Exemple #1
/*! \brief intersect a ray with a sphere, only returns the first intersection point
Intersection_t *Intersect_Sphere(Rayf_t *ray, Geo_Sphere_t *sphere) {
    /* values for the quadric equation */
    float a = LengthSqV3f(ray->dir); 
    float b = 2 * DotV3f(ray->dir, ray->orig);
    float c = LengthSqV3f(ray->orig) - Sqrf(sphere->radius);
    float D = Sqrf(b) - (4 * a * c);

    if (D >= 0) {
	float t1 = (-b - sqrtf(D)) / (2 * a), t2 = (-b + sqrtf(D)) / (2 * a); /* two candidate intersection parameters */
	float t; /* the smallest positive candidate intersection parameter */
	/* if only 1 is negative the ray starts inside the sphere
	 * if both are negative the sphere is behind the ray
	 * either way there's no intersection
	if (t1 <= EPSILON || t2 <= EPSILON)
	    return NULL;
	else if (t1 <= EPSILON)
	    t = t2;
	else if (t2 <= EPSILON)
	    t = t1;
	    t = Minf(t1, t2);

	Intersection_t *intersection = NEW(Intersection_t);
	intersection->t = t;
	RayToPointf(ray, t, intersection->point);

	/* for a sphere centered at the origin the normal of a point is the vector from the point to the origin */
	CopyV3f(intersection->point, intersection->norm);

	/* compute texture coordinates */
	intersection->u = ((atan2(intersection->norm[1], intersection->norm[0]) / 3.142) + 1) / 2; 
	intersection->v = (intersection->norm[2] + 1) / 2;

	return intersection;

    return NULL;
float Vector4::Min()const{
	return Minf(Minf(w,x),Minf(y,z));
float Vector3::Min()const{
	return Minf(x,y);