Exemple #1
NewtonBody* Body::create(NewtonCollision* collision, float mass, int freezeState, const Vec4f& damping)
	Vec4f minBox, maxBox;
	Vec4f origin, inertia;

	m_body = NewtonCreateBody(newton::world, collision, this->m_matrix[0]);

	NewtonBodySetUserData(m_body, this);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix(m_body, this->m_matrix[0]);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);

	if (mass < 0.0f)
		mass = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume(collision) * 0.5f;

	if (mass != 0.0f)
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, mass, mass * inertia.x, mass * inertia.y, mass * inertia.z);

	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(m_body, &origin[0]);

	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, Body::__applyForceAndTorqueCallback);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_body, Body::__setTransformCallback);
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(m_body, Body::__destroyBodyCallback);

	NewtonBodySetFreezeState(m_body, freezeState);
	NewtonBodySetLinearDamping(m_body, damping.w);
	NewtonBodySetAngularDamping(m_body, &damping[0]);

	return m_body;
	NewtonBody* CreateRigidBody(DemoEntityManager* const scene, dFloat mass, NewtonCollision* const deformableCollision)
		//create the rigid body
		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
		dMatrix matrix(GetCurrentMatrix());

		//matrix.m_posit.m_y = FindFloor (world, matrix.m_posit.m_x, matrix.m_posit.m_z) + 4.0f;
		SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), matrix.m_posit);
		SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), matrix.m_posit);
		NewtonBody* const deformableBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, deformableCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(deformableBody, mass, deformableCollision);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData(deformableBody, this);

		// assign the wood id
		//	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (deformableBody, materialId);

		// set a destructor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(deformableBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the transform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(deformableBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// set the force and torque call back function
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(deformableBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		return deformableBody;
		virtual const void InitRigiBody(const NewtonBody* const body, const char* const bodyName) const
			dMatrix matrix;
			DemoEntityManager* const scene = (DemoEntityManager*)NewtonWorldGetUserData(NewtonBodyGetWorld(body));

			NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);
			DemoMesh* const mesh = new DemoMesh("ragdoll", collision, "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");

			NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body, &matrix[0][0]);
			DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(matrix, NULL);
			entity->SetNameID (bodyName);
			entity->SetMesh(mesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());

			// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
			NewtonBodySetUserData(body, entity);

			// assign the wood id
			NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(body, m_material);

			//set continuous collision mode
			//NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

			// set a destructor for this rigid body
			NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(body, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

			// set the transform call back function
			NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

			// set the force and torque call back function
			NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
static void OnEmitFracturedChunk (NewtonBody* const chunkBody, NewtonFracturedCompoundMeshPart* const fractureChunkMesh, const NewtonCollision* const fracturedCompoundCollision)
	NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld(chunkBody);
	DemoEntityManager* const scene = (DemoEntityManager*)NewtonWorldGetUserData(world);

	// set the force an torque call back
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (chunkBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

	// set the transform callback 
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (chunkBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

	// create the visual entity and mesh, and set the use data
	dMatrix matrix;
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix (chunkBody, &matrix[0][0]);

	DemoEntity* const visualChunkEntity = new DemoEntity(matrix, NULL);

	NewtonBodySetUserData (chunkBody, visualChunkEntity);

	// create the mesh geometry and attach it to the entity
	DemoMesh* const visualChunkMesh = new DemoMesh ("fracturedChuckMesh");
	visualChunkEntity->SetMesh (visualChunkMesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());

	// add the vertex data
	AddMeshVertexwData (visualChunkMesh, fractureChunkMesh, fracturedCompoundCollision);

	// add the mesh indices
	OnReconstructMainMeshCallBack (chunkBody, fractureChunkMesh, fracturedCompoundCollision);
	NewtonBody* CreateBodyPart(DemoEntity* const bodyPart)
		NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();
		NewtonCollision* const shape = bodyPart->CreateCollisionFromchildren(world);

		// calculate the bone matrix
		dMatrix matrix(bodyPart->CalculateGlobalMatrix());

		// create the rigid body that will make this bone
		NewtonBody* const bone = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, shape, &matrix[0][0]);

		// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
		//NewtonBodySetMassProperties (bone, definition.m_mass, shape);
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(bone, 1.0f, shape);

		// save the user data with the bone body (usually the visual geometry)
		NewtonBodySetUserData(bone, bodyPart);

		// assign the material for early collision culling
		//NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(bone, m_material);

		// set the bod part force and torque call back to the gravity force, skip the transform callback
		//NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (bone, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(bone, ClampAngularVelocity);

		// destroy the collision helper shape 
		return bone;
	NewtonBody* CreateBodyPart(DemoEntity* const bodyPart, const dArmRobotConfig& definition)
		NewtonCollision* const shape = MakeConvexHull(bodyPart);

		// calculate the bone matrix
		dMatrix matrix(bodyPart->CalculateGlobalMatrix());

		NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();

		// create the rigid body that will make this bone
		NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, shape, &matrix[0][0]);

		// destroy the collision helper shape 

		// get the collision from body
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);

		// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, definition.m_mass, collision);
//NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, 0.0f, collision);

		// save the user lifterData with the bone body (usually the visual geometry)
		NewtonBodySetUserData(body, bodyPart);

		// assign a body part id
		//NewtonCollisionSetUserID(collision, definition.m_bodyPartID);

		// set the bod part force and torque call back to the gravity force, skip the transform callback
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
		return body;
	Roket_PhysicsBody::Roket_PhysicsBody(NewtonCollision* collision, NewtonWorld* physworld, ePhysicsType type, int materialid)
		body = NewtonCreateBody(physworld,collision);
		affectedByGravity = true;
		objectExists = true;

		// apply initial force
		/*float omega[3];
		omega[0] = 10.0f;
		omega[1] = 10.0f;
		omega[2] = 10.0f;
		NewtonBodySetOmega (body, &omega[0]);*/

		float force[3];
		force[0] = 0.0f;
		force[1] = -9.8f;
		force[2] = 0.0f;
		NewtonBodyAddForce( body, &force[0] );

		world = physworld;
Exemple #8
NewtonBody* AddSphere(CScene *pScene, NewtonWorld *pWorld, Vector3 pos, float radius, float mass)
	static map<float, CGeometry*> geometries;
	static CMaterial *material = NULL;

	if (!material)
		material = new CMaterial();
		material->features = EShaderFeature::LIGHT | EShaderFeature::FOG | EShaderFeature::SHADOW;

	if (geometries.find(radius) == geometries.end())
		CGeometry *g = new CSphereGeometry(radius);
		geometries[radius] = g;

	CMesh *sphere = new CMesh( geometries[radius] );
	NewtonBody *body = CPhysics::CreateSphere(pWorld, sphere, radius, mass);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, BoxGravityCallback);
	return body;
Exemple #9
    iPhysicsBody* iPhysics::createBody(iPhysicsCollision* collisionVolume)
        con_assert(collisionVolume != nullptr, "zero pointer");
        con_assert(collisionVolume->_collision != nullptr, "zero pointer");

        iaMatrixf matrix;

        NewtonWaitForUpdateToFinish(static_cast<const NewtonWorld*>(_defaultWorld));
        NewtonBody* newtonBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(static_cast<const NewtonWorld*>(_defaultWorld), static_cast<const NewtonCollision*>(collisionVolume->_collision), matrix.getData());

        // set callbacks
        NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(newtonBody, reinterpret_cast<NewtonBodyDestructor>(PhysicsNodeDestructor));
        NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(newtonBody, reinterpret_cast<NewtonSetTransform>(PhysicsNodeSetTransform));
        NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(newtonBody, reinterpret_cast<NewtonApplyForceAndTorque>(PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque));

        NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(newtonBody, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        NewtonBodySetMatrix(newtonBody, matrix.getData());


        iPhysicsBody* result = new iPhysicsBody(newtonBody);

        _bodys[result->getID()] = result;

        return result;
Exemple #10
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(this->getCarBody(), 0);
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(this->getCarBody(), 0);
    NewtonBodySetUserData(this->getCarBody(), 0);
    NewtonDestroyBody(this->controller->getWorld(), this->getCarBody());
static void AddShatterEntity (DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoMesh* const visualMesh, NewtonCollision* const collision, const ShatterEffect& shatterEffect, dVector location)
	dQuaternion rotation;
	SimpleShatterEffectEntity* const entity = new SimpleShatterEffectEntity (visualMesh, shatterEffect);
	entity->SetMatrix(*scene, rotation, location);
	entity->InterpolateMatrix (*scene, 1.0f);

	dVector origin;
	dVector inertia;
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	

float mass = 10.0f;
int materialId = 0;

	dFloat Ixx = mass * inertia[0];
	dFloat Iyy = mass * inertia[1];
	dFloat Izz = mass * inertia[2];

	//create the rigid body
	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	matrix.m_posit = location;

	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
	NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateBody (world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	entity->m_myBody = rigidBody;
	entity->m_myweight = dAbs (mass * DEMO_GRAVITY);

	// set the correct center of gravity for this body
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &origin[0]);

	// set the mass matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (rigidBody, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

	// activate 
	//	NewtonBodyCoriolisForcesMode (blockBoxBody, 1);

	// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
	NewtonBodySetUserData (rigidBody, entity);

	// assign the wood id
	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (rigidBody, materialId);

	//  set continue collision mode
	//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

	// set a destructor for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// set the transform call back function
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (rigidBody, DemoEntity::SetTransformCallback);

	// set the force and torque call back function
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
	PuckEntity (DemoEntityManager* const scene, int materialID)
		:DemoEntity (dGetIdentityMatrix(), NULL)

		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

		dVector puckSize(WEIGHT_DIAMETER, WEIGHT_HEIGHT, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		// create the shape and visual mesh as a common data to be re used
		NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, dGetIdentityMatrix(), puckSize, _CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, materialID);

		// correction: make the puck an upright cylinder, this makes everything simpler  
		dMatrix collisionAligmentMatrix (dRollMatrix(3.141592f/2.0f));
		NewtonCollisionSetMatrix(collision, &collisionAligmentMatrix[0][0]);

		DemoMesh* const geometry = new DemoMesh("cylinder_1", collision, "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");

		//dMatrix matrix = dRollMatrix(3.141592f/2.0f);
		dMatrix matrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
		matrix.m_posit.m_x = -TABLE_LENGTH*0.5f+WEIGHT_DIAMETER;
		matrix.m_posit.m_z = -11.8f;
//matrix.m_posit.m_z += 4.0f;
		matrix.m_posit.m_y = 5.0f;

		m_puckBody = CreateSimpleSolid (scene, geometry, WEIGHT_MASS, matrix, collision, materialID);

		// Set moment of inertia
		// correction: this is deprecated, NewtonBodySetMassProperties produce the exact result
		//dVector I;
		//dFloat Mass = WEIGHT_MASS;
		//dFloat Radius = WEIGHT_RADIUS;
		//dFloat Height = WEIGHT_HEIGHT;
		//I.m_x = I.m_z = Mass*(3.0f*Radius*Radius+Height*Height)/12.0f;
		//I.m_y = Mass*Radius*Radius/2.0f;
		//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(gPuckBody,Mass, I.m_x, I.m_y, I.m_z);	
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_puckBody, WEIGHT_MASS, NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_puckBody));

		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(m_puckBody, materialID);

		// remember to make continuous collision work with auto sleep mode, right now this is no working
		NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode(m_puckBody, 1);
		NewtonBodySetAutoSleep(m_puckBody, 1);

		// Set callbacks
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_puckBody, NewtonRigidBodySetForceCB);

		// do not forget to release the assets
		NewtonDestroyCollision (collision);
Exemple #13
// custom user force callback
void Body::setCustomForceAndTorqueCallback( ForceCallback callback )
	if (!m_forcecallback)
		m_forcecallback = callback;
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback( m_body, newtonForceTorqueCallback );
		if (m_forcecallback != callback)
			m_forcecallback = callback;

NewtonBody* CreateSimpleBody (NewtonWorld* const world, void* const userData, dFloat mass, const dMatrix& matrix, NewtonCollision* const collision, int materialId)

	// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
	//	dVector origin;
	//	dVector inertia;
	//	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	
	//	dFloat Ixx = mass * inertia[0];
	//	dFloat Iyy = mass * inertia[1];
	//	dFloat Izz = mass * inertia[2];

	//create the rigid body
	NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody (world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	// set the correct center of gravity for this body (these function are for legacy)
	//	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &origin[0]);
	//	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (rigidBody, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

	// use a more convenient function for setting mass and inertia matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties (rigidBody, mass, collision);

	// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
	NewtonBodySetUserData (rigidBody, userData);

	// assign the wood id
	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (rigidBody, materialId);

	//  set continuous collision mode
	//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

	// set a destructor for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// set the transform call back function
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

	// set the force and torque call back function
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

	// set the matrix for both the rigid body and the graphic body
	//NewtonBodySetMatrix (rigidBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	//PhysicsSetTransform (rigidBody, &matrix[0][0], 0);

	//dVector xxx (0, -9.8f * mass, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	//NewtonBodySetForce (rigidBody, &xxx[0]);

	// force the body to be active of inactive
	//	NewtonBodySetAutoSleep (rigidBody, sleepMode);
	return rigidBody;
	static void AddFracturedEntity(DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoMesh* const visualMesh, NewtonCollision* const collision, const FractureEffect& fractureEffect, const dVector& location)
		dQuaternion rotation;
		SimpleFracturedEffectEntity* const entity = new SimpleFracturedEffectEntity(visualMesh, fractureEffect);
		entity->SetMatrix(*scene, rotation, location);
		entity->InterpolateMatrix(*scene, 1.0f);

		dVector origin(0.0f);
		dVector inertia(0.0f);
		NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);

		dFloat mass = 10.0f;
		int materialId = 0;

		//create the rigid body
		dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
		matrix.m_posit = location;

		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
		NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

		entity->m_myBody = rigidBody;
		entity->m_myMassInverse = 1.0f / mass;

		// set the correct center of gravity for this body
		//NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &origin[0]);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(rigidBody, mass, collision);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData(rigidBody, entity);

		// assign the wood id
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(rigidBody, materialId);

		//  set continuous collision mode
		//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

		// set a destructor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the transform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// set the force and torque call back function
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
dNewtonDynamicBody::dNewtonDynamicBody(dNewtonWorld* const world, dNewtonCollision* const collision, dMatrix matrix, dFloat mass)
	NewtonWorld* const newton = world->m_world;

	m_body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(newton, collision->m_shape, &matrix[0][0]);

	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, mass, NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_body));

	NewtonBodySetUserData(m_body, this);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_body, OnBodyTransformCallback);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, OnForceAndTorqueCallback);
void RigidBodyData::CreateBody(NewtonCollision* const collision, const dVector& veloc, const dVector& omega)
	_ASSERTE (!m_body);
	RigidBodyWorldDesc& me = *(RigidBodyWorldDesc*) RigidBodyWorldDesc::GetDescriptor();
	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix()); 
	m_body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(me.m_newton, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, m_mass, m_mass * m_inertia.m_x, m_mass * m_inertia.m_y, m_mass * m_inertia.m_z);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, m_mass, collision);
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(m_body, &m_origin[0]);

	NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_body, &veloc[0]);
	NewtonBodySetOmega(m_body, &omega[0]);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, RigidBodyController::ApplyGravityForce);
Exemple #18
void Newtonnode::initConvexHull(NewtonWorld *pWorld,const ion::video::Mesh& srcmesh,const float mass,
								const float Ixx,const float Iyy,const float Izz)
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if (!srcmesh.isValid()) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "Source mesh is invalid\n";

	if (!srcmesh.vertexstream().isMapped()) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initConvexHull()",ion::base::Error) << "source mesh \"" << srcmesh.objIdentifier() << " is not mapped!\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	float *pPoints;
		pPoints=new float[3*srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity()];
		for (ion_uint32 v=0;v<srcmesh.vertexstream().capacity();++v) {
			const ion::math::Vector3f &rV=srcmesh.vertexstream().position(v);


	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);

	delete [] pPoints;
Exemple #19
void CMod_PhysicsAddEntity(sharedEntity_t * gEnt) {
	NewtonCollision* collision = NULL;
	NewtonBody* body = NULL;

	std::map<int, bspCmodel>::iterator it = bspModels.find (gEnt->s.modelindex);
	if ( it == bspModels.end() ) {
	vec3_t inertia, com;
	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	bspCmodel* bmodel = &it->second;
	collision = NewtonCreateConvexHull (g_world, bmodel->vertices.size(), &bmodel->vertices[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, &matrix[0][0]);
	body = NewtonCreateBody (g_world, collision);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (collision);
	NewtonReleaseCollision (g_world, collision);
	bmodel->rigidBody = body;

	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (body, defaultMaterialGroup);
	NewtonBodySetUserData (body, (void*)gEnt);
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (body, PhysicsEntityDie);
	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (body, 0);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (body, PhysicsEntityThink);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (body, PhysicsEntitySetTransform);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &com[0]);
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (body, &com[0]);
	VectorScale (inertia, 10.0f, inertia); // The inertia needs to be scaled by the mass.
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (body, 10.f, inertia[0], inertia[1], inertia[2]);
	matrix.m_posit.m_x = gEnt->s.origin[0] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	matrix.m_posit.m_y = gEnt->s.origin[1] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	matrix.m_posit.m_z = gEnt->s.origin[2] * UNITS_PER_METRE;
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (body, &matrix[0][0]);
	gEnt->s.pos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.origin, gEnt->s.pos.trBase);
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.origin, gEnt->r.currentOrigin);
	gEnt->s.apos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.angles, gEnt->s.apos.trBase);
	VectorCopy (gEnt->s.angles, gEnt->r.currentAngles);
// TODO (#1#): use a "physicComponent" instead
void PhysicMap::addEntity(int id, const std::string& type)
    PhysicEntityLoader loader(m_world);
    std::string path("../media/" + type + ".def");
    NewtonBody* body = loader.parseEntity(id, path, m_playerID);

    if (body)
// TODO (Benjamin#1#): used as debug for uninitialised entity
        Matrix_f matrix;
        matrix.setPosition(Triplet_f(-5, -5, -5));
        NewtonBodySetMatrix(body, matrix.raw());

        NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, playerForceAndTorque);

        m_bodyMap.insert(BodyMap::value_type(id, body));
void DemoEntityManager::LoadScene (const char* const fileName)
	dScene database (GetNewton());


	// this will apply all global the scale to the mesh
	// this will apply all local scale and transform to the mesh

	// Load the Visual Scene
	EntityDictionary entDictionary;
	LoadVisualScene(&database, entDictionary);

	//Load the physics world
	dList<NewtonBody*> bodyList;
	database.SceneToNewtonWorld(m_world, bodyList);

	// bind every rigidBody loaded to the scene entity
	for (dList<NewtonBody*>::dListNode* bodyNode = bodyList.GetFirst(); bodyNode; bodyNode = bodyNode->GetNext()) {
		// find the user data and set to the visual entity in the scene
		NewtonBody* const body = bodyNode->GetInfo();
		dScene::dTreeNode* const sceneNode = (dScene::dTreeNode*)NewtonBodyGetUserData(body);
		DemoEntity* const entity = entDictionary.Find(sceneNode)->GetInfo();
		NewtonBodySetUserData(body, entity);

		// see if this body have some special setups
		dScene::dTreeNode* const node = database.FindChildByType(sceneNode, dRigidbodyNodeInfo::GetRttiType());
		dAssert (node);
		dRigidbodyNodeInfo* const bodyData = (dRigidbodyNodeInfo*) database.GetInfoFromNode(node);
		dVariable* bodyType = bodyData->FindVariable("rigidBodyType");

		// set the default call backs
		if (!bodyType || !strcmp (bodyType->GetString(), "default gravity")) {
			NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);
			NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
			NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (body, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// clean up all caches the engine have saved
	NewtonInvalidateCache (m_world);
NewtonBody* CreateRigidBody (NewtonWorld* world, Entity* ent, NewtonCollision* collision, dFloat mass)
	dVector minBox;
	dVector maxBox;
	dVector origin;
	dVector inertia;
	NewtonBody* body;
	// Now with the collision Shape we can crate a rigid body
	body = NewtonCreateBody (world, collision);
	// bodies can have a destructor. 
	// this is a function callback that can be used to destroy any local data stored 
	// and that need to be destroyed before the body is destroyed. 
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (body, DestroyBodyCallback);
	// save the entity as the user data for this body
	nEWTONbODySetUserData (body, ent);
	// we need to set physics properties to this body
	dMatrix matrix (ent->m_curRotation, ent->m_curPosition);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix (body, &matrix[0][0]);
	// we need to set the proper center of mass and inertia matrix for this body
	// the inertia matrix calculated by this function does not include the mass.
	// therefore it needs to be multiplied by the mass of the body before it is used.
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	
	// set the body mass matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (body, mass, mass * inertia.m_x, mass * inertia.m_y, mass * inertia.m_z);
	// set the body origin
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (body, &origin[0]);
	// set the function callback to apply the external forces and torque to the body
	// the most common force is Gravity
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (body, ApplyForceAndTorqueCallback);
	// set the function callback to set the transformation state of the graphic entity associated with this body 
	// each time the body change position and orientation in the physics world
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (body, SetTransformCallback);
	return body;
void DemoEntityManager::BodyDeserialization (NewtonBody* const body, void* const bodyUserData, NewtonDeserializeCallback deserializecallback, void* const serializeHandle)
	int size;
	char bodyIndentification[256];
	deserializecallback (serializeHandle, &size, sizeof (size));
	deserializecallback (serializeHandle, bodyIndentification, size);

	// get the world and the scene form the world user data
	NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld(body);
	DemoEntityManager* const scene = (DemoEntityManager*)NewtonWorldGetUserData(world);

	// here we attach a visual object to the entity, 
	dMatrix matrix;
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body, &matrix[0][0]);
	DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(matrix, NULL);
	scene->Append (entity);

	NewtonBodySetUserData (body, entity);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
	NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);

		if (NewtonCollisionGetType(collision) == SERIALIZE_ID_TREE) {
			NewtonStaticCollisionSetDebugCallback (collision, ShowMeshCollidingFaces);

	//for visual mesh we will collision mesh and convert it to a visual mesh using NewtonMesh 
	dTree <DemoMeshInterface*, const void*>* const cache = (dTree <DemoMeshInterface*, const void*>*)bodyUserData;
	dTree <DemoMeshInterface*, const void*>::dTreeNode* node = cache->Find(NewtonCollisionDataPointer (collision));
	if (!node) {
		DemoMeshInterface* mesh = new DemoMesh(bodyIndentification, collision, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		node = cache->Insert(mesh, NewtonCollisionDataPointer (collision));
	} else {
	DemoMeshInterface* const mesh = node->GetInfo();
	entity->SetMesh(mesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());
// create physics scene
void PrimitiveCollision (DemoEntityManager* const scene)
	// load the skybox

	// customize the scene after loading
	// set a user friction variable in the body for variable friction demos
	// later this will be done using LUA script
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
	dMatrix offsetMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());

	int materialID = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID (world);

	// disable collision
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultCollidable (world, materialID, materialID, 0);

	AddSinglePrimitive (scene, -10.0f, _SPHERE_PRIMITIVE, materialID);
	AddSinglePrimitive (scene,  -8.0f, _BOX_PRIMITIVE, materialID);
	AddSinglePrimitive (scene,  -6.0f, _CAPSULE_PRIMITIVE, materialID);
	AddSinglePrimitive (scene,  -4.0f, _CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, materialID);
	AddSinglePrimitive (scene,  -2.0f, _CONE_PRIMITIVE, materialID);
	AddSinglePrimitive (scene,   4.0f, _CHAMFER_CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, materialID);
	AddSinglePrimitive (scene,   6.0f, _RANDOM_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, materialID);
	AddSinglePrimitive (scene,   8.0f, _REGULAR_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, materialID);

	// here we will change the standard gravity force callback and apply null and add a 
	for (NewtonBody* body = NewtonWorldGetFirstBody(world); body; body = NewtonWorldGetNextBody(world, body)) {
		DemoEntity* const entity = (DemoEntity*) NewtonBodyGetUserData(body);
		entity->SetUserData (new ShowCollisionCollide(body));
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, PhysicsSpinBody);
		NewtonBodySetAutoSleep (body, 0);

	// place camera into position
	//dMatrix camMatrix (dYawMatrix(90.0f * dDegreeToRad));
	dMatrix camMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	dQuaternion rot (camMatrix);
	dVector origin (-15.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	scene->SetCameraMatrix(rot, origin);

Exemple #25
void Car::initPhysics() {

    NewtonWorld * nWorld = this->controller->getWorld();
    NewtonCollision* collision;
    float mass = 900.0f;

    vector3df v1 = this->carNode->getBoundingBox().MinEdge;
    vector3df v2 = this->carNode->getBoundingBox().MaxEdge;

    dVector minBox(v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z);
    dVector maxBox(v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z);

    dVector size(maxBox - minBox);
    dVector origin((maxBox + minBox).Scale(0.5f));

    size.m_w = 1.0f;
    origin.m_w = 1.0f;

    dMatrix offset(GetIdentityMatrix());
    offset.m_posit = origin;

    collision = NewtonCreateBox(nWorld, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, 0, &offset[0][0]);

    dVector inertia;

    matrix4 m = this->carNode->getRelativeTransformation();
    NewtonConvexHullModifierSetMatrix(collision, m.pointer());
    NewtonBody * body = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, collision, m.pointer());
    NewtonBodySetUserData(body, this);
    NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);
    NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(body, mass, mass * inertia.m_x, mass * inertia.m_y, mass * inertia.m_z);
    NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(body, &origin[0]);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, applyCarMoveForce);
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(body, applyCarTransform);
    int matId = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(nWorld);
    NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback(nWorld, matId, matId, this, 0, applyCarCollisionForce);

    NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, collision);
    this->setCarBodyAndGravity(body, dVector(0,-10,0,0));
// it fires a box when a key is pressed.
static void FireNewtonCcdBox(NewtonWorld* world, const dVector & postion, const dVector & velocity)
	NewtonCollision* collision = NewtonCreateBox(world, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, NULL);

	dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
	matrix.m_posit = postion;

	NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	// set the force callback for applying the force and torque
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, ApplyGravity);

	// set the mass for this body
	dFloat mass = 1.0f;
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, mass, collision);


	NewtonBodySetVelocity(body, &velocity[0]);
	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode(body, 1);
Exemple #27
void Newtonnode::initCube(NewtonWorld *pWorld,const float xlength,const float ylength,const float zlength)
	if (pWorld==0) {
		ion::base::log("Newtonnode::initCube()",ion::base::Error) << "No NewtonWorld pointer given\n";

	if ((m_pNewtonCollision!=0) && (m_pNewtonworld!=0))

	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_pBody, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (m_pBody, physicsSetTransform);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (m_pBody, physicsApplyForceAndTorque);
Exemple #28
void NzPhysObject::SetMass(float mass)
	if (m_mass > 0.f)
		float Ix, Iy, Iz;
		NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix(m_body, &m_mass, &Ix, &Iy, &Iz);
		float scale = mass/m_mass;
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, mass, Ix*scale, Iy*scale, Iz*scale);
	else if (mass > 0.f)
		NzVector3f inertia, origin;
		m_geom->ComputeInertialMatrix(&inertia, &origin);

		NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(m_body, &origin.x);
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, mass, inertia.x*mass, inertia.y*mass, inertia.z*mass);
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, &ForceAndTorqueCallback);
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_body, &TransformCallback);

	m_mass = mass;
Exemple #29
NewtonBody* AddBox(CScene *pScene, NewtonWorld *pWorld, Vector3 pos, Vector3 size, Vector3 rot, float mass)
	static map<string, CGeometry*> geometries;
	static CMaterial *material = NULL;

	if (!material)
		material = new CMaterial();
		//material->features = EShaderFeature::LIGHT | EShaderFeature::FOG;// | EShaderFeature::SHADOW;
		//material->transparent = true;

	string name = str("%f_%f_%f", size.x, size.y, size.z);
	if (geometries.find(name) == geometries.end())
		CGeometry *g = new CCubeGeometry(size.x, size.y, size.z);
		geometries[name] = g;		

	CMesh *box = new CMesh( geometries[name] );

	NewtonBody *body = CPhysics::CreateBox(pWorld, box, size.x, size.y, size.z, mass);

	box->color = SRGB(clamp(pos.x*255.0f/32.0f,0,255)*0.9f, clamp(pos.y*255.0f/32.0f,0,255)*0.9f, clamp(pos.z*255.0f/32.0f,0,255)*0.9f);

	//NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(body, gLevelBlocksMaterialID);							// ENABLED COLLISION 
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, BoxGravityCallback);
	NewtonBodySetAutoSleep(body, 1);			// make boxes go to sleep automatically (default)
	return body;
static void AddSingleCompound(DemoEntityManager* const scene)
    NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

    NewtonCollision* compoundCollision = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision(world, 0);

    NewtonCollision* boxCollision = NewtonCreateBox(world, 50, 50, 50, 0, NULL);
    NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision(compoundCollision, boxCollision);

    dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
    matrix.m_posit.m_y = 10.0f;

    NewtonBody* compoundBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, compoundCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

    // scale after creating body slows everything down. Without the scale it runs fine even though the body is huge
    NewtonCollisionSetScale(NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody), 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);

    // adding some visualization
    NewtonBodySetMassProperties (compoundBody, 1.0f, NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody));
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(compoundBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(compoundBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

    DemoMesh* mesh = new DemoMesh("geometry", NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody), "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");
    DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(matrix, NULL);
    entity->SetMesh(mesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());
    NewtonBodySetUserData(compoundBody, entity);

    NewtonBodySetSimulationState(compoundBody, 0);
    NewtonBodySetSimulationState(compoundBody, 1);