Exemple #1
bool RelativisticCorrection::Initialize()

   if (!eop) throw ODEModelException(
             wxT("EOP file is undefined for RelativisticCorrection ") + instanceName);

   if (solarSystem != NULL)
      body    = solarSystem->GetBody(bodyName);
      theSun  = solarSystem->GetBody(SolarSystem::SUN_NAME);

      if (body != NULL)
         bodyMu       = body->GetGravitationalConstant();
         sunMu        = theSun->GetGravitationalConstant();

                (wxT("RelativisticCorrection::Initialize() setting mu=%f for type=%s, ")
                 wxT("name=%s\n"), bodyMu, body->GetTypeName().c_str(),

         initialized = false;
         throw ODEModelException(wxT("RelativisticCorrection::Initialize() body \"") +
            bodyName + wxT("\" is not in the solar system\n"));
      initialized = false;
      throw ODEModelException(
         wxT("RelativisticCorrection::Initialize() solarSystem is NULL\n"));

   // Create the coordinate systems needed (Earth only)
   if (body->GetName() == GmatSolarSystemDefaults::EARTH_NAME)
      bodyInertial = CoordinateSystem::CreateLocalCoordinateSystem(wxT("bodyInertial"), wxT("MJ2000Eq"), body,
                                       NULL, NULL, body->GetJ2000Body(), solarSystem);
      bodyFixed    = CoordinateSystem::CreateLocalCoordinateSystem(wxT("bodyFixed"), wxT("BodyFixed"), body,
                                       NULL, NULL, body->GetJ2000Body(), solarSystem);

   return true;
Exemple #2
bool RelativisticCorrection::GetDerivatives(Real *state, Real dt, Integer order, const Integer id)
   if ((order > 2) || (order < 1))
      return false;

   if ((cartesianCount < 1)  && (stmCount < 1) && (aMatrixCount < 1))
      throw ODEModelException(
         wxT("RelativisticCorrection requires at least one spacecraft."));

   now         = epoch + dt/GmatTimeConstants::SECS_PER_DAY;

   if (fillCartesian)
      Rvector6  stateWRTSun, dummy, dummyResult;
      Real      r, v, s1, posMag, rvDotvvX4, s2_1, lt1, lt2;
      Real      muSunc2r3;
      Real      threeOver2 = 3.0 / 2.0;
      Rmatrix33 RB_IF;
      Real      ar[3], geodesic[3], s2[3], s3[3], schwarzschild[3], J1[3], J[3], rvCrossvv[3], vvCrossJ[3];
      Real      rv[3], vv[3], omega[3], vel[3], pos[3], lenseThirring[3], posWRTSun[3], velWRTSun[3];
      Real      c      = GmatPhysicalConstants::SPEED_OF_LIGHT_VACUUM * GmatMathConstants::M_TO_KM;

      J[0]             = J[1]             = J[2]             = 0.0;
      omega[0]         = omega[1]         = omega[2]         = 0.0;
      geodesic[0]      = geodesic[1]      = geodesic[2]      = 0.0;
      lenseThirring[0] = lenseThirring[1] = lenseThirring[2] = 0.0;
      if (body->GetName() == GmatSolarSystemDefaults::EARTH_NAME)
         // compute quantities needed for geodesic and lense-thirring terms, for Earth ONLY
         stateWRTSun  = - theSun->GetMJ2000State(now);  // since state of Earth wrt Earth = (0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
         posWRTSun[0] = stateWRTSun[0];
         posWRTSun[1] = stateWRTSun[1];
         posWRTSun[2] = stateWRTSun[2];
         velWRTSun[0] = stateWRTSun[3];
         velWRTSun[1] = stateWRTSun[4];
         velWRTSun[2] = stateWRTSun[5];
         posMag       = GmatMathUtil::Sqrt(posWRTSun[0] * posWRTSun[0] + posWRTSun[1] * posWRTSun[1] + posWRTSun[2] * posWRTSun[2]);
         muSunc2r3    = sunMu / (c * c * posMag * posMag * posMag);
         vel[0]       = threeOver2 * velWRTSun[0];
         vel[1]       = threeOver2 * velWRTSun[1];
         vel[2]       = threeOver2 * velWRTSun[2];
         pos[0]       = -muSunc2r3 * posWRTSun[0];
         pos[1]       = -muSunc2r3 * posWRTSun[1];
         pos[2]       = -muSunc2r3 * posWRTSun[2];
         omega[0]     = vel[1]*pos[2] - vel[2]*pos[1];
         omega[1]     = vel[2]*pos[0] - vel[0]*pos[2];
         omega[2]     = vel[0]*pos[1] - vel[1]*pos[0];
         cc.Convert(now, dummy, bodyFixed, dummyResult, bodyInertial);
         bodyRadius   = body->GetEquatorialRadius();
         // Get xp and yp from the EOP file
//         Real xp, yp;
//         Real lod = 0.0;   // Set this to 0.0 for now
//         Real utcmjd  = TimeConverterUtil::Convert(now.Get(), TimeConverterUtil::A1MJD, TimeConverterUtil::UTCMJD,
//                       GmatTimeConstants::JD_JAN_5_1941);
//         eop->GetPolarMotionAndLod(utcmjd, xp, yp, lod);
         bodySpinRate = 7.29211514670698e-5; //  * (1.0 - (lod / GmatTimeConstants::SECS_PER_DAY));
         RB_IF        = cc.GetLastRotationMatrix();
         J1[0] = 0.0;
         J1[1] = 0.0;
         J1[2] = (2.0 / 5.0) * bodyRadius * bodyRadius * bodySpinRate;
         J[0] = RB_IF(0,0)*J1[0] + RB_IF(0,1)*J1[1] + RB_IF(0,2)*J1[2];
         J[1] = RB_IF(1,0)*J1[0] + RB_IF(1,1)*J1[1] + RB_IF(1,2)*J1[2];
         J[2] = RB_IF(2,0)*J1[0] + RB_IF(2,1)*J1[1] + RB_IF(2,2)*J1[2];

            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("posWRTSun = %12.10f   %12.10f   %12.10f\n"), posWRTSun[0], posWRTSun[1], posWRTSun[2]);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("velWRTSun = %12.10f   %12.10f   %12.10f\n"), velWRTSun[0], velWRTSun[1], velWRTSun[2]);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("big Omega = %12.10f   %12.10f   %12.10f\n"), omega[0], omega[1], omega[2]);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("J         = %12.10f   %12.10f   %12.10f\n"), J[0], J[1], J[2]);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("c         = %12.10f\n"), c);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("sunMu     = %12.10f\n"), sunMu);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("bodyMu    = %12.10f\n"), bodyMu);
      Integer nOffset;
      for (Integer n = 0; n < cartesianCount; ++n)
         nOffset = cartesianStart + n * 6;   // stateSize;
         for (Integer i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            rv[i] = state[i+nOffset];
            vv[i] = state[i+nOffset+3];

         // Compute the Schwarzschild solution
         r             = GmatMathUtil::Sqrt(rv[0] * rv[0] + rv[1] * rv[1] + rv[2] * rv[2]);
         v             = GmatMathUtil::Sqrt(vv[0] * vv[0] + vv[1] * vv[1] + vv[2] * vv[2]);
         s1            = bodyMu / (c * c * r * r * r);
         s2_1          = (4.0 * bodyMu / r) - (v * v);
         s2[0]         = s2_1 * rv[0];
         s2[1]         = s2_1 * rv[1];
         s2[2]         = s2_1 * rv[2];
         rvDotvvX4     = 4.0 * (rv[0] * vv[0] + rv[1] * vv[1] + rv[2] * vv[2]);
         s3[0]         = rvDotvvX4 * vv[0];
         s3[1]         = rvDotvvX4 * vv[1];
         s3[2]         = rvDotvvX4 * vv[2];
         schwarzschild[0] = s1 * (s2[0] + s3[0]);
         schwarzschild[1] = s1 * (s2[1] + s3[1]);
         schwarzschild[2] = s1 * (s2[2] + s3[2]);
         // ONLY IF the body is the Earth, compute the other terms
         if (body->GetName() == GmatSolarSystemDefaults::EARTH_NAME)
            // Compute the geodesic precession
            geodesic[0]       =  2.0 * (omega[1]*vv[2] - omega[2]*vv[1]);
            geodesic[1]       =  2.0 * (omega[2]*vv[0] - omega[0]*vv[2]);
            geodesic[2]       =  2.0 * (omega[0]*vv[1] - omega[1]*vv[0]);

            // Compute the Lense-Thirring precession
//            J = 11.8 * omega.GetUnitVector();  // ******************** TEMPORARY - Steve's value
            rvCrossvv[0] = rv[1]*vv[2] - rv[2]*vv[1];
            rvCrossvv[1] = rv[2]*vv[0] - rv[0]*vv[2];
            rvCrossvv[2] = rv[0]*vv[1] - rv[1]*vv[0];
            vvCrossJ[0]  = vv[1]*J[2]  - vv[2]*J[1];
            vvCrossJ[1]  = vv[2]*J[0]  - vv[0]*J[2];
            vvCrossJ[2]  = vv[0]*J[1]  - vv[1]*J[0];
            lt1          = 2.0 * s1;
            lt2          = (3.0 / (r * r)) * (rv[0] * J[0] + rv[1] * J[1] + rv[2] * J[2]);

            lenseThirring[0]  =  lt1 * ((lt2 * rvCrossvv[0]) + vvCrossJ[0]);
            lenseThirring[1]  =  lt1 * ((lt2 * rvCrossvv[1]) + vvCrossJ[1]);
            lenseThirring[2]  =  lt1 * ((lt2 * rvCrossvv[2]) + vvCrossJ[2]);

            //Add the terms together
            ar[0]  = schwarzschild[0] + geodesic[0] + lenseThirring[0];
            ar[1]  = schwarzschild[1] + geodesic[1] + lenseThirring[1];
            ar[2]  = schwarzschild[2] + geodesic[2] + lenseThirring[2];
            ar[0] = schwarzschild[0];
            ar[1] = schwarzschild[1];
            ar[2] = schwarzschild[2];
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("schwarzschild = %12.10f   %12.10f   %12.10f\n"), schwarzschild[0], schwarzschild[1], schwarzschild[2]);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("geodesic      = %12.10f   %12.10f   %12.10f\n"), geodesic[0], geodesic[1], geodesic[2]);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("lenseThirring = %12.10f   %12.10f   %12.10f\n"), lenseThirring[0], lenseThirring[1], lenseThirring[2]);

         // Fill Derivatives
         switch (order)
            case 1:
               deriv[0+nOffset] = 0.0;
               deriv[1+nOffset] = 0.0;
               deriv[2+nOffset] = 0.0;
               deriv[3+nOffset] = ar[0];
               deriv[4+nOffset] = ar[1];
               deriv[5+nOffset] = ar[2];

            case 2:
               deriv[0+nOffset] = ar[0];
               deriv[1+nOffset] = ar[1];
               deriv[2+nOffset] = ar[2];
               deriv[3+nOffset] = 0.0;
               deriv[4+nOffset] = 0.0;
               deriv[5+nOffset] = 0.0;

   }   // fillCartesian

   if (fillSTM)
      // Setting all zeroes for now
      Real aTilde[36];
      Integer element;
      for (Integer i = 0; i < stmCount; ++i)
         Integer i6 = stmStart + i * 36;

         // Calculate A-tilde
         aTilde[ 0] = aTilde[ 1] = aTilde[ 2] =
         aTilde[ 3] = aTilde[ 4] = aTilde[ 5] =
         aTilde[ 6] = aTilde[ 7] = aTilde[ 8] =
         aTilde[ 9] = aTilde[10] = aTilde[11] =
         aTilde[12] = aTilde[13] = aTilde[14] =
         aTilde[15] = aTilde[16] = aTilde[17] =
         aTilde[18] = aTilde[19] = aTilde[20] =
         aTilde[21] = aTilde[22] = aTilde[23] =
         aTilde[24] = aTilde[25] = aTilde[26] =
         aTilde[27] = aTilde[28] = aTilde[29] =
         aTilde[30] = aTilde[31] = aTilde[32] =
         aTilde[33] = aTilde[34] = aTilde[35] = 0.0;

         for (Integer j = 0; j < 6; j++)
            for (Integer k = 0; k < 6; k++)
               element = j * 6 + k;
               #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
                  MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("------ deriv[%d] = %12.10f\n"), (i6+element), aTilde[element]);
               deriv[i6+element] = aTilde[element];
   if (fillAMatrix)
      // Setting all zeroes for now
      Real aTilde[36];
      Integer element;
      for (Integer i = 0; i < aMatrixCount; ++i)
         Integer i6 = aMatrixStart + i * 36;

         // Calculate A-tilde
         aTilde[ 0] = aTilde[ 1] = aTilde[ 2] =
         aTilde[ 3] = aTilde[ 4] = aTilde[ 5] =
         aTilde[ 6] = aTilde[ 7] = aTilde[ 8] =
         aTilde[ 9] = aTilde[10] = aTilde[11] =
         aTilde[12] = aTilde[13] = aTilde[14] =
         aTilde[15] = aTilde[16] = aTilde[17] =
         aTilde[18] = aTilde[19] = aTilde[20] =
         aTilde[21] = aTilde[22] = aTilde[23] =
         aTilde[24] = aTilde[25] = aTilde[26] =
         aTilde[27] = aTilde[28] = aTilde[29] =
         aTilde[30] = aTilde[31] = aTilde[32] =
         aTilde[33] = aTilde[34] = aTilde[35] = 0.0;

         for (Integer j = 0; j < 6; j++)
            for (Integer k = 0; k < 6; k++)
               element = j * 6 + k;
               #ifdef DEBUG_DERIVATIVES
                  MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("------ deriv[%d] = %12.10f\n"), (i6+element), aTilde[element]);
               deriv[i6+element] = aTilde[element];

   return true;
Exemple #3
bool PointMassForce::Initialize()
   //MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("PointMassForce::Initialize() entered\n"));
   if (solarSystem != NULL)
      //   wxT("PointMassForce::Initialize() bodyName=%s\n"), bodyName.c_str());
      body = solarSystem->GetBody(bodyName); //loj: 5/7/04 added
      if (body != NULL)
         mu = body->GetGravitationalConstant();
         #if DEBUG_PMF_BODY
                (wxT("PointMassForce::Initialize() setting mu=%f for type=%s, ")
                 wxT("name=%s\n"), mu, body->GetTypeName().c_str(), 
         #ifdef DEBUG_FORCE_MODEL
               wxT("Point mass body "), body->GetName().c_str(),
               wxT(" has mu = "), mu);
            wxT("PointMassForce::Initialize() body \"%s\" is not in the solar ")
            wxT("system\n"), bodyName.c_str());
         initialized = false;
         throw ODEModelException(wxT("PointMassForce::Initialize() body \"") +
            bodyName + wxT("\" is not in the solar system\n"));
         wxT("PointMassForce::Initialize() solarSystem is NULL\n"));
      initialized = false;
      throw ODEModelException(
         wxT("PointMassForce::Initialize() solarSystem is NULL\n"));
   Integer i6;
   for (Integer i = 0; i < satCount; i++) 
      i6 = cartesianStart + i*6;
      modelState[i6]   = 7000.0 + 200.0 * i;
      modelState[i6+1] = 300.0 * i;
      modelState[i6+2] = 1000.0 - 100.0 * i;
      modelState[i6+3] = 0.0;
      modelState[i6+4] = 8.0 + 0.1 * i;    // 7.61 km/s makes first one circular
      modelState[i6+5] = 0.0;

   return true;