Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	int nrows = 6;
	if (argc >= 2)
		sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &nrows);
	int ncols = 6;
	if (argc >= 3)
		sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &ncols);
	Cmatrix Md = Cmatrix::Random(nrows, ncols);
	MatrixXv Mv(Md);
	MatrixXl Ml(Md);
	MatrixXh Mh(Md);

	cout << Md.str(Dense()) << endl;
	cout << Mv.str(Dense()) << endl;
	cout << Ml.str(Dense()) << endl;
	cout << Mh.str(Dense()) << endl;
	cout << Mh.nnz() << endl;
    * Computes the parameters of an ellipse from contours
    bool Circular::getEllipseParameters(void){
        // Transform from pixel coordinate to image frame coordinate
        int numel = this->contours_.size();
        cv::Mat M(3, numel, CV_64F, 1.0);
        double ax = - this->cx_ / this->fx_ ;
        double ay = - this->cy_ / this->fy_ ;
        for (int j=0; j<numel; j++){
                M.at<double>(0, j) = this->contours_.at(j).x / this->fx_ + ax ;
                M.at<double>(1, j) = this->contours_.at(j).y / this->fy_ + ay ;
        // Find center of the oblique circular cone;
        this->xc_c_(0) = sum(M.row(0))[0]/numel;
        this->xc_c_(1) = sum(M.row(1))[0]/numel;
        this->xc_c_(2) = 1;

        // Computing ellipse parameters
        double alpha = -atan2(xc_c_(1), -xc_c_(2));
        double beta  = -atan2(xc_c_(0), -xc_c_(1)*sin(alpha)-xc_c_(2)*cos(alpha) );
        cv::Mat R    = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << cos(beta), 0, -sin(beta),0, 1, 0, sin(beta), 0, cos(beta) ) * 
                       (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 1, 0, 0, 0, cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), 0, sin(alpha), cos(alpha) );
        cv::Mat Mh(R*M);
        std::vector<cv::Point2f> contours;

        for (int j=0; j<Mh.cols; j++){
            contours.push_back(cv::Point2f(  Mh.at<double>(0, j) / Mh.at<double>(2, j), 
                                             Mh.at<double>(1, j) / Mh.at<double>(2, j) 
                                          ) ); 
        this->ellipse_ = cv::fitEllipse(contours);
        return true;