Exemple #1
/* getPath
 * Construct the shortest path from one endpoint of e to the other.
 * The obstacles and their number are given by obs and npoly.
 * vconfig is a precomputed data structure to help in the computation.
 * If chkPts is true, the function finds the polygons, if any, containing
 * the endpoints and tells the shortest path computation to ignore them. 
 * Assumes this info is set in ND_lim, usually from _spline_edges.
 * Returns the shortest path.
getPath(edge_t * e, vconfig_t * vconfig, int chkPts, Ppoly_t ** obs,
	int npoly)
    Ppolyline_t line;
    int pp, qp;
    Ppoint_t p, q;

    p = add_pointf(ND_coord(agtail(e)), ED_tail_port(e).p);
    q = add_pointf(ND_coord(aghead(e)), ED_head_port(e).p);

    /* determine the polygons (if any) that contain the endpoints */
    pp = qp = POLYID_NONE;
    if (chkPts) {
	pp = ND_lim(agtail(e));
	qp = ND_lim(aghead(e));
	for (i = 0; i < npoly; i++) {
	    if ((pp == POLYID_NONE) && in_poly(*obs[i], p))
		pp = i;
	    if ((qp == POLYID_NONE) && in_poly(*obs[i], q))
		qp = i;
    Pobspath(vconfig, p, pp, q, qp, &line);
    return line;
Exemple #2
/* _spline_edges:
 * Basic default routine for creating edges.
 * If splines are requested, we construct the obstacles.
 * If not, or nodes overlap, the function reverts to line segments.
 * NOTE: intra-cluster edges are not constrained to
 * remain in the cluster's bounding box and, conversely, a cluster's box
 * is not altered to reflect intra-cluster edges.
 * If Nop > 1 and the spline exists, it is just copied.
 * NOTE: if edgetype = ET_NONE, we shouldn't be here.
static int _spline_edges(graph_t * g, expand_t* pmargin, int edgetype)
    node_t *n;
    edge_t *e;
    edge_t *e0;
    Ppoly_t **obs = 0;
    Ppoly_t *obp;
    int cnt, i = 0, npoly;
    vconfig_t *vconfig = 0;
    path *P = NULL;
    int useEdges = (Nop > 1);
    router_t* rtr = 0;
    int legal = 0;

    /* build configuration */
    if (edgetype >= ET_PLINE) {
	obs = N_NEW(agnnodes(g), Ppoly_t *);
	for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	    obp = makeObstacle(n, pmargin, edgetype == ET_ORTHO);
	    if (obp) {
		ND_lim(n) = i; 
		obs[i++] = obp;
		ND_lim(n) = POLYID_NONE; 
    } else {
/* addEndpoint:
 * Add node to graph representing spline end point p inside obstruction obs_id.
 * For each side of obstruction, add edge from p to corresponding triangle.
 * The node id of the new node in the graph is v_id.
 * If p lies on the side of its node (sides != 0), we limit the triangles
 * to those within 45 degrees of each side of the natural direction of p.
static void addEndpoint(router_t * rtr, pointf p, node_t* v, int v_id, int sides)
    int obs_id = ND_lim(v);
    int starti = rtr->obs[obs_id];
    int endi = rtr->obs[obs_id + 1];
    pointf* pts = rtr->ps;
    int i, t;
    double d;
    pointf vr, v0, v1;

    switch (sides) {
    case TOP :
	vr = add_pointf (p, north);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, northwest);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, northeast);
    case TOP|RIGHT :
	vr = add_pointf (p, northeast);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, north);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, east);
    case RIGHT :
	vr = add_pointf (p, east);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, northeast);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, southeast);
    case BOTTOM|RIGHT :
	vr = add_pointf (p, southeast);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, east);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, south);
    case BOTTOM :
	vr = add_pointf (p, south);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, southeast);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, southwest);
    case BOTTOM|LEFT :
	vr = add_pointf (p, southwest);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, south);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, west);
    case LEFT :
	vr = add_pointf (p, west);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, southwest);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, northwest);
    case TOP|LEFT :
	vr = add_pointf (p, northwest);
	v0 = add_pointf (p, west);
	v1 = add_pointf (p, north);
    case 0 :
    default :
	assert (0);

    rtr->tg->nodes[v_id].ne = 0;
    rtr->tg->nodes[v_id].ctr = p;
    for (i = starti; i < endi; i++) {
	ipair seg;
	seg.i = i;
	if (i < endi - 1)
	    seg.j = i + 1;
	    seg.j = starti;
	t = findMap(rtr->trimap, seg.i, seg.j);
	if (sides && !inCone (v0, p, v1, pts[seg.i]) && !inCone (v0, p, v1, pts[seg.j]) && !raySeg(p,vr,pts[seg.i],pts[seg.j]))
	d = DIST(p, (rtr->tg->nodes + t)->ctr);
	addTriEdge(rtr->tg, v_id, t, d, seg);