Exemple #1
HandleProxy* V8EngineProxy::Compile(const uint16_t* script, uint16_t* sourceName)
	HandleProxy *returnVal = nullptr;

		TryCatch __tryCatch;

		if (sourceName == nullptr) sourceName = (uint16_t*)L"";

		auto hScript = NewUString(script);

		auto compiledScript = Script::Compile(hScript, NewUString(sourceName));

		if (__tryCatch.HasCaught())
			returnVal = GetHandleProxy(GetErrorMessage(__tryCatch));
			returnVal->_Type = JSV_CompilerError;
			returnVal = GetHandleProxy(Handle<Value>());
			returnVal->_Value.V8String = _StringItem(this, *hScript).String;
	catch (exception ex)
		returnVal = GetHandleProxy(NewString(ex.what()));
		returnVal->_Type = JSV_InternalError;

	return returnVal;
Exemple #2
HandleProxy* V8EngineProxy::Execute(const uint16_t* script, uint16_t* sourceName)
	HandleProxy *returnVal = nullptr;


		TryCatch __tryCatch;

		if (sourceName == nullptr) sourceName = (uint16_t*)L"";

		auto compiledScript = Script::Compile(NewUString(script), NewUString(sourceName));

		if (__tryCatch.HasCaught())
			returnVal = GetHandleProxy(GetErrorMessage(__tryCatch));
			returnVal->_Type = JSV_CompilerError;
			returnVal = Execute(compiledScript);
	catch (exception ex)
		returnVal = GetHandleProxy(NewString(ex.what()));
		returnVal->_Type = JSV_InternalError;

	return returnVal;
Exemple #3
HandleProxy* V8EngineProxy::CreateError(const uint16_t* message, JSValueType errorType)
	if (errorType >= 0) throw exception("Invalid error type.");
	auto h = GetHandleProxy(NewUString(message));
	h->_Type = errorType;
	return h;
Exemple #4
HandleProxy* V8EngineProxy::CreateArray(uint16_t** items, uint16_t length)
	Local<Array> array = NewArray(length);

	if (items != nullptr && length > 0)
		for (auto i = 0; i < length; i++)
			array->Set(i, NewUString(items[i]));

	return GetHandleProxy(array);
Exemple #5
HandleProxy* V8EngineProxy::Call(HandleProxy *subject, const uint16_t *functionName, HandleProxy *_this, uint16_t argCount, HandleProxy** args)
	if (_this == nullptr) _this = subject; // (assume the subject is also "this" if not given)

	auto hThis = _this->Handle();
	if (hThis.IsEmpty() || !hThis->IsObject())
		throw exception("Call: The target instance handle ('this') does not represent an object.");

	auto hSubject = subject->Handle();
	Handle<Function> hFunc;

	if (functionName != nullptr) // (if no name is given, assume the subject IS a function object, otherwise get the property as a function)
		if (hSubject.IsEmpty() || !hSubject->IsObject())
			throw exception("Call: The subject handle does not represent an object.");

		auto hProp = hSubject.As<Object>()->Get(NewUString(functionName));

		if (hProp.IsEmpty() || !hProp->IsFunction())
			throw exception("Call: The specified property does not represent a function.");

		hFunc = hProp.As<Function>();
	else if (hSubject.IsEmpty() || !hSubject->IsFunction())
		throw exception("Call: The subject handle does not represent a function.");
		hFunc = hSubject.As<Function>();

	TryCatch __tryCatch;

	Handle<Value> result;

	if (argCount > 0)
		Handle<Value>* _args = new Handle<Value>[argCount];
		for (auto i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
			_args[i] = args[i]->Handle();
		result = hFunc->Call(hThis.As<Object>(), argCount, _args);
		delete[] _args;
	else result = hFunc->Call(hThis.As<Object>(), 0, nullptr);

	HandleProxy *returnVal;

	if (__tryCatch.HasCaught())
		returnVal = GetHandleProxy(GetErrorMessage(__tryCatch));
		returnVal->_Type = JSV_ExecutionError;
	else returnVal = result.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : GetHandleProxy(result);

	return returnVal;
FunctionTemplateProxy::FunctionTemplateProxy(V8EngineProxy* engineProxy, uint16_t* className, ManagedJSFunctionCallback managedCallback)
    :ProxyBase(FunctionTemplateProxyClass), _EngineProxy(engineProxy), _EngineID(engineProxy->_EngineID)
    // The function template will call the local "InvocationCallbackProxy" function, which then translates the call for the managed side.
    _FunctionTemplate = CopyablePersistent<FunctionTemplate>(NewFunctionTemplate(InvocationCallbackProxy, NewExternal(this)));

    _InstanceTemplate = new ObjectTemplateProxy(_EngineProxy, _FunctionTemplate->InstanceTemplate());
    _PrototypeTemplate = new ObjectTemplateProxy(_EngineProxy, _FunctionTemplate->PrototypeTemplate());

Exemple #7
HandleProxy* V8EngineProxy::CreateString(const uint16_t* str)
	return GetHandleProxy(NewUString(str));
void FunctionTemplateProxy::Set(const uint16_t *name, HandleProxy *value, v8::PropertyAttribute attributes)
    _FunctionTemplate->Set(NewUString(name), value->Handle(), attributes);  // TODO: Check how this affects objects created from templates!