ImageBufAlgo::sub(ImageBuf& dst, Image_or_Const A_, Image_or_Const B_, ROI roi,
                  int nthreads)
    pvt::LoggedTimer logtime("IBA::sub");
    if (A_.is_img() && B_.is_img()) {
        const ImageBuf &A(A_.img()), &B(B_.img());
        if (!IBAprep(roi, &dst, &A, &B))
            return false;
        ROI origroi = roi;
        roi.chend = std::min(roi.chend, std::min(A.nchannels(), B.nchannels()));
        bool ok;
        OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES3(ok, "sub", sub_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                    A.spec().format, B.spec().format, dst, A, B,
                                    roi, nthreads);
        if (roi.chend < origroi.chend && A.nchannels() != B.nchannels()) {
            // Edge case: A and B differed in nchannels, we allocated dst to be
            // the bigger of them, but adjusted roi to be the lesser. Now handle
            // the channels that got left out because they were not common to
            // all the inputs.
            ASSERT(roi.chend <= dst.nchannels());
            roi.chbegin = roi.chend;
            roi.chend   = origroi.chend;
            if (A.nchannels() > B.nchannels()) {  // A exists
                copy(dst, A, dst.spec().format, roi, nthreads);
            } else {  // B exists
                copy(dst, B, dst.spec().format, roi, nthreads);
        return ok;
    if (A_.is_val() && B_.is_img())  // canonicalize to A_img, B_val
    if (A_.is_img() && B_.is_val()) {
        const ImageBuf& A(A_.img());
        cspan<float> b = B_.val();
        if (!IBAprep(roi, &dst, &A,
                     IBAprep_CLAMP_MUTUAL_NCHANNELS | IBAprep_SUPPORT_DEEP))
            return false;
        IBA_FIX_PERCHAN_LEN_DEF(b, A.nchannels());
        // Negate b (into a copy)
        int nc      = A.nchannels();
        float* vals = ALLOCA(float, nc);
        for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
            vals[c] = -b[c];
        b = cspan<float>(vals, nc);
        if (dst.deep()) {
            // While still serial, set up all the sample counts
            return add_impl_deep(dst, A, b, roi, nthreads);
        bool ok;
        OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES2(ok, "sub", add_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                    A.spec().format, dst, A, b, roi, nthreads);
        return ok;
    // Remaining cases: error
    dst.error("ImageBufAlgo::sub(): at least one argument must be an image");
    return false;
ImageBufAlgo::absdiff (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &A, const ImageBuf &B,
                       ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (! IBAprep (roi, &dst, &A, &B))
        return false;
    ROI origroi = roi;
    roi.chend = std::min (roi.chend, std::min (A.nchannels(), B.nchannels()));
    bool ok;
    OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES3 (ok, "absdiff", absdiff_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                 A.spec().format, B.spec().format,
                                 dst, A, B, roi, nthreads);

    if (roi.chend < origroi.chend && A.nchannels() != B.nchannels()) {
        // Edge case: A and B differed in nchannels, we allocated dst to be
        // the bigger of them, but adjusted roi to be the lesser. Now handle
        // the channels that got left out because they were not common to
        // all the inputs.
        ASSERT (roi.chend <= dst.nchannels());
        roi.chbegin = roi.chend;
        roi.chend = origroi.chend;
        if (A.nchannels() > B.nchannels()) { // A exists
            abs (dst, A, roi, nthreads);
        } else { // B exists
            abs (dst, B, roi, nthreads);
    return ok;
ImageBufAlgo::sub (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &A, const ImageBuf &B,
                   ROI roi, int nthreads)
    IBAprep (roi, &dst, &A, &B);
    OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES3 ("sub", sub_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                 A.spec().format, B.spec().format,
                                 dst, A, B, roi, nthreads);
    return true;
ImageBufAlgo::mul (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &A, const ImageBuf &B,
                   ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (! IBAprep (roi, &dst, &A, &B))
        return false;
    OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES3 ("mul", mul_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                 A.spec().format, B.spec().format,
                                 dst, A, B, roi, nthreads);
    return true;
ImageBufAlgo::sub (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &A, const ImageBuf &B,
                   ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (! IBAprep (roi, &dst, &A, &B))
        return false;
    bool ok;
    OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES3 (ok, "sub", sub_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                 A.spec().format, B.spec().format,
                                 dst, A, B, roi, nthreads);
    return ok;
ImageBufAlgo::div (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &A, const ImageBuf &B,
                   ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (! IBAprep (roi, &dst, &A, &B, NULL, IBAprep_CLAMP_MUTUAL_NCHANNELS))
        return false;
    bool ok;
    OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES3 (ok, "div", div_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                 A.spec().format, B.spec().format,
                                 dst, A, B, roi, nthreads);
    return ok;
ImageBufAlgo::div(ImageBuf& dst, Image_or_Const A_, Image_or_Const B_, ROI roi,
                  int nthreads)
    pvt::LoggedTimer logtime("IBA::div");
    if (A_.is_img() && B_.is_img()) {
        const ImageBuf &A(A_.img()), &B(B_.img());
        if (!IBAprep(roi, &dst, &A, &B, IBAprep_CLAMP_MUTUAL_NCHANNELS))
            return false;
        bool ok;
        OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES3(ok, "div", div_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                    A.spec().format, B.spec().format, dst, A, B,
                                    roi, nthreads);
        return ok;
    if (A_.is_val() && B_.is_img())  // canonicalize to A_img, B_val
    if (A_.is_img() && B_.is_val()) {
        const ImageBuf& A(A_.img());
        cspan<float> b = B_.val();
        if (!IBAprep(roi, &dst, &A,
                     IBAprep_CLAMP_MUTUAL_NCHANNELS | IBAprep_SUPPORT_DEEP))
            return false;

        IBA_FIX_PERCHAN_LEN_DEF(b, dst.nchannels());
        int nc      = dst.nchannels();
        float* binv = OIIO_ALLOCA(float, nc);
        for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
            binv[c] = (b[c] == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f / b[c];
        b = cspan<float>(binv, nc);  // re-wrap

        if (dst.deep()) {
            // While still serial, set up all the sample counts
            return mul_impl_deep(dst, A, b, roi, nthreads);
        bool ok;
        OIIO_DISPATCH_COMMON_TYPES2(ok, "div", mul_impl, dst.spec().format,
                                    A.spec().format, dst, A, b, roi, nthreads);
        return ok;
    // Remaining cases: error
    dst.error("ImageBufAlgo::div(): at least one argument must be an image");
    return false;