static void VerifyExec(Attributes a, Promise *pp) { CfLock thislock; char unsafeLine[CF_BUFSIZE], line[sizeof(unsafeLine) * 2], eventname[CF_BUFSIZE]; char comm[20]; char execstr[CF_EXPANDSIZE]; int outsourced, count = 0; mode_t maskval = 0; FILE *pfp; char cmdOutBuf[CF_BUFSIZE]; int cmdOutBufPos = 0; int lineOutLen; if (!IsExecutable(GetArg0(pp->promiser))) { cfPS(cf_error, CF_FAIL, "", pp, a, "%s promises to be executable but isn't\n", pp->promiser); if (strchr(pp->promiser, ' ')) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", "Paths with spaces must be inside escaped quoutes (e.g. \\\"%s\\\")", pp->promiser); } return; } else { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Promiser string contains a valid executable (%s) - ok\n", GetArg0(pp->promiser)); } DeleteScalar("this", "promiser"); NewScalar("this", "promiser", pp->promiser, cf_str); if (a.args) { snprintf(execstr, CF_EXPANDSIZE - 1, "%s %s", pp->promiser, a.args); } else { strncpy(execstr, pp->promiser, CF_BUFSIZE); } thislock = AcquireLock(execstr, VUQNAME, CFSTARTTIME, a, pp, false); if (thislock.lock == NULL) { return; } PromiseBanner(pp); CfOut(cf_inform, "", " -> Executing \'%s\' ...(timeout=%d,owner=%ju,group=%ju)\n", execstr, a.contain.timeout, (uintmax_t)a.contain.owner, (uintmax_t); BeginMeasure(); if (DONTDO && !a.contain.preview) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "-> Would execute script %s\n", execstr); } else if (a.transaction.action != cfa_fix) { cfPS(cf_error, CF_WARN, "", pp, a, " !! Command \"%s\" needs to be executed, but only warning was promised", execstr); } else { CommPrefix(execstr, comm); if (a.transaction.background) { #ifdef MINGW outsourced = true; #else CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Backgrounding job %s\n", execstr); outsourced = fork(); #endif } else { outsourced = false; } if (outsourced || !a.transaction.background) // work done here: either by child or non-background parent { if (a.contain.timeout != CF_NOINT) { SetTimeOut(a.contain.timeout); } #ifndef MINGW CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> (Setting umask to %jo)\n", (uintmax_t)a.contain.umask); maskval = umask(a.contain.umask); if (a.contain.umask == 0) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " !! Programming %s running with umask 0! Use umask= to set\n", execstr); } #endif /* NOT MINGW */ if (a.contain.useshell) { pfp = cf_popen_shsetuid(execstr, "r", a.contain.owner,, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, a.transaction.background); } else { pfp = cf_popensetuid(execstr, "r", a.contain.owner,, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, a.transaction.background); } if (pfp == NULL) { cfPS(cf_error, CF_FAIL, "cf_popen", pp, a, "!! Couldn't open pipe to command %s\n", execstr); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); return; } while (!feof(pfp)) { if (ferror(pfp)) /* abortable */ { cfPS(cf_error, CF_TIMEX, "ferror", pp, a, "!! Command pipe %s\n", execstr); cf_pclose(pfp); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); return; } CfReadLine(unsafeLine, CF_BUFSIZE - 1, pfp); ReplaceStr(unsafeLine, line, sizeof(line), "%", "%%"); // escape format char if (strstr(line, "cfengine-die")) { break; } if (ferror(pfp)) /* abortable */ { cfPS(cf_error, CF_TIMEX, "ferror", pp, a, "!! Command pipe %s\n", execstr); cf_pclose(pfp); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); return; } if (a.contain.preview) { PreviewProtocolLine(line, execstr); } if (a.module) { ModuleProtocol(execstr, line, !a.contain.nooutput); } else if (!a.contain.nooutput && NonEmptyLine(line)) { lineOutLen = strlen(comm) + strlen(line) + 12; // if buffer is to small for this line, output it directly if (lineOutLen > sizeof(cmdOutBuf)) { CfOut(cf_cmdout, "", "Q: \"...%s\": %s\n", comm, line); } else { if (cmdOutBufPos + lineOutLen > sizeof(cmdOutBuf)) { CfOut(cf_cmdout, "", "%s", cmdOutBuf); cmdOutBufPos = 0; } sprintf(cmdOutBuf + cmdOutBufPos, "Q: \"...%s\": %s\n", comm, line); cmdOutBufPos += (lineOutLen - 1); } count++; } } #ifdef MINGW if (outsourced) // only get return value if we waited for command execution { cf_pclose(pfp); } else { cf_pclose_def(pfp, a, pp); } #else /* NOT MINGW */ cf_pclose_def(pfp, a, pp); #endif } if (count) { if (cmdOutBufPos) { CfOut(cf_cmdout, "", "%s", cmdOutBuf); } CfOut(cf_cmdout, "", "I: Last %d quoted lines were generated by promiser \"%s\"\n", count, execstr); } if (a.contain.timeout != CF_NOINT) { alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); } CfOut(cf_inform, "", " -> Completed execution of %s\n", execstr); #ifndef MINGW umask(maskval); #endif YieldCurrentLock(thislock); snprintf(eventname, CF_BUFSIZE - 1, "Exec(%s)", execstr); #ifndef MINGW if (a.transaction.background && outsourced) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Backgrounded command (%s) is done - exiting\n", execstr); exit(0); } #endif /* NOT MINGW */ } }
static ActionResult RepairExec(EvalContext *ctx, Attributes a, Promise *pp) { char line[CF_BUFSIZE], eventname[CF_BUFSIZE]; char cmdline[CF_BUFSIZE]; char comm[20]; int outsourced, count = 0; #if !defined(__MINGW32__) mode_t maskval = 0; #endif FILE *pfp; char cmdOutBuf[CF_BUFSIZE]; int cmdOutBufPos = 0; int lineOutLen; if (IsAbsoluteFileName(CommandArg0(pp->promiser)) || a.contain.shelltype == SHELL_TYPE_NONE) { if (!IsExecutable(CommandArg0(pp->promiser))) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "'%s' promises to be executable but isn't", pp->promiser); if (strchr(pp->promiser, ' ')) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Paths with spaces must be inside escaped quoutes (e.g. \\\"%s\\\")", pp->promiser); } return ACTION_RESULT_FAILED; } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Promiser string contains a valid executable '%s' - ok", CommandArg0(pp->promiser)); } } char timeout_str[CF_BUFSIZE]; if (a.contain.timeout == CF_NOINT) { snprintf(timeout_str, CF_BUFSIZE, "no timeout"); } else { snprintf(timeout_str, CF_BUFSIZE, "timeout=%ds", a.contain.timeout); } char owner_str[CF_BUFSIZE] = ""; if (a.contain.owner != -1) { snprintf(owner_str, CF_BUFSIZE, ",uid=%ju", (uintmax_t)a.contain.owner); } char group_str[CF_BUFSIZE] = ""; if ( != -1) { snprintf(group_str, CF_BUFSIZE, ",gid=%ju", (uintmax_t); } snprintf(cmdline, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%s%s", pp->promiser, a.args ? " " : "", a.args ? a.args : ""); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Executing '%s%s%s' ... '%s'", timeout_str, owner_str, group_str, cmdline); BeginMeasure(); if (DONTDO && (!a.contain.preview)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Would execute script '%s'", cmdline); return ACTION_RESULT_OK; } if (a.transaction.action != cfa_fix) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Command '%s' needs to be executed, but only warning was promised", cmdline); return ACTION_RESULT_OK; } CommandPrefix(cmdline, comm); if (a.transaction.background) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ outsourced = true; #else Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Backgrounding job '%s'", cmdline); outsourced = fork(); #endif } else { outsourced = false; } if (outsourced || (!a.transaction.background)) // work done here: either by child or non-background parent { if (a.contain.timeout != CF_NOINT) { SetTimeOut(a.contain.timeout); } #ifndef __MINGW32__ Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "(Setting umask to %jo)", (uintmax_t)a.contain.umask); maskval = umask(a.contain.umask); if (a.contain.umask == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Programming '%s' running with umask 0! Use umask= to set", cmdline); } #endif /* !__MINGW32__ */ if (a.contain.shelltype == SHELL_TYPE_POWERSHELL) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ pfp = cf_popen_powershell_setuid(cmdline, "r", a.contain.owner,, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, a.transaction.background); #else // !__MINGW32__ Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Powershell is only supported on Windows"); return ACTION_RESULT_FAILED; #endif // !__MINGW32__ } else if (a.contain.shelltype == SHELL_TYPE_USE) { pfp = cf_popen_shsetuid(cmdline, "r", a.contain.owner,, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, a.transaction.background); } else { pfp = cf_popensetuid(cmdline, "r", a.contain.owner,, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, a.transaction.background); } if (pfp == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Couldn't open pipe to command '%s'. (cf_popen: %s)", cmdline, GetErrorStr()); return ACTION_RESULT_FAILED; } for (;;) { ssize_t res = CfReadLine(line, CF_BUFSIZE, pfp); if (res == 0) { break; } if (res == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to read output from command '%s'. (fread: %s)", cmdline, GetErrorStr()); cf_pclose(pfp); return ACTION_RESULT_FAILED; } if (strstr(line, "cfengine-die")) { break; } if (a.contain.preview) { PreviewProtocolLine(line, cmdline); } if (a.module) { ModuleProtocol(ctx, cmdline, line, !a.contain.nooutput, PromiseGetNamespace(pp)); } else if ((!a.contain.nooutput) && (!EmptyString(line))) { lineOutLen = strlen(comm) + strlen(line) + 12; // if buffer is to small for this line, output it directly if (lineOutLen > sizeof(cmdOutBuf)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "Q: '%s': %s", comm, line); } else { if (cmdOutBufPos + lineOutLen > sizeof(cmdOutBuf)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "%s", cmdOutBuf); cmdOutBufPos = 0; } sprintf(cmdOutBuf + cmdOutBufPos, "Q: \"...%s\": %s\n", comm, line); cmdOutBufPos += (lineOutLen - 1); } count++; } } #ifdef __MINGW32__ if (outsourced) // only get return value if we waited for command execution { cf_pclose(pfp); } else #endif /* __MINGW32__ */ { int ret = cf_pclose(pfp); if (ret == -1) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Finished script '%s' - failed (abnormal termination)", pp->promiser); } else { VerifyCommandRetcode(ctx, ret, true, a, pp); } } } if (count) { if (cmdOutBufPos) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "%s", cmdOutBuf); } Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Last %d quoted lines were generated by promiser '%s'", count, cmdline); } if (a.contain.timeout != CF_NOINT) { alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); } Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Completed execution of '%s'", cmdline); #ifndef __MINGW32__ umask(maskval); #endif snprintf(eventname, CF_BUFSIZE - 1, "Exec(%s)", cmdline); #ifndef __MINGW32__ if ((a.transaction.background) && outsourced) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Backgrounded command '%s' is done - exiting", cmdline); exit(0); } #endif /* !__MINGW32__ */ return ACTION_RESULT_OK; }