Exemple #1
RCSDNLMaterial :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    IRResultType result;                // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro

    //RCSDEMaterial::instanciateFrom (ir);
    result = this->giveLinearElasticMaterial()->initializeFrom(ir);
    if ( result != IRRT_OK ) return result;    

    result = StructuralNonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface :: initializeFrom(ir);
    if ( result != IRRT_OK ) return result;

    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, Ft, _IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_ft);
    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, SDTransitionCoeff, _IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_sdtransitioncoeff);
    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, SDTransitionCoeff2, _IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_sdtransitioncoeff2);
    if ( SDTransitionCoeff2 > 1.0 ) {
        SDTransitionCoeff2 = 1.0;

    if ( SDTransitionCoeff2 < 0.0 ) {
        SDTransitionCoeff2 = 0.0;

    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, R, _IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_r);
    if ( R < 0.0 ) {
        R = 0.0;

    if ( ir->hasField(_IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_ef) ) { // if ef is specified, Gf is computed acordingly
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, this->ef, _IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_ef);
        this->Gf = this->Ft * this->ef;
    } else if ( ir->hasField(_IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_gf) ) { // otherwise if Gf is specified, ef is computed acordingly
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, this->Gf, _IFT_RCSDNLMaterial_gf);
        this->ef = this->Gf / this->Ft;
    } else {
        OOFEM_WARNING("cannot determine Gf and ef from input data");
        return IRRT_BAD_FORMAT;

    return IRRT_OK;
Exemple #2
MPSDamMaterial :: initDamaged(double kappa, FloatArray &principalDirection, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    double le = 0.;

    MPSDamMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< MPSDamMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );

    if ( this->timeDepFracturing ) {
        this->initDamagedFib(gp, tStep);

    double e0 = this->givee0(gp);
    double gf = this->givegf(gp);
    double wf = 0.;

    if ( softType == ST_Disable_Damage ) {
    } else if  ( softType == ST_Exponential_Cohesive_Crack ) { // exponential softening
        wf = gf / E / e0; // wf is the crack opening
    } else if ( softType == ST_Linear_Cohesive_Crack ) { //  linear softening law
        wf = 2. * gf / E / e0; // wf is the crack opening
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Gf unsupported for softening type softType = %d", softType);

    if ( ( kappa > e0 ) && ( status->giveDamage() == 0. ) ) {

        le = gp->giveElement()->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, principalDirection, ecsMethod);

        if ( gf != 0. && e0 >= ( wf / le ) ) { // case for a given fracture energy
            OOFEM_WARNING("Fracturing strain %e is lower than the elastic strain e0=%e, possible snap-back. Element number %d, wf %e, le %e. Increase fracturing strain or decrease element size by at least %f", wf / le, e0, gp->giveElement()->giveLabel(), wf, le, e0/(wf/le) );
            if ( checkSnapBack ) {
Exemple #3
IMLSolver :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    IRResultType result;                // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro

    int val;

    val = 0;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, val, _IFT_IMLSolver_stype);
    solverType = ( IMLSolverType ) val;

    tol = 1.e-5;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, tol, _IFT_IMLSolver_lstol);
    maxite = 200;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, maxite, _IFT_IMLSolver_lsiter);
    val = 0;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, val, _IFT_IMLSolver_lsprecond);
    precondType = ( IMLPrecondType ) val;

    // create preconditioner
    if ( precondType == IML_DiagPrec ) {
        M = new DiagPreconditioner();
    } else if ( precondType == IML_VoidPrec ) {
        M = new VoidPreconditioner();
    } else if ( precondType == IML_ILU_CompRowPrec ) {
        M = new CompRow_ILUPreconditioner();
    } else if ( precondType == IML_ILU_CompColPrec ) {
        M = new CompCol_ILUPreconditioner();
    } else if ( precondType == IML_ICPrec ) {
        M = new CompCol_ICPreconditioner();
    } else {
        OOFEM_WARNING("unknown preconditioner type");
        return IRRT_BAD_FORMAT;

    // initialize precond attributes
    return M->initializeFrom(ir);
Exemple #4
MPIBuffer :: packArray(MPI_Comm communicator, const void *src, int n, MPI_Datatype type)
    int _size;
    // ask MPI for packing size for integer
    _size = this->givePackSize(communicator, type, n);

    if ( ( this->curr_pos + _size > this->size ) ) {
        // reallocate itself
        if ( isDynamic ) {
            if ( this->resize(this->curr_pos + _size + __CommunicationBuffer_ALLOC_CHUNK) == 0 ) {
                return 0;
        } else {
            OOFEM_WARNING("CommunicationBuffer :: packIntArray: Resize requested in static mode");
            return 0;

    void *__src = const_cast< void * >(src);   // throw away const
    return ( MPI_Pack(__src, n, type, this->buff, this->size,
                      & this->curr_pos, communicator) == MPI_SUCCESS );
Exemple #5
IntElPoint :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    IRResultType result;  // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro

    result = StructuralInterfaceElement :: initializeFrom(ir);
    if ( result != IRRT_OK ) {
        return result;

    if ( ir->hasField(_IFT_IntElPoint_refnode) &&  ir->hasField(_IFT_IntElPoint_normal) ) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Ambiguous input: 'refnode' and 'normal' cannot both be specified");
        return IRRT_BAD_FORMAT;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, referenceNode, _IFT_IntElPoint_refnode);
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, normal, _IFT_IntElPoint_normal);
    this->area = 1.0; // Default area ///@todo Make non-optional? /JB
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, this->area, _IFT_IntElPoint_area);
    return IRRT_OK;
Exemple #6
StructuralEngngModel :: checkConsistency()
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    // check for proper element type

    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        Element *ePtr = domain->giveElement(i);
        StructuralElement *sePtr = dynamic_cast< StructuralElement * >(ePtr);
        StructuralInterfaceElement *siePtr = dynamic_cast< StructuralInterfaceElement * >(ePtr);
        StructuralElementEvaluator *see = dynamic_cast< StructuralElementEvaluator * >(ePtr);

        if ( sePtr == NULL && see == NULL && siePtr == NULL ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("element %d has no Structural support", i);
            return 0;

    EngngModel :: checkConsistency();

    return 1;
NonStationaryTransportProblem :: checkConsistency()
    // check internal consistency
    // if success returns nonzero
    int nelem;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    // check for proper element type

    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        Element *ePtr = domain->giveElement(i);
        TransportElement *sePtr = dynamic_cast< TransportElement * >(ePtr);
        if ( sePtr == NULL ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("Element %d has no TransportElement base", ePtr->giveNumber());
            return 0;

    EngngModel :: checkConsistency();

    return 1;
Exemple #8
Beam2d :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    IRResultType result;                // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro
    // first call parent
    BeamBaseElement :: initializeFrom(ir);

    if ( ir->hasField(_IFT_Beam2d_dofstocondense) ) {
        IntArray val;
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, val, _IFT_Beam2d_dofstocondense);
        if ( val.giveSize() >= 6 ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("wrong input data for condensed dofs");
            return IRRT_BAD_FORMAT;

        DofIDItem mask[] = {
            D_u, D_w, R_v
        this->numberOfCondensedDofs = val.giveSize();
        for ( int i = 1; i <= val.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( val.at(i) <= 3 ) {
                if ( ghostNodes [ 0 ] == NULL ) {
                    ghostNodes [ 0 ] = new ElementDofManager(1, giveDomain(), this);
                ghostNodes [ 0 ]->appendDof( new MasterDof(ghostNodes [ 0 ], mask [ val.at(i) - 1 ]) );
            } else {
                if ( ghostNodes [ 1 ] == NULL ) {
                    ghostNodes [ 1 ] = new ElementDofManager(1, giveDomain(), this);
                ghostNodes [ 1 ]->appendDof( new MasterDof(ghostNodes [ 1 ], mask [ val.at(i) - 4 ]) );

    return IRRT_OK;
void StructuralMaterialEvaluator :: solveYourself()
    Domain *d = this->giveDomain(1);

    MaterialMode mode = _3dMat;
    FloatArray initialStrain(6);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfMaterialModels(); i++ ) {
        std :: unique_ptr< GaussPoint > gp = std::make_unique<GaussPoint>(nullptr, i, FloatArray(0), 1, mode);
        gps.emplace_back( std :: move(gp) );
        // Initialize the strain vector;
        StructuralMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( d->giveMaterial(i)->giveStatus( gps[i-1].get() ) );

    std :: string outname = this->giveOutputBaseFileName() + ".matdata";
    this->outfile.open( outname.c_str() );

    this->timer.startTimer(EngngModelTimer :: EMTT_AnalysisTimer);

    TimeStep *tStep = giveNextStep();

    // Note, strain == strain-rate (kept as strain for brevity)
    int maxiter = 100; // User input?
    FloatArray stressC, deltaStrain, strain, stress, res;
    stressC.resize( sControl.giveSize() );
    res.resize( sControl.giveSize() );

    FloatMatrix tangent, reducedTangent;
    for ( int istep = 1; istep <= this->numberOfSteps; ++istep ) {
        this->timer.startTimer(EngngModelTimer :: EMTT_SolutionStepTimer);
        for ( int imat = 1; imat <= d->giveNumberOfMaterialModels(); ++imat ) {
            GaussPoint *gp = gps[imat-1].get();
            StructuralMaterial *mat = static_cast< StructuralMaterial * >( d->giveMaterial(imat) );
            StructuralMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( mat->giveStatus(gp) );

            strain = status->giveStrainVector();
            // Update the controlled parts
            for ( int j = 1; j <= eControl.giveSize(); ++j ) {
                int p = eControl.at(j);
                strain.at(p) = d->giveFunction( cmpntFunctions.at(p) )->evaluateAtTime( tStep->giveIntrinsicTime() );

            for ( int j = 1; j <= sControl.giveSize(); ++j ) {
                int p = sControl.at(j);
                stressC.at(j) = d->giveFunction( cmpntFunctions.at(p) )->evaluateAtTime( tStep->giveIntrinsicTime() );

            //strain.add(-100, {6.27e-06,  6.27e-06, 6.27e-06, 0, 0, 0});
            for ( int iter = 1; iter < maxiter; iter++ ) {
#if 0
                // Debugging:
                mat->give3dMaterialStiffnessMatrix(tangent, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep);
                tangent.printYourself("# tangent");
                mat->giveRealStressVector_3d(stress, gp, strain, tStep);
                FloatArray strain2;
                tangent.solveForRhs(stress, strain2);
                strain2.printYourself("# thermal expansion");

                strain.printYourself("Macro strain guess");
                mat->giveRealStressVector_3d(stress, gp, strain, tStep);
                for ( int j = 1; j <= sControl.giveSize(); ++j ) {
                    res.at(j) = stressC.at(j) - stress.at( sControl.at(j) );

                OOFEM_LOG_INFO("*** Time step: %d (t = %.2e), Material %d, Iteration: %d,  Residual = %e (tolerance %.2e)\n", 
                              istep, tStep->giveIntrinsicTime(), imat, iter, res.computeNorm(), tolerance);

                if ( res.computeNorm() <= tolerance ) {
                } else {
                    if ( tangent.giveNumberOfRows() == 0 || !keepTangent ) {
                        mat->give3dMaterialStiffnessMatrix(tangent, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep);

                    // Pick out the stress-controlled part;
                    reducedTangent.beSubMatrixOf(tangent, sControl, sControl);

                    // Update stress-controlled part of the strain
                    reducedTangent.solveForRhs(res, deltaStrain);
                    for ( int j = 1; j <= sControl.giveSize(); ++j ) {
                        strain.at( sControl.at(j) ) += deltaStrain.at(j);

            if ( res.computeNorm() > tolerance ) {
                OOFEM_WARNING("Residual did not converge!");

            // This material model has converged, so we update it and go on to the next.

        this->timer.stopTimer(EngngModelTimer :: EMTT_SolutionStepTimer);
        tStep = giveNextStep();

    this->timer.stopTimer(EngngModelTimer :: EMTT_AnalysisTimer);
Exemple #10
QWedge_ht :: NodalAveragingRecoveryMI_computeNodalValue(FloatArray &answer, int node, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep)
    OOFEM_WARNING("IP values will not be transferred to nodes. Use ZZNodalRecovery instead (parameter stype 1)");
void LineSurfaceTension :: computeTangent(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep)
#if 1
    ///@todo Not sure if it's a good idea to use this tangent.
    domainType dt = this->giveDomain()->giveDomainType();
    int ndofs = this->computeNumberOfDofs(EID_MomentumBalance);
    Node *node1, *node2;
    double x1, x2, y1, y2, dx, dy, vx, vy, length, width, gamma_s;

    gamma_s = this->giveMaterial()->give('g',NULL);

    node1 = giveNode(1);
    node2 = giveNode(2);

    x1 = node1->giveCoordinate(1);
    x2 = node2->giveCoordinate(1);

    y1 = node1->giveCoordinate(2);
    y2 = node2->giveCoordinate(2);

    dx = x2-x1;
    dy = y2-y1;

    length = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

    vx = dx/length;
    vy = dy/length;

    FloatArray Ah(4);
    Ah.at(1) = -vx;
    Ah.at(2) = -vy;
    Ah.at(3) = vx;
    Ah.at(4) = vy;

    FloatMatrix NpTNp(4,4);
    NpTNp.at(1,1) = 1;
    NpTNp.at(2,2) = 1;
    NpTNp.at(3,3) = 1;
    NpTNp.at(4,4) = 1;
    NpTNp.at(1,3) = -1;
    NpTNp.at(2,4) = -1;
    NpTNp.at(3,1) = -1;
    NpTNp.at(4,2) = -1;

    if (dt == _3dAxisymmMode) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Not tested");
        FloatArray Bh(4);
        Bh.at(1) = 1;
        Bh.at(3) = 1;

        // It was simpler to write this in index notation.
        // Also using 0-based, to reduce typing
        double rJinv = (x1+x2)/length;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            answer(i,j) = M_PI*(Ah(i)*Bh(j) + Bh(i)*Ah(j)+ rJinv*(NpTNp(i,j) - Ah(i)*Ah(j)));
    else {
        width = 1;

Quad1MindlinShell3D :: computeBmatrixAt(GaussPoint *gp, FloatMatrix &answer, int li, int ui)
    FloatArray n, ns;
    FloatMatrix dn, dns;
    const FloatArray &localCoords = gp->giveNaturalCoordinates();

    this->interp.evaldNdx( dn, localCoords, FEIVertexListGeometryWrapper(lnodes) );
    this->interp.evalN( n, localCoords,  FEIVoidCellGeometry() );

    answer.resize(8, 4 * 5);

    // enforce one-point reduced integration if requested
    if ( this->reducedIntegrationFlag ) {
        FloatArray lc(2);
        lc.zero(); // set to element center coordinates

        this->interp.evaldNdx( dns, lc, FEIVertexListGeometryWrapper(lnodes) );
        this->interp.evalN( ns, lc,  FEIVoidCellGeometry() );
    } else {
        dns = dn;
        ns = n;

    // Note: This is just 5 dofs (sixth column is all zero, torsional stiffness handled separately.)
    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
        ///@todo Check the rows for both parts here, to be consistent with _3dShell material definition
        // Part related to the membrane (columns represent coefficients for D_u, D_v)
        answer(0, 0 + i * 5) = dn(i, 0);//eps_x = du/dx
        answer(1, 1 + i * 5) = dn(i, 1);//eps_y = dv/dy
        answer(2, 0 + i * 5) = dn(i, 1);//gamma_xy = du/dy+dv/dx
        answer(2, 1 + i * 5) = dn(i, 0);

        // Part related to the plate (columns represent the dofs D_w, R_u, R_v)
        ///@todo Check sign here
        answer(3 + 0, 2 + 2 + i * 5) = dn(i, 0);// kappa_x = d(fi_y)/dx
        answer(3 + 1, 2 + 1 + i * 5) =-dn(i, 1);// kappa_y = -d(fi_x)/dy
        answer(3 + 2, 2 + 2 + i * 5) = dn(i, 1);// kappa_xy=d(fi_y)/dy-d(fi_x)/dx
        answer(3 + 2, 2 + 1 + i * 5) =-dn(i, 0);

        // shear strains
        answer(3 + 3, 2 + 0 + i * 5) = dns(i, 0);// gamma_xz = fi_y+dw/dx
        answer(3 + 3, 2 + 2 + i * 5) = ns(i);
        answer(3 + 4, 2 + 0 + i * 5) = dns(i, 1);// gamma_yz = -fi_x+dw/dy
        answer(3 + 4, 2 + 1 + i * 5) = -ns(i);

#if 0
    // Experimental MITC4 support.
    // Based on "Short communication A four-node plate bending element based on mindling/reissner plate theory and a mixed interpolation"
    // KJ Bathe, E Dvorkin

    double x1, x2, x3, x4;
    double y1, y2, y3, y4;
    double Ax, Bx, Cx, Ay, By, Cy;

    double r = localCoords[0];
    double s = localCoords[1];

    x1 = lnodes[0][0];
    x2 = lnodes[1][0];
    x3 = lnodes[2][0];
    x4 = lnodes[3][0];

    y1 = lnodes[0][1];
    y2 = lnodes[1][1];
    y3 = lnodes[2][1];
    y4 = lnodes[3][1];

    Ax = x1 - x2 - x3 + x4;
    Bx = x1 - x2 + x3 - x4;
    Cx = x1 + x2 - x3 - x4;

    Ay = y1 - y2 - y3 + y4;
    By = y1 - y2 + y3 - y4;
    Cy = y1 + y2 - y3 - y4;

    FloatMatrix jac;
    this->interp.giveJacobianMatrixAt(jac, localCoords, FEIVertexListGeometryWrapper(lnodes) );
    double detJ = jac.giveDeterminant();

    double rz = sqrt( sqr(Cx + r*Bx) + sqr(Cy + r*By)) / ( 16 * detJ );
    double sz = sqrt( sqr(Ax + s*Bx) + sqr(Ay + s*By)) / ( 16 * detJ );

    // TODO: Not sure about this part (the reference is not explicit about these angles. / Mikael
    // Not sure about the transpose either.
    OOFEM_WARNING("The MITC4 implementation isn't verified yet. Highly experimental");
    FloatArray dxdr = {jac(0,0), jac(0,1)};
    FloatArray dxds = {jac(1,0), jac(1,1)};

    double c_b = dxdr(0); //cos(beta);
    double s_b = dxdr(1); //sin(beta);
    double c_a = dxds(0); //cos(alpha);
    double s_a = dxds(1); //sin(alpha);

    // gamma_xz = "fi_y+dw/dx" in standard formulation
    answer(6, 2 + 5*0) = rz * s_b * ( (1+s)) - sz * s_a * ( (1+r));
    answer(6, 2 + 5*1) = rz * s_b * (-(1+s)) - sz * s_a * ( (1-r));
    answer(6, 2 + 5*2) = rz * s_b * (-(1-s)) - sz * s_a * (-(1-r));
    answer(6, 2 + 5*3) = rz * s_b * ( (1-s)) - sz * s_a * (-(1+r));

    answer(6, 3 + 5*0) = rz * s_b * (y2-y1) * 0.5 * (1+s) - sz * s_a * (y4-y1) * 0.5 * (1+r); // tx1
    answer(6, 4 + 5*0) = rz * s_b * (x1-x2) * 0.5 * (1+s) - sz * s_a * (x1-x4) * 0.5 * (1+r); // ty1

    answer(6, 3 + 5*1) = rz * s_b * (y2-y1) * 0.5 * (1+s) - sz * s_a * (y3-x2) * 0.5 * (1+r); // tx2
    answer(6, 4 + 5*1) = rz * s_b * (x1-x2) * 0.5 * (1+s) - sz * s_a * (x2-x3) * 0.5 * (1+r); // ty2

    answer(6, 3 + 5*2) = rz * s_b * (y3-y4) * 0.5 * (1-s) - sz * s_a * (y3-y2) * 0.5 * (1-r); // tx3
    answer(6, 4 + 5*2) = rz * s_b * (x4-x3) * 0.5 * (1-s) - sz * s_a * (x2-x3) * 0.5 * (1-r); // ty3

    answer(6, 3 + 5*3) = rz * s_b * (y3-y4) * 0.5 * (1-s) - sz * s_a * (y4-y1) * 0.5 * (1-r); // tx4
    answer(6, 4 + 5*3) = rz * s_b * (x4-x3) * 0.5 * (1-s) - sz * s_a * (x1-x4) * 0.5 * (1-r); // ty4

    // gamma_yz = -fi_x+dw/dy in standard formulation
    answer(7, 2 + 5*0) = - rz * c_b * ( (1+s)) + sz * c_a * ( (1+r));
    answer(7, 2 + 5*1) = - rz * c_b * (-(1+s)) + sz * c_a * ( (1-r));
    answer(7, 2 + 5*2) = - rz * c_b * (-(1-s)) + sz * c_a * (-(1-r));
    answer(7, 2 + 5*3) = - rz * c_b * ( (1-s)) + sz * c_a * (-(1+r));

    answer(7, 3 + 5*0) = - rz * c_b * (y2-y1) * 0.5 * (1+s) + sz * c_a * (y4-y1) * 0.5 * (1+r); // tx1
    answer(7, 4 + 5*0) = - rz * c_b * (x1-x2) * 0.5 * (1+s) + sz * c_a * (x1-x4) * 0.5 * (1+r); // ty1

    answer(7, 3 + 5*1) = - rz * c_b * (y2-y1) * 0.5 * (1+s) + sz * c_a * (y3-x2) * 0.5 * (1+r); // tx2
    answer(7, 4 + 5*1) = - rz * c_b * (x1-x2) * 0.5 * (1+s) + sz * c_a * (x2-x3) * 0.5 * (1+r); // ty2

    answer(7, 3 + 5*2) = - rz * c_b * (y3-y4) * 0.5 * (1-s) + sz * c_a * (y3-y2) * 0.5 * (1-r); // tx3
    answer(7, 4 + 5*2) = - rz * c_b * (x4-x3) * 0.5 * (1-s) + sz * c_a * (x2-x3) * 0.5 * (1-r); // ty3

    answer(7, 3 + 5*3) = - rz * c_b * (y3-y4) * 0.5 * (1-s) + sz * c_a * (y4-y1) * 0.5 * (1-r); // tx4
    answer(7, 4 + 5*3) = - rz * c_b * (x4-x3) * 0.5 * (1-s) + sz * c_a * (x1-x4) * 0.5 * (1-r); // ty4
DynamicRelaxationSolver :: solve(SparseMtrx &k, FloatArray &R, FloatArray *R0, FloatArray *iR,
                  FloatArray &X, FloatArray &dX, FloatArray &F,
                  const FloatArray &internalForcesEBENorm, double &l, referenceLoadInputModeType rlm,
                  int &nite, TimeStep *tStep)

    // residual, iteration increment of solution, total external force
    FloatArray rhs, ddX, RT, X_0, X_n, X_n1, M;

    double RRT;
    int neq = X.giveSize();
    NM_Status status = NM_None;
    bool converged, errorOutOfRangeFlag;
    ParallelContext *parallel_context = engngModel->giveParallelContext( this->domain->giveNumber() );
    if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("DRSolver: Iteration");
        if ( rtolf.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" ForceError");
        if ( rtold.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" DisplError");

    // compute total load R = R+R0
    l = 1.0;
    RT = R;
    if ( R0 ) {
        RT.add(* R0);

    RRT = parallel_context->localNorm(RT);
    RRT *= RRT;


    X_0 = X;
    X_n = X_0;
    X_n1 = X_0;

    // Compute the mass "matrix" (lumped, only storing the diagonal)
    engngModel->assembleVector(M, tStep, LumpedMassVectorAssembler(), VM_Total, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), domain);

    double Le = -1.0;
    for ( auto &elem : domain->giveElements() ) {
        double size = elem->computeMeanSize();
        if ( Le < 0 || Le >= size ) {
            Le = size;

    for ( nite = 0; ; ++nite ) {
        // Compute the residual
        engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, InternalRhs, domain);
        rhs.beDifferenceOf(RT, F);

        converged = this->checkConvergence(RT, F, rhs, ddX, X, RRT, internalForcesEBENorm, nite, errorOutOfRangeFlag);
        if ( errorOutOfRangeFlag ) {
            status = NM_NoSuccess;
            OOFEM_WARNING("Divergence reached after %d iterations", nite);
        } else if ( converged && ( nite >= minIterations ) ) {
            status |= NM_Success;
        } else if ( nite >= nsmax ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("Maximum number of iterations reached\n");

        double density = 1.;
        double lambda = 210e9;
        double mu = 210e9;
        double c = sqrt((lambda + 2*mu) / density);
        double dt = 0.25 * Le / c;
        double alpha = 0.1 / dt;
        printf("dt = %e\n", dt);
        for ( int j = 0; j < neq; ++j ) {
            //M * x'' + C*x' * dt = rhs * dt*dt
            X[j] = rhs[j] * dt * dt / M[j] - ( -2*X_n1[j] + X_n[j] ) - alpha * (X_n1[j] - X_n[j]) * dt;
        X_n = X_n1;
        X_n1 = X;

        dX.beDifferenceOf(X, X_0);
        tStep->incrementStateCounter(); // update solution state counter

    return status;
Exemple #14
TrustRegionSolver3 :: solve(SparseMtrx &k, FloatArray &R, FloatArray *R0,
                  FloatArray &X, FloatArray &dX, FloatArray &F,
                  const FloatArray &internalForcesEBENorm, double &l, referenceLoadInputModeType rlm,
                  int &nite, TimeStep *tStep)

    // residual, iteration increment of solution, total external force
    FloatArray rhs, ddX, RT;
    double RRT;
    int neq = X.giveSize();
    bool converged, errorOutOfRangeFlag;
    ParallelContext *parallel_context = engngModel->giveParallelContext( this->domain->giveNumber() );

    if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver: Iteration");
        if ( rtolf.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" ForceError");
        if ( rtold.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" DisplError");

    l = 1.0;

    NM_Status status = NM_None;

    // compute total load R = R+R0
    RT = R;
    if ( R0 ) {
        RT.add(* R0);

    RRT = parallel_context->localNorm(RT);
    RRT *= RRT;


    double old_res = 0.0;
    double trial_res = 0.0;

    bool first_perturbation = true;
    FloatArray eig_vec, pert_eig_vec;
    double pert_tol = 0.0e1;

    nite = 0;
    for ( nite = 0; ; ++nite ) {

        // Compute the residual
        engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, InternalRhs, domain);
        rhs.beDifferenceOf(RT, F);

        old_res = rhs.computeNorm();

        // convergence check
        converged = this->checkConvergence(RT, F, rhs, ddX, X, RRT, internalForcesEBENorm, nite, errorOutOfRangeFlag);

        if ( errorOutOfRangeFlag ) {
        	status = NM_NoSuccess;
            OOFEM_WARNING("Divergence reached after %d iterations", nite);
        } else if ( converged && ( nite >= minIterations ) ) {
            status |= NM_Success;
        } else if ( nite >= nsmax ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("Maximum number of iterations reached\n");

        engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, NonLinearLhs, domain);

        // Step calculation: Solve trust-region subproblem
        PetscSparseMtrx &A = dynamic_cast< PetscSparseMtrx& >(k);
        IntArray loc_u;

        // Check if k is positive definite
        double smallest_eig_val = 0.0;

        // Dirty hack for weakly periodic boundary conditions
        PrescribedGradientBCWeak *bc = dynamic_cast<PrescribedGradientBCWeak*>(domain->giveBc(1));

        if( bc ) {

	    	if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
	    		printf("Found PrescribedGradientBCWeak.\n");

	    	auto Kuu = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PetscSparseMtrx>( bc->giveKuu(loc_u, tStep) );

            calcSmallestEigVal(smallest_eig_val, eig_vec, *Kuu);

            if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
            	printf("smallest_eig_val: %e\n", smallest_eig_val);
        else {
            calcSmallestEigVal(smallest_eig_val, eig_vec, A);

        double lambda = 0.0;
        if(smallest_eig_val < 0.0) {
        	lambda = -smallest_eig_val;
        	A.addDiagonal(lambda, loc_u);

        linSolver->solve(k, rhs, ddX);

        // Remove lambda from the diagonal again
        if(smallest_eig_val < 0.0) {
        	A.addDiagonal(-lambda, loc_u);

        // Constrain the increment to stay within the trust-region
        double increment_ratio = 1.0;
        double maxInc = 0.0;

        for ( double inc : ddX ) {
            if(fabs(inc) > maxInc) {
                maxInc = fabs(inc);

        if(maxInc > mTrustRegionSize) {
            if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
            	printf("Restricting increment. maxInc: %e\n", maxInc);
        	increment_ratio = mTrustRegionSize/maxInc;

        if( smallest_eig_val < pert_tol ) {

            if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
				printf("Negative eigenvalue detected.\n");
				printf("Perturbing in lowest eigenvector direction.\n");

        	if(first_perturbation || (nite%mEigVecRecalc==0) ) {
				pert_eig_vec.resize( ddX.giveSize() );

				for(int i = 0; i < loc_u.giveSize(); i++) {
					pert_eig_vec( loc_u(i)-1 ) = eig_vec(i);

				// Rescale eigenvector such that the L_inf norm is 1.
				double max_eig_vec = 0.0;
				for ( double inc : pert_eig_vec ) {
					if(fabs(inc) > max_eig_vec) {
						max_eig_vec = fabs(inc);


				first_perturbation = false;

        	double c = maxInc;
        	if(c > mTrustRegionSize) {
        		c = mTrustRegionSize;

        	if( ddX.dotProduct(pert_eig_vec) < 0.0 ) {
        		c *= -1.0;

        	ddX.add( c*mBeta, pert_eig_vec );


    	if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
			printf("smallest_eig_val: %e increment_ratio: %e\n", smallest_eig_val, increment_ratio );


        // Acceptance of trial point
        engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, InternalRhs, domain);
        rhs.beDifferenceOf(RT, F);

        trial_res = rhs.computeNorm();

        double rho_k = 1.0;

        if(old_res > 1.0e-12) {
        	rho_k = ( old_res - trial_res )/( 0.99*increment_ratio*old_res );

        // Trust-region radius update
		if( rho_k >= mEta2  ) {

//				printf("Very successful update.\n");

			// Parameter on p.782 in Conn et al.
			double alpha1 = 2.5;

			if ( alpha1*maxInc > mTrustRegionSize ) {
				mTrustRegionSize = alpha1*mTrustRegionSize;
		else {

			if( !(rho_k >= mEta1 && rho_k < mEta2) ) {

				if(nite > 1000) { // Only contract trust-region size in case of emergency

					// Parameter on p.782 in Conn et al.
					double alpha2 = 0.5;

					mTrustRegionSize = alpha2*mTrustRegionSize;



        tStep->incrementStateCounter(); // update solution state counter

        engngModel->giveExportModuleManager()->doOutput(tStep, true);

    // Modify Load vector to include "quasi reaction"
    if ( R0 ) {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) = F.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R0->at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
    } else {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) = F.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );


#ifdef VERBOSE
    if ( numberOfPrescribedDofs ) {
        // print quasi reactions if direct displacement control used
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver:     Quasi reaction table                                 \n");
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver:     Node            Dof             Displacement    Force\n");
        double reaction;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            reaction = R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
            if ( R0 ) {
                reaction += R0->at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
            lastReactions.at(i) = reaction;
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver:     %-15d %-15d %-+15.5e %-+15.5e\n", prescribedDofs.at(2 * i - 1), prescribedDofs.at(2 * i),
                           X.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ), reaction);

    return status;
StaggeredSolver :: solve(SparseMtrx &k, FloatArray &R, FloatArray *R0,
                  FloatArray &Xtotal, FloatArray &dXtotal, FloatArray &F,
                  const FloatArray &internalForcesEBENorm, double &l, referenceLoadInputModeType rlm,
                  int &nite, TimeStep *tStep)

    // residual, iteration increment of solution, total external force
    FloatArray RHS, rhs, ddXtotal, RT;
    double RRTtotal;
    int neq = Xtotal.giveSize();
    NM_Status status;
    bool converged, errorOutOfRangeFlag;
    ParallelContext *parallel_context = engngModel->giveParallelContext( this->domain->giveNumber() );
    if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("StaggeredSolver: Iteration");
        if ( rtolf.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" ForceError");
        if ( rtold.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" DisplError");

    l = 1.0;

    status = NM_None;

    // compute total load R = R+R0
    RT = R;
    if ( R0 ) {
        RT.add(* R0);

    RRTtotal = parallel_context->localNorm(RT);
    RRTtotal *= RRTtotal;


    // Fetch the matrix before evaluating internal forces.
    // This is intentional, since its a simple way to drastically increase convergence for nonlinear problems.
    // (This old tangent is just used)
    // This improves convergence for many nonlinear problems, but not all. It may actually
    // cause divergence for some nonlinear problems. Therefore a flag is used to determine if
    // the stiffness should be evaluated before the residual (default yes). /ES
    // Compute external forces 
    int numDofIdGroups = this->UnknownNumberingSchemeList.size();
    FloatArray RRT(numDofIdGroups);
    for ( int dG = 0; dG < numDofIdGroups; dG++ ) {
        this->fExtList[dG].beSubArrayOf( RT, locArrayList[dG] );        
        RRT(dG) = this->fExtList[dG].computeSquaredNorm();
    int nStaggeredIter = 0;
    do {
        // Staggered iterations
        for ( int dG = 0; dG < (int)this->UnknownNumberingSchemeList.size(); dG++ ) {
            printf("\nSolving for dof group %d \n", dG+1);
            engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, NonLinearLhs, domain);      
            this->stiffnessMatrixList[dG] = k.giveSubMatrix( locArrayList[dG], locArrayList[dG]);

            if ( this->prescribedDofsFlag ) {
                if ( !prescribedEqsInitFlag ) {

            nite = 0;
            do {
                // Compute the residual
                engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, InternalRhs, domain);
                RHS.beDifferenceOf(RT, F); 
                this->fIntList[dG].beSubArrayOf( F, locArrayList[dG] );
                rhs.beDifferenceOf(this->fExtList[dG], this->fIntList[dG]);
                RHS.assemble(rhs, locArrayList[dG]);
                if ( this->prescribedDofsFlag ) {
                    this->applyConstraintsToLoadIncrement(nite, k, rhs, rlm, tStep);

                // convergence check
                IntArray &idArray = UnknownNumberingSchemeList[dG].dofIdArray;
                converged = this->checkConvergenceDofIdArray(RT, F, RHS, ddXtotal, Xtotal, RRTtotal, internalForcesEBENorm, nite, errorOutOfRangeFlag, tStep, idArray);

                if ( errorOutOfRangeFlag ) {
                    status = NM_NoSuccess;
                    OOFEM_WARNING("Divergence reached after %d iterations", nite);
                } else if ( converged && ( nite >= minIterations ) ) {
                } else if ( nite >= nsmax ) {
                    OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("Maximum number of iterations reached\n");

                if ( nite > 0 || !mCalcStiffBeforeRes ) {
                    if ( ( NR_Mode == nrsolverFullNRM ) || ( ( NR_Mode == nrsolverAccelNRM ) && ( nite % MANRMSteps == 0 ) ) ) {
                        engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, NonLinearLhs, domain);
                        this->stiffnessMatrixList[dG] = k.giveSubMatrix( locArrayList[dG], locArrayList[dG]);

                if ( ( nite == 0 ) && ( deltaL < 1.0 ) ) { // deltaL < 1 means no increment applied, only equilibrate current state
                    ddX[dG] = rhs;
                } else {
                    status = linSolver->solve(*this->stiffnessMatrixList[dG], rhs, ddX[dG]);

                // update solution
                if ( this->lsFlag && ( nite > 0 ) ) { // Why not nite == 0 ?
                    // line search
                    LineSearchNM :: LS_status LSstatus;
                    double eta;               
                    this->giveLineSearchSolver()->solve( X[dG], ddX[dG], fIntList[dG], fExtList[dG], R0, prescribedEqs, 1.0, eta, LSstatus, tStep);
                } else if ( this->constrainedNRFlag && ( nite > this->constrainedNRminiter ) ) { 
                    if ( this->forceErrVec.computeSquaredNorm() > this->forceErrVecOld.computeSquaredNorm() ) {
                        printf("Constraining increment to be %e times full increment...\n", this->constrainedNRalpha);

                // Update total solution (containing all dofs)
                Xtotal.assemble(ddX[dG], locArrayList[dG]);
                dXtotal.assemble(ddX[dG], locArrayList[dG]);
                ddXtotal.assemble(ddX[dG], locArrayList[dG]);
                tStep->incrementStateCounter(); // update solution state counter
                nite++; // iteration increment

                engngModel->giveExportModuleManager()->doOutput(tStep, true);
            } while ( true ); // end of iteration
        printf("\nStaggered iteration (all dof id's) \n");
        // Check convergence of total system
        RHS.beDifferenceOf(RT, F);
        converged = this->checkConvergence(RT, F, RHS, ddXtotal, Xtotal, RRTtotal, internalForcesEBENorm, nStaggeredIter, errorOutOfRangeFlag);
        if ( converged && ( nStaggeredIter >= minIterations ) ) {
   } while ( true ); // end of iteration 

    status |= NM_Success;
    solved = 1;

    // Modify Load vector to include "quasi reaction"
    if ( R0 ) {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) = F.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R0->at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
    } else {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) = F.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );


#ifdef VERBOSE
    if ( numberOfPrescribedDofs ) {
        // print quasi reactions if direct displacement control used
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("StaggeredSolver:     Quasi reaction table                                 \n");
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("StaggeredSolver:     Node            Dof             Displacement    Force\n");
        double reaction;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            reaction = R->at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
            if ( R0 ) {
                reaction += R0->at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
            lastReactions.at(i) = reaction;
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO("StaggeredSolver:     %-15d %-15d %-+15.5e %-+15.5e\n", prescribedDofs.at(2 * i - 1), prescribedDofs.at(2 * i),
                           X.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ), reaction);

    return status;
SPRNodalRecoveryModel :: determinePatchAssemblyPoints(IntArray &pap, SPRPatchType regType, Set &elementSet)
    int idofMan, ndofMan = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    int ielem;
    int npap, ipap, count, neq, nip;
    IntArray dofManFlags(ndofMan), elemPap;
    SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface *interface;
    Element *element;
    const IntArray *papDofManConnectivity;
    enum { papStatus_noPap, papStatus_regular, papStatus_boundary, papStatus_littleNIPs };

    // init all dof man statuses
    for ( idofMan = 1; idofMan <= ndofMan; idofMan++ ) {
        dofManFlags.at(idofMan) = papStatus_noPap;

    IntArray elements = elementSet.giveElementList();
    // assign all possible paps with corresponding count
    for ( int i = 1; i <= elements.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        ielem = elements.at(i);
        element = domain->giveElement(ielem);

        if ( element->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

        if ( ( interface = static_cast< SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface * >( element->giveInterface(SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterfaceType) ) ) ) {
            npap = elemPap.giveSize();
            for ( ipap = 1; ipap <= npap; ipap++ ) {
                dofManFlags.at( elemPap.at(ipap) ) = papStatus_regular;

    // after loop all possible paps (patch assembly points) will have papStatus_regular flag

    // but we now have to skip those pap reported by elements, which have not enough integration points
    // to determine the least square fit of patch
    // and also we mark those dofManagers which are on boundary

    neq = this->giveNumberOfUnknownPolynomialCoefficients(regType);
    for ( idofMan = 1; idofMan <= ndofMan; idofMan++ ) {
        // mark boundary dofManagers
        if ( domain->giveDofManager(idofMan)->isBoundary() ) {
            dofManFlags.at(idofMan) = papStatus_boundary;

        nip = 0;
        if ( dofManFlags.at(idofMan) != papStatus_noPap ) {
            papDofManConnectivity = domain->giveConnectivityTable()->giveDofManConnectivityArray(idofMan);
            for ( ielem = 1; ielem <= papDofManConnectivity->giveSize(); ielem++ ) {
                element = domain->giveElement( papDofManConnectivity->at(ielem) );

                if ( element->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                if ( elementSet.hasElement( element->giveNumber() ) ) {
                    if ( ( interface = static_cast< SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface * >( element->giveInterface(SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterfaceType) ) ) ) {
                        nip += interface->SPRNodalRecoveryMI_giveNumberOfIP();

            if ( nip < neq ) {
                // this pap has not enough integration points to determine patch polynomial
                // reset its count to zero
                dofManFlags.at(idofMan) =  papStatus_littleNIPs;

    // generally boundary pap can be removed from pap list
    // if their value can be determined from other paps
    // and if they are  not the last resort to determine other dofManagers values (for example those with little nips).
    // here only test if paps with papStatus_littleNIPs can be determined using regular paps (papStatus_regular)
    // or the boundary paps must be employed. In such case these boundary paps are marked as regular ones
    // to force paches to be assembled.
    bool foundRegularPap, foundBoundaryPap, abort_flag = false;
    // loop over boundary candidates to remove and try to confirm whether they can be removed
    for ( idofMan = 1; idofMan <= ndofMan; idofMan++ ) {
        foundRegularPap = foundBoundaryPap = false;
        if ( dofManFlags.at(idofMan) == papStatus_littleNIPs ) {
            papDofManConnectivity = domain->giveConnectivityTable()->giveDofManConnectivityArray(idofMan);
            for ( ielem = 1; ielem <= papDofManConnectivity->giveSize(); ielem++ ) {
                // try to determine if they can be determined from surronuding elements paps
                element = domain->giveElement( papDofManConnectivity->at(ielem) );

                if ( element->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                if ( !elementSet.hasElement( element->giveNumber() ) ) {

                if ( ( interface = static_cast< SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface * >( element->giveInterface(SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterfaceType) ) ) ) {
                    npap = elemPap.giveSize();
                    for ( ipap = 1; ipap <= npap; ipap++ ) {
                        // skip other dofMans with littleNIPs
                        if ( dofManFlags.at( elemPap.at(ipap) ) == papStatus_littleNIPs ) {

                        if ( dofManFlags.at( elemPap.at(ipap) ) == papStatus_regular ) {
                            foundRegularPap = true;
                        } else if ( dofManFlags.at( elemPap.at(ipap) ) == papStatus_boundary ) {
                            foundBoundaryPap = true;

            if ( foundRegularPap ) {
                continue;         // can be determined from regular pap - ok

            // boundary dof man can be removed <= can be determined
            if ( foundBoundaryPap ) {
                // try the last possibility-> determine its value from boundary patches
                // mark boundaryPap as regulars -> they can be used to assemble patch (they have enough nips)
                for ( ielem = 1; ielem <= papDofManConnectivity->giveSize(); ielem++ ) {
                    element = domain->giveElement( papDofManConnectivity->at(ielem) );
                    if ( !elementSet.hasElement( element->giveNumber() ) ) {

                    if ( ( interface = static_cast< SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface * >( element->giveInterface(SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterfaceType) ) ) ) {
                        npap = elemPap.giveSize();
                        for ( ipap = 1; ipap <= npap; ipap++ ) {
                            if ( dofManFlags.at( elemPap.at(ipap) ) == papStatus_boundary ) {
                                // change status to regular pap
                                dofManFlags.at( elemPap.at(ipap) ) = papStatus_regular;
            } else {
                // if the pap with papStatus_littleNIPs status found, which values could not be determined using
                // regular pap or boundary pap then we are unable to determine such value
                if ( dofManFlags.at(idofMan) == papStatus_littleNIPs ) {
                    OOFEM_WARNING("unable to determine dofMan %d\n", idofMan);
                    //abort_flag = true;

    if ( abort_flag ) {

    count = 0;
    // count regular paps - those for which patch will be assembled
    for ( idofMan = 1; idofMan <= ndofMan; idofMan++ ) {
        if ( dofManFlags.at(idofMan) ==  papStatus_regular ) {

    count = 0;
    for ( idofMan = 1; idofMan <= ndofMan; idofMan++ ) {
        if ( dofManFlags.at(idofMan) ==  papStatus_regular ) {
            pap.at(++count) = idofMan;
EIPrimaryUnknownMapper :: evaluateAt(FloatArray &answer, IntArray &dofMask, ValueModeType mode,
                                     Domain *oldd, FloatArray &coords, IntArray &regList, TimeStep *tStep)
    Element *oelem;
    EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface *interface;
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = oldd->giveSpatialLocalizer();

    ///@todo Change to the other version after checking that it works properly. Will render "giveElementCloseToPoint" obsolete (superseeded by giveElementClosestToPoint).
#if 1
    if ( regList.isEmpty() ) {
        oelem = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords);
    } else {
        oelem = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords, & regList);
    if ( !oelem ) {
        if ( regList.isEmpty() ) {
            oelem = oldd->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveElementCloseToPoint(coords);
        } else {
            oelem = oldd->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveElementCloseToPoint(coords, & regList);
        if ( !oelem ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("Couldn't find any element containing point.");
            return false;
    FloatArray lcoords, closest;
    if ( regList.isEmpty() ) {
        oelem = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coords, 0);
    } else {
        // Take the minimum of any region
        double mindist = 0.0, distance;
        oelem = NULL;
        for ( int i = 1; i < regList.giveSize(); ++i ) {
            Element *tmpelem = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint( lcoords, closest, coords, regList.at(i) );
            distance = closest.distance_square(coords);
            if ( tmpelem != NULL ) {
                distance = closest.distance_square(coords);
                if ( distance < mindist || i == 1 ) {
                    mindist = distance;
                    oelem = tmpelem;
                    if ( distance == 0.0 ) {
    if ( !oelem ) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Couldn't find any element containing point.");
        return false;

    interface = static_cast< EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface * >( oelem->giveInterface(EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterfaceType) );
    if ( interface ) {
#if 1
        FloatArray lcoords;
        if ( oelem->computeLocalCoordinates(lcoords, coords) ) {
            interface->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAtLocal(mode, tStep, lcoords, answer);
        } else {
        interface->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAtLocal(mode, tStep, lcoords, answer);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Element does not support EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface");

    return true;
Exemple #18
LargeStrainMasterMaterialGrad :: giveFirstPKStressVectorGrad(FloatArray &answer1, double &answer2, GaussPoint *gp, const FloatArray &vF, double nonlocalCumulatedStrain, TimeStep *tStep)
    LargeStrainMasterMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< LargeStrainMasterMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
    MaterialMode mode = gp->giveMaterialMode();
    if  ( mode == _3dMat ) {
        Material *mat;
        StructuralMaterial *sMat;
        mat = domain->giveMaterial(slaveMat);
        sMat = dynamic_cast< StructuralMaterial * >(mat);
        if ( sMat == NULL ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("material %d has no Structural support", slaveMat);

        GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface *dpmat = static_cast< GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface * >( sMat->giveInterface(GradDpMaterialExtensionInterfaceType) );
        if ( !dpmat ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Material doesn't implement the required DpGrad interface!");

        double lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, E1, E2, E3;
        FloatArray eVals, SethHillStrainVector, stressVector, stressM;
        FloatMatrix F, C, eVecs, SethHillStrain;
        FloatMatrix L1, L2, T;
        //store of deformation gradient into 3x3 matrix
        //compute right Cauchy-Green tensor(C), its eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        C.beTProductOf(F, F);
        // compute eigen values and eigen vectors of C
        C.jaco_(eVals, eVecs, 40);
        // compute Seth - Hill's strain measure, it depends on mParameter
        lambda1 = eVals.at(1);
        lambda2 = eVals.at(2);
        lambda3 = eVals.at(3);
        if ( m == 0 ) {
            E1 = 1. / 2. * log(lambda1);
            E2 = 1. / 2. * log(lambda2);
            E3 = 1. / 2. * log(lambda3);
        } else {
            E1 = 1. / ( 2. * m ) * ( pow(lambda1, m) - 1. );
            E2 = 1. / ( 2. * m ) * ( pow(lambda2, m) - 1. );
            E3 = 1. / ( 2. * m ) * ( pow(lambda3, m) - 1. );

        SethHillStrain.resize(3, 3);
        for ( int i = 1; i < 4; i++ ) {
            for ( int j = 1; j < 4; j++ ) {
                SethHillStrain.at(i, j) = E1 * eVecs.at(i, 1) * eVecs.at(j, 1) + E2 *eVecs.at(i, 2) * eVecs.at(j, 2) + E3 *eVecs.at(i, 3) * eVecs.at(j, 3);

        dpmat->giveRealStressVectorGrad(stressVector, answer2, gp, SethHillStrainVector, nonlocalCumulatedStrain, tStep);
        this->constructTransformationMatrix(T, eVecs);

        stressVector.at(4) = 2 * stressVector.at(4);
        stressVector.at(5) = 2 * stressVector.at(5);
        stressVector.at(6) = 2 * stressVector.at(6);

        stressM.beProductOf(T, stressVector);
        stressM.at(4) = 1. / 2. *  stressM.at(4);
        stressM.at(5) = 1. / 2. *  stressM.at(5);
        stressM.at(6) = 1. / 2. *  stressM.at(6);

        this->constructL1L2TransformationMatrices(L1, L2, eVals, stressM, E1, E2, E3);

        FloatMatrix junk, P, TL;
        FloatArray secondPK;
        junk.beProductOf(L1, T);
        P.beTProductOf(T, junk);
        //transformation of the stress to the 2PK stress and then to 1PK
        stressVector.at(4) = 0.5 * stressVector.at(4);
        stressVector.at(5) = 0.5 * stressVector.at(5);
        stressVector.at(6) = 0.5 * stressVector.at(6);
        secondPK.beProductOf(P, stressVector);
        answer1.beProductOf(F, secondPK); // P = F*S
        junk.beProductOf(L2, T);
        TL.beTProductOf(T, junk);

    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Unknown material mode.");
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: loadProblem()
    for ( int i = 0; i < this->domain->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions(); i++ ) {
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("************************** Instanciating microproblem from file %s for dimension %u\n", filename.c_str(), i);

        // Set up and solve problem
        OOFEMTXTDataReader drMicro( filename.c_str() );
        EngngModel *myEngngModel = InstanciateProblem(& drMicro, _processor, 0, NULL, false);
        myEngngModel->initMetaStepAttributes( myEngngModel->giveMetaStep(1) );
        thisTimestep = myEngngModel->giveNextStep();
        this->setLoads(myEngngModel, i + 1);

        // Check
        for ( int j = 1; j <= myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveNumberOfElements(); j++ ) {
            Element *e = myEngngModel->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(j);
            FloatArray centerCoord;
            int vlockCount = 0;

            for ( int k = 1; k <= e->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); k++ ) {
                DofManager *dman = e->giveDofManager(k);
                centerCoord.add( * dman->giveCoordinates() );
                for ( Dof *dof: *dman ) {
                    if ( dof->giveBcId() != 0 ) {
            if ( vlockCount == 30 ) {
                OOFEM_WARNING("Element over-constrained (%u)! Center coordinate: %f, %f, %f\n", e->giveNumber(), centerCoord.at(1) / 10, centerCoord.at(2) / 10, centerCoord.at(3) / 10);

        isLoaded = true;

        // Set correct export filename
        std :: string originalFilename;
        originalFilename = myEngngModel->giveOutputBaseFileName();
        if ( i == 0 ) {
            originalFilename = originalFilename + "_X";
        if ( i == 1 ) {
            originalFilename = originalFilename + "_Y";
        if ( i == 2 ) {
            originalFilename = originalFilename + "_Z";
        myEngngModel->letOutputBaseFileNameBe(originalFilename + "_1_Base");

        modeStruct *mode = new(modeStruct);
        mode->myEngngModel = myEngngModel;

        // Check elements

        // Set unknowns to the mean value of opposite sides of the domain.
        // Loop thru all nodes and compute phi for all degrees of freedom on the boundary. Save phi in a list for later use.

        // Update with factor
        double am = 1.0, ap = 1.0;
        computeCorrectionFactors(* mode, & dofs, & am, & ap);

        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Correction factors: am=%f, ap=%f\n", am, ap);

        mode->ap = ap;
        mode->am = am;


        //        myEngngModel->letOutputBaseFileNameBe(originalFilename + "_2_Updated");


        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("************************** Microproblem at %p instanciated \n", myEngngModel);
Exemple #20
MPSDamMaterial :: computeDamageForCohesiveCrack(double &omega, double kappa, GaussPoint *gp)
    MPSDamMaterialStatus *status = NULL;

    omega = 0.0;
    double e0 = this->givee0(gp);
    double ef = 0.;

    if ( kappa > e0 ) {
        double gf = this->givegf(gp);

        double Le;
        double wf = 0.;
        if ( softType == ST_Exponential_Cohesive_Crack ) { // exponential softening
            wf = gf / this->E / e0; // wf is the crack opening
        } else if ( softType == ST_Linear_Cohesive_Crack ) { // linear softening law
            wf = 2. * gf / this->E / e0; // wf is the crack opening
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Gf unsupported for softening type softType = %d", softType);

        //    MPSDamMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< MPSDamMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
        status = static_cast< MPSDamMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );

        Le = status->giveCharLength();
        ef = wf / Le; //ef is the fracturing strain
        if ( ef < e0 ) { //check that no snapback occurs
            double minGf = 0.;
            OOFEM_WARNING("ef %e < e0 %e, this leads to material snapback in element %d, characteristic length %f", ef, e0, gp->giveElement()->giveNumber(), Le);

            if ( softType == ST_Exponential_Cohesive_Crack ) { //exponential softening
                minGf = this->E * e0 * e0 * Le;
            } else if ( softType == ST_Linear_Cohesive_Crack ) { //linear softening law
                minGf = this->E * e0 * e0 * Le / 2.;
            } else {
                OOFEM_WARNING("Gf unsupported for softening type softType = %d", softType);

            OOFEM_WARNING("Material number %d, decrease e0, or increase Gf from %f to Gf=%f", this->giveNumber(), gf, minGf);
            if ( checkSnapBack ) {

        if ( this->softType == ST_Linear_Cohesive_Crack ) {
            if ( kappa < ef ) {
                omega = ( ef / kappa ) * ( kappa - e0 ) / ( ef - e0 );
            } else {
                omega = 1.0; //maximum omega (maxOmega) is adjusted just for stiffness matrix in isodamagemodel.C
        } else if (  this->softType == ST_Exponential_Cohesive_Crack ) {
            // exponential cohesive crack - iteration needed
            double R, Lhs, help;
            int nite = 0;
            // iteration to achieve objectivity
            // we are looking for a state in which the elastic stress is equal to
            // the stress from crack-opening relation
            // ef has now the meaning of strain
            do {
                help = omega * kappa / ef;
                R = ( 1. - omega ) * kappa - e0 *exp(-help); //residuum
                Lhs = kappa - e0 *exp(-help) * kappa / ef; //- dR / (d omega)
                omega += R / Lhs;
                if ( nite > 40 ) {
                    OOFEM_ERROR("algorithm not converging");
            } while ( fabs(R) >= e0 * MPSDAMMAT_ITERATION_LIMIT );
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Unknown softening type for cohesive crack model.");

        if ( omega > 1.0 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("damage parameter is %f, which is greater than 1, snap-back problems", omega);

        if ( omega < 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("damage parameter is %f, which is smaller than 0, snap-back problems", omega);
            omega = 1.;
            if ( checkSnapBack ) {


#ifdef supplementary_info
    double residualStrength = 0.;

    if ( omega == 0. ) {
        residualStrength = E * e0; // undamaged material
        status = static_cast< MPSDamMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
    } else {
        if ( this->softType == ST_Linear_Cohesive_Crack ) {
            residualStrength = E * e0 * ( ef - kappa ) / ( ef - e0 );
        } else if (  this->softType == ST_Exponential_Cohesive_Crack ) {
            residualStrength = E * e0 * exp(-1. * ( kappa - e0 ) / ef);
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Unknown softening type for cohesive crack model.");

    if ( status ) {

NodalAveragingRecoveryModel :: recoverValues(Set elementSet, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep)
    int nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    IntArray regionNodalNumbers(nnodes);
    IntArray regionDofMansConnectivity;
    FloatArray lhs, val;

    if ( ( this->valType == type ) && ( this->stateCounter == tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter() ) ) {
        return 1;

    bool parallel = this->domain->giveEngngModel()->isParallel();
    if ( parallel ) {

    // clear nodal table

    int regionValSize = 0;
    int regionDofMans;

    // loop over elements and determine local region node numbering and determine and check nodal values size
    if ( this->initRegionNodeNumbering(regionNodalNumbers, regionDofMans, elementSet) == 0 ) {
        return 0;


    IntArray elements = elementSet.giveElementList();
    // assemble element contributions
    for ( int i = 1; i <= elements.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        int ielem = elements.at(i);
        NodalAveragingRecoveryModelInterface *interface;
        Element *element = domain->giveElement(ielem);

        if ( element->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

        // If an element doesn't implement the interface, it is ignored.
        if ( ( interface = static_cast< NodalAveragingRecoveryModelInterface * >
                           ( element->giveInterface(NodalAveragingRecoveryModelInterfaceType) ) ) == NULL ) {

        int elemNodes = element->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
        // ask element contributions
        for ( int elementNode = 1; elementNode <= elemNodes; elementNode++ ) {
            int node = element->giveDofManager(elementNode)->giveNumber();
            interface->NodalAveragingRecoveryMI_computeNodalValue(val, elementNode, type, tStep);
            // if the element cannot evaluate this variable, it is ignored
            if ( val.giveSize() == 0 ) {
            } else if ( regionValSize == 0 ) {
                regionValSize = val.giveSize();
                lhs.resize(regionDofMans * regionValSize);
            } else if ( val.giveSize() != regionValSize ) {
                OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT("NodalAveragingRecoveryModel :: size mismatch for InternalStateType %s, ignoring all elements that doesn't use the size %d\n", __InternalStateTypeToString(type), regionValSize);
            int eq = ( regionNodalNumbers.at(node) - 1 ) * regionValSize;
            for ( int j = 1; j <= regionValSize; j++ ) {
                lhs.at(eq + j) += val.at(j);

            regionDofMansConnectivity.at( regionNodalNumbers.at(node) )++;
    } // end assemble element contributions

    if ( parallel ) {
        this->exchangeDofManValues(lhs, regionDofMansConnectivity, regionNodalNumbers, regionValSize);

    // solve for recovered values of active region
    for ( int inode = 1; inode <= nnodes; inode++ ) {
        if ( regionNodalNumbers.at(inode) ) {
            int eq = ( regionNodalNumbers.at(inode) - 1 ) * regionValSize;
            for ( int i = 1; i <= regionValSize; i++ ) {
                if ( regionDofMansConnectivity.at( regionNodalNumbers.at(inode) ) > 0 ) {
                    lhs.at(eq + i) /= regionDofMansConnectivity.at( regionNodalNumbers.at(inode) );
                } else {
                    OOFEM_WARNING("values of dofmanager %d undetermined", inode);
                    lhs.at(eq + i) = 0.0;

    // update recovered values
    this->updateRegionRecoveredValues(regionNodalNumbers, regionValSize, lhs);

    this->valType = type;
    this->stateCounter = tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter();
    return 1;
NRSolver :: solve(SparseMtrx &k, FloatArray &R, FloatArray *R0,
                  FloatArray &X, FloatArray &dX, FloatArray &F,
                  const FloatArray &internalForcesEBENorm, double &l, referenceLoadInputModeType rlm,
                  int &nite, TimeStep *tStep)
// this function solve the problem of the unbalanced equilibrium
// using NR scheme
    // residual, iteration increment of solution, total external force
    FloatArray rhs, ddX, RT;
    double RRT;
    FloatArray norm;
    norm = internalForcesEBENorm;
    int neq = X.giveSize();
    bool converged, errorOutOfRangeFlag;
    ParallelContext *parallel_context = engngModel->giveParallelContext( this->domain->giveNumber() );

    if ( engngModel->giveProblemScale() == macroScale ) {
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver: Iteration");
        if ( rtolf.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" ForceError");
        if ( rtold.at(1) > 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO(" DisplError");

    l = 1.0;

    NM_Status status = NM_None;

    // compute total load R = R+R0
    RT = R;
    if ( R0 ) {
        RT.add(* R0);

    RRT = parallel_context->localNorm(RT);
    RRT *= RRT;


    // Fetch the matrix before evaluating internal forces.
    // This is intentional, since its a simple way to drastically increase convergence for nonlinear problems.
    // (This old tangent is just used)
    // This improves convergence for many nonlinear problems, but not all. It may actually
    // cause divergence for some nonlinear problems. Therefore a flag is used to determine if
    // the stiffness should be evaluated before the residual (default yes). /ES

    engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, NonLinearLhs, domain);
    if ( this->prescribedDofsFlag ) {
        if ( !prescribedEqsInitFlag ) {

    nite = 0;
    do {
        // Compute the residual
        engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, InternalRhs, domain);
        rhs.beDifferenceOf(RT, F);
        if ( this->prescribedDofsFlag ) {
            this->applyConstraintsToLoadIncrement(nite, k, rhs, rlm, tStep);

        // convergence check
        converged = this->checkConvergence(RT, F, rhs, ddX, X, RRT, internalForcesEBENorm, nite, errorOutOfRangeFlag);

        if ( errorOutOfRangeFlag ) {
            status = NM_NoSuccess;
            OOFEM_WARNING("Divergence reached after %d iterations", nite);
        } else if ( converged && ( nite >= minIterations ) ) {
        } else if ( nite >= nsmax ) {
            OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("Maximum number of iterations reached\n");

        if ( nite > 0 || !mCalcStiffBeforeRes ) {
            if ( ( NR_Mode == nrsolverFullNRM ) || ( ( NR_Mode == nrsolverAccelNRM ) && ( nite % MANRMSteps == 0 ) ) ) {
                engngModel->updateComponent(tStep, NonLinearLhs, domain);

        if ( ( nite == 0 ) && ( deltaL < 1.0 ) ) { // deltaL < 1 means no increment applied, only equilibrate current state
            ddX = rhs;
        } else {
            linSolver->solve(k, rhs, ddX);

        // update solution
        if ( this->lsFlag && ( nite > 0 ) ) { // Why not nite == 0 ?
            // line search
            LineSearchNM :: LS_status LSstatus;
            double eta;
            this->giveLineSearchSolver()->solve(X, ddX, F, R, R0, prescribedEqs, 1.0, eta, LSstatus, tStep);
        } else if ( this->constrainedNRFlag && ( nite > this->constrainedNRminiter ) ) {
            ///@todo This doesn't check units, it is nonsense and must be corrected / Mikael
            if ( this->forceErrVec.computeSquaredNorm() > this->forceErrVecOld.computeSquaredNorm() ) {
                OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Constraining increment to be %e times full increment...\n", this->constrainedNRalpha);
            //this->giveConstrainedNRSolver()->solve(X, & ddX, this->forceErrVec, this->forceErrVecOld, status, tStep);
        tStep->incrementStateCounter(); // update solution state counter
        nite++; // iteration increment

        engngModel->giveExportModuleManager()->doOutput(tStep, true);
    } while ( true ); // end of iteration

    status |= NM_Success;
    solved = 1;

    // Modify Load vector to include "quasi reaction"
    if ( R0 ) {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) = F.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R0->at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
    } else {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) = F.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ) - R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );


#ifdef VERBOSE
    if ( numberOfPrescribedDofs ) {
        // print quasi reactions if direct displacement control used
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver:     Quasi reaction table                                 \n");
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver:     Node            Dof             Displacement    Force\n");
        double reaction;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfPrescribedDofs; i++ ) {
            reaction = R.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
            if ( R0 ) {
                reaction += R0->at( prescribedEqs.at(i) );
            lastReactions.at(i) = reaction;
            OOFEM_LOG_INFO("NRSolver:     %-15d %-15d %-+15.5e %-+15.5e\n", prescribedDofs.at(2 * i - 1), prescribedDofs.at(2 * i),
                           X.at( prescribedEqs.at(i) ), reaction);

    return status;
SPRNodalRecoveryModel :: recoverValues(Set elementSet, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep)
    int nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    IntArray regionNodalNumbers(nnodes);
    IntArray patchElems, dofManToDetermine, pap;
    FloatMatrix a;
    FloatArray dofManValues;
    IntArray dofManPatchCount;

    if ( ( this->valType == type ) && ( this->stateCounter == tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter() ) ) {
        return 1;


    // clear nodal table

    int regionValSize;
    int regionDofMans;

    regionValSize = 0;
    // loop over elements and determine local region node numbering and determine and check nodal values size
    if ( this->initRegionNodeNumbering(regionNodalNumbers, regionDofMans, elementSet) == 0 ) {
        return 0;

    SPRPatchType regType = this->determinePatchType(elementSet);


    //pap = patch assembly points
    this->determinePatchAssemblyPoints(pap, regType, elementSet);

    int npap = pap.giveSize();
    for ( int ipap = 1; ipap <= npap; ipap++ ) {
        int papNumber = pap.at(ipap);
        int oldSize = regionValSize;

        this->initPatch(patchElems, dofManToDetermine, pap, papNumber, elementSet);
        this->computePatch(a, patchElems, regionValSize, regType, type, tStep);
        if ( oldSize == 0 ) {
            dofManValues.resize(regionDofMans * regionValSize);
        this->determineValuesFromPatch(dofManValues, dofManPatchCount, regionNodalNumbers,
                                       dofManToDetermine, a, regType);

    this->exchangeDofManValues(dofManValues, dofManPatchCount, regionNodalNumbers, regionValSize);

    // average  recovered values of active region
    bool abortFlag = false;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++ ) {
        if ( regionNodalNumbers.at(i) &&
            ( ( domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_local ) ||
             ( domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared ) ) ) {
            int eq = ( regionNodalNumbers.at(i) - 1 ) * regionValSize;
            if ( dofManPatchCount.at( regionNodalNumbers.at(i) ) ) {
                for ( int j = 1; j <= regionValSize; j++ ) {
                    dofManValues.at(eq + j) /= dofManPatchCount.at( regionNodalNumbers.at(i) );
            } else {
                OOFEM_WARNING("values of %s in dofmanager %d undetermined", __InternalStateTypeToString(type), i);

                for ( int j = 1; j <= regionValSize; j++ ) {
                    dofManValues.at(eq + j) = 0.0;
                //abortFlag = true;

        if ( abortFlag ) {

        // update recovered values
        this->updateRegionRecoveredValues(regionNodalNumbers, regionValSize, dofManValues);

    this->valType = type;
    this->stateCounter = tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter();
    return 1;
Exemple #24
B3SolidMaterial :: initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
    IRResultType result;                // Required by IR_GIVE_FIELD macro

    // NOTE
    // this material model is unit-dependent!
    // units must be in MPa, m???, MN.

    double fc = -1.0, c = -1.0, wc = -1.0, ac = -1.0, alpha1 = 1.0, alpha2 = 1.0;
    double initHum; //MPS shrinkage parameter - initial value of humidity (range 0.2-0.98)
    double finalHum; //MPS shrinkage parameter - final value of humidity (range 0.2-0.98)

    // EmoduliMode has to be set first because characteristic times are computed from RheoChM initialization
    this->EmoduliMode = 0;
    // retardation spectrum or least square method is used. Retardation spectrum is default (EmoduliMode==0)
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, EmoduliMode, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_emodulimode);

    // characteristic time, usually 1 for analysis running in days
    this->lambda0 = 1.;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, lambda0, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_lambda0);

   KelvinChainMaterial :: initializeFrom(ir);

    int mode = 0;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, mode, _IFT_B3Material_mode);

    if ( mode == 0 ) { // default - estimate model parameters q1,..,q5 from composition
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, fc, _IFT_B3Material_fc); // 28-day standard cylinder compression strength [MPa]
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir,  c, _IFT_B3Material_cc); // cement content of concrete [kg/m^3]
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, wc, _IFT_B3Material_wc); // ratio (by weight) of water to cementitious material
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, ac, _IFT_B3Material_ac); // ratio (by weight) of aggregate to cement
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, t0, _IFT_B3Material_t0); // age when drying begins [days]
    } else { // read model parameters for creep
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, q1, _IFT_B3Material_q1);
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, q2, _IFT_B3Material_q2);
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, q3, _IFT_B3Material_q3);
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, q4, _IFT_B3Material_q4);

    // default value = 0; it can be used for basic creep without any external fields
    this->MicroPrestress = 0; //if = 1 computation exploiting Microprestress solidification theory is done;
    IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, MicroPrestress, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_microprestress);

    // is MPS theory used?
    if ( this->MicroPrestress == 1 ) {
        // microprestress-sol-theory: read data for microprestress evaluation
        // constant c0 [MPa^-1 * day^-1]
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, c0, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_c0);
        // constant c1 (=C1*R*T/M)
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, c1, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_c1);
        // t0- necessary for the initial value of microprestress = S0 (age when drying begins)
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, t0, _IFT_B3Material_t0);

        // microprestress-sol-theory: read data for inverse desorption isotherm
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, w_h, _IFT_B3Material_wh);
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, n, _IFT_B3Material_ncoeff);
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, a, _IFT_B3Material_a);

    // read shrinkage mode
    int shm = 0;
    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, shm, _IFT_B3Material_shmode);
    this->shMode = ( b3ShModeType ) shm;

    if ( this->shMode == B3_PointShrinkage ) {   // #2 in enumerator

        if ( this->MicroPrestress == 0 ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("to use B3_PointShrinkageMPS - MicroPrestress must be = 1");       //or else no external fiels would be found
            return IRRT_BAD_FORMAT;

        kSh = -1;
        initHum = -1;
        finalHum = -1;

        IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, kSh, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_ksh);
        IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, initHum, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_initialhumidity);
        IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, finalHum, _IFT_B3SolidMaterial_finalhumidity);

        // either kSh or initHum and finalHum must be given in input record
        if ( !( ( this->kSh != -1 ) || ( ( initHum != -1 ) && ( finalHum != -1 ) ) ) ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("either kSh or initHum and finalHum must be given in input record");
            return IRRT_BAD_FORMAT;
         if ( ( ( initHum < 0.2 ) || ( initHum > 0.98 ) || ( finalHum < 0.2 ) || ( finalHum > 0.98 ) ) && ( this->kSh == -1 ) ) {
          OOFEM_ERROR("initital humidity or final humidity out of range (0.2 - 0.98)");

	 if ( this->kSh == -1 ) { // predict kSh from composition
            IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, alpha1, _IFT_B3Material_alpha1);       // influence of cement type
            IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, alpha2, _IFT_B3Material_alpha2);       // influence of curing type
            this->kSh = alpha1 * alpha2 * ( 1 - pow(finalHum, 3.) ) * ( 0.019 * pow(wc * c, 2.1) * pow(fc, -0.28) + 270 ) * 1.e-6 / fabs(initHum - finalHum);

    } else if ( this->shMode == B3_AverageShrinkage ) {
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, ks, _IFT_B3Material_ks);   // cross-section shape factor
         * use ks = 1.0 for an infinite slab
         *        = 1.15 for an infinite cylinder
         *        = 1.25 for an infinite square prism
         *        = 1.30 for a sphere
         *        = 1.55 for a cube
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, hum, _IFT_B3Material_hum);         // relative humidity of the environment
        IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, vs, _IFT_B3Material_vs);         // volume-to-surface ratio (in m???)
        if ( mode == 0 ) {       // default mode - estimate model parameters kt, EpsSinf, q5 from composition
            IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, alpha1, _IFT_B3Material_alpha1);             // influence of cement type
            IR_GIVE_OPTIONAL_FIELD(ir, alpha2, _IFT_B3Material_alpha2);             // influence of curing type
        } else {         // read model parameters
            IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, t0, _IFT_B3Material_t0); // age when drying begins [days]
            IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, kt, _IFT_B3Material_kt);
            IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, EpsSinf, _IFT_B3Material_EpsSinf);
            IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, q5, _IFT_B3Material_q5);

    IR_GIVE_FIELD(ir, talpha, _IFT_B3Material_talpha);

    // evaluate the total water content [kg/m^3]
    w = wc * c;
    // estimate the conventional modulus ??? what if fc is not given ???
    E28 = 4733. * sqrt(fc);
    // estimate parameters from composition
    if ( mode == 0 ) {
        this->predictParametersFrom(fc, c, wc, ac, t0, alpha1, alpha2);

    // ph!!!
    //return KelvinChainMaterial :: initializeFrom(ir);
    return IRRT_OK;
Exemple #25
PlasticMaterial :: giveRealStressVector(FloatArray &answer,
                                        GaussPoint *gp,
                                        const FloatArray &totalStrain,
                                        TimeStep *tStep)
// returns real stress vector in 3d stress space of receiver according to
// previous level of stress and current
// strain increment, the only way, how to correctly update gp records
// completely formulated in Reduced stress-strain space
    FloatArray strainSpaceHardeningVariables;
    FloatArray fullStressVector, *fullStressSpaceHardeningVars, *residualVectorR;
    FloatArray elasticStrainVectorR;
    FloatArray strainVectorR, plasticStrainVectorR, *gradientVectorR;
    FloatArray helpVec, helpVec2;
    double yieldValue, Gamma, dGamma, helpVal1, helpVal2;
    int strSize, totSize, nIterations = 0;
    FloatMatrix elasticModuli, hardeningModuli, consistentModuli;
    FloatMatrix elasticModuliInverse, hardeningModuliInverse;
    FloatMatrix helpMtrx, helpMtrx2;

    PlasticMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< PlasticMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );


    // subtract stress independent part
    // note: eigenStrains (temperature) is not contained in mechanical strain stored in gp
    // therefore it is necessary to subtract always the total eigen strain value
    this->giveStressDependentPartOfStrainVector(strainVectorR, gp, totalStrain,
                                                tStep, VM_Total);

    plasticStrainVectorR = status->givePlasticStrainVector();
    strainSpaceHardeningVariables = status->giveStrainSpaceHardeningVars();

    // tady konec debugovani - strainSpaceHardeningVariables ve statusu neinicializovany
    // to musi udelat material.

    Gamma = 0.;
    strSize = strainVectorR.giveSize(); // size of reducedStrain Vector
    totSize = strSize + strainSpaceHardeningVariables.giveSize();

    // compute elastic moduli and its inverse
    this->computeReducedElasticModuli(elasticModuli, gp, tStep);

    do {
        elasticStrainVectorR.beDifferenceOf(strainVectorR, plasticStrainVectorR);
        // stress vector in full form due to computational convenience
        this->computeTrialStressIncrement(fullStressVector, gp, elasticStrainVectorR, tStep);
        fullStressSpaceHardeningVars = this->ComputeStressSpaceHardeningVars(gp, & strainSpaceHardeningVariables);
        yieldValue = this->computeYieldValueAt(gp, & fullStressVector, fullStressSpaceHardeningVars);
        gradientVectorR = this->ComputeGradientVector(gp, & fullStressVector, fullStressSpaceHardeningVars);
        residualVectorR = this->ComputeResidualVector(gp, Gamma, & plasticStrainVectorR,
                                                      & strainSpaceHardeningVariables,

        // check for end of iteration
        if ( ( yieldValue < YIELD_TOL ) && ( residualVectorR->computeNorm() < RES_TOL ) ) {
            delete fullStressSpaceHardeningVars;
            delete gradientVectorR;
            delete residualVectorR;

        // compute  consistent tangent moduli
        this->computeHardeningReducedModuli(hardeningModuli, gp, & strainSpaceHardeningVariables, tStep);
        if ( hardeningModuli.giveNumberOfRows() ) {
        } else {

        this->computeConsistentModuli(consistentModuli, gp, elasticModuliInverse,
                                      hardeningModuliInverse, Gamma,
                                      fullStressVector, * fullStressSpaceHardeningVars);

        // obtain increment to consistency parameter
        helpMtrx.initFromVector(* gradientVectorR, 1);
        helpMtrx2.beProductOf(helpMtrx, consistentModuli);
        helpVec.beProductOf(helpMtrx2, * gradientVectorR);
        helpVal1 = helpVec.at(1);
        helpVec.beProductOf(helpMtrx2, * residualVectorR);
        helpVal2 = helpVec.at(1);
        dGamma = ( yieldValue - helpVal2 ) / helpVal1;

        // obtain incremental plastic strains and internal variables
        // we overwrite residualVectorR and gradientVectorR vectors
        // but they are computed once again when iteration continues
        residualVectorR->add(* gradientVectorR);
        helpVec.beProductOf(consistentModuli, * residualVectorR);
        // note elasticModuli and hardeningModuli are yet inverted
        this->computeDiagModuli(helpMtrx, gp, elasticModuliInverse, hardeningModuliInverse);
        helpVec2.beProductOf(helpMtrx, helpVec);

        // Update state variables and consistency parameter
        for ( int i = 1; i <= strSize; i++ ) {
            plasticStrainVectorR.at(i) += helpVec2.at(i);

        for ( int i = strSize + 1; i <= totSize; i++ ) {
            strainSpaceHardeningVariables.at(i - strSize) += helpVec2.at(i);

        Gamma += dGamma;

        // increment iteration count

        // free allocated memory inside loop
        delete fullStressSpaceHardeningVars;
        delete gradientVectorR;
        delete residualVectorR;

        if ( nIterations > PLASTIC_MATERIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("local equlibrium not reached in %d iterations\nElement %d, gp %d, continuing",
                      PLASTIC_MATERIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS, gp->giveElement()->giveNumber(), gp->giveNumber() );
    } while ( 1 );

    // update temp state variables in gp and associted material status

    StructuralMaterial :: giveReducedSymVectorForm( helpVec, fullStressVector, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
    // update plastic consistency parameter

    // update state flag
    int newState, state = status->giveStateFlag();
    if ( Gamma > 0. ) {
        newState = PM_Yielding;            // test if plastic loading occur
    // no plastic loading - check for unloading
    else if ( ( state == PM_Yielding ) || ( state == PM_Unloading ) ) {
        newState = PM_Unloading;
    } else {
        newState = PM_Elastic;


    answer = status->giveTempStressVector();
StructuralInterfaceMaterial :: give3dStiffnessMatrix_dTdj(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    this->give3dStiffnessMatrix_dTdj_Num(answer, gp, tStep);
    OOFEM_WARNING("Using numerical tangent");
Exemple #27
void SurfaceTensionBoundaryCondition :: computeTangentFromElement(FloatMatrix &answer, Element *e, int side, TimeStep *tStep)
    FEInterpolation *fei = e->giveInterpolation();
    if ( !fei ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("No interpolation available for element.");
    std :: unique_ptr< IntegrationRule > iRule( fei->giveBoundaryIntegrationRule(fei->giveInterpolationOrder()-1, side) );

    int nsd = e->giveDomain()->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions();
    int nodes = e->giveNumberOfNodes();
    if ( side == -1 ) {
        side = 1;


    if ( nsd == 2 ) {
        FEInterpolation2d *fei2d = static_cast< FEInterpolation2d * >(fei);

        ///@todo More of this grunt work should be moved to the interpolation classes
        FloatMatrix xy(2, nodes);
        Node *node;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nodes; i++ ) {
            node = e->giveNode(i);
            xy.at(1, i) = node->giveCoordinate(1);
            xy.at(2, i) = node->giveCoordinate(2);

        FloatArray tmpA(2 *nodes);
        FloatArray es; // Tangent vector to curve
        FloatArray dNds;
        FloatMatrix B(2, 2 *nodes);

        if ( e->giveDomain()->isAxisymmetric() ) {
            FloatArray N;
            FloatArray gcoords;
            FloatArray tmpB(2 *nodes);
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                fei2d->edgeEvaldNds( dNds, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                fei->boundaryEvalN( N, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double J = fei->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                fei->boundaryLocal2Global( gcoords, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double r = gcoords(0); // First coordinate is the radial coord.

                es.beProductOf(xy, dNds);

                // Construct the different matrices in the integrand;
                for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 0) = dNds(i) * es(0);
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 1) = dNds(i) * es(1);
                    tmpB(i * 2 + 0) = N(i);
                    tmpB(i * 2 + 1) = 0;
                    B(i * 2, 0) = B(i * 2 + 1, 1) = dNds(i);

                double dV = 2 *M_PI *gamma *J *gp->giveWeight();
                answer.plusDyadUnsym(tmpA, tmpB, dV);
                answer.plusDyadUnsym(tmpB, tmpA, dV);
                answer.plusProductSymmUpper(B, B, r * dV);
                answer.plusDyadUnsym(tmpA, tmpA, -r * dV);
        } else {
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                double t = e->giveCrossSection()->give(CS_Thickness, gp); ///@todo The thickness is not often relevant or used in FM.
                fei2d->edgeEvaldNds( dNds, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double J = fei->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );

                es.beProductOf(xy, dNds);

                // Construct the different matrices in the integrand;
                for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 0) = dNds(i) * es(0);
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 1) = dNds(i) * es(1);
                    B(i * 2, 0) = B(i * 2 + 1, 1) = dNds(i);

                double dV = t * gamma * J * gp->giveWeight();
                answer.plusProductSymmUpper(B, B, dV);
                answer.plusDyadSymmUpper(tmpA, -dV);

    }  else if ( nsd ==  3 ) {

        FEInterpolation3d *fei3d = static_cast< FEInterpolation3d * >(fei);

        OOFEM_ERROR("3D tangents not implemented yet.");

        //FloatMatrix tmp(3 *nodes, 3 *nodes);
        FloatMatrix dNdx;
        FloatArray n;
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            fei3d->surfaceEvaldNdx( dNdx, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
            /*double J = */ fei->boundaryEvalNormal( n, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
            //double dV = gamma * J * gp->giveWeight();

            for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                //tmp(3*i+0) = dNdx(i,0) - (dNdx(i,0)*n(0)* + dNdx(i,1)*n(1) + dNdx(i,2)*n(2))*n(0);
                //tmp(3*i+1) = dNdx(i,1) - (dNdx(i,0)*n(0)* + dNdx(i,1)*n(1) + dNdx(i,2)*n(2))*n(1);
                //tmp(3*i+2) = dNdx(i,2) - (dNdx(i,0)*n(0)* + dNdx(i,1)*n(1) + dNdx(i,2)*n(2))*n(2);
            //answer.plusProductSymmUpper(A,B, dV);
            ///@todo  Derive expressions for this.
    } else {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Only 2D or 3D is possible!");
Exemple #28
void IncrementalLinearStatic :: solveYourselfAt(TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *d = this->giveDomain(1);
    // Creates system of governing eq's and solves them at given time step

    // >>> beginning PH
    // The following piece of code updates assignment of boundary conditions to dofs
    // (this allows to have multiple boundary conditions assigned to one dof
    // which can be arbitrarily turned on and off in time)
    // Almost the entire section has been copied from domain.C
    std :: vector< std :: map< int, int > > dof_bc( d->giveNumberOfDofManagers() );

    for ( int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions(); ++i ) {
        GeneralBoundaryCondition *gbc = d->giveBc(i);

        if ( gbc->isImposed(tStep) ) {

            if ( gbc->giveSetNumber() > 0 ) { ///@todo This will eventually not be optional.
                // Loop over nodes in set and store the bc number in each dof.
                Set *set = d->giveSet( gbc->giveSetNumber() );
                ActiveBoundaryCondition *active_bc = dynamic_cast< ActiveBoundaryCondition * >(gbc);
                BoundaryCondition *bc = dynamic_cast< BoundaryCondition * >(gbc);
                if ( bc || ( active_bc && active_bc->requiresActiveDofs() ) ) {
                    const IntArray &appliedDofs = gbc->giveDofIDs();
                    const IntArray &nodes = set->giveNodeList();
                    for ( int inode = 1; inode <= nodes.giveSize(); ++inode ) {
                        for ( int idof = 1; idof <= appliedDofs.giveSize(); ++idof ) {

                            if  ( dof_bc [ nodes.at(inode) - 1 ].find( appliedDofs.at(idof) ) == dof_bc [ nodes.at(inode) - 1 ].end() ) {
                                // is empty
                                dof_bc [ nodes.at(inode) - 1 ] [ appliedDofs.at(idof) ] = i;

                                DofManager * dofman = d->giveDofManager( nodes.at(inode) );
                                Dof * dof = dofman->giveDofWithID( appliedDofs.at(idof) );


                            } else {
                                // another bc has been already prescribed at this time step to this dof
                                OOFEM_WARNING("More than one boundary condition assigned at time %f to node %d dof %d. Considering boundary condition %d", tStep->giveTargetTime(),  nodes.at(inode), appliedDofs.at(idof), dof_bc [ nodes.at(inode) - 1 ] [appliedDofs.at(idof)] );


    // to get proper number of equations
    // <<< end PH

    // Initiates the total displacement to zero.
    if ( tStep->isTheFirstStep() ) {
        for ( auto &dofman : d->giveDofManagers() ) {
            for ( Dof *dof: *dofman ) {
                dof->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep->givePreviousStep(), VM_Total, 0.);
                dof->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total, 0.);

        for ( auto &bc : d->giveBcs() ) {
            ActiveBoundaryCondition *abc;

            if ( ( abc = dynamic_cast< ActiveBoundaryCondition * >(bc.get()) ) ) {
                int ndman = abc->giveNumberOfInternalDofManagers();
                for ( int i = 1; i <= ndman; i++ ) {
                    DofManager *dofman = abc->giveInternalDofManager(i);
                    for ( Dof *dof: *dofman ) {
                        dof->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep->givePreviousStep(), VM_Total, 0.);
                        dof->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total, 0.);

    // Apply dirichlet b.c's on total values
    for ( auto &dofman : d->giveDofManagers() ) {
        for ( Dof *dof: *dofman ) {
            double tot = dof->giveUnknown( VM_Total, tStep->givePreviousStep() );
            if ( dof->hasBc(tStep) ) {
                tot += dof->giveBcValue(VM_Incremental, tStep);

            dof->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total, tot);

    int neq = this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( 1, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() );

#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT("Solving [step number %8d, time %15e, equations %d]\n", tStep->giveNumber(), tStep->giveTargetTime(), neq);

    if ( neq == 0 ) { // Allows for fully prescribed/empty problems.


#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Assembling load\n");
    // Assembling the element part of load vector
    this->assembleVector( internalLoadVector, tStep, InternalForceAssembler(),
                          VM_Total, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), this->giveDomain(1) );

    this->assembleVector( loadVector, tStep, ExternalForceAssembler(),
                          VM_Total, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), this->giveDomain(1) );

    this->updateSharedDofManagers(loadVector, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), ReactionExchangeTag);

#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Assembling stiffness matrix\n");
    stiffnessMatrix.reset( classFactory.createSparseMtrx(sparseMtrxType) );
    if ( !stiffnessMatrix ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("sparse matrix creation failed");

    stiffnessMatrix->buildInternalStructure( this, 1, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() );
    this->assemble( *stiffnessMatrix, tStep, TangentAssembler(TangentStiffness),
                    EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), this->giveDomain(1) );

#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Solving ...\n");
    this->giveNumericalMethod( this->giveCurrentMetaStep() );
    NM_Status s = nMethod->solve(*stiffnessMatrix, loadVector, incrementOfDisplacementVector);
    if ( !( s & NM_Success ) ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("No success in solving system.");
Exemple #29
SubspaceIteration :: solve(SparseMtrx &a, SparseMtrx &b, FloatArray &_eigv, FloatMatrix &_r, double rtol, int nroot)
// this function solve the generalized eigenproblem using the Generalized
// jacobi iteration
    if ( a.giveNumberOfColumns() != b.giveNumberOfColumns() ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("matrices size mismatch");

    FloatArray temp, w, d, tt, f, rtolv, eigv;
    FloatMatrix r;
    int nn, nc1, ij = 0, is;
    double rt, art, brt, eigvt;
    FloatMatrix ar, br, vec;
    std :: unique_ptr< SparseLinearSystemNM > solver( GiveClassFactory().createSparseLinSolver(ST_Direct, domain, engngModel) );

    GJacobi mtd(domain, engngModel);
    int nc = min(2 * nroot, nroot + 8);
    nn = a.giveNumberOfColumns();
    if ( nc > nn ) {
        nc = nn;

    ar.resize(nc, nc);
    br.resize(nc, nc);

    // creation of initial iteration vectors
    nc1 = nc - 1;

    vec.resize(nc, nc);
    vec.zero();                   // eigen vectors of reduced problem

    // create work arrays
    r.resize(nn, nc);

    FloatArray h(nn);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nn; i++ ) {
        h.at(i) = 1.0;
        w.at(i) = b.at(i, i) / a.at(i, i);

    b.times(h, tt);
    r.setColumn(tt, 1);

    for ( int j = 2; j <= nc; j++ ) {
        rt = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nn; i++ ) {
            if ( fabs( w.at(i) ) >= rt ) {
                rt = fabs( w.at(i) );
                ij = i;

        tt.at(j) = ij;
        w.at(ij) = 0.;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nn; i++ ) {
            if ( i == ij ) {
                h.at(i) = 1.0;
            } else {
                h.at(i) = 0.0;

        b.times(h, tt);
        r.setColumn(tt, j);
    } // (r = z)

    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: Degrees of freedom invoked by initial vectors :\n");
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: initial vectors for iteration:\n");
# endif

    //ish = 0;
    // start of iteration loop
    for ( int nite = 0; ; ++nite ) {               // label 100
        printf("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: Iteration loop no. %d\n", nite);
# endif
        // compute projection ar and br of matrices a , b
        for ( int j = 1; j <= nc; j++ ) {
            f.beColumnOf(r, j);

            solver->solve(a, f, tt);

            for ( int i = j; i <= nc; i++ ) {
                art = 0.;
                for ( int k = 1; k <= nn; k++ ) {
                    art += r.at(k, i) * tt.at(k);

                ar.at(j, i) = art;

            r.setColumn(tt, j);            // (r = xbar)

        ar.symmetrized();        // label 110
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: Printing projection matrix ar\n");
        for ( int j = 1; j <= nc; j++ ) {
            tt.beColumnOf(r, j);

            b.times(tt, temp);
            for ( int i = j; i <= nc; i++ ) {
                brt = 0.;
                for ( int k = 1; k <= nn; k++ ) {
                    brt += r.at(k, i) * temp.at(k);

                br.at(j, i) = brt;
            }                   // label 180

            r.setColumn(temp, j);        // (r=zbar)
        }                       // label 160

        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: Printing projection matrix br\n");

        // solution of reduced eigenvalue problem
        mtd.solve(ar, br, eigv, vec);

#if 0
        // solve the reduced problem by Inverse iteration
            FloatMatrix x(nc,nc), z(nc,nc), zz(nc,nc), arinv;
            FloatArray  w(nc), ww(nc), tt(nc), t(nc);
            double c;

            //  initial setting
            for ( int i = 1;i <= nc; i++ ) {
            for ( int i = 1;i <= nc; i++ )
                for ( int j = 1; j <= nc;j++ )
            arinv.beInverseOf (ar);
            for ( int i = 0;i < nitem; i++ ) {
                //  copy zz=z
                zz = z;
                // solve matrix equation K.X = M.X
                x.beProductOf(arinv, z);
                //  evaluation of Rayleigh quotients
                for ( int j = 1;j <= nc; j++ ) {
                    w.at(j) = 0.0;
                    for (k = 1; k<= nc; k++) w.at(j) += zz.at(k,j) * x.at(k,j);

                z.beProductOf (br, x);

                for ( int j = 1;j <= nc; j++ ) {
                    c = 0;
                    for ( int k = 1; k<= nc; k++ ) c += z.at(k,j) * x.at(k,j);
                    w.at(j) /= c;

                //  check convergence
                int ac = 0;
                for ( int j = 1;j <= nc; j++ ) {
                    if (fabs((ww.at(j)-w.at(j))/w.at(j))< rtol)  ac++;
                    ww.at(j) = w.at(j);

                //printf ("\n iterace cislo  %d   %d",i,ac);

                //  Gramm-Schmidt ortogonalization
                for ( int j = 1;j <= nc;j++ ) {
                    for ( int k = 1; k<= nc; k++ ) tt.at(k) = x.at(k,j);
                    t.beProductOf(br,tt) ;
                    for ( int ii = 1;ii < j; ii++ ) {
                        c = 0.0;
                        for ( int k = 1; k<= nc; k++ ) c += x.at(k,ii) * t.at(k);
                        for ( int k = 1; k<= nc; k++ ) x.at(k,j) -= x.at(k,ii) * c;
                    for ( int k = 1; k<= nc; k++) tt.at(k) = x.at(k,j);
                    t.beProductOf(br, tt);
                    c = 0.0;
                    for ( int k = 1; k<= nc; k++) c += x.at(k,j)*t.at(k);
                    for ( int k = 1; k<= nc; k++) x.at(k,j) /= sqrt(c);

                if ( ac > nroot ) {

                //  compute new approximation of Z
            eigv = w;
            vec = x;

        // sorting eigenvalues according to their values
        do {
            is = 0; // label 350
            for ( int i = 1; i <= nc1; i++ ) {
                if ( fabs( eigv.at(i + 1) ) < fabs( eigv.at(i) ) ) {
                    eigvt = eigv.at(i + 1);
                    eigv.at(i + 1) = eigv.at(i);
                    eigv.at(i)   = eigvt;
                    for ( int k = 1; k <= nc; k++ ) {
                        rt = vec.at(k, i + 1);
                        vec.at(k, i + 1) = vec.at(k, i);
                        vec.at(k, i)   = rt;
            }                   // label 360
        } while ( is != 0 );

        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: current eigen values of reduced problem \n");
        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: current eigen vectors of reduced problem \n");
# endif
        // compute eigenvectors
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nn; i++ ) { // label 375
            for ( int j = 1; j <= nc; j++ ) {
                tt.at(j) = r.at(i, j);

            for ( int k = 1; k <= nc; k++ ) {
                rt = 0.;
                for ( int j = 1; j <= nc; j++ ) {
                    rt += tt.at(j) * vec.at(j, k);

                r.at(i, k) = rt;
        }                       // label 420   (r = z)

        // convergency check
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nc; i++ ) {
            double dif = ( eigv.at(i) - d.at(i) );
            rtolv.at(i) = fabs( dif / eigv.at(i) );

        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: Reached precision of eigenvalues:\n");
# endif
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nroot; i++ ) {
            if ( rtolv.at(i) > rtol ) {
                goto label400;

        OOFEM_LOG_INFO("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: Convergence reached for RTOL=%20.15f\n", rtol);
        if ( nite >= nitem ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("SubspaceIteration :: solveYourselfAt: Convergence not reached in %d iteration - using current values", nitem);

        d = eigv;                     // label 410 and 440


    // compute eigenvectors
    for ( int j = 1; j <= nc; j++ ) {
        tt.beColumnOf(r, j);

        r.setColumn(tt, j);                          // r = xbar

    // one cad add a normalization of eigen-vectors here

    // initialize original index locations
    _r.resize(nn, nroot);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nroot; i++ ) {
        _eigv.at(i) = eigv.at(i);
        for ( int j = 1; j <= nn; j++ ) {
            _r.at(j, i) = r.at(j, i);

    return NM_Success;
Exemple #30
NlDEIDynamic :: computeMassMtrx(FloatArray &massMatrix, double &maxOm, TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    int neq = this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( 1, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() );
    int i, j, jj, n;
    double maxOmi, maxOmEl;
    FloatMatrix charMtrx, charMtrx2, R;
    IntArray loc;
    Element *element;
    EModelDefaultEquationNumbering en;

    FloatArray diagonalStiffMtrx;

    maxOm = 0.;
    for ( i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        element = domain->giveElement(i);

        // skip remote elements (these are used as mirrors of remote elements on other domains
        // when nonlocal constitutive models are used. They introduction is necessary to
        // allow local averaging on domains without fine grain communication between domains).
        if ( element->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {

        element->giveLocationArray(loc, en);
        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx, LumpedMassMatrix, tStep);
        if ( charMtrx.isNotEmpty() ) {
          ///@todo This rotation matrix is not flexible enough.. it can only work with full size matrices and doesn't allow for flexibility in the matrixassembler.
          if ( element->giveRotationMatrix(R) ) {

        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx2, TangentStiffnessMatrix, tStep);
        if ( charMtrx2.isNotEmpty() ) {
          ///@todo This rotation matrix is not flexible enough.. it can only work with full size matrices and doesn't allow for flexibility in the matrixassembler.
          if ( R.isNotEmpty() ) {

#ifdef DEBUG
        if ( loc.giveSize() != charMtrx.giveNumberOfRows() ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("dimension mismatch");

        n = loc.giveSize();

        maxOmEl = 0.;

        double maxElmass = -1.0;
        for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            maxElmass = max( maxElmass, charMtrx.at(j, j) );

        if ( maxElmass <= 0.0 ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("Element (%d) with zero (or negative) lumped mass encountered\n", i);
        } else {

          if (charMtrx2.isNotEmpty() ) {
            // in case stifness matrix defined, we can generate artificial mass
            // in those DOFs without mass
            for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
              if ( charMtrx.at(j, j) > maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) {
                maxOmi =  charMtrx2.at(j, j) / charMtrx.at(j, j);
                maxOmEl = ( maxOmEl > maxOmi ) ? ( maxOmEl ) : ( maxOmi );
            maxOm = ( maxOm > maxOmEl ) ? ( maxOm ) : ( maxOmEl );
            for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
              jj = loc.at(j);
              if ( ( jj ) && ( charMtrx.at(j, j) <= maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) ) {
                charMtrx.at(j, j) = charMtrx2.at(j, j) / maxOmEl;

        for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            jj = loc.at(j);
            if ( jj ) {
                massMatrix.at(jj) += charMtrx.at(j, j);

    // If init step - find minimun period of vibration in order to
    // determine maximal admisible time step
    // global variant
    for ( i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        element = domain->giveElement(i);
        element->giveLocationArray(loc, en);
        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx, TangentStiffnessMatrix, tStep);
        if ( charMtrx.isNotEmpty() ) {
          ///@todo This rotation matrix is not flexible enough.. it can only work with full size matrices and doesn't allow for flexibility in the matrixassembler.
          if ( element->giveRotationMatrix(R) ) {

        n = loc.giveSize();
        for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
            jj = loc.at(j);
            if ( jj ) {
                diagonalStiffMtrx.at(jj) += charMtrx.at(j, j);

    // Find find global minimun period of vibration
    double maxElmass = -1.0;
    for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
        maxElmass = max( maxElmass, charMtrx.at(j, j) );

    if ( maxElmass <= 0.0 ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Element with zero (or negative) lumped mass encountered");

    for ( j = 1; j <= neq; j++ ) {
        if ( massMatrix.at(j) > maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) {
            maxOmi =  diagonalStiffMtrx.at(j) / massMatrix.at(j);
            maxOm  = ( maxOm > maxOmi ) ? ( maxOm ) : ( maxOmi );

    // Set ZERO MASS members in massMatrix to value which corresponds to global maxOm.
    for ( i = 1; i <= neq; i++ ) {
        if ( massMatrix.at(i) <= maxElmass * ZERO_REL_MASS ) {
            massMatrix.at(i) = diagonalStiffMtrx.at(i) / maxOm;

    this->updateSharedDofManagers(massMatrix, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), MassExchangeTag);

    // Determine maxOm over all processes.
 #ifdef __USE_MPI
    double globalMaxOm;

    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "NlDEIDynamic :: computeMassMtrx", "Reduce of maxOm started", this->giveRank() );

    int result = MPI_Allreduce(& maxOm, & globalMaxOm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT( "NlDEIDynamic :: computeMassMtrx", "Reduce of maxOm finished", this->giveRank() );

    if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("MPI_Allreduce failed");

    maxOm = globalMaxOm;
