Exemple #1
NGApp PBIBackend::singleAppInfo( QString app, QString injail){
    QHash<QString, NGApp> hash = JAILPKGS[injail];
    if( hash.contains(app) ){ return hash[app]; }
    else{ return NGApp(); }
  }else if(APPHASH.contains(app)){
    return APPHASH[app];
  }else if(PKGHASH.contains(app)){
    return PKGHASH[app];
    return NGApp();
Exemple #2
NGApp PBIBackend::singleAppInfo( QString app, QString injail){
    QHash<QString, NGApp> hash = JAILPKGS[injail];
    if( hash.contains(app) ){ return hash[app]; }
	//Still load the info - but be sure to mark it as not installed within this jail
	NGApp info = singleAppInfo(app);
	info.isInstalled = false; 
	return info; 
  }else if(APPHASH.contains(app)){
    return APPHASH[app];
  }else if(PKGHASH.contains(app)){
    return PKGHASH[app];
    return NGApp();
Exemple #3
NGApp PBIDBAccess::parseNgIndexLine(QString line){
  //PBI= index line: [port, name, +ports, author, website, license, app type, category, tags, maintainer, shortdesc, fulldesc, screenshots, related, plugins, conf dir]
  // screenshots = list of URL's for screenshots (empty space delimiter? Note "%20"->" " conversion within a single URL)
  // related = list of ports that are similar to this one
  QStringList lineInfo = line.split("::::");
  if(lineInfo.length() < 18){ return NGApp(); } //invalid entry - skip it
  QString orig = lineInfo[0];
  NGApp app;
  if(PKGINSTALLED.contains(orig)){ app = PKGINSTALLED[orig]; } //Try to start with the known info
  else if(PKGAVAIL.contains(orig)){ app = PKGAVAIL[orig]; }
	app.origin = orig;
	app.name = lineInfo[1];
	app.needsPkgs = lineInfo[2].split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	app.author = lineInfo[3];
	app.website = lineInfo[4];
	app.license = lineInfo[5];
	app.type = lineInfo[6];
	app.category = app.origin.section("/",0,0);
	app.tags = lineInfo[8].split(",");
	app.maintainer = lineInfo[9];
	app.shortdescription = cleanupDescription( lineInfo[10].split("<br>") );
	app.description = cleanupDescription( lineInfo[11].split("<br>") );
	app.screenshots = lineInfo[12].split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	    app.screenshots = app.screenshots.replaceInStrings("%20"," ");
	app.similarApps = lineInfo[13].split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	app.possiblePlugins = lineInfo[14].split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	app.pbiorigin = lineInfo[15];
        app.buildOptions = lineInfo[16].split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	app.rating = lineInfo[17]; //all ratings out of 5 total
	//Now check for different types of shortcuts for this app
	app.hasDE = QFile::exists( PBI_DBDIR+app.pbiorigin+"/xdg-desktop" );
	app.hasME = QFile::exists( PBI_DBDIR+app.pbiorigin+"/xdg-menu" );
	app.hasMT = QFile::exists( PBI_DBDIR+app.pbiorigin+"/xdg-mime" );
	app.hasWiki = true; //PBI-apps have wiki pages
	//Now create the path to the icon in the index
	app.icon = PBI_DBDIR+app.pbiorigin+"/icon.png";
  //qDebug() << "Found App:" << app.name << app.origin;
  return app;