Exemple #1
static void registerSegment( orl_sec_handle o_shnd )
    orl_sec_flags               sec_flags;
    orl_sec_handle              reloc_section;
    orl_sec_alignment           alignment;
    char *                      content;
    int                         ctr;
    segment                     *seg;

    seg = NewSegment();
    seg->name = ORLSecGetName( o_shnd );
    seg->size = ORLSecGetSize( o_shnd );
    seg->start = 0;
    seg->use_32 = 1;            // only 32-bit object files use ORL
    seg->attr = ( 2 << 2 );     // (?) combine public
    alignment = ORLSecGetAlignment( o_shnd );
    // FIXME: Need better alignment translation.
    switch( alignment ) {
    case 0:
        seg->attr |= ( 1 << 5 ); break;
    case 1:
        seg->attr |= ( 2 << 5 ); break;
    case 3:
    case 4:
        seg->attr |= ( 3 << 5 ); break;
    case 8:
        seg->attr |= ( 4 << 5 ); break;
    case 2:
        seg->attr |= ( 5 << 5 ); break;
    case 12:
        seg->attr |= ( 6 << 5 ); break;
        // fprintf( stderr, "NOTE! 'Strange' alignment (%d) found. Using byte alignment.\n", alignment );
        seg->attr |= ( 1 << 5 ); break;
    sec_flags = ORLSecGetFlags( o_shnd );
    if( !( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_EXEC ) ) {
        seg->data_seg = true;
    if( seg->size > 0 && ORLSecGetContents( o_shnd, &content ) == ORL_OKAY ) {
        Segment = seg;
        // Putting contents into segment struct.
        for( ctr = 0; ctr < seg->size; ctr++ ) {
            PutSegByte( ctr, content[ctr] );
    if( !HashTableInsert( SectionToSegmentTable, (hash_value)o_shnd, (hash_data)seg ) ) {
        SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false );
    reloc_section = ORLSecGetRelocTable( o_shnd );
    if( reloc_section ) {
        if( !addRelocSection( reloc_section ) ) {
            SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false );
Exemple #2
static return_val textOrDataSectionInit( orl_sec_handle shnd )
    return_val          error;
    orl_sec_handle      reloc_sec;

    error = createLabelList( shnd );
    if( error == RC_OKAY ) {
        error = createRefList( shnd );
        if( error == RC_OKAY ) {
            reloc_sec = ORLSecGetRelocTable( shnd );
            if( reloc_sec != ORL_NULL_HANDLE ) {
                error = addRelocSection( reloc_sec );
    return( error );
Exemple #3
orl_return PrintSecInfo( orl_sec_handle o_shnd )
    char                        *buf;
    int                         loop;
    int                         loop2;
    orl_sec_size                size;
    orl_sec_type                sec_type;
    orl_sec_flags               sec_flags;
    orl_sec_handle              reloc_section;
    orl_sec_handle              symbol_table;
    orl_sec_handle              string_table;
    int                         sep;
    int                         segname_printed = 0;

    size = 0;   // just because gcc is a little retarded
    sectionFound = 1;
    if( dump.sections || dump.sec_contents ) {
        buf = ORLSecGetName( o_shnd );
        printf( "[%s]\n", buf );
        segname_printed = 1;
        size = ORLSecGetSize( o_shnd );
    if( dump.sections ) {
        //printf( "\nSection Handle:\t0x%x\n", o_shnd );
        printf( "Size=%8.8x ", size );
        sec_type = ORLSecGetType( o_shnd );
        printf( "Align=%4.4x ", ORLSecGetAlignment( o_shnd ) );
        //printf( "Section Type:\t%d\n", sec_type );
        printf( "(" );
        switch( sec_type ) {
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_NONE:
                printf( "sec_type_none" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_NO_BITS:
                printf( "no bits" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_PROG_BITS:
                printf( "program bits" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_SYM_TABLE:
                printf( "symbol table" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_DYN_SYM_TABLE:
                printf( "dynamic symbol table" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_STR_TABLE:
                printf( "string table" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_RELOCS:
                printf( "relocs" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_RELOCS_EXPADD:
                printf( "relocs with explicit addends" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_HASH:
                printf( "hash table" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_DYNAMIC:
                printf( "dynamic linking information" );
            case ORL_SEC_TYPE_NOTE:
                printf( "note or comment" );
                printf( "unknown type? %s", sec_type );
        printf( ") " );
        sec_flags = ORLSecGetFlags( o_shnd );
        printf( "ORL_flags=0x%x\n", sec_flags );
        sep = 0;
        if( sec_flags ) printf( " " );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_EXEC ) {
            printf( "executable code" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_INITIALIZED_DATA ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "initialized data" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_UNINITIALIZED_DATA ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "uninitialized data" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_GROUPED ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "grouped section" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_NO_PADDING ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "no padding to next boundary" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_OVERLAY ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "contains an overlay" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_REMOVE ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "remove at link-time" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_COMDAT ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "communal data" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_DISCARDABLE ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "discardable" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_NOT_CACHED ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "cannot be cached" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_NOT_PAGEABLE) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "not pageable" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_SHARED ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "shared in memory" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_EXECUTE_PERMISSION ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "execute permission" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_READ_PERMISSION ) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "read permission" );
        if( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_WRITE_PERMISSION) {
            if( sep++ ) printf( ", " );
            printf( "write permission" );
        if( sep ) printf( "\n" );
    if( dump.sec_contents ) {
        if( ORLSecGetContents( o_shnd, (unsigned_8 **)&buf ) == ORL_OKAY ) {
            printf( "Contents:\n" );
            for( loop = 0; loop < size; loop += 16 ) {
                printf( "0x%8.8x: ", loop );
                for( loop2 = 0; loop2 < 16; loop2++ ) {
                    if( loop + loop2 < size ) {
                        printf( "%2.2x ", buf[loop+loop2] );
                    } else {
                        printf( "   " );
                    if( loop2 == 7 ) {
                        printf( " " );
                printf( " " );
                for( loop2 = 0; loop2 < 16 && loop + loop2 < size; loop2++ ) {
                    if( buf[loop+loop2] >= 32 && buf[loop+loop2] <= 122 ) {
                        printf( "%c", buf[loop+loop2] );
                    } else {
                        printf( "." );
                    if( loop2 == 7 ) {
                        printf( " " );
                printf( "\n" );
    if( dump.relocs ) {
        reloc_section = ORLSecGetRelocTable( o_shnd );
        if( reloc_section ) {
            if( !segname_printed++ ) {
                buf = ORLSecGetName( o_shnd );
                printf( "[%s]\n", buf );
            printf( "Relocs in [%s], ", ORLSecGetName( reloc_section ) );
            symbol_table = ORLSecGetSymbolTable( reloc_section );
            if( symbol_table ) {
                printf( "symtab='%s', ", ORLSecGetName( symbol_table ) );
                string_table = ORLSecGetStringTable( symbol_table );
                if( string_table ) {
                    printf( "strtab='%s'.\n", ORLSecGetName( string_table ) );
                } else {
                    printf( "strtab=none.\n" );
            } else {
                printf( "symtab=none, strtab=none.\n" );
            //printf( "Relocs:\n" );
            ORLRelocSecScan( reloc_section, &PrintRelocInfo );
    return( ORL_OKAY );