Exemple #1
static int get_token(const char* string, int startIndex, const char* separators,
                     int* output_index, int* token_start, int* token_length) {
    int past_token;
    int sep_pos;

    *token_start = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
    /* Index of first char of token, after ws. */

    past_token = SkipNonWhiteSpaceSeparator(string, *token_start, separators);
    /* Index of first char after token, ws or separator. */

    sep_pos = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, past_token);
    /* Index of first char after ws after token, maybe a separator. */

    *output_index = InSet(string, sep_pos, separators) ? sep_pos + 1 : sep_pos;
    /* Skip any separator. */

    *token_length = past_token-*token_start;

    if (*token_length == 0 || *token_length > MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
        /* Token missing or too long. */
        *output_index = startIndex;
        return 0; /* error */

    return 1; /* ok */
Exemple #2
void ModelicaStrings_scanIdentifier(_In_z_ const char* string,
                                    int startIndex, _Out_ int* nextIndex,
                                    _Out_ const char** identifier) {
    int token_start = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
    /* Index of first char of token, after ws. */

    if (isalpha((unsigned char)string[token_start-1])) {
        /* Identifier has begun. */
        int token_length = 1;
        while (string[token_start+token_length-1] != '\0' &&
            (isalpha((unsigned char)string[token_start+token_length-1]) ||
            isdigit((unsigned char)string[token_start+token_length-1]) ||
            string[token_start+token_length-1] == '_')) {

            char* s = ModelicaAllocateString((size_t)token_length);
            strncpy(s, string+token_start-1, (size_t)token_length);
            s[token_length] = '\0';
            *nextIndex = token_start + token_length;
            *identifier = s;

    /* Token missing or not identifier. */
    *nextIndex  = startIndex;
    *identifier = ModelicaAllocateString(0);
void ModelicaStrings_scanInteger(const char* string, int startIndex, int unsignedNumber,
                                 int* nextIndex, int* integerNumber)
    int number_length=0;
    int sign = 0;
    /* Number of characters used for sign. */

    int token_start = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
    /* Index of first char of token, after ws. */

    if (string[token_start-1] == '+' || string[token_start-1] == '-')
        sign = 1;

    if (unsignedNumber==0 || (unsignedNumber==1 && sign==0)) {
        number_length = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + sign);
        /* Number of characters in unsigned number. */

        if (number_length > 0 && sign + number_length < MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
          /* check if the scanned string is no Real number */
          int next = token_start + sign + number_length - 1;
          if (  string[next] == '\0' ||
               (string[next] != '\0' && string[next] != '.'
                                     && string[next] != 'e'
                                     && string[next] != 'E') ) {
             /* get Integer value */
             char buf[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE+1];
             int x;

             strncpy(buf, string+token_start-1, sign + number_length);
             buf[sign + number_length] = '\0';
#if !defined(NO_FILE_SYSTEM)
             if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &x) == 1) {
                *integerNumber = x;
                *nextIndex = token_start + sign + number_length;
          } else {

    /* Token missing or cannot be converted to result type. */
    *nextIndex     = startIndex;
    *integerNumber = 0;
Exemple #4
void ModelicaStrings_scanString(_In_z_ const char* string, int startIndex,
                                _Out_ int* nextIndex, _Out_ const char** result) {
    int i, token_start, past_token, token_length;

    token_length = 0;
    token_start = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
    i = token_start;
    if (string[token_start-1] != '"') {
        goto Modelica_ERROR;
    /* Index of first char of token, after ws. */

    while (1) {
        if (string[i-1] == '\0') {
            goto Modelica_ERROR;
        if (string[i-2] == '\\' && string[i-1] == '"')
            ; /* escaped quote, consume */
        else if (string[i-1] == '"') {
            break; /* end quote */
    past_token = i + 1;
    /* Index of first char after token, ws or separator. */

    token_length = past_token-token_start-2;

    if (token_length > 0) {
        char* s = ModelicaAllocateString((size_t)token_length);
        strncpy(s, string+token_start, (size_t)token_length);
        s[token_length] = '\0';
        *result = s;
        *nextIndex = past_token;

    *result = ModelicaAllocateString(0);
    *nextIndex = startIndex;
Exemple #5
void ModelicaStrings_scanReal(_In_z_ const char* string, int startIndex,
                              int unsignedNumber, _Out_ int* nextIndex,
                              _Out_ double* number) {
    Grammar of real number:

    real ::= [sign] unsigned [fraction] [exponent]
    sign ::= '+' | '-'
    unsigned ::= digit [unsigned]
    fraction ::= '.' [unsigned]
    exponent ::= ('e' | 'E') [sign] unsigned
    digit ::= '0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9'

    int len = 0;
    /* Temporary variable for the length of a matched unsigned number. */

    int total_length = 0;
    /* Total number of characters recognized as part of a decimal number. */

    int token_start = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
    /* Index of first char of token, after ws. */

    int exp_len = 0;
    /* Total number of characters recognized as part of the non-numeric parts
     * of exponent (the 'e' and the sign). */

    /* Scan sign of decimal number */

    if (string[token_start-1] == '+' || string[token_start-1] == '-') {
        total_length = 1;
        if (unsignedNumber == 1) {
            goto Modelica_ERROR;

    /* Scan integer part of mantissa. */

    len = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + total_length);
    total_length += len;

    /* Scan decimal part of mantissa. */

    if (string[token_start + total_length-1] == '.') {
        total_length += 1;
        len = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + total_length);
        if (len > 0) {
            total_length += len;

    /* Scan exponent part of mantissa. */

    if (string[token_start + total_length-1] == 'e' || string[token_start + total_length-1] == 'E') {
        /* total_length += 1; */
        exp_len = 1;

        if (string[token_start + total_length] == '+' || string[token_start + total_length] == '-') {
            exp_len += 1;
        len = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + total_length + exp_len);
        if (len == 0) {
            goto Modelica_ERROR;
        total_length += exp_len + len;

    /* Convert accumulated characters into a number. */

    if (total_length > 0 && total_length < MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
#if defined(NO_LOCALE)
        const char* const dec = ".";
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
        _locale_t loc = _create_locale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
#elif defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(__GLIBC_MINOR__) && ((__GLIBC__ << 16) + __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= (2 << 16) + 3)
        locale_t loc = newlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C", NULL);
        char* dec = localeconv()->decimal_point;
        char buf[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE+1];
        /* Buffer for copying the part recognized as the number for passing to strtod(). */
        char* endptr;
        /* For error checking of strtod(). */
        double x;
        /* For receiving the result. */

        strncpy(buf, string+token_start-1, (size_t)total_length);
        buf[total_length] = '\0';
#if !defined(NO_LOCALE) && (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400)
        x = _strtod_l(buf, &endptr, loc);
#elif !defined(NO_LOCALE) && (defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(__GLIBC_MINOR__) && ((__GLIBC__ << 16) + __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= (2 << 16) + 3))
        x = strtod_l(buf, &endptr, loc);
        if (*dec == '.') {
            x = strtod(buf, &endptr);
        else if (NULL == strchr(buf, '.')) {
            x = strtod(buf, &endptr);
        else {
            char* p = strchr(buf, '.');
            *p = *dec;
            x = strtod(buf, &endptr);
        if (*endptr == 0) {
            *number = x;
            *nextIndex = token_start + total_length;

    /* Token missing or cannot be converted to result type. */

    *nextIndex = startIndex;
    *number = 0;
Exemple #6
void ModelicaStrings_scanInteger(_In_z_ const char* string,
                                 int startIndex, int unsignedNumber,
                                 _Out_ int* nextIndex, _Out_ int* integerNumber) {
    int sign = 0;
    /* Number of characters used for sign. */

    int token_start = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
    /* Index of first char of token, after ws. */

    if (string[token_start-1] == '+' || string[token_start-1] == '-') {
        sign = 1;

    if (unsignedNumber==0 || (unsignedNumber==1 && sign==0)) {
        int number_length = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + sign);
        /* Number of characters in unsigned number. */

        if (number_length > 0 && sign + number_length < MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
            /* check if the scanned string is no Real number */
            int next = token_start + sign + number_length - 1;
            if ( string[next] == '\0' ||
                (string[next] != '.'  && string[next] != 'e'
                                      && string[next] != 'E') ) {
#if defined(NO_LOCALE)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
                _locale_t loc = _create_locale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
#elif defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(__GLIBC_MINOR__) && ((__GLIBC__ << 16) + __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= (2 << 16) + 3)
                locale_t loc = newlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C", NULL);
                char buf[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE+1];
                /* Buffer for copying the part recognized as the number for passing to strtol(). */
                char* endptr;
                /* For error checking of strtol(). */
                int x;
                /* For receiving the result. */

                strncpy(buf, string+token_start-1, (size_t)(sign + number_length));
                buf[sign + number_length] = '\0';
#if !defined(NO_LOCALE) && (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400)
                x = (int)_strtol_l(buf, &endptr, 10, loc);
#elif !defined(NO_LOCALE) && (defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(__GLIBC_MINOR__) && ((__GLIBC__ << 16) + __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= (2 << 16) + 3))
                x = (int)strtol_l(buf, &endptr, 10, loc);
                x = (int)strtol(buf, &endptr, 10);
                if (*endptr == 0) {
                    *integerNumber = x;
                    *nextIndex = token_start + sign + number_length;

    /* Token missing or cannot be converted to result type. */
    *nextIndex     = startIndex;
    *integerNumber = 0;
void ModelicaStrings_scanReal(const char* string, int startIndex, int unsignedNumber,
                              int* nextIndex, double* number)
    Grammar of real number:

    real ::= [sign] unsigned [fraction] [exponent]
    sign ::= '+' | '-'
    unsigned ::= digit [unsigned]
    fraction ::= '.' [unsigned]
    exponent ::= ('e' | 'E') [sign] unsigned
    digit ::= '0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9'

    int len = 0;
    /* Temporary variable for the length of a matched unsigned number. */

    int total_length = 0;
    /* Total number of characters recognized as part of a decimal number. */

    int token_start = ModelicaStrings_skipWhiteSpace(string, startIndex);
    /* Index of first char of token, after ws. */

    int exp_len = 0;
    /* Total number of characters recognized as part of the non-numeric parts
     * of exponent (the 'e' and the sign). */

    char buf[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE+1];
    /* Buffer for copying the part recognized as the number for passing to sscanf(). */

    double x;
    /* For receiving the result. */

    /* Scan sign of decimal number */

    if (string[token_start-1] == '+' || string[token_start-1] == '-') {
        total_length = 1;
        if (unsignedNumber==1) goto error;

    /* Scan integer part of mantissa. */

    len = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + total_length);
    total_length += len;

    /* Scan decimal part of mantissa. */

    if (string[token_start + total_length-1] == '.') {
        total_length += 1;
        len = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + total_length);
        if (len > 0) {
            total_length += len;

    /* Scan exponent part of mantissa. */

    if (string[token_start + total_length-1] == 'e' || string[token_start + total_length-1] == 'E') {
        /* total_length += 1; */
        exp_len = 1;

        if (string[token_start + total_length] == '+' || string[token_start + total_length] == '-') {
            exp_len += 1;
        len = MatchUnsignedInteger(string, token_start + total_length + exp_len);
        if (len == 0) goto error;
        total_length += exp_len + len;

    /* Convert accumulated characters into a number. */

    if (total_length > 0 && total_length < MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) {
        strncpy(buf, string+token_start-1, total_length);
        buf[total_length] = '\0';
#if !defined(NO_FILE_SYSTEM)
        if (sscanf(buf, "%lg", &x) == 1) {
            *number = x;
            *nextIndex = token_start + total_length;

    /* Token missing or cannot be converted to result type. */

    *nextIndex = startIndex;
    *number = 0;