Exemple #1
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorCurrentMode0
 * Signature: (JJ)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorCurrentMode0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong screenResources, jlong monitorInfo)
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;

    if( NULL == resources || NULL == xrrCrtcInfo ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;

    if( None == xrrCrtcInfo->mode || 0 == xrrCrtcInfo->noutput ) {
        // disabled
        return NULL;

    RRMode modeId = xrrCrtcInfo->mode;
    XRRModeInfo *mode = findMode(resources, modeId);
    if( NULL == mode ) {
        // oops ..
        return NULL;

    unsigned int dots = mode->hTotal * mode->vTotal;
    int refresh = (int) ( getVRefresh(mode) * 100.0f ); // Hz * 100
    int flags = 0;
    if (mode->modeFlags & RR_Interlace) {
        flags |= FLAG_INTERLACE;
    if (mode->modeFlags & RR_DoubleScan) {
        flags |= FLAG_DOUBLESCAN;

    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->width;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->height;
    prop[propIndex++] = 32; // TODO: XRandR > 1.4 may support bpp
    prop[propIndex++] = refresh;
    prop[propIndex++] = flags;
    prop[propIndex++] = mode->id;
    prop[propIndex++] = NewtScreen_XRotation2Degree(env, xrrCrtcInfo->rotation);

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, NUM_MONITOR_MODE_PROPERTIES_ALL, prop);
    return properties;
Exemple #2
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorDevice0
 * Signature: (JJJJ)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorDevice0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong display, jlong screenResources, jlong monitorInfo, jint crt_idx)
    Display * dpy = (Display *) (intptr_t) display;
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;

    if( NULL == resources || NULL == xrrCrtcInfo || crt_idx >= resources->ncrtc ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;

    if( None == xrrCrtcInfo->mode || 0 == xrrCrtcInfo->noutput ) {
        // disabled
        return NULL;

    RROutput output = xrrCrtcInfo->outputs[0];
    XRROutputInfo * xrrOutputInfo = XRRGetOutputInfo (dpy, resources, output);
    int numModes = xrrOutputInfo->nmode;

    jsize propCount = MIN_MONITOR_DEVICE_PROPERTIES - 1 + numModes;
    jint prop[ propCount ];
    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = propCount;
    prop[propIndex++] = crt_idx;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_width;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_height;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->x;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->y;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->width;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->height;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->mode; // current mode id
    prop[propIndex++] = NewtScreen_XRotation2Degree(env, xrrCrtcInfo->rotation);
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<numModes; i++) {
        // avail modes ..
        prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->modes[i];

    XRRFreeOutputInfo (xrrOutputInfo);

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, propCount);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", propCount);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, propCount, prop);
    return properties;
Exemple #3
 * Class:     jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13
 * Method:    getMonitorDevice0
 * Signature: (JJJJ)[I
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_getMonitorDevice0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong display, jlong screenResources, jlong monitorInfo, jint crt_id)
    Display * dpy = (Display *) (intptr_t) display;
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    RRCrtc crtc = findRRCrtc( resources, (RRCrtc)(intptr_t)crt_id );
    if( 0 == crtc ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;
    XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = (XRRCrtcInfo *) (intptr_t) monitorInfo;
    if( NULL == xrrCrtcInfo ) {
        // n/a
        return NULL;
    if( None == xrrCrtcInfo->mode || 0 == xrrCrtcInfo->noutput ) {
        // disabled
        return NULL;

    Window root = RootWindow(dpy, 0); // FIXME screen_idx);
    RROutput pxid = XRRGetOutputPrimary (dpy, root);
    int isPrimary = 0;

    RROutput output = xrrCrtcInfo->outputs[0];
    if ( None != pxid && pxid == output ) {
        isPrimary = 1;
    XRROutputInfo * xrrOutputInfo = XRRGetOutputInfo (dpy, resources, output);
    int numModes = xrrOutputInfo->nmode;

    jsize propCount = MIN_MONITOR_DEVICE_PROPERTIES - 1 + numModes;
    jint prop[ propCount ];
    int propIndex = 0;

    prop[propIndex++] = propCount;
    prop[propIndex++] = crt_id;
    prop[propIndex++] = 0; // isClone, does not work: 0 < xrrOutputInfo->nclone ? 1 : 0;
    prop[propIndex++] = isPrimary;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_width;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->mm_height;
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->x;      // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->y;      // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->width;  // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->height; // rotated viewport pixel units
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->x;      // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->y;      // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->width;  // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->height; // rotated viewport window units (same)
    prop[propIndex++] = xrrCrtcInfo->mode;   // current mode id
    prop[propIndex++] = NewtScreen_XRotation2Degree(env, xrrCrtcInfo->rotation);
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<numModes; i++) {
        // avail modes ..
        prop[propIndex++] = xrrOutputInfo->modes[i];
    XRRFreeOutputInfo (xrrOutputInfo);

    jintArray properties = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, propCount);
    if (properties == NULL) {
        NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "Could not allocate int array of size %d", propCount);
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, properties, 0, propCount, prop);
    return properties;