InputFile *CreateInputFile(uint32 flags) { VDInputFileWAV *pf = new_nothrow VDInputFileWAV; if (!pf) throw MyMemoryError(); return pf; }
IVDMediaOutputStream *VDAVIOutputSegmented::createAudioStream() { VDAVIOutputSegmentedAudioStream *pStream = new_nothrow VDAVIOutputSegmentedAudioStream(this); if (!pStream) throw MyMemoryError(); if (!mpFirstAudioStream) mpFirstAudioStream = pStream; return pStream; }
AVIStripeIndexLookup::AVIStripeIndexLookup(IAVIReadStream *pasIndex) { index_table = NULL; try { AVIStripeIndexEntry *asieptr; LONG lStart, lCur, lEnd; if (-1 == (lStart = (long)pasIndex->Start()) || -1 == (lEnd = (long)pasIndex->End())) throw MyError("Stripe index: can't get start/end of index stream"); ProgressDialog pd(NULL, "AVI Striped Import Filter", "Reading stripe index", lEnd-lStart, true); pd.setValueFormat("Frame %ld/%ld"); index_table_size = lEnd - lStart; if (!(index_table = new AVIStripeIndexEntry[index_table_size])) throw MyMemoryError(); asieptr = index_table; pasIndex->BeginStreaming(lStart, lEnd, 100000); lCur = lStart; while(lCur < lEnd) { HRESULT err; LONG lActualBytes, lActualSamples; err = pasIndex->Read(lCur, lEnd-lCur, asieptr, sizeof(AVIStripeIndexEntry)*(lEnd-lCur), &lActualBytes, &lActualSamples); if (err == AVIERR_OK && !lActualSamples) err = AVIERR_FILEREAD; if (err != AVIERR_OK) throw MyAVIError("AVIStripeIndex",err); if ((size_t)lActualBytes != lActualSamples * sizeof(AVIStripeIndexEntry)) throw MyError("Stripe index: bad index marks! (not 16 bytes)"); lCur += lActualSamples; asieptr += lActualSamples; pd.advance(lCur); pd.check(); } pasIndex->EndStreaming(); } catch(...) { delete index_table; throw; } }
VEffectBlur::VEffectBlur(const VBitmap *vbm) { int i; for(i=0; i<3; i++) if (!(rows[i] = new Pixel32[vbm->w])) { while(--i>=0) delete rows[i]; throw MyMemoryError(); } }
void AVIStripeSystem::_construct(int nStripes) { int i; this->nStripes = nStripes; if (!(stripe = new AVIStripe *[nStripes])) throw MyMemoryError(); for(i=0; i<nStripes; i++) stripe[i] = NULL; }
void AVIOutputFile::setSegmentHintBlock(bool fIsFinal, const char *pszNextPath, int cbBlock) { if (!pSegmentHint) if (!(pSegmentHint = new char[cbBlock])) throw MyMemoryError(); cbSegmentHint = cbBlock; memset(pSegmentHint, 0, cbBlock); pSegmentHint[0] = !fIsFinal; if (pszNextPath) strcpy(pSegmentHint+1, pszNextPath); }
void VDChunkedBuffer::AllocChunk() { if (mFreeChunks.empty()) { mFreeChunks.push_back(ChunkInfo()); ChunkInfo& ci = mFreeChunks.back(); ci.mpChunk = VDFile::AllocUnbuffer(mChunkSize); if (!ci.mpChunk) throw MyMemoryError(); ci.mChunkSize = mChunkSize; } mActiveChunks.splice(mActiveChunks.end(), mFreeChunks, mFreeChunks.begin()); }
void VDNORETURN vdallocator_base::throw_oom() { throw MyMemoryError(); }
void JobCreateScript(JobScriptOutput& output, const DubOptions *opt, bool bIncludeEditList = true, bool bIncludeTextInfo = true) { char *mem= NULL; char buf[4096]; long l; int audioSourceMode = g_project->GetAudioSourceMode(); switch(audioSourceMode) { case kVDAudioSourceMode_External: { const VDStringA& encodedFileName = VDEncodeScriptString(VDStringW(g_szInputWAVFile)); const VDStringA& encodedDriverName = VDEncodeScriptString(VDTextWToU8(g_project->GetAudioSourceDriverName(), -1)); // check if we have options to write out const InputFileOptions *opts = g_project->GetAudioSourceOptions(); if (opts) { int l; char buf[256]; l = opts->write(buf, (sizeof buf)/7*3); if (l) { membase64(buf+l, (char *)buf, l); output.addf("\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\");", encodedFileName.c_str(), encodedDriverName.c_str(), buf+l); break; } } // no options output.addf("\"%s\", \"%s\");", encodedFileName.c_str(), encodedDriverName.c_str()); } break; default: if (audioSourceMode >= kVDAudioSourceMode_Source) { int index = audioSourceMode - kVDAudioSourceMode_Source; if (!index) output.addf(";"); else output.addf(",%d);", index); break; } // fall through case kVDAudioSourceMode_None: output.addf(";"); break; } output.addf(";", opt->audio.mode); output.addf(",%d,%d,%d,%d);", opt->audio.enabled, opt->audio.preload, opt->audio.interval, opt->audio.is_ms, opt->audio.offset); output.addf(",%d);", opt->audio.fStartAudio, opt->audio.fEndAudio); output.addf(",%d,%d,0,%d);", opt->audio.new_rate, opt->audio.newPrecision, opt->audio.newChannels, opt->audio.fHighQuality); if (opt->audio.mVolume >= 0.0f) output.addf(";", VDRoundToInt(256.0f * opt->audio.mVolume)); else output.addf(";"); if (g_ACompressionFormat) { if (g_ACompressionFormat->mExtraSize) { mem = (char *)allocmem(((g_ACompressionFormat->mExtraSize+2)/3)*4 + 1); if (!mem) throw MyMemoryError(); membase64(mem, (char *)(g_ACompressionFormat+1), g_ACompressionFormat->mExtraSize); output.addf(",%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\"%s\",\"%s\");" ,g_ACompressionFormat->mTag ,g_ACompressionFormat->mSamplingRate ,g_ACompressionFormat->mChannels ,g_ACompressionFormat->mSampleBits ,g_ACompressionFormat->mDataRate ,g_ACompressionFormat->mBlockSize ,g_ACompressionFormat->mExtraSize ,mem ,VDEncodeScriptString(g_ACompressionFormatHint).c_str() ); freemem(mem); } else output.addf(",%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\"%s\");" ,g_ACompressionFormat->mTag ,g_ACompressionFormat->mSamplingRate ,g_ACompressionFormat->mChannels ,g_ACompressionFormat->mSampleBits ,g_ACompressionFormat->mDataRate ,g_ACompressionFormat->mBlockSize ,VDEncodeScriptString(g_ACompressionFormatHint).c_str() ); } else output.addf(";"); output.addf(";", opt->audio.bUseAudioFilterGraph); output.addf(";", opt->video.mInputFormat); output.addf(";", opt->video.mOutputFormat); output.addf(";", opt->video.mode); output.addf(";", opt->video.mbUseSmartRendering); output.addf(";", opt->video.mbPreserveEmptyFrames); output.addf(",%u,%d);", opt->video.mFrameRateAdjustHi, opt->video.mFrameRateAdjustLo, opt->video.frameRateDecimation); if (opt->video.frameRateTargetLo) { output.addf(",%u);", opt->video.frameRateTargetHi, opt->video.frameRateTargetLo); } output.addf(", 0, 0, 0);"); if ((g_Vcompression.dwFlags & ICMF_COMPVARS_VALID) && g_Vcompression.fccHandler) { output.addf(",%d,%d,%d);", g_Vcompression.fccHandler, g_Vcompression.lKey, g_Vcompression.lQ, g_Vcompression.lDataRate); l = ICGetStateSize(g_Vcompression.hic); if (l>0) { mem = (char *)allocmem(l + ((l+2)/3)*4 + 1); if (!mem) throw MyMemoryError(); if (ICGetState(g_Vcompression.hic, mem, l)<0) { freemem(mem); // throw MyError("Bad state data returned from compressor"); // Fine then, be that way. Stupid Pinnacle DV200 driver. mem = NULL; } if (mem) { membase64(mem+l, mem, l); // urk... Windows Media 9 VCM uses a very large configuration struct (~7K pre-BASE64). sprintf(buf, ",\"", l); VDStringA line(buf); line += (mem+l); line += "\");"; output.adds(line.c_str()); freemem(mem); } } } else output.addf(";"); output.addf(";"); // Add video filters FilterInstance *fa = (FilterInstance *), *fa_next; int iFilter = 0; while(fa_next = (FilterInstance *)fa->next) { output.addf("\"%s\");", strCify(fa->GetName())); if (fa->IsCroppingEnabled()) { const vdrect32& cropInsets = fa->GetCropInsets(); output.addf("[%d].SetClipping(%d,%d,%d,%d%s);" , iFilter , cropInsets.left , , cropInsets.right , cropInsets.bottom , fa->IsPreciseCroppingEnabled() ? "" : ",0" ); } VDStringA scriptStr; if (fa->GetScriptString(scriptStr)) output.addf("[%d].%s;", iFilter, scriptStr.c_str()); if (!fa->IsEnabled()) output.addf("[%d].SetEnabled(false);", iFilter); VDParameterCurve *pc = fa->GetAlphaParameterCurve(); if (pc) { output.addf("declare curve =[%d].AddOpacityCurve();", iFilter); const VDParameterCurve::PointList& pts = pc->Points(); for(VDParameterCurve::PointList::const_iterator it(pts.begin()), itEnd(pts.end()); it!=itEnd; ++it) { const VDParameterCurvePoint& pt = *it; output.addf("curve.AddPoint(%g, %g, %d);", pt.mX, pt.mY, pt.mbLinear); } } ++iFilter; fa = fa_next; } // Add audio filters { VDAudioFilterGraph::FilterList::const_iterator it(g_audioFilterGraph.mFilters.begin()), itEnd(g_audioFilterGraph.mFilters.end()); int connidx = 0; int srcfilt = 0; output.addf(";"); for(; it!=itEnd; ++it, ++srcfilt) { const VDAudioFilterGraph::FilterEntry& fe = *it; output.addf("\"%s\");", strCify(VDTextWToU8(fe.mFilterName).c_str())); for(unsigned i=0; i<fe.mInputPins; ++i) { const VDAudioFilterGraph::FilterConnection& conn = g_audioFilterGraph.mConnections[connidx++]; output.addf(", %d, %d, %d);", conn.filt,, srcfilt, i); } VDPluginConfig::const_iterator itc(fe.mConfig.begin()), itcEnd(fe.mConfig.end()); for(; itc!=itcEnd; ++itc) { const unsigned idx = (*itc).first; const VDPluginConfigVariant& var = (*itc).second; switch(var.GetType()) { case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeU32: output.addf("[%d].SetInt(%d, %d);", srcfilt, idx, var.GetU32()); break; case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeS32: output.addf("[%d].SetInt(%d, %d);", srcfilt, idx, var.GetS32()); break; case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeU64: output.addf("[%d].SetLong(%d, %I64d);", srcfilt, idx, var.GetU64()); break; case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeS64: output.addf("[%d].SetLong(%d, %I64d);", srcfilt, idx, var.GetS64()); break; case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeDouble: output.addf("[%d].SetDouble(%d, %g);", srcfilt, idx, var.GetDouble()); break; case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeAStr: output.addf("[%d].SetString(%d, \"%s\");", srcfilt, idx, strCify(VDTextWToU8(VDTextAToW(var.GetAStr())).c_str())); break; case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeWStr: output.addf("[%d].SetString(%d, \"%s\");", srcfilt, idx, strCify(VDTextWToU8(var.GetWStr(), -1).c_str())); break; case VDPluginConfigVariant::kTypeBlock: output.addf("[%d].SetBlock(%d, %d, \"%s\");", srcfilt, idx, var.GetBlockLen(), VDEncodeBase64A(var.GetBlockPtr(), var.GetBlockLen()).c_str()); break; } } } } // Add subset information if (bIncludeEditList) { const FrameSubset& fs = g_project->GetTimeline().GetSubset(); output.addf("VirtualDub.subset.Clear();"); for(FrameSubset::const_iterator it(fs.begin()), itEnd(fs.end()); it!=itEnd; ++it) output.addf("VirtualDub.subset.Add%sRange(%I64d,%I64d);", it->bMask ? "Masked" : "", it->start, it->len); // Note that this must be AFTER the subset (we used to place it before, which was a bug). if (g_project->IsSelectionPresent()) { output.addf(",%I64d);", g_project->GetSelectionStartFrame(), g_project->GetSelectionEndFrame()); } else { output.addf(";"); } } // Add text information if (bIncludeTextInfo) { typedef std::list<std::pair<uint32, VDStringA> > tTextInfo; const tTextInfo& textInfo = g_project->GetTextInfo(); output.addf("VirtualDub.project.ClearTextInfo();"); for(tTextInfo::const_iterator it(textInfo.begin()), itEnd(textInfo.end()); it!=itEnd; ++it) { char buf[5]={0}; memcpy(buf, &(*it).first, 4); output.addf("VirtualDub.project.AddTextInfo(\"%s\", \"%s\");", buf, VDEncodeScriptString((*it).second).c_str()); } } }
BOOL AVIOutputFile::_init(const char *szFile, LONG xSize, LONG ySize, BOOL videoIn, BOOL audioIn, BOOL audio2In, LONG bufferSize, BOOL is_interleaved, bool fThreaded) { AVISUPERINDEX asi={0}; struct _avisuperindex_entry asie_dumb[MAX_SUPERINDEX_ENTRIES]; fLimitTo4Gb = IsFilenameOnFATVolume(szFile); if (audio2In) { if (!audio2Out) return FALSE; } else { delete audio2Out; audio2Out = NULL; } if (audioIn) { if (!audioOut) return FALSE; } else { delete audioOut; audioOut = NULL; } if (!videoOut) return FALSE; // Allocate indexes if (!(index = new AVIIndex())) return FALSE; if (fExtendedAVI) { if (!(index_audio2 = new AVIIndex())) return FALSE; if (!(index_audio = new AVIIndex())) return FALSE; if (!(index_video = new AVIIndex())) return FALSE; } // Initialize main AVI header (avih) memset(&avihdr, 0, sizeof avihdr); avihdr.dwMicroSecPerFrame = MulDivUnsigned(videoOut->streamInfo.dwScale, 1000000U, videoOut->streamInfo.dwRate); avihdr.dwMaxBytesPerSec = 0; avihdr.dwPaddingGranularity = 0; avihdr.dwFlags = AVIF_HASINDEX | (is_interleaved ? AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED : 0); avihdr.dwTotalFrames = videoOut->streamInfo.dwLength; avihdr.dwInitialFrames = 0; avihdr.dwStreams = audio2In ? 3: (audioIn ? 2 : 1); avihdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0; avihdr.dwWidth = xSize; avihdr.dwHeight = ySize; // Initialize file if (!fCaching) { hFile = CreateFile(szFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) throw MyWin32Error("%s: %%s", GetLastError(), szME); if (!(fastIO = new FastWriteStream(szFile, bufferSize, lChunkSize ? lChunkSize : bufferSize/2, fThreaded))) throw MyMemoryError(); } else { hFile = CreateFile(szFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) throw MyWin32Error("%s: %%s", GetLastError(), szME); } i64FilePosition = 0; ////////// Initialize the first 'AVI ' chunk ////////// __int64 hdrl_pos; __int64 odml_pos; DWORD dw[64]; // start RIFF chunk dw[0] = FOURCC_RIFF; dw[1] = 0; dw[2] = formtypeAVI; _writeHdr(dw, 12); // start header chunk hdrl_pos = _beginList(listtypeAVIHEADER); // write out main AVI header main_hdr_pos = _writeHdrChunk(ckidAVIMAINHDR, &avihdr, sizeof avihdr); _RPT1(0,"Main header is at %08lx\n", main_hdr_pos); // start video stream headers strl_pos = _beginList(listtypeSTREAMHEADER); // write out video stream header and format video_hdr_pos = _writeHdrChunk(ckidSTREAMHEADER, &videoOut->streamInfo, sizeof videoOut->streamInfo); _writeHdrChunk(ckidSTREAMFORMAT, videoOut->getFormat(), videoOut->getFormatLen()); _RPT1(0,"Video header is at %08lx\n", video_hdr_pos); // write out video superindex (but make it a JUNK chunk for now). if (fExtendedAVI) { memset(asie_dumb, 0, sizeof asie_dumb); video_indx_pos = _getPosition(); asi.fcc = ckidAVIPADDING; asi.cb = (sizeof asi)-8 + MAX_SUPERINDEX_ENTRIES*sizeof(_avisuperindex_entry); _writeHdr(&asi, sizeof asi); _writeHdr(asie_dumb, MAX_SUPERINDEX_ENTRIES*sizeof(_avisuperindex_entry)); } // finish video stream header _closeList(strl_pos); videoOut->streamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0; // if there is audio... if (audioIn) { // start audio stream headers strl_pos = _beginList(listtypeSTREAMHEADER); // write out audio stream header and format audio_hdr_pos = _writeHdrChunk(ckidSTREAMHEADER, &audioOut->streamInfo, sizeof audioOut->streamInfo); audio_format_pos = _writeHdrChunk(ckidSTREAMFORMAT, audioOut->getFormat(), audioOut->getFormatLen()); _RPT1(0,"Audio header is at %08lx\n", audio_hdr_pos); // write out audio superindex (but make it a JUNK chunk for now). if (fExtendedAVI) { audio_indx_pos = _getPosition(); asi.fcc = ckidAVIPADDING; asi.cb = (sizeof asi)-8 + MAX_SUPERINDEX_ENTRIES*sizeof(_avisuperindex_entry); _writeHdr(&asi, sizeof asi); _writeHdr(asie_dumb, MAX_SUPERINDEX_ENTRIES*sizeof(_avisuperindex_entry)); } // finish audio stream header _closeList(strl_pos); audioOut->streamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0; } // if there is a second audio... if (audio2In) { // start audio stream headers strl_pos = _beginList(listtypeSTREAMHEADER); // write out audio stream header and format audio2_hdr_pos = _writeHdrChunk(ckidSTREAMHEADER, &audio2Out->streamInfo, sizeof audio2Out->streamInfo); audio2_format_pos = _writeHdrChunk(ckidSTREAMFORMAT, audio2Out->getFormat(), audio2Out->getFormatLen()); _RPT1(0,"Audio2 header is at %08lx\n", audio2_hdr_pos); // write out audio superindex (but make it a JUNK chunk for now). if (fExtendedAVI) { audio2_indx_pos = _getPosition(); asi.fcc = ckidAVIPADDING; asi.cb = (sizeof asi)-8 + MAX_SUPERINDEX_ENTRIES*sizeof(_avisuperindex_entry); _writeHdr(&asi, sizeof asi); _writeHdr(asie_dumb, MAX_SUPERINDEX_ENTRIES*sizeof(_avisuperindex_entry)); } // finish audio stream header _closeList(strl_pos); audio2Out->streamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0; } // write out dmlh header (indicates real # of frames) if (fExtendedAVI) { odml_pos = _beginList('lmdo'); memset(dw, 0, sizeof dw); dmlh_pos = _writeHdrChunk('hlmd', dw, 62*4); _closeList(odml_pos); } // write out segment hint block if (pSegmentHint) seghint_pos = _writeHdrChunk('mges', pSegmentHint, cbSegmentHint); _closeList(hdrl_pos); // _flushHdr(); // pad out to a multiple of 2048 bytes // // WARNING: ActiveMovie/WMP can't handle a trailing JUNK chunk in hdrl // if an extended index is in use. It says the file format // is invalid! { char *s; long pad; pad = (2048 - ((_getPosition()+8)&2047))&2047; if (pad) { if (!(s = (char *)allocmem(pad))) return FALSE; memset(s,0,pad); if (pad > 80) sprintf(s, "VirtualDub build %d/%s", version_num, #ifdef _DEBUG "debug" #else "release" #endif ); _writeHdrChunk(ckidAVIPADDING, s, pad); freemem(s); } // // If we are using a fast path, sync the fast path to the slow path // if (fastIO) // fastIO->Seek(i64FilePosition); } if (fastIO) // fastIO->FlushStart(); fastIO->Put(pHeaderBlock, nHeaderLen); else _flushHdr(); // If we're using the fast path, we're aligned to a sector boundary. // Write out the 12 header bytes. _openXblock(); { DWORD dwLo, dwHi; dwLo = GetFileSize(hFile, &dwHi); if (dwLo != 0xFFFFFFFF || GetLastError()==NO_ERROR) i64EndOfFile = dwLo | ((__int64)dwHi << 32); else i64EndOfFile = 0; } fInitComplete = true; return TRUE; }
static void VDFilterCallbackThrowExceptMemory() { throw MyMemoryError(); }
AVIStripeSystem::AVIStripeSystem(const char *szFile) { FILE *f = NULL; stripe = NULL; try { char linebuf[512]; int stripe_cnt, cur; int lineno = 2; char *s, *t; // Type of lines we are trying to parse: // // 0 i 131072 65536 e:\capture_master.avi // 0 v 4194304 1048576 "e:\capture video stripe 1.avi" // -1 v 1048576 524288 "i:\capture video stripe 2.avi" f = fopen(szFile, "r"); if (!f) throw MyError("Couldn't open stripe definition file \"%s\"", szFile); if (!get_line(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, f)) throw MyError("Failure reading first line of stripe def file"); if (1!=sscanf(linebuf, " %d \n", &stripe_cnt)) throw MyError("First line of stripe definition file must contain stripe count"); if (stripe_cnt<=0) throw MyError("Invalid number of stripes (%d)", stripe_cnt); _construct(stripe_cnt); for(cur=0; cur<stripe_cnt; cur++) { int iPri, iName; long lBuffer, lChunk; char cMode[2]; int match_count; if (!get_line(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, f)) throw MyError("Failure reading stripe definition file"); match_count = sscanf(linebuf, " %d %1s %ld %ld %n", &iPri, cMode, &lBuffer, &lChunk, &iName); if (match_count != 4) throw MyError("Stripe definition parse error: line %d", lineno); t = s = linebuf + iName; if (*s=='"') { ++s, ++t; while(*t && *t!='\n' && *t!='"') ++t; } else while(*t && *t!='\n' && !isspace((unsigned char)*t)) ++t; if (t<=s) throw MyError("Stripe definition parse error: line %d -- no stripe filename!", lineno); switch(tolower(cMode[0])) { case 'm': cMode[0] = AVIStripe::MODE_MASTER; break; case 'i': cMode[0] = AVIStripe::MODE_INDEX; break; case 'v': cMode[0] = AVIStripe::MODE_VIDEO; break; case 'a': cMode[0] = AVIStripe::MODE_AUDIO; break; case 'b': cMode[0] = AVIStripe::MODE_BOTH; break; default: throw MyError("Invalid stripe mode '%c'", cMode[0]); }; // Allocate a stripe structure and copy the data into it if (!(stripe[cur] = new(t+1-s) AVIStripe)) throw MyMemoryError(); *t=0; stripe[cur]->lBufferSize = lBuffer; stripe[cur]->lChunkSize = lChunk; stripe[cur]->iNameLen = t+1-s; stripe[cur]->cStripeMode = cMode[0]; stripe[cur]->scPriority = (signed char)iPri; strcpy(stripe[cur]->szName, s); ++lineno; } } catch(...) { if (f) fclose(f); _destruct(); throw; } fclose(f); }
const void *VideoSourceImages::streamGetFrame(const void *inputBuffer, uint32 data_len, bool is_preroll, VDPosition frame_num, VDPosition target_sample) { // We may get a zero-byte frame if we already have the image. if (!data_len) return getFrameBuffer(); int w, h; bool bHasAlpha; bool bIsPNG = false; bool bIsJPG = false; bool bIsBMP = false; bool bIsIFF = false; bool bIsTGA = false; bIsPNG = VDDecodePNGHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha); if (!bIsPNG) { bIsJPG = VDIsJPEGHeader(inputBuffer, data_len); if (!bIsJPG) { bIsBMP = DecodeBMPHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha); if (!bIsBMP) { bIsIFF = VDIsMayaIFFHeader(inputBuffer, data_len); if (!bIsIFF) bIsTGA = DecodeTGAHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha); } } } if (!bIsBMP && !bIsTGA && !bIsJPG && !bIsPNG && !bIsIFF) throw MyError("Image file must be in PNG, Windows BMP, truecolor TARGA format, MayaIFF, or sequential JPEG format."); if (bIsJPG) { if (!mpJPEGDecoder) mpJPEGDecoder = VDCreateJPEGDecoder(); mpJPEGDecoder->Begin(inputBuffer, data_len); mpJPEGDecoder->DecodeHeader(w, h); } VDPixmap pxIFF; if (bIsIFF) { if (!mpIFFDecoder) mpIFFDecoder = VDCreateImageDecoderIFF(); pxIFF = mpIFFDecoder->Decode(inputBuffer, data_len); w = pxIFF.w; h = pxIFF.h; } // Check image header. VDAVIBitmapInfoHeader *pFormat = getImageFormat(); if (getFrameBuffer()) { if (w != pFormat->biWidth || h != pFormat->biHeight) { vdfastvector<wchar_t> errBuf; throw MyError("Image \"%ls\" (%dx%d) doesn't match the image dimensions of the first image (%dx%d)." , mpParent->ComputeFilename(errBuf, frame_num), w, h, pFormat->biWidth, pFormat->biHeight); } } else { if (!AllocFrameBuffer(w * h * 4)) throw MyMemoryError(); pFormat->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); pFormat->biWidth = w; pFormat->biHeight = h; pFormat->biPlanes = 1; pFormat->biCompression = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; pFormat->biBitCount = 0; pFormat->biSizeImage = 0; pFormat->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; pFormat->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; pFormat->biClrUsed = 0; pFormat->biClrImportant = 0; // special case for initial read in constructor return NULL; } if (bIsJPG) { int format; switch(mvbFrameBuffer.depth) { case 16: format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatXRGB1555; break; case 24: format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatRGB888; break; case 32: format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatXRGB8888; break; } mpJPEGDecoder->DecodeImage((char *) + mvbFrameBuffer.pitch * (mvbFrameBuffer.h - 1), -mvbFrameBuffer.pitch, format); mpJPEGDecoder->End(); } if (bIsIFF) VDPixmapBlt(getTargetFormat(), pxIFF); if (bIsBMP) DecodeBMP(inputBuffer, data_len, mvbFrameBuffer); if (bIsTGA) DecodeTGA(inputBuffer, data_len, mvbFrameBuffer); if (bIsPNG) { if (!mpPNGDecoder) mpPNGDecoder = VDCreateImageDecoderPNG(); PNGDecodeError err = mpPNGDecoder->Decode(inputBuffer, data_len); if (err) { if (err == kPNGDecodeOutOfMemory) throw MyMemoryError(); vdfastvector<wchar_t> errBuf; throw MyError("Error decoding \"%ls\": %ls\n", mpParent->ComputeFilename(errBuf, frame_num), VDLoadString(0, kVDST_PNGDecodeErrors, err)); } VDPixmapBlt(VDAsPixmap(mvbFrameBuffer), mpPNGDecoder->GetFrameBuffer()); } mCachedFrame = frame_num; return mpFrameBuffer; }
IVDMediaOutputStream *AVIOutputNull::createVideoStream() { videoOut = new_nothrow AVIVideoNullOutputStream; if (!videoOut) throw MyMemoryError(); return videoOut; }