loginRetries = 0;

	if( !cl_mm_mempool ) {
		cl_mm_errmsg = NULL;
		cl_mm_errmsg_size = 0;

	if( !cl_mm_mempool )
		cl_mm_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "cl_mm" );

	sq_api = StatQuery_GetAPI();

	* create cvars
	cl_mm_session = Cvar_Get( "cl_mm_session", "0", CVAR_READONLY | CVAR_USERINFO );
	cl_mm_autologin = Cvar_Get( "cl_mm_autologin", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	// TODO: remove as cvar
	cl_mm_user = Cvar_Get( "cl_mm_user", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	* add commands
	Cmd_AddCommand( "mm_login", CL_MM_Login_f );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "mm_logout", CL_MM_Logout_f );

	Cvar_ForceSet( cl_mm_session->name, "0" );

	* login
	if( cl_mm_autologin->integer )
		CL_MM_Login( NULL, NULL );

	cl_mm_initialized = qtrue;
Exemple #8
* CM_Init
void CM_Init( void )
	assert( !cm_initialized );

	cmap_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Collision Map" );

	cm_noAreas =	    Cvar_Get( "cm_noAreas", "0", CVAR_CHEAT );
	cm_noCurves =	    Cvar_Get( "cm_noCurves", "0", CVAR_CHEAT );

	Cvar_Get( "cm_mapHeader", "", CVAR_READONLY );
	Cvar_Get( "cm_mapVersion", "0", CVAR_READONLY );

	cm_initialized = qtrue;
Exemple #9
* L10n_Init
void L10n_Init( void )
	podomains_head = NULL;

	pomempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "L10n" );

	cl_lang = Cvar_Get( "lang", "", CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE

Exemple #10
void Sound_Init( void )
	// init pools
	host.soundpool = Mem_AllocPool( "SoundLib Pool" );

	// install image formats (can be re-install later by Sound_Setup)
	switch( host.type )
		sound.loadformats = load_game;
		sound.streamformat = stream_game;
	default:	// all other instances not using soundlib or will be reinstalling later
		sound.loadformats = load_null;
		sound.streamformat = stream_null;
	sound.tempbuffer = NULL;
Exemple #11
void StatQuery_Init( void ) {
	cJSON_Hooks hooks;

	if( sq_mempool == NULL ) {
		sq_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "StatQuery" );

	// already initialized?
	if( sq_refcount++ > 0 ) {

	// populate API structure
	sq_export.CreateQuery = StatQuery_CreateQuery;
	sq_export.DestroyQuery = StatQuery_DestroyQuery;
	sq_export.SetCallback = StatQuery_SetCallback;
	sq_export.Send = StatQuery_Send;
	sq_export.SetField = StatQuery_SetField;
	sq_export.GetRoot = StatQuery_GetRoot;
	sq_export.GetSection = StatQuery_GetSection;
	sq_export.GetNumber = StatQuery_GetNumber;
	sq_export.GetString = StatQuery_GetString;
	sq_export.GetArraySection = StatQuery_GetArraySection;
	sq_export.GetArrayNumber = StatQuery_GetArrayNumber;
	sq_export.GetArrayString = StatQuery_GetArrayString;
	sq_export.CreateSection = StatQuery_CreateSection;
	sq_export.CreateArray = StatQuery_CreateArray;
	sq_export.SetString = StatQuery_SetString;
	sq_export.SetNumber = StatQuery_SetNumber;
	sq_export.SetArrayString = StatQuery_SetArrayString;
	sq_export.SetArrayNumber = StatQuery_SetArrayNumber;
	sq_export.AddArrayString = StatQuery_AddArrayString;
	sq_export.AddArrayNumber = StatQuery_AddArrayNumber;
	sq_export.GetRawResponse = StatQuery_GetRawResponse;
	sq_export.GetTokenizedResponse = StatQuery_GetTokenizedResponse;
	sq_export.Poll = StatQuery_Poll;

	// init JSON
	hooks.malloc_fn = SQ_JSON_Alloc;
	hooks.free_fn = SQ_JSON_Free;
	cJSON_InitHooks( &hooks );
Exemple #12
void Netchan_Init( void )
	int	port;

	// pick a port value that should be nice and random
	port = Com_RandomLong( 1, 65535 );

	net_showpackets = Cvar_Get ("net_showpackets", "0", 0, "show network packets" );
	net_chokeloopback = Cvar_Get( "net_chokeloop", "0", 0, "apply bandwidth choke to loopback packets" );
	net_drawslider = Cvar_Get( "net_drawslider", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "draw completion slider during signon" );
	net_blocksize = Cvar_Get( "net_blocksize", "1024", 0, "network file fragmentation block size" );
	net_showdrop = Cvar_Get( "net_showdrop", "0", 0, "show packets that are dropped" );
	net_speeds = Cvar_Get( "net_speeds", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "show network packets" );
	net_qport = Cvar_Get( "net_qport", va( "%i", port ), CVAR_INIT, "current quake netport" );

	net_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Network Pool" );

	Huff_Init ();	// initialize huffman compression
	BF_InitMasks ();	// initialize bit-masks
Exemple #13
static void Irc_LoadLibrary( void )
	static irc_import_t import;
	dllfunc_t funcs[2];
	GetIrcAPI_t GetIrcAPI_f;

	assert( !irc_libhandle );

	import.Printf = Irc_Print;
	import.CL_GetKeyDest = CL_GetKeyDest;
	import.CL_GetClientState = CL_GetClientState;
	import.Key_DelegatePush = Key_DelegatePush;
	import.Key_DelegatePop = Key_DelegatePop;
	import.SCR_RegisterFont = SCR_RegisterFont;
	import.SCR_DrawString = SCR_DrawString;
	import.SCR_DrawStringWidth = SCR_DrawStringWidth;
	import.SCR_DrawRawChar = SCR_DrawRawChar;
	import.SCR_strHeight = SCR_FontHeight;
	import.SCR_strWidth = SCR_strWidth;
	import.SCR_StrlenForWidth = SCR_StrlenForWidth;
	import.SCR_GetScreenWidth = SCR_GetScreenWidth;
	import.SCR_GetScreenHeight = SCR_GetScreenHeight;
	import.R_RegisterPic = SCR_RegisterPic;
	import.R_DrawStretchPic = SCR_DrawStretchPic;
	import.Sys_Milliseconds = Sys_Milliseconds;
	import.Sys_Microseconds = Sys_Microseconds;
	import.Mem_AllocPool = Irc_MemAllocPool;
	import.Mem_Alloc = Irc_MemAlloc;
	import.Mem_Free = Irc_MemFree;
	import.Mem_FreePool = Irc_MemFreePool;
	import.Mem_EmptyPool = Irc_MemEmptyPool;
	import.Dynvar_Create = Dynvar_Create;
	import.Dynvar_Destroy = Dynvar_Destroy;
	import.Dynvar_Lookup = Dynvar_Lookup;
	import.Dynvar_GetName = Dynvar_GetName;
	import.Dynvar_GetValue = Dynvar_GetValue;
	import.Dynvar_SetValue = Dynvar_SetValue;
	import.Dynvar_CallListeners = Dynvar_CallListeners;
	import.Dynvar_AddListener = Dynvar_AddListener;
	import.Dynvar_RemoveListener = Dynvar_RemoveListener;
	import.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get;
	import.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set;
	import.Cvar_SetValue = Cvar_SetValue;
	import.Cvar_ForceSet = Cvar_ForceSet;
	import.Cvar_Integer = Cvar_Integer;
	import.Cvar_Value = Cvar_Value;
	import.Cvar_String = Cvar_String;
	import.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc;
	import.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv;
	import.Cmd_Args = Cmd_Args;
	import.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand;
	import.Cmd_RemoveCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand;
	import.Cmd_ExecuteString = Cmd_ExecuteString;
	import.Com_BeginRedirect = Com_BeginRedirect;
	import.Com_EndRedirect = Com_EndRedirect;
	import.Cmd_SetCompletionFunc = Cmd_SetCompletionFunc;
	import.Cbuf_AddText = Cbuf_AddText;
	import.Trie_Create = Trie_Create;
	import.Trie_Destroy = Trie_Destroy;
	import.Trie_Clear = Trie_Clear;
	import.Trie_GetSize = Trie_GetSize;
	import.Trie_Insert = Trie_Insert;
	import.Trie_Remove = Trie_Remove;
	import.Trie_Replace = Trie_Replace;
	import.Trie_Find = Trie_Find;
	import.Trie_FindIf = Trie_FindIf;
	import.Trie_NoOfMatches = Trie_NoOfMatches;
	import.Trie_NoOfMatchesIf = Trie_NoOfMatchesIf;
	import.Trie_Dump = Trie_Dump;
	import.Trie_DumpIf = Trie_DumpIf;
	import.Trie_FreeDump = Trie_FreeDump;

	// load dynamic library
	Com_Printf( "Loading IRC module... " );
	funcs[0].name = "GetIrcAPI";
	funcs[0].funcPointer = (void **) &GetIrcAPI_f;
	funcs[1].name = NULL;
	irc_libhandle = Com_LoadLibrary( LIB_DIRECTORY "/" LIB_PREFIX "irc_" ARCH LIB_SUFFIX, funcs );

	if( irc_libhandle )
		// load succeeded
		int api_version;
		irc_export = GetIrcAPI_f( &import );
		irc_pool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "IRC Module" );
		api_version = irc_export->API();
		if( api_version == IRC_API_VERSION )
			if( irc_export->Init() )
				dynvar_t *const quit = Dynvar_Lookup( "quit" );
				if( quit )
					Dynvar_AddListener( quit, Irc_Quit_f );
				irc_initialized = true;
				Cmd_AddCommand( "irc_unload", Irc_UnloadLibrary );
				Com_Printf( "Success.\n" );
				// initialization failed
				Mem_FreePool( &irc_pool );
				Com_Printf( "Initialization failed.\n" );
			// wrong version
			Mem_FreePool( &irc_pool );
			Com_Printf( "Wrong version: %i, not %i.\n", api_version, IRC_API_VERSION );
		Com_Printf( "Not found.\n" );

void CFileSystem::Init()

	tStringList dirs;
	bool hasDefaultDir = false;
	int		i;
	// Init memory
	fs_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "FileSystem Pool" );	

	// add a path separator to the end of the basedir if it lacks one
	if( fs_basedir[0] && fs_basedir[Q_strlen(fs_basedir) - 1] != '/' && fs_basedir[Q_strlen(fs_basedir) - 1] != '\\' )
		Q_strncat( fs_basedir, "/", sizeof( fs_basedir ));

	fs_searchpaths = NULL;

	mpConsole->AddCommand("fs_rescan", FS_Rescan_f, "rescan filesystem search pathes");
	mpConsole->AddCommand("fs_path", FS_Path_f, "show filesystem search pathes");
	mpConsole->AddCommand("fs_clearpaths", FS_ClearPaths_f, "clear filesystem search pathes");

	// ignore commandlineoption "-game" for other stuff
	if( host.type == HOST_NORMAL || host.type == HOST_DEDICATED )
		stringlistinit( &dirs );
		listdirectory( &dirs, "./" );
		stringlistsort( &dirs );
		SI.numgames = 0;
		if( !Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-game", gs_basedir ))
			Q_strcpy( gs_basedir, SI.ModuleName ); // default dir

		if( FS_CheckNastyPath( gs_basedir, true ))
			DevMsg( D_ERROR, "FS_Init: invalid game directory \"%s\"\n", gs_basedir );		
			Q_strcpy( gs_basedir, SI.ModuleName ); // default dir

		// validate directories
		for( i = 0; i < dirs.numstrings; i++ )
			if( !Q_stricmp( SI.ModuleName, dirs.strings[i] ))
				hasDefaultDir = true;

			if( !Q_stricmp( gs_basedir, dirs.strings[i] ))

		if( i == dirs.numstrings )
			DevMsg( D_INFO, "FS_Init: game directory \"%s\" not exist\n", gs_basedir );
				Q_strncpy( gs_basedir, SI.ModuleName, sizeof( gs_basedir )); // default dir

		// build list of game directories here
		FS_AddGameDirectory( "./", 0 );

		for( i = 0; i < dirs.numstrings; i++ )
			if(!mpLowLevelFileSystem->SysFolderExists( dirs.strings[i] ) || (!Q_stricmp( dirs.strings[i], ".." ) && !fs_ext_path ))

			if( !SI.games[SI.numgames] )
				SI.games[SI.numgames] = (gameinfo_t *)Mem_Alloc( fs_mempool, sizeof( gameinfo_t ));

			if( FS_ParseGameInfo( dirs.strings[i], SI.games[SI.numgames] ))
				SI.numgames++; // added

		stringlistfreecontents( &dirs );

	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "FS_Init: done\n" );
Exemple #15
* SV_Init
* Only called at plat.exe startup, not for each game
void SV_Init( void )
	cvar_t *sv_pps;
	cvar_t *sv_fps;

	assert( !sv_initialized );

	memset( &svc, 0, sizeof( svc ) );


	sv_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Server" );

	Cvar_Get( "sv_cheats", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH );
	Cvar_Get( "protocol", va( "%i", APP_PROTOCOL_VERSION ), CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOSET );

	sv_ip =			    Cvar_Get( "sv_ip", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
	sv_port =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_port", va( "%i", PORT_SERVER ), CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
	sv_ip6 =			Cvar_Get( "sv_ip6", "::", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
	sv_port6 =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_port6", va( "%i", PORT_SERVER ), CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
	sv_tcp =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_tcp", "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );

	rcon_password =		    Cvar_Get( "rcon_password", "", 0 );
	sv_hostname =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_hostname", APPLICATION " server", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_timeout =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_timeout", "125", 0 );
	sv_zombietime =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_zombietime", "2", 0 );
	sv_enforcetime =	    Cvar_Get( "sv_enforcetime", "1", 0 );
	sv_showclamp =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_showclamp", "0", 0 );
	sv_showRcon =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_showRcon", "1", 0 );
	sv_showChallenge =	    Cvar_Get( "sv_showChallenge", "0", 0 );
	sv_showInfoQueries =	Cvar_Get( "sv_showInfoQueries", "0", 0 );
	sv_highchars =			Cvar_Get( "sv_highchars", "1", 0 );

	sv_uploads_baseurl =	    Cvar_Get( "sv_uploads_baseurl", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_uploads_demos_baseurl =	Cvar_Get( "sv_uploads_demos_baseurl", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	if( dedicated->integer )
		sv_uploads =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_uploads", "1", CVAR_READONLY );
		sv_uploads_from_server = Cvar_Get( "sv_uploads_from_server", "1", CVAR_READONLY );
		sv_autoUpdate = Cvar_Get( "sv_autoUpdate", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

		sv_pure =		Cvar_Get( "sv_pure", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH | CVAR_SERVERINFO );

		sv_public =		Cvar_Get( "sv_public", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
		sv_public =		Cvar_Get( "sv_public", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
		sv_uploads =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_uploads", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
		sv_uploads_from_server = Cvar_Get( "sv_uploads_from_server", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
		sv_autoUpdate = Cvar_Get( "sv_autoUpdate", "0", CVAR_READONLY );

		sv_pure =		Cvar_Get( "sv_pure", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH | CVAR_SERVERINFO );
		sv_public =		Cvar_Get( "sv_public", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	sv_iplimit = Cvar_Get( "sv_iplimit", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	sv_lastAutoUpdate = Cvar_Get( "sv_lastAutoUpdate", "0", CVAR_READONLY|CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_pure_forcemodulepk3 =    Cvar_Get( "sv_pure_forcemodulepk3", "", CVAR_LATCH );

	sv_defaultmap =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_defaultmap", "wdm1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_write_defaultmap =	Cvar_Get( "sv_write_defaultmap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_reconnectlimit =	    Cvar_Get( "sv_reconnectlimit", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_maxclients =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_maxclients", "8", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH );
	sv_maxmvclients =	    Cvar_Get( "sv_maxmvclients", "4", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_SERVERINFO );

	Cvar_Get( "sv_modmanifest", "", CVAR_READONLY );
	Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_modmanifest", "" );

	// fix invalid sv_maxclients values
	if( sv_maxclients->integer < 1 )
		Cvar_FullSet( "sv_maxclients", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_LATCH, qtrue );
	else if( sv_maxclients->integer > MAX_CLIENTS )
		Cvar_FullSet( "sv_maxclients", va( "%i", MAX_CLIENTS ), CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_LATCH, qtrue );

	sv_demodir = Cvar_Get( "sv_demodir", "", CVAR_NOSET );
	if( sv_demodir->string[0] && Com_GlobMatch( "*[^0-9a-zA-Z_@]*", sv_demodir->string, qfalse ) )
		Com_Printf( "Invalid demo prefix string: %s\n", sv_demodir->string );
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_demodir", "" );

	// wsw : jal : cap client's exceding server rules
	sv_maxrate =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_maxrate", "0", CVAR_DEVELOPER );
	sv_compresspackets =	    Cvar_Get( "sv_compresspackets", "1", CVAR_DEVELOPER );
	sv_skilllevel =		    Cvar_Get( "sv_skilllevel", "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );

	if( sv_skilllevel->integer > 2 )
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_skilllevel", "2" );
	if( sv_skilllevel->integer < 0 )
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_skilllevel", "0" );

	sv_masterservers =	    Cvar_Get( "masterservers", DEFAULT_MASTER_SERVERS_IPS, CVAR_LATCH );

	sv_debug_serverCmd =	    Cvar_Get( "sv_debug_serverCmd", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	sv_MOTD = Cvar_Get( "sv_MOTD", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_MOTDFile = Cvar_Get( "sv_MOTDFile", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sv_MOTDString = Cvar_Get( "sv_MOTDString", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	// this is a message holder for shared use
	MSG_Init( &tmpMessage, tmpMessageData, sizeof( tmpMessageData ) );

	// init server updates ratio
	if( dedicated->integer )
		sv_pps = Cvar_Get( "sv_pps", "20", CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_NOSET );
		sv_pps = Cvar_Get( "sv_pps", "20", CVAR_SERVERINFO );
	svc.snapFrameTime = (int)( 1000 / sv_pps->value );
	if( svc.snapFrameTime > 200 )
	{                           // too slow, also, netcode uses a byte
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_pps", "5" );
		svc.snapFrameTime = 200;
	else if( svc.snapFrameTime < 10 )
	{                                 // abusive
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_pps", "100" );
		svc.snapFrameTime = 10;

	sv_fps = Cvar_Get( "sv_fps", "62", CVAR_NOSET );
	svc.gameFrameTime = (int)( 1000 / sv_fps->value );
	if( svc.gameFrameTime > svc.snapFrameTime )
	{                                         // gamecode can never be slower than snaps
		svc.gameFrameTime = svc.snapFrameTime;
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_fps", sv_pps->dvalue );

	Com_Printf( "Game running at %i fps. Server transmit at %i pps\n", sv_fps->integer, sv_pps->integer );

	//init the master servers list



	sv_initialized = qtrue;
Exemple #16
* FTLIB_LoadLibrary
void FTLIB_LoadLibrary( qboolean verbose )
	static ftlib_import_t import;
	dllfunc_t funcs[2];
	void *( *GetFTLibAPI )(void *);

	assert( !ftlib_libhandle );

	import.Print = &CL_FTLibModule_Print;
	import.Error = &CL_FTLibModule_Error;

	import.Cvar_Get = &Cvar_Get;
	import.Cvar_Set = &Cvar_Set;
	import.Cvar_SetValue = &Cvar_SetValue;
	import.Cvar_ForceSet = &Cvar_ForceSet;
	import.Cvar_String = &Cvar_String;
	import.Cvar_Value = &Cvar_Value;

	import.Cmd_Argc = &Cmd_Argc;
	import.Cmd_Argv = &Cmd_Argv;
	import.Cmd_Args = &Cmd_Args;

	import.Cmd_AddCommand = &Cmd_AddCommand;
	import.Cmd_RemoveCommand = &Cmd_RemoveCommand;
	import.Cmd_ExecuteText = &Cbuf_ExecuteText;
	import.Cmd_Execute = &Cbuf_Execute;
	import.Cmd_SetCompletionFunc = &Cmd_SetCompletionFunc;

	import.FS_FOpenFile = &FS_FOpenFile;
	import.FS_Read = &FS_Read;
	import.FS_Write = &FS_Write;
	import.FS_Print = &FS_Print;
	import.FS_Tell = &FS_Tell;
	import.FS_Seek = &FS_Seek;
	import.FS_Eof = &FS_Eof;
	import.FS_Flush = &FS_Flush;
	import.FS_FCloseFile = &FS_FCloseFile;
	import.FS_RemoveFile = &FS_RemoveFile;
	import.FS_GetFileList = &FS_GetFileList;
	import.FS_IsUrl = &FS_IsUrl;

	import.R_RegisterPic = &CL_FTLibModule_RegisterPic;
	import.R_RegisterRawPic = &CL_FTLibModule_RegisterRawPic;
	import.R_DrawStretchPic = &CL_FTLibModule_DrawStretchPic;
	import.R_SetScissorRegion = &CL_FTLibModule_SetScissorRegion;
	import.R_GetScissorRegion = &CL_FTLibModule_GetScissorRegion;

	import.Milliseconds = &Sys_Milliseconds;
	import.Microseconds = &Sys_Microseconds;

	import.Mem_AllocPool = &CL_FTLibModule_MemAllocPool;
	import.Mem_Alloc = &CL_FTLibModule_MemAlloc;
	import.Mem_Free = &CL_FTLibModule_MemFree;
	import.Mem_FreePool = &CL_FTLibModule_MemFreePool;
	import.Mem_EmptyPool = &CL_FTLibModule_MemEmptyPool;

	// load dynamic library
	ftlib_export = NULL;
	if( verbose ) {
		Com_Printf( "Loading Fonts module... " );

	funcs[0].name = "GetFTLibAPI";
	funcs[0].funcPointer = ( void ** ) &GetFTLibAPI;
	funcs[1].name = NULL;
	ftlib_libhandle = Com_LoadLibrary( LIB_DIRECTORY "/ftlib_" ARCH LIB_SUFFIX, funcs );

	if( ftlib_libhandle )
		// load succeeded
		int api_version;

		ftlib_export = GetFTLibAPI( &import );
		ftlib_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Fonts Library Module" );

		api_version = ftlib_export->API();

		if( api_version == FTLIB_API_VERSION )
			if( ftlib_export->Init( verbose ) )
				if( verbose ) {
					Com_Printf( "Success.\n" );
				// initialization failed
				Mem_FreePool( &ftlib_mempool );
				if( verbose ) {
					Com_Printf( "Initialization failed.\n" );
				FTLIB_UnloadLibrary( verbose );
			// wrong version
			Mem_FreePool( &ftlib_mempool );
			Com_Printf( "ftlib_LoadLibrary: wrong version: %i, not %i.\n", api_version, FTLIB_API_VERSION );
			FTLIB_UnloadLibrary( verbose );
		if( verbose ) {
			Com_Printf( "Not found.\n" );

Exemple #17
* TV_Init
* Only called at plat.exe startup, not for each game
void TV_Init( void )
	Com_Printf( "Initializing " APPLICATION " TV server\n" );

	tv_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "TV" );


	Cvar_Get( "protocol", va( "%i", APP_PROTOCOL_VERSION ), CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOSET );
	Cvar_Get( "gamename", Cvar_String( "gamename" ), CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOSET );

	tv_password = Cvar_Get( "tv_password", "", 0 );

	tv_ip = Cvar_Get( "tv_ip", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_port = Cvar_Get( "tv_port", va( "%i", PORT_TV_SERVER ), CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_ip6 = Cvar_Get( "tv_ip6", "::", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_port6 = Cvar_Get( "tv_port6", va( "%i", PORT_TV_SERVER ), CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_udp = Cvar_Get( "tv_udp", "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_tcp = Cvar_Get( "tv_tcp", "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_udp = Cvar_Get( "tv_udp", "1", CVAR_NOSET );

	Cvar_FullSet( "tv_tcp", "0", CVAR_READONLY, true );

	tv_reconnectlimit = Cvar_Get( "tv_reconnectlimit", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	tv_timeout = Cvar_Get( "tv_timeout", "125", 0 );
	tv_zombietime = Cvar_Get( "tv_zombietime", "2", 0 );
	tv_name = Cvar_Get( "tv_name", APPLICATION "[TV]", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	tv_compresspackets = Cvar_Get( "tv_compresspackets", "1", 0 );
	tv_maxclients = Cvar_Get( "tv_maxclients", "32", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_maxmvclients = Cvar_Get( "tv_maxmvclients", "4", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NOSET );
	tv_public = Cvar_Get( "tv_public", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_SERVERINFO );
	tv_rcon_password = Cvar_Get( "tv_rcon_password", "", 0 );
	tv_autorecord = Cvar_Get( "tv_autorecord", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	tv_lobbymusic = Cvar_Get( "tv_lobbymusic", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	tv_masterservers = Cvar_Get( "tv_masterservers", DEFAULT_MASTER_SERVERS_IPS, CVAR_LATCH );
	tv_masterservers_steam = Cvar_Get( "tv_masterservers_steam", DEFAULT_MASTER_SERVERS_STEAM_IPS, CVAR_LATCH );

	// flood control
	tv_floodprotection_messages = Cvar_Get( "tv_floodprotection_messages", "10", 0 );
	tv_floodprotection_messages->modified = true;
	tv_floodprotection_seconds = Cvar_Get( "tv_floodprotection_seconds", "4", 0 );
	tv_floodprotection_seconds->modified = true;
	tv_floodprotection_penalty = Cvar_Get( "tv_floodprotection_delay", "20", 0 );
	tv_floodprotection_penalty->modified = true;

	if( tv_maxclients->integer < 0 )
		Cvar_ForceSet( "tv_maxclients", "0" );

	if( tv_maxclients->integer )
		tvs.clients = ( client_t * )Mem_Alloc( tv_mempool, sizeof( client_t ) * tv_maxclients->integer );
		tvs.clients = NULL;
	tvs.lobby.spawncount = rand();
	tvs.lobby.snapFrameTime = 100;

	// IPv4
	if( !NET_StringToAddress( tv_ip->string, &tvs.address ) )
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't understand address of tv_ip cvar: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
	NET_SetAddressPort( &tvs.address, tv_port->integer );

	if( tv_udp->integer )
		if( !NET_OpenSocket( &tvs.socket_udp, SOCKET_UDP, &tvs.address, true ) )
			Com_Printf( "Error: Couldn't open UDP socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
			Cvar_ForceSet( tv_udp->name, "0" );

	// IPv6
	if( !NET_StringToAddress( tv_ip6->string, &tvs.addressIPv6 ) )
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't understand address of tv_ip6 cvar: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
	NET_SetAddressPort( &tvs.addressIPv6, tv_port6->integer );

	if( tvs.addressIPv6.type != NA_NOTRANSMIT )
		if( !NET_OpenSocket( &tvs.socket_udp6, SOCKET_UDP, &tvs.addressIPv6, true ) )
			Com_Printf( "Error: Couldn't open UDP6 socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );

	if( tv_tcp->integer )
		bool err = true;

		if( !NET_OpenSocket( &tvs.socket_tcp, SOCKET_TCP, &tvs.address, true ) )
			Com_Printf( "Error: Couldn't open TCP socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
			NET_SetSocketNoDelay( &tvs.socket_tcp, 1 );
			if( !NET_Listen( &tvs.socket_tcp ) )
				Com_Printf( "Error: Couldn't listen to TCP socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
				err = false;

		if( tvs.addressIPv6.type != NA_NOTRANSMIT )
			if( !NET_OpenSocket( &tvs.socket_tcp6, SOCKET_TCP, &tvs.addressIPv6, true ) )
				Com_Printf( "Error: Couldn't open TCP6 socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
				NET_SetSocketNoDelay( &tvs.socket_tcp6, 1 );
				if( !NET_Listen( &tvs.socket_tcp6 ) )
					Com_Printf( "Error: Couldn't listen to TCP6 socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
					err = false;

		if( err ) {
			Cvar_ForceSet( tv_tcp->name, "0" );

Exemple #18
* CIN_LoadLibrary
void CIN_LoadLibrary( bool verbose )
	static cin_import_t import;
	dllfunc_t funcs[2];
	void *( *GetCinematicsAPI )(void *);

	assert( !cin_libhandle );

	import.Print = &CL_CinModule_Print;
	import.Error = &CL_CinModule_Error;

	import.Cvar_Get = &Cvar_Get;
	import.Cvar_Set = &Cvar_Set;
	import.Cvar_SetValue = &Cvar_SetValue;
	import.Cvar_ForceSet = &Cvar_ForceSet;
	import.Cvar_String = &Cvar_String;
	import.Cvar_Value = &Cvar_Value;

	import.Cmd_Argc = &Cmd_Argc;
	import.Cmd_Argv = &Cmd_Argv;
	import.Cmd_Args = &Cmd_Args;

	import.Cmd_AddCommand = &Cmd_AddCommand;
	import.Cmd_RemoveCommand = &Cmd_RemoveCommand;
	import.Cmd_ExecuteText = &Cbuf_ExecuteText;
	import.Cmd_Execute = &Cbuf_Execute;
	import.Cmd_SetCompletionFunc = &Cmd_SetCompletionFunc;

	import.FS_FOpenFile = &FS_FOpenFile;
	import.FS_Read = &FS_Read;
	import.FS_Write = &FS_Write;
	import.FS_Print = &FS_Print;
	import.FS_Tell = &FS_Tell;
	import.FS_Seek = &FS_Seek;
	import.FS_Eof = &FS_Eof;
	import.FS_Flush = &FS_Flush;
	import.FS_FCloseFile = &FS_FCloseFile;
	import.FS_RemoveFile = &FS_RemoveFile;
	import.FS_GetFileList = &FS_GetFileList;
	import.FS_IsUrl = &FS_IsUrl;

	import.Milliseconds = &Sys_Milliseconds;
	import.Microseconds = &Sys_Microseconds;

	import.Mem_AllocPool = &CL_CinModule_MemAllocPool;
	import.Mem_Alloc = &CL_CinModule_MemAlloc;
	import.Mem_Free = &CL_CinModule_MemFree;
	import.Mem_FreePool = &CL_CinModule_MemFreePool;
	import.Mem_EmptyPool = &CL_CinModule_MemEmptyPool;

	// load dynamic library
	cin_export = NULL;
	if( verbose ) {
		Com_Printf( "Loading CIN module... " );

	funcs[0].name = "GetCinematicsAPI";
	funcs[0].funcPointer = ( void ** ) &GetCinematicsAPI;
	funcs[1].name = NULL;
	cin_libhandle = Com_LoadLibrary( LIB_DIRECTORY "/" LIB_PREFIX "cin_" ARCH LIB_SUFFIX, funcs );

	if( cin_libhandle )
		// load succeeded
		int api_version;

		cin_export = GetCinematicsAPI( &import );
		cin_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "CIN Module" );

		api_version = cin_export->API();

		if( api_version == CIN_API_VERSION )
			if( cin_export->Init( verbose ) )
				if( verbose ) {
					Com_Printf( "Success.\n" );
				// initialization failed
				Mem_FreePool( &cin_mempool );
				if( verbose ) {
					Com_Printf( "Initialization failed.\n" );
				CIN_UnloadLibrary( verbose );
			// wrong version
			Mem_FreePool( &cin_mempool );
			Com_Printf( "CIN_LoadLibrary: wrong version: %i, not %i.\n", api_version, CIN_API_VERSION );
			CIN_UnloadLibrary( verbose );
		if( verbose ) {
			Com_Printf( "Not found.\n" );

Exemple #19
void Host_InitCommon( const char* moduleName, const char* cmdLine, const char *progname, qboolean bChangeGame )
	char		dev_level[4];
	char		szTemp[MAX_SYSPATH];
	string		szRootPath;
#ifdef _WIN32

	lpBuffer.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUS );
	GlobalMemoryStatus( &lpBuffer );

#ifndef __ANDROID__
	if( !(SDL_GetBasePath()) )
		Sys_Error( "couldn't determine current directory" );

	Q_strncpy(host.rootdir, SDL_GetBasePath(), sizeof(host.rootdir));

	if( host.rootdir[Q_strlen( host.rootdir ) - 1] == '/' )
		host.rootdir[Q_strlen( host.rootdir ) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpy(host.rootdir, GAMEPATH, sizeof(host.rootdir));

#ifdef _WIN32
	host.oldFilter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( Sys_Crash );
	host.hInst = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
	host.change_game = bChangeGame;
	host.state = HOST_INIT; // initialzation started
	host.developer = host.old_developer = 0;

	CRT_Init(); // init some CRT functions

	// some commands may turn engine into infinity loop,
	// e.g. xash.exe +game xash -game xash
	// so we clearing all cmd_args, but leave dbg states as well
	if( cmdLine ) Sys_ParseCommandLine( cmdLine );
#ifdef _WIN32
	SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS );	// no abort/retry/fail errors

	host.mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Zone Engine" );

	if( Sys_CheckParm( "-console" )) host.developer = 1;
	if( Sys_CheckParm( "-dev" ))
		if( Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-dev", dev_level ))
			if( Q_isdigit( dev_level ))
				host.developer = abs( Q_atoi( dev_level ));
			else host.developer++; // -dev == 1, -dev -console == 2
		else host.developer++; // -dev == 1, -dev -console == 2

	host.type = HOST_NORMAL; // predict state
	host.con_showalways = true;
#ifdef PANDORA
	if( Sys_CheckParm( "-noshouldermb" )) noshouldermb = 1;

#ifdef __ANDROID__
	if (chdir(host.rootdir) == 0)
		MsgDev(D_INFO,"%s is working directory now",host.rootdir);
		MsgDev(D_ERROR,"%s is not exists",host.rootdir);
	// we can specified custom name, from Sys_NewInstance
	if( SDL_GetBasePath() && !host.change_game )
		Q_strncpy( szTemp, SDL_GetBasePath(), sizeof(szTemp) );
		FS_FileBase( szTemp, SI.ModuleName );

	if(moduleName) Q_strncpy(SI.ModuleName, moduleName, sizeof(SI.ModuleName));

	FS_ExtractFilePath( SI.ModuleName, szRootPath );
	if( Q_stricmp( host.rootdir, szRootPath ))
		Q_strncpy( host.rootdir, szRootPath, sizeof( host.rootdir ));
#ifdef _WIN32
		SetCurrentDirectory( host.rootdir );
		chdir( host.rootdir );

	if( SI.ModuleName[0] == '#' ) host.type = HOST_DEDICATED; 

	// determine host type
	if( progname[0] == '#' )
		Q_strncpy( SI.ModuleName, progname + 1, sizeof( SI.ModuleName ));
		host.type = HOST_DEDICATED;
	else Q_strncpy( SI.ModuleName, progname, sizeof( SI.ModuleName )); 

	if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED )
		// check for duplicate dedicated server
		host.hMutex = SDL_CreateMutex(  );

		if( !host.hMutex )
			MSGBOX( "Dedicated server already running" );

		Sys_MergeCommandLine( cmdLine );

		SDL_DestroyMutex( host.hMutex );
		host.hMutex = SDL_CreateSemaphore( 0 );
		if( host.developer < 3 ) host.developer = 3; // otherwise we see empty console
		// don't show console as default
		if( host.developer < D_WARN ) host.con_showalways = false;

	host.old_developer = host.developer;


	// first text message into console or log 
	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading xash.dll - ok\n" );

	// startup cmds and cvars subsystem

	// share developer level across all dlls
	Q_snprintf( dev_level, sizeof( dev_level ), "%i", host.developer );
	Cvar_Get( "developer", dev_level, CVAR_INIT, "current developer level" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "exec", Host_Exec_f, "execute a script file" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "memlist", Host_MemStats_f, "prints memory pool information" );


	FS_LoadGameInfo( NULL );
	Q_strncpy( host.gamefolder, GI->gamefolder, sizeof( host.gamefolder ));

	if( GI->secure )
		// clear all developer levels when game is protected
		Cvar_FullSet( "developer", "0", CVAR_INIT );
		host.developer = host.old_developer = 0;
		host.con_showalways = false;


Exemple #20
* CL_SoundModule_Init
void CL_SoundModule_Init( qboolean verbose )
	static const char *sound_modules[] = { "qf", "openal" };
	static const int num_sound_modules = sizeof( sound_modules )/sizeof( sound_modules[0] );
	sound_import_t import;

	if( !s_module )
		s_module = Cvar_Get( "s_module", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH_SOUND );
	if( !s_module_fallback )
		s_module_fallback = Cvar_Get( "s_module_fallback", "2", CVAR_LATCH_SOUND );

	// unload anything we have now
	CL_SoundModule_Shutdown( verbose );

	if( verbose )
		Com_Printf( "------- sound initialization -------\n" );

	Cvar_GetLatchedVars( CVAR_LATCH_SOUND );

	if( s_module->integer < 0 || s_module->integer > num_sound_modules )
		Com_Printf( "Invalid value for s_module (%i), reseting to default\n", s_module->integer );
		Cvar_ForceSet( "s_module", s_module->dvalue );

	if( s_module_fallback->integer < 0 || s_module_fallback->integer > num_sound_modules )
		Com_Printf( "Invalid value for s_module_fallback (%i), reseting to default\n", s_module_fallback->integer );
		Cvar_ForceSet( "s_module_fallback", s_module_fallback->dvalue );

	if( !s_module->integer )
		if( verbose )
			Com_Printf( "Not loading a sound module\n" );
			Com_Printf( "------------------------------------\n" );

	cl_soundmodulepool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Client Sound Module" );

	import.Error = CL_SoundModule_Error;
	import.Print = CL_SoundModule_Print;

	import.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get;
	import.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set;
	import.Cvar_SetValue = Cvar_SetValue;
	import.Cvar_ForceSet = Cvar_ForceSet;
	import.Cvar_String = Cvar_String;
	import.Cvar_Value = Cvar_Value;

	import.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc;
	import.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv;
	import.Cmd_Args = Cmd_Args;

	import.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand;
	import.Cmd_RemoveCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand;
	import.Cmd_ExecuteText = Cbuf_ExecuteText;
	import.Cmd_Execute = Cbuf_Execute;
	import.Cmd_SetCompletionFunc = Cmd_SetCompletionFunc;

	import.FS_FOpenFile = FS_FOpenFile;
	import.FS_Read = FS_Read;
	import.FS_Write = FS_Write;
	import.FS_Print = FS_Print;
	import.FS_Tell = FS_Tell;
	import.FS_Seek = FS_Seek;
	import.FS_Eof = FS_Eof;
	import.FS_Flush = FS_Flush;
	import.FS_FCloseFile = FS_FCloseFile;
	import.FS_RemoveFile = FS_RemoveFile;
	import.FS_GetFileList = FS_GetFileList;
	import.FS_IsUrl = FS_IsUrl;

	import.Milliseconds = Sys_Milliseconds;
	import.PageInMemory = Com_PageInMemory;

	import.Mem_Alloc = CL_SoundModule_MemAlloc;
	import.Mem_Free = CL_SoundModule_MemFree;
	import.Mem_AllocPool = CL_SoundModule_MemAllocPool;
	import.Mem_FreePool = CL_SoundModule_MemFreePool;
	import.Mem_EmptyPool = CL_SoundModule_MemEmptyPool;

	import.GetEntitySpatilization = CL_GameModule_GetEntitySpatilization;

	import.LoadLibrary = Com_LoadLibrary;
	import.UnloadLibrary = Com_UnloadLibrary;

	if( !CL_SoundModule_Load( sound_modules[s_module->integer-1], &import, verbose ) )
		if( s_module->integer == s_module_fallback->integer ||
			!CL_SoundModule_Load( sound_modules[s_module_fallback->integer-1], &import, verbose ) )
			if( verbose )
				Com_Printf( "Couldn't load a sound module\n" );
				Com_Printf( "------------------------------------\n" );
			Mem_FreePool( &cl_soundmodulepool );
			se = NULL;
		Cvar_ForceSet( "s_module", va( "%i", s_module_fallback->integer ) );


	// check memory integrity
	if( verbose )
		Com_Printf( "------------------------------------\n" );
Exemple #21
void Host_InitCommon( int argc, const char** argv, const char *progname, qboolean bChangeGame )
	char		dev_level[4];
	char		*baseDir;

	// some commands may turn engine into infinite loop,
	// e.g. xash.exe +game xash -game xash
	// so we clear all cmd_args, but leave dbg states as well
	Sys_ParseCommandLine( argc, argv );
	host.enabledll = !Sys_CheckParm( "-nodll" );

	host.shutdown_issued = false;
	host.crashed = false;
	if( host.enabledll )
		Setup_LDT_Keeper( ); // Must call before any thread creating

#if defined(XASH_SDL) && !(defined(PANDORA) || defined(RPI))
		Sys_Error( "SDL_Init: %s", SDL_GetError() );

	if( ( baseDir = getenv( "XASH3D_BASEDIR" ) ) )
		Q_strncpy( host.rootdir, baseDir, sizeof(host.rootdir) );
		#if defined(PANDORA) || defined(RPI)
		Q_strncpy( host.rootdir, ".", sizeof( host.rootdir ) );
		#if defined(XASH_SDL)
		if( !( baseDir = SDL_GetBasePath() ) )
			Sys_Error( "couldn't determine current directory: %s", SDL_GetError() );
		Q_strncpy( host.rootdir, baseDir, sizeof( host.rootdir ) );
		if( !getcwd( host.rootdir, sizeof(host.rootdir) ) )
			host.rootdir[0] = 0;

	if( host.rootdir[Q_strlen( host.rootdir ) - 1] == '/' )
		host.rootdir[Q_strlen( host.rootdir ) - 1] = 0;

	if( !Sys_CheckParm( "-noch" ) )

	host.change_game = bChangeGame;
	host.state = HOST_INIT; // initialization started
	host.developer = host.old_developer = 0;
	host.textmode = false;

	host.mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Zone Engine" );

	if( Sys_CheckParm( "-console" )) host.developer = 1;
	if( Sys_CheckParm( "-dev" ))
		if( Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-dev", dev_level ))
			if( Q_isdigit( dev_level ))
				host.developer = abs( Q_atoi( dev_level ));
			else host.developer++; // -dev == 1, -dev -console == 2
		else host.developer++; // -dev == 1, -dev -console == 2

	host.type = HOST_DEDICATED; // predict state
	if( Sys_CheckParm("-dedicated") || progname[0] == '#' )
		 host.type = HOST_DEDICATED;
	else host.type = HOST_NORMAL;
	host.con_showalways = true;
	host.mouse_visible = false;

#ifdef XASH_SDL
		host.type = HOST_DEDICATED;

	if ( SetCurrentDirectory( host.rootdir ) != 0)
		MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s is working directory now\n", host.rootdir );
		Sys_Error( "Changing working directory to %s failed.\n", host.rootdir );

	// set default gamedir
	if( progname[0] == '#' ) progname++;
	Q_strncpy( SI.ModuleName, progname, sizeof( SI.ModuleName ));

	if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED )
		Sys_MergeCommandLine( );

		if( host.developer < 3 ) host.developer = 3; // otherwise we see empty console
		// don't show console as default
		if( host.developer < D_WARN ) host.con_showalways = false;

	host.old_developer = host.developer;
	if( !Sys_CheckParm( "-nowcon" ) )

	// first text message into console or log 
	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading Engine Library - ok\n" );

	// startup cmds and cvars subsystem

	// share developer level across all dlls
	Q_snprintf( dev_level, sizeof( dev_level ), "%i", host.developer );
	Cvar_Get( "developer", dev_level, CVAR_INIT, "current developer level" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "exec", Host_Exec_f, "execute a script file" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "memlist", Host_MemStats_f, "prints memory pool information" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "userconfigd", Host_Userconfigd_f, "execute all scripts from userconfig.d" );
	cmd_scripting = Cvar_Get( "cmd_scripting", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable simple condition checking and variable operations" );

	FS_LoadGameInfo( NULL );
	Q_strncpy( host.gamefolder, GI->gamefolder, sizeof( host.gamefolder ));

#if !(defined(PANDORA) || defined(RPI))
	if( GI->secure )
		// clear all developer levels when game is protected
		Cvar_FullSet( "developer", "0", CVAR_INIT );
		host.developer = host.old_developer = 0;
		host.con_showalways = false;

Exemple #22
* R_InitSkinFiles
void R_InitSkinFiles( void )
	r_skinsPool = Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Skins" );

	memset( r_skinfiles, 0, sizeof( r_skinfiles ) );