int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int i, j, k;
    char word[1000], outfname[4000], nj1040_outfname[4000], nj1040_sched_a_outfname[4000];
    int status=0;
    time_t now;
    int L12a=0, L12b=0;
    double L27a=0.0, L27b=0.0, L29a=0.0, L29b=0.0, L37a=0.0;
    double Ab[10], A9a=0.0, proptxcredit;
    double F[10], Fb[10];	/* Schedule F, added by BWB. */
    double I[10], Ib[10];	/* Schedule I. */

    /* Intercept any command-line arguments. */
    printf("NJ 1040 2014 - v%3.1f\n", thisversion);
    i = 1;
    while (i < argc)
        if (strcmp(argv[i],"-verbose")==0)  verbose = 1;
        else if (k==1)
            infile = fopen(argv[i],"r");
            if (infile==0) {
                printf("ERROR: Parameter file '%s' could not be opened.\n", argv[i]);
            k = 2;
            /* Base name of output file on input file. */
            j = strlen(outfname)-1;
            while ((j>=0) && (outfname[j]!='.')) j--;
            if (j<0) {
            } else {
            outfile = fopen(outfname,"w");
            if (outfile==0) {
                printf("ERROR: Output file '%s' could not be opened.\n", outfname);
            printf("Writing results to file:  %s\n", outfname);
        else {
            printf("Unknown command-line parameter '%s'\n", argv[i]);
        i = i + 1;

    if (infile==0) {
        printf("Error: No input file on command line.\n");

    /* Pre-initialize all lines to zeros. */
    for (i=0; i<MAX_LINES; i++)
        L[i] = 0.0;
        A[i] = 0.0;
        S[i] = 0.0;
        E[i] = 0.0;

    /* Accept parameters from input file. */
    /* Expect  NJ-1040 lines, something like:
    Title:  NJ 1040 1999 Return
    L14		{Wages}
    L15a		{Interest}
    L16		{Dividends}
    L18		{Capital Gains}
    S1		{Property Tax}
    L42		{Witheld tax, from W-2}

    /* Accept Form's "Title" line, and put out with date-stamp for records. */
    read_line( infile, word );
    now = time(0);
    fprintf(outfile,"\n%s		%s\n", word, ctime( &now ));

    /* get_parameter(infile, kind, x, mesage ) */
    get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "Status" );
    get_parameter( infile, 'l', word, "Status ?");
    if (strncasecmp(word,"Single",4)==0) {
        status = SINGLE;
        L["Single"] = 1;
    else if (strncasecmp(word,"Married/Joint",13)==0) {
        L["MFJ"] = 1;
    else if (strncasecmp(word,"Married/Sep",11)==0) {
        L["MFS"] = 1;
    else if (strncasecmp(word,"Head_of_House",4)==0) {
        status = HEAD_OF_HOUSEHOLD;
        L["HOH"] = 1;
    else if (strncasecmp(word,"Widow",4)==0) {
        status = WIDOW;
        L["QW"] = 1;
        printf("Error: unrecognized status '%s'. Must be: Single, Married/joint, Married/sep, Head_of_house, Widow(er)\nExiting.\n", word);
        fprintf(outfile,"Error: unrecognized status '%s'. Must be: Single, Married/joint, Married/sep, Head_of_house, Widow(er)\nExiting.\n", word);
    switch (status)
    case SINGLE:
        fprintf(outfile,"Status = Single (%d)\n", status);
        fprintf(outfile,"Status = Married/Joint (%d)\n", status);
        fprintf(outfile,"Status = Married/Sep (%d)\n", status);
        fprintf(outfile,"Status = Head_of_Household (%d)\n", status);
    case WIDOW:
        fprintf(outfile,"Status = Widow(er) (%d)\n", status);

    get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "L6" );	/* Exemptions, self/spouse. */
    get_parameter( infile, 'i', &j, "L6");
    L[6] = j;

    get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "L7" );	/* Exemptions, Over 65. */
    get_parameter( infile, 'i', &j, "L7");
    L[7] = j;

    get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "L8" );	/* Exemptions, Blind/disabled. */
    get_parameter( infile, 'i', &j, "L8");
    L[8] = j;

    get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "L9" );	/* Exemptions, children. */
    get_parameter( infile, 'i', &j, "L9");
    L[9] = j;

    get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "L10" );	/* Exemptions, other dependents. */
    get_parameter( infile, 'i', &j, "L10");
    L[10] = j;

    get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "L11" );	/* Exemptions, college kids. */
    get_parameter( infile, 'i', &j, "L11");
    L[11] = j;

    L12a = L[6] + L[7] + L[8] + L[11];
    L["12a"] = L12a;
    fprintf(outfile,"L12a = %d\n", L12a);
    L12b = L[9] + L[10];
    L["12b"] = L12b;
    fprintf(outfile,"L12b = %d\n", L12b);

    GetLineF( "L14", &L[14] );	/* Wages. */

    GetLineF( "L15a", &L[15] );	/* Taxable Interest. */

    /* Form asks for tax-exempt income, but does not use it. */

    GetLineF( "L16", &L[16] );	/* Dividends. */

    GetLine( "L17", &L[17] );	/* Business profits, Fed Sched C. */
    if (L[17] < 0.0) L[17] = 0.0;

    GetLine( "L18", &L[18] );	/* Capital Gains . */
    if (L[18] < 0.0) L[18] = 0.0;

    GetLineF( "L19", &L[19] );	/* Pensions, Annuities, and IRA Withdrawals (pg 20). */

    GetLineF( "L20", &L[20] );	/* Partnership income. (See pg 24.) */

    GetLineF( "L21", &L[21] );	/* S Corporation income. (See pg 24.) */

    GetLineF( "L22", &L[22] );	/* Rent, royalty, patents income. (Sched NJ-BUS-1, Part IV, Line 4.) */

    GetLineF( "L23", &L[23] );	/* Net gambling winnings. */

    GetLineF( "L24", &L[24] );	/* Alimony and maintenance payments RECEIVED. */

    GetLineF( "L25", &L[25] );	/* Other (See pg 24). */

    L[26] = L[14] + L[15] + L[16] + L[17] + L[18] + L[19] + L[20] + L[21] + L[22] + L[23] + L[24] + L[25];
    showline_wmsg(26,"Total Income");	/* Total Income. */

    GetLineF( "L27a", &L27a );	/* Pension Exclusion (See pg 26). */
    GetLineF( "L27b", &L27b );	/* Other Retirement Income Exclusion (See worksheet pg 26). */

    L["27a"] = L27a;
    L["27b"] = L27b;
    L[27] = L27a + L27b;
    L["27c"] = L[27];

    L[28] = L[26] - L[27];
    showline_wmsg(28,"NJ Gross Income");

    if ((status == SINGLE) || (status == MARRIED_FILLING_SEPARAT))
    {   if (L[28] < 10000.0)
            fprintf(outfile," --- You do not need to file, (except to get refund).  Income < $10,000. ---\n");
    {   if (L[28] < 20000.0)
            fprintf(outfile," --- You do not need to file, (except to get refund).  Income < $20,000. ---\n");

    L29a = L12a * 1000.0;
    fprintf(outfile," L29a = %6.2f\n", L29a );
    L29b = L12b * 1500.0;
    fprintf(outfile," L29b = %6.2f\n", L29b );
    L[29] = L29a + L29b;
    fprintf(outfile,"L29c = %6.2f	Total Exemption Amount\n", L[29] );

    GetLine( "E1", &E[1] );	/* Medical Expenses (See pg 27). */
    E[2] = 0.02 * L[28];
    E[3] = NotLessThanZero( E[1] - E[2] );
    GetLine( "E4", &E[4] );      /* Qualified Archer MSA contributions from Federal Form 8853 */
    GetLine( "E5", &E[5] );      /* Amount of self-employed health insurance deduction */
    E[6] = NotLessThanZero( E[3] + E[4] + E[5] );
    L[30] = E[6];
    if (L[30] != 0.0)
        showline_wmsg(30," Medical Expenses Worksheet E (See pg 27)");
    /* end of Worksheet E */

    GetLineF( "L31", &L[31] );	/* Alimony and maintenance payments PAYED. */

    GetLineF( "L32", &L[32] );	/* Qualified Conservation Contribution. */

    GetLineF( "L33", &L[33] );	/* Health Enterprise Zone Deduction. */

    GetLineF( "L34", &L[34] );	/* Alternative Business Calc Adj (Sched NJ-BUS-2, Line 11). */

    L[35] = L[29] + L[30] + L[31] + L[32] + L[33] + L[34];
    showline_wmsg(35,"Total Exemptions and Deductions");

    /* Taxable income. */
    L[36] = L[28] - L[35];
    if (L[36] > 0.0)
        showline_wmsg(36, "(Taxable Income)");

    GetLineF( "L37a", &L37a );	/* Property Tax Paid. */
    L[37] = L37a;

    GetLine( "A1", &A[1] );	/* Income taxed by other jurisdictions, if any. */
    GetLine( "A9a", &A9a );	/* Tax paid to other jurisdictions on that income, if any. */

    fprintf(outfile,"\n");  /* Tax deduction worksheet F (pg 34). */
    F[1] = L37a;
    if (status != MARRIED_FILLING_SEPARAT)
        F[2] = smallerof( F[1], 10000.0 );
        F[2] = smallerof( F[1],  5000.0 );

    if (status != MARRIED_FILLING_SEPARAT)
        proptxcredit = 50.0;
        proptxcredit = 25.0;

    if (A9a == 0.0)
    {   /*Worksheet-F*/
        F[3] = L[36];
        Fb[3] = L[36];
        fprintf(outfile," F3a = %6.2f	F3b = %6.2f\n", F[3], Fb[3]);
        F[4] = F[2];
        Fb[4] = 0.0;
        fprintf(outfile," F4a = %6.2f	F4b = %6.2f\n", F[4], Fb[4]);
        F[5] = F[3] - F[4];
        Fb[5] = Fb[3] - Fb[4];
        fprintf(outfile," F5a = %6.2f	F5b = %6.2f\n", F[5], Fb[5]);
        F[6] = TaxRateFunction( F[5], status );
        Fb[6] = TaxRateFunction( Fb[5], status );
        fprintf(outfile," F6a = %6.2f	F6b = %6.2f\n", F[6], Fb[6]);
        F[7] = Fb[6] - F[6];
        if (F[7] >= proptxcredit)
        {   /*yes*/
            fprintf(outfile," F8. Yes. (Take Property Tax Deduction.)\n");
            L[38] = F[4];
            L[39] = F[5];
            L[40] = F[6];
            L[49] = 0.0;
        } /*yes*/
        {   /*no*/
            fprintf(outfile," F8. No. (Take Property Tax Credit.)\n");
            L[38] = 0.0;
            L[39] = Fb[5];
            L[40] = Fb[6];
            L[49] = proptxcredit;
        } /*no*/
    } /*Worksheet-F*/
    {   /*SchedA+Worksheet-I*/
        fprintf(outfile,"\nSchedule A:\n");
        fprintf(outfile," %c%d = %6.2f\n", 'A', 1, A[1]);

        A[2] = L[28];
        fprintf(outfile," %c%d = %6.2f\n", 'A', 2, A[2]);

        A[3] = smallerof( 1.0, (A[1] / A[2]) );
        fprintf(outfile," A3 = %6.2f %%\n", 100.0 * A[3] );
        A["3p"] = 100.0*A[3];
        A[4] = L[36];
        A["4a"] = L[36];
        A["4b"] = L[36];
        fprintf(outfile," A4a = %6.2f	A4b = %6.2f\n", A[4], A[4] );
        fprintf(outfile," (5a = %6.2f)\n", F[1] );
        A["5a"] = F[1];
        A[5] = F[2];
        A["5aa"] = F[2];
        fprintf(outfile," A5a = %6.2f	A5b = %6.2f\n", A[5], 0.0);
        A[6]  = A[4] - A[5];
        A["6a"] = A[6];
        Ab[6] = A[4] - 0.0;
        A["6b"] = Ab[6];
        fprintf(outfile," A6a = %6.2f	A6b = %6.2f\n", A[6], Ab[6]);
        A[7]  = TaxRateFunction( A[6], status );
        A["7a"] = A[7];
        Ab[7] = TaxRateFunction( Ab[6], status );
        A["7b"] = Ab[7];
        fprintf(outfile," A7a = %6.2f	A7b = %6.2f\n", A[7], Ab[7] );
        A[8]  = A[3] * A[7];
        A["8a"] = A[8];
        Ab[8] = A[3] * Ab[7];
        A["8b"] = Ab[8];
        fprintf(outfile," A8a = %6.2f	A8b = %6.2f\n", A[8], Ab[8] );
        fprintf(outfile,"  (9a = %6.2f)\n", A9a );
        A["9a"] = A9a;
        A[9] = smallerof( smallerof( A9a, A[8] ), A[7] );
        A["9aa"] = A[8];
        Ab[9] = smallerof( smallerof( A9a, Ab[8] ), Ab[7] );
        A["9ab"] = Ab[9];
        fprintf(outfile," A9a = %6.2f	A9b = %6.2f\n", A[9], Ab[9] );

        fprintf(outfile,"\nWorksheet I:\n");
        I[1] = A[7];
        Ib[1] = Ab[7];
        fprintf(outfile," I1a = %6.2f	I1b = %6.2f\n", I[1], Ib[1] );
        I[2] = A[9];
        Ib[2] = Ab[9];
        fprintf(outfile," I2a = %6.2f	I2b = %6.2f\n", I[2], Ib[2] );

        I[3]  = I[1] - I[2];
        Ib[3] = Ib[1] - Ib[2];
        fprintf(outfile," I3a = %6.2f	I3b = %6.2f\n", I[3], Ib[3] );

        Ib[4] = Ib[3] - I[3];
        showline_wrksht('I', 4, Ib);

        if (Ib[4] >= proptxcredit)
            fprintf(outfile," Sched-I, Yes:  Take PropTax Deduction\n\n");
            L[38] = A[5];	// fprintf(outfile,"L36c = %6.2f\n", L[36]);
            L[39] = A[6];
            L[40] = A[7];
            L[41] = I[2];
            L[49] = 0.0;
            fprintf(outfile," Sched-I, No:  Take PropTax Credit\n\n");
            L[38] = 0.0;
            L[39] = Ab[6];
            L[40] = Ab[7];
            L[41] = Ib[2];
            L[49] = proptxcredit;
    } /*SchedA+Worksheet-I*/

    /* If no property tax was paid, ensure credit is set to 0 */
    if ( L37a == 0.0 ) L[49] = 0.0;

    if (L[37] > 0.0)
        fprintf(outfile, "L37c = %6.2f\n", L[37]);


    fprintf(outfile,"\n");  /* NJ Taxable Income.*/
// L[39] = L[36] - L[38];  /* Handled above in Sched-1. */
    if (L[39] > 0.0)
        showline_wmsg(39, "NJ Taxable Income");

// L[40] = TaxRateFunction( L[39], status );  /* Handled above in Schedules+Worksheets, A, F, H. */
    showline_wmsg(40, "TAX");

    if (A[1] > 0.0)
        showline_wmsg(41, "( Credit for Taxes paid to other jurisdictions. )\n");

    L[42] = L[40] - L[41];
    showline_wmsg(42, "( Balance of Tax )");

    GetLineF( "L43", &L[43] );	/* Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit. */
    L[44] = L[42] - L[43];

    GetLineF( "L45", &L[45] );	/* Use Tax Due on Out-of-State Purchases (pg 35). */
    GetLineF( "L46", &L[46] );	/* Penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. */

    L[47] = L[44] + L[45] + L[46];
    showline(47);			/* Total Tax + Penalty. */

    GetLine( "L48", &L[48] );
    showline_wmsg(48, "Total NJ Income Tax Withheld");

    showline_wmsg(49, "Property tax Credit");

    GetLineF( "L50", &L[50] );	/* NJ Estimated Tax Payments/Credit from last year's return. */

    GetLineF( "L51", &L[51] );	/* NJ Earned Income Tax Credit. (See Sched pg 38.) */

    GetLineF( "L52", &L[52] );	/* EXCESS NJ UI/HC/WD Withheld, (See pg 38.) */

    GetLineF( "L53", &L[53] );	/* EXCESS NJ Disability Insurance Withheld, (See pg 38.) */

    GetLineF( "L54", &L[54] );	/* EXCESS NJ Family Leave Insurance Withheld, (See pg 38.) */

    L[55] = L[48] + L[49] + L[50] + L[51] + L[52] + L[53] + L[54];
    showline_wmsg(55,"Total Payments/Credits");

    if (L[55] < L[47])
        L[56] = L[47] - L[55];
        fprintf(outfile, "L56 = %6.2f	YOU OWE !!!\n", L[56] );
        L[57] = L[55] - L[47];
        fprintf(outfile, "L57 = %6.2f	Overpayment\n", L[57] );

        L[65] = 0.0;
        showline_wmsg(65, "( Total Contributions from overpayment )");
        L[66] = L[57] - L[65];
        showline_wmsg(66, "Refund !!!");


    outfile = fopen(nj1040_outfname,"w");
    output_xfdf_form_data(outfile, nj1040_2014, L);

    outfile = fopen(nj1040_sched_a_outfname,"w");
    output_xfdf_form_data(outfile, nj_schedule_a_2014, A);

    Display_File( outfname );
    printf("\nResults written to file:  %s\n", outfname);
    return 0;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
 int i, j, k;
 char word[1000], outfname[1000], it1040_xfdf_outfname[1000];
 int status=0, exemptions=0, qualify_jfc=0;
 time_t now;
 double factor62, factor67, limit;
 double L35a=0.0, L35b=0.0, L35c=0.0, L35d=0.0, L35e=0.0, L35f=0.0, L35g=0.0;
 double L37a=0.0, L37b=0.0, L39a=0.0, L39b=0.0;
 double L40a=0.0, L40b=0.0, L40c=0.0;
 double L44a=0.0, L44b=0.0;
 double L46a=0.0, L46b=0.0, L46c=0.0;
 double L72a=0.0, L72b=0.0, L72c=0.0, L72d=0.0, L72e=0.0;
 double jfc, exemption_amnt;

 /* Intercept any command-line arguments. */
 printf("OH IT1040 2014 - v%3.1f\n", thisversion);
 i = 1;  k=1;
 while (i < argc)
  if (strcmp(argv[i],"-verbose")==0)  verbose = 1;
  if (k==1)
    infile = fopen(argv[i],"r");
    if (infile==0) {printf("ERROR: Parameter file '%s' could not be opened.\n", argv[i]); exit(1);}
    k = 2;
    /* Base name of output file on input file. */
    j = strlen(outfname)-1;
    while ((j>=0) && (outfname[j]!='.')) j--;
    if (j<0) {
    } else {
    outfile = fopen(outfname,"w");
    if (outfile==0) {printf("ERROR: Output file '%s' could not be opened.\n", outfname); exit(1);}
    printf("Writing results to file:  %s\n", outfname);
  else {printf("Unknown command-line parameter '%s'\n", argv[i]); exit(1);}
  i = i + 1;

 if (infile==0) {printf("Error: No input file on command line.\n"); exit(1);}

 /* Pre-initialize all lines to zeros. */
 for (i=0; i<MAX_LINES; i++) 
   L[i] = 0.0;

 /* Accept parameters from input file. */
 /* Expect  OH IT1040 lines, something like:
	Title:  OH IT1040 1999 Return
	L1		{Wages}

 /* Accept Form's "Title" line, and put out with date-stamp for records. */
 read_line( infile, word );
 now = time(0);
 fprintf(outfile,"\n%s		%s\n", word, ctime( &now ));

 /* get_parameter(infile, kind, x, emssg ) */
 get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "Status" );
 get_parameter( infile, 'l', word, "Status ?");
 if (strncasecmp(word,"Single",4)==0) { status = SINGLE; L["Single"] = 1; } else
 if (strncasecmp(word,"Married/Joint",11)==0) { status = MARRIED_FILLING_JOINTLY; L["MFJ"] = 1; }else
 if (strncasecmp(word,"Married/Sep",11)==0) { status = MARRIED_FILLING_SEPARAT; L["MFS"] = 1; }else
 if (strncasecmp(word,"Head_of_House",4)==0) { status = HEAD_OF_HOUSEHOLD; L["HOH"] = 1; }
   printf("Error: unrecognized status '%s'. Must be: Single, Married/joint, Married/sep, Head_of_house.\nExiting.\n", word); 
   fprintf(outfile,"Error: unrecognized status '%s'. Must be: Single, Married/joint, Married/sep, Head_of_house.\nExiting.\n", word); 
 fprintf(outfile,"Status = %s (%d)\n", word, status);

 GetLine( "L1", &L[1] );	/* Federal Adjusted Gross Income */

 get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "Exemptions" );	/* Exemptions, self/depend. */
 get_parameters( infile, 'i', &exemptions, "Exemptions"); 

 /* Answer YES only if Married Filing Jointly, and you and your spouse */
 /* each have qualifying Ohio adjusted gross income of at least $500. */
 get_parameter( infile, 's', word, "JointCredit" );
 get_parameter( infile, 'b', &qualify_jfc, "JointCredit ?"); 
 GetLine( "L14", &L[14] );	/* Earned income credit (see the worksheet on page 20). */
 GetLine( "L15", &L[15] );	/* Ohio adoption credit ($1,500 per child adopted during the year). */
 GetLine( "L16", &L[16] );	/* Manufacturing equipment grant. */
 GetLine( "L19", &L[19] );	/* Unpaid Ohio Use Tax */
 GetLine( "L21", &L[21] );	/* Ohio Tax Withheld (box 17 on your W-2) */
 GetLine( "L22", &L[22] );	/* 1040ES payments, IT 40P extension payments for 2014, 2013 overpayments ... */

 /* Additions - add to extent not included in fed adjusted gross income (line 1). */
 GetLine( "L33", &L[33] );	/* Non-Ohio state or local gov't interest, dividends. */
 GetLine( "L34", &L[34] );	/* Pass-through Entity addback. */

 GetLine( "L35a", &L35a );	/* Fed int+div subject to state tax & misc. fed adj. */
 L["35a"] = L35a;
 GetLine( "L35b", &L35b );	/* Reimbursed college tuit. fees deducted prev yrs. */
 L["35b"] = L35b;
 GetLine( "L35c", &L35c );	/* Losses, sale of Ohio Public Obligations. */
 L["35c"] = L35c;
 GetLine( "L35d", &L35d );	/* Nonmedical withdrawals OH Med. Savings Acct. */
 L["35d"] = L35d;
 GetLine( "L35e", &L35e );	/* Reimb. exp. prev. deducted, if reimb. not in FAGI .*/
 L["35e"] = L35e;
 GetLine( "L35f", &L35f );	/* Lump sum distribution add-back + misc. fed income tax adjustments */
 L["35f"] = L35f;
 GetLine( "L35g", &L35g );	/* Adjustment for IRC section 168(k) and 179 depreciation expense */
 L["35g"] = L35g;
 L[35] = L35a + L35b + L35c + L35d + L35e + L35f + L35g;

 /* Deductions - see limitations in instructions. */
 GetLine( "L37a", &L37a );	/* Fed int + div exempt from state taxation. */
 L["37a"] = L37a;
 GetLine( "L37b", &L37b );	/* Adjustment for Internal Revenue Code sections 168(k) + 179 deprec. expense */
 L["37b"] = L37b;
 L[37] = L37a + L37b;
 GetLine( "L38", &L[38] );	/* Employee compensation earned in OH by non-residents. */
 GetLine( "L39a", &L39a );	/* Military pay. */
 L["39a"] = L39a;
 GetLine( "L39b", &L39b );	/* Military Retirement Income. */
 L["39b"] = L39b;
 L[39] = L39a + L39b;
 GetLine( "L40a", &L40a );	/* State/municipal income tax overpayments. */
 L["40a"] = L40a;
 GetLine( "L40b", &L40b );	/* Refund or reimbursements shown on IRS form 1040, line 21 */
 L["40b"] = L40b;
 GetLine( "L40c", &L40c );	/* Repayment of income reported in a prior year, ... */
 L["40c"] = L40c;
 L[40] = L40a + L40b + L40c;
 GetLine( "L41", &L[41] );	/* Small business investor income deduction */
 GetLine( "L42", &L[42] );	/* Disab. & survivor benef. */
 GetLine( "L43", &L[43] );	/* Qualifying soc. sec. + railroad benefits. */ 
 GetLine( "L44a", &L44a );	/* Education: Ohio 529 contributions */ 
 L["44a"] = L40a;
 GetLine( "L44b", &L44b );	/* Education: Ohio 529 contributions */ 
 L["44b"] = L40b;
 L[44] = L44a + L44b;
 GetLine( "L45", &L[45] );	/* Ohio National Guard reimbursements */
 GetLine( "L46a", &L46a );	/* Unreimbursed health insurance ... */
 L["46a"] = L40a;
 GetLine( "L46b", &L46b );	/* Funds deposited into, and earnings of, a medical savings account */
 L["46b"] = L40b;
 GetLine( "L46c", &L46c );	/* Qualified organ donor expenses */
 L["46c"] = L40c;
 L[46] = L46a + L46b + L46c;
 GetLine( "L47", &L[47] );	/* Wage expense not deducted */
 GetLine( "L48", &L[48] );	/* Interest income from Ohio Public Obligations ... */

 GetLine( "L51", &L[51] );	/* Retirement Income Credit (see instructions for credit table) (Limit $200) */
 if (L[51] > 200.0) L[51] = 200.0;
 GetLine( "L52", &L[52] );	/* Senior Citizen Credit (Limit $50 per return) */
 if (L[52] > 50.0) L[52] = 50.0;
 GetLine( "L53", &L[53] );	/* Lump Sum Distribution Credit (you must be 65 years of age or older to claim this credit) */
 GetLine( "L54", &L[54] );	/* Child and Dependent Care Credit (see instructions and worksheet) */
 GetLine( "L55", &L[55] );	/* Lump Sum Retirement Credit */
 GetLine( "L57", &L[57] );	/* Displaced worker credit (Limit $500 single; $1,000 joint, if both spouses qualify) */
  limit = 2.0 * 500.0;
  limit = 500.0;
 L[57] = smallerof( L[57], limit );

 GetLine( "L58", &L[58] );	/* Ohio Political Contributions Credit (Limit $50 single; $100 joint) */
  limit = 2.0 * 50.0;
  limit = 50.0;
 L[58] = smallerof( L[58], limit );

 GetLine( "L60", &L[60] );	/* Portion of line 3 subjected to tax by other states. */
 GetLine( "L63", &L[63] );	/* 2014 income tax paid to other states ... */

 /* For non-residents only. */
 GetLine( "L65", &L[65] );	/* Portion Ohio Adj. Gross Income not earned in Oh. */

 GetLine( "L68", &L[68] );	/* Nonrefundable Business Credits, Sched-E line 10 */

 GetLine( "L72a", &L72a );	/* Refundable Business Jobs Credits, */
 L[72] = L72a;
 GetLine( "L72b", &L72b );	/* Refundable Pass-through Entity Credits, */
 L["72b"] = L72b;
 GetLine( "L72c", &L72c );	/* Refundable Histroic Preservation Credits, */
 L["72c"] = L72c;
 GetLine( "L72d", &L72d );	/* Refundable Motion Picture Credits */
 L["72d"] = L72d;
 GetLine( "L72e", &L72e );	/* Financial Institutions Tax (FIT) credit */
 L["72e"] = L72e;
 L[73] = L72a + L72b + L72c + L72d + L72e;
 L[23] = L[73];

 /* ---- Do Calculations. ---- */

 L[36] = L[33] + L[34] + L[35];

 for (j = 37; j <= 48; j++)
  L[49] = L[49] + L[j];

 L[50] = L[36] - L[49];
 L[2] = L[50];

 L[3] = L[1] + L[2];

 if (L[3] <= 40000.0)
  exemption_amnt = 2200.0;
 if (L[3] <= 80000.0)
  exemption_amnt = 1950.0;
  exemption_amnt = 1700.0;
 L[4] = exemption_amnt * exemptions;

 L[5] = NotLessThanZero( L[3] - L[4] );
 L[6] = TaxRateFunction( L[5], status );

 if (L[5] <= 10000.0) L[56] = 88.0;

 for (j = 51; j <= 58; j++)
  L[59] = L[59] + L[j];
 L[7] = L[59];

 L[8] = NotLessThanZero( L[6] - L[7] );

 if (L[5] < 30000)
  L[9] = 20.0 * exemptions;

 L[10] = NotLessThanZero( L[8] - L[9] );

 if ((status == MARRIED_FILLING_JOINTLY) && (qualify_jfc))
  { /*Joint_Filing_Credit*/
    if (L[5] < 25000) jfc = 0.20;
    if (L[5] < 50000) jfc = 0.15;
    if (L[5] < 75000) jfc = 0.10;
    else jfc = 0.05;
    L[11] = smallerof( jfc * L[10], 650.0 );
    L["11p"] = jfc*100.0;
  } /*Joint_Filing_Credit*/

 L[12] = L[10] - L[11];

 /* L[13] computed below, which depends on L[71] and the following prior lines. */

 L[61] = L[3];
 factor62 = 0.0001 * (int)(10000.0 * (L[60] / L[61]));	/* 4-digits right of decimal-pt. */
 L["62p"] = factor62;
 L[62] = factor62 * L[12];
 L[64] = smallerof( L[62], L[63] );
 L[69] = L[64];

 L[66] = L[3];
 factor67 = 0.0001 * (int)(10000.0 * (L[65] / L[66]));  /* 4-digits right of decimal-pt. */
 L["67p"] = factor67;
 L[67] = factor67 * L[12];
 L[70] = L[67];

 L[71] = L[68] + L[69] + L[70];
 L[13] = L[71];

 /* Resuming now with calculations at line 17. */
 L[17] = NotLessThanZero( L[12] - (L[13] + L[14] + L[15] + L[16]) );
 L[20] = L[17] + L[18] + L[19];
 L[24] = L[21] + L[22] + L[23];

 if ((status == SINGLE) && (L[1] <= 12200.0) && (L[50] == 0.0))
  fprintf(outfile, "You do not need to file Ohio tax return (Fed AGI < minimum).\n");

 if ((status == MARRIED_FILLING_JOINTLY) && (L[1] <= 14400.0) && (L[50] == 0.0))
  fprintf(outfile, "You do not need to file Ohio tax return (Fed AGI < minimum).\n");

 if ((L[4] >= L[3]) && (L[50] == 0.0))
  fprintf(outfile, "You do not need to file Ohio tax return (L[4] >= L[3]).\n");

 /* Output the Results. */

 fprintf(outfile,"Exemptions = %d\n", exemptions );
 for (j = 4; j <= 10; j++)
 fprintf(outfile, "L10a = %6.2f\n", L[10]);
 for (j = 11; j <= 19; j++)
 showline_wmsg( 20, "Total Ohio Tax" );
 showline_wmsg( 21, "Amount Withheld" );
 showline_wmsg( 24, "Total Payments" );
 if (L[24] > L[20])
   L[25] = L[24] - L[20];
   showline_wmsg( 25, "AMOUNT OVERPAID" );
   L[29] = L[20] - L[24];
   showline_wmsg( 29, "AMOUNT DUE" );
 showline_wlabel( "L35a", L35a );
 showline_wlabel( "L35b", L35b );
 showline_wlabel( "L35c", L35c );
 showline_wlabel( "L35d", L35d );
 showline_wlabel( "L35e", L35e );
 showline_wlabel( "L35f", L35f );
 showline_wlabel( "L35g", L35g );
 showline_wmsg( 36, "Total additions" );
 showline_wlabel( "L37a", L37a );
 showline_wlabel( "L37b", L37b );
 showline_wlabel( "L39a", L39a );
 showline_wlabel( "L39b", L39b );
 showline_wlabel( "L40a", L40a );
 showline_wlabel( "L40b", L40b );
 showline_wlabel( "L40c", L40c );
 showline_wlabel( "L44a", L44a );
 showline_wlabel( "L44b", L44b );
 showline_wlabel( "L46a", L46a );
 showline_wlabel( "L46b", L46b );
 showline_wlabel( "L46c", L46c );
 showline_wmsg( 49, "Total Deductions" );
 showline_wmsg( 50, "Net adjustments" );
 for (j = 51; j <= 58; j++)
 showline_wmsg(59,"Total Schedule B Credits");
 fprintf(outfile," (L62 [%g]) \t", factor62 );
 for (j = 62; j <= 66; j++)
 fprintf(outfile," (L67 [%g]) \t", factor67 );
 for (j = 67; j <= 73; j++)


 outfile = fopen(it1040_xfdf_outfname,"w");
 output_xfdf_form_data(outfile, it1040_2014, L); 

 Display_File( outfname );
 printf("\nResults written to file:  %s\n", outfname);
 return 0;