NPError NPP_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
  return NP_GetValue(NULL, variable, value);
  // FIXME: put in plugin?
  //MaleoWidgetPlugin * pPlugin = static_cast<MaleoWidgetPlugin *>(instance->pdata);
  //return pPlugin->getValuevariable, value);
Exemple #2
static NPError
cloud_spy_plugin_get_value (NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void * value)
  (void) instance;

  if (NP_GetValue (NULL, variable, value) == NPERR_NO_ERROR)
    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;

  switch (variable)
    case NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject:
      NPObject * obj;

      G_LOCK (cloud_spy_plugin);
      obj = static_cast<NPObject *> (g_hash_table_lookup (cloud_spy_plugin_roots, instance));
      if (obj == NULL)
        obj = cloud_spy_nsfuncs->createobject (instance, static_cast<NPClass *> (cloud_spy_object_type_get_np_class (CLOUD_SPY_TYPE_ROOT)));
        g_hash_table_insert (cloud_spy_plugin_roots, instance, obj);
      cloud_spy_nsfuncs->retainobject (obj);
      G_UNLOCK (cloud_spy_plugin);

      *(static_cast<NPObject **> (value)) = obj;

  return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
bool PluginPackage::fetchInfo()
    // Load the library
    void *module = dlopen(g_locale_from_utf8(m_path.utf8().data(), m_path.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL), RTLD_LAZY);
    if (!module)
        char *error = dlerror();
        return false;

    NP_GetValueFuncPtr NP_GetValue = (NP_GetValueFuncPtr)dlsym(module, "NP_GetValue");
    NP_GetMIMEDescriptionFuncPtr NP_GetMIMEDescription = (NP_GetMIMEDescriptionFuncPtr)dlsym(module, "NP_GetMIMEDescription");

    char *str_name, *str_description;

    NP_GetValue(0, NPPVpluginNameString, (void*)(&str_name));
    m_name = String(str_name);
    NP_GetValue(0, NPPVpluginDescriptionString, (void*)(&str_description));
    m_description = String(str_description);

    if (m_name.isNull() || m_description.isNull()) {
        return false;

    String mimeCompleteString = String(NP_GetMIMEDescription());

    Vector<String> mimeEntries;
    mimeCompleteString.split(';', mimeEntries);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < mimeEntries.size(); i++) {

        String mimeEntry = mimeEntries[i];
        Vector<String> mimeEntryParts;
        mimeEntry.split(':', mimeEntryParts);

        Vector<String> mimeExtensions;
        mimeEntryParts[1].split(',', mimeExtensions);
        m_mimeToExtensions.add(mimeEntryParts[0], mimeExtensions);
        m_mimeToDescriptions.add(mimeEntryParts[0], mimeEntryParts[2]);

        // Determine the quirks for the MIME types this plug-in supports

    return true;
bool PluginPackage::fetchInfo()
    PLUGIN_LOG("Fetch Info Loading \"%s\"\n", m_path.utf8().data());

    // Open the library
    void *handle = dlopen(m_path.utf8().data(), RTLD_NOW);
    if(!handle) {
        PLUGIN_LOG("Couldn't load plugin library \"%s\": %s\n",
                   m_path.utf8().data(), dlerror());
        return false;
    PLUGIN_LOG("Fetch Info Loaded %p\n", handle);
    // This object will call dlclose() and set m_module to NULL
    // when going out of scope.
    DynamicLibraryCloser dlCloser(&handle);
    // Get the three entry points we need for Linux Netscape Plug-ins
    NP_GetMIMEDescriptionFuncPtr NP_GetMIMEDescription;
    NPP_GetValueProcPtr NP_GetValue;
    if(!getEntryPoint(handle, "NP_GetMIMEDescription",
            (void **) &NP_GetMIMEDescription) ||
            !getEntryPoint(handle, "NP_GetValue", (void **) &NP_GetValue)) {
        // If any of those failed to resolve, fail the entire load
        return false;
    // Get the plugin name and description using NP_GetValue
    const char *name;
    const char *description;
    if(NP_GetValue(NULL, NPPVpluginNameString, &name) != NPERR_NO_ERROR ||
            NP_GetValue(NULL, NPPVpluginDescriptionString, &description) !=
                NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
        PLUGIN_LOG("Couldn't get name/description using NP_GetValue\n");
        return false;

    PLUGIN_LOG("Plugin name: \"%s\"\n", name);
    PLUGIN_LOG("Plugin description: \"%s\"\n", description);
    m_name = name;
    m_description = description;

    // fileName is just the trailing part of the path
    int last_slash = m_path.reverseFind('/');
    if(last_slash < 0)
        m_fileName = m_path;
        m_fileName = m_path.substring(last_slash + 1);

    // Grab the MIME description. This is in the format, e.g:
    // application/x-somescriptformat:ssf:Some Script Format
    String mimeDescription(NP_GetMIMEDescription());
    PLUGIN_LOG("MIME description: \"%s\"\n", mimeDescription.utf8().data());
    // Clear out the current mappings.
    // Split the description into its component entries, separated by
    // semicolons.
    Vector<String> mimeEntries;
    mimeDescription.split(';', true, mimeEntries);
    // Iterate through the entries, adding them to the MIME mappings.
    for(Vector<String>::const_iterator it = mimeEntries.begin();
            it != mimeEntries.end(); ++it) {
        // Each part is split into 3 fields separated by colons
        // Field 1 is the MIME type (e.g "application/x-shockwave-flash").
        // Field 2 is a comma separated list of file extensions.
        // Field 3 is a human readable short description.
        const String &mimeEntry = *it;
        Vector<String> fields;
        mimeEntry.split(':', true, fields);
        if(fields.size() != 3) {
            PLUGIN_LOG("Bad MIME entry \"%s\"\n", mimeEntry.utf8().data());
            return false;

        const String& mimeType = fields[0];
        Vector<String> extensions;
        fields[1].split(',', true, extensions);
        const String& description = fields[2];


        PLUGIN_LOG("mime_type: \"%s\"\n", mimeType.utf8().data());
        PLUGIN_LOG("extensions: \"%s\"\n", fields[1].utf8().data());
        PLUGIN_LOG("description: \"%s\"\n", description.utf8().data());
        // Map the mime type to the vector of extensions and the description
            m_mimeToExtensions.set(mimeType, extensions);
            m_mimeToDescriptions.set(mimeType, description);

    PLUGIN_LOG("Fetch Info Loaded plugin details ok \"%s\"\n",

    // If this plugin needs to be kept in memory, unload the module now
    // and load it permanently.
    if (m_quirks.contains(PluginQuirkDontUnloadPlugin)) {
    // dlCloser will unload the plugin if required.
    return true;