Exemple #1
static void
test_bigend_u64(TestBatch *batch) {
    size_t    count     = 32;
    uint64_t *ints      = TestUtils_random_u64s(NULL, count, 0, U64_MAX);
    size_t    amount    = (count + 1) * sizeof(uint64_t);
    char     *allocated = (char*)CALLOCATE(amount, sizeof(char));
    char     *encoded   = allocated + 1; // Intentionally misaligned.
    char     *target    = encoded;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        NumUtil_encode_bigend_u64(ints[i], &target);
        target += sizeof(uint64_t);
    target = encoded;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        uint64_t got = NumUtil_decode_bigend_u64(target);
        TEST_TRUE(batch, got == ints[i], "bigend u64");
        target += sizeof(uint64_t);

    target = encoded;
    NumUtil_encode_bigend_u64(1, &target);
    TEST_INT_EQ(batch, encoded[0], 0, "Truly big-endian");
    TEST_INT_EQ(batch, encoded[7], 1, "Truly big-endian");

Exemple #2
InStream_read_f64(InStream *self) {
    union { double d; uint64_t u64; } duo;
    SI_read_bytes(self, (char*)&duo, sizeof(double));
    duo.u64 = NumUtil_decode_bigend_u64(&duo.u64);
    return duo.d;
Exemple #3
static INLINE uint64_t
SI_read_u64(InStream *self) {
    uint64_t retval;
    SI_read_bytes(self, (char*)&retval, 8);
    retval = NumUtil_decode_bigend_u64((char*)&retval);
    return retval;
Exemple #4
static void
S_read_entry(LexIndex *self) {
    LexIndexIVARS *const ivars = LexIndex_IVARS(self);
    InStream *ix_in  = ivars->ix_in;
    TermInfo *const tinfo = ivars->tinfo;
    int64_t offset = (int64_t)NumUtil_decode_bigend_u64(ivars->offsets + ivars->tick);
    InStream_Seek(ix_in, offset);
    TermStepper_Read_Key_Frame(ivars->term_stepper, ix_in);
    int32_t doc_freq = InStream_Read_C32(ix_in);
    TInfo_Set_Doc_Freq(tinfo, doc_freq);
    TInfo_Set_Post_FilePos(tinfo, InStream_Read_C64(ix_in));
    int64_t skip_filepos = doc_freq >= ivars->skip_interval
                           ? InStream_Read_C64(ix_in)
                           : 0;
    TInfo_Set_Skip_FilePos(tinfo, skip_filepos);
    TInfo_Set_Lex_FilePos(tinfo, InStream_Read_C64(ix_in));
Exemple #5
LexIndex_Seek_IMP(LexIndex *self, Obj *target) {
    LexIndexIVARS *const ivars = LexIndex_IVARS(self);
    TermStepper *term_stepper = ivars->term_stepper;
    InStream    *ix_in        = ivars->ix_in;
    FieldType   *type         = ivars->field_type;
    int32_t      lo           = 0;
    int32_t      hi           = ivars->size - 1;
    int32_t      result       = -100;

    if (target == NULL || ivars->size == 0) {
        ivars->tick = 0;
    else {
        if (!Obj_is_a(target, STRING)) {
            THROW(ERR, "Target is a %o, and not comparable to a %o",
                  Obj_get_class_name(target), Class_Get_Name(STRING));
        /* TODO:
        Obj *first_obj = Vec_Fetch(terms, 0);
        if (!Obj_is_a(target, Obj_get_class(first_obj))) {
            THROW(ERR, "Target is a %o, and not comparable to a %o",
                Obj_get_class_name(target), Obj_get_class_name(first_obj));

    // Divide and conquer.
    while (hi >= lo) {
        const int32_t mid = lo + ((hi - lo) / 2);
        const int64_t offset
            = (int64_t)NumUtil_decode_bigend_u64(ivars->offsets + mid);
        InStream_Seek(ix_in, offset);
        TermStepper_Read_Key_Frame(term_stepper, ix_in);

        // Compare values.  There is no need for a NULL-check because the term
        // number is alway between 0 and ivars->size - 1.
        Obj *value = TermStepper_Get_Value(term_stepper);
        int32_t comparison = FType_Compare_Values(type, target, value);

        if (comparison < 0) {
            hi = mid - 1;
        else if (comparison > 0) {
            lo = mid + 1;
        else {
            result = mid;

    // Record the index of the entry we've seeked to, then read entry.
    ivars->tick = hi == -1 // indicating that target lt first entry
                 ? 0
                 : result == -100 // if result is still -100, it wasn't set
                 ? hi
                 : result;