Exemple #1
void buzzer_play(note *notes)

	/* Allow buzzer PWM output on P2.7 */
	P2SEL |= BIT7;

	/* 0x000F is the "stop bit" */
	while (PITCH(*notes) != 0x000F) {
		if (PITCH(*notes) == 0) {
			/* Stop the timer! We are playing a rest */
			TA1CTL &= ~MC_3;
		} else {
			/* Set PWM frequency */
			TA1CCR0 = base_notes[PITCH(*notes)] >> OCTAVE(*notes);

			/* Start the timer */
			TA1CTL |= MC__UP;

		/* Delay for DURATION(*notes) milliseconds,
		   use LPM1 because we need SMCLK for tone generation */
		timer0_delay(DURATION(*notes), LPM1_bits);

		/* Advance to the next note */

	/* Stop buzzer */
Exemple #2
void buzzer_callback()
	/* Start by incrementing the counter; we are playing the next note
	 * This is here because the index must atually point to the note
	 * currently playing, so main knows if we can go to LPM3 */

	/* Here the -1 is needed for the offset of buzzer_counter due to the
	 * increment above. */
	note n = *(buzzer_buffer + buzzer_counter - 1);
	/* 0x000F is the "stop bit" */
	if(PITCH(n) == 0) {
		/* Stop buzzer */
	if (PITCH(n) == 0x000F) {
		/* Stop the timer! We are playing a rest */
		TA1CTL &= ~MC_3;
	} else {
		/* Set PWM frequency */
		TA1CCR0 = base_notes[PITCH(n)] >> OCTAVE(n);

		/* Start the timer */
		TA1CTL |= MC__UP;

	/* Delay for DURATION(*n) milliseconds, */
	timer0_delay_callback(DURATION(n), &buzzer_callback);
Exemple #3
// Play a sequence of MelodyNotes
// Sequence must terminate with octave == -1
void playMelody(prog_uint16_t* notes)
  int i=0;
  while (true) {
    uint16_t melody_note = pgm_read_word_near(notes + i);
    uint8_t duration = DURATION(melody_note);
    if (duration == 0) {
      // Silence the buzzer at the end, in case the sequence did not do so.
      playMidiNote(0, NOTE_SILENCE);
    uint8_t octave = OCTAVE(melody_note);
    uint8_t note = NOTE(melody_note);
    playMidiNote(octave, note);

    // NOTE(mikey): Originally, we used the busy-loop _delay_ms method to avoid
    // tmr0. This was blowing up the program size as well.