 * Function Name : OSA_MsgQGet
 * Description   : This function checks the queue's status, if it is not empty,
 * get message from it and return kStatus_OSA_Success, otherwise, timeout will
 * be used for wait. The parameter timeout indicates how long should wait in
 * milliseconds. Pass OSA_WAIT_FOREVER to wait indefinitely, pass 0 will return
 * kStatus_OSA_Timeout immediately if queue is empty.
 * This function returns kStatus_OSA_Success if message is got successfully,
 * returns kStatus_OSA_Timeout if message queue is empty within the specified
 * 'timeout', returns kStatus_OSA_Error if any errors occur during waiting,
 * returns kStatus_OSA_Idle if message queue is empty and 'timeout' is
 * not exhausted, because wait functions should not block with bare metal.
osa_status_t OSA_MsgQGet(msg_queue_handler_t handler,
                           void               *pMessage,
                           uint32_t            timeout)
    osa_status_t retVal = kStatus_OSA_Error;
    uint32_t *from_ptr, *to_ptr;
    uint16_t msgSize;

    /* Check if the queue is not empty */
        from_ptr = &handler->queueMem[handler->head * handler->size];
        to_ptr   = (uint32_t*)(pMessage);

        /* Copy entire message into the queue, based on the size configured at creation */
        msgSize = handler->size;
            *to_ptr++ = *from_ptr++;

        /* Adjust head pointer and wrap in case the end of the buffer is reached */
        if(handler->head == handler->number)
            handler->head = 0;

        /* If queue is empty, clear the semaphore. */
        if(handler->head == handler->tail)
            handler->isEmpty = true;
            /* Set semapohre to 0 because the queue is empty. */
            (void)OSA_SemaWait(&handler->queueSem, 0);

        retVal = kStatus_OSA_Success;
        /* Wait for the semaphore if the queue was empty */
        retVal = OSA_SemaWait(&handler->queueSem, timeout);

    return retVal;
uint32_t OS_Sem_wait(os_sem_handle handle, uint32_t timeout)
    osa_status_t status = kStatus_OSA_Idle;
    uint32_t re;
#if (USE_RTOS)
    if (0==timeout)
        timeout = OSA_WAIT_FOREVER;
        status = OSA_SemaWait((semaphore_t*) handle, timeout);
    } while (kStatus_OSA_Idle == status);

    case kStatus_OSA_Success:
        re = (uint32_t) OS_SEM_OK;
    case kStatus_OSA_Timeout:
        re = (uint32_t) OS_SEM_TIMEOUT;
        re = (uint32_t) OS_SEM_ERROR;
    return re;
* Function Name : TSI_DRV_MeasureBlocking
* Description   : This function gets (measure) capacitance of enabled electrodes
*               from the TSI module using a blocking method.
tsi_status_t TSI_DRV_MeasureBlocking(uint32_t instance)
    assert(instance < TSI_INSTANCE_COUNT);
    osa_status_t syncStatus;
    tsi_status_t status;
    tsi_state_t * tsiState = g_tsiStatePtr[instance];

    /* Start the measurement process */
    if ((status = TSI_DRV_Measure(instance)) != kStatus_TSI_Success)
        return status;

    tsiState->isBlockingMeasure = true;

        syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&tsiState->irqSync, 1000); /* 1 second timeout. */
    }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

    if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
        /* Abort the measurement so it doesn't continue unexpectedly.*/
        return kStatus_TSI_Error;

    return kStatus_TSI_Success;
Exemple #4
 * Function Name : LPSCI_DRV_ReceiveDataBlocking
 * Description   : This function receives data from LPSCI using a blocking
 * method. It does not return until the receive is complete.
lpsci_status_t LPSCI_DRV_ReceiveDataBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                             uint8_t * rxBuff,
                                             uint32_t rxSize,
                                             uint32_t timeout)
    assert(instance < HW_UART0_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    lpsci_state_t * lpsciState = (lpsci_state_t *)g_lpsciStatePtr[instance];
    lpsci_status_t retVal = kStatus_LPSCI_Success;
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    lpsciState->isRxBlocking = true;

    retVal = LPSCI_DRV_StartReceiveData(instance, rxBuff, rxSize);

    if (retVal == kStatus_LPSCI_Success)
        /* Wait until all the data is received or for timeout.*/
            syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&lpsciState->rxIrqSync, timeout);
        }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

        if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
            /* Abort the transfer so it doesn't continue unexpectedly.*/
            retVal = kStatus_LPSCI_Timeout;

    return retVal;
Exemple #5
 * Function Name : LPSCI_DRV_SendDataBlocking
 * Description   : This function sends data out through the LPSCI module using a
 * blocking method. It does not return until the transmit is complete. 
lpsci_status_t LPSCI_DRV_SendDataBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                          const uint8_t * txBuff,
                                          uint32_t txSize,
                                          uint32_t timeout)
    assert(instance < HW_UART0_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    lpsci_state_t * lpsciState = (lpsci_state_t *)g_lpsciStatePtr[instance];
    lpsci_status_t retVal = kStatus_LPSCI_Success;
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    lpsciState->isTxBlocking = true;

    /* Start the transmission process */
    retVal = LPSCI_DRV_StartSendData(instance, txBuff, txSize);

    if (retVal == kStatus_LPSCI_Success)
        /* Wait until the transmit is complete. */
            syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&lpsciState->txIrqSync, timeout);
        }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

        if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
            /* Abort the transfer so it doesn't continue unexpectedly.*/
            retVal = kStatus_LPSCI_Timeout;

    return retVal;
 * Function Name : DSPI_DRV_MasterTransferBlocking
 * Description   : Perform a blocking SPI master mode transfer.
 * This function simultaneously sends and receives data on the SPI bus, as SPI is naturally
 * a full-duplex bus. The function will not return until the transfer is complete.
dspi_status_t DSPI_DRV_MasterTransferBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                              const dspi_device_t * device,
                                              const uint8_t * sendBuffer,
                                              uint8_t * receiveBuffer,
                                              size_t transferByteCount,
                                              uint32_t timeout)
    /* instantiate local variable of type dspi_master_state_t and point to global state */
    dspi_master_state_t * dspiState = (dspi_master_state_t *)g_dspiStatePtr[instance];
    SPI_Type *base = g_dspiBase[instance];
    dspi_status_t error = kStatus_DSPI_Success;

    /* If the transfer count is zero, then return immediately.*/
    if (transferByteCount == 0)
        return error;

    /* As this is a synchronous transfer, set up the sync status variable*/
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    /* fill in members of the run-time state struct*/
    dspiState->isTransferBlocking = true; /* Indicates this is a blocking transfer */
    dspiState->sendBuffer = (const uint8_t *)sendBuffer;
    dspiState->receiveBuffer = (uint8_t *)receiveBuffer;
    dspiState->remainingSendByteCount = transferByteCount;
    dspiState->remainingReceiveByteCount = transferByteCount;

    /* start the transfer process*/
    if (DSPI_DRV_MasterStartTransfer(instance, device) == kStatus_DSPI_Busy)
        return kStatus_DSPI_Busy;

    /* As this is a synchronous transfer, wait until the transfer is complete.*/
        syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&dspiState->irqSync, timeout);
    }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

    /* If a timeout occurs, stop the transfer by setting the isTransferInProgress to false and
     * disabling interrupts, then return the timeout error status.
    if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
        /* The transfer is complete.*/
        dspiState->isTransferInProgress = false;

        /* Disable interrupt requests*/
        /* RX FIFO Drain request: RFDF_RE */
        DSPI_HAL_SetRxFifoDrainDmaIntMode(base, kDspiGenerateIntReq, false);

        /* Disable TX FIFO Fill request */
        DSPI_HAL_SetTxFifoFillDmaIntMode(base, kDspiGenerateIntReq, false);

        error = kStatus_DSPI_Timeout;

    return error;
 * Function Name : SPI_DRV_MasterTransferBlocking
 * Description   : Performs a blocking SPI master mode transfer.
 * This function simultaneously sends and receives data on the SPI bus, as SPI is naturally
 * a full-duplex bus. The function will not return until the transfer is complete.
spi_status_t SPI_DRV_MasterTransferBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                            const spi_master_user_config_t * device,
                                            const uint8_t * sendBuffer,
                                            uint8_t * receiveBuffer,
                                            size_t transferByteCount,
                                            uint32_t timeout)
    /* instantiate local variable of type spi_master_state_t and point to global state */
    spi_master_state_t * spiState = (spi_master_state_t *)g_spiStatePtr[instance];
    spi_status_t errorStatus = kStatus_SPI_Success;
    SPI_Type *base = g_spiBase[instance];

    /* fill in members of the run-time state struct*/
    spiState->isTransferBlocking = true; /* Indicates this is a blocking transfer */
    spiState->sendBuffer = (const uint8_t *)sendBuffer;
    spiState->receiveBuffer = (uint8_t *)receiveBuffer;
    spiState->remainingSendByteCount = transferByteCount;
    spiState->remainingReceiveByteCount = transferByteCount;

    /* start the transfer process*/
    errorStatus = SPI_DRV_MasterStartTransfer(instance, device);
    if (errorStatus != kStatus_SPI_Success)
        return errorStatus;

    /* As this is a synchronous transfer, wait until the transfer is complete.*/
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

        syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&spiState->irqSync, timeout);
    }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

    /* If a timeout occurs, stop the transfer by setting the isTransferInProgress to false and
     * disabling interrupts, then return the timeout error status.
    if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
        /* The transfer is complete.*/
        spiState->isTransferInProgress = false;

        /* Disable interrupts */
        SPI_HAL_SetIntMode(base, kSpiRxFullAndModfInt, false);
        SPI_HAL_SetIntMode(base, kSpiTxEmptyInt, false);

        if (g_spiFifoSize[instance] != 0)
            /* Now disable the SPI FIFO interrupts */
            SPI_HAL_SetFifoIntCmd(base, kSpiTxFifoNearEmptyInt, false);
            SPI_HAL_SetFifoIntCmd(base, kSpiRxFifoNearFullInt, false);
        errorStatus = kStatus_SPI_Timeout;

    return errorStatus;
Exemple #8
 * Function Name : SND_WaitEvent
 * Description   : This function is used for appliaction to wait for the semaphore
 * to copy data in/out the sai buffer.
void SND_WaitEvent(sound_card_t *card)
    osa_status_t syncStatus;
    audio_buffer_t *buffer = &card->buffer;
        syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&buffer->sem, OSA_WAIT_FOREVER);
    }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);
 * Function Name : DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterTransferBlocking
 * Description   : Performs a blocking SPI master mode transfer with DMA support.
 * This function simultaneously sends and receives data on the SPI bus, as SPI is naturally
 * a full-duplex bus. The function does not return until the transfer is complete.
dspi_status_t DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterTransferBlocking(uint32_t instance,
        const dspi_dma_device_t * device,
        const uint8_t * sendBuffer,
        uint8_t * receiveBuffer,
        size_t transferByteCount,
        uint32_t timeout)
    /* instantiate local variable of type dspi_dma_master_state_t and point to global state */
    dspi_dma_master_state_t * dspiDmaState = (dspi_dma_master_state_t *)g_dspiStatePtr[instance];
    SPI_Type *base = g_dspiBase[instance];
    dspi_status_t error = kStatus_DSPI_Success;

    /* If the transfer count is zero, then return immediately.*/
    if (transferByteCount == 0)
        return kStatus_DSPI_InvalidParameter;

    dspiDmaState->isTransferBlocking = true; /* Indicates this is a blocking transfer */
    /* As this is a synchronous transfer, set up the sync status variable*/
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    if (DSPI_DRV_DmaMasterStartTransfer(instance, device, sendBuffer, receiveBuffer,
                                        transferByteCount) == kStatus_DSPI_Busy)
        return kStatus_DSPI_Busy;

    /* As this is a synchronous transfer, wait until the transfer is complete.*/
        syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&dspiDmaState->irqSync, timeout);
    } while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

    /* If a timeout occurs, stop the transfer by setting the isTransferInProgress to false and
     * disabling DMA requests and interrupts, then return the timeout error status.
    if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
        /* The transfer is complete.*/
        dspiDmaState->isTransferInProgress = false;

        /* Disable the Receive FIFO Drain DMA Request */
        DSPI_HAL_SetRxFifoDrainDmaIntMode(base, kDspiGenerateDmaReq, false);

        /* Disable TFFF DMA request */
        DSPI_HAL_SetTxFifoFillDmaIntMode(base, kDspiGenerateDmaReq, false);

        /* Disable End of Queue request */
        DSPI_HAL_SetIntMode(base, kDspiEndOfQueue, false);

        error = kStatus_DSPI_Timeout;

    return error;
Exemple #10
 * set wakeup source
 * @param wakeupSrc entity which will wake up the MCU
power_status_t power_SetWakeSource( power_wake_src_t wakeSrc )
    if ( kStatus_OSA_Success == OSA_SemaWait( &power_wakeSrcSema, 0 ) )
        currentWakeSrc = wakeSrc;
        return POWER_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        return POWER_STATUS_ERROR;
Exemple #11
 * take semaphore to signalize the wake-up happened
 * @return status flag
power_status_t power_TakeFromSTSema()
			status = OSA_SemaWait( &power_STSema, 0 );

	if ( kStatus_OSA_Success == status )
Exemple #12
static int nio_dummy_write(void *dev_context, void *fp_context, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, int *error) {

    fpc->wcnt += nbytes;
    OSA_SemaWait(&devc->lock, OSA_WAIT_FOREVER);
    devc->total += nbytes;
    devc->wtotal += nbytes;

    /* todo: replace with OSA yield. Not part of OSA yet */

    return 0;
Exemple #13
 * task in charge for putting HEXIWEAR to sleep
 * @param param optional parameter
static void power_Task( void* param )
  while (1)
	  	  status = OSA_SemaWait( &power_sema, OSA_WAIT_FOREVER );

	  if ( kStatus_OSA_Success == status )
		  while ( POWER_STATUS_SUCCESS != power_Sleep() )
			  OSA_TimeDelay( 100 );
		  catch( CATCH_SEMAPHORE );
 * Function Name : LPUART_DRV_ReceiveDataBlocking
 * Description   : This function receives data from LPUART module using blocking
 * method, the function does not return until the receive is complete.
lpuart_status_t LPUART_DRV_ReceiveDataBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                               uint8_t * rxBuff,
                                               uint32_t rxSize,
                                               uint32_t timeout)
    assert(instance < LPUART_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    lpuart_state_t * lpuartState = (lpuart_state_t *)g_lpuartStatePtr[instance];
    LPUART_Type * base = g_lpuartBase[instance];
    lpuart_status_t retVal = kStatus_LPUART_Success;
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    /* Indicates this is a blocking transaction. */
    lpuartState->isRxBlocking = true;

    retVal = LPUART_DRV_StartReceiveData(instance, rxBuff, rxSize);

    if (retVal == kStatus_LPUART_Success)
        /* Wait until the receive is complete. */
            syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&lpuartState->rxIrqSync, timeout);
        } while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

        if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
            /* Disable receive data full and rx overrun interrupt. */
            LPUART_BWR_CTRL_RIE(base, 0U);
            LPUART_HAL_SetIntMode(base, kLpuartIntRxOverrun, false);

            /* Update the information of the module driver state */
            lpuartState->isRxBusy = false;

            retVal = kStatus_LPUART_Timeout;

    return retVal;
 * Function Name : LPUART_DRV_SendDataBlocking
 * Description   : This function sends data out through the LPUART module using
 * blocking method. The function does not return until the transmit is complete.
lpuart_status_t LPUART_DRV_SendDataBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                            const uint8_t * txBuff,
                                            uint32_t txSize,
                                            uint32_t timeout)
    assert(instance < LPUART_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    lpuart_state_t * lpuartState = (lpuart_state_t *)g_lpuartStatePtr[instance];
    LPUART_Type * base = g_lpuartBase[instance];
    lpuart_status_t retVal = kStatus_LPUART_Success;
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    /* Indicates this is a blocking transaction. */
    lpuartState->isTxBlocking = true;

    /* Start the transmission process */
    retVal = LPUART_DRV_StartSendData(instance, txBuff, txSize);

    if (retVal == kStatus_LPUART_Success)
        /* Wait until the transmit is complete. */
            syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&lpuartState->txIrqSync, timeout);
        } while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

        if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)
            /* Disable transmission complete interrupt */
            LPUART_BWR_CTRL_TIE(base, 0U);

            /* Update the information of the module driver state */
            lpuartState->isTxBusy = false;

            retVal = kStatus_LPUART_Timeout;

    return retVal;
 * Function Name : UART_DRV_EdmaSendDataBlocking
 * Description   :  Sends (transmits) data out through the UART-DMA module
 * using a blocking method.
uart_status_t UART_DRV_EdmaSendDataBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                            const uint8_t * txBuff,
                                            uint32_t txSize,
                                            uint32_t timeout)
    assert(instance < UART_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    uart_edma_state_t * uartEdmaState = (uart_edma_state_t *)g_uartStatePtr[instance];
    uart_status_t retVal = kStatus_UART_Success;
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    /* Indicates current transaction is blocking. */
    uartEdmaState->isTxBlocking = true;

    /* Start the transmission process */
    retVal = UART_DRV_EdmaStartSendData(instance, txBuff, txSize);

    if (retVal == kStatus_UART_Success)
        /* Wait until the transmit is complete. */
            syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&uartEdmaState->txIrqSync, timeout);
        }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

        if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)

            /* Stop DMA channel. */

            /* Update the information of the module driver state */
            uartEdmaState->isTxBusy = false;

            retVal = kStatus_UART_Timeout;

    return retVal;
 * Function Name : UART_DRV_EdmaReceiveDataBlocking
 * Description   : This function gets (receives) data from the UART module using
 * a blocking method. A blocking (also known as synchronous) function means that
 * the function does not return until the receive is complete. This blocking
 * function is used to send data through the UART port.
uart_status_t UART_DRV_EdmaReceiveDataBlocking(uint32_t instance,
                                               uint8_t * rxBuff,
                                               uint32_t rxSize,
                                               uint32_t timeout)
    assert(instance < UART_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    uart_edma_state_t * uartEdmaState = (uart_edma_state_t *)g_uartStatePtr[instance];
    uart_status_t retVal = kStatus_UART_Success;
    osa_status_t syncStatus;

    /* Indicates current transaction is blocking. */
    uartEdmaState->isRxBlocking = true;

    retVal = UART_DRV_EdmaStartReceiveData(instance, rxBuff, rxSize);

    if (retVal == kStatus_UART_Success)
        /* Wait until all the data is received or for timeout.*/
            syncStatus = OSA_SemaWait(&uartEdmaState->rxIrqSync, timeout);
        }while(syncStatus == kStatus_OSA_Idle);

        if (syncStatus != kStatus_OSA_Success)

            /* Stop DMA channel. */

            /* Update the information of the module driver state */
            uartEdmaState->isRxBusy = false;

            retVal = kStatus_UART_Timeout;

    return retVal;