  for (CollIndex i=0; i<rows_; i++)
    NADELETEARRAY(array_[i], cols_, Int32, heap_);

  NADELETEARRAY(array_, rows_, Row, heap_);
  // Call deepDelete() on NAColumnArray's.  
  // The destructor does not do this.
  delete inParams_;
  delete outParams_;
  delete params_;    // Do not do a deepDelete() on params_ the
                     // elements are shared with in|outParams_.
  delete extRoutineName_;
  delete extActionName_;
  delete intActionName_;
  uecValues_.clear(); // delete all its elements.  
  if (passThruData_ NEQ NULL)
    for (Int32 i = 0; i < passThruDataNumEntries_; i++)
      NADELETEBASIC(passThruData_[i], heap_); // Can't use NADELETEARRAY on C types.
    NADELETEBASIC(passThruData_, heap_);      // Can't use NADELETEARRAY on C types.
  if (passThruDataSize_ NEQ NULL) // Use NADELETEARRAY for any 'new(heap)<class>[<size>]'
    NADELETEARRAY(passThruDataSize_, (UInt32)passThruDataNumEntries_, Int64, heap_);

  if (privInfo_)
   NADELETE(privInfo_, PrivMgrUserPrivs, heap_);
Lng32 ComRtGetSegsInfo(SEGMENT_INFO *segs, Lng32 maxNoSegs, Lng32 &noOfSegs, 
				NAHeap *heap)
  Int32 nodeCount = 0;
  Int32 nodeMax = 0;
  MS_Mon_Node_Info_Entry_Type *nodeInfo = NULL;

  // Get the number of nodes to know how much info space to allocate
  Int32 error = msg_mon_get_node_info(&nodeCount, 0, NULL);
  if (error != 0)
     return 0;
  if (nodeCount <= 0)
     return 0;

  // Allocate the space for node info entries
  nodeInfo = new (heap) MS_Mon_Node_Info_Entry_Type[nodeCount];

  if (!nodeInfo)
     return 0;
  // Get the node info
  memset(nodeInfo, 0, sizeof(nodeInfo));
  nodeMax = nodeCount;
  error = msg_mon_get_node_info(&nodeCount, nodeMax, nodeInfo);
  if (error != 0)
     NADELETEBASIC(nodeInfo, heap);
     return 0;
  Int32 i;
  Int32 j=0;
  for (i = 0 ; i < nodeCount && j < maxNoSegs ; i++)
     if (!nodeInfo[i].spare_node)
        segs[j].segName_[0] = '\0';
        segs[j].segNo_ = nodeInfo[i].nid;
        segs[j].noOfCpus_ = 1;
        segs[j].cpuStatus_ = 0x8000;
        segs[j].nodeDown_ = FALSE;
  noOfSegs = j;
  NADELETEARRAY(nodeInfo, nodeCount, MS_Mon_Node_Info_Entry_Type, heap);
  return i;
void CliGlobals::init( NABoolean espProcess,
                       StatsGlobals *statsGlobals
  int threadCount = NAAssertMutexCreate();
  if (threadCount != 1) // The main executor thread must be first

#if !(defined(__SSCP) || defined(__SSMP))
  sharedCtrl_ = new(&executorMemory_) ExControlArea(NULL /*context */,
  sharedCtrl_ = NULL;

  char *_sqptr = 0;
  _sqptr = new (&executorMemory_) char[10];

  numCliCalls_ = 0;
  logEmsEvents_ = TRUE;
  nodeName_[0] = '\0';

  breakEnabled_ = FALSE;
  SPBreakReceived_ = FALSE;
  isESPProcess_ = FALSE;
  logReclaimEventDone_ = FALSE;

  // find and initialize the directory this program is being run from.
  // Max length of oss dirname is 1K (process_getinfolist_ limit).
  // Also initialize the node, cpu and pin my process is running at.
  programDir_ = new (&executorMemory_) char[1024 + 1];
  short nodeNameLen;
  Lng32 retcomrt = 0;
  retcomrt =  ComRtGetProgramInfo(programDir_, 1024, processType_,
				  myCpu_, myPin_, 
				  myNodeNumber_, myNodeName_, nodeNameLen, 
				  myStartTime_, myProcessNameString_,
                                  , &myVerifier_

  if (retcomrt)
    char errStr[128];//LCOV_EXCL_LINE
    sprintf (errStr, "Could not initialize CLI globals.ComRtGetProgramInfo returned an error :%d.", retcomrt);//LCOV_EXCL_LINE


  savedPriority_ = (short)myPriority_;
  myNumSegs_ = 0;
  myNumCpus_ = 0;
  SEGMENT_INFO * segs = new(&executorMemory_) SEGMENT_INFO[MAX_NO_OF_SEGMENTS];
  ComRtGetSegsInfo(segs, MAX_NO_OF_SEGMENTS, myNumSegs_,
           (NAHeap *)&executorMemory_);
  for (Lng32 i = 0; i < myNumSegs_; i++)
      myNumCpus_ += segs[i].noOfCpus_;

   // create global structures for IPC environment
#if !(defined(__SSCP) || defined(__SSMP))

  // check if Measure is enabled and allocate Measure process counters.
  measProcCntrs_ = NULL;
  measProcEnabled_  = 0;
  measStmtEnabled_  = 0;
  measSubsysRunning_ = 0;
  measProcCntrs_ = new(&executorMemory_) ExMeasProcCntrs();  

  // Ask Measure for status
  ExMeasGetStatus( measStmtEnabled_,
		   measSubsysRunning_ );

  if (measProcEnabled_)
      //ss_cc_change This will not get hit on seaquest
      Int32 measError = measProcCntrs_->ExMeasProcCntrsBump();
      if (measError)
	  NADELETEBASIC (measProcCntrs_, &executorMemory_);
	  measProcCntrs_ = NULL;
	  measProcEnabled_  = 0;
	  measStmtEnabled_  = 0;

    ipcHeap_ = new(&executorMemory_) NAHeap("IPC Heap",
                                     NAMemory::IPC_MEMORY, 2048 * 1024);
  if (! espProcess)
    // Create the process global ARKCMP server.
    // In R1.8, Each context has its own mxcmp.
    sharedArkcmp_ = NULL;

    // create the process global memory monitor. For now with
    // defaults of 10 window entries and sampling every 1 second
    Lng32 memMonitorWindowSize = 10;
    Lng32 memMonitorSampleInterval = 1; // reduced from 10 (for M5 - May 2011)
    memMonitor_ = new(&executorMemory_) MemoryMonitor(memMonitorWindowSize,

    //    nextUniqueContextHandle = 2000;
    nextUniqueContextHandle = DEFAULT_CONTEXT_HANDLE;

    arlibHeap_ = new (&executorMemory_) NAHeap("MXARLIB Cache Heap",
                                               (Lng32) 32768);
    lastUniqueNumber_ = 0;
    sessionUniqueNumber_ = 0;
    // It is not thread safe to set the globals cli_globals
    // before cli_globals is fully initialized, but it is being done
    // here because the code below expects it 
    cli_globals = this;
    short error;
    statsGlobals_ = (StatsGlobals *)shareStatsSegment(shmId_);
    if (statsGlobals_ == NULL
      || (statsGlobals_ != NULL && 
        statsGlobals_->getVersion() != StatsGlobals::CURRENT_SHARED_OBJECTS_VERSION_))
      statsGlobals_ = NULL;
      statsHeap_ = new (getExecutorMemory()) 
        NAHeap("Process Stats Heap", getExecutorMemory(),
      error = statsGlobals_->openStatsSemaphore(semId_);
      // Behave like as if stats is not available
      //ss_cc_change - rare error case
      if (error != 0)
	statsGlobals_ = NULL;
	statsHeap_ = getExecutorMemory();
        short savedPriority, savedStopMode;
        error = statsGlobals_->getStatsSemaphore(semId_, myPin_, 
                      savedPriority, savedStopMode, FALSE /*shouldTimeout*/);
        ex_assert(error == 0, "getStatsSemaphore() returned an error");

        statsHeap_ = (NAHeap *)statsGlobals_->
               getStatsHeap()->allocateHeapMemory(sizeof *statsHeap_, FALSE);

        // The following assertion may be hit if the RTS shared memory
        // segment is full.  The stop catcher code will be responsible
        // for releasing the RTS semaphore.
        ex_assert(statsHeap_, "allocateHeapMemory returned NULL.");

        // This next allocation, a placement "new" will not fail.
	statsHeap_ = new (statsHeap_, statsGlobals_->getStatsHeap()) 
	  NAHeap("Process Stats Heap", statsGlobals_->getStatsHeap(),
	statsGlobals_->addProcess(myPin_, statsHeap_);
        processStats_ = statsGlobals_->getExProcessStats(myPin_);
	statsGlobals_->releaseStatsSemaphore(semId_, myPin_, savedPriority, savedStopMode);
    // create a default context and make it the current context
    cliSemaphore_ = new (&executorMemory_) CLISemaphore();
    defaultContext_ = new (&executorMemory_) ContextCli(this);
    contextList_  = new(&executorMemory_) HashQueue(&executorMemory_);
    tidList_  = new(&executorMemory_) HashQueue(&executorMemory_);
    SQLCTX_HANDLE ch = defaultContext_->getContextHandle();
    contextList_->insert((char*)&ch, sizeof(SQLCTX_HANDLE), (void*)defaultContext_);
  } // (!espProcess)

    // For ESPs do not create the default context here. At this point
    // the ESP has not created an IpcEnvironment object yet so the
    // result context will have an invalid ExSqlComp object that
    // points to a NULL IpcEnvironment. In bin/ex_esp_main.cpp, the
    // following objects are created at ESP startup time:
    //   - CliGlobals
    //   - IpcEnvironment
    //   - Default ContextCli in CliGlobals
    //   - MemoryMonitor
    //   - ExEspFragInstanceDir
    //   - ExEspControl Message
    //   - Global UDR server manager
    cliSemaphore_ = new (&executorMemory_) CLISemaphore();
    statsGlobals_ = NULL;
    semId_ = -1;
    statsHeap_ = NULL;
    lastUniqueNumber_ = 0;

  } // if (!espProcess) else ...

#else // (defined(__SSCP) || defined(__SSMP)) 
  cliSemaphore_ = new (&executorMemory_) CLISemaphore();
  statsGlobals_ = statsGlobals;
  semId_ = -1;
  statsHeap_ = NULL;
  lastUniqueNumber_ = 0;

  inConstructor_ = FALSE;
  // could initialize the program file name here but ...
  myProgName_[0] = '\0';