Exemple #1
 *  {{{ 删除列表 
int DeleteNode(Link to_delete)
	Link curr, prev;
	int i;

	if (Head == NULL) 
		return 0;
	for (prev = NULL, curr = Head; curr != NULL && (i = NodeCmp(to_delete, curr)) > 0; prev = curr, curr = curr->Next) {
		// empty loop	

	if (curr != NULL && i == 0) {
		if (prev) {
			prev->Next = curr->Next;	
		} else {
			Head = curr->Next;	

		NodeCount -= 1;
		return 1;

	return 0;
Exemple #2
void RmSubst( NODE *n )
NODE *pn;
NODE *cn;

  pn = 0;
  cn = substList;
  while( cn != 0 ) {
    if( NodeCmp( n, cn ) ) 
    pn = cn;
    cn = cn->left;
  if( cn == 0 ) return;

  FreeNode( cn->right );
  if( pn )
    pn->left = cn->left;
    substList = cn->left;  
  cn->right = 0;
  cn->left = 0;
  FreeNode( cn );
Exemple #3
NODE * LookUpSubst( NODE *n )
NODE *cn;
  cn = substList;
  while( cn != 0 ) {
    if( NodeCmp( n, cn ) ) 
      return cn;
    cn = cn->left;  
  return 0;
Exemple #4
// Initiallize a new search
void AStar::new_search(Point &sp, Point &gp)
	navigraph.find_onoff_ramps(sp, gp, start->navidata, goal->navidata);

	// Initialise the A* specific parts of the start node
	start->g = 0.0; 
	start->h = estimate_cost_to_goal(start);
	start->f = start->g + start->h;
	start->parent = 0;

	// Push the start node on the open list (heap)
	std::push_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), NodeCmp());

	steps = 0;

Exemple #5
 *  {{{ 添加节点 
int AddNodeAscend(Link to_add)
	Link pn, prev, curr;
	struct Node dummy;
	int i;
	pn = (Link) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	if (pn == NULL) {
		return 0;	

	memcpy(pn, to_add, sizeof(struct Node));

	// 设置虚拟节点
	dummy.Next = Head;
	prev = &dummy;
	curr = Head;

	for (;; prev = curr, curr = curr->Next) {
		if (curr == NULL) { // 到达了链表的结尾

		i = NodeCmp(pn, curr);
		if (i <= 0) {

	if (curr && i == 0) {
		if (DuplicateNode(curr, pn) == 0) {
			return 1;			

	prev->Next = pn;
	pn->Next = curr;

	Head = dummy.Next; // 回收虚拟节点
	return 1;
Exemple #6
	IRenderSystem::RenderNode IRenderSystem::addRenderable( IRenderable* obj )
		RNODE node;
		node.obj    = obj;
		node.effect = NULL;

		RenderNode iter = std::lower_bound( mRenderList.begin() , mRenderList.end() , node , NodeCmp() );
		mRenderList.insert( iter , node );
#ifdef _DEBUG
		obj->mbManaged = true;
		return --iter;
Exemple #7
// Take one step forward in the search and return the resulting state
int AStar::search_step(void)
	// Break if the search is not initialised or the search is finished
	if(search_state != SEARCH_STATE_SEARCHING)
		return search_state;

	// If the open list is empty, there is no solution,
	// set state to failed and return
		return search_state = SEARCH_STATE_FAILED;

	// Get the best node from the open list (pop the heap)
	Node* n = open.front();
	std::pop_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), NodeCmp());

	// Check if this was the goal, if it was we're done
	if(n == goal)
		// If the goal and start is not the same node,
		// reconstruct the solution path
		if(n != start)
			// Set the child pointers in each node 
			// (except goal which has no child)
			Node* child_node = goal;
			Node* parent_node = goal->parent;

			do {
				// set pointer
				parent_node->child = child_node;
				// move on to next
				child_node  = parent_node;
				parent_node = parent_node->parent;
			} while(child_node != start); // start is always the first node

		return search_state = SEARCH_STATE_SUCCEEDED;

	} else { // if not the goal

		// We now need to get the successors (neigbours) of this node,
		// the neighbours are placed in the list successors
		// Handle each successor
		for(NodeListIterator succ = successors.begin(); succ != successors.end(); succ++)
			// Calculate the cost from start to this node
			float newg = n->g + get_cost(n,(*succ));

			// Now we need to find whether the node is already on the open or 
			// closed lists. If it is but the node that is already on them is
			// better (lower g) then we can forget about this successor

			// First linear search of open list to find node
			// TODO: Improve to better complexity than linear

			NodeListIterator open_it;
			for(open_it = open.begin(); open_it != open.end(); open_it++){
				if((*open_it) == (*succ))

			if((open_it != open.end()) && ((*open_it)->g <= newg))

			// Now do the same check on closed list

			NodeListIterator closed_it;
			for(closed_it = closed.begin(); closed_it != closed.end(); closed_it++){
				if((*closed_it) == (*succ))

			if((closed_it != closed.end()) && ((*closed_it)->g <= newg))

			// This node is the best node so far so
			// lets keep it and set up its A* data

			(*succ)->parent = n;
			(*succ)->g = newg;
			(*succ)->h = estimate_cost_to_goal((*succ));
			(*succ)->f = (*succ)->g + (*succ)->h;
			(*succ)->visited = true;

			// Remove successor from closed if it was on it
			if(closed_it != closed.end())

			// If not in open yet, push node onto open
			// else make sure to keep the heap structure
			if(open_it == open.end()){
				std::push_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), NodeCmp());
			} else {
				std::make_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), NodeCmp());

		// Push n onto closed, as we have expanded it now

 	return search_state; // return the resulting state of this search step