Exemple #1
void Marimba_setStrikePosition(t_marimba *x, float position)
  float temp,temp2;
  temp2 = position * PI;
  x->x_spos = position;                        /*  Hack only first three modes */
  temp = sin(temp2);
  Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 0, .12 * temp);      /*  1st mode function of pos.   */                            
  temp = sin(0.05 + (3.9 * temp2));
  Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 1, -.03 * temp);     /*  2nd mode function of pos.   */
  temp = sin(-0.05 + (11. * temp2));
  Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 2, .11 * temp);      /*  3rd mode function of pos.   */
Exemple #2
static void *marimba_new(void)
	unsigned int i;
	char file[128];

    t_marimba *x = (t_marimba *)pd_new(marimba_class);
    //zero out the struct, to be careful (takk to jkclayton)
    if (x) { 
                ((char *)x)[i]=0; 
    outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));

	inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("spos"));
	inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("sa"));
	inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("vf"));
	inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("va"));
	inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("freq"));
   	x->srate = sys_getsr();
    x->one_over_srate = 1./x->srate;
    Modal4_init(&x->modal, x->srate);
  	//strcpy(file, RAWWAVE_PATH);
  	HeaderSnd_alloc(&x->modal.wave, marmstk1, 256, "oneshot");
	HeaderSnd_setRate(&x->modal.wave, .5);				/*  normal stick  */
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 0, 1.00, 0.9996);
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 1, 3.99, 0.9994);
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 2, 10.65, 0.9994);
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 3, 2443.0, 0.999);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 0, .04);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 1, .01);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 2, .01);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 3, .008);
  	x->modal.directGain = 0.1;
  	x->multiStrike = 0;

    x->fr_save = x->x_fr;
    return (x);
Exemple #3
int vibraphnset(CSOUND *csound, VIBRAPHN *p)
    Modal4      *m = &(p->m4);
    MYFLT       temp;
    FUNC        *ftp;

    if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL))
      p->m4.wave = ftp;         /* Expect an impulslything */
    else {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("No table for Vibraphone strike"));

    if (UNLIKELY(make_Modal4(csound, m, p->ivfn, *p->vibAmt, *p->vibFreq)==NOTOK))
      return NOTOK;

    p->m4.w_phaseOffset = FL(0.0);
/*     p->m4.w_rate = 13.33; */
    OnePole_setPole(&p->m4.onepole, FL(0.2));
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 0, FL(1.0), FL(0.99995)); /*  Set         */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 1, FL(2.01),FL(0.99991)); /*  our         */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 2, FL(3.9), FL(0.99992)); /*  resonance   */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 3,FL(14.37),FL(0.99990)); /*  values here */
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 0, FL(0.025));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 1, FL(0.015));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 2, FL(0.015));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 3, FL(0.015));
    p->m4.directGain = FL(0.0);
/*     vibrGain = 0.2; */
    p->m4.w_rate = FL(2.0) + (FL(22.66) * *p->hardness);
    p->m4.masterGain = FL(0.2) + (*p->hardness * FL(1.6));
                                /* Set Strike position */
    temp = (p->strikePosition = *p->spos) * PI_F;
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[0], FL(0.025) * SIN(temp));
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[1], FL(0.015) *
                   SIN(FL(0.1) + (FL(2.01) * temp)));
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[2], FL(0.015) * SIN(FL(3.95) * temp));
                                /* Strike */
    Modal4_strike(csound, m, *p->amplitude * AMP_RSCALE);
    Modal4_setFreq(csound, m, *p->frequency);
    p->first = 1;
    return OK;
Exemple #4
int agogobelset(CSOUND *csound, VIBRAPHN *p)
    Modal4      *m = &(p->m4);
    FUNC        *ftp;
    MYFLT       temp;

    /* Expect an impulslything */
    if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL)) p->m4.wave = ftp;
    else {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("No table for Agogobell strike"));

    if (UNLIKELY(make_Modal4(csound, m, p->ivfn, *p->vibAmt, *p->vibFreq)==NOTOK))
      return NOTOK;

    p->m4.w_phaseOffset = FL(0.0);
/*     p->m4.w_rate = 7.0; */
    OnePole_setPole(&p->m4.onepole, FL(0.2));
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 0, FL(1.00), FL(0.999));   /* Set         */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 1, FL(4.08), FL(0.999));   /* our         */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 2, FL(6.669),FL(0.999));   /* resonance   */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 3,-FL(3725.0), FL(0.999)); /* values here */
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 0, FL(0.06));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 1, FL(0.05));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 2, FL(0.03));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 3, FL(0.02));
    p->m4.directGain = FL(0.25);
/*     vibrGain = 0.2; */
    p->m4.w_rate = FL(3.0) + (FL(8.0) * *p->hardness);
    p->m4.masterGain = FL(1.0);
                                /* Set Strike position */
    temp = (p->strikePosition = *p->spos) * PI_F;
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[0], FL(0.08) * SIN(FL(0.7) * temp));
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[1], FL(0.07) * SIN(FL(0.1) + (FL(5.0) * temp)));
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[2], FL(0.04) * SIN(FL(0.2) + (FL(7.0) * temp)));
                                /* Strike */
    Modal4_strike(csound, m, *p->amplitude*AMP_RSCALE);
    Modal4_setFreq(csound, m, *p->frequency);
    return OK;
Exemple #5
void *marimba_new(double initial_coeff)
	int i;
	char file[128];

    t_marimba *x = (t_marimba *)newobject(marimba_class);
    //zero out the struct, to be careful (takk to jkclayton)
    if (x) { 
                ((char *)x)[i]=0; 
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,6);
    outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
   	x->srate = sys_getsr();
    x->one_over_srate = 1./x->srate;
    Modal4_init(&x->modal, x->srate);
  	//strcpy(file, RAWWAVE_PATH);
  	HeaderSnd_alloc(&x->modal.wave, marmstk1, 256, "oneshot");
	HeaderSnd_setRate(&x->modal.wave, .5);				/*  normal stick  */
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 0, 1.00, 0.9996);
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 1, 3.99, 0.9994);
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 2, 10.65, 0.9994);
	Modal4_setRatioAndReson(&x->modal, 3, 2443.0, 0.999);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 0, .04);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 1, .01);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 2, .01);
	Modal4_setFiltGain(&x->modal, 3, .008);
  	x->modal.directGain = 0.1;
  	x->multiStrike = 0;

    x->fr_save = x->x_fr;
    return (x);
Exemple #6
int marimbaset(CSOUND *csound, MARIMBA *p)
    Modal4      *m = &(p->m4);
    MYFLT       temp,temp2;
    int         itemp;
    FUNC        *ftp;

    if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL))
      p->m4.wave = ftp;
    else {                                    /* Expect an impulslything */
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("No table for Marimba strike"));

    if (UNLIKELY(make_Modal4(csound,
                             m, p->ivfn, *p->vibAmt, *p->vibFreq)==NOTOK))
      return NOTOK;
    p->m4.w_phaseOffset = FL(0.0);
/*     p->m4.w_rate = 0.5; */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound,m,0, FL(1.00), FL(0.9996)); /* Set all 132.0 */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound,m,1, FL(3.99), FL(0.9994)); /* of our  523.0 */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound,m,2,FL(10.65), FL(0.9994)); /* default 1405.0 */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound,m,3,-FL(18.50),FL(0.999)); /* resonances 2443 */
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 0, FL(0.04));               /*  and        */
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 1, FL(0.01));               /*  gains      */
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 2, FL(0.01));               /*  for each   */
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 3, FL(0.008));              /*  resonance  */
    p->m4.directGain = FL(0.1);
    p->multiStrike = 0;
    p->strikePosition = *p->spos;
                                /* Set Stick hardness stuff */
    p->stickHardness = *p->hardness;
    p->m4.w_rate = (FL(0.25) * (MYFLT)pow(4.0,(double)p->stickHardness));
    p->m4.masterGain = (FL(0.1) + (FL(1.8) * p->stickHardness));
                                /* Set Strike position */
    temp2 = p->strikePosition * PI_F;
    temp = SIN(temp2);
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[0], FL(0.12)*temp); /* 1st mode function of pos.*/
    temp = SIN(FL(0.05) + (FL(3.9) * temp2));
                   -FL(0.03)*temp); /* 2nd mode function of pos.*/
    temp = SIN(-FL(0.05) + (FL(11.0) * temp2));
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[2], FL(0.11)*temp); /* 3rd mode function of pos.*/
                                /* Strike */
      int triples = (*p->triples<=FL(0.0) ? 20 : (int)*p->triples);
      int doubles = (*p->doubles<=FL(0.0) ? 40 : triples + (int)*p->doubles);
      itemp = csound->Rand31(&(csound->randSeed1)) % 100;
      if (itemp < triples) {
        p->multiStrike = 2;
        if (csound->oparms->msglevel & RNGEMSG)
          csound->Message(csound, Str("striking three times here!!!\n"));
      else if (itemp < doubles) {
        p->multiStrike = 1;
        if (csound->oparms->msglevel & RNGEMSG)
          csound->Message(csound, Str("striking twice here!!\n"));
      else p->multiStrike = 0;
    Modal4_strike(csound, m, *p->amplitude * AMP_RSCALE);
    Modal4_setFreq(csound, m, *p->frequency);
    p->first = 1;
      int relestim = (int) (CS_EKR * *p->dettack);
      /* 0.1 second decay extention */
      if (relestim > p->h.insdshead->xtratim)
        p->h.insdshead->xtratim = relestim;
    p->kloop = (int) ((int32) (p->h.insdshead->offtim * CS_EKR)
                      - (int32) (CS_EKR * *p->dettack));
    return OK;