int Compose_Pressure_POV_slow(char *sentence, float static_pressure, float dynamic_pressure) { int length; int success = 1; // check static_pressure input value for validity if ((static_pressure < 0) || (static_pressure > 2000)) { static_pressure = 9999; success = -10; } // check dynamic_pressure input value for validity /// @todo add useful range for dynamic_pressure vales !! if ((dynamic_pressure < -999.0) || (dynamic_pressure > 9998.0)) { dynamic_pressure = 9999; success = -20; } // compose NMEA String length = sprintf(sentence, "$POV,P,%+07.2f,Q,%+05.2f", static_pressure, (dynamic_pressure)); // Calculate NMEA checksum and add to string sprintf(sentence + length, "*%02X\n", NMEA_checksum(sentence)); //print sentence for debug debug_print("POV slow NMEA sentence: %s\n", sentence); return (success); }
int Compose_Pressure_POV_fast(char *sentence, float te_vario) { int length; int success = 1; // check te_vario input value for validity if ((te_vario < -50) || (te_vario > 50)) { te_vario = 99; success = -10; } // compose NMEA String length = sprintf(sentence, "$POV,E,%+05.2f", te_vario); // Calculate NMEA checksum and add to string sprintf(sentence + length, "*%02X\n", NMEA_checksum(sentence)); //print sentence for debug debug_print("NMEA sentence: %s\n", sentence); return (success); }
int Compose_Voltage_POV(char *sentence, float voltage) { int length; int success = 1; // check voltage input value for validity if ((voltage < 2.) || (voltage > 20.)) { voltage = 0.; success = -10; } // compose NMEA String length = sprintf(sentence, "$POV,V,%+05.2f", voltage); // Calculate NMEA checksum and add to string sprintf(sentence + length, "*%02X\n", NMEA_checksum(sentence)); //print sentence for debug debug_print("NMEA sentence: %s\n", sentence); return (success); }
static void gpsTask(void *parameters) { portTickType xDelay = 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS; uint32_t timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS;; GPSPositionData GpsData; #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_BINARY_GTOP GTOP_BIN_init(); #else uint8_t rx_count = 0; bool start_flag = false; bool found_cr = false; int32_t gpsRxOverflow = 0; #endif #ifdef FULL_COLD_RESTART // tell the GPS to do a FULL COLD restart PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort, "$PMTK104*37\r\n"); timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; while (timeNowMs - timeOfLastCommandMs < 300) // delay for 300ms to let the GPS sort itself out { vTaskDelay(xDelay); // Block task until next update timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS;; } #endif #ifdef DISABLE_GPS_TRESHOLD PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort, "$PMTK397,0*23\r\n"); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_BINARY_GTOP // switch to GTOP binary mode PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort ,"$PGCMD,21,1*6F\r\n"); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_ONESENTENCE_GTOP // switch to single sentence mode PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort, "$PGCMD,21,2*6C\r\n"); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_NMEA // switch to NMEA mode PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort, "$PGCMD,21,3*6D\r\n"); #endif numUpdates = 0; numChecksumErrors = 0; numParsingErrors = 0; timeOfLastUpdateMs = timeNowMs; timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; // Loop forever while (1) { #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_BINARY_GTOP // GTOP BINARY GPS mode while (PIOS_COM_ReceiveBufferUsed(gpsPort) > 0) { int res = GTOP_BIN_update_position(PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(gpsPort), &numChecksumErrors, &numParsingErrors); if (res >= 0) { numUpdates++; timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; timeOfLastUpdateMs = timeNowMs; timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; } } #else // NMEA or SINGLE-SENTENCE GPS mode // This blocks the task until there is something on the buffer while (PIOS_COM_ReceiveBufferUsed(gpsPort) > 0) { char c = PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(gpsPort); // detect start while acquiring stream if (!start_flag && (c == '$')) { start_flag = true; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; } else if (!start_flag) continue; if (rx_count >= sizeof(gps_rx_buffer)) { // The buffer is already full and we haven't found a valid NMEA sentence. // Flush the buffer and note the overflow event. gpsRxOverflow++; start_flag = false; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; } else { gps_rx_buffer[rx_count] = c; rx_count++; } // look for ending '\r\n' sequence if (!found_cr && (c == '\r') ) found_cr = true; else if (found_cr && (c != '\n') ) found_cr = false; // false end flag else if (found_cr && (c == '\n') ) { // The NMEA functions require a zero-terminated string // As we detected \r\n, the string as for sure 2 bytes long, we will also strip the \r\n gps_rx_buffer[rx_count-2] = 0; // prepare to parse next sentence start_flag = false; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; // Our rxBuffer must look like this now: // [0] = '$' // ... = zero or more bytes of sentence payload // [end_pos - 1] = '\r' // [end_pos] = '\n' // // Prepare to consume the sentence from the buffer // Validate the checksum over the sentence if (!NMEA_checksum(&gps_rx_buffer[1])) { // Invalid checksum. May indicate dropped characters on Rx. PIOS_DEBUG_PinHigh(2); ++numChecksumErrors; PIOS_DEBUG_PinLow(2); } else { // Valid checksum, use this packet to update the GPS position if (!NMEA_update_position(&gps_rx_buffer[1])) { PIOS_DEBUG_PinHigh(2); ++numParsingErrors; PIOS_DEBUG_PinLow(2); } else ++numUpdates; timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; timeOfLastUpdateMs = timeNowMs; timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; } } } #endif // Check for GPS timeout timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; if ((timeNowMs - timeOfLastUpdateMs) >= GPS_TIMEOUT_MS) { // we have not received any valid GPS sentences for a while. // either the GPS is not plugged in or a hardware problem or the GPS has locked up. GPSPositionGet(&GpsData); GpsData.Status = GPSPOSITION_STATUS_NOGPS; GPSPositionSet(&GpsData); AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ERROR); if ((timeNowMs - timeOfLastCommandMs) >= GPS_COMMAND_RESEND_TIMEOUT_MS) { // resend the command .. just incase the gps has only just been plugged in or the gps did not get our last command timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_BINARY_GTOP GTOP_BIN_init(); // switch to binary mode PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort,"$PGCMD,21,1*6F\r\n"); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_ONESENTENCE_GTOP // switch to single sentence mode PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort,"$PGCMD,21,2*6C\r\n"); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GPS_NMEA // switch to NMEA mode PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort,"$PGCMD,21,3*6D\r\n"); #endif #ifdef DISABLE_GPS_TRESHOLD PIOS_COM_SendStringNonBlocking(gpsPort,"$PMTK397,0*23\r\n"); #endif } } else { // we appear to be receiving GPS sentences OK, we've had an update HomeLocationData home; HomeLocationGet(&home); GPSPositionGet(&GpsData); if ((GpsData.Status == GPSPOSITION_STATUS_FIX3D) && (home.Set == HOMELOCATION_SET_FALSE)) setHomeLocation(&GpsData); //criteria for GPS-OK taken from this post... // if ((GpsData.PDOP < 3.5) && (GpsData.Satellites >= 7)) AlarmsClear(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS); else if (GpsData.Status == GPSPOSITION_STATUS_FIX3D) AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_WARNING); else AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); } // Block task until next update vTaskDelay(xDelay); } }