static VOID MonSelUpdateMonitorsInfo(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN BOOL bRepaint) { RECT rcExtSurface, rcExtDisplay; DWORD Index; /* Recalculate rcExtent */ MonSelUpdateExtent(infoPtr); infoPtr-> CanDisplay = infoPtr->MonitorsCount != 0 && (infoPtr-> > (2 * (infoPtr-> + infoPtr-> && (infoPtr-> > (2 * (infoPtr-> + infoPtr->; if (infoPtr->CanDisplay) { /* Calculate the rectangle on the control in which may be painted */ rcExtSurface.left = infoPtr->; = infoPtr->; rcExtSurface.right = rcExtSurface.left + infoPtr-> - (2 * infoPtr->; rcExtSurface.bottom = + infoPtr-> - (2 * infoPtr->; /* Calculate the rectangle on the control that is actually painted on */ rcExtDisplay.left = = 0; rcExtDisplay.right = infoPtr->rcExtent.right - infoPtr->rcExtent.left; rcExtDisplay.bottom = infoPtr->rcExtent.bottom - infoPtr->; ScaleRectSizeFit(&rcExtSurface, &rcExtDisplay); infoPtr->rcOldMonitors = infoPtr->rcMonitors; infoPtr->rcMonitors = rcExtDisplay; /* Now that we know in which area all monitors are located, calculate the monitors selection rectangles on the screen */ for (Index = 0; Index < infoPtr->MonitorsCount; Index++) { MonSelMonInfoToRect(&infoPtr->MonitorInfo[Index], &rcExtDisplay); MonSelScaleRectRelative(&infoPtr->rcExtent, &rcExtDisplay, &infoPtr->rcMonitors, &infoPtr->Monitors[Index].rc); } MonSelResetMonitors(infoPtr); if (bRepaint) MonSelRepaint(infoPtr); } else if (bRepaint) { InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, TRUE); } }
static BOOL MonSelSetMonitorsInfo(IN OUT PMONITORSELWND infoPtr, IN DWORD dwMonitors, IN const MONSL_MONINFO *MonitorsInfo) { DWORD Index; BOOL Ret = TRUE; if (infoPtr->DraggingMonitor >= 0) return FALSE; if (infoPtr->MonitorInfo != NULL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)infoPtr->MonitorInfo); infoPtr->MonitorInfo = NULL; MonSelResetMonitors(infoPtr); LocalFree((HLOCAL)infoPtr->Monitors); infoPtr->Monitors = NULL; infoPtr->MonitorsCount = 0; } if (dwMonitors != 0) { infoPtr->MonitorInfo = (PMONSL_MONINFO)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MONINFO)); if (infoPtr->MonitorInfo != NULL) { infoPtr->Monitors = (PMONSL_MON)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MON)); if (infoPtr->Monitors != NULL) { CopyMemory(infoPtr->MonitorInfo, MonitorsInfo, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MONINFO)); ZeroMemory(infoPtr->Monitors, dwMonitors * sizeof(MONSL_MON)); for (Index = 0; Index < dwMonitors; Index++) { _stprintf(infoPtr->Monitors[Index].szCaption, _T("%u"), Index + 1); } infoPtr->MonitorsCount = dwMonitors; if (infoPtr->SelectedMonitor >= (INT)infoPtr->MonitorsCount) infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = -1; if (!(infoPtr->ControlExStyle & MSLM_EX_ALLOWSELECTNONE) && infoPtr->SelectedMonitor < 0) infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = 0; MonSelUpdateMonitorsInfo(infoPtr, TRUE); } else { LocalFree((HLOCAL)infoPtr->MonitorInfo); infoPtr->MonitorInfo = NULL; Ret = FALSE; } } else Ret = FALSE; } if (!Ret) infoPtr->SelectedMonitor = -1; if (!Ret || dwMonitors == 0) { InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hSelf, NULL, TRUE); } return Ret; }