Exemple #1
main ()
  int i;

  test_addl_S64_S32_4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  SCHECK (64, 4, addl);
  test_addl_S32_S16_8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  SCHECK (32, 8, addl);
  test_addl_S16_S8_16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  SCHECK (16, 16, addl);
  test_subl_S64_S32_4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  SCHECK (64, 4, subl);
  test_subl_S32_S16_8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  SCHECK (32, 8, subl);
  test_subl_S16_S8_16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  SCHECK (16, 16, subl);

  test_addl_U64_U32_4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  UCHECK (64, 4, addl);
  test_addl_U32_U16_8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  UCHECK (32, 8, addl);
  test_addl_U16_U8_16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  UCHECK (16, 16, addl);
  test_subl_U64_U32_4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  UCHECK (64, 4, subl);
  test_subl_U32_U16_8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  UCHECK (32, 8, subl);
  test_subl_U16_U8_16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  UCHECK (16, 16, subl);

  test_addl_S64_S32_4_neg0 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  NCHECK (neg_r);
  test_addl_S64_S32_4_neg1 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  NCHECK (subl_rS64);
  test_subl_S64_S32_4_neg0 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  NCHECK (addl_rS64);
  test_subl_S64_S32_4_neg1 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  NCHECK (neg_r);
  test_subl_S64_S32_4_neg2 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  NCHECK (neg_r);

  return 0;
Exemple #2
EStatus StationSendAck(Station* pThis, const Packet* pPacket)
    Packet* pAck;
    ListEntry* pEntry;
    if (!StationIsAckRequired(pThis, pPacket)) return eSTATUS_COMMON_OK;
    NCHECK(ListFind(pThis->pOutbox, &pEntry, (ItemComparator)&StationAckFinder, (void*)pPacket, pThis));
    CHECK(PacketNewAck(&pAck, pThis->id, pPacket->header.transitSrcId));
    pAck->header.sequenceNum = pPacket->header.sequenceNum;
    return StationSendPacket(pThis, pAck);
Exemple #3
NC4_get_fileinfo(NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T* h5, struct NCPROPINFO* init)
    int ncstat = NC_NOERR;

    /* Allocate the fileinfo in h5 */
    h5->fileinfo = (struct NCFILEINFO*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct NCFILEINFO));
    if(h5->fileinfo == NULL)
	{ncstat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;}

    /* Get superblock version */
    NCHECK((ncstat = NC4_hdf5get_superblock(h5,&h5->fileinfo->superblockversion)));
    /* Get properties attribute if not already defined */
    if(init == NULL) {
        NCHECK((ncstat = NC4_get_propattr(h5)));
    } else { /*init != NULL*/
       h5->fileinfo->propattr = *init; /* Initialize */
    return ncstat;    
Exemple #4
main ()
  int i;

  test_addS64_tS32_t4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  SCHECK (64, 4, add);
  test_addS32_tS16_t8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  SCHECK (32, 8, add);
  test_addS16_tS8_t16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  SCHECK (16, 16, add);
  test_subS64_tS32_t4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  SCHECK (64, 4, sub);
  test_subS32_tS16_t8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  SCHECK (32, 8, sub);
  test_subS16_tS8_t16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  SCHECK (16, 16, sub);

  test_addU64_tU32_t4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  UCHECK (64, 4, add);
  test_addU32_tU16_t8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  UCHECK (32, 8, add);
  test_addU16_tU8_t16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  UCHECK (16, 16, add);
  test_subU64_tU32_t4 (S64_ta, S32_tb, S32_tc);
  UCHECK (64, 4, sub);
  test_subU32_tU16_t8 (S32_ta, S16_tb, S16_tc);
  UCHECK (32, 8, sub);
  test_subU16_tU8_t16 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  UCHECK (16, 16, sub);

  test_addS16_tS8_t16_neg0 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  NCHECK (add_rS16);
  test_subS16_tS8_t16_neg0 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  NCHECK (sub_rS16);
  test_addS16_tS8_t16_neg1 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  NCHECK (add_rS16);
  test_subS16_tS8_t16_neg1 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  NCHECK (sub_rS16);
  test_addS16_tS8_t16_neg2 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  NCHECK (add_rS16);
  test_subS16_tS8_t16_neg2 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  NCHECK (sub_rS16);
  test_subS16_tS8_t16_neg3 (S16_ta, S8_tb, S8_tc);
  NCHECK (neg_r);

  return 0;
Exemple #5
static void
regular_test(struct mem_allocator* allocator)
    char dump[BUFSIZ];
    void* p = NULL;
    void* q[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
    size_t i = 0;

    p = MEM_ALIGNED_ALLOC(allocator, 1024, ALIGNOF(char));
    NCHECK(p, NULL);
    CHECK(IS_ALIGNED((uintptr_t)p, ALIGNOF(char)), 1);
    MEM_FREE(allocator, p);

    q[0] = MEM_ALIGNED_ALLOC(allocator, 10, 8);
    q[1] = MEM_CALLOC(allocator, 1, 58);
    q[2] = MEM_ALLOC(allocator, 78);
    NCHECK(q[0], NULL);
    NCHECK(q[1], NULL);
    NCHECK(q[2], NULL);
    CHECK(IS_ALIGNED((uintptr_t)q[0], 8), 1);

    p = MEM_CALLOC(allocator, 2, 2);
    NCHECK(p, NULL);
    for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        CHECK(((char*)p)[i], 0);
    for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        ((char*)p)[i] = (char)i;

    MEM_DUMP(allocator, dump, BUFSIZ);
    printf("dump:\n%s\n", dump);
    MEM_DUMP(allocator, dump, 16);
    printf("truncated dump:\n%s\n", dump);
    MEM_DUMP(allocator, NULL, 0); /* may not crashed. */

    MEM_FREE(allocator, q[1]);

    p = MEM_REALLOC(allocator, p, 8);
    for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        CHECK(((char*)p)[i], (char)i);
    for(i = 4; i < 8; ++i)
        ((char*)p)[i] = (char)i;

    MEM_FREE(allocator, q[2]);

    p = MEM_REALLOC(allocator, p, 5);
    for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        CHECK(((char*)p)[i], (char)i);

    MEM_FREE(allocator, p);

    p = NULL;
    p = MEM_REALLOC(allocator, NULL, 16);
    NCHECK(p, NULL);
    p = MEM_REALLOC(allocator, p, 0);

    MEM_FREE(allocator, q[0]);

    CHECK(MEM_ALIGNED_ALLOC(allocator, 1024, 0), NULL);
    CHECK(MEM_ALIGNED_ALLOC(allocator, 1024, 3), NULL);
    CHECK(MEM_ALLOCATED_SIZE(allocator), 0);
Exemple #6
main(int argc, char** argv)
  /* Check command arguments */
  if(argc != 3) {
    printf("usage: %s RB_DRIVER FONT\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;
  const char* driver_name = argv[1];
  const char* font_name = argv[2];

  FILE* file = fopen(driver_name, "r");
  if(!file) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid driver %s\n", driver_name);
    return -1;

  file = fopen(font_name, "r");
  if(!file) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid font name %s\n", font_name);
    return -1;

  /* Spawn a drawable windows */
  struct wm_device* device = NULL;
  struct wm_window* window = NULL;
  const struct wm_window_desc win_desc =
    { .width = 640, .height = 480, .fullscreen = false };
  WM(create_device(NULL, &device));
  WM(create_window(device, &win_desc, &window));

  /* Create a render backend */
  struct rbi rbi;
  struct rb_context* rb_ctxt = NULL;
  CHECK(rbi_init(driver_name, &rbi), 0);
  RBI(&rbi, create_context(NULL, &rb_ctxt));

  /* Load font resource */
  struct font_system* font_sys = NULL;
  struct font_rsrc* font_rsrc = NULL;
  bool is_font_scalable = false;
  int line_space = 0;
  FONT(system_create(NULL, &font_sys));
  FONT(rsrc_create(font_sys, font_name, &font_rsrc));
  FONT(rsrc_get_line_space(font_rsrc, &line_space));
  FONT(rsrc_is_scalable(font_rsrc, &is_font_scalable));
  if(is_font_scalable) {
    FONT(rsrc_set_size(font_rsrc, 24, 24));

  /* Build x charset description */
  int glyph_min_width = INT_MAX;
  const wchar_t* charset =
    L" &~\"#'{([-|`_\\^@)]=}+$%*,?;.:/!<>";
  const size_t charset_len = wcslen(charset);
  size_t i = 0;
  struct lp_font_glyph_desc lp_font_glyph_desc_list[512];
  unsigned char* glyph_bitmap_list[512];
  ASSERT(charset_len <= 512);

  for(i = 0; i < charset_len; ++i) {
    struct font_glyph_desc font_glyph_desc;
    struct font_glyph* font_glyph = NULL;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    int Bpp = 0;

    FONT(rsrc_get_glyph(font_rsrc, charset[i], &font_glyph));

    FONT(glyph_get_desc(font_glyph, &font_glyph_desc));
    glyph_min_width = MIN(font_glyph_desc.width, glyph_min_width);
    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].width = font_glyph_desc.width;
    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].character = font_glyph_desc.character;
    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].bitmap_left = font_glyph_desc.bbox.x_min;
    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].bitmap_top = font_glyph_desc.bbox.y_min;

    FONT(glyph_get_bitmap(font_glyph, true, &width, &height, &Bpp, NULL));
    if(width && height ) {
      glyph_bitmap_list[i] = MEM_CALLOC
        (&mem_default_allocator, (size_t)(width*height), (size_t)Bpp);
      NCHECK(glyph_bitmap_list[i], NULL);
        (font_glyph, true, &width, &height, &Bpp, glyph_bitmap_list[i]));

    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].bitmap.width = width;
    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].bitmap.height = height;
    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].bitmap.bytes_per_pixel = Bpp;
    lp_font_glyph_desc_list[i].bitmap.buffer = glyph_bitmap_list[i];


  /* Create the lp system and font  */
  struct lp* lp = NULL;
  struct lp_font* lp_font = NULL;
  LP(create(&rbi, rb_ctxt, NULL, &lp));
  LP(font_create(lp, &lp_font));
    (lp_font, line_space, (int)charset_len, lp_font_glyph_desc_list));

  /* Create the printer */
  struct lp_printer* lp_printer = NULL;
  LP(printer_create(lp, &lp_printer));
  LP(printer_set_font(lp_printer, lp_font));
  LP(printer_set_viewport(lp_printer, 0, 0, win_desc.width, win_desc.height));
  enum wm_state esc = WM_STATE_UNKNOWN;
  do {
    int cur[2] = { 0, 0 };

    RBI(&rbi, clear
      (rb_ctxt, RB_CLEAR_COLOR_BIT, (float[]){0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f}, 0.f, 0));
      (lp_printer, 50, 70, L">$ ",
       (float[]){0.f, 1.f, 0.f}, cur+0, cur+1));
      (lp_printer, cur[0], cur[1], L"Hello",
       (float[]){1.f, 1.f, 1.f}, cur+0, cur+1));
Exemple #7
main(int argc, char** argv)
  char buf[BUFSIZ];
  struct font_glyph_desc desc;
  struct font_system* sys = NULL;
  struct font_rsrc* font = NULL;
  struct font_glyph* glyph = NULL;
  const char* path = NULL;
  unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
  size_t buffer_size = 0;
  int h = 0;
  int w = 0;
  int Bpp = 0;
  int i = 0;
  bool b = false;

  if(argc != 2) {
    printf("usage: %s FONT\n", argv[0]);
    goto error;
  path = argv[1];

  CHECK(font_system_create( NULL, NULL ), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_system_create(NULL, &sys), OK);

  CHECK(font_rsrc_create(NULL, NULL, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_create(sys, NULL, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_create(NULL, NULL, &font), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_create(sys, NULL, &font), OK);

  CHECK(font_rsrc_load(NULL, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_load(font, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_load(NULL, path), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_load(font, path), OK);

  CHECK(font_rsrc_is_scalable(NULL, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_is_scalable(font, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_is_scalable(NULL, &b), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_is_scalable(font, &b), OK);

  if(b) {
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(NULL, 0, 0), BAD_ARG);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(font, 0, 0), BAD_ARG);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(NULL, 32, 0), BAD_ARG);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(font, 32, 0), BAD_ARG);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(NULL, 0, 64), BAD_ARG);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(font, 0, 64), BAD_ARG);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(NULL, 32, 64), BAD_ARG);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(font, 32, 64), OK);
    CHECK(font_rsrc_set_size(font, 16, 16), OK);

  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_line_space(NULL, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_line_space(font, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_line_space(NULL, &i), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_line_space(font, &i), OK);

  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_glyph(NULL, L'a', NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_glyph(font, L'a', NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_glyph(NULL, L'a', &glyph), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_get_glyph(font, L'a', &glyph), OK);

  CHECK(font_glyph_get_desc(NULL, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_desc(glyph, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_desc(NULL, &desc), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_desc(glyph, &desc), OK);
  CHECK(desc.character, L'a');

  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(NULL, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, &w, NULL, NULL, NULL), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, NULL, &h, NULL, NULL), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, &w, &h, NULL, NULL), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, NULL, NULL, &Bpp, NULL), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, &w, NULL, &Bpp, NULL), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, NULL, &h, &Bpp, NULL), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, &w, &h, &Bpp, NULL), OK);
  NCHECK(w, 0);
  NCHECK(h, 0);
  NCHECK(Bpp, 0);

  buffer = MEM_CALLOC
    (&mem_default_allocator, (size_t)(w*h*Bpp), sizeof(unsigned char));
  NCHECK(buffer, NULL);
  buffer_size = (size_t)(w*h*Bpp) * sizeof(unsigned char);

  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, buffer), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, &w, NULL, NULL, buffer), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, NULL, &h, NULL, buffer), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, &w, &h, NULL, buffer), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, NULL, NULL, &Bpp, buffer), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, &w, NULL, &Bpp, buffer), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, NULL, &h, &Bpp, buffer), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, false, &w, &h, &Bpp, buffer), OK);

  CHECK(font_glyph_ref_get(NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_glyph_ref_get(glyph), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_ref_put(NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_glyph_ref_put(glyph), OK);
  CHECK(font_glyph_ref_put(glyph), OK);

  b = true;
  for(i = 0; b && i < w*h*Bpp; ++i)
    b = ((int)buffer[i] == 0);
  CHECK(b, false);

  for(i = 32; i < 127; ++i) {
    size_t required_buffer_size = 0;
    CHECK(font_rsrc_get_glyph(font, (wchar_t)i, &glyph), OK);

    CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, &w, &h, &Bpp, NULL), OK);
    required_buffer_size = (size_t)(w * h * Bpp) * sizeof(unsigned char);
    if(required_buffer_size > buffer_size) {
      buffer = MEM_REALLOC(&mem_default_allocator,buffer, required_buffer_size);
      NCHECK(buffer, NULL);
      buffer_size = required_buffer_size;
    CHECK(font_glyph_get_bitmap(glyph, true, &w, &h, &Bpp, buffer), OK);
    NCHECK(snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "/tmp/%.3d.ppm", i - 32), BUFSIZ);
    CHECK(image_ppm_write(buf, w, h, Bpp, buffer), 0);
    CHECK(font_glyph_ref_put(glyph), OK);
  MEM_FREE(&mem_default_allocator, buffer);

  CHECK(font_rsrc_ref_get(NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_ref_get(font), OK);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_ref_put(NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_ref_put(font), OK);
  CHECK(font_rsrc_ref_put(font), OK);

  CHECK(font_system_ref_get(NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_system_ref_get(sys), OK);
  CHECK(font_system_ref_put(NULL), BAD_ARG);
  CHECK(font_system_ref_put(sys), OK);
  CHECK(font_system_ref_put(sys), OK);

  CHECK(MEM_ALLOCATED_SIZE(&mem_default_allocator), 0);

  return 0;

  return -1;