void split(Side_List **sideListH, long nodeNum)
    // **sideListH;				 Listing of the sides in the domain for splitting DAG tree
    // nodeNum;						 The index for the segment from sideList to use for pivot/split in DAG tree
    long numSidesL =0;							// the number of sides that are split off to the left
    long numSidesR =0;							// the number of sides that are split off to the right
    Side_List **sidesLeftH = nil;				// pointer to area of heap where sides are left
    Side_List **sidesRightH = nil;				// pointer to area of hear where sides are left
    long numSideInList = _GetHandleSize((Handle)sideListH)/(sizeof(Side_List));	// The number of sides for splitting
    long location,i;
    long nodeP1,nodeP2;
    Side_List sideListForNode;
    long bCounterL =0, bCounterR =0;					// counting the number of boundary seg in a side list
    long branchNum;
    static long nsx = 0;

    if(nsx == 964)
        nsx = 0;

    if(gErrStr[0] ) goto done;
    if(sideListH == nil)
        strcpy(gErrStr,"Nil handle passed to split");
        goto done;

    branchNum = gDagTree.numBranches;

    (*gDagTree.treeHdl)[branchNum].topoIndex = oldNodeNum(((*sideListH)[nodeNum]).p1,((*sideListH)[nodeNum]).p2);

    sidesLeftH = (Side_List **)_NewHandleClear((numSideInList)*sizeof(Side_List));
    if(!sidesLeftH) {
        strcpy(gErrStr,"Out of memory in split");
        goto done;

    sidesRightH = (Side_List **)_NewHandleClear((numSideInList)*sizeof(Side_List));
    if(!sidesRightH) {
        strcpy(gErrStr,"Out of memory in split");
        goto done;

    // find the node's points for determining relative right and left
    nodeP1 = (*sideListH)[nodeNum].p1;
    nodeP2 = (*sideListH)[nodeNum].p2;

    // Do the actual splitting
    for (i=0; i<numSideInList; i++) {
        if(i == nodeNum) continue; // skip the case that nodeNum = i

        // find the points associated with the test side
        location = Right_or_Left(nodeP1,nodeP2,(*sideListH)[i].p1,(*sideListH)[i].p2);

        // Distribute the sides to the two R/L areas of the heap
        case -1:// left
            (*sidesLeftH)[numSidesL++] = (*sideListH)[i];// copy the structure
        case 1: // right
            (*sidesRightH)[numSidesR++] = (*sideListH)[i];// copy the structure
        case 0: // both
            (*sidesLeftH)[numSidesL++] = (*sideListH)[i];// copy the structure
            (*sidesRightH)[numSidesR++] = (*sideListH)[i];// copy the structure

// trim sidesL and sidesR to numSidesL and numSidesR, respectively

    sideListForNode = (*sideListH)[nodeNum];

    // Left Hand Side
    if (numSidesL ==0) {
        (*gDagTree.treeHdl)[branchNum].branchLeft = -8;
        // Fake a split
        if (sideListForNode.triLeft == -1)
            strcpy(gErrStr,"Boundary not set up correctly - outside is on LHS");
            goto done;

    else {
        // fTreeH in GNOME (a DAGHdl), member of fDagTree (part of GridVel, owned by the mover)
        (*gDagTree.treeHdl)[branchNum].branchLeft = gDagTree.numBranches;
        if(gErrStr[0]) goto done;
        // set call for correct area for sides
        nodeNum = newNodexx(sidesLeftH);
        MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
        split(sidesLeftH,nodeNum); 			// recursively for LHS
        //sidesLeftH = nil; // split disposed of this hdl

    // Right Hand Side
    if (numSidesR == 0)
        // Fake a split
        (*gDagTree.treeHdl)[branchNum].branchRight = -8;  // place holder for steps in dag to all tri
        (*gDagTree.treeHdl)[branchNum].branchRight = gDagTree.numBranches;
        if(gErrStr[0]) goto done;
        // set call for correct area for sides
        nodeNum = newNodexx(sidesRightH);
        split(sidesRightH,nodeNum); 			// recursively for RHS
        //sidesRightH = nil; // split disposed of this hdl


    if(sidesRightH) DisposeHandle((Handle) sidesRightH);
    sidesRightH = nil;
    if(sidesLeftH) DisposeHandle((Handle) sidesLeftH);
    sidesLeftH = nil;

//OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTopology(char* path, TMap **newMap)
OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTopology(vector<string> &linesInFile, TMap **newMap)
	// import NetCDF curvilinear info so don't have to regenerate
	char s[1024], errmsg[256]/*, s[256], topPath[256]*/;
	long i, numPoints, numTopoPoints, line = 0, numPts;
	string currentLine;
	//CHARH f = 0;
	OSErr err = 0;
	TopologyHdl topo=0;
	LongPointHdl pts=0;
	FLOATH depths=0;
	VelocityFH velH = 0;
	DAGTreeStruct tree;
	WorldRect bounds = voidWorldRect;
	TTriGridVel *triGrid = nil;
	tree.treeHdl = 0;
	TDagTree *dagTree = 0;
	long numWaterBoundaries, numBoundaryPts, numBoundarySegs;
	LONGH boundarySegs=0, waterBoundaries=0, boundaryPts=0;
	/*if (!path || !path[0]) return 0;
	if (err = ReadFileContents(TERMINATED,0, 0, path, 0, 0, &f)) {
		TechError("NetCDFWindMover::ReadTopology()", "ReadFileContents()", err);
		goto done;
	_HLock((Handle)f); // JLM 8/4/99
	// No header
	// start with transformation array and vertices
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
	//if(IsTransposeArrayHeaderLine(s,&numPts)) // 
	if(IsTransposeArrayHeaderLine(currentLine,numPts)) // 
		//if (err = ReadTransposeArray(f,&line,&fVerdatToNetCDFH,numPts,errmsg)) 
		if (err = ReadTransposeArray(linesInFile,&line,&fVerdatToNetCDFH,numPts,errmsg)) 
		{strcpy(errmsg,"Error in ReadTransposeArray"); goto done;}
	else {err=-1; strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Transpose header line"); goto done;}
	//if(err = ReadTVertices(f,&line,&pts,&depths,errmsg)) goto done;
	if(err = ReadTVertices(linesInFile,&line,&pts,&depths,errmsg)) goto done;
		LongPoint	thisLPoint;
		numPts = _GetHandleSize((Handle)pts)/sizeof(LongPoint);
		if(numPts > 0)
			WorldPoint  wp;
				thisLPoint = INDEXH(pts,i);
				wp.pLat = thisLPoint.v;
				wp.pLong = thisLPoint.h;
				AddWPointToWRect(wp.pLat, wp.pLong, &bounds);
	currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	//code goes here, boundary points
	//if(IsBoundarySegmentHeaderLine(s,&numBoundarySegs)) // Boundary data from CATs
	if(IsBoundarySegmentHeaderLine(currentLine,numBoundarySegs)) // Boundary data from CATs
		if (numBoundarySegs>0)
			//err = ReadBoundarySegs(f,&line,&boundarySegs,numBoundarySegs,errmsg);
			err = ReadBoundarySegs(linesInFile,&line,&boundarySegs,numBoundarySegs,errmsg);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		//err = -1;
		//strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Boundary segment header line");
		//goto done;
		// not needed for 2D files, but we require for now
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//if(IsWaterBoundaryHeaderLine(s,&numWaterBoundaries,&numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary types from CATs
	if(IsWaterBoundaryHeaderLine(currentLine,numWaterBoundaries,numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary types from CATs
		if (numBoundaryPts>0)
			//err = ReadWaterBoundaries(f,&line,&waterBoundaries,numWaterBoundaries,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
			err = ReadWaterBoundaries(linesInFile,&line,&waterBoundaries,numWaterBoundaries,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		//err = -1;
		//strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Water boundaries header line");
		//goto done;
		// not needed for 2D files, but we require for now
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	//if(IsBoundaryPointsHeaderLine(s,&numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary data from CATs
	if(IsBoundaryPointsHeaderLine(currentLine,numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary data from CATs
		if (numBoundaryPts>0)
			//err = ReadBoundaryPts(f,&line,&boundaryPts,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
			err = ReadBoundaryPts(linesInFile,&line,&boundaryPts,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		//err = -1;
		//strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Boundary segment header line");
		//goto done;
		// not always needed ? probably always needed for curvilinear
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//if(IsTTopologyHeaderLine(s,&numTopoPoints)) // Topology from CATs
	if(IsTTopologyHeaderLine(currentLine,numTopoPoints)) // Topology from CATs
		//err = ReadTTopologyBody(f,&line,&topo,&velH,errmsg,numTopoPoints,FALSE);
		err = ReadTTopologyBody(linesInFile,&line,&topo,&velH,errmsg,numTopoPoints,FALSE);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		err = -1; // for now we require TTopology
		strcpy(errmsg,"Error in topology header line");
		if(err) goto done;
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	//if(IsTIndexedDagTreeHeaderLine(s,&numPoints))  // DagTree from CATs
	if(IsTIndexedDagTreeHeaderLine(currentLine,numPoints))  // DagTree from CATs
		//err = ReadTIndexedDagTreeBody(f,&line,&tree,errmsg,numPoints);
		err = ReadTIndexedDagTreeBody(linesInFile,&line,&tree,errmsg,numPoints);
		if(err) goto done;
		err = -1; // for now we require TIndexedDagTree
		strcpy(errmsg,"Error in dag tree header line");
		if(err) goto done;
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	// if the boundary information is in the file we'll need to create a bathymetry map (required for 3D)
	/*if (waterBoundaries && (this -> moverMap == model -> uMap))
	 //PtCurMap *map = CreateAndInitPtCurMap(fVar.userName,bounds); // the map bounds are the same as the grid bounds
	 PtCurMap *map = CreateAndInitPtCurMap("Extended Topology",bounds); // the map bounds are the same as the grid bounds
	 if (!map) {strcpy(errmsg,"Error creating ptcur map"); goto done;}
	 // maybe move up and have the map read in the boundary information
	 *newMap = map;
	{	// wind will always be on another map
		if (waterBoundaries) {DisposeHandle((Handle)waterBoundaries); waterBoundaries=0;}
		if (boundarySegs) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundarySegs); boundarySegs=0;}
		if (boundaryPts) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundaryPts); boundaryPts=0;}
	/*if (!(this -> moverMap == model -> uMap))	// maybe assume rectangle grids will have map?
	 if (waterBoundaries) {DisposeHandle((Handle)waterBoundaries); waterBoundaries=0;}
	 if (boundarySegs) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundarySegs); boundarySegs=0;}
	triGrid = new TTriGridVel;
	if (!triGrid)
		err = true;
		TechError("Error in NetCDFWindMover::ReadTopology()","new TTriGridVel" ,err);
		goto done;
	fGrid = (TTriGridVel*)triGrid;
	triGrid -> SetBounds(bounds); 
	//triGrid -> SetDepths(depths);
	dagTree = new TDagTree(pts,topo,tree.treeHdl,velH,tree.numBranches); 
		err = -1;
		printError("Unable to read Extended Topology file.");
		goto done;
	triGrid -> SetDagTree(dagTree);
	pts = 0;	// because fGrid is now responsible for it
	topo = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	tree.treeHdl = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	velH = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	//depths = 0;
	if(depths) {DisposeHandle((Handle)depths); depths=0;}
		f = 0;
			strcpy(errmsg,"An error occurred in NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTopology");
		if(pts) {DisposeHandle((Handle)pts); pts=0;}
		if(topo) {DisposeHandle((Handle)topo); topo=0;}
		if(velH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)velH); velH=0;}
		if(depths) {DisposeHandle((Handle)depths); depths=0;}
		if(tree.treeHdl) {DisposeHandle((Handle)tree.treeHdl); tree.treeHdl=0;}
			fGrid ->Dispose();
			delete fGrid;
			fGrid = 0;
		if (*newMap) 
			delete *newMap;
		if (waterBoundaries) {DisposeHandle((Handle)waterBoundaries); waterBoundaries=0;}
		if (boundarySegs) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundarySegs); boundarySegs = 0;}
		if (boundaryPts) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundaryPts); boundaryPts = 0;}
	return err;
// simplify for wind data - no map needed, no mask 
OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv_c::ReorderPoints(TMap **newMap, char* errmsg) 
	long i, j, n, ntri, numVerdatPts=0;
	long fNumRows_ext = fNumRows+1, fNumCols_ext = fNumCols+1;
	long nv = fNumRows * fNumCols, nv_ext = fNumRows_ext*fNumCols_ext;
	long iIndex, jIndex, index; 
	long triIndex1, triIndex2, waterCellNum=0;
	long ptIndex = 0, cellNum = 0;
	long indexOfStart = 0;
	OSErr err = 0;
	LONGH landWaterInfo = (LONGH)_NewHandleClear(fNumRows * fNumCols * sizeof(long));
	LONGH maskH2 = (LONGH)_NewHandleClear(nv_ext * sizeof(long));
	LONGH ptIndexHdl = (LONGH)_NewHandleClear(nv_ext * sizeof(**ptIndexHdl));
	LONGH verdatPtsH = (LONGH)_NewHandleClear(nv_ext * sizeof(**verdatPtsH));
	GridCellInfoHdl gridCellInfo = (GridCellInfoHdl)_NewHandleClear(nv * sizeof(**gridCellInfo));
	TopologyHdl topo=0;
	LongPointHdl pts=0;
	VelocityFH velH = 0;
	DAGTreeStruct tree;
	WorldRect triBounds;
	TTriGridVel *triGrid = nil;
	tree.treeHdl = 0;
	TDagTree *dagTree = 0;
	VelocityFH velocityH = 0;
	if (!landWaterInfo || !ptIndexHdl || !gridCellInfo || !verdatPtsH || !maskH2) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	err = ReadTimeData(indexOfStart,&velocityH,errmsg);	// try to use velocities to set grid
	for (i=0;i<fNumRows;i++)
		for (j=0;j<fNumCols;j++)
			// eventually will need to have a land mask, for now assume fillValue represents land
			//if (INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).u==0 && INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).v==0)	// land point
			if (INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).u==fFillValue && INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).v==fFillValue)	// land point
				INDEXH(landWaterInfo,i*fNumCols+j) = -1;	// may want to mark each separate island with a unique number
				INDEXH(landWaterInfo,i*fNumCols+j) = 1;
				INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i*fNumCols_ext+j) = -2;	// water box
				INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i*fNumCols_ext+j+1) = -2;
				INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,(i+1)*fNumCols_ext+j) = -2;
				INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,(i+1)*fNumCols_ext+j+1) = -2;
	for (i=0;i<fNumRows_ext;i++)
		for (j=0;j<fNumCols_ext;j++)
			if (INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i*fNumCols_ext+j) == -2)
				INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i*fNumCols_ext+j) = ptIndex;	// count up grid points
				INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i*fNumCols_ext+j) = -1;
	for (i=0;i<fNumRows;i++)
		for (j=0;j<fNumCols;j++)
			if (INDEXH(landWaterInfo,i*fNumCols+j)>0)
				INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).cellNum = cellNum;
				INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).topLeft = INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i*fNumCols_ext+j);
				INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).topRight = INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i*fNumCols_ext+j+1);
				INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).bottomLeft = INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,(i+1)*fNumCols_ext+j);
				INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).bottomRight = INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,(i+1)*fNumCols_ext+j+1);
			else INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).cellNum = -1;
	ntri = cellNum*2;	// each water cell is split into two triangles
	if(!(topo = (TopologyHdl)_NewHandleClear(ntri * sizeof(Topology)))){err = memFullErr; goto done;}	
	for (i=0;i<nv_ext;i++)
		if (INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i) != -1)
			INDEXH(verdatPtsH,numVerdatPts) = i;
			//INDEXH(verdatPtsH,INDEXH(ptIndexHdl,i)) = i;
	pts = (LongPointHdl)_NewHandle(sizeof(LongPoint)*(numVerdatPts));
	if(pts == nil)
		strcpy(errmsg,"Not enough memory to triangulate data.");
		return -1;
	for (i=0; i<=numVerdatPts; i++)	// make a list of grid points that will be used for triangles
		float fLong, fLat, fDepth, dLon, dLat, dLon1, dLon2, dLat1, dLat2;
		//double val, u=0., v=0.;
		LongPoint vertex;
		if(i < numVerdatPts) 
		{	// since velocities are defined at the lower left corner of each grid cell
			// need to add an extra row/col at the top/right of the grid
			// set lat/lon based on distance between previous two points 
			// these are just for boundary/drawing purposes, velocities are set to zero
			index = i+1;
			n = INDEXH(verdatPtsH,i);
			iIndex = n/fNumCols_ext;
			jIndex = n%fNumCols_ext;
			if (iIndex==0)
				if (jIndex<fNumCols)
					dLat = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,fNumCols+jIndex).pLat - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex).pLat;
					fLat = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex).pLat - dLat;
					dLon = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,fNumCols+jIndex).pLong - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex).pLong;
					fLong = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex).pLong - dLon;
					dLat1 = (INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex-1).pLat - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex-2).pLat);
					dLat2 = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,fNumCols+jIndex-1).pLat - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,fNumCols+jIndex-2).pLat;
					fLat = 2*(INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex-1).pLat + dLat1)-(INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,fNumCols+jIndex-1).pLat+dLat2);
					dLon1 = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,fNumCols+jIndex-1).pLong - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex-1).pLong;
					dLon2 = (INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,fNumCols+jIndex-2).pLong - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex-2).pLong);
					fLong = 2*(INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex-1).pLong-dLon1)-(INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,jIndex-2).pLong-dLon2);
				if (jIndex<fNumCols)
					fLat = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex).pLat;
					fLong = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex).pLong;
					//u = INDEXH(velocityH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex).u;
					//v = INDEXH(velocityH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex).v;
					dLat = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex-1).pLat - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex-2).pLat;
					fLat = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex-1).pLat + dLat;
					dLon = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex-1).pLong - INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex-2).pLong;
					fLong = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,(iIndex-1)*fNumCols+jIndex-1).pLong + dLon;
			vertex.v = (long)(fLat*1e6);
			vertex.h = (long)(fLong*1e6);
			fDepth = 1.;
			INDEXH(pts,i) = vertex;
		else { // for outputting a verdat the last line should be all zeros
			index = 0;
			fLong = fLat = fDepth = 0.0;
	// figure out the bounds
	triBounds = voidWorldRect;
		LongPoint	thisLPoint;
		if(numVerdatPts > 0)
			WorldPoint  wp;
				thisLPoint = INDEXH(pts,i);
				wp.pLat = thisLPoint.v;
				wp.pLong = thisLPoint.h;
				AddWPointToWRect(wp.pLat, wp.pLong, &triBounds);
	DisplayMessage("Making Triangles");
	for (i=0;i<fNumRows;i++)
		for (j=0;j<fNumCols;j++)
			if (INDEXH(landWaterInfo,i*fNumCols+j)==-1)
			waterCellNum = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).cellNum;	// split each cell into 2 triangles
			triIndex1 = 2*waterCellNum;
			triIndex2 = 2*waterCellNum+1;
			// top/left tri in rect
			(*topo)[triIndex1].vertex1 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).topRight;
			(*topo)[triIndex1].vertex2 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).topLeft;
			(*topo)[triIndex1].vertex3 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).bottomLeft;
			if (j==0 || INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j-1).cellNum == -1)
				(*topo)[triIndex1].adjTri1 = -1;
				(*topo)[triIndex1].adjTri1 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j-1).cellNum * 2 + 1;
			(*topo)[triIndex1].adjTri2 = triIndex2;
			if (i==0 || INDEXH(gridCellInfo,(i-1)*fNumCols+j).cellNum==-1)
				(*topo)[triIndex1].adjTri3 = -1;
				(*topo)[triIndex1].adjTri3 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,(i-1)*fNumCols+j).cellNum * 2 + 1;
			// bottom/right tri in rect
			(*topo)[triIndex2].vertex1 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).bottomLeft;
			(*topo)[triIndex2].vertex2 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).bottomRight;
			(*topo)[triIndex2].vertex3 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j).topRight;
			if (j==fNumCols-1 || INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j+1).cellNum == -1)
				(*topo)[triIndex2].adjTri1 = -1;
				(*topo)[triIndex2].adjTri1 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,i*fNumCols+j+1).cellNum * 2;
			(*topo)[triIndex2].adjTri2 = triIndex1;
			if (i==fNumRows-1 || INDEXH(gridCellInfo,(i+1)*fNumCols+j).cellNum == -1)
				(*topo)[triIndex2].adjTri3 = -1;
				(*topo)[triIndex2].adjTri3 = INDEXH(gridCellInfo,(i+1)*fNumCols+j).cellNum * 2;
	DisplayMessage("Making Dag Tree");
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	tree = MakeDagTree(topo, (LongPoint**)pts, errmsg); 
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	if (errmsg[0])	
	{err = -1; goto done;} 
	// sethandle size of the fTreeH to be tree.fNumBranches, the rest are zeros
	fVerdatToNetCDFH = verdatPtsH;
	triGrid = new TTriGridVel;
	if (!triGrid)
		err = true;
		TechError("Error in NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReorderPoints()","new TTriGridVel",err);
		goto done;
	fGrid = (TTriGridVel*)triGrid;
	triGrid -> SetBounds(triBounds); 
	dagTree = new TDagTree(pts,topo,tree.treeHdl,velH,tree.numBranches); 
		err = -1;
		printError("Unable to create dag tree.");
		goto done;
	triGrid -> SetDagTree(dagTree);
	//triGrid -> SetDepths(totalDepthH);	// used by PtCurMap to check vertical movement
	pts = 0;	// because fGrid is now responsible for it
	topo = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	velH = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	tree.treeHdl = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	velH = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	if (landWaterInfo) {DisposeHandle((Handle)landWaterInfo); landWaterInfo=0;}
	if (ptIndexHdl) {DisposeHandle((Handle)ptIndexHdl); ptIndexHdl = 0;}
	if (gridCellInfo) {DisposeHandle((Handle)gridCellInfo); gridCellInfo = 0;}
			strcpy(errmsg,"An error occurred in NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReorderPoints");
		if(pts) {DisposeHandle((Handle)pts); pts=0;}
		if(topo) {DisposeHandle((Handle)topo); topo=0;}
		if(velH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)velH); velH=0;}
		if(tree.treeHdl) {DisposeHandle((Handle)tree.treeHdl); tree.treeHdl=0;}
			fGrid ->Dispose();
			delete fGrid;
			fGrid = 0;
		if (verdatPtsH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)verdatPtsH); verdatPtsH = 0;}
		if (maskH2) {DisposeHandle((Handle)maskH2); maskH2 = 0;}
	if (velocityH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)velocityH); velocityH = 0;}
	return err;