Exemple #1
void checkServer(struct Client *sptr, struct Client *acptr)
   char outbuf[BUFSIZE];

   /* Header */
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " ");
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_CHKHEAD, "server", acptr->cli_name);
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " ");

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf),  "   Connected at:: %s (%Tu)", myctime(acptr->cli_serv->timestamp), acptr->cli_serv->timestamp);
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "    Server name:: %s", acptr->cli_name);
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR,  outbuf);

   if (cli_sslclifp(acptr) && (strlen(cli_sslclifp(acptr)) > 0)) {
     ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "SSL Fingerprint:: %s", cli_sslclifp(acptr));
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "        Numeric:: %s --> %d", NumServ(acptr), base64toint(acptr->cli_yxx));
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "          Users:: %d / %d", (acptr == &me) ? UserStats.local_clients : cli_serv(acptr)->clients, 
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (IsBurst(acptr))
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: Bursting");
   else if (IsBurstAck(acptr))
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: Awaiting EOB Ack");
   else if (IsService(acptr))
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: Network Service");
   else if (IsHub(acptr))
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "         Status:: Network Hub");

   ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "          Class:: %s", get_client_class(acptr));
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

   if (feature_bool(FEAT_CHECK_EXTENDED)) {
     int dlinkc = 0;
     struct DLink* slink = NULL;
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " ");
     send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "Downlinks::");
     for (slink = cli_serv(acptr)->down; slink; slink = slink->next) {
       ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "[%d] - %s%s", ++dlinkc, 
             IsBurst(slink->value.cptr) ? "*" : IsBurstAck(slink->value.cptr) ? "!" : IsService(slink->value.cptr) ? "=" : IsHub(slink->value.cptr) ? "+" : " ", 
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf);

     if (!dlinkc)
       send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "<none>");

   /* Send 'END OF CHECK' message */
   send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFCHECK, " ");
Exemple #2
 * Envio un comando a otro servidor o usuario
void sendcmdto_one(struct Client *to, struct Client *from, char *cmd, char *token, const char *pattern, ...)
  va_list vl;
  /* Evito que el mensaje vuelva al origen */
#if !defined(NO_PROTOCOL9)
  if (Protocol(cli_from(to)) > 9)
    if (IsUser(from)) {
        sprintf_irc(sendbuf, "%s%s %s %s%s ", NumNick(from), token, NumNick(to));
        sprintf_irc(sendbuf, "%s%s %s %s ", NumNick(from), token, NumServ(to));
    } else {
        sprintf_irc(sendbuf, "%s %s %s%s ", NumServ(from), token, NumNick(to));
        sprintf_irc(sendbuf, "%s %s %s ", NumServ(from), token, NumServ(to));
#if !defined(NO_PROTOCOL9)
  } else 
    sprintf_irc(sendbuf, ":%s %s %s ", from->name, cmd, to->name);

  if(!pattern || !*pattern)
    va_start(vl, pattern);
    vsprintf_irc(sendbuf + strlen(sendbuf), pattern, vl);
Exemple #3
static void
stats_servers_verbose(struct Client* sptr, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat,
		      char* param)
  struct Client *acptr;

  /* lowercase 'v' is for human-readable,
   * uppercase 'V' is for machine-readable */
  if (stat == 'v')
    send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE,
	       "%-20s %-20s Flags Hops Numeric   Lag  RTT   Up Down "
	       "Clients/Max Proto %-10s :Info", "Servername", "Uplink",

  for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr)) {
    if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr))
    if (param && match(param, cli_name(acptr))) /* narrow search */
    send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE, stat == 'v' ?
	       "%-20s %-20s %c%c%c%c  %4i %s %-4i %5i %4i %4i %4i %5i %5i "
	       "P%-2i   %Tu :%s" :
	       "%s %s %c%c%c%c %i %s %i %i %i %i %i %i %i P%i %Tu :%s",
	       IsBurst(acptr) ? 'B' : '-',
	       IsBurstAck(acptr) ? 'A' : '-',
	       IsHub(acptr) ? 'H' : '-',
	       IsService(acptr) ? 'S' : '-',
Exemple #4
/** Check whether the introduction of a new server would cause a loop
 * or be disallowed by leaf and hub configuration directives.
 * @param[in] cptr Neighbor who sent the message.
 * @param[in] sptr Client that originated the message.
 * @param[out] ghost If non-NULL, receives ghost timestamp for new server.
 * @param[in] host Name of new server.
 * @param[in] numnick Numnick mask of new server.
 * @param[in] timestamp Claimed link timestamp of new server.
 * @param[in] hop Number of hops to the new server.
 * @param[in] junction Non-zero if the new server is still bursting.
 * @return CPTR_KILLED if \a cptr was SQUIT.  0 if some other server
 * was SQUIT.  1 if the new server is allowed.
static int
check_loop_and_lh(struct Client* cptr, struct Client *sptr, time_t *ghost, const char *host, const char *numnick, time_t timestamp, unsigned int hop, int junction)
  struct Client* acptr;
  struct Client* LHcptr = NULL;
  struct ConfItem* lhconf;
  enum lh_type active_lh_line = ALLOWED;
  int ii;

  if (ghost)
    *ghost = 0;

   * Calculate type of connect limit and applicable config item.
  lhconf = find_conf_byname(cli_confs(cptr), cli_name(cptr), CONF_SERVER);
  assert(lhconf != NULL);
  if (ghost)
    if (!feature_bool(FEAT_HUB))
      for (ii = 0; ii <= HighestFd; ii++)
        if (LocalClientArray[ii] && IsServer(LocalClientArray[ii])) {
          active_lh_line = I_AM_NOT_HUB;
  else if (hop > lhconf->maximum)
    /* Because "maximum" should be 0 for non-hub links, check whether
     * there is a hub mask -- if not, complain that the server isn't
     * allowed to hub.
    active_lh_line = lhconf->hub_limit ? MAX_HOPS_EXCEEDED : NOT_ALLOWED_TO_HUB;
  else if (lhconf->hub_limit && match(lhconf->hub_limit, host))
    struct Client *ac3ptr;
    active_lh_line = NOT_ALLOWED_TO_HUB;
    if (junction)
      for (ac3ptr = sptr; ac3ptr != &me; ac3ptr = cli_serv(ac3ptr)->up)
        if (IsJunction(ac3ptr)) {
          LHcptr = ac3ptr;

   *  We want to find IsConnecting() and IsHandshake() too,
   *  use FindClient().
   *  The second finds collisions with numeric representation of existing
   *  servers - these shouldn't happen anymore when all upgraded to 2.10.
   *  -- Run
  while ((acptr = FindClient(host))
         || (numnick && (acptr = FindNServer(numnick))))
     *  This link is trying feed me a server that I already have
     *  access through another path
     *  Do not allow Uworld to do this.
     *  Do not allow servers that are juped.
     *  Do not allow servers that have older link timestamps
     *    then this try.
     *  Do not allow servers that use the same numeric as an existing
     *    server, but have a different name.
     *  If my ircd.conf sucks, I can try to connect to myself:
    if (acptr == &me)
      return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "nick collision with me (%s), check server number in M:?", host);
     * Detect wrong numeric.
    if (0 != ircd_strcmp(cli_name(acptr), host))
      sendcmdto_serv(&me, CMD_WALLOPS, cptr,
                     ":SERVER Numeric Collision: %s != %s",
                     cli_name(acptr), host);
      return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me,
          "NUMERIC collision between %s and %s."
          " Is your server numeric correct ?", host, cli_name(acptr));
     *  Kill our try, if we had one.
    if (IsConnecting(acptr))
      if (active_lh_line == ALLOWED && exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me,
          "Just connected via another link") == CPTR_KILLED)
        return CPTR_KILLED;
       * We can have only ONE 'IsConnecting', 'IsHandshake' or
       * 'IsServer', because new 'IsConnecting's are refused to
       * the same server if we already had it.
     * Avoid other nick collisions...
     * This is a doubtful test though, what else would it be
     * when it has a server.name ?
    else if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsHandshake(acptr))
      return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me,
                             "Nickname %s already exists!", host);
     * Our new server might be a juped server:
    else if (IsServer(acptr) && (0 == ircd_strncmp(cli_info(acptr), "JUPE", 4)))
      if (!IsServer(sptr))
        return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, cli_info(acptr));
      sendcmdto_serv(&me, CMD_WALLOPS, cptr,
                     ":Received :%s SERVER %s from %s !?!",
                     NumServ(cptr), host, cli_name(cptr));
      return exit_new_server(cptr, sptr, host, timestamp, "%s", cli_info(acptr));
     * Of course we find the handshake this link was before :)
    else if (IsHandshake(acptr) && acptr == cptr)
     * Here we have a server nick collision...
     * We don't want to kill the link that was last /connected,
     * but we neither want to kill a good (old) link.
     * Therefor we kill the second youngest link.
    if (1)
      struct Client* c2ptr = 0;
      struct Client* c3ptr = acptr;
      struct Client* ac2ptr;
      struct Client* ac3ptr;

      /* Search youngest link: */
      for (ac3ptr = acptr; ac3ptr != &me; ac3ptr = cli_serv(ac3ptr)->up)
        if (cli_serv(ac3ptr)->timestamp > cli_serv(c3ptr)->timestamp)
          c3ptr = ac3ptr;
      if (IsServer(sptr))
        for (ac3ptr = sptr; ac3ptr != &me; ac3ptr = cli_serv(ac3ptr)->up)
          if (cli_serv(ac3ptr)->timestamp > cli_serv(c3ptr)->timestamp)
            c3ptr = ac3ptr;
      if (timestamp > cli_serv(c3ptr)->timestamp)
        c3ptr = 0;
        c2ptr = acptr;          /* Make sure they differ */
      /* Search second youngest link: */
      for (ac2ptr = acptr; ac2ptr != &me; ac2ptr = cli_serv(ac2ptr)->up)
        if (ac2ptr != c3ptr &&
            cli_serv(ac2ptr)->timestamp >
            (c2ptr ? cli_serv(c2ptr)->timestamp : timestamp))
          c2ptr = ac2ptr;
      if (IsServer(sptr))
        for (ac2ptr = sptr; ac2ptr != &me; ac2ptr = cli_serv(ac2ptr)->up)
          if (ac2ptr != c3ptr &&
              cli_serv(ac2ptr)->timestamp >
              (c2ptr ? cli_serv(c2ptr)->timestamp : timestamp))
            c2ptr = ac2ptr;
      if (c3ptr && timestamp > (c2ptr ? cli_serv(c2ptr)->timestamp : timestamp))
        c2ptr = 0;
      /* If timestamps are equal, decide which link to break
       *  by name.
      if ((c2ptr ? cli_serv(c2ptr)->timestamp : timestamp) ==
          (c3ptr ? cli_serv(c3ptr)->timestamp : timestamp))
        const char *n2, *n2up, *n3, *n3up;
        if (c2ptr)
          n2 = cli_name(c2ptr);
          n2up = MyConnect(c2ptr) ? cli_name(&me) : cli_name(cli_serv(c2ptr)->up);
          n2 = host;
          n2up = IsServer(sptr) ? cli_name(sptr) : cli_name(&me);
        if (c3ptr)
          n3 = cli_name(c3ptr);
          n3up = MyConnect(c3ptr) ? cli_name(&me) : cli_name(cli_serv(c3ptr)->up);
          n3 = host;
          n3up = IsServer(sptr) ? cli_name(sptr) : cli_name(&me);
        if (strcmp(n2, n2up) > 0)
          n2 = n2up;
        if (strcmp(n3, n3up) > 0)
          n3 = n3up;
        if (strcmp(n3, n2) > 0)
          ac2ptr = c2ptr;
          c2ptr = c3ptr;
          c3ptr = ac2ptr;
      /* Now squit the second youngest link: */
      if (!c2ptr)
        return exit_new_server(cptr, sptr, host, timestamp,
                               "server %s already exists and is %ld seconds younger.",
                               host, (long)cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp - (long)timestamp);
      else if (cli_from(c2ptr) == cptr || IsServer(sptr))
        struct Client *killedptrfrom = cli_from(c2ptr);
        if (active_lh_line != ALLOWED)
           * If the L: or H: line also gets rid of this link,
           * we sent just one squit.
          if (LHcptr && a_kills_b_too(LHcptr, c2ptr))
           * If breaking the loop here solves the L: or H:
           * line problem, we don't squit that.
          if (cli_from(c2ptr) == cptr || (LHcptr && a_kills_b_too(c2ptr, LHcptr)))
            active_lh_line = ALLOWED;
             * If we still have a L: or H: line problem,
             * we prefer to squit the new server, solving
             * loop and L:/H: line problem with only one squit.
            LHcptr = 0;
         * If the new server was introduced by a server that caused a
         * Ghost less then 20 seconds ago, this is probably also
         * a Ghost... (20 seconds is more then enough because all
         * SERVER messages are at the beginning of a net.burst). --Run
        if (CurrentTime - cli_serv(cptr)->ghost < 20)
          killedptrfrom = cli_from(acptr);
          if (exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Ghost loop") == CPTR_KILLED)
            return CPTR_KILLED;
        else if (exit_client_msg(cptr, c2ptr, &me,
            "Loop <-- %s (new link is %ld seconds younger)", host,
            (c3ptr ? (long)cli_serv(c3ptr)->timestamp : timestamp) -
            (long)cli_serv(c2ptr)->timestamp) == CPTR_KILLED)
          return CPTR_KILLED;
         * Did we kill the incoming server off already ?
        if (killedptrfrom == cptr)
          return 0;
        if (active_lh_line != ALLOWED)
          if (LHcptr && a_kills_b_too(LHcptr, acptr))
          if (cli_from(acptr) == cptr || (LHcptr && a_kills_b_too(acptr, LHcptr)))
            active_lh_line = ALLOWED;
            LHcptr = 0;
         * We can't believe it is a lagged server message
         * when it directly connects to us...
         * kill the older link at the ghost, rather then
         * at the second youngest link, assuming it isn't
         * a REAL loop.
        if (ghost)
          *ghost = CurrentTime;            /* Mark that it caused a ghost */
        if (exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Ghost") == CPTR_KILLED)
          return CPTR_KILLED;

  if (active_lh_line != ALLOWED)
    if (!LHcptr)
      LHcptr = sptr;
    if (active_lh_line == MAX_HOPS_EXCEEDED)
      return exit_client_msg(cptr, LHcptr, &me,
                             "Maximum hops exceeded for %s at %s",
                             cli_name(cptr), host);
    else if (active_lh_line == NOT_ALLOWED_TO_HUB)
      return exit_client_msg(cptr, LHcptr, &me,
                             "%s is not allowed to hub for %s",
                             cli_name(cptr), host);
    else /* I_AM_NOT_HUB */
      return exit_client(cptr, LHcptr, &me, "I'm a leaf, define the HUB feature");

  return 1;
Exemple #5
static void dump_map(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *server, char *mask, int prompt_length)
    static char prompt[64];
    struct DLink *lp;
    char *p = &prompt[prompt_length];
    int cnt = 0;

    *p = '\0';
    if (prompt_length > 60)
        send_reply(cptr, RPL_MAPMORE, prompt, cli_name(server));
    else {
        char lag[512];
        int showserv = 1;
        unsigned int totalusers = UserStats.clients;
        unsigned int percentage;
        unsigned int serv_clients;

        if (totalusers == 0)
            totalusers = 1; /* ¿? NO deberia ocurrir nunca... */

        percentage = (10000 * (IsMe(server) ? UserStats.local_clients : cli_serv(server)->clients)) / totalusers;
        if (IsMe(server))
        else if (cli_serv(server)->lag>10000)
        else if (cli_serv(server)->lag<0)
        if (IsHiddenserv(server) && !feature_bool(FEAT_SHOWSERVON_MAP))
            if (!IsAnOper(cptr) && !es_representante(cptr))
                showserv = 0;

        serv_clients = (server == &me) ? UserStats.local_clients : cli_serv(server)->clients;

        send_reply(cptr, RPL_MAP, prompt, (
                       (IsBurst(server)) ? "*" : (IsBurstAck(server) ? "!" : "")),
                   showserv ? cli_name(server) : feature_str(FEAT_HIS_SERVERNAME),
                   lag, NumServ(server), base64toint(NumServ(server)), serv_clients,
                   (serv_clients == 1) ? "" : "s",
                   (percentage / 100), (percentage % 100));
    if (prompt_length > 0)
        p[-1] = ' ';
        if (p[-2] == '`')
            p[-2] = ' ';
    if (prompt_length > 60)
    strcpy(p, "|-");
    for (lp = cli_serv(server)->down; lp; lp = lp->next)
        if (match(mask, cli_name(lp->value.cptr)))
            cli_flags(lp->value.cptr) &= ~FLAGS_MAP;
            cli_flags(lp->value.cptr) |= FLAGS_MAP;
    for (lp = cli_serv(server)->down; lp; lp = lp->next)
        if ((cli_flags(lp->value.cptr) & FLAGS_MAP) == 0)
        if (--cnt == 0)
            *p = '`';
        dump_map(cptr, lp->value.cptr, mask, prompt_length + 2);
    if (prompt_length > 0)
        p[-1] = '-';