Exemple #1
static void LogInit(NS_tchar *path)
  if (gLogFP)

  NS_tchar logFile[MAXPATHLEN];
  NS_tsnprintf(logFile, MAXPATHLEN, NS_T("%s/update.log"), path);

  gLogFP = NS_tfopen(logFile, NS_T("w"));
static void
WriteMsg(const NS_tchar *path, const char *status)
  FILE* outFP = NS_tfopen(path, NS_T("wb"));
  if (!outFP)

  fprintf(outFP, "%s\n", status);
  outFP = nullptr;
Exemple #3
void UpdateLog::Init(NS_tchar* sourcePath, const NS_tchar* fileName)
  if (logFP)

  this->sourcePath = sourcePath;
  NS_tchar logFile[MAXPATHLEN];
  NS_tsnprintf(logFile, sizeof(logFile)/sizeof(logFile[0]),
    NS_T("%s/%s"), sourcePath, fileName);

  logFP = NS_tfopen(logFile, NS_T("w"));
  LOG(("PREPARE PATCH %s\n", mFile));

  // extract the patch to a temporary file
  mPatchIndex = sPatchIndex++;

  NS_tsnprintf(spath, sizeof(spath)/sizeof(spath[0]),
               NS_T("%s/%d.patch"), gSourcePath, mPatchIndex);


  FILE *fp = NS_tfopen(spath, NS_T("wb"));
  if (!fp)
    return WRITE_ERROR;

  int rv = gArchiveReader.ExtractFileToStream(mPatchFile, fp);
  return rv;
static bool
CheckMsg(const NS_tchar *path, const char *expected)
  if (NS_taccess(path, F_OK)) {
    return false;

  FILE *inFP = NS_tfopen(path, NS_T("rb"));
  if (!inFP) {
    return false;

  struct stat ms;
  if (fstat(fileno(inFP), &ms)) {
    return false;

  char *mbuf = (char *) malloc(ms.st_size + 1);
  if (!mbuf) {
    return false;

  size_t r = ms.st_size;
  char *rb = mbuf;
  size_t c = fread(rb, sizeof(char), 50, inFP);
  r -= c;
  rb += c;
  if (c == 0 && r) {
    return false;
  mbuf[ms.st_size] = '\0';
  rb = mbuf;

  inFP = nullptr;
  return strcmp(rb, expected) == 0;
int NS_main(int argc, NS_tchar **argv)

  if (argc < 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, \
            "\n" \
            "Application Update Service Test Helper\n" \
            "\n" \
            "   or: WORKINGDIR LOGFILE [ARG2 ARG3...]\n" \
            "   or: signature-check filepath\n" \
            "   or: setup-symlink dir1 dir2 file symlink\n" \
            "   or: remove-symlink dir1 dir2 file symlink\n" \
            "   or: check-symlink symlink\n" \
            "\n" \
            "  WORKINGDIR  \tThe relative path to the working directory to use.\n" \
            "  INFILE      \tThe relative path from the working directory for the file to\n" \
            "              \tread actions to perform such as finish.\n" \
            "  OUTFILE     \tThe relative path from the working directory for the file to\n" \
            "              \twrite status information.\n" \
            "  SECONDS     \tThe number of seconds to sleep.\n" \
            "  FILETOLOCK  \tThe relative path from the working directory to an existing\n" \
            "              \tfile to open exlusively.\n" \
            "              \tOnly available on Windows platforms and silently ignored on\n" \
            "              \tother platforms.\n" \
            "  LOGFILE     \tThe relative path from the working directory to log the\n" \
            "              \tcommand line arguments.\n" \
            "  ARG2 ARG3...\tArguments to write to the LOGFILE after the preceding command\n" \
            "              \tline arguments.\n" \
            "\n" \
            "Note: All paths must be relative.\n" \
    return 1;

  if (!NS_tstrcmp(argv[1], NS_T("check-signature"))) {
#ifdef XP_WIN
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == VerifyCertificateTrustForFile(argv[2])) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return 1;
    // Not implemented on non-Windows platforms
    return 1;

  if (!NS_tstrcmp(argv[1], NS_T("setup-symlink"))) {
#ifdef XP_UNIX
    NS_tchar path[MAXPATHLEN];
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2]);
    mkdir(path, 0755);
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2], argv[3]);
    mkdir(path, 0755);
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s/%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
    FILE * file = NS_tfopen(path, NS_T("w"));
    if (file) {
      NS_tfputs(NS_T("test"), file);
    symlink(path, argv[5]);
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2]);
    if (argc > 6 && !NS_tstrcmp(argv[6], NS_T("change-perm"))) {
      chmod(path, 0644);
    return 0;
    // Not implemented on non-Unix platforms
    return 1;

  if (!NS_tstrcmp(argv[1], NS_T("remove-symlink"))) {
#ifdef XP_UNIX
    NS_tchar path[MAXPATHLEN];
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2]);
    chmod(path, 0755);
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s/%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2], argv[3]);
    NS_tsnprintf(path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(path[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s"), NS_T("/tmp"), argv[2]);
    return 0;
    // Not implemented on non-Unix platforms
    return 1;

  if (!NS_tstrcmp(argv[1], NS_T("check-symlink"))) {
#ifdef XP_UNIX
    struct stat ss;
    lstat(argv[2], &ss);
    return S_ISLNK(ss.st_mode) ? 0 : 1;
    // Not implemented on non-Unix platforms
    return 1;

  if (!NS_tstrcmp(argv[1], NS_T("wait-for-service-stop"))) {
#ifdef XP_WIN
    const int maxWaitSeconds = NS_ttoi(argv[3]);
    LPCWSTR serviceName = argv[2];
    DWORD serviceState = WaitForServiceStop(serviceName, maxWaitSeconds);
    if (SERVICE_STOPPED == serviceState) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return serviceState;
    // Not implemented on non-Windows platforms
    return 1;

  if (!NS_tstrcmp(argv[1], NS_T("wait-for-application-exit"))) {
#ifdef XP_WIN
    const int maxWaitSeconds = NS_ttoi(argv[3]);
    LPCWSTR application = argv[2];
    DWORD ret = WaitForProcessExit(application, maxWaitSeconds);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ret) {
      return 0;
    } else if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == ret) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 2;
    // Not implemented on non-Windows platforms
    return 1;

  int i = 0;

  if (NS_tchdir(argv[1]) != 0) {
    return 1;

  // File in use test helper section
  if (!NS_tstrcmp(argv[4], NS_T("-s"))) {
    NS_tchar *cwd = NS_tgetcwd(nullptr, 0);
    NS_tchar inFilePath[MAXPATHLEN];
    NS_tsnprintf(inFilePath, sizeof(inFilePath)/sizeof(inFilePath[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s"), cwd, argv[2]);
    NS_tchar outFilePath[MAXPATHLEN];
    NS_tsnprintf(outFilePath, sizeof(outFilePath)/sizeof(outFilePath[0]),
                 NS_T("%s/%s"), cwd, argv[3]);

    int seconds = NS_ttoi(argv[5]);
#ifdef XP_WIN
    if (argc == 7) {
      hFile = CreateFileW(argv[6],
                          DELETE | GENERIC_WRITE, 0,
                          nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr);
      if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        WriteMsg(outFilePath, "error_locking");
        return 1;

    WriteMsg(outFilePath, "sleeping");
    while (!CheckMsg(inFilePath, "finish\n") && i++ <= seconds)  {

    if (argc == 7) {
    WriteMsg(outFilePath, "sleeping");
    while (!CheckMsg(inFilePath, "finish\n") && i++ <= seconds)  {
    WriteMsg(outFilePath, "finished");
    return 0;

  // Command line argument test helper section
  NS_tchar logFilePath[MAXPATHLEN];
  NS_tsnprintf(logFilePath, sizeof(logFilePath)/sizeof(logFilePath[0]),
               NS_T("%s"), argv[2]);

  FILE* logFP = NS_tfopen(logFilePath, NS_T("wb"));
  for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
    fprintf(logFP, LOG_S "\n", argv[i]);

  logFP = nullptr;

  return 0;
Exemple #7
 * A very basic parser for updater.ini taken mostly from nsINIParser.cpp
 * that can be used by standalone apps.
 * @param path       Path to the .ini file to read
 * @param keyList    List of zero-delimited keys ending with two zero characters
 * @param numStrings Number of strings to read into results buffer - must be equal to the number of keys
 * @param results    Two-dimensional array of strings to be filled in the same order as the keys provided
 * @param section    Optional name of the section to read; defaults to "Strings"
ReadStrings(const NS_tchar *path,
            const char *keyList,
            unsigned int numStrings,
            char results[][MAX_TEXT_LEN],
            const char *section)
  AutoFILE fp(NS_tfopen(path, OPEN_MODE));

  if (!fp)
    return READ_ERROR;

  /* get file size */
  if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) != 0)
    return READ_ERROR;

  long len = ftell(fp);
  if (len <= 0)
    return READ_ERROR;

  size_t flen = size_t(len);
  AutoCharArray fileContents(flen + 1);
  if (!fileContents)

  /* read the file in one swoop */
  if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
    return READ_ERROR;

  size_t rd = fread(fileContents, sizeof(char), flen, fp);
  if (rd != flen)
    return READ_ERROR;

  fileContents[flen] = '\0';

  char *buffer = fileContents;
  bool inStringsSection = false;

  unsigned int read = 0;

  while (char *token = NS_strtok(kNL, &buffer)) {
    if (token[0] == '#' || token[0] == ';') // it's a comment

    token = (char*) NS_strspnp(kWhitespace, token);
    if (!*token) // empty line

    if (token[0] == '[') { // section header!
      char const * currSection = token;

      char *rb = NS_strtok(kRBracket, &token);
      if (!rb || NS_strtok(kWhitespace, &token)) {
        // there's either an unclosed [Section or a [Section]Moretext!
        // we could frankly decide that this INI file is malformed right
        // here and stop, but we won't... keep going, looking for
        // a well-formed [section] to continue working with
        inStringsSection = false;
      else {
        if (section)
          inStringsSection = strcmp(currSection, section) == 0;
          inStringsSection = strcmp(currSection, "Strings") == 0;


    if (!inStringsSection) {
      // If we haven't found a section header (or we found a malformed
      // section header), or this isn't the [Strings] section don't bother
      // parsing this line.

    char *key = token;
    char *e = NS_strtok(kEquals, &token);
    if (!e)

    int keyIndex = find_key(keyList, key);
    if (keyIndex >= 0 && (unsigned int)keyIndex < numStrings)
      strncpy(results[keyIndex], token, MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1);
      results[keyIndex][MAX_TEXT_LEN - 1] = '\0';

  return (read == numStrings) ? OK : PARSE_ERROR;