Exemple #1
void GDALWPrintRecords(GDALWConnection conn) {
	char * wkt;
	int i;
	OGRFeatureH feature;
	OGRGeometryH geometry;
	OGRFeatureDefnH featureDefn;
	featureDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(conn.layer);
	while( (feature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(conn.layer)) != NULL ) {
		for(i = 0; i < OGR_FD_GetFieldCount(featureDefn); i++ ) {
			OGRFieldDefnH hFieldDefn = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn( featureDefn, i );
		    if( OGR_Fld_GetType(hFieldDefn) == OFTInteger )
		    	printf( "%d,", OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( feature, i ) );
		    else if( OGR_Fld_GetType(hFieldDefn) == OFTReal )
		        printf( "%.3f,", OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( feature, i) );
		    	printf( "%s,", OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( feature, i) );

		geometry = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(feature);
		OGR_G_ExportToWkt(geometry, &wkt);
		printf("%s", wkt);
void QgsOgrFeatureIterator::getFeatureAttribute( OGRFeatureH ogrFet, QgsFeature & f, int attindex )
  OGRFieldDefnH fldDef = OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef( ogrFet, attindex );

  if ( ! fldDef )
    QgsDebugMsg( "ogrFet->GetFieldDefnRef(attindex) returns NULL" );

  QVariant value;

  if ( OGR_F_IsFieldSet( ogrFet, attindex ) )
    switch ( P->mAttributeFields[attindex].type() )
      case QVariant::String: value = QVariant( P->mEncoding->toUnicode( OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( ogrFet, attindex ) ) ); break;
      case QVariant::Int: value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( ogrFet, attindex ) ); break;
      case QVariant::Double: value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( ogrFet, attindex ) ); break;
        //case QVariant::DateTime: value = QVariant(QDateTime::fromString(str)); break;
      default: assert( NULL && "unsupported field type" );
    value = QVariant( QString::null );

  f.setAttribute( attindex, value );
void QgsOgrFeatureIterator::getFeatureAttribute( OGRFeatureH ogrFet, QgsFeature & f, int attindex )
  OGRFieldDefnH fldDef = OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef( ogrFet, attindex );

  if ( ! fldDef )
    QgsDebugMsg( "ogrFet->GetFieldDefnRef(attindex) returns NULL" );

  QVariant value;

  if ( OGR_F_IsFieldSet( ogrFet, attindex ) )
    switch ( mSource->mFields.at( attindex ).type() )
      case QVariant::String: value = QVariant( mSource->mEncoding->toUnicode( OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( ogrFet, attindex ) ) ); break;
      case QVariant::Int: value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( ogrFet, attindex ) ); break;
#if defined(GDAL_VERSION_NUM) && GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 2000000
      case QVariant::LongLong: value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64( ogrFet, attindex ) ); break;
      case QVariant::Double: value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( ogrFet, attindex ) ); break;
      case QVariant::Date:
      case QVariant::DateTime:
        int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tzf;

        OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime( ogrFet, attindex, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second, &tzf );
        if ( mSource->mFields.at( attindex ).type() == QVariant::Date )
          value = QDate( year, month, day );
          value = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ), QTime( hour, minute, second ) );
        assert( 0 && "unsupported field type" );
    value = QVariant( QString::null );

  f.setAttribute( attindex, value );
Exemple #4

{ok, DataSource} = lgeo_ogr:open("test/polygon.shp"),
{ok, Layer} = lgeo_ogr:ds_get_layer(DataSource, 0),
{ok, Feature} = lgeo_ogr:l_get_feature(Layer, 0),
{ok, Fields} = lgeo_ogr:f_get_fields(Feature).
f_get_fields(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
    EnvFeature_t **feature;
    ERL_NIF_TERM eterm;

    if (argc != 1) {
        return enif_make_badarg(env);

    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], OGR_F_RESOURCE, (void**)&feature)) {
        return enif_make_badarg(env);

    OGRFeatureDefnH feature_defn = OGR_F_GetDefnRef((**feature).obj);
    int count = OGR_FD_GetFieldCount(feature_defn);
    ERL_NIF_TERM *arr = (ERL_NIF_TERM *) malloc(sizeof(ERL_NIF_TERM)*count);
    int index;
    for(index=0; index<count; index++)
        OGRFieldDefnH field_defn = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn(feature_defn, index);
        if(OGR_Fld_GetType(field_defn) == OFTInteger) {
            arr[index] = enif_make_int(env,
                OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger((**feature).obj, index));
        } else if(OGR_Fld_GetType(field_defn) == OFTReal) {
            arr[index] = enif_make_double(env,
                OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble((**feature).obj, index));
        } else if(OGR_Fld_GetType(field_defn) == OFTString) {
            arr[index] = enif_make_string(env,
                OGR_F_GetFieldAsString((**feature).obj, index),
        } else {
            arr[index] = enif_make_string(env,
                OGR_F_GetFieldAsString((**feature).obj, index),

    eterm = enif_make_tuple_from_array(env, arr, index);
    return enif_make_tuple2(env, enif_make_atom(env, "ok"), eterm);
Exemple #5
int readoutlets(char *outletsds,char *lyrname, int uselayername,int outletslyr,OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRSRaster,int *noutlets, double*& x, double*& y,int*& id)

	// initializing datasoruce,layer,feature, geomtery, spatial reference
    OGRSFDriverH    driver;
    OGRDataSourceH  hDS1;
	OGRLayerH       hLayer1;
	OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn1;
	OGRFieldDefnH   hFieldDefn1;
	OGRFeatureH     hFeature1;
	OGRGeometryH    geometry, line;
	OGRSpatialReferenceH hRSOutlet;
	// register all ogr driver related to OGR

	// open data source
	hDS1 = OGROpen(outletsds, FALSE, NULL );
	if( hDS1 == NULL )
	printf( "Error Opening OGR Data Source .\n" );
	return 1;
    //get layer from layer name
	if(uselayername==1) { hLayer1 = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS1,lyrname);}
		//get layerinfo from layer number
	else { hLayer1 = OGR_DS_GetLayer(hDS1,outletslyr);} // get layerinfo from layername

	if(hLayer1 == NULL)getlayerfail(hDS1,outletsds,outletslyr);
	OGRwkbGeometryType gtype;

	// Test that the type is a point
	if(gtype != wkbPoint)getlayerfail(hDS1,outletsds,outletslyr);

	const char* RasterProjectionName;
	const char* sprs;
	const char* sprso;
	const char* OutletProjectionName;
	int pj_raster,pj_outlet;

	// Spatial reference of outlet
	hRSOutlet = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(hLayer1);
	  pj_raster=OSRIsProjected(hSRSRaster); // find if projected or not
	  if(pj_raster==0) {sprs="GEOGCS";} else { sprs="PROJCS"; }
	  RasterProjectionName = OSRGetAttrValue(hSRSRaster,sprs,0); // get projection name
	  if(pj_outlet==0) {sprso="GEOGCS";} else { sprso="PROJCS"; }
	  OutletProjectionName = OSRGetAttrValue(hRSOutlet,sprso,0);

	//Write warnings where projections may not match
	if(hRSOutlet!=NULL && hSRSRaster!=NULL){
		if (pj_raster==pj_outlet){
			 int rc= strcmp(RasterProjectionName,OutletProjectionName); // compare string
				printf( "Warning: Projection of Outlet feature and Raster data may be different.\n" );
				printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
                printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);
		else {
			  printf( "Warning: Spatial References of Outlet feature and Raster data are different.\n" );
			  printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
              printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);
	else if(hSRSRaster==NULL && hRSOutlet!=NULL) {
		      printf( "Warning: Spatial Reference of Raster is missing.\n" );
              printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);

	else if(hSRSRaster!=NULL && hRSOutlet==NULL) {
	          printf( "Warning: Spatial Reference of Outlet feature is missing.\n" );
			  printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
	else {
	          printf( "Warning: Spatial References of Outlet feature and Raster data are missing.\n" );

	long countPts=0;
	// count number of feature
	// get schema i.e geometry, properties (e.g. ID)
	hFDefn1 = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer1); 
	x = new double[countPts];
	y = new double[countPts];
	int iField;
	int nxy=0;
	id = new int[countPts];
	// loop through each feature and get lat,lon and id information

    while( (hFeature1 = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLayer1)) != NULL ) {

		 //hFeature1=OGR_L_GetFeature(hLayer1,j); // get feature info
		 geometry = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(hFeature1); // get geometry
         x[nxy] = OGR_G_GetX(geometry, 0);
		 y[nxy] =  OGR_G_GetY(geometry, 0);
		 int idfld =OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(hFeature1,"id");
		 if (idfld >= 0)
			hFieldDefn1 = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn( hFDefn1,idfld); // get field definiton based on index
			if( OGR_Fld_GetType(hFieldDefn1) == OFTInteger ) {
					id[nxy] =OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hFeature1, idfld );} // get id value 
		 else {
		      id[nxy]=1;// if there is no id field         
		 nxy++; // count number of outlets point
		 OGR_F_Destroy( hFeature1 ); // destroy feature
	OGR_DS_Destroy( hDS1); // destroy data source
	return 0;
Exemple #6
/* What we need:  specific condition, is walk in , tactic, distance elevation
 * minsteps, maxsteps, waterdrops, pump/roll, fwa id.
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

    const char *pszInputfile = NULL;
    const char *pszOutputfile = NULL;
    const char *pszOutputFormat = "CSV";
    char **papszCreateOptions = NULL;
    const char *pszDataPath = NULL;
    const char *pszFpuCode = NULL;
    int nLimit = 0;
    int bProgress = TRUE;
    double dfMaxX, dfMinX, dfMaxY, dfMinY;
    int bLimit = FALSE;
    double dfBuffer = 0.0;

    int i = 1;
    while( i < argc )
        if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-p" ) )
            bProgress = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-d" ) )
            pszDataPath = argv[++i];
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-of" ) )
            pszOutputFormat = argv[++i];
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-co" ) )
            papszCreateOptions = CSLAddString( papszCreateOptions, argv[++i] );
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-sl" ) )
            dfMaxX = atof(argv[++i]);
            dfMinX = atof(argv[++i]);
            dfMaxY = atof(argv[++i]);
            dfMinY = atof(argv[++i]);
            bLimit = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-fpu" ) )
            pszFpuCode = argv[++i];
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-b" ) )
            dfBuffer = atof( argv[++i] );
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-l" ) )
            nLimit = atoi( argv[++i] );
        else if( EQUAL( argv[i], "-h" ) )
        else if( pszInputfile == NULL )
            pszInputfile = argv[i];
        else if( pszOutputfile == NULL )
            pszOutputfile = argv[i];

    if( pszInputfile == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "No input file provided\n");
    if( pszOutputfile == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Invalid output selected, "
                "use database and table or output file\n" );

    pszDataPath = CPLGetConfigOption( "OMFFR_DATA", NULL );

    OGRDataSourceH hInputDS = OGROpen( pszInputfile, FALSE, NULL );
    if( hInputDS == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Cannot open input file\n" );

    int year, num, day;
    const char *dow, *disc_time;
    int bi;
    double ros;
    int fuel;
    const char *spec_cond;
    int slope, walkin;
    const char *tactic;
    double dist;
    int elev;
    double ltow;
    int minsteps = 250;
    int maxsteps = 10000;
    const char *sunrise, *sunset;
    int waterdrops, pumproll;
    char *abyFwa;
    const char *fwaid;
    double lon, lat;

    OGRLayerH hInputLayer;
    hInputLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName( hInputDS, CPLGetBasename( pszInputfile ) );
    OGRFeatureDefnH hInputFeatureDefn;

    OGRFeatureH hInputFeature;

    OGRGeometryH hGeometry;

    hInputFeatureDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( hInputLayer );

    const char *pszTmpFilename =CPLFormFilename( pszDataPath, "irs/FWA", ".dat" );
    std::vector<CFWA>fwas = LoadFwas( pszTmpFilename );
    int nFeatures = OGR_L_GetFeatureCount( hInputLayer, TRUE );
    FILE *fout = fopen( pszOutputfile, "w" );

    //CFWA *fwa;

    Random random;

    char pszDb[8192];
    sprintf( pszDb, "%s/omffr.sqlite", pszDataPath );

    IRSDataAccess *poDA = IRSDataAccess::Create( 0, pszDb );
    int rc;
    sqlite3 *db;
    rc = sqlite3_open_v2( pszDb, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL );
    rc = sqlite3_enable_load_extension( db, 1 );
    rc = sqlite3_load_extension( db, "/usr/local/lib/libspatialite.so", 0, NULL );
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, "SELECT * from fwa join fwa_bndry USING(fwa_gis_id) " \
                                 "WHERE ST_Contains(fwa_bndry.geometry, MakePoint(?, ?, 4269))",
                                 -1, &stmt, NULL );

        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Could not open DB");

    GDALTermProgress( 0.0, NULL, NULL );
    OGR_L_ResetReading( hInputLayer );
    const char *pszFwaName;
    int nDone = 0;
    while( ( hInputFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature( hInputLayer ) ) != NULL )
        fwaid = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( hInputFeature,
                                        OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                              "fwa_name" ) );
        abyFwa = CPLStrdup( fwaid );
        LaunderFwaName( abyFwa );
        fwa = FindFwa( fwas, abyFwa );
        if( fwa == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_FileIO,
                    "Could not load fwa (%s)from file, missing\n", abyFwa );
        /* Get fwa by point */
        hGeometry = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef( hInputFeature );
        /* Try to handle non-geometry types (csv) */
        if( hGeometry != NULL )
            lat = OGR_G_GetY( hGeometry, 0 );
            lon = OGR_G_GetX( hGeometry, 0 );
            lat = OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn, 
                                                            "Y") );
            lon = OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn, 
                                                            "X") );

        std::string oFwaName = poDA->PointQuery( "fwa_bndry", "fwa_lndr_name",
                                                 lon, lat );
        rc = sqlite3_bind_double( stmt, 1, lon );
        rc = sqlite3_bind_double( stmt, 2, lat );
        //sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, 1, oFwaName.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
        rc = sqlite3_step( stmt );
        if( rc != SQLITE_ROW && rc != SQLITE_DONE )
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_FileIO,
                    "Could not load fwa (%s)from file, missing\n", oFwaName.c_str() );

        int nFwaWalkIn, nFwaHead, nFwaTail, nFwaPara, nFwaAttackD;
        int nFwaWaterDrop, nFwaPumpRoll;
        nFwaWalkIn = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 4 );
        nFwaHead = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 6 );
        nFwaTail = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 7 );
        nFwaPara = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 8 );
        nFwaAttackD = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 9 );
        nFwaWaterDrop = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 10 );
        nFwaPumpRoll = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 5 );

        year = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hInputFeature,
                                        OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                              "year" ) );
        num = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                           "fire_num" ) );
        day = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                           "day" ) );
        dow = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                           "week_day" ) );
        disc_time = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                                "disc_time" ) );
        bi = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                          "bi" ) );
        ros = OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                           "ros" ) );
        fuel = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                            "fuel" ) );
        spec_cond = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                                "spec_cond" ) );
        slope = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                             "slope_perc" ) );
        //if( random.rand3() * 100 > fwa->GetWalkInPct() )
        if( random.rand3() * 100 > nFwaWalkIn )
            walkin = 0;
            walkin = 1;
        //if( fwa->GetHead() == 100 )
        if( nFwaHead == 100 )
            tactic = "HEAD\0";
        //else if( fwa->GetTail() == 100 )
        else if( nFwaTail == 100 )
            tactic = "TAIL\0";
        //else if( fwa->GetParallel() == 100 )
        else if( nFwaTail == 100 )
            tactic = "PARALLEL\0";
            int r = (int)(random.rand3() * 100 );
            int total = 0;
            if( r < nFwaHead )
                tactic = "HEAD\0";
            else if( r < nFwaTail + nFwaTail )
                tactic = "TAIL\0";
                tactic = "PARALLEL\0";
        //dist = fwa->GetAttackDist();
        dist = nFwaAttackD;
        elev = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                            "elev" ) );
        ltow = OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                           "ratio" ) );
        sunrise = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                             "sunrise" ) );
        sunset = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( hInputFeature, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex( hInputFeatureDefn,
                                                             "sunset" ) );
        //if( fwa->GetWaterDrops() )
        if( nFwaWaterDrop )
            waterdrops = TRUE;
            waterdrops = FALSE;
        //if( fwa->GetPumpnRoll() )
        if( nFwaPumpRoll )
            pumproll = TRUE;
            pumproll = FALSE;

        fprintf( fout, "%d %d %d %s %s "
                       "%d %lf %d %s %d "
                       "%d %s %lf %d %lf "
                       "%d %d %s %s %d "
                       "%d %s %lf %lf\n",
                 year, num, day, dow, disc_time,
                 bi, ros, fuel, spec_cond, slope, 
                 walkin, tactic, dist, elev, ltow, 
                 minsteps, maxsteps, sunrise, sunset, waterdrops, 
                 pumproll, /* abyFwa */ oFwaName.c_str(), lat, lon );

        GDALTermProgress( (float)nDone / (float)nFeatures, NULL, NULL );
    GDALTermProgress( 1.0, NULL, NULL );
    fclose( fout );
    OGR_DS_Destroy( hInputDS );

    return 0;
Exemple #7
QVariant QgsOgrUtils::getOgrFeatureAttribute( OGRFeatureH ogrFet, const QgsFields& fields, int attIndex, QTextCodec* encoding , bool* ok )
  if ( !ogrFet || attIndex < 0 || attIndex >= fields.count() )
    if ( ok )
      *ok = false;
    return QVariant();

  OGRFieldDefnH fldDef = OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef( ogrFet, attIndex );

  if ( ! fldDef )
    if ( ok )
      *ok = false;

    QgsDebugMsg( "ogrFet->GetFieldDefnRef(attindex) returns NULL" );
    return QVariant();

  QVariant value;

  if ( ok )
    *ok = true;

  if ( OGR_F_IsFieldSet( ogrFet, attIndex ) )
    switch ( fields.at( attIndex ).type() )
      case QVariant::String:
        if ( encoding )
          value = QVariant( encoding->toUnicode( OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( ogrFet, attIndex ) ) );
          value = QVariant( QString::fromUtf8( OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( ogrFet, attIndex ) ) );
      case QVariant::Int:
        value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( ogrFet, attIndex ) );
#if defined(GDAL_VERSION_NUM) && GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 2000000
      case QVariant::LongLong:
        value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64( ogrFet, attIndex ) );
      case QVariant::Double:
        value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( ogrFet, attIndex ) );
      case QVariant::Date:
      case QVariant::DateTime:
      case QVariant::Time:
        int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tzf;

        OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime( ogrFet, attIndex, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second, &tzf );
        if ( fields.at( attIndex ).type() == QVariant::Date )
          value = QDate( year, month, day );
        else if ( fields.at( attIndex ).type() == QVariant::Time )
          value = QTime( hour, minute, second );
          value = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ), QTime( hour, minute, second ) );
        Q_ASSERT_X( false, "QgsOgrUtils::getOgrFeatureAttribute", "unsupported field type" );
        if ( ok )
          *ok = false;
    value = QVariant( QString::null );

  return value;
CPLErr RasterliteDataset::CreateOverviewLevel(int nOvrFactor,
                                              GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                                              void * pProgressData)

    double dfXResolution = padfXResolutions[0] * nOvrFactor;
    double dfYResolution = padfXResolutions[0] * nOvrFactor;
    CPLString osSQL;

    int nBlockXSize = 256;
    int nBlockYSize = 256;
    int nOvrXSize = nRasterXSize / nOvrFactor;
    int nOvrYSize = nRasterYSize / nOvrFactor;
    if (nOvrXSize == 0 || nOvrYSize == 0)
        return CE_Failure;
    int nXBlocks = (nOvrXSize + nBlockXSize - 1) / nBlockXSize;
    int nYBlocks = (nOvrYSize + nBlockYSize - 1) / nBlockYSize;
    const char* pszDriverName = "GTiff";
    GDALDriverH hTileDriver = GDALGetDriverByName(pszDriverName);
    if (hTileDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot load GDAL %s driver", pszDriverName);
        return CE_Failure;
    GDALDriverH hMemDriver = GDALGetDriverByName("MEM");
    if (hMemDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot load GDAL MEM driver");
        return CE_Failure;

    GDALDataType eDataType = GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
    int nDataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType) / 8;
    GByte* pabyMEMDSBuffer =
        (GByte*)VSIMalloc3(nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, nBands * nDataTypeSize);
    if (pabyMEMDSBuffer == NULL)
        return CE_Failure;
    char** papszTileDriverOptions = NULL;
    CPLString osTempFileName;
    osTempFileName.Printf("/vsimem/%p", hDS);
    int nTileId = 0;
    int nBlocks = 0;
    int nTotalBlocks = nXBlocks * nYBlocks;
    CPLString osRasterLayer;
    osRasterLayer.Printf("%s_rasters", osTableName.c_str());
    CPLString osMetatadataLayer;
    osMetatadataLayer.Printf("%s_metadata", osTableName.c_str());
    OGRLayerH hRasterLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, osRasterLayer.c_str());
    OGRLayerH hMetadataLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, osMetatadataLayer.c_str());
    CPLString osSourceName = "unknown";
    osSQL.Printf("SELECT source_name FROM \"%s\" WHERE "
                 "pixel_x_size >= %.15f AND pixel_x_size <= %.15f AND "
                 "pixel_y_size >= %.15f AND pixel_y_size <= %.15f LIMIT 1",
                 padfXResolutions[0] - 1e-15, padfXResolutions[0] + 1e-15,
                 padfYResolutions[0] - 1e-15, padfYResolutions[0] + 1e-15);
    OGRLayerH hSQLLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
    if (hSQLLyr)
        OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hSQLLyr);
        if (hFeat)
            const char* pszVal = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(hFeat, 0);
            if (pszVal)
                osSourceName = pszVal;
        OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hSQLLyr);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute up to which existing overview level we can use for      */
/*      computing the requested overview                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iLev;
    nLimitOvrCount = 0;
        if (!(padfXResolutions[iLev] < dfXResolution - 1e-10 &&
              padfYResolutions[iLev] < dfYResolution - 1e-10))
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Iterate over blocks to add data into raster and metadata tables */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "BEGIN", NULL, NULL);
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
    int nBlockXOff, nBlockYOff;
    for(nBlockYOff=0;eErr == CE_None && nBlockYOff<nYBlocks;nBlockYOff++)
        for(nBlockXOff=0;eErr == CE_None && nBlockXOff<nXBlocks;nBlockXOff++)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create in-memory tile                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            int nReqXSize = nBlockXSize, nReqYSize = nBlockYSize;
            if ((nBlockXOff+1) * nBlockXSize > nOvrXSize)
                nReqXSize = nOvrXSize - nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize;
            if ((nBlockYOff+1) * nBlockYSize > nOvrYSize)
                nReqYSize = nOvrYSize - nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize;
            eErr = RasterIO(GF_Read,
                            nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize * nOvrFactor,
                            nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize * nOvrFactor,
                            nReqXSize * nOvrFactor, nReqYSize * nOvrFactor,
                            pabyMEMDSBuffer, nReqXSize, nReqYSize,
                            eDataType, nBands, NULL,
                            0, 0, 0);
            if (eErr != CE_None)
            GDALDatasetH hMemDS = GDALCreate(hMemDriver, "MEM:::",
                                              nReqXSize, nReqYSize, 0, 
                                              eDataType, NULL);
            if (hMemDS == NULL)
                eErr = CE_Failure;
            int iBand;
            for(iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand ++)
                char** papszOptions = NULL;
                char szTmp[64];
                memset(szTmp, 0, sizeof(szTmp));
                                pabyMEMDSBuffer + iBand * nDataTypeSize *
                                nReqXSize * nReqYSize, sizeof(szTmp));
                papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "DATAPOINTER", szTmp);
                GDALAddBand(hMemDS, eDataType, papszOptions);
            GDALDatasetH hOutDS = GDALCreateCopy(hTileDriver,
                                        osTempFileName.c_str(), hMemDS, FALSE,
                                        papszTileDriverOptions, NULL, NULL);

            if (hOutDS)
                eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Insert new entry into raster table                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            vsi_l_offset nDataLength;
            GByte *pabyData = VSIGetMemFileBuffer( osTempFileName.c_str(),
                                                   &nDataLength, FALSE);

            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_F_Create( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hRasterLayer) );
            OGR_F_SetFieldBinary(hFeat, 0, (int)nDataLength, pabyData);
            OGR_L_CreateFeature(hRasterLayer, hFeat);
            /* Query raster ID to set it as the ID of the associated metadata */
            int nRasterID = (int)OGR_F_GetFID(hFeat);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Insert new entry into metadata table                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            hFeat = OGR_F_Create( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hMetadataLayer) );
            OGR_F_SetFID(hFeat, nRasterID);
            OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeat, 0, osSourceName);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 1, nTileId ++);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 2, nReqXSize);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 3, nReqYSize);
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, 4, dfXResolution);
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, 5, dfYResolution);
            double minx, maxx, maxy, miny;
            minx = adfGeoTransform[0] +
                (nBlockXSize * nBlockXOff) * dfXResolution;
            maxx = adfGeoTransform[0] +
                (nBlockXSize * nBlockXOff + nReqXSize) * dfXResolution;
            maxy = adfGeoTransform[3] +
                (nBlockYSize * nBlockYOff) * (-dfYResolution);
            miny = adfGeoTransform[3] +
                (nBlockYSize * nBlockYOff + nReqYSize) * (-dfYResolution);
            OGRGeometryH hRectangle = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbPolygon);
            OGRGeometryH hLinearRing = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLinearRing);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, maxy);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, maxx, maxy);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, maxx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddGeometryDirectly(hRectangle, hLinearRing);
            OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly(hFeat, hRectangle);
            OGR_L_CreateFeature(hMetadataLayer, hFeat);
            if (pfnProgress && !pfnProgress(1.0 * nBlocks / nTotalBlocks,
                                            NULL, pProgressData))
                eErr = CE_Failure;
    nLimitOvrCount = -1;
    if (eErr == CE_None)
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL);
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "ROLLBACK", NULL, NULL);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Update raster_pyramids table                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (eErr == CE_None)
        OGRLayerH hRasterPyramidsLyr = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, "raster_pyramids");
        if (hRasterPyramidsLyr == NULL)
            osSQL.Printf   ("CREATE TABLE raster_pyramids ("
                            "table_prefix TEXT NOT NULL,"
                            "pixel_x_size DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
                            "pixel_y_size DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
                            "tile_count INTEGER NOT NULL)");
            OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
            /* Re-open the DB to take into account the new tables*/
            CPLString osOldVal = CPLGetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", "FALSE");
            CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", "TRUE");
            hDS = OGROpen(osFileName.c_str(), TRUE, NULL);
            CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", osOldVal.c_str());

        /* Insert base resolution into raster_pyramids if not already done */
        int bHasBaseResolution = FALSE;
        osSQL.Printf("SELECT * FROM raster_pyramids WHERE "
                     "table_prefix = '%s' AND pixel_x_size >= %.15f AND pixel_x_size <= %.15f AND "
                     "pixel_y_size >= %.15f AND pixel_y_size <= %.15f",
                     padfXResolutions[0] - 1e-15, padfXResolutions[0] + 1e-15,
                     padfYResolutions[0] - 1e-15, padfYResolutions[0] + 1e-15);
        hSQLLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
        if (hSQLLyr)
            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hSQLLyr);
            if (hFeat)
                bHasBaseResolution = TRUE;
            OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hSQLLyr);

        if (!bHasBaseResolution)
            osSQL.Printf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"%s\" WHERE "
                          "pixel_x_size >= %.15f AND pixel_x_size <= %.15f AND "
                          "pixel_y_size >= %.15f AND pixel_y_size <= %.15f",
                          padfXResolutions[0] - 1e-15, padfXResolutions[0] + 1e-15,
                          padfYResolutions[0] - 1e-15, padfYResolutions[0] + 1e-15);

            int nBlocksMainRes = 0;

            hSQLLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
            if (hSQLLyr)
                OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hSQLLyr);
                if (hFeat)
                    nBlocksMainRes = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(hFeat, 0);
                OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hSQLLyr);

            osSQL.Printf("INSERT INTO raster_pyramids "
                         "( table_prefix, pixel_x_size, pixel_y_size, tile_count ) "
                         "VALUES ( '%s', %.18f, %.18f, %d )",
                         osTableName.c_str(), padfXResolutions[0], padfYResolutions[0],
            OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

        osSQL.Printf("INSERT INTO raster_pyramids "
                     "( table_prefix, pixel_x_size, pixel_y_size, tile_count ) "
                     "VALUES ( '%s', %.18f, %.18f, %d )",
                     osTableName.c_str(), dfXResolution, dfYResolution,
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

    return eErr;
Exemple #9
void AttributeFilter::UpdateGEOSBuffer(PointBuffer& buffer, AttributeInfo& info)
    QuadIndex idx(buffer);

    if (!info.lyr) // wake up the layer
        if (info.layer.size())
            info.lyr = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(info.ds.get(), info.layer.c_str());
        else if (info.query.size())
            info.lyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(info.ds.get(), info.query.c_str(), 0, 0);
            info.lyr = OGR_DS_GetLayer(info.ds.get(), 0);
        if (!info.lyr)
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << "Unable to select layer '" << info.layer << "'";
            throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    OGRFeaturePtr feature = OGRFeaturePtr(OGR_L_GetNextFeature(info.lyr), OGRFeatureDeleter());

    int field_index(1); // default to first column if nothing was set
    if (info.column.size())

        field_index = OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(feature.get(), info.column.c_str());
        if (field_index == -1)
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << "No column name '" << info.column << "' was found.";
            throw pdal_error(oss.str());

        OGRGeometryH geom = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(feature.get());
        OGRwkbGeometryType t = OGR_G_GetGeometryType(geom);

        int f_count = OGR_F_GetFieldCount (feature.get());

        if (!(t == wkbPolygon ||
            t == wkbMultiPolygon ||
            t == wkbPolygon25D ||
            t == wkbMultiPolygon25D))
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << "Geometry is not Polygon or MultiPolygon!";
            throw pdal::pdal_error(oss.str());

        OGRGeometry* ogr_g = (OGRGeometry*) geom;
        GEOSGeometry* geos_g (0);
        if (!m_geosEnvironment)

        geos_g = ogr_g->exportToGEOS();
        m_geosEnvironment = ogr_g->createGEOSContext();
        geos_g = ogr_g->exportToGEOS(m_geosEnvironment);


        GEOSPreparedGeometry const* geos_pg = GEOSPrepare_r(m_geosEnvironment, geos_g);
        if (!geos_pg)
            throw pdal_error("unable to prepare geometry for index-accelerated intersection");

        // Compute a total bounds for the geometry. Query the QuadTree to
        // find out the points that are inside the bbox. Then test each
        // point in the bbox against the prepared geometry.
        BOX3D box = computeBounds(m_geosEnvironment, geos_g);
        std::vector<std::size_t> ids = idx.getPoints(box);
        for (const auto& i : ids)

            double x = buffer.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::X, i);
            double y = buffer.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Y, i);
            double z = buffer.getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Z, i);

            GEOSGeometry* p = createGEOSPoint(m_geosEnvironment, x, y ,z);

            if (static_cast<bool>(GEOSPreparedContains_r(m_geosEnvironment, geos_pg, p)))
                // We're in the poly, write the attribute value
                int32_t v = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(feature.get(), field_index);
                buffer.setField(info.dim, i, v);
//                 log()->get(LogLevel::Debug) << "Setting value: " << v << std::endl;

            GEOSGeom_destroy_r(m_geosEnvironment, p);


        feature = OGRFeaturePtr(OGR_L_GetNextFeature(info.lyr), OGRFeatureDeleter());
GDALDataset *
RasterliteCreateCopy( const char * pszFilename, GDALDataset *poSrcDS, 
                       int bStrict, char ** papszOptions, 
                       GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void * pProgressData )
    int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    if (nBands == 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "nBands == 0");
        return NULL;
    const char* pszDriverName = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "DRIVER", "GTiff");
    GDALDriverH hTileDriver = GDALGetDriverByName(pszDriverName);
    if ( hTileDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot load GDAL %s driver", pszDriverName);
        return NULL;
    GDALDriverH hMemDriver = GDALGetDriverByName("MEM");
    if (hMemDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot load GDAL MEM driver");
        return NULL;

    int nXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize(poSrcDS);
    int nYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize(poSrcDS);
    double adfGeoTransform[6];
    if (poSrcDS->GetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform) != CE_None)
        adfGeoTransform[0] = 0;
        adfGeoTransform[1] = 1;
        adfGeoTransform[2] = 0;
        adfGeoTransform[3] = 0;
        adfGeoTransform[4] = 0;
        adfGeoTransform[5] = -1;
    else if (adfGeoTransform[2] != 0.0 || adfGeoTransform[4] != 0.0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot use geotransform with rotational terms");
        return NULL;

    int bTiled = CSLTestBoolean(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "TILED", "YES"));
    int nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize;
    if (bTiled)
        nBlockXSize = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "BLOCKXSIZE", "256"));
        nBlockYSize = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "BLOCKYSIZE", "256"));
        if (nBlockXSize < 64) nBlockXSize = 64;
        else if (nBlockXSize > 4096)  nBlockXSize = 4096;
        if (nBlockYSize < 64) nBlockYSize = 64;
        else if (nBlockYSize > 4096)  nBlockYSize = 4096;
        nBlockXSize = nXSize;
        nBlockYSize = nYSize;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Analyze arguments                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osDBName;
    CPLString osTableName;
    VSIStatBuf sBuf;
    int bExists;

    /* Skip optionnal RASTERLITE: prefix */
    const char* pszFilenameWithoutPrefix = pszFilename;
    if (EQUALN(pszFilename, "RASTERLITE:", 11))
        pszFilenameWithoutPrefix += 11;
    char** papszTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( 
                pszFilenameWithoutPrefix, ", ", FALSE, FALSE );
    int nTokens = CSLCount(papszTokens);
    if (nTokens == 0)
        osDBName = pszFilenameWithoutPrefix;
        osTableName = CPLGetBasename(pszFilenameWithoutPrefix);
        osDBName = papszTokens[0];
        int i;
            if (EQUALN(papszTokens[i], "table=", 6))
                osTableName = papszTokens[i] + 6;
                CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "Invalid option : %s", papszTokens[i]);
    papszTokens = NULL;
    bExists = (VSIStat(osDBName.c_str(), &sBuf) == 0);

    if (osTableName.size() == 0)
        if (bExists)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Database already exists. Explicit table name must be specified");
            return NULL;
        osTableName = CPLGetBasename(osDBName.c_str());
    CPLString osRasterLayer;
    osRasterLayer.Printf("%s_rasters", osTableName.c_str());
    CPLString osMetatadataLayer;
    osMetatadataLayer.Printf("%s_metadata", osTableName.c_str());

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create or open the SQLite DB                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (OGRGetDriverCount() == 0)
    OGRSFDriverH hSQLiteDriver = OGRGetDriverByName("SQLite");
    if (hSQLiteDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot load OGR SQLite driver");
        return NULL;
    OGRDataSourceH hDS;
    CPLString osOldVal =
        CPLGetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", "FALSE");
    if (!bExists)
        char** papszOGROptions = CSLAddString(NULL, "SPATIALITE=YES");
        hDS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource(hSQLiteDriver,
                                      osDBName.c_str(), papszOGROptions);
        hDS = OGROpen(osDBName.c_str(), TRUE, NULL);
    CPLSetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", osOldVal.c_str());
    if (hDS == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot load or create SQLite database");
        return NULL;

    CPLString osSQL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the SRID for the SRS                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nSRSId = RasterliteInsertSRID(hDS, poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef());

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create or wipe existing tables                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int bWipeExistingData =
        CSLTestBoolean(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "WIPE", "NO"));
    hDS = RasterliteCreateTables(hDS, osTableName.c_str(),
                                 nSRSId, bWipeExistingData);
    if (hDS == NULL)
        return NULL;

    OGRLayerH hRasterLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, osRasterLayer.c_str());
    OGRLayerH hMetadataLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, osMetatadataLayer.c_str());
    if (hRasterLayer == NULL || hMetadataLayer == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot find metadata and/or raster tables");
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check if there is overlapping data and warn the user            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double minx = adfGeoTransform[0];
    double maxx = adfGeoTransform[0] + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1];
    double maxy = adfGeoTransform[3];
    double miny = adfGeoTransform[3] + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[5];
    osSQL.Printf("SELECT COUNT(geometry) FROM \"%s\" "
                 "WHERE rowid IN "
                 "(SELECT pkid FROM \"idx_%s_metadata_geometry\" "
                  "WHERE xmin < %.15f AND xmax > %.15f "
                  "AND ymin < %.15f  AND ymax > %.15f) "
                 "AND pixel_x_size >= %.15f AND pixel_x_size <= %.15f AND "
                 "pixel_y_size >= %.15f AND pixel_y_size <= %.15f",
                  maxx, minx, maxy, miny,
                  adfGeoTransform[1] - 1e-15, adfGeoTransform[1] + 1e-15,
                  - adfGeoTransform[5] - 1e-15, - adfGeoTransform[5] + 1e-15);
    int nOverlappingGeoms = 0;
    OGRLayerH hCountLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
    if (hCountLyr)
        OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hCountLyr);
        if (hFeat)
            nOverlappingGeoms = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(hFeat, 0);
        OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hCountLyr);
    if (nOverlappingGeoms != 0)
        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Raster tiles already exist in the %s table within "
                 "the extent of the data to be inserted in",
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Iterate over blocks to add data into raster and metadata tables */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nXBlocks = (nXSize + nBlockXSize - 1) / nBlockXSize;
    int nYBlocks = (nYSize + nBlockYSize - 1) / nBlockYSize;

    GDALDataType eDataType = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
    int nDataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType) / 8;
    GByte* pabyMEMDSBuffer =
        (GByte*)VSIMalloc3(nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, nBands * nDataTypeSize);
    if (pabyMEMDSBuffer == NULL)
        return NULL;
    CPLString osTempFileName;
    osTempFileName.Printf("/vsimem/%p", hDS);
    int nTileId = 0;
    int nBlocks = 0;
    int nTotalBlocks = nXBlocks * nYBlocks;

    char** papszTileDriverOptions = RasterliteGetTileDriverOptions(papszOptions);
    OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "BEGIN", NULL, NULL);
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
    int nBlockXOff, nBlockYOff;
    for(nBlockYOff=0;eErr == CE_None && nBlockYOff<nYBlocks;nBlockYOff++)
        for(nBlockXOff=0;eErr == CE_None && nBlockXOff<nXBlocks;nBlockXOff++)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create in-memory tile                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            int nReqXSize = nBlockXSize, nReqYSize = nBlockYSize;
            if ((nBlockXOff+1) * nBlockXSize > nXSize)
                nReqXSize = nXSize - nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize;
            if ((nBlockYOff+1) * nBlockYSize > nYSize)
                nReqYSize = nYSize - nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize;

            eErr = poSrcDS->RasterIO(GF_Read,
                                     nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize,
                                     nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
                                     nReqXSize, nReqYSize,
                                     pabyMEMDSBuffer, nReqXSize, nReqYSize,
                                     eDataType, nBands, NULL,
                                     0, 0, 0);
            if (eErr != CE_None)
            GDALDatasetH hMemDS = GDALCreate(hMemDriver, "MEM:::",
                                              nReqXSize, nReqYSize, 0, 
                                              eDataType, NULL);
            if (hMemDS == NULL)
                eErr = CE_Failure;
            int iBand;
            for(iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand ++)
                char** papszMEMDSOptions = NULL;
                char szTmp[64];
                memset(szTmp, 0, sizeof(szTmp));
                                pabyMEMDSBuffer + iBand * nDataTypeSize *
                                nReqXSize * nReqYSize, sizeof(szTmp));
                papszMEMDSOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszMEMDSOptions, "DATAPOINTER", szTmp);
                GDALAddBand(hMemDS, eDataType, papszMEMDSOptions);
            GDALDatasetH hOutDS = GDALCreateCopy(hTileDriver,
                                        osTempFileName.c_str(), hMemDS, FALSE,
                                        papszTileDriverOptions, NULL, NULL);

            if (hOutDS)
                eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Insert new entry into raster table                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            vsi_l_offset nDataLength;
            GByte *pabyData = VSIGetMemFileBuffer( osTempFileName.c_str(),
                                                   &nDataLength, FALSE);

            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_F_Create( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hRasterLayer) );
            OGR_F_SetFieldBinary(hFeat, 0, (int)nDataLength, pabyData);
            OGR_L_CreateFeature(hRasterLayer, hFeat);
            /* Query raster ID to set it as the ID of the associated metadata */
            int nRasterID = (int)OGR_F_GetFID(hFeat);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Insert new entry into metadata table                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            hFeat = OGR_F_Create( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hMetadataLayer) );
            OGR_F_SetFID(hFeat, nRasterID);
            OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeat, 0, GDALGetDescription(poSrcDS));
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 1, nTileId ++);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 2, nReqXSize);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 3, nReqYSize);
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, 4, adfGeoTransform[1]);
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, 5, -adfGeoTransform[5]);
            minx = adfGeoTransform[0] +
                (nBlockXSize * nBlockXOff) * adfGeoTransform[1];
            maxx = adfGeoTransform[0] +
                (nBlockXSize * nBlockXOff + nReqXSize) * adfGeoTransform[1];
            maxy = adfGeoTransform[3] +
                (nBlockYSize * nBlockYOff) * adfGeoTransform[5];
            miny = adfGeoTransform[3] +
                (nBlockYSize * nBlockYOff + nReqYSize) * adfGeoTransform[5];
            OGRGeometryH hRectangle = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbPolygon);
            OGRGeometryH hLinearRing = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLinearRing);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, maxy);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, maxx, maxy);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, maxx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddGeometryDirectly(hRectangle, hLinearRing);
            OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly(hFeat, hRectangle);
            OGR_L_CreateFeature(hMetadataLayer, hFeat);
            if (pfnProgress && !pfnProgress(1.0 * nBlocks / nTotalBlocks,
                                            NULL, pProgressData))
                eErr = CE_Failure;
    if (eErr == CE_None)
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL);
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "ROLLBACK", NULL, NULL);
    return (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen(pszFilename, GA_Update);
OGRDataSourceH RasterliteCreateTables(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char* pszTableName,
                                      int nSRSId, int bWipeExistingData)
    CPLString osSQL;
    CPLString osOldVal = CPLGetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", "FALSE");
    CPLString osDBName = OGR_DS_GetName(hDS);
    CPLString osRasterLayer;
    osRasterLayer.Printf("%s_rasters", pszTableName);
    CPLString osMetatadataLayer;
    osMetatadataLayer.Printf("%s_metadata", pszTableName);

    OGRLayerH hLyr;

    if (OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, osRasterLayer.c_str()) == NULL)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      The table don't exist. Create them                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        /* Create _rasters table */
        osSQL.Printf   ("CREATE TABLE \"%s\" ("
                        "raster BLOB NOT NULL)", osRasterLayer.c_str());
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
        /* Create _metadata table */
        osSQL.Printf   ("CREATE TABLE \"%s\" ("
                        "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"
                        "source_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
                        "tile_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
                        "width INTEGER NOT NULL,"
                        "height INTEGER NOT NULL,"
                        "pixel_x_size DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
                        "pixel_y_size DOUBLE NOT NULL)",
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

        /* Add geometry column to _metadata table */
        osSQL.Printf("SELECT AddGeometryColumn('%s', 'geometry', %d, 'POLYGON', 2)",
                      osMetatadataLayer.c_str(), nSRSId);
        if ((hLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Check that the OGR SQLite driver has Spatialite support");
            return NULL;
        OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hLyr);
        /* Create spatial index on _metadata table */
        osSQL.Printf("SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('%s', 'geometry')",
        if ((hLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
            return NULL;
        OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hLyr);
        /* Re-open the DB to take into account the new tables*/
        CPLSetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", "TRUE");
        hDS = OGROpen(osDBName.c_str(), TRUE, NULL);
        CPLSetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", osOldVal.c_str());
        /* Check that the existing SRS is consistent with the one of the new */
        /* data to be inserted */
        osSQL.Printf("SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = '%s'",
        hLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
        if (hLyr)
            int nExistingSRID = -1;
            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLyr);
            if (hFeat)
                nExistingSRID = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(hFeat, 0);
            OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hLyr);

            if (nExistingSRID != nSRSId)
                if (bWipeExistingData)
                    osSQL.Printf("UPDATE geometry_columns SET srid = %d "
                                 "WHERE f_table_name = \"%s\"",
                                 nSRSId, osMetatadataLayer.c_str());
                    OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
                    /* Re-open the DB to take into account the change of SRS */
                    CPLSetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", "TRUE");
                    hDS = OGROpen(osDBName.c_str(), TRUE, NULL);
                    CPLSetConfigOption("SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES", osOldVal.c_str());
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                             "New data has not the same SRS as existing data");
                    return NULL;
        if (bWipeExistingData)
            osSQL.Printf("DELETE FROM \"%s\"", osRasterLayer.c_str());
            OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
            osSQL.Printf("DELETE FROM \"%s\"", osMetatadataLayer.c_str());
            OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

    return hDS;
static int RasterliteInsertSRID(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char* pszWKT)
    CPLString osSQL;
    int nAuthorityCode = 0;
    CPLString osAuthorityName, osProjCS, osProj4;
    if (pszWKT != NULL && strlen(pszWKT) != 0)
        OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(pszWKT);
        if (hSRS)
            const char* pszAuthorityName = OSRGetAuthorityName(hSRS, NULL);
            if (pszAuthorityName) osAuthorityName = pszAuthorityName;
            const char* pszProjCS = OSRGetAttrValue(hSRS, "PROJCS", 0);
            if (pszProjCS) osProjCS = pszProjCS;
            const char* pszAuthorityCode = OSRGetAuthorityCode(hSRS, NULL);
            if (pszAuthorityCode) nAuthorityCode = atoi(pszAuthorityCode);
            char    *pszProj4 = NULL;
            if( OSRExportToProj4( hSRS, &pszProj4 ) != OGRERR_NONE )
                pszProj4 = CPLStrdup("");
            osProj4 = pszProj4;
    int nSRSId = -1;
    if (nAuthorityCode != 0 && osAuthorityName.size() != 0)
        osSQL.Printf   ("SELECT srid FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE auth_srid = %d", nAuthorityCode);
        OGRLayerH hLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
        if (hLyr == NULL)
            nSRSId = nAuthorityCode;
            if ( osProjCS.size() != 0 )
                    "INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys "
                    "(srid, auth_name, auth_srid, ref_sys_name, proj4text) "
                    "VALUES (%d, '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s')",
                    nSRSId, osAuthorityName.c_str(),
                    nAuthorityCode, osProjCS.c_str(), osProj4.c_str() );
                    "INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys "
                    "(srid, auth_name, auth_srid, proj4text) "
                    "VALUES (%d, '%s', '%d', '%s')",
                    nSRSId, osAuthorityName.c_str(),
                    nAuthorityCode, osProj4.c_str() );

            OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLyr);
            if (hFeat)
                nSRSId = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(hFeat, 0);
            OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hLyr);
    return nSRSId;
CPLErr RasterliteDataset::CreateOverviewLevel(const char * pszResampling,
                                              int nOvrFactor,
                                              char** papszOptions,
                                              GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                                              void * pProgressData)

    double dfXResolution = padfXResolutions[0] * nOvrFactor;
    double dfYResolution = padfXResolutions[0] * nOvrFactor;
    CPLString osSQL;

    int nOvrXSize = nRasterXSize / nOvrFactor;
    int nOvrYSize = nRasterYSize / nOvrFactor;
    if (nOvrXSize == 0 || nOvrYSize == 0)
        return CE_Failure;

    int bTiled = CSLTestBoolean(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "TILED", "YES"));
    int nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize;
    if (bTiled)
        nBlockXSize = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "BLOCKXSIZE", "256"));
        nBlockYSize = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "BLOCKYSIZE", "256"));
        if (nBlockXSize < 64) nBlockXSize = 64;
        else if (nBlockXSize > 4096)  nBlockXSize = 4096;
        if (nBlockYSize < 64) nBlockYSize = 64;
        else if (nBlockYSize > 4096)  nBlockYSize = 4096;
        nBlockXSize = nOvrXSize;
        nBlockYSize = nOvrYSize;
    int nXBlocks = (nOvrXSize + nBlockXSize - 1) / nBlockXSize;
    int nYBlocks = (nOvrYSize + nBlockYSize - 1) / nBlockYSize;
    const char* pszDriverName = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "DRIVER", "GTiff");
    if (EQUAL(pszDriverName, "MEM") || EQUAL(pszDriverName, "VRT"))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDAL %s driver cannot be used as underlying driver",
        return CE_Failure;
    GDALDriverH hTileDriver = GDALGetDriverByName(pszDriverName);
    if (hTileDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot load GDAL %s driver", pszDriverName);
        return CE_Failure;

    GDALDriverH hMemDriver = GDALGetDriverByName("MEM");
    if (hMemDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot load GDAL MEM driver");
        return CE_Failure;

    GDALDataType eDataType = GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
    int nDataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType) / 8;
    GByte* pabyMEMDSBuffer =
        (GByte*)VSIMalloc3(nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, nBands * nDataTypeSize);
    if (pabyMEMDSBuffer == NULL)
        return CE_Failure;
    CPLString osTempFileName;
    osTempFileName.Printf("/vsimem/%p", hDS);
    int nTileId = 0;
    int nBlocks = 0;
    int nTotalBlocks = nXBlocks * nYBlocks;
    CPLString osRasterLayer;
    osRasterLayer.Printf("%s_rasters", osTableName.c_str());
    CPLString osMetatadataLayer;
    osMetatadataLayer.Printf("%s_metadata", osTableName.c_str());
    OGRLayerH hRasterLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, osRasterLayer.c_str());
    OGRLayerH hMetadataLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, osMetatadataLayer.c_str());
    CPLString osSourceName = "unknown";
    osSQL.Printf("SELECT source_name FROM \"%s\" WHERE "
                 "%s LIMIT 1",
                 RasterliteGetPixelSizeCond(padfXResolutions[0], padfYResolutions[0]).c_str());
    OGRLayerH hSQLLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
    if (hSQLLyr)
        OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hSQLLyr);
        if (hFeat)
            const char* pszVal = OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(hFeat, 0);
            if (pszVal)
                osSourceName = pszVal;
        OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hSQLLyr);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute up to which existing overview level we can use for      */
/*      computing the requested overview                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iLev;
    nLimitOvrCount = 0;
        if (!(padfXResolutions[iLev] < dfXResolution - 1e-10 &&
              padfYResolutions[iLev] < dfYResolution - 1e-10))
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate buffer for tile of previous overview level             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    GDALDataset* poPrevOvrLevel =
        (papoOverviews != NULL && iLev >= 2 && iLev <= nResolutions && papoOverviews[iLev-2]) ?
            papoOverviews[iLev-2] : this;
    double dfRatioPrevOvr = poPrevOvrLevel->GetRasterBand(1)->GetXSize() / nOvrXSize;
    int nPrevOvrBlockXSize = (int)(nBlockXSize * dfRatioPrevOvr + 0.5);
    int nPrevOvrBlockYSize = (int)(nBlockYSize * dfRatioPrevOvr + 0.5);
    GByte* pabyPrevOvrMEMDSBuffer = NULL;

    if( !EQUALN(pszResampling, "NEAR", 4))
        pabyPrevOvrMEMDSBuffer =
            (GByte*)VSIMalloc3(nPrevOvrBlockXSize, nPrevOvrBlockYSize, nBands * nDataTypeSize);
        if (pabyPrevOvrMEMDSBuffer == NULL)
            return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Iterate over blocks to add data into raster and metadata tables */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    char** papszTileDriverOptions = RasterliteGetTileDriverOptions(papszOptions);

    OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "BEGIN", NULL, NULL);
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
    int nBlockXOff, nBlockYOff;
    for(nBlockYOff=0;eErr == CE_None && nBlockYOff<nYBlocks;nBlockYOff++)
        for(nBlockXOff=0;eErr == CE_None && nBlockXOff<nXBlocks;nBlockXOff++)
            GDALDatasetH hPrevOvrMemDS = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create in-memory tile                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            int nReqXSize = nBlockXSize, nReqYSize = nBlockYSize;
            if ((nBlockXOff+1) * nBlockXSize > nOvrXSize)
                nReqXSize = nOvrXSize - nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize;
            if ((nBlockYOff+1) * nBlockYSize > nOvrYSize)
                nReqYSize = nOvrYSize - nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize;

            if( pabyPrevOvrMEMDSBuffer != NULL )
                int nPrevOvrReqXSize =
                    (int)(nReqXSize * dfRatioPrevOvr + 0.5);
                int nPrevOvrReqYSize =
                    (int)(nReqYSize * dfRatioPrevOvr + 0.5);

                eErr = RasterIO(GF_Read,
                                nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize * nOvrFactor,
                                nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize * nOvrFactor,
                                nReqXSize * nOvrFactor, nReqYSize * nOvrFactor,
                                pabyPrevOvrMEMDSBuffer, nPrevOvrReqXSize, nPrevOvrReqYSize,
                                eDataType, nBands, NULL,
                                0, 0, 0, NULL);

                if (eErr != CE_None)

                hPrevOvrMemDS = GDALCreate(hMemDriver, "MEM:::",
                                           nPrevOvrReqXSize, nPrevOvrReqYSize, 0,
                                           eDataType, NULL);

                if (hPrevOvrMemDS == NULL)
                    eErr = CE_Failure;

                int iBand;
                for(iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand ++)
                    char** papszOptions = NULL;
                    char szTmp[64];
                    memset(szTmp, 0, sizeof(szTmp));
                                    pabyPrevOvrMEMDSBuffer + iBand * nDataTypeSize *
                                    nPrevOvrReqXSize * nPrevOvrReqYSize, sizeof(szTmp));
                    papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "DATAPOINTER", szTmp);
                    GDALAddBand(hPrevOvrMemDS, eDataType, papszOptions);
                eErr = RasterIO(GF_Read,
                                nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize * nOvrFactor,
                                nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize * nOvrFactor,
                                nReqXSize * nOvrFactor, nReqYSize * nOvrFactor,
                                pabyMEMDSBuffer, nReqXSize, nReqYSize,
                                eDataType, nBands, NULL,
                                0, 0, 0, NULL);
                if (eErr != CE_None)

            GDALDatasetH hMemDS = GDALCreate(hMemDriver, "MEM:::",
                                              nReqXSize, nReqYSize, 0, 
                                              eDataType, NULL);
            if (hMemDS == NULL)
                eErr = CE_Failure;
            int iBand;
            for(iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand ++)
                char** papszOptions = NULL;
                char szTmp[64];
                memset(szTmp, 0, sizeof(szTmp));
                                pabyMEMDSBuffer + iBand * nDataTypeSize *
                                nReqXSize * nReqYSize, sizeof(szTmp));
                papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "DATAPOINTER", szTmp);
                GDALAddBand(hMemDS, eDataType, papszOptions);

            if( hPrevOvrMemDS != NULL )
                for(iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand ++)
                    GDALRasterBandH hDstOvrBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hMemDS, iBand+1);

                    eErr = GDALRegenerateOverviews( GDALGetRasterBand(hPrevOvrMemDS, iBand+1),
                                                    1, &hDstOvrBand,
                                                    NULL, NULL );
                    if( eErr != CE_None )


            GDALDatasetH hOutDS = GDALCreateCopy(hTileDriver,
                                        osTempFileName.c_str(), hMemDS, FALSE,
                                        papszTileDriverOptions, NULL, NULL);

            if (hOutDS)
                eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Insert new entry into raster table                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            vsi_l_offset nDataLength;
            GByte *pabyData = VSIGetMemFileBuffer( osTempFileName.c_str(),
                                                   &nDataLength, FALSE);

            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_F_Create( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hRasterLayer) );
            OGR_F_SetFieldBinary(hFeat, 0, (int)nDataLength, pabyData);
            OGR_L_CreateFeature(hRasterLayer, hFeat);
            /* Query raster ID to set it as the ID of the associated metadata */
            int nRasterID = (int)OGR_F_GetFID(hFeat);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Insert new entry into metadata table                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            hFeat = OGR_F_Create( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hMetadataLayer) );
            OGR_F_SetFID(hFeat, nRasterID);
            OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeat, 0, osSourceName);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 1, nTileId ++);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 2, nReqXSize);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, 3, nReqYSize);
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, 4, dfXResolution);
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, 5, dfYResolution);
            double minx, maxx, maxy, miny;
            minx = adfGeoTransform[0] +
                (nBlockXSize * nBlockXOff) * dfXResolution;
            maxx = adfGeoTransform[0] +
                (nBlockXSize * nBlockXOff + nReqXSize) * dfXResolution;
            maxy = adfGeoTransform[3] +
                (nBlockYSize * nBlockYOff) * (-dfYResolution);
            miny = adfGeoTransform[3] +
                (nBlockYSize * nBlockYOff + nReqYSize) * (-dfYResolution);
            OGRGeometryH hRectangle = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbPolygon);
            OGRGeometryH hLinearRing = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLinearRing);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, maxy);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, maxx, maxy);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, maxx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddPoint_2D(hLinearRing, minx, miny);
            OGR_G_AddGeometryDirectly(hRectangle, hLinearRing);
            OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly(hFeat, hRectangle);
            OGR_L_CreateFeature(hMetadataLayer, hFeat);
            if (pfnProgress && !pfnProgress(1.0 * nBlocks / nTotalBlocks,
                                            NULL, pProgressData))
                eErr = CE_Failure;

    nLimitOvrCount = -1;
    if (eErr == CE_None)
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL);
        OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, "ROLLBACK", NULL, NULL);

    papszTileDriverOptions = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Update raster_pyramids table                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (eErr == CE_None)
        OGRLayerH hRasterPyramidsLyr = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, "raster_pyramids");
        if (hRasterPyramidsLyr == NULL)
            osSQL.Printf   ("CREATE TABLE raster_pyramids ("
                            "table_prefix TEXT NOT NULL,"
                            "pixel_x_size DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
                            "pixel_y_size DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
                            "tile_count INTEGER NOT NULL)");
            OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
            /* Re-open the DB to take into account the new tables*/
            hDS = RasterliteOpenSQLiteDB(osFileName.c_str(), GA_Update);

            hRasterPyramidsLyr = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS, "raster_pyramids");
            if (hRasterPyramidsLyr == NULL)
                return CE_Failure;
        OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hRasterPyramidsLyr);

        /* Insert base resolution into raster_pyramids if not already done */
        int bHasBaseResolution = FALSE;
        osSQL.Printf("SELECT * FROM raster_pyramids WHERE "
                     "table_prefix = '%s' AND %s",
                     RasterliteGetPixelSizeCond(padfXResolutions[0], padfYResolutions[0]).c_str());
        hSQLLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
        if (hSQLLyr)
            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hSQLLyr);
            if (hFeat)
                bHasBaseResolution = TRUE;
            OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hSQLLyr);

        if (!bHasBaseResolution)
            osSQL.Printf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"%s\" WHERE %s",
                          RasterliteGetPixelSizeCond(padfXResolutions[0], padfYResolutions[0]).c_str());

            int nBlocksMainRes = 0;

            hSQLLyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDS, osSQL.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
            if (hSQLLyr)
                OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hSQLLyr);
                if (hFeat)
                    nBlocksMainRes = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(hFeat, 0);
                OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDS, hSQLLyr);

            OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_F_Create( hFDefn );
            OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "table_prefix"), osTableName.c_str());
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "pixel_x_size"), padfXResolutions[0]);
            OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "pixel_y_size"), padfYResolutions[0]);
            OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "tile_count"), nBlocksMainRes);
            OGR_L_CreateFeature(hRasterPyramidsLyr, hFeat);

        OGRFeatureH hFeat = OGR_F_Create( hFDefn );
        OGR_F_SetFieldString(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "table_prefix"), osTableName.c_str());
        OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "pixel_x_size"), dfXResolution);
        OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "pixel_y_size"), dfYResolution);
        OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(hFeat, OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(hFDefn, "tile_count"), nTotalBlocks);
        OGR_L_CreateFeature(hRasterPyramidsLyr, hFeat);

    return eErr;
Exemple #14
void AttributeFilter::UpdateGEOSBuffer(PointView& view)
    QuadIndex idx(view);

    if (m_layer.size())
        m_lyr = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(m_ds.get(), m_layer.c_str());
    else if (m_query.size())
        m_lyr = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(m_ds.get(), m_query.c_str(), 0, 0);
        m_lyr = OGR_DS_GetLayer(m_ds.get(), 0);

    if (!m_lyr)
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << getName() << ": Unable to select layer '" << m_layer << "'";
        throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    OGRFeaturePtr feature = OGRFeaturePtr(OGR_L_GetNextFeature(m_lyr),

    int field_index(1); // default to first column if nothing was set
    if (m_column.size())
        field_index = OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(feature.get(), m_column.c_str());
        if (field_index == -1)
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << getName() << ": No column name '" << m_column <<
                "' was found.";
            throw pdal_error(oss.str());

    while (feature)
        OGRGeometryH geom = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(feature.get());
        OGRwkbGeometryType t = OGR_G_GetGeometryType(geom);
        int32_t fieldVal = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(feature.get(), field_index);

        if (!(t == wkbPolygon ||
            t == wkbMultiPolygon ||
            t == wkbPolygon25D ||
            t == wkbMultiPolygon25D))
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << getName() << ": Geometry is not Polygon or MultiPolygon!";
            throw pdal::pdal_error(oss.str());

        pdal::Polygon p(geom, view.spatialReference(), GlobalEnvironment::get().geos());

        // Compute a total bounds for the geometry. Query the QuadTree to
        // find out the points that are inside the bbox. Then test each
        // point in the bbox against the prepared geometry.
        BOX3D box = p.bounds();
        std::vector<PointId> ids = idx.getPoints(box);

        for (const auto& i : ids)
            PointRef ref(view, i);
            if (p.covers(ref))
                view.setField(m_dim, i, fieldVal);
        feature = OGRFeaturePtr(OGR_L_GetNextFeature(m_lyr),
Exemple #15
  \brief Fetch record

  \param cn pointer to dbCursor
  \param position position indicator (DB_NEXT, DB_FIRST, DB_LAST, etc)
  \param[out] more 0 for no record fetched otherwise 1

  \return DB_OK on success
  \return DB_FAILED on error
int db__driver_fetch(dbCursor * cn, int position, int *more)
    int i, col;
    int ogrType, sqlType;

    dbToken token;
    dbTable *table;
    dbColumn *column;
    dbValue *value;
    cursor *c;
    G_debug(3, "db_driver_fetch()");

    /* get cursor token */
    token = db_get_cursor_token(cn);

    /* get the cursor by its token */
    if (!(c = (cursor *) db_find_token(token))) {
	append_error(_("Cursor not found"));
	return DB_FAILED;

    /* fetch on position */
    switch (position) {
    case DB_NEXT:
	G_debug(4, "DB_NEXT:");
	if (c->hFeature)
	c->hFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(c->hLayer);
    case DB_CURRENT:
    case DB_PREVIOUS:
	append_error(_("DB_PREVIOUS not supported"));
	return DB_FAILED;
    case DB_FIRST:
	if (c->hFeature)
	c->hFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(c->hLayer);
    case DB_LAST:
	append_error(_("DB_LAST not supported"));
	return DB_FAILED;

    if (c->hFeature == NULL) {
	*more = 0;
	return DB_OK;

    *more = 1;

    /* get the data out of the descriptor into the table */
    table = db_get_cursor_table(cn);

    /* check fid column */
    if (strlen(OGR_L_GetFIDColumn(c->hLayer)) > 0) {
	column = db_get_table_column(table, 0);
	ogrType = db_get_column_host_type(column);
	sqlType = db_get_column_sqltype(column);

	value = db_get_column_value(column);
	value->i = OGR_F_GetFID(c->hFeature);
	G_debug(3, "fidcol '%s': ogrType %d, sqlType %d: val = %d",
		db_get_column_name(column), ogrType, sqlType, value->i);

	col = 0;
    else {
	col = -1;
    /* loop attributes */
    for (i = 0; i < c->ncols; i++) {
	if (!(c->cols[i])) {
	}			/* unknown type */

	column = db_get_table_column(table, col);
	ogrType = db_get_column_host_type(column);
	sqlType = db_get_column_sqltype(column);

	value = db_get_column_value(column);

	/* Is null? */
	if (OGR_F_IsFieldSet(c->hFeature, i)) {
	    value->isNull = 0;
	else {
	    value->isNull = 1;

	G_debug(3, "col %d, ogrType %d, sqlType %d: val = '%s'",
		col, ogrType, sqlType, OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(c->hFeature,

	switch (ogrType) {
	case OFTInteger:
	    value->i = OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(c->hFeature, i);

	case OFTReal:
	    value->d = OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble(c->hFeature, i);

	case OFTString:
	case OFTDate:
	case OFTTime:
	case OFTDateTime:
			  (char *)OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(c->hFeature, i));

	    G_warning(_("Unknown type"));
    G_debug(4, "Row fetched");
    return DB_OK;